My words (First part) Am I krishna Buddha Isha mosi or Imam Mehdi?

My words (first part) Published by: Basu Preface Among the prophets Hazarat Isha (A:) is one of them, and a different person. Though he had sent to a tribe especially, even then, he will come back again in this World, and he is the sign of last day, Day of resurrection. After two thousand years I began to write about the life of Hazarat Isha(A) but the thing is that , the life of mine has been analyzed in accordance with Quran, Hadith, Engil, Bible and other religious books. The aim of writings the book is to protect it from some arrogannces whoever claimed them that such claimed particular person is Hazarat Isha (A). It proved that they have gone out of the right path and their foundation based on the hill of sand. One of them is Mirza Golam Ahmed kadiani. First edition had published in 1999; there it found that subject matter was not clear for what the book had written again. In the new edition prophecy of different well-known person are revealed and endowed with a few composing poems. The book is made of thirty parts. Md. Nur Uddin Jahangir (Khokan), Father’s name: Mr. Nur Mohammed Vill: East Pukuria, Paurasava: chakaria,cox’s Bazar, one of my colleague had lived together for a few years, favored me to publish the first edition `Aamar Katha’ Am I Krishna, Buddha, Isha Mosi or Imam Mehdi? Dr. Tawhidul Islam (Jamal) also assisted in various ways, presenting books, Hotel Management and others who support the person and he expresses much pleasure and obligation to them. It will be pleasure to know that if the readers know a little then it would think that the effort has been in success. Immortal Words (1) God is one and Supreme, He has no co sharer. He is the only `Nur’ and has no example. `Nur’ which is compareable, that is created from His Virtues. (2) God is Formless; Formless means there is no existence except God, as there is none to worship Except God. God has existence with His virtues which also incorporeal. He has His own kingdom of Virtues, which has no shape. His virues have not separated from Him. (3) God is one and having no parallel, He has existence but has no form, unembodied, there is no similarity of Him; He has nothing of form, not even smallest part of form. The existence of God means He is not like His creation because He created all worldly things, He is God Who gave all shapes, as a result He is formless, His existence can not be explained in this form, though a few illustration were described alike in Quran where His word `Ruhh’ took shelter . (4) `Ruhh’is His word, His futkar or alike His order, (one says His satisfaction which is also formless, God knows better.) (5) In one word, `nur’ is created from `Nur’. Nur is one of the virtues of God. Created `knowledge’ based on His virtues which is formless. (Nur means knowledge). (6) `Nur’and`Ruhh’both are primary. `Ruhh’ is formless, created `nur’ is in form. ‘Ruhh’ is the heart of ‘nur’, which cannot live alone. The duty of righteous is to try to safeguard the people, from wrongdoers ‘Dazzal’. Those persons will create evil company, arbitrary and corrupt Faith. The word `formless’ is used and available, that is why it is only for God, He has no definite form, has no shape at all, but His existence has no doubt. (7) The whole universe has created from big Bang, compareable to `nur’ from which everything is created. (8) Soul is one of the life created from `nur’ a body not perceptibleby senses, that is pure Naff’s or soul of men. (9) `Ruhh’ covered by `nur’ the most glorious, inhabitant of one of the world named `nur’. Moreover can be said child of men. (10) `Ruhh’ is formless and always remain sincere to God, devoted towards God, otherhand `nur’ is pure, feels everything worldly. (11) `Naff’s becomes pure through `nur’ (12)`Ruhh’ word is above the word `holy’. `Nur’ earns intimacy of God through `Ruhh’ (13)`Nur’ (created) is the congregation of Virtues of God and formed. On the other hand, `Ruhh’ is shapeless as a Word of God, which is connected to incorporeal. (14) Nur-e-Mohammadi and Ruhh-e-Mohammadi, both are origin. (15) In the universe, `Ruhh’ is formless because it can not be seen by even Divine messengers. Except him divine knowledge, self-examination and devotion of love towards God etc. are not possible. (16) The shape of Adam is not I but like Mine,(something is alike where He can live), keeping the idea in view one would be able to visit spiritual world named Nur-e-Mohammadi and from there, With devotion of love, one Would be able to go to next world named `Ruhh’-e- Mohammadi, and there intimacy can be acquired. (17) An astral body of human called child,the child stays in mother’s womb three fold times,after first stage, the Angel comes to the mother’s womb and breath into the body of worldy child , that breath is astral body of human. (18) God displayed Himself in `Nur’ through `Ruhh’. (19) The existence of God Himself revealed in few verses, for example, Throne: which means seat, power, knowledge, symbol of authority, so it is His knowledge and power, sometimes expressed: Hands, Legs, Face etc. these are also to understand in sense, where `Ruhh’ takes shelter, (may be with Jinn, Angel or Men). So think about God Who is having Form, absolutely a wrong doctrine, smallest part of atom has no definite form, but it has virtue of particular things. God is out of it. His Knowledge has no limit and men cannot think over. (20) God’s introductions depends on, sign of love with Him ( the more you will research the more you will earn, basis).Pure naff’s or soul gets Allah through `Ruhh’, other then this men do not know any other way. (21) Muslim believes all prophets, invisible God, Jinn’s, Angels, do not create dissimilarity among the prophets, but believes that Hazarat (SM) is greatest and last prophet among all prophets. (22) All prophets have their own life history book and even a man also possess his life history book (that is a book of fate). (23) Divine books were revealed to all prophets, may be a part of the Book, may be an order, or in dream divine orders were conveyed to an apostle, these all are ‘Kalam’ of God. (24) Holy Quran is the original Book. With the arrival of Last prophet, The Holy Quran also became Last Divine Book. (25) Isha or Jesus (A) is the last man, who will come as followers of Mohammed (SM). He (A) is the followers of all prophets (Isharuhulla) (26) In the world all prophets rebirth, once upon a time, visit the spiritual world `Ruhh-e-Mohammedi; comes nearer to God and receives Divine Words, and comes back to the world to accomplish the duties. On the other hand, righteous like Arif, Oliawlia (pious) and other righteous visit spiritual world, the far they reach into higher spiritual world, with that limitation they come back and purify others in accordance with Quran and sunnah. (27) When compression 4. will start, the signs of last day would appear before, once upon a time, where all tribes were lived together, Final Judgment would be held ( there means in such distance we all meet each other, Jinns, Angels etc.). It may take forty days or forty thousand years according to law of God. (28) An atom has own origin, but when it divided into many parts, they forget their origin and do not recognize themselves; but become more powerful ever before, that particular divided parts of atom may destroy the world. It is described an inner power of a things, who loses her origin, it mixes up with others, forgets self-originality. When seer reaches on that level stage by stage, he forgets all forms and does not recognize himself, Wills of God works in him, then their Lord is only God ,one God, He is Lord of both form and formless things and beings, So He is absolute and Shapeless. Once righteous reaches to that destination, he forgets caste originality; it never comes up in the mind of good devotee, who follows the Truth of God. (29) Directly or indirectly, all people whosoever believes the Holy books they all believe that only one God (except a few). In the first part of the Truth that is no one except God, Who has no partner in creation proves. So distinct not nor create any dispute but politeness, humanity and approach through inner spiritual knowledge, one should realize the matter in this age. (30) War gives no solution to any dispute, not at all. However, cooperation, consideration, understanding the feelings of others; a permanent solution would be expected by us. It is very wrong to destroy a tribe. However, God hath All Power to do so. On this issue make no friction; do not try to murder any one in secret. These are not allowed in Islam, till self is attacked by, no hostilities and warfare; go through God’s will, His directed way, till a nation forcibly compelled by other nation, till then decay and show perseverance; it is best of all. Nevertheless, fight between Muslim and non-Muslim to make them understand about the spiritual philosophy and thoughts in Islam. Make them understand about science, inner light whatever revealed in the Quran. Publish all religious thought of all prophets in a good manner, what was their view, and that will bring us together, sometimes it would lead us into Truth of God. (31) About love and passion, spiritual love for God, The Lord Who possesses The Most Beautiful names, in every religion people talk about His love. There are people who do not love Him without seeing His Face. A few love Him seeing His creation how beautiful they are! Others love idols or something staff made materials and try to create Love in heart for Him, nay, He has forbidden such activities. Truth are there in every religion, we must say that every religion belongs to God; may be that a few evil doers changed The God’s law for their own benefit. In Islam something prevails like that in the heart of ‘ Suffi’s’ , they keep it in their mind, pray to God remembering something visible like light or ‘nur’ etc. (32) God loves His creation, In the Hadith, a few Hadith revealed that some nation or tribe will be destroyed; is it so? It is not, some nation or tribe will be disappeared from the world! He can, God hath do anything He likes. Moreover, how you will pass over! By leaving your old fashion, tradition etc. and God may create in you deep passion and affection, which will bring us together to live, `o, is not the place of yours? (33) When all wise, judicious would agree that all religion were true and came to establish peace, so is the case for last religion: peace. Not all prophets but a person who will appear as a sign of last day, who is excellent to prove himself the truth in accordance with God’s will, according to Holy Books (Quran, Hadith, Bible and other religion books) , then they would accept truth, (that God is one and there is none , The nature of God reveals the Truth). Forewords of Hadith Arrival of Hazarat Isha (A) may be from Heaven or rebirth, He would definitely come to this world again, who is last sign of last day, and resurrection would not held without his arrival. What Hadith revealed, all words formed in this manner: out of two hundred Hadiths only twenty-one which are having no ambiguity among the dfferent sects of Muslim. Explaining those Hadiths, so far is possible on one part. One begs pardon from readers if any mistake or any wrong words, which is not applicable, it is not possible for one to write exact wording of Hadiths, but the essence of the Hadiths explained in short substances. Hazarat Isha or Jesus (A) arrives with the support of two Angels wings. He will land, keeping both hand and legs in one place. (Like a child is in the womb of a mother). His body would cover with reddish sheets of cloth or two sheets of red ochre or gold dust sheets of cloth. Once upon a time, Hazarat (SM) saw him in dream that Isha (A) is advancing the four quarters of the `Baitullah’ compass causing his hands on shoulders of two persons (Bokhari Sharif, Hadith no.3592). He would land in a Mosque which is situated in the city of Damesk (Syria), and land on a white Minar which is located in the east to east of that Mosque. Be sure of it, Isha did not die and he would come again before the Resurrection Day, in the morning other Hadith revealed that in the evening, and he would land at this time again. He will fight to terminate the war; according to his judgment, war will bring no fruitful result for the next generation. It is a path of righteous to follow the science of reasoning. Mischievous and disorderliness would started by evildoers named `Dazzal’ everywhere. He might have vanish the old custom of Christians, remove superstition, and through out the system of crossing; ( If Isha was not crucified in the cross then why to worship that cross, or respect that cross, but fear God, Praise to God , Who has no share, only One God). He will go through an adventure, exploration, so that the Christian hates the bears, do not accept them as a domestic animal and even they wouldn’t take the flesh of bears which is forbidden in Bible too ( why to eat flesh of bears? Whose nature is to share their sow to other bears? In that case, swine helps other he-bears to enjoy with his partners sow. In that, he bear feel joy in it. Nature is such that this type of habit might have growth in human body by taking flesh of bears) God is creator and He knows demerits of it, He is Wise and All Knowing. Later he would take upright position to pray to God (praise to God), others would address him, `o’ Ruhh of God! Come forward (to be a Imam) to complete ‘salah’ or ‘namaz’ or prayer, but he would so in reply, ‘nay’; the Imam who was selected by you should come forward and he, among you as a Imam would pray to God. ``And there is none Of the people of the Book But must believe in him Before his death; And on the Day of Judgment He will be witness Against them;” Sura 4 verse 159 Quran. (In note: ``Before his death” Interpreters are not agreed as to the exact meaning .Those who held that Jesus did not die refer the pronoun `` his’ to Jesus. They say that Jesus is still living in the body and that he will appear just before the Final day in preparation for the coming of ‘Imam Mahdi ( a king of the world, who will believe only one God and has no share in Him)’, when the world will be purified of sin and unbelief . There will be a final death before the final Resurrection, but all will have believed before that final death. Others think that `his’ is better referred to `` none of the people of the Book,” and that the emphatic form ``must believe’ (la-yu-minanna) denotes more a question of duty than of fact. (Sura 4 verse 159 Quran and note no. 665 of Abdullah Yusuf Ali)”. `Before his death” (sura 4 verse 159 Quran) this sentence is in Quran and many commentators have defined it in many ways. What Hadith says about it? Hazarat Ali revealed that Hazarat (SM) repeated thrice this sentence. However, God is wise we know that only. The Gospel of St. Barnabas supported the theory of substitution on the cross. The Quranic teaching is that Christ not crucified nor killed by the Jews. Though the Jews did not think on the spot due to their enmity with Christian even then they are possessing wrong notion on them. So is the case with Christians and some commentators also. Verily a few defined that only the Jews will confess the truth before death as they will see the truth when the Angel will come to take the soul of particular person. That trust and believe in Isha (A) will be in vain just like pharaoh. When Isha (A) put down his head, drops of sweat water will fall down, one will think that he just have come after taking bath, when he will look up, water as like as pearl will fall down. Unbelievers will die drawing in and giving out of his breathing, when it touches any body of such nature.( I do not want to explain much about it because these all have inner meanings and thoughts). At a glance, so far he sees his breathing will reach upto that mark. After the prayer, The Muslim will fight against evildoers `Dazzal” and it will spread out all over the world. Liars or falsehood persons will melt like salt, as it melts in pure water. Finding Isha (A) be perceived, again in the world `Dazzal’ or evildoers will disappear and they melt into water like salt. He will advance towards them and finish them all ( it is to be remembered that a righteous comes not to kill anybody but to kill their untruth activities). None will survive those who are followers of Dazzal. The tree and stones, in other words, nature will shout and address `o’ Ruhh of God! One of the Jew is hiding behind ( It is not particularly the Jew but in sense, the nature will reach in that position that all created things of God can speak which were not known to men, and within no time you will come to know the fact). One will find none to donate his wealth, so much wealth and properties will be held by one, a little worship to God or to bow down once before Him would be counted as a best of all even more than one’s wealth. (Reference books: Bukhari Sharif(a name of book): Hadith no. 1656 and1657. Interpreted: `Tafsir Ebn Kasir, Ruhul Mazan, Ebn Jabir, Mareful Quran 2nd part page 66-67, Muslem Sharif 2nd part Hadith no. 401 and 402 , Tafsir Kutubi Bukhari sharif sarah Fazal Bari 4th part page 46,Tafhimul Quran page 166, Quran: sura 4 verse 159 ) A great writer, who himself introduced him, `emperor of pen’ is he (Mirza Golam Ahmed) kadiani. He and his (Ahmadiat) Jamat’s doctrine and thoughts, all have based on the hill of sand. One aim is to prove that; for that reason own life is narrated including date of birth, month and year in accordance with Quranic Ayat or verse 155 sura 4, considering the birth of a state `Israel’, some verses in Injil and other religious books. It is also a science of sense and nature. In the Holy Books of Hindu, Buddha, Bible, Injil and Quran, all prophets except Hazarat (SM) forecast that they would come again at the last era. So to say, one asked whether one is so. The question is arisen with due deliveration that Isha (A) is the first and last of Kalam, that is, Alpha and Omega, and so happened to Krishna and myself too is the first and last alphabets of Quran; vice versa of the Alphabets is Buddha, so my name has taken a shelter in them as well as in Quran. Yet no man could prove quoteing the alphabet, first letter `B’ and last letter `S’ of sura `Nas’ means mankind. It has become possible on my part that Nick name of mine has been created as an example like ``Samveda’s god’ whose first letter is `M’ and last letter is `D,’ Mohammed (SM) monthly magazine (Moinul Islam May/99 , Maulana Osman Ghani Hazipuri. Visible and imperceptible according to the Hadiths wordings, both have tried to prove, its all wordings are meaningful and tried to proved those visible way and imperceptibly. It is one earnest request to all readers to go through the book minutely and observe it that the way it is expressed , harmony among the related quotations are followed, act of submitting the thing to abolish the sinful jobs of evil doers realizing the prove of nature.; these all are to perceived. Prophecy Holy Book Quran and Hadith Ò And (Jesus) shall be A Sign (for the coming of) the hour (of Judgment) Therefore have no doubt about the (Hour) but Follow ye me , this is a straight way.” Sura 43 verse 61 Quran. Behold! Allah said; `O’ Jesus! I will take thee And raise thee to Myself And clear thee (of the falsehood ) Of those who blaspheme ; I will make those Who follow thee superior To those who reject Faith , To the Day of Resurrection : Then shall ye all Return unto Me , And I will judge Between you of the matters Wherein ye dispute. Verse 55 Sura 3 Quran. “I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the day of resurrection.’’ In these two lines prophecy are hiding and it will discuss later. Ò He shall speak to the people In childhood and in maturity And he shall be (of the company) Of the righteous.” Verse 46 Sura 3 Quran. Sign of Resurrection: Hadith no. 1058:- Hazarat Abu Hurayara (R) related that Hazarat(SM) said, “Son of Mary i.e. Isha(A)/Jesus, until he arrives among you as a logician, an upright Judge, no resurrection will hold. He would crush the cross; stop to rear the swine and withdraw the tax imposed by Muslim rulers on non- Muslim pilgrims and then the wealth would increase so much that none would accept it (Bukhari). An auspicious coming of Isha (a) Hadith: 1314 :- Hazarat Abu Huraya(R) stated that Hazarat (sm) said, “ in whose Hand his life The existence or God, swear in the name of God, soon son of Mariam/Mary i.e Hazarat Isha(a) would land on from the sky , as a ruler of Islam, an upright judge too. He will fight to put off the cross from the world. He will stop to rear of swine withdrawing the taxes of non- Muslims. The wealth will increase like high tide, none is to found to accept it , to bow down before God once would be counted more than wealth of the earth , there will be none from the Holy Book (Ahle- Kitab) but believe Isha(a) before his death and he (Isha) will be the witness on the Day of Judgment. All the prophecy of prophet Danial Replete in time, still others happening in the world, Would it go in vain, the prophecies in the course of events? In the first Epics, expressed a Prophet just like Moses And the distinction period, in between Moses and Hazarat(sm) The fact narrated in Daniel’s prophecy Dfference period was thirteen hundred years, First peace era started the then his (SM); Second peace era may be thousand years Moreover, that would be at the Last twenty first century. Of seeing the future messages of Danial, ‘O’Kadiani! Find not ye in time, How dare you to say a prophet, ‘Isha Mosi’, How can you utter, Divine messages received by and claimed to be Imam Mahdi? After Hazarat (SM) a new prophet will appear, In which epics, it is written thirteen hundred years? Running on the scheme of evil spirit, For evidity, you did not justify heard messages, That is why at present your god how helpless is! Holy Bible: '' It is a period, two periods then it would happen, half of the period, the arms of the holy tribe would break and that things would be happened. And when presentation of various things to gods would be ceased for ever, again ruin able hated things would establish, from that period one thousand two hundred ninety days would continue. Good news to them, who evercome or remain in patience, that period is one thousand three hundred thirty five days. However, you will go at the last period, get peace and rest, at the end of Days you will stand at your capability. (Reference: 12:7, (11-13) Prophet Daniel, Towrat / old Bible). According to the verse of Prophet Danial 12:7, it understood, there are two 'peace period' one is gone, when Hazarat (sm) went to Madina in the year of 622 A.D, he left the world in 631 A.D. His followers four Khalifa's exercise sovereignty for thirty years, the first 'peace period' was 631+30=661A.D. Then according to the message of Prophet Danial's verse (12:12) Towrat, it stands: 1335+661=1996 A.D and it is period of second 'peace period'. (Reference Book: Destruction or peace has written by probably Hazi Mohsin of India). Holy Book Injil And thou shall come up against my people of Isreil as a cloud (Air Force) to cover the land and it shall be in the later days. (Injil) Ref: Destruction or peace page 700.Son of Adam (Isha) would appear before you from eastern side to western side as a flash of lightning. (24:27 Mathew) All signs will appear in the sky of him, son of Adam; then all tribes of the world will wait for his arrival , son of Adam would be seen on board of cloud , find him coming with 'Kudrat(science) and full of power'. (24:30 Mathew, 13:26 Mark) “Learn from an example of a tree fig, when she becomes soft and spread her leaves, then you come to know that summer is near. Same if you see, you will know the truth that he is nearer, even he is present at door. I speak the truth to you, 'then these people of this age will not be abolished; (they will be present at that time). Untill it is all fulfilled. (24:32-34 Mathew, 13:28-30 Mark, 21:29-32 Luke). Son of Adam is also remain in the womb of earth (planet) for three days and nights like Prophet Hazarat Yuan’s (a) as he stayed in the stomach of a big fish. (12:40 Mathew) `O' Righteous, our pioneer, look at, how the stones and its settings are! Isha said to him, 'Do you find all these big stones and stones structure with roof and walls? It would not remain any more, one stone would not stay upon another stone and all would crush and fall down to the ground. (Jerusalem was under Rome, even then one day it would decline and would become another state). 'At that period, after hard suffering, the sun would become dark, the moon will not shine, they all fall down from the sky, the sky and its nature will be strayed. (13:24 Mark),'‘No body knows about that Day or reality of that moment. Neither Angels nor Isha but only The God knows.' (13:32 Mark)'' He said, "behold Don't be deluded, because many person will appear before you in my name; and they will say, I am he (Isha) , that time is very near, don't follow them . When you will hear about Great War and conflict, don't be afraid of; these will have happened but it is not end." He also said totem, "one nation will fight against other nation, one territory will fight against other territory, earthquake will bring destruction, famine and plague will spread out in many places, that time great Signs in the sky will be seen. (21:8-11 Luke).'After a period you will not see me, again after that period you will see me'. (16: 16 Yuhunna). My words (First part) First chapter In the name of Allah Most Gracious , Most Merciful. My questions to the honourable ‘Katibs’ (virtuous) How would you guard their theology; Bahai and Kadiani? The hooded snakes without the medicine of Musa’s spiritual stick, (It) would not stop only with said talks. Presence of Isha is essential at revolution period, (Own) life history might write, if courage is given, (I am) not a doctor, though prescription is prescribed No one remains immortal with this prescription. In the name of Almighty God ; a few lines of the poetry are added to begin with the book, to express hidden incomprehensible ideas which can not be exposed easily in plain language, for readers to understand well and it has become possible to present it before you in this way. At the beginning, mysterious questions have been arisen in the mind as the wave of an ocean, and then the mind became very anxious to know about spiritual world, to satisfy self it has become essential to ask about those questions from intellectuals and other virtuous those who are well experienced. The way all modern media of the world communicates, it is almost propagation against peace ‘Islam’ due to lack of knowledge about Islam; how to cut down such misunderstandings? It known to all that a many verses came in The Quran as Divine messages about Jesus (Isha) Hadiths have revealed in kind regard. A few opportunists always try to find out the clues in Holy Quran wherein, and explain them as they like, so that it’s meanings went into their end and placed them before general mass to misguide the people, it was, still it has been going on. So righteous are to remain aware of it. In these circumstances, coming of Jesus according to prophecies became necessary; people of all ages would have accepted his theology, ethics, thoughts and inner spiritual thoughts, would believe in one God who has no share at all. It would place in this way, if the experienced, well understanding and virtuous of all sectors give courage and encouragement, to bring forward the thoughts of self. For long time, experts, intellectuals , elites wrote many valuable articles about some of the sects in Islam, they defined it well to make them understand their faults in believes, still those followers ran along the wrong path of some re-known misguide. Therefore, the result is not to the remarks, reason behind it, none is there to stand against those peoples, who can submit the right answers to them. Although one not an expert in this regards, still that one wants to put forward a few examples of self- life in accordance with Quran, Hadith and religious books, which would act like spiritual stick of Moses. The Quran and its all Suras started with the Ayat ‘In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful; except a Sura named ‘Tawba’. Most of the commentators consider the ‘Ayat’ is a part of the Quran, it has also counted with all other verses. The characteristics of the Ayat is that, it consists of nineteen letters in Arabic language, and with the figure 19 , total letters , symbols, ayats suras everything what formed in total figure are possible to divide. Mr. Bahaullah of Iran discovered the theory, he claimed that he was Imam Mahdi. The reason of claiming such is that the first letter of the Quran started with the letter ‘B’; it is the opinion of Bahai sect. From that corner of view, the letter ‘B’ came; Wishes of God first planed and the plan has exposed to create the form. In Bengali two ideas added one is the letter ‘B’ and the other word is ‘Bashana’ will of God. It is a kind invitation to eastern world , the community as a whole , placed them in the Quran , in the name of their virtuous, pioneers, may be prophets; (they are Basu i.e Krishna and Buddha) and my life made out looking for and opened place all to enter. “ In the name Allah . Most Gracious, Most Merciful. A.L.M. This is the book; Initisguidance , sure, without doubt, To those who fear Allah; Who believe in the Unseen, Are steadfast in prayer, And spend out of what We Have provided for them ; And who believe in the Revelation Sent to thee, And sent before thy time, And ( in their hearts) Have the assurance of the Hereafter. They are on (true) guidance, From their Lord, and it is These who will prosper. (Verses 1-5 Sura 2.) The way ‘Kadiani Jamat explained and look out the meanings of those Ayats are interpreted in the second part of this book; still in sort, it is narrated for information. According to the Quran, it said that (1) believe in the Unseen, (2) steadfast in prayer (3) contributing something to others from one’s livelihood. (4) Believe in Revelation sent to Mohammed (sm) i.e. Quran, (in it most of true Hadiths which are not contradictory to Quran}, (5) past revealed Holy Books (6) believe in Hereafter. According to Kadiani’s sect: (1) one is to believe in the past, present and future Revelation of God. That is Words belonging to God. In addition, those who receive Heavenly Messages or Words in future, the people must accept them; otherwise, they are not faithful to God. (2) So on, others who received Divine Words after Hazarat (sm), they are also to accept them as a prophet. (3) Successively the Prophets would come in the world, (there is no end of it), those who reject it, they are unbelievers ‘Musrik’. (4) Presently those who received Heavenly Messages of God after (sm) , unbelievers of it , would be counted as a past possessor of Holy Book , that is , ‘Ahle Kitab’ and (5) in the past and at present those who believes in successively Prophets will come (continuously) they are true initial guidance, that is , Muttaki’. Only that person can present good books to the readers who cultivate literature, histrionic and thoughtful ideas; and those who are in habit of writings books. Speak the truth, this is absolutely absent in it, nor habituated in this regard. Firstly took up writings to give a form to the dreams, what happened then when it had seen in 1985. And to give a proper shape, as I saw; it is felt that if the result of research in religion would not make up to day to others it would be a negligence to duties and responsibilities. Without writing a book, the life would not be ful-pledged. So to avoid it’s demerits, compelled to take in hand writing something. Even though one is not an experienced writer. In this book a many Ayats of the Holy Quran are brought in , some are pertinent , some are not. To do so volume of the book a little extended. In it, hidden things of mind and selfishness are there. It is determined that till last of the book exposed to the readers it would not be possible for them to know concealment of mind. In this regard, a reference of Mr. Kadiani can be brought in , he is at a time Isha Ebn Mariyam and Imam Mahdi. Before claiming such designation, he exposed himself as a Mozadded of the century or Imam of that century. Later It was found that from Imam he claimed himself a Prophet. And a place was created for him among his followers. To keep away, so far last part is not conveyed to the readers; I pray to God by the light of His Grace, I should be kept away from that illogical activities. The life has compared with the Prophet Jesus. I should not do such mistake. As stated in Holy Injil (New bible), ‘They would see son of Adam coming on board of cloud, with capability and glory, 24(30) Mathew. If any one wishes to quote the verses of the Quran in his speech, he can put them all in between. In consequence of verses explain about past, present and future affairs. Taking this opportunity, Mirza Golam Ahmed Kadiani put verses in benefit of him. Somewhere he cited half of the verse and somewhere full verse according to his desire. He introduced them to the readers. Why did I put a volume of verses in this book too? To say the truth; I have no mighty power. What might have thought by one? His (Isha) arrivals would connect with power and glory. In addition, the Quran is most powerful and the Grace of God for human beings. As earlier forecast, no Divine Messages would have received by him. Then the Holy Quran would be his main Holy Book from where he would repeat the words. It is a thing supposed. The bumblebee roams to cure the disease, If the disease cures by taking Medicines, Goodness grew among you all, if you take pills, Devils claim would go in vain who’s ever has said ‘Isha’ Look at the Krishna, put on reddish sheets, Expressed in introduction is not one word, With fulfilled of knowledge Siddartha Buddha went to heaven, Had not His reddish sheet seen? Does anybody know Isha is hiding in these names? Blowing down the head said, ‘O’ not I is he, Whose arrival is awaiting, wrong one called by (you), Say one then, what name you kept of the person. A many curious have earnest desire and thirsty to know about the spiritual world running about hither and thither. The real story made of Divine stick (0f Moses) and its advices would bring a good relationship among all sects of the people. It will usually show the way to love each other, how to live in association and grew brotherliness. It will turn you to a life fresh and in peace. It will be way of salvation for those whoever claimed Isha Mosi and to their sects. Evil activities of those are nothing but the misguidance of evildoer Satan and his deception to them; otherwise, they have no proof of it. Quoting an example, do not waste your time for nothing, behold a Krishna, Who arrived, not only Krishna but also Buddha and he is Isha Mosi. From the very beginning of life, he put on red ochre, a piece of reddish cloth, crimson-colored cloth, and a dress of hunter, which is blood stained. He is the man who got his inner things and supreme enlightenment in the real sky. It repeatdly begged importunately and repeatedly that a sinner could not be that person who had a program to arrive, before the resurrection day. If at all so that the person selected, one repeatedly solicited to Him, say the name of that particular person. However, found no result of it. Truth and Divine Truth revealed even then, there is a society who eager to search the truth. Truth which were revealed, how far they are true in accordance with science, there are people in this earth to justify it. Might it think that they have not research Divine book, the great truth where only truth are prevailing. A few person want new thoughts and doctrine, among them one of the theologian Shami Bibakananda also wants a new theology. In view, it is to say that it would not be possible at this stage. God is One and Absolute. Worship to Him, without any wall in between. It has not meant for, to make Shami Bibakananda inferior, but it agreed that in every religion truth is prevailing. It is God’s word to respect the saint, and to see other religion with reverence. Goodness of the every work are to be seen and in that view one should earn knowledge. “As to those who reject Faith, It is same to them Whether thou warn them Or do not warn them ; They will not believe. Allah hath set a seal On their hearts and on their hearing, And on their eyes is a veil; Great is the penalty they ( incur).” (Sura 2 verse 6-7) God is very kind. He is Most Gracious. Though he warned His creature and said about the punishment of His creatures, even then He is Most Kind. The head quarter of human beings is intellectualty, or the brain from where ordered to do a job, still there is way, which will discussed later. It said before that except one sura ‘Tawba’ in the Quran all others are started with ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ or in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. If a man commit anything wrong, later repent for it in heart and promise that in future such evil job would not by that man then God is very Kind may accept it. He is the Best Guide of human beings. This is one of the characteristics of this sura. Quoting the verse of the Quran from any place not looking to the meanings before and after that verse, one should not miss represent the meaning of quoted verse. For that, one must be an experienced in that subject. However, a sect did so and least bothered for it. The people of the particular sect think themselves they are moderate and wise in all respect. “ The great truth” taught by the knowledge of pen, so it can be said that source of knowledge is pen. Knowledge is power; it is The Power of Most Powerful. Light is ‘nur’, light is the shadow that is very comfortable of that knowledge tree, the tree grown up from a smallest seed of mustard. The source of seed is a place, time or period, water, sunshine , air etc. and their source is knowledge, and the source of all knowledge, All Knowing The God. There is no benefit to create disorder in the earth; the root of all good is All Knowing, All Wise Allah. To follow the straight path, the way He guided is knowledge and it has been coming through pen (in Bengali pen means mosi). To use ‘mosi’ in good way requires a good skilled director, one should be a philologist, a teacher of scripture and an orator in religious knowledge and have mighty power. Such person can only give good direction through the pen. God selected such person who is lack of all sorts of that knowledge to direct through the Mosi in the right way! There is no way to think it. All that is on earth will perish; But will abide (for ever) The Face of thy lord, Full of Majesty , Bounty and Honour. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? (Sura 55, verse 26-28). To direct Mosi, a possessor should possess knowledge of scriptures in all sectors, the fundamental truth of other religion, manifestation power and to know how to place it before the readers. The Mosi has been writing so far is having lack of knowledge of that. In what condition, the long life has been passed by , it was not imagined even for a moment. A heavy rain did not fall on and no great emotion of mind inspired by anyone; and has no knowledge to furnish the events before you all. Negligence in observing religious duties were there, to know about the religious books had no effort. As a result, long life has gone beyond the reach of comprehension. The said Mosi cannot explain explain the verse quted above. So to say easy way, world after world and whole universe will perish except God and His Virtues; so creatures have no real existence but existence of Allah will remain forever. A few sects or intelligentsia, by understanding something or without it, they are giving share to operate as a God, or they are placing a man near to Him giving a share to God. According to Bagabat Gita a soul does not die nor it is begotten. According to Quran and Hadith, a soul is to take the taste of death at least for once. Anything which die or death touch it, it cannot be immortal, endless, eternal or deathless creature. What a present! A prisoner that to ascertained mad, Would it be a nice to think firm desire? A living hermitage in a visible shelter inside a house Conflicts with something day and night lost judgment. Of thinking found no end of it, Thirty-eight years passed without fruitful job, How far be expressed beyond the range of sense! Have no spiritual power, or skilled Said to Lord, not a revealed person, Fall on deceptive, not a great hero, Got approval of psychoanalyst distorted heart. When one loses judgment, sometimes it is coming to sense, it is normal. When it turns to opposite direction then it goes to abnormal states. Therefore, whatever said it was all-irrelevant as said in footnote, a living hermitage meant for ‘Ruhh’ takes shelter in ‘nur’ which is pure ‘Naff’s’ and both take shelter in a worldly house in the womb of a mother and gradually one arrives in the earth and become a man. In the human body these three (ruhh, naf’s and physical life soul) jointly do the job. Good deeds are done by the advice of ‘Ruhh’ and evil deed done by the worldly ‘Naffs’; so they conflict each other , as a result a man goes out of order in a time thinking much about it. Before going to complete out of order, whatever seen in dream , that events were playing a great role in the headquarter all the time extensively. It was a symptom of illness and conversation with any unknown is the sign of psyche / psychedelic/mental illness. A person sees into the future and it becomes outside physical laws. That conversation and its precise in the view of a doctor is one kind of mental illness. According to doctor’s view, the patient becomes more loyal towards religion and performs the religion duties too. It took about forty days to get over to normal senses. In the poetry it is being brighten up of a base operate that a sinful and confess all evil deeds done before, now has been regretted for wrongdoing. First dream was dream at last night on the day 19 March in the year of 1985. “At that time, last night I was present at the resurrection field, we were only two; another one was Hazarat (sm). At high place, it had seen that The Great Allah was sitting on His Throne. There was none in the field, as because, all the people of the world were in my hands closed. In the left hand, those people who become mad for God and did not obey the law of ‘shariya’. Rest all were in one right hand. Finding His Green Signal, leave them all by throwing behind the Throne of God those who were in one left hand. Leave others in the field, those who were in my right hand. So he (sm) was disheartened and wanted to know the reason of it, I was ashamed of it , I felt deep depression , my heart was broken into pieces, it was given a pain like a thorn when it punch the body. Gently I replied that the thing was done by getting of a signal of God. Of hearing so, he became quite but one heart pinched by thorn and wound own heart, and expressed sorrow by tears. When woke up then found it that sorrow of tears falling down”. It was an order to write a book from Him (one believes, He is The Great, Allah). Then a reply from this end, that He is doing a mistake. This person at least is not the one, who did many evil deeds. In reply He said to me, “Whom I wish select him, he is selected, you are the same person who had to arrive”. In religion subject foolishness and negligent were very much active and it was not known to me who had a program to arrive but heard something about Imam Mahdi in some meetings. Today the person is revealing it he is none but an approval mad and distorted heart. It is to convey to the readers but how it would be possible to place it before and what would be the subject not known at all. “ Blessed’ be He in whose hands is Dominion ; And He over all things Hath power”. Sura 67 verse 1 Quran. {(In Bengali meaning of the verse not explained. In English, a little description has given just to understand. Before that what is an order of God defined in this way: Whole verse has created and made visible out of nothing. Therefore, His qualities and order from which everything came in form. Earlier talked about living hermitage which is His order is more powerful than the angels, cause is that, it is His direct Order or it is said Futkar of God.) “ Mulk’ Dominion Lordship , sovereignty , the Right to carry out His will or to do all that He will. Power (in clause of following) is the capacity to carry out His will. So that nothing can resist or neutralize it. Here is beneficence completely identified with Lordship and Power; and it is exemplified in the verse following. Note that ‘Mulk’ here has a different shade of meaning ‘Malakat’ . Both words are from the same root and I have translated both by the word ‘Dominion’ but ‘Malakut’ refers to the Lordship in the invisible world while ‘Mulk’ to Lordship in the visible world . God is Lord of both. (Abdullah Yousuf Ali}. Considering a many causes this event of dream made me firm. Of thinking, the dream is not an ordinary at all, generated a confidence in me. Such kind of speech of one definitely, He revealed not any body else. It should not be disregard by any means. Then the research work started In the name of Allah. IF a suggestion from Satan, Assail thy (mind), Seek refuge with Allah; For He heareth and knoweth (All things). Sura 7 verse 200. According to the above verse what learned as a Muslim did all to remain assault from Satan. But found no result of it. Instead of getting relieved compelled to give an account of all happenings in the whole life. Knowledge was not so powerful to understand the truth. However, enough ability was there to go through the books to understand the right or wrong. At that age to develop the principle of religion was not grown up mentally and had no place in mind about it. Long days had have been passed in dark. Only to survive the life of service, time was running well. Had it been our will we could have sent a warner to every centre of population”. (Sura 25 verse 51). There had no place left where Apostles of God did not visit. In a contrary opinion one lac forty four thousand Apostles were sent to this earth. Statement is not a created but according to the Quran and new Bible it’s prove can be justified. In the book Bengali, the Sura was not quoted which is called the life of the Quran. “In the name Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship, and thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way; The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, Those whose (portion) Is not wrath, And who go not astray”. (Sura 1 verse 1-7) This Sura has got seven verses and its letter including all one hundred forty four. Same way it is found that the inhabitant of Jerusalem were one lac forty four thousand (revealed Kalam). The truth could take out from these two Holy Books. The deep dark life, to take into light tried best through searching knowledge about reality. Knowledge is pen, the said Mosi tried utmost, hardworking with dedication to bring in before the intellectual though I am not an experienced and skillful. Still an effort has dedicated to expose the truth and the Great Truth for the betterment of human beings. To show this little attempt to the readers, self-revelation has guided. May Allah help the person? ‘Oh’ God, Forgive self, lost self-possession A coward, a wretch, sinful perplexed to the extreme, In experienced in scriptural prescription, (I) an exception of the rules, Not fit for forgiveness, one an overflowing pedestrian. What one said, whatever described, that all were in (vain), Does anyone there not bow down to Him? one believes, He is Omni-Power. At early age I destroyed own house, Do not know who gave own power of wisdom. To let you know about thy life. ‘O’ my respected readers, so long who cause to obey the command of His, I think He is none but Most -powerful. If not so, after long solicitation to Him, He ordered to obey His instructions. He said, ‘ whom I wish, I select him, and other then these He also revealed, it is to easy for Me to bring forth a man like you and told me to remember the consequence of it’. Who am I? What kind of book is to bring out, He told one nothing. Other way I have no scholarship in scriptures. Even I had no idea about the sect of Kadiani. Before hand, one had no conception and experience about the Injil, Quran and Hadith, whatever I defined today before the readers. It is easily inferable that at early age the house burnt down with severe warmth. In spite of that, it is not possible to explain in which reason give away the power of wisdom to own. Is it only to bring to light self life history to the elites? Has it any other purposes? That is the question to them. “Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful He who taught (The use of) the pen, Taught man that which he knew not”. Sura 96 verses 3-5 Quran. “God teaches us new knowledge at every given moment. Individual learn more and more day by day; nations and humanity at large learn fresh knowledge at every stage. This is even more noticeable and important in the spiritual world’’.(Abdullah Yusuf Ali). If the said ‘Mosi’ or pen may represent all compiled reality then every wishes, good wishes and the whole life will get into well. Hazarat Zachariah (a) brought up Hazarat Maryam and he got her through a lottery. The lottery had hold-throwing pen. The story revealed in the Quran and Hadith. Other side the Quran and its verses had written from the very beginning. So that none can add or deduct something. On or above it God Himself is the guardian of the Quran. “Behold thy Lord called Moses; Go to the people of iniquity,- The people of pharoh Will they not fear Allah ?’ He said, ‘O’ my Lord! I do fear that they will charge me with falsehood’. Sura 26 verses 10-12 Quran. Of seeing the above verses, I became a refugee for the readers. I fear not only God but also the men; for that, I requested all experts of Islam, elites, intellectuals and readers to give me a shelter if anything goes wrong. I may be a initiator to put up my life history, if the elites see to it and it is narrated in the beginning of the poetry polite way. I know nothing about Arabic, scriptures and principles of those religions. It is quite possible to hesitate and fear work in self. Long thirty-eight years ruled by unconsciously. An unknown power came suddenly to set up a little to mind of a man (brain), to act on accordingly. I have been excited and over whelmed with eagerness for writing something by the said ‘mosi’ like an experienced writer. In primary stage, I failed to do so. “When (Jesus) the son of Mary is held up as an example, behold, thy people raise a clamour threat (in ridicule)! Sura 43 verse 57 Quran. When a topic for discussion about Hazarat Isha (a) made up, then it saw that thousand and one introductions have come from different sects like the Jews, Christians and Muslims doctrine. These all are imagination of the people, which are prevailing still. From the very beginning these kind of rumour had been blow hot and cold by some opportunists. God already revealed in the Quran about Isha. He would make it clear at the Day of resurrection. Sura 3 verse 55 Quran. Even then those who are very moderate and experienced, they have been trying to prove their efficiency by arguing the matter in their favor. They disclose that their doctrine about Isha (a) is true like a past Master. Among them Mr. Kadiani and his sect is one. Inner heart specialists of the world My words are unbelievable though one finds brightness, Uttered in the Great Book is to establish amity. So many hypocritical Prophets came in the world, Kadiani is repugnant among them, (He)Said himself he is alike Krishna. If Krishna or Kali-Obatar arrives; Those hearts are out and out in all respect, those who obey the principles of religion seriously, those who are having power of understanding; it is my duty and responsibility to follow them. I request all to look into the matter, that, God has given a power through nature to set up universal amity, unity, equity and international friendship among all. That all are to agree on a point, we must follow a person who is best of all in character and at all round respectfully. The man who says himself, ‘ he is Jesus;’ and in his name will say, ‘ he is the person (Jesus) as stated in Injil or new Bible’. The readers will justify and determine the matter. It is easy to say that he is Krishna, Buddha but very difficult to hold water. A many said so but they could not sustain through proof. I hope, it is not possible for anyone else. In this respect, may God help me! I hold my tongue after I had received a revelation (it may be or may not be, God knows better) for two years. After His approval read different religious books to go ahead. Years gone by miserably but said ‘Mosi’ did not find anything; suddenly what was to write on! It was always in mind to abide by His orders; even then, there was no opportunity to proceed further without knowledge. Recollection of heart what was in mind that all tell me, ‘life of eternity is in vain if I can not accomplish my duties’. And they say, “Are our gods best, or he? This they set-forth To thee, only by way of disputation: yea, they are a contentious people. He was no more than a servant: We granted our favour to him and example to the children of Israel. And if it were our will We could make angels from amongst you, succeeding each other on the earth. Sura 43 verses 58-60 Quran. Hazarat Isha (a) was a man and servant of God. He was send to the tribe ‘Jews’ as a prophet. But a group of people worship to him as a part of God after he had left the world. They say that he is one of the Gods among three and they worship to him instead of God. So God revealed a verse in the Quran that He could send angels as a prophet and they would take place as a substitute of men. However, men given more preference than angels were. The poor knowledge earned was not worthy of for the said ‘ Mosi’ to do literary works. A little knowledge is always dangerous for any job. Inspiration in mind was pushing forward all the time; I tried once again to put the into practice but said ‘Mosi’ had been held up. It is not possible for any one having little knowledge to write on a sheet. An episode, which is unfamiliar, for me a fantastic story, these all stood on end at around me. The ‘Mosi’ which given to me to write something, all had gone in vain that I felt. However, firmness of will was so strong that failure could not touch it and compelled to acknowledge defeat. The inspiration given by Whom in heart got together in a spirit like waves of ocean. “And we made the son of Mary and his mother as a sign, We gave them both shelter on high ground, affording rest and security and furnished with springs. Sura 23 verse 50 Quran. According to the verse: Hazarat Isha (a) was born in a high place at date-palm garden and a stream was flowing near by. God knows better, in such place he would come again or not. To find out something new one must carry out investigation on the subject matter. For that, there is no way except education. Experts, litterateurs look at the scenery and think over the matter, which generate will power in their heart to write a topic. A scientist tries to invent something and research on it. Virtuous like ‘suffis’ saints, oliDarbesh, and prophets get ‘Elham’ or Words of God to preach it to the general for the betterment of human beings. “He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity, and he shall be (of the company) of the righteous”. Sura 3 verse 46 Quran. In the above verse, the message of re-arrival of Jesus was described as he would speak to the people ‘ in maturity’. Because The God raised him up among the Jews, he had not crucified even; according to the light of Sura 3 verse 55 Quran. It is very simple meaning of the verse in Quran that if he did not raise up then why there was no life history of remaining last life years passed over. God is All-Knowing, All-Wise; then He revealed that he will speak in maturity; every one speaks in maturity; so it is an extra sentence added to the mentioned verse for nothing. It proved that When the period of first life had filled up, he left the world. According to the grammar, some rules are exceptions, according to the Bible and the Quran, there are some exceptions and it is one of them; another period wrote before hand that he would come again. There are a many commentators one will find who speaks against the present explanation. Interest of the readers will increase when they will come to know the truth gradually; and they will attend to hear the exception to the rule ahead about Jesus. At the age of thirty-eight years, what a divine event added in! Of thinking it, the happening would touch me in otherwise definitely; (I hoped that revelation of God would come to me) and two years is ruled by. I found no symptom, hint, ‘Elham’ or heard anything of such nature. On that day, Who woke me up with violent inspiration, what reply I would submit to Him; if the ‘Mosi’ in hand could not able to write anything? Understood the message of the Bedth would be filled, ‘Kali Obatar’ or Krishna would not come again, To say so, to utter such word is not to easy, Hindu religion says Krishna will arrive again. What would happen to the people of the earth, if so! A rude will boil and flare up in anger. If Krishna or Kali Obatar, Buddha or Amity Buddha, Warner of Persian Jerathrost, Christ of Christian, Mosi of Jews, they all arrive at the last era at a time, what would fall out to the world; and dispute with each other would start again. In fact, arrival of those prophets had quoted in their respective Holy Books. In Islam a many messages of God about arrival of Jesus revealed and ten times more revealed in Hadiths. In the last age if so many religious minded Warner arrive at a time what be the state of the world and might fall into a disposition. “And (Jesus) shall be a sign (for the coming of) the Hour ( Of Judgment) Therefore have no doubt about the (Hour) but follow ye me, this is a straight way”. Sura 43 verse 61 Quran. It is very easy to understand, according to the Quran before the resurrection day Jesus would come again. Two verses are there, 3(46) and 43(61), Both revealed the same thing, if one had see the inner meanings of the verses ( in the verse 3(46) where Jesus raised up there a sign for coming again, that is nothing but the born of the state Israel). But no, they tried to obstruct ‘Mosi’ to write and commented in various way showing the cause that Jesus died naturally. If he dies in normal way then in the Quran and the Bible whatever stated they are wrong. I rack my brain to remember his re-birth are also in vain. Successively the discussion will proceed on and it would bring forward before the intellectuals. They will think over the matter and justify the right or wrong. It would leave to their hands for judgment. My aim, duty and responsibility would finish at that stage. To say the truth, I had not to go for long march of getting all the information about Jesus. Mr. Kadiani and his explanations carried me back to the near of that dream and all points were in his store-house. It is to say, that is not a hindrance but helped me to research ahead and made the best use of his evil-propagation. He claimed himself Jesus as well as Imam Mehdi. I read a few books of him and took it to heart. It turns me over a new leaf on the way to write the book with the great inspiration. Suddenly his writings removed all bar to progress of writings and created interest more and more. I think lost item has found back and hard time ran away. Rectification of his books and truths bring forward have become a guide for me and my dream and “Elham” say so. “When Jesus came with clear signs, he said; now have I come to you with wisdom and in order to make clear to you some of the (points) on which ye dispute; therefore fear Allah and obey me”. Sura 43 verse 63 Quran. Jesus came with heavenly signs and God bestowed him Holy Book for the Jews. The Book reconciled to previous Holy Books and principles of fore-prophets and there had spiritual light of Islam. Never had he (Jesus) claimed himself God even then they like their ancestor called him God. It was the custom of their ancestor to address a Prophet as a son of God. Mr. Kadiani carried out all sorts of introductions about Jesus just like a old mad to achieve his goal; one would find no miserly-ness in it. One of the characteristic of his is that Mr. Kadiani explained the ideas depending on the verses of Quran so far possible for him and pull up the arguments in favour with utmost efforts to and fro to achieve the goal doing others down. Wherever he found obstruction in the verses of Quran which did not go in favour, he mis-interpreted the verse to erect the claimed to tell it exactness. If required he refused apart of Hadith or verse of Quran proclaiming the matter out of nature and adopted unfair means. (For example : he said that none would land from sky ( Hadith), that is out of nature; but to speak the truth I born in a sky in 1965, so I remember the prophecy of Mrs. Jenny Dixon of America at this moment). In these circumstances what had I to say more about; that is the question to the readers! His all speeches took down in heart to letter whatever I had to reveal in a word all he had already exposed of; but he could not give iron will proof of God gifted signs in favour of him. His writings gave me peace in the face of deep darkness thinking that at least research would not hamper to find haws and whets of doing works in the end. “This is so, because Allah is the reality; it is He who gives life to the dead, and it is He who has power over all things”. Sura 22 verse 6 Quran. Very simple is that when earth becomes dead, it is God who gives life to the dead by raining. Every one possesses sleeping hidden knowledge in one’s brain; it is God who awakens it, then turns him into light that sleeping knowledge. Then one used to be absorbed in thought. He is Most Powerful that give the life to dead with His own ability. The man who is strong with His shadow never talks tall. He is the first man in the world who gave a title to himself that he is emperor of pen or a great writer. Mr. Mirza declared in firm tone to all of the world in written that he received the Revelation of God, divine messages; in that he is not only Imam Mahdi but also Jesus. Such type of rights and claims or any inheritance had any one who claims so in the world, let him come forward before the general! What had one say, ‘Your claimed is quite a false account and tell a lie’. To justify right and wrong it has to test by rubbing on a streak-plate and it should place before the intellectuals and readers. It is earnest request to all to engage in reading the book to verify and put up the comments on the subject. “Let not the evil one hinder you; for he is to you an enemy a vowed”. Sura 43 verse 62 Quran. O my God, may you help! You save from the persuasion of Satan. Having behind controversy in deeds to become famous, instead of that, dead is better than any type of black sheep. Covenant of Satan is weak, never it stay long before the truth. Imagination of thought is comprehends by underlying truth, O All Wise, help all to cross the bar Hindu and non-Muslims. In what condition I passed by thirty-eight years, How worthless it is! ever not known Kadiani sect, What is their opinion and doctrine, and who is Bahai? Judge does not wander in his own laws of religion. True Saints, Virtuous and Ascetics do not consider the race and religion but important to them, the man is above all. A person is belongs to which religion is not the question to them but the person is known to them as a servant of God. In this regards it is to say that Jesus arrival is not confined with Muslim and Christian because he is the sign of the Day of Resurrection ( day of resurrection would not come for any race but it is for all). Therefore, anybody say so (Jesus) his characteristics are to examine thoroughly, one thinks so. Thirty-eight years ruled by without any spiritual jobs. Rest of the life should pass at least under devotion to God. If not so why not to try hard to make an effort in thought of God. To do so has there any difficulty. It knew not that Kadiani and Bahai both have their own doctrine. It also not acquainted with that there are so many castes in Islam and they had different type of view of their own. So much short of knowledge in owns religion if one possesses then what to talk about other religions. “For Allah is with those who restrain themselves, and those who do good”. Sura 16 verse 128 Quran. From the above verse it learnt that if individual fully submits himself to will of God, he gets benefit and Allah always remains with him, in this way under the guidance of words of God individual obeys the Holy Book from his inner heart and they are righteous. Readers perhaps know that Mosi-Kadiani brought in near about eighty-four books before the mass. Writing so many books with the help of self-style traders still the caste has been busy to publication to preach their doctrine. The revealed Mosi would like to throw away the writings of the emperor of pen into astray which are injurious to the principles of Islam, misinterpretation of Quran and Hadith and also claiming of prophet. Signs in the earth and in the sky have been shown to remove the claim of Jesus and Imam Mehdi for-ever. Such type of research project may be too hard but to find out solution endeavors will survive. “If any do seek or glory and power, to Allah belong all glory and power. To Him mount up (all) words of purity: it is He Who exalts each deeds of righteousness, those that lay plots of evil,_ for them is a penalty terrible; and plotting of such will be void (of result)”. Sura 35 verse 10 Quran. To fight for the power (in any sector) means to create disorderliness in future in the world (any type of doctrine spread out all over the world within no time). To do more in this respect one is to try level best to come out from evil doers who have gone astray. One is to put forward the words of God of Holy Book and all sorts of arguments and law of nature before them. Otherwise, evil doers would make it too bad and say that it was a deceptive artifice of one’s ill mind; as a result, before the eyes of people it would pay heed as rust. In fact, the description of the dream is nothing but a dream only (in one’s view it is not so important). Only considering the dream one can not write a book which is difficult to comprehend; it is not at all possible for a man which is beyond probabilities if not something hidden truth involved in under the dream seen (if any saint come out with all truth and expose it to general man would say something indicating madness). On that day when the dream shown and a little conversation held, that time could not answer to the point on because of ignorance. One gets a chance for the better considering one’s knowledge. It thought that others got divine messages at forty. Same thing might happen in this respect also, and the knowledge of unseen would add in. God would send some signs for it, thinking so rise up to occasion time to time though it had in heart whatever heard on that day should have to write with a view to obey His command. “ Now no person knows what delights of the eye are kept hidden ( in reserve) for them- as a reward for their (good) deeds”. Sura 32 verse 17 Quran. Praise to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. Any deed which men do never go in vain. If one does good deed for that he would get reward in the world as well as Hereafter. If it is bad deed then one is to suffer, fire is for one’s penalty. If the job is for the welfare of mankind and does it thinking so then for one’s reward is bless in the garden Hereafter which man can not imagine even. It is very difficult to understand His artistry. Whatever seen in practical man understands that only rest all they imagined and express the ideas through hypothesis. Among them, some become true others are suspicious. In the Quran whatever revealed as a suspicious and promised to give a clear statement on Final day, so to say about the matter and give final decision about any suspicious matter (like Jesus) it goes against the decision of the Quran ( Mr. Kadiani discovered the grave of Jesus at Kashmir). What punishment would hold for such type of evil job only God knows better? “ He created not the heavens, the earth, and all between them, but for just ends. And the Hour is surely coming (when this will be manifest). So overlook (any human faults) with gracious forgiveness”. Sura 15 verse 85 Quran. The sky, the earth and its all materials brought in under the man. It created for the benefit of men. Allah advises the righteous to forgive them those who do injustices. In that, they do injustices and speak bitter to the Apostles, and they will bring forward under trail on that Day. Before the Day of Resurrection, definitely God will show the Signs to His servants to rectify themselves (a final warning would come to His servants). In this, matter who would protect Him if He wants to expand the heart of one. Perhaps He opened the transcendental vision of eyes and knowledge’s. There are many helpless (men) ill fated alike, Died before the hour though time was not fulfilled, True sense of believes come at forty Whoever he Hindu, non-Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Simply he is a man: that is the identity. Name, fame, sects, racial, character everything is below it. A many passed away have no account before they realized the truth. God revealed in a verse a person become more dutifulness and firm in believe at forty. However, whom He likes and bestowed kindness he surrenders to God before it. To God the only way is peace or Islam. If anyone comes under it, even He loves ones as a servant of God. To prove: man is better than race. As a result, to serve for the betterment of humankind is a social service. It looked upon as a good deed to all religions. Leaving all aside giving preference to all religions made a place for all in Islam; perhaps this literary composition is unique. “Say, ‘the Holy Spirit’ has brought the revelation from thy lord in truth, in order to strengthen those who believe and as a Guide and glad tidings to Muslims”. Sura 16 verse 102 Quran. Said truth, Signs of warning and whatever related, Jibrail (A) has not brought it, and he has not appointed in this regards. However, in it truth left behind, no need to tell it so. It is absolutely for those who are righteous. Nature and its practical happenings some are to think over among themselves. Door of truthfulness will remain open forever. God is above all. He is above arguments and logic’ of man, Most Powerful. Therefore, no one can define His power and bring it under any logic. It is true that knowledge in Arabic is very poor. In that language arguments and logic could not put up, it is humble submission to the readers. “That He might justify and prove falsehood false distasteful though it be to those in guilt” Sura 8 verse 8 Quran. Before and after the above verse and their meaning may be other subject but presently it showed that truthfulness win all the time and it defeats the falsehood; so it is easy to present it good way. Some of the intellectuals assume that God is just observing silently and doing nothing. He has no ideas what is coming in and what is going out. He created the worlds but nature is doing all and it is not countable to Him. It is wrong (man invents nothing but discovers and reconstructs something, but God invents everything out of nothing). Who is Guardian of all? In His account, there is no mistake. He is not sitting idle. When a period passed over then He brings in another period. He does the job through His servants liked person. He appoints some one to accomplish the job and do needful with the help of ‘ Mosi’ (because the pen is more sharper than the sword). He placed of such things before His servants, which is sharper than the sword ‘Power’. By it untruthful and their claims go into astray and it becomes disorder. “Behold! The angel said, ‘o Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a word from Him : his name will be Christ Jesus, The son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah”. Sura 3 verse 45 Quran. It revealed in a Holy Book that when Mariam (a) was proceeding towards the east then the angel came before her. He gave her good news of the words of God or “kalema”. It means she would give birth to a son by a special miracle without any sexual means. From ‘kalema’ he is entitled to the named ‘ kalamullah’. Mosi and kalemutuallah both the name mentioned in Quran as well as in Injil/ new Bible. So the distinction meaning of Mosi except pen in Bengali no events can fulfill his action (it is a assumption). It is the mosi/pen through which a person writes right or wrong. It is only possible to bring to light through pen. If the readers go-ahead then they will find the wording of Mr. Kadiani where he exposed himself emperor of the pen; and there is none who can compete with him in the world. It is a lie; an act of brandishing a lie and untrue claim (empty vessels sound much). At this juncture telling not more it states that by the mosi/pen one can write a false episode, a folktale and a story. As his story is false before the eyes of intellectuals his title is so called pen Mirza or Mosi Mirza.; if any one say so it is not enough. According to his title he is so called emperor of Mosi Mirza Golam Ahmed kadiani ( in Bengali). Reason to say so, his arguments and logics are not in favor of Holy religion books. However, they claim that they put up the logics to the right sequence. Almost all logics are made of own, other than this; there is nothing to believe in. “Think not that Allah doth not heed the deeds of those who do wrong, He but giveth them respite against a day when the eyes will fixedly stare in horror”. Sura 14 verse 42 Quran. Generally, it understood that Satan gave time until the Day of Resurrection, then why other evildoers and their sects would not get time until their dead. If any one claim that received the revelation of God and survives until the times of one is dead then there is nothing to become astonish. Relating to these God is very much aware of it. The research work presently done May good or bad but to speak the truth is very essential what felt by. For consideration, it left to the hand of readers. “ O my God, a sinner and ignorance raise his hands to You, Your selected Mosi, how can Your mosi go-ahead! May You give power to hit the logics and arguments of evildoers and lairs , to hit such way that false breaks to pieces and go astray, so that with the help Yours history of truth might write. May you bestow the strength? Amin. No, never race are not example for men in the world, Humanity especially fit to remember. Gentle and polite angels are sufficient, Without doing direct object, only remembrance is inferior When individual gain full knowledge, See one under ocean of the first of the seven worlds Both the legs fastened with rope of beloved persons. A man does not re-known by a name. To become famous one is to prove by one’s deed. Coming with a name ‘Ahmed’ if any one claims he is Imam Mehdi (king of the world) then there are hundreds of ‘Ahmed’ would become praised man. The name ‘Ahmed’ is not applicable to others (all Muslims are Mohammed and Ahmed). Even, some cheater is using the name and with the misinterpretation, (Ahmed is Jesus who had to come and too Imam Mehdi). They have been trying to cheat the Muslims ( showing the verse in Quran). Identity of man is only man in fact. There were no reasons to create the man where laces and cores angels had have been praise to God all the time. God has given very much preference to social service of human kind. When a man earns full of knowledge then he declines towards God, but there he sees that he is under the ocean, his two legs fastened with the rope of beloved persons and it is very difficult for a man to disown beloved. Surrender of one’s will to the will God is one of the main characteristics of good Muslim, for that no one raise such questions to God that why the man is created? “Remember ye implored the assistance of your Lord, and He answered you; I will assist you with thousand of the angels, ranks to ranks. Sura 8 verse 9 Quran. ‘O my God, when Your beloved involved in a terrible mishap at that juncture You helped him by sending angels to assist him. If such answer May, you apply to this crisis! If not Who else in the verse can do so in every step. The man who wrote eighty-four books for his sect, before him a person like is very little what it feels in heart. May you the only help it out from the turning point! Maulana Ejaj Ahmed related, “ Mr. kadiani said that the great religion namely world wins famous religion (is Islam). To be a claimant (of Jesus/Imam Mehdi) one must possess some conditions. What are the characteristics? What are the assessments to become a claimant? Mr. Kadiani brought to light a few books, there he exposed such type of conditions to convey it to the people of the world that: before in those conditions no religion can stand except Islam. Because this religion is pure, alive, greatest and universal, (International) and its acceptance and fitness are remarkable. He put forward six conditions and assessments to keep eye on those points to qualify one as a claimant. He conveyed it to the people of the world to look at those points: (1) First assessment is the claimant should submit documents from own religion book. Otherwise its superiority not acceptable rather that would become a proverb – silence implies consent of complainer but witness over whelming. (reference: Ahmadiat, page- 142) “In their heart is a disease and Allah has increased their disease; and grievous is the penalty they (incur) because they are false (to themselves). Sura 2 verse 10 Quran. Those who tell lie, misinterpret (verse of Quran) and bring in the meaning of a ward (Quran) according to their selfishness, they are not true themselves. If anybody criticize them they say that they are wise and moderate, what they understand others not. They are very much wise and person of power of understanding. God says that the evil increases the disease of heart for that penalty terrible punishment is waiting for them. ‘O people of the world, Mr. Kadiani invited in blank and white to submit the evidential documents of own religion. It would have to produce in such a way that his claimant of Jesus was a lie (as well as all demands). Firstly, a Muslim is going to compare another one (though Pakistan and Saudi Arab has given him a title as unbelievers). Mosi Kadiani (emperor of pen) placed the verses from Quran saying those as a greatest witness in favor of him and so the case for other also. It is very open secret that the arrival of Jesus is not only for Islam but also for all the religions. Even his challenge-accepted content with to remove the doubts of the people. If one is Muslim that one is to come forward with the logics and arguments from the Holy Quran, in the same way Christians from new Bible, Buddhist from Tripatak, Jews from old Bible, Hindus from Bedh and others from their Holy Books. Individual is to produce documents in favor of him then Mosi Kadiani would draw off making his face deface. A person came out with logics and arguments of all sects and castes religion books before the mass and requested all intellectuals and readers to read the book in open heart. They are to read the book for the sake of knowledge leaving aside spite and envy. If one keeps in mind and realize the matter then ‘peace’ in the world knocking at the door. It believes that soon the door of peace will open for all. Six hundred people of the world namely Christian, Buddhist, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and others are the son of Adam and servant of God (Adam tried to establish peace rather all prophets came to establish peace. It is very difficult to say who the follower of Islam is and who is not. Because Islam in broad sense means who believe one God and give no share to Him he is of Islam). Quackery in own religion for mean selfishness, Thanks giving Shiva to you humble avaricious Scattered own ideology throughout of the world, ‘O wretched got a reward given by God for misdeeds. How possible to stop by rich opulence The red dyed bow and arrow of Krishna bow. Islam is definitely selected religion of God. Anyone hides in it keeping it in mind to work against Islam then he would become famous for one’s misdeed, with the help of riches to get a position for that one, it is not possible to become so. Those who have such bad intention in their mind proceeding forward to preach Islam will fall to grief and compelled turn back from the path. According to Hadith in their forehead nature of the world marked a few letters (K, F, R) means kafer or unbelievers, which is not removable because God will keep their significance alive to show others for example. They are none but the soldiers of the great Mosi. At the rear ‘Teer of Krishna Danuk’, or arrows of Krishna bow will hurt them in such way like poison, the arrow itself poisonous, which will hurt the body of those evils wounding at several parts of their bodies. Because their nature of habits different to others. Those are waywardness disobedient and unruly. No body can bring them under control with any true advices. By caste, they are to be from other sects it is not mentioned anywhere but an unbeliever always stands still as an unbeliever to the eyes of Islam. Rather The Cherisher of the world revealed that they are unbelievers or kafer. If they are not from Islam then how can one say them unbelievers who stand still in that position? No need to tell someone that one is unbeliever newly from other sects, because that one is already there. Then who are those new? “Never think that Allah would fail His apostles in His promise: For Allah is Exalted in power,”. Sura 14 verse 47 Quran. Mosi Mirza Golam Kadiani is one of claimant of prophets, he did not hesitate to Quote a volume of verses of Quran in his books misinterpreting those, another will come to do the same then who would find out real truth? So far the believe reach responsibility should have given to some sects namely Kadiani,Bahai and Jews to determine the truth. It should one remember that God whom bless power no one can resist that one. If any one like comes to put in one’s claim producing all logics, arguments and philosophy from all religion books not of own only then is there anyone who can deny his theology in the world ( the person has nothing to loose because he is not a claimant of Jesus/ Imam Mehdi )? “Curses were pronounced on those among the children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and Jesus the son of Mary because they disobeyed and persisted in excesses”. Sura 5 verse 81 Quran. According to the verse, no need to discuss long about accursed nation like the Jews who had disobeyed the command of apostles. Their persistence was so rude that they did not hesitate to kill the apostles of God at open. A sect who wished to do such evil deeds was scattered all over the world like gypsy. At the eleventh hour, with the help of riches countries made some tricks (to defeat the Christian and Muslim to prove the verse of Quran is a lie). In both Holy Books new Bible and Quran, God revealed that the nation is unbelievers and cursed the nation by the prophets David and Jesus. “ And (then unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah”. Sura 3 verse 54 Quran. (perhaps it is known to all that Quran speaks past, present and future events in the verse). Christians, Jews and Muslims know that the Jews made an evil plan to crucify Jesus in cross. Man does something through science and mediation, which is magic or fiction but God does it in real sense out of understanding and out of nature too. Those who give firm decision about happened fiction they are definitely unbelievers. Because God can only show the real fiction, man cannot do that; as for example, man can not apart the moon into two pieces but God did so and it is not possible for man to bring it to his knowledge. “Behold! Allah said, O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (falsehood) of those who blaspheme, I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject Faith, to return unto Me and I will judge between you of the matters where in ye dispute”. Sura 3 verse 55 Quran. It is earnest request to all to read the above verse once and again repeat once again. (All logics and arguments brought into light through its inner meanings loving all and sundry religions bound together with fair play. One must try to understand the verse in all respect word to word. This is root of verses from where the logics, theology and arguments start on to make sure that the name and fame is not a cause to stand for a person rather the time once gone never comes back or time and tide wait for none. The man who does not understand its meaning and explanation he gets any interest to read the book. Other verses are very less important which discussed. Other verses quoted may have no good terms with writings but they are also useful to speak on behalf of the points writing). Therefore, what has spoken before that one is to try to understand the verse, its inner meaning and realize it in heart. The verse narrated about Jesus rose up; it is too arrival of Jesus is there. Other than, these solutions of other critical problems are there: (1) When a period fulfilled he rose up towards God. (2) He rose up among the Jews, his enemy. (3) He cleared off from all sorts of trouble of falsehood. (4) His followers would reign all over the world until the Day of Resurrection. (5) In addition, the matter about his crucifixion and its dispute, a decision would have given on the Day of final Judgment. Discussion of point (1): A few selfish commentators demonstrated other verses in relation to dead and brought in the words in the verse, tried to prove that Jesus died on the other side they became claimant of Jesus misinterpreting the other verses in favor of them. (One said it is out of nature about Jesus arrivals). If their statements are true (ask them when has the Quran been written?) then it is to say that the Quran revealed later but written ever before against the law of nature which passed as a law of God that Jesus would come again. There is nothing to compare with other verses in relation to Jesus arrivals and has no remedy of coming as like as Jesus. Discussion of point (2): There were a many Jews who were unbelievers, in front of them Jesus rose up (but none of them know it, presently some commentators have been stating either and thither Jesus rose up after three days when he came out from the grave, there one would find no Jews other then his followers). If another verse quoted in relation to Jesus arrivals, that one would find no man. so some moderate commentators define it God revealed in front of his enemy he raised up but in the verse other than then present discussion one they find no enemies of Jesus, they must go through this verse but sorry to say it would come no use of them. Discussion of point (3): God revealed that you cleared off from the enemies; it would not mean that he had taken to the cross. It might that the job of raising up had done before the cruci-fiction held. (Here is point to note that God said He is All-Wise and Most powerful. The man who is nearly dead and come round there is nothing to say He is Most powerful because many cases like happened, happening and will happen). Discussion of point (4): (Let the Christians be the followers of Jesus, and then they reign all over the world though Muslim says they are the true followers of Jesus. In true sense, it is correct). “Those who follow the superior to those who reject Faith” it is until the day of resurrection. If both Christians and Muslims are the followers of Jesus then the verse fulfilled its period, and so unbelievers gave a birth to a new nation, which cursed ever before. As a result, a period was over, another period also passed by and third period came in; and whatever events have to happen in that the arrival of Jesus is welcoming at the door even he is present at door. Where in the verse Jesus raised up there he comes giving a birth of cursed nation. It is simply to say that with the born of Israel state the period of the verse came to an ended and Muslims are no more to say in success. (It is to note that it does not mean at all to fight against anyone but the solution is peace. One who lives is not anybody else but one lives in one’s motherland what was. So it is to remember, they are none but the followers of a great prophet Moses whom Muslims also obey and the verses about him more than anybody else are in Quran. Moses is one of the followers of Islam. So it has to say God is one and there is none to share Him and be in peace). Discussion of point (5): Those who agreed and explained too many people Jesus had taken to cross hanging him up telling he was nearly dead, there they stated God is Most powerful and All-wise ( a many people stand in a queue and soldier fired them, one is save; of course, it is Kindness of God. To say Himself Most powerful and All-wise definitely He did something which is out of imagine. It is think, some one is in little doubt about the verse). According to the verse, the happening would remain in doubt forever until the Judgment Day comes. God will give its final verdict. Does nature not build up something for you? In whose hand All-Power lies. At all if, you want to compete in the world, Then come on true way of the Holy Quran. With very much proud said to bring documents, Say it not from which religions, your proud diminished, Entire proves you find in all religion books. The person writing book all logics and signs God has created before his writings, so that it becomes acceptable to all religions and sects at a period. It is He the Great, in whose Hand the sovereignty of nature lies. If you can do so, bring it forward in accordance with Quran and Hadith. (Every thing possesses a virtue/ religion). The root of religions is the nature of worlds, God made an example the nature in all respect and God advises man to run the life as all other things run indiscipline (means in peace). Therefore, Islam is His religion most liked. “What was the reasoning about us, which we gave to Abraham (to use) against his people we raise whom we will Degree. For thy lord is full of wisdom and knowledge”. Sura 6 verse 83 Quran. At the reign of Abraham God gifted him knowledge of nature, logics and proves. At present, it is a super computer era, only divine speeches and truth if any one revealed without any practical proves it is not specific for and may lose its acceptance. In the verse 3(55) what has spoken earlier about logics, arguments and proves from other religions too it is hope that there is no way for some one to brig forward any arguments against those. God may bestow His blessing on nature and the period, the period and the nature also beset with the said proves and there is a practical proves is involved for example, it is the born of the state Israel. From the world map, the existence of the state cannot rub off except God. So only the verse what it proved is truth, in against this verse if any intellectual arrives at to other conclusion that person would not bring any logic against the happenings. Finding no other way that might say Jesus arrivals is out of nature. Yea, it is true. It is His best trick, who is Master of all tricks. The tricks the Jews played with Jesus God also played best tricks at that stage; there God could bring in a sheep instead of man to hang up, but He did right thing in a right place. Therefore, He is All-Wise, Most powerful and does the job in proportions. “He shall speak to the people in child hood and in maturity and he shall be (of the company) of the righteous”. Sura 3 verse 46 Quran. It had known to Muslims and Christians Jesus would arrive again, but theologies that follow false are in doubt. What they did? To fulfill their selfishness hold a funeral parade and graved Jesus at Kashmir. (What they did not observe but heard that a grave found of some named not known made it the grave of Jesus. A fool finds all other greater fools to believe the matter as historical feature without any proves). In the above verse ‘He will speak to the people in maturity’ such sentence is none in the Quran and for no prophets it mentioned. The misinterpret related that Jesus was alive after the cruci-fiction had held for seventy-seven years. If they determinedly say it so, then come out with his rest of the life history. If they could do so then it would prove that their logics and arguments are true up to some extend. Other then these all are raved and lest acceptable to the readers. Why would God reveal such extra sentence for nothing? (No body dies before his time over). Until the period is over events would not appear to happen. (If anyone research he may find the arrival of Jesus in every religion books). No doubt, God raise him up but Quran, Taurat, Injil and Hadith almost in all religion books revealed about his arrival though it is out of nature and God never deviates from His promise. Exceptions are in man made grammar. Perhaps men are to look at so many happenings, which are not law of nature at end of period. (It is also new that according to the religion books a great writer that Mosi writer would arrive before the mass). “Nay, Allah raised him up unto himself; and Allah is Exalted in power, Wise”. Sura 4 verse 158 Quran. (“There is difference of opinion as to exact interpretation of this verse. The words are the Jews did not kill Jesus but God raised him up ( rafa’a) to Himself. One school holds that Jesus did not die the usual human death, but still lives in the body in heaven; another holds that he did die 5(20) verse but not when he crucified and that his being “raised up” unto God means that instead of being disgraced as a malefactor, as the Jesus intended, he was on the contrary honored by God as apostle)”. Abdullah Yousuf Ali. “Leaving all aside Jesus raise up in a body to Heaven or he did die, let all go forward how these sorts of arguments and notion of people goes off from their mind”. One of the sect quoting the above verse said that ‘before and after’ the verse found none whom God sent to hang up instead of Jesus. (Here a point noted that where ‘before and after’ one verse required to assess the name of Jesus there this sect avoid the point. In the mentioned verse, this sect got an opportunity to tell whom God sent to hang up. Question to them so far discussed, is it out of Quran?) Ultimately, Jesus had taken to the cross and hanged him up but he was nearly dead to them. Repeatedly it said that here God revealed that He is Most powerful not for nearly dead. For a mere thing God never say He is Most powerful but as a whole for cruci-fiction He uttered so. It discussed earlier, for nearly dead God has kindness but not to apply His power. In the world so many cases like are still happening. It was nothing but miracle of God. A man after death had taken to give bathe there it found that he was alive. For the sake of arguments, it has not to say it is the quality of Most powerful. If say so, what would say to those: apart of moon into two pieces, travel to Miraj, a road on the river Nile, after three hundred years God woke them up from cave and brought them out before the general etc. These sorts of Miracles of God have no value if one says that nearly dead person got back life and it is one of the quality of God is Most powerful. “As to those who reject faith I will punish them with terrible agony in the world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help”. Sura 3 verse 56 Quran. Those who reject the faith may of old age or present age they would not free from blame. When they took part with explanation of the verse, let them look at the power of nature and observe it in heart that the book stated true or not. Muslims are the real followers of Jesus. The read Quran daily at least five times and there they pray to God uttering the name of Jesus. “Our Lord! We believe in what Thou hast revealed, and we follow the Apostle; then write us down among those who bear the witness”. Sura 3 verse 53 Quran. The Muslim believes the Quran and its verses blindly (but Non-Muslims do not believe those). On that day, they came to know discovering the sun moves around the galaxy but to say at this period in 1928 when the body of Mosi Mirza Ahmed mixed up with mud including bones and ribs. Therefore, it is essential to clear off the way from fraud ness and stop spreading out the net of fume. Earning extra ordinary knowledge if anybody has a chance to speak left and right then that one should only remember God and run in the way of Apostle. It is the easiest way for that one. Men are the hidden mysterious, divine love, knowledge of God. Service of human kind is one of the roots of prayer. Here it noted that those who understand a little about the verse 3(55) of Quran then definitely Muslims and Christians both the castes think over that the born of a new state Israel has formed against the verse of Quran (as well as against new Bible) at a period. It is not that to acknowledge defeat of Islam rather it happened at period to bring out the events in time, which fixed to happen. It is not proud of but wishes of God, Let you know the other religions too, First go through own religion, God raised him up in the heaven. However, you buried him in a graveyard at Kashmir, To brighten own character (you) buried him at Kashmir. The person never proud of it whatever writings on but it is all through a mirror wishes of God. One of the sects may think their books had written and brought forward against the will of God. In reply it would say that no, never. They also did so according to the events what to happen it happened to fulfill the word what God revealed ever before. They are proud of with the name Ahmed that is not only Mohammed (peace and blessing of God be upon him) but equally applicable to Mosi Mirza Golam Ahmed Kadiani too. Doing the explanation untruth, they maddened with pride. For that reason, Mosi Mirza discovered a grave of someone in hurry to prove it historical events that Jesus live long for one hundred twenty years life and died of as natural dead; in that he found self-complacency. Satan is very much proud of because his name revealed in Quran more then hundred times, (for nothing Mosi Mirza and his sect is proud of. God revealed that Jesus rose up in the sky.) Therefore, they think that the sky means vacant. Other then this, they do not understand anything else. However, there is nothing like vacant though it is not visible. God revealed that He created seven firmaments and equal land under it. Even then they are busy to find out where Jesus can live in the sky (there is nothing to eat and live. It knew to all that man does not die but changes).If the question asked where Mosi Kadiani lives? They would reply in “BarzaK” a place where man lives after death. (Then they find a place to live. One thing one should know that nothing live without food or alike except God). Therefore, everywhere up and down stages God created to live all sorts of His creation. “Those who rejected Faith and do wrong Allah will not forgive them nor guide them to any way”. Sura 4 verse 168 Quran. Such miss-explanatory, unbelievers and different of success arrived in all stages and it would happen. They bring a verse with that they include another verse from anywhere of the Quran and decide upon their plan of action to recover their own selfishness. They try to keep the wrong alive and impress it to others. Readers might have understood about the verse 3(55) which discussed earlier. By giving birth to a new cursed nation, would the Quran become false? No, it is never, rather God is Most Artful in His tricks and defeat them bringing a new events in that. Any other sector may say that after the fall off Rome reign over Jerusalem the meaning of the said verse fulfilled. “For them are glad tidings, in the life of the present and the hereafter; no change can there be: in the Words Allah, this is indeed the supreme felicity”. Sura 10 verse 64 Quran. Whoever believes in one God, and follows His Apostle, for him there is good news in the world and hereafter. Who became claimant of Prophet after Mohammed (peace and blessing of God be upon him), he preached that such type of tidings of God is his credit and he became peer, a religious teacher. In future, they will increase the chair of Prophets to seat in the throne. They do not want to become public but they want chair of prime minister. They think about like a saint what he thought about the rotation of rain, which has no end. However, the saint believes in it that when there is beginning end is also there. However, the sect (who is claimant of Prophets one after another) does not agree that there is an end and according to them prophets will arrive all the time, periods concern. In fact, in 1947, U.N.O passed the law of Israel state and gave a birth to a child nation through law. Why times and again talk of Israel comes about to write down the book. It is obviously may arise in one’s mind. Therefore, it is His desires and He is Who undertakes this as verse revealed in Quran. The other reason is that in the Hadith what related about a stone, it will give witness if any Jews lie concealed in that country. In practical man knows that a stone does not speak out but in relation to Moses (peace of God be upon him) it proved its power. (Therefore which have power it speaks man knows not it. In super computer era what speaks not! That is the period, at super computer era, Jesus would arrive, so God revealed through a wise man stone will give witness, other then this one finds no meaning of it.) In other way annotation of the nature such that in silence it speaks. Saying about the Israel and its formed narrated it that it is against the verse of Quran. Opportunists may take chance of it to criticize the matter. However, what one felt about the verse had taken it as a root of the writings, act of writings would go forward in better way as well as the life history of own. What to talk about one who explained the hidden meanings of the verse, more than this “Mareful Quran” had pointed out one’s attention ever before and wrote down a long history which discussed later. There is nothing new in it. It is easy to say that when unbelievers and conspirators plotted to build up a new cursed nation then God Who is best in tricks plotted a great plan over it thus a person born in 1947 in a fixed time to bring forward his speeches before the general. Reply of this matter, God knows better. Only as an introducer, the person has taken it to discharge his duties and responsibilities. If anyone has more questions to ask, one should ask to nature that one feels reasonable. “The hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the fire; no helper wilt thou find for them”. Sura 4 verse 145 Quran. Double face men are more dangerous than the unbelievers are. In one side they introduce them as Muslim other hand they try to find out the faults in the verses. Finding no fault in them they misinterpret the verse and impress it to others to fell them also into grieves. In them Mosi Kadiani sect is one and different. Mosi Kadiani becomes for some time Jesus, again for some time Mehdi and some time Mahdi. Mahdi means one who received the revelation of God. Saying as like as Jesus they ask the question to say like Jesus, would it a crime? (In fact, what is hidden in mind keeping it secret from others they preach their ideology). Mosi Kadiani revealed that without the death of Jesus, revival of Islam would not possible. Their all sorts of erroneous theology had effected the environment of world. Especially at this stage, these types of ideas, which had grown in them, created misunderstanding and reaction among the people. (It forecasted earlier that Jesus though once upon a time was a prophet, in his present arrival would not become a claimant of prophet.) Who is in the list of prophets but not claimed so, the false prophet became a prophet and received the revelation of God by adding the name Mahdi (received the Revelation). God knows better how far the claimant is acceptable to Him. In this period, anybody comes and say that he is none but Jesus even then people will not believe it. Coming to the world again Jesus definitely find out the illusive theology of Ahmediat sect declare to all the Quran is truth of God ( because the Quran only cleared off all profane languages what Jews used against him and his mother). Hearing such verdict others including Mosi Kadiani go against him. Because a many Mosi writer under the King writer will arrive. Day after day, it will increase. In no case one should forget third period is a period for those, and a period comes in then they would not get time to rectify.( in the light of Mareful Quran). Near the door of irritable truth the lies veiled, There is some truth in a rumor, The history you revealed is of own, See the revelation in new Bible and word of cross, Did Allah say total happenings a lie! Such type of truth may call the history. Man cannot do any sorts of deeds without the help of God but evil deeds have done with the instigation of Satan or own, good deeds done with the help of God. Writings false as a history are count as heinous act. There is proverb: not all rumors are true but cause is true. Therefore, whatever heard, something is there. For that reason, one should not hurt their heart. They revealed in one of the book, there would arrive two Mosi’s (in Bengali) or writers. At least one is he and desire to get a high position and a chair. Who is so great man in introduction (may be one of the evildoers) no one should stop him without giving his appropriate remuneration for the deeds done until then he or his sect would continue their deeds to bring forward before the people. There is a proverb: What is lotted cannot be blotted. What has written in luck man cannot change it. What had fixed in fate that one would express the same. If anyone say about cross then it is to say that all arrangement had done to crucify those victims. The scene was before the eyes of the people and a man alike Jesus hung up in cross. The story was not baseless (God revealed about it). Graving a man without proof one cannot say it is of Jesus and cannot tell historical matter. To grave a man at Kashmir what it is, it is like a tomb of Khizir peace of God be upon him (an old man with whom Moses had a talk in that period). In Bangladesh, so many tombs of Khizir peace of God upon him one will find. Not only one but also so many tombs of popular religious teachers are still available in Bangladesh where no dead body of those persons would found. (It is a matter of meditation of some other good religious person that said tombs build up in the name of those famous person as they spiritually arrived in that place) . In fact, their tomb still shows to others in Arabian country where their dead body place in the grave. This kind of history is like throwing a stone in the darkness. Although this rationalistic sect does not believe in blind the Quran as Muslim. “If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods beside Allah, there would have been confusion in both! But glory to Allah, the Lord of the throne: (high is He) above what they attribute to Him!” Sura 21 verse 22 Quran. The above verse is very easy to understand and universal that if any other false gods were present except one God there would have disorder, frictions, misunderstanding, hostilities and warfare among themselves. (That is what non-Muslim bring in into the heart and pray to too many gods). Of seeing Mosi Kadiani’s statement, it understood that God sent revelation to him from Whom Moses, Jesus and other prophets got the divine messages. According to Mosi Kadiani”s statement, there is no doubt in it and with Whom the person had a conversation is also stated the same God. As a result, both of them telling a lie before the general; other side one of them definitely telling a lie and based on falsehood. How to justify which statement is true. Who is right and who is wrong. Then the matter has to leave in the hand of readers and intellectuals. However, Mosi Kadiani did not do so. The Christian believes in three gods, the father, the son and holy soul.) Mosi Kadiani could not bring in any proves these three gods to one place. (There is nothing with him to prove it). The nature bestowed a person to tell: he is the father, he is the son, and he is the holy soul “ruhh”. However, the person is none but a man. When a period is over then another events come in (what fixed before hand). Men divided into many sects, sub sects and groups (it seen that old Bible attached with Injil or new Bible and the Jews became the friend of the Christian leaving the Muslim aside). A many are not keeping their eyes on the Hadiths; but why? Where is that person who has to come, for whom so many people are waiting eagerly? For whom people are waiting he got a title from God, that is why he called Isha Mosi, and Jesus Mosi. Another hand who took title himself as emperor of writer, he called as Mosi “A” or Mosi “B” or emperor Mosi Ahmed Kadiani. “Of the people there are some who say; we believe in Allah and the Last day: but they do not (really) believe, but they only deceive themselves realize (it) not”. Sura 2 verses 8 and 9 Quran. In the above verse what revealed said person are two faces man. Only reading a Kalema that is there is none except God and Mohammed is His apostle (Rasul) is not enough to become a Muslim. Two faces man keep their legs on two boats and do not hesitate to do so. They so such that they say; end of prophet means not real end of it but it is for a period. (They quoted some example of the word, which used before for the end of prophet still then prophets came after a period). The word “seal” used for a period and seal means a ring used for sealing. Therefore, the prophet Mohammed may peace and blessing of God upon him is not a last prophet but a greatest one. Agreeing upon their theology may one ask a question to them that there is no end of prophet’s arrival until the day of Resurrection, and therefore, he should come out with the appropriate logics and revelation of God (not the revealed portion of Ahmediat but firm proofs. If not, get away from the path come to the right way as others. No matter to err is human, whatever done is done, come back to Faith because virtue prevail over evil one day). If there is an end then all created things has an end except God and His knowledge. Two faces man only try to find out ambiguous word and different meaning, which is not subject concern to bring in prophets after prophet. Constructing a base on sand or lie no body can reach at the top position, it is next to possible. Dam constructed by sand goes off with the little hurt of sea wave so as the evil will of foolhardy can easily detect by eyes. “ But those who reject Faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of Faith- never will their repentances be accepted : for they are those who have ( of set purpose) gone astray”. Sura 3 verse 90 Quran. Those who say that name of a place “ kadian” is in Quran, what Mosi Kadiani proposed in written to God, in reply God approed it and as a sign the red ink of pen while God giving an approval (due to spray to take out ink from pen) the ink of the pen fall down to shirt ( Punjabi a cloth). What a fantastic legend it is! They are absolutely miss-explanators and disown person of true Hadiths. Otherside they read the “kalema” there is none to pray except God Mohammed is His apstole (Rasul). For that, reason only none can say them unbelievers. Mosi Mirza Golam Ahmed Kadiani saw the light of the world in 1985 on 13th February, Friday in the morning at Punjab.( Mosi according to New and old Bible). His parents name is Mirza Golam Murtuza and Mrs. Cherag Bibi successively. It conveyed to the people to justify right or wrong the information may require. “Knowest thou not that to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth? And besides Him ye have neither patron nor helper”. Sura 2 verse 107 Quran. If any one goes to debate with the particular sect, they will play tricks putting false and thousand of examples, which are base on lie. (A prophet always respect other Prophets what Muslims Know better than any other sects do). It happened so that Mosi Kadiani denied the supernatural activities of Jesus in a public gathering where the Christians were present. It was a historical gathering to hear about Mosi Kadiani’s claim to becoming a false Jesus; why he denied the fact, which is very clear in Quran. Because he is to win in that debate what held some where in America; (that is not the quality of a prophet). In relation to the fact, God bestowed a person such power of nature, which would not create any clash among the people. It would never require asking a question to the said person. Because the nature, the land and the time these three will never tell a lie. “O people of the God, even then would you look at the matter and look at it silently? Then know it that the sovereignty of the nature of the worlds and the sky in the Hand of God”. One came to know the date of birth of Mosi Kadiani when he arrived in the world there was nothing happened irregular so that God need to sent him for any special act to accomplish it. In this regards God knows better. To fulfill the date of Sura 3(55) of Quran, one is to arrive what one defined (its better knowledge in them who are experts). Before the time Mosi Kadiani arrived as a claimant (the events not known to him) of Jesus. The arrival of him, as like as, when God determined to settle man in the world, Satan instigated Adam and Eve peace of God upon them both to eat the prohibited fruits thus they all came to the worlds to dwell and will of Satan fulfilled in evil way. In that period the cursed nation of the Jews was not born. Mosi Kadiani had even in knowledge about the state that a country as like as would take place in world map. As a result, his all arguments made to say: when will of God was settle down man in the world Satan did the thing earlier with evil plan to punish the man by instigating to eat prohibited fruit and so to fulfill his evilness up to his satisfaction. People laugh at your wordings, A long dwelling in the world (of Prophet Jesus) Has no history, no proof of it, A word of full aged had not accomplished, Whatsoever in the Holy Book had not proof, (If one) Wants to know the reason of making a long bridge, (Growth of population increases day by day. It is one of the factor that the religion what one learns from boyhood it act upon in that person strongly. Whatever the religion is one originates its true in one’s mind without comparing with others. One becomes to thousand without any sorts of publication due to increase of population). Neglecting and criticizing the theology of Mosi Kadiani and his sect near about one hundred and fifty years passed away. Still then, their ill activities have been going on everywhere. It is less possible to stop it until and unless one of them should come forward with the truth to hold it up. (In addition, it is applicable for all religions too. May God help in it). It does not mean at all that they are running in right way. “He will speak to the people in maturity” the sect disagree upon it thus they are unbelievers by denying the verse of Quran. (Argument placed against it that he had already spoken at Kashmir). What they discovered a historical grave of Jesus definitely there would have a mythology which should have to bring forward to the Christian and too Muslims. It believed that nothing they would produce before the general. However, for argument sake they blame the (nature) that whatever gone never comes back (about arrival of Jesus). So far, knowledge goes the nature will behave against their thinking and one by one signs will come forward in front of the people before the day of resurrection. They will remain strict on their point until the time what had written before hand. (So is the case for the arrogant people also). Advancement of a few signs before the arrival of Jesus quoted in the Holy Books. These books are the witness as geometrical prove, in that a sign is pronoun the word “He” meant for Jesus in a verse of Quran, in spite of Jesus evil doers will become claimant of Jesus and tell that pronoun “He” word is used for that evil person. People will know that would become another geometrical theorem for that evil person. Does he or his sect wanted to prove such pronoun “he” used in Quran for Jesus turning the word as “he” for Mosi Kadiani? If the claimant cannot prove he is Jesus then arrow of Krishna bow will follow them to hit as a missile at the back though it is a computer era. (At present world improved and the instrument and equipment of war is also improved then what is the use of Krishna arrow and Bow). When it rains, there is none in the world, a bared can save from a drop of that rains. It is belongs to God and most powerful in all respect. Even it is thousand times more powerful than a modern bomb. A road constructed very long and bridge made on the ocean so that every one can pass by from east to west. It is for not only brother’s relationship but also to follow last and final warning of God. (There is no other way to go right and left for a man). “He said; ‘O Adam! Dwell thou and thy life in the garden; and eat of the bountiful things there in as (where and when) ye will, but approach not this tree or ye run into harm and transgression. Then did Satan make them slip from the (garden), and get them out of the state said; “Get ye down, all (ye people) with enmity between yourselves on earth will be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a time”. Sura 2 verses 35&36 Quran. (Was it known to people that the man lived in the heaven as well as in the earth). In the sky or heaven man can live on and all arrangements made to produce food or alike for one to live on. The sky meant for an unseen border or a barrier but not for to mean nothing or vacant. God revealed that He created seven firmaments and equal land under them. There all creatures like animals are there. Persuading Adam and Eve Satan made them disgraceful filling up selfish desire. Willingness of God to settle man in the world happened but Satan evilness proved through an ill activity done by Adam and Eve. Willingness of God fulfilled by evil deed of Satan, at earlier what God wanted to do Satan made it hurry with evil deed. Sometimes it happened in some cases. Satan is first enemy of man. He always tries to do evil job before hand to get his companion and their strength to increase. With great desire, people are waiting for the arrival of Jesus. Before hand, Satan induced a man to become Jesus. Perhaps man knows it that sly and knavery increases when one think about evilness. Although all points about arrival of Jesus touched near by but could not bring out truth. (Mosi Kadiani) with the help of Satan tried to proof all but gave a shape of miss explanation of verses, Hadiths and own made legend of Jesus. Misunderstanding and conflict between groups to group have been going on by giving own arguments regarding the verses and arrival of Jesus. There should an end of it, but it takes time to do so. Man does not know when Jesus will arrive and how. However, Satan is very clever in that evil sense. He understands by seeing signs in the sky. He wants to fulfill his desire by increasing labors in his own country. For that, he applies all his tricks. In his tricks who, falls they pray to the sun and the moon, on behalf of sun and moon Satan speaks out and convince the man telling them sun and moon are power, gods. In the way, he increases the strength of his own. In that, greedy people also fall on love of lie of Satan. They agreed upon on his devil stipulations and utter what Satan teaches (if one does not say sun is god then there one has found any result of one’s work. It is such that devotion of man to a bad thing and pray to it Satan makes it successful, which cannot stand in front of truth. It is a devil power given to him). Mean and selfish person abide by his evil suggestion and get companionship with him. “If a suggestion from Satan assails thy (mind) seek refuge with Allah for He heareth and knoweth (all things)”. Sura 7 verse 200 Quran. God advises the man to seek help if he falls on trap of Satan. It is the habit of Satan to compromise and suggest evil to an ignorant. The Quran is the principal of all rules laid down unaltered. In that case, some one put down one’s own verdict that prophets in Islam would arrive all the time and periods concern, which against the law of Quran. It may bring destruction for the Muslims. These types of people so not hesitate to say that such new type of prophets are the best of all Prophets passed by. Possessing such notion in their mind, they take part in religion gathering which cause to engage in a quarrel. (Even one will find separate Mosque for those arrogant people). Man has no ability to fight with the nature. In silence the man, tolerate the rules and unruly behaviors of nature: neither the man can say anything to nature nor they can revolt against the nature. The Signs laid down in different Holy Books what nature going to reveal before the eyes of people that the truth philosophy of Quran, Hadiths, new Bible and old Bible would go into astray if one does not listen it. That time nature itself revolt against the people who disagree the Signs of God. Some verses had revealed in new Bible about the arrival of Jesus. One is “And the sun, the moon etc. will not remain constant”. Verse (24:17) new Bible Mathew. Point to note that in the verse two periods added at a time. In its meaning (1) one is that at the arrival period of Jesus nothing in the sky will remain constant position (as it revealed in the Quran ever before). It was never that stars, sun and moon fixed in a place but the man had no knowledge of it before the year of 1928. Everything moves on in its own orbit centering another world what it said in Quran. (When man discovered the sun and the moon also move around others, at that time, where Mosi Kadiani had live on. He has gone away in the year of 1908). He had no knowledge of it. In that, sense to become a claimant of Jesus is a point to note here. (2) The verse is a signs of the day of resurrection, which revealed in Quran. All things will reduce to dust and new world will come in shape. (It has narrated in the light of Quran). For the reason a long bridge all over the ocean made, In the Quran not revealed such wordings (a long life Jesus), How do you say there is no witness? There is no document or messages of God, If so then bring out his (Jesus) wordings (O man) has the Quran revealed the truth. Construction of an imaginary bridge in a poem applied the power of nature for all religions and Warners of religions to accommodate all in Quran (in practical); they may be of Hindu, non-Hindu, Buddhists, Christians, Jews and Muslims. Whoever wishes he can pass the bridge from one end to other end. It built up from east to west through Middle East not for only to suppose but to create goodwill among own selves. For that, immediate steps might have to taken. (God is unique and His representative has not parted). In the poem, repeatedly the sentence of Quran tried to explain, “He will speak to the people in maturity” is word of God has special act of power, which not revealed for other prophets. He died of or alive in the sky has not the matter at all to fight each other. (Will of God comes to shape). However, justify that the sentence revealed in Quran has thoroughly filled or not. Some one confirms the matter that Jesus speaking in maturity had filled up (due to his long life stay in Kashmir) then one should come forward with clear documents that these are the Jesus wording. (Because a Prophet does his duties and responsibilities on behalf of God and people are the witness of it). An ordinary speaking and legend are not sufficient to prove the matter as God revealed a sentence for him especially. An extraordinary and remarkable life history is to bring forward in order to the verse. Its necessity has gone in high meaning is widen upto great extend. If one unable to do the action narrated it must consider that their all efforts are made of own theology and whatever they put forward for the people intellectuals of all sects consider it the way they like. Should one ask the people to resist their miss explanation by taking appropriate measure against opponent? (Of course, it is one right to write but cannot slaughter a cow on her back; if so society would not excuse the person). Almost all commentators agreed upon that the Quran written ever before although the events happened time to time accordingly the verses revealed ( it is a matter of commonsense of one that whenever one wants to construct a house must first think and second comes to give a shape requires a map then it comes to a form. The Quran required for men revealed only otherwise all plan are lying in the hand of God). As stated before if so happened then the arrival of Jesus is true what had written before against the law of nature. (Think what God cannot do!) One must go through the sentence in the verse mentioned 3(46) and in the light of 43(61) one should ask his conscious is he not the same Jesus? There is nothing to become astonish to speak in maturity which is not a divine events to consider but divine words lies in Quran has unbounded importance for all. The words revealed in Quran according to commentators divine events to happen. So all Muslims must believe repeat must believe in Quran. “In the name of Allah Most gracious, Most Merciful. A L M Allah! There is no god but He- the living the self- subsisting, Eternal. It is He Who sent to thee (step by step) in truth the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of Judgment between right and wrong)”. Sura 3 verses 1-3 Quran. The Quran is a Holy Book supporting all others Holy Books ever sent before by God. (Some commentators commented that the book is replica of old Bible and new Bible. Question is that why should it not be so when God is one and unique)? The arrival of Jesus turned down by Miss Explanators taking out the name of Jesus put up the name of own for great selfishness only in the Quran. (However, God is himself defender of the book). What is to do with it? There are other Holy Books available in the world where miss interpreters can able to put down own name. The readers easily can see and realize the matter. In these, sense seeing and believing is most appropriate. Although these Holy Books written by a many writers so words of God not exactly put on thus its meaning changed. However, to say about the arrival of Jesus they had nothing to gain in politically selfishness. Perhaps those verses remained unchanged same it was so. The Christian and the Jews both the society could not accept the Quran as a Holy Book. Therefore, they had intention to prove the Holy Book false. (Not all but those who understand that a new Holy Book enforce on them rather religious teachers of their respective sects). As a result, they miscast and propagated against the Quran. Job done has an output of either side good or bad. Rewards of it operate gets in the world and hereafter. To form a new state Israel had number of conspirators (who understand the Quran thoroughly and know about the discussed verse 3 (55) among the Jews, they instigated their brothers who control the economy of the world in other way convinced them for a new state for the Jews) had involve in it with other leaders of the Christian. The view of those Jews (religious teachers) to prove the Quran is false (which kept in mind secret). On the other side, the Christian thought on humanitarian ground a state need for them. Understanding or not understanding the Christian mixed up with the Jews forgetting not to tell that the Quran is the word of Mohammed peace and blessing of God upon him. The heart of those people burnt inside in making a secret plot in them against the Muslims. The conspirators did not find any fault in Quran (but making the rules of Quran women has given equal share on their wealth) for long fourteen hundred years. When the chance came in their hand wanted to win in the cool war against Quran which had they possess in heart declaring a state in the assembly with the combination of a few countries British, France, America and Russia. (Those religious teachers got peace in mind forming a state against the verse of Quran what thought in mind has proved. However, real thing they know not). “They said, ‘O Zul-qarnain! The Gog and Magog (people) do great mischief on earth shall we then render thee tribute in order that thou mightest erect a barrier between us and them”? Sura 18 verse 94 Quran. (Gog and magog are everywhere in the world. one is to hear the true though it bitter substance for some. True cannot overlap by a lie for long time. Prophet David and Prophet Jesus uttered what a curse it is to that’s nation! That where people growth in other places one is to thousand but in low land of the world (Israel) people growth thousand is to one, as a result, curse uttered made prove that all religious people, one will find in every country but cursed people, one will not find in so many countries). God revealed a many Holy Books to the people systematically, there description of Gog and Magog were clearly made up for the people to understand well that Mosi Dazzal (miss interpreters and conspirators) and Gog and Magog, they all create disorderliness in the world by any means. The thing is narrated in Old Bible with a long history as a future happening (prophecy) of some prophet. Events what to happen that all happened and rest will happen according to the Holy Books. People will not hear it nor will they look into the matter deeply continuing their ancestor’s theory and theology they would remain stand still in their own position. God will do everything to show the signs to the men as well as Jinns whom people do not see naturally to bring them all to the right way of maintaining peace all over the world. If the words (of God) fulfilled why it is empty then, Who is he wearing reddish blood sheet garments Who called him in secret name when absorbed in meditation? On a white colored horse trust worthy a man, A man seen white colored flag in his hand, Words of Allah (Kalema) is everywhere in the world-renowned. Why the readers did not find rest of the life history after the crucification had held as a written history if the miss expounder were confirm about their notion that Jesus got his maturity life. The poem asked the same subject from that person who discovered the grave of Jesus. The reason behind the matter is the Jews killed him in the cross, the Christian gave a life to dead body and a few Muslim commentators explained the matter Jesus was nearly dead but that Muslims did not leave to take the prophet in cross. The explanation given by the intellectuals nearly dead person cured putting the verses wording God is wise and Most Powerful. However, a few said that after re-awoken God raised him up, which has met together with Christian, and they have documents new Bible. Another person who awoke him up from nearly dead stated same verse as others but wanted to speak Jesus in maturity to fulfill another verse in Quran with an evil design in him. In one side that sect wanted to prove Jesus had spoken in maturity miss explaining the verse 3 (46) denying the total fact of the Christian believes that Jesus was alive for (more 77 years) long time which had no prove till today. They discovered the historical event that against new Bible too. (A man tells one lie to cover it he is to add more ten lies to bring into a little true shape but no longer it stand for). Man is for the man, one taking any part at sorrow ness and happiness of others that belongs to no religion. The man who lost himself finding no difference between man to man that period he reached a saturation point, which shows the way of God. (In saturation point, all materials gains so power that one cannot believe it but scientist know it well. The more one divided the more it gains). There is only one person in the world that put on the dress of hunter a reddish sheet (Buddha). In the poetry whom addressed with reddish sheet gave preference to a religion service of human kind best of all. In all religion allowed taking asceticism leaving aside own family other than Islam. Generally, those persons put on the reddish sheets. In order to that the Hadith (words of Mohammed SM) revealed that the person had who come near would put on two reddish sheets to cover the body. Same wording used in New Bible/ Injil that blood sheets wearing man had who to come second time and had a hidden name. In that dormant name, he may renowned again. It found that Mohammed (SM) wished to journey riding on a white horse even he had become commander-in-chief of army sometime. The people respected him in a name Amen that means believed-person. He fought all along of his life for equality, amity, fraternity and unity. Following his step Jesus would land again taking in hand a white flag to combine all people of the world under the peace-flag. “Whoever works righteousness Man or Woman, and has Faith verily to him will we give a new life, a life that is good and pure, and we will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions. Sura 16 verse 97 Quran. Man and woman to God is equal for doing righteous deeds in lieu of that both equally enjoy in the world and hereafter. (Some commentators pulling down the woman stated few verse in narrow sense only man wills enjoy. even as a mother woman given three times more importance than the father is. Under the feet of mother the heaven of son lies. In that, sense she is above all, considering the case of husband given more preference than the wife is. For physical strength, an economical factor of the family responsibility lies with man mainly). There is question that man would enjoy getting “Hur” and “Galman” in the heaven. (Hur and Galman are also creation of God to reward the righteous man and woman for their enjoyment). However, both of them are equal in the eyes of God and equal share has given to all. Dear readers, returning to the discussion about the verse 3(55) , so far the explanators explained and resumed in mind that Israel is not a state. However, it agreed that a state would form before the day of resurrection. (Let them define the state at present holding a place in World map, what it would address as). It is miss explanation of some person. Therefore, it must come to consider that the Will of God proved and Israel is an independent state. (The event happened and the time would never come back). One will find the true when people will start thinking that Israel is definitely a state that had to born before the day of resurrection then the truth of God will come out. (Otherwise, people would wait and wait under the palm tree of desert for some one but they would not find him out). That time people think over about Jesus where he is at present. Once words God fulfilled then another event will come forward and it will happen. “And before thee also the apostles we sent were but men, to whom we granted inspiration; if ye realize this, not ask of those who possess the message. (We sent them) with clear signs and books of dark prophecies and We have sent down unto thee (also) the message; that thou mayest explain clearly to men what is sent for them and that they may give thought. Sura 16 verses 43and 44 Quran. God never beget as a man. The creator knows about the best. The engineer or scientist making parts examine its capability first then put it on the machine. The engineer never becomes parts or machine. (Earlier it said that men do not invent but discover. Cause is that what one invents today tomorrow it becomes discover. God has created it ever before, man follows his knowledge only). A few sects believe in a theology that man as a shadow of God arrives to the world to preach the religion to others. In many religions these kind of notion prevails until to day. In Hinduism, it mostly found that Basu (real name of Krishna) Dev or Krishna came as a shadow of God and the real Krishna is God; who is shapeless at his position. Islam does not accept it. So is the case with the Christian. These type of notions if prevail in any sects to rectify them the verse of Quran defined that God sent men neither angel nor He is. He bestowed them book of knowledge to rectify others. The Christian believes in three God such as Father, Son and Holy soul. Aim of writings the book to remove the ideas from them that the nature bestowed one these three thing at a time to show to the people where as one is simply a man. One is father, son and above Holy soul. Dear readers a many description about it one will find soon, hoping so. Whatever it is, retuning to early one wish to say win and defeat rests on the hand of God. Which are win, which is defeat only proved when time passes? Such as a treaty of ‘Hudabya’ was hold at the period of Mohammed (SM). Evil conspirators gave a birth of a nation keeping in mind they won but it might defeat them. God does His own deed and it is His duty to show man. Until and unless they realize the truth of God, they had to suffer mentally. “Jesus said them, behold! None should come to you to cheat saying or taking his name that he is the same (Jesus). The person would tell it he might to cheat a many people.” (13: 5 and 6 Mark, New Bible). Those two verses of New Bible, Mark, Mathew, Luke and Jonah had revealed everywhere respectively. Before the arrival of Jesus, a many people would become the claimant of Jesus. The verses above warned the people to remain away from those false Jesus. Those who already fall down on the trap of false Jesus have a chance to come back to the right way. One of the Hadith of Mohammed (SM) related that near about thirty people would claim themselves Jesus son of Mary (false Jesus). In this connection, the Muslims are a head than the Christian. In super computer era if anyone get into the theology of false Jesus and believe it for that self is responsible. (Cause is that what one writing from east can reach to west like lightening if any kind heated person publishes it on wave). Due to advancement in science, present world reached in position communicating with each other and choose the best. Man can understand better than the ever before in this era. In Islam, more then thirty people had become the claimant of Jesus (false Jesus). Claimant of Imam Mehdi is not also less. The coming of Imam in some sects is still going on that society. Although they heard nothing about who had to come near future. Such as, the sect of Ismaili, there Imam resides in England. They have their fortieth Imam, perhaps in England. Other than the sect, another sect is still in Islam though that one is not large in number, named sect of Bahauddin. The followers of Bahauddin faithful to the doctrine own sect. They also believe that Bahauddin is Imam Mehdi. Leaving those sects Mosi kadiani proved that thirty false Jesus gone off and he was the claimant of Jesus as well as Imam Mehdi, who claimed as thirty-first men. (Of course, he knew well in between a man would arrive, that person was Mosi Dazzal. What he did? He made a Dazzal who was father of some church Dr.Jon Alex ender Dew of America.) The Muslim may believe or not this sect has missionaries near about in one hundred thirty countries. Almost in all country, they have their own Mosque spending huge amount those are constructed. They are the persons who lifted him up arranging to seat on a high chair. They should not forget it that a many countries wrote down in his fore head “kafer” / unbelievers according to Hadiths. Without the signs of God, if anyone convinced of one’s logic only then let him leave to yield. (Yet they are to remember that if one’s forehead a thing has written, it is for all those who follow him). “While you heard about Great War, its news spread out everywhere, that time does not afraid of it. No doubt, in it happened still then it is not an end. One nation will fight against another nation; one country will fight against another country. In a many places, earthquake and famine would take place. However, it is the beginning of agony only. (13: 7 and 8) Mark, New Bible. In connection to the arrival of Jesus, those two verses are Quoted, and same description revealed in Hadiths. These Hadiths have narrated in the beginning of fore cast according to the religion of Islam. In that Great World War, earthquake and famine are mentionable. For a man to identify newly these things are not required at present. It saw that a man had come before the events happened giving his own identity as a king of Mosi. He did not forget to take own title owns-self as an emperor of pen. (If Imam Gazzaly had been alive, he would also afraid of him). He and his sect deceived a large group of people that one would not like to tell but using bandy words, falseness and wheedling languages brought them under control was important to say. According to the wording of Jesus, the events one would see in the beginning of his arrival era. (These are his wordings that had to come in near future. Avoiding all this documents one asserted his opinion and firmed in believed that person was none but Jesus. How one had come before the events held asking a question to them those followed the false Jesus until today?) Opinion of the experts the era started from 1914 when the Great World War took place. The war is one of sign of his (Jesus) wordings. With a long talk and loud voice that asserted himself the one claimant should not neglect him because, he might that one who had to come before Jesus. (Why to blame Dr. John Alex ender Dew for the matter, that person did not believe in Islam. So any Muslim can say him unbelievers nothing new in it.) According to all Holy Books, the claimant is one who had to come before Jesus proved. Has the matter not proof that other than Islamic religion books one brought in other religion books too. However, the challenge given by Mosi Kadiani on is to come out with the own religion book. If one is to contest with him. Had the deeds done producing all religion books not enough? Who knoweth him in a secret name in the universe? A gesture of Endless has hidden in fourteen letters With the name of Allah, the name is dormant and hidden with true loves He raised him up near to Him. This type of speech revealed too many ways, Exploring the meaning of such every one not dies. In the New Bible, it found that Jesus had a dormant name. Therefore, the name Basu is a real name of Krishna, in practical research while one deeply thought and thought but could not make out anything. The nickname kept the parents being a Muslim researched thoroughly what took him on the way to write in better by overcoming all problems so far one faced. From nickname, research started and as a poor Muslim had found nothing but the Quran considering New Bible, wherein a verse found. In that, Jesus had lived with God. Whose name was Kalam? Accepting it advancement of writings is proceeding on. The word kalams used in many ways to make understand firstly logic then Kalam means in broad book of God. God sent a many Holy books near about one hundred four among them four are famous. Not as a Muslim but in true sense the Quran is the gist of all religion books so far one gained. For analyzing the subject matter name has become most important at present to sketch the life of Jesus in addition to one. So other than, the nickname the real name Kalam has become very much effective in various factors. One thought that Kalam of God is also The Quran why his name should not hold there. Thinking came in mind seeing the evilness of Mosi Kadiani who put his name by force in a place. In fact, one could not make it out if would not go through the book of Hinduism. The nickname collected from one of the book and came back to New Bible to find out what is Alpha and Omega of Hebrew language. The way it has narrated in Bengali is sort but to say. In name concern, one’s name is Kalam. Kalam is knowledge of God. In that sense, one can say that Kalam is with God. God is All Knowing. However, Kalam is God accepting not truly. One thought that Kalam definitely the Quran what meant for the Jesus wording where he uttered mentioning he is the beginning and the end. It is the case of every prophet that all prophets said so. In research it found true, the event is for all. When an engineer prepares a thing its beginning and ending is there. Going back to the Quran, the alphabet used in Hebrew Alpha and Omega researched. Some commentators had different opinions on the letters. They mix up the alphabet with Allah; it is their own opinion and thought. All languages belong to God. Where beginning and ending are there, God is not there. Because God has no end, He is endless. The alphabet used in Hebrew it is for Jesus. (Ex. for example books written by William Shakespeare had written it from the original book of Shakespeare, which prepared long ago than he arrived.)Therefore, William Shakespeare is the beginning of ending of his book. Assuming the thought of one tried to explain the subject. Moreover, Mr. Bahauddin and Mosi Kadiani helped one to go ahead in writings as they stated the Quran and their own theory. It is not only one thought but also the Christian took it in believe that those letter were for Jesus. One had firm determination definitely in Quran there is some clue of it as the Jesus is not for Muslim only would arrive. In research, God made a way to find out the clue and solve the problems of writings elaborately. Long explanation has given just to understand well about the letters quoted a head. (When times come near for some one arrival a many rumors and prophecies of astronomers widespread and evildoers act upon on it on their own way as guided by their company leader Satan.) The nickname consists of two letters in Bengali “B” and “S” is similar in Quran that it started with letter “B” and ended at letter “S”. The purpose of these two letters is emancipative for one writer to unite the people of the world under a flag named white flag. In Arabic, there are 29 letters but one does not count it, its name is “Hamza”. It becomes twenty-eight letters. If one divides them then it becomes fourteen. God has sent 14 letters in Arabic man cannot understand them so to say half of the Quran is difficult to understand well. However, one found in the world who understand the Quran and there is none to compete with him. Other sect miss explaining the verses without understanding science raised a question how Jesus had been living in the sky without any food. (Man is mortal but he does not die. The more one looses in this world the more he gains in other world). The question is raise by the update people of the sect who claimed himself moderate and very wise. How a man lives in the sky at present age need to define more. God made all arrangement for man to live there also. The sky had never been vacant; it is all full of other materials which men come to know. It is the ignorance of one who gathered others too who least understand about science. They do not believe the Quran where it has revealed clearly that God has created seven firmament and equal land under it where He spread out all animals and other necessary things. (If any scientist only research this verse of Quran he would become astonish what a creation it is!) Those who believe in other religion let them ask God woke up those persons who had been resting for three hundred years in a mountain cave. Still we do not say they died. Is it impossible for God to bring a man from sky or from any place He likes. If so then read book minutely how He brought a man from the sky at present world as well as from other world too. To woke them up from a mountain cave after three hundred years, is not a question of out of nature! Only the question came out for Jesus arrival, one is asking them to reply. What God shows to the men for teaching or as an example that is always against the nature, there logics become ineffective. As a Muslim, one cannot say that Jesus died, because it ended while the Ruler of Rome arrested him. Rest all has confusion according to the Quran. Whether he had died or not God knows better. Once the Quran said it is a fiction of God then none is to clarify it other way. Thousand and one proves men produced so far but none became true. “Turn ye back in repentance to Him, and fear Him: Establish regular prayers, and be not ye among those who join gods with Allah, those who split up their Religion, and become (Mere) sects,-each party rejoicing in that which is with itself! Sura 30 verses 31 and 32 Quran. God himself declared that those who created own ideology other than Islam thinking their ideology is appropriate and separated to a many parts they had gone to astray. They are unbelievers. There should be one religion all over the world because God is one and unique and His religion is one. (A magnet never stands for east to west; it has its own religion so is nature and all. Therefore, God religion for the men is one. Although men get fruitful result, devoting towards statue it is because of evil power given to Satan. God is so kind that He never stops feed of anybody.) Dividing ness had been running from the very beginning because men found free willingness say twenty to twenty five percent ( when an engineer designs a part it works with a limitation of plus or minus), so is the case of men. Presently men advanced more and more and understanding well want to prove own ideology-bringing logics. One is very much sure with advancement of science the world has become small in communication other respect too. Of course, whatever they bring in as a logics and philosophy in some extend they may be true but in long run, it becomes false in comparison with the Quran. There is no contradiction in between science and Quran and philosophy. If so one is to think deeply why it is happen so, there is something wrong in it. What is wrong and what is right, who will justify other than God. Convincing others some one brings forward such logics as if put off the light of the Almighty Allah and His virtues. It is never last long. They do not find fittest logics and arguments to put forward but bring out some logics of Satan and through his instigation; they stand for the time being. Their all logics and arguments go to astray by the hurt of true, which is very, enlighten in this book. God will keep up His promise above all. Nothing is unknown to Him. (When one tunes his radio or wireless at a time various signal come in, one is to find out which one his controlling station but evil receive the signal of Satan out of ten tones. This is how Satan instigates the men.) “Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in truth, in order to strengthen those who believe, and as a Guide and tidings to Muslims.” Sura 16 verse 102 Quran. All religious Holy books are the wordings of God. Islam does agree upon it. Unfortunately, a few shows overmuch ness at issue in a debate. True Muslim leaves on God to make an end of it. However, the philosopher and other few criticize the matter that when they cannot make out anything that time they leave to God. The volume of the book is going to increase than the Bengali but to say something on it one is to write at length. God forbade men not to think about Him but man is mysterious to know about Him. It is well to think about God but not to find out, in what shape He is or how He lives on etc. still men go through it at variance with to find the clue and many men many minds bring out the conception. As a result, sects and sub sects have formed and one nation divides into many nations. The example is the crucification of Jesus. A many commentators defined the matter in various ways they like but the whole work bears no testimony to the events. Thus, a many sects are in the world still prevailing. To avoid such confusion and only “God knows better” a best method is going describe through at present science though it seems to be a little learning is dangerous. It may improve the condition of the world to believe in one God to bear the stamp showing signs to make the writing successful. One assumes that near future there would not be any confusion to solve the problems. Man uses pass ward with the controlling station to get the proper information and identify the person in the world to communicate. Because the people of the world has come close to each other in communication though every one lives far. It is not that God does not talk to man or not sending proper signal to man. Men are trans-receiver of God. Respecting all religious books, one says that the password of God has sent to men, so that they can justify what is wrong and what is right not depending on the word God knows better. The man who receives the signal it must be in accordance with the Holy Book and Hadith. Then one can easily understand whatever the logics and arguments placed before is correct. Otherwise, the mediation result of one would count as maddened. If the people truly follow, the path then there would not stay any chaos and dividing would go forever. The whole Quran sent to Mohammed may peace and blessing of God upon him through a great Angel Zebrail peace of Allah upon him without sending any signal through wireless, just to make no ambiguity or remove the disbelieve of the people. Most of the Hadiths sent in the same way, the revelation not to mix up with Quran a different method used that those had not written on the spot. When boss say something as an advice or put an example that considered by the subordinates as an order. One must be careful on such wordings of God in Quran. Hadith is reluctant in comparison with Quran. Hadiths, which do not similar to the Quran, keep pending, do not through them to astray. A time comes those Hadith prove true. In long run discussion it seen that a sect accepted apportion of Hadith and rest portion omitted because it was difficult for him to prove. Therefore, he put Hadith into null and void. To gain the day the sect played tricks everywhere and the Hadith of Mohammed (SM) had not believe heart and soul. So the Hadiths about Jesus they agreed in portion. Where found difficult they indulge in foul play. One will become astonish hearing to the leader of that the angel was coming with the revelation of God. How he was to look at that description had given that to him the angel was like the English. How man can believe cut and dried story of the leader. “Never did we send an apostle or a prophet before thee, but, when he framed a desire, Satan threw some (vanity) into his desire: but Allah will cancel anything (vain) that Satan throws in, and Allah will confirm (and establish) His Signs; for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.” Sura 22 verse 52 Quran. God select those person whom He likes and bestow them science and other powers, if Satan tries to misguide them God protect it to come to nothing. However, the evil always mistune and receive the signal adjusting it to wrong frequency. Because they writes wrong assuming something beside the mark other than the true to noted for in his works. what is death you know well? ‘O men of jewels, hear a event of historical, To visit above seven firmaments is not lie at all, If the flower covered with innocent doll(Ruhh), Men can go up in the sky and fly. (You) had given preference to Jesus followers, Concerning to sura “khaf”, who gave the life to the dead people of mountain cave? They may create dispute with the issue but cannot solve the problems. Was it not an exception to the rule of nature? Only arrival of Jesus has become out of nature to them who brought up in mind enmity with other sects and want to become popular. God did not say anything about the death of Jesus there taking interest in men declared his death news by miss explanation of the verses of Quran, who are they? No one yet could define well how man passed away in true sense. In fact ‘Naffs’ dies once and “Ruhh” leave the soul goes back to its original position where from it came. (The atom divided in a many parts everyone looses its originality but it returns to origin when get a chance). May God help one in this regard because He knows better than anybody does? In the Quran, it mentioned clearly that “Naffs” will die once and did not, mention about “Ruhh” because of “Ruhh” is breathing of God. God touched upon all the points but in sort. “Ruhh” had nothing to do with the bad other than advices for good thing to do. Even it found that when man does anything-wrong Ruhh goes up from him and comes back when he repents. It is also true that at night when a man asleep it goes up and see the other worlds heaven and everything alike. One thinks that it belongs to God directly and lives at shapeless area of God. One can think about one angel who possesses Ruhh. In spite of having, Ruhh he has own body which not visible to man. The only Ruhh he possesses that is why he is all-good. In the long run day comes he is to die. Therefore, the thing, which is of God, it goes to God. Man, Jinn and Angel is the inhabitant of present worlds. In other word, it said that “Naffs” dies for once and “Ruhh” leaves the soul for its destination. The man spent lot of time in search of travel of Mohammed (SM) to seven firmaments and even above it but how. One had concluded it that the “Ruhh” is only the thing in human body, which can carry a man towards God. Even it can go near to God. Therefore, one’s body covered by Ruhh due his meditation he can fly up which has no time limit. (To understand in better way God has its own frequency through which contact made to Ruhh of men where it revealed that God stay with the man). In the poem flower is the body of human and doll is Ruhh. According to the verses of Quran the preference has given to the followers of Jesus until the resurrect day and the verdict will remain in favored of Quran, people may understand it or not. “Then sent we our apostles in succession: every time there came to a people their apostle, they accused him of falsehood: so we made them follow each other( in punishment) : we made them as away with a people that will not believe!” Sura 23 verse 44 Quran. At early period one after another apostle sent to earth, when a period arrived God sent a complete code of human life, trough Islam, which is not for Muslim Only but for all religion people, all key stone of other religions are there. One of the sects came ahead with some logics that God sent at early period He sent apstole one after another then, why He would not send apostle in future, it must be for all the time according to them. They placed logics that God is immortal, unchangeable so His principles are also fixed. Therefore, apostle one after another would come to the world; there is no change of this law. (Hearing the logics one is to become puzzled). The logics of that sect is as like as one saint that the rotation of rain the way it is going and coming in the same way re-birth of men are continuing perhaps there is no account of it. Here they did not reflect upon the rule of God and rule of nature. God is fixed and immortal and His creation their activities are not endless they have their end too. Rotation of rain under the control of nature and it depends on environment. Therefore, it will happen where environment and nature all together create the situation for shower. The world moves west to east and the sunrises in the east. It is also nature but law of God. The birth of men is though one sees in the world still it is far away only God knows where it is! The question is very important to note that the birth of men has crossed the bar of universe even. It is not a matter of mere nature only. Hence, rebirth of men thinking is their lost labor. Sending prophet in the world is completely depends on Him, in His creation everything has an end so there must have an end of it. Man born to die, creation created to vanish, everything has an end except God. Argument of the sect is like that when God is there why one should not be there. The law is such that if He wishes He will destroy the throne made for Him because it has created heaven, hell, and what not. For the arguments opponent bring so many verse in favored them but those will run to waste. One is to accept the concept of all. Without the power of All-Knowing if one writes of own will that becomes legend, an essay or a story. Whom God selected in lieu of him evil doers accept that person who acted as hero in a drama. “Go with this my shirt, and cast it over the face of my father: he will come to see (clearly) then come ye (here) to me together with all your family”. Sura 12 verse 93 Quran. (Man is jack of all trade but God is Master of all trade. Good wine needs no bush). “O the nation of Muslim, you have divided into many sects and sub sects. Today nature of the whole verse is present at your door, just behold! Look at the signs of God, the examples brought to light before you, go through them. Definitely, you all come together and combine into one as before because unity is strength. The nature never speaks a lie so response to her call. Try to realize the truth. You will never die. Remember, death is there after death. (It is all the same to remain as swine hereafter than the death). So far unbelievers rejected the Islam, go through minutely the great science ever seen than one discovered so long. In this computer era would you all deny the fact the way science says arrival of Jesus would show the same to you. (Moses came to that era with the science of that period, Jesus came to that era with science of that period). God put an example according to the era to the people so that they understand. The arrival of Jesus is in the morning and in the evening too mentioned in Hadiths. Time difference has become truth because he will speak to the people in the evening. Man will hear it like lightening though it is somewhere getting obstruction. (See the forecast). True Muslim never denies or neglects the Hadiths, nor do they say something irreverent against those Hadiths. “O ye fear who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam.” Sura 3 verse 102 Quran. Will of the man should be surrendered to God until and unless one do so God forbade to go to Him, or before of doing so one should not finish one’s life. Will of the God must be accepted cheerfully may that it is unhappy for some one and brings sorrow, still then it considered that it is of God and be happy. It is God promised that “Naffs” is to take the taste of death once only then one never dies hereafter. (Such death is there in the hereafter those who made alive Jesus from nearly dead. For them this type of death will continue as because they did not see the happenings and telling the events by their own made legend). One God is there or not could be prove if one can hold the life forever. One thinks that after death life is over, it is with some Muslim also that doing all goods and getting heaven they end it here. However, it is not. One cannot be happy only with the heaven though everything is coming without doing any job. Wish will bring the thing in front of the person but full happiness still not one’s get. A rich having all can get the thing whatever he wishes still unhappiness remains in his mind. That is nothing but God. If any body denies the fact then ask him that why there is promotion and demotion is there in the hell and heaven. Although all of us think that everybody following different path to get God are correct still there may be wrong in it because God is one and unique. One can subdivide any parts but which divided never be God. It is not a mere thing to invite one to come to the truth but it is. Many men many minds trying to find out real thing where are those people who had to come. Not (No time visiting the church may be a saint). Saint not visible at night because one is unable to see him and day time one sees him doing worldly jobs. The place where people curving for those persons may not be that those have not noted for and neglected. Although people interested in searching them according to the Holy Books writings various columns about them it is as like as a man came under the palm tree and another ruling over them still they could not find out them what happened at the period of the Jews. Time given is until the Day of Resurrections Some one stopped a person on the way mentioned, With a new technique, one crossed the obstruction, Yet not held Day of Resurrection, A state of Israel called her by the nations. The state is formed is not an imagination. It is true in all respect the world will face so many types of unfortunate difficulties ever seen which will bring to bay the world due to full of fault weather, it may be unpleasant to hear for the world greatly frightened news awaiting and it will difficult to bear the burnt of unruly nature of the world. There will have roared blown of the sky act against the world until the unbelievers remain stand still in their own position defeating the Christian and the Muslim as per the Holy Books. No Holy Book is untruth but the Quran is solid because it had written on the spot. Man may differ in opinion and explanation but the word of Quran speaks the truth. Events what happened so far it happened and for the rest world is to wait. Its all signs are visible and very near. A man had arrived in the world before the events happened who was accustomed to tell a lie and put forward miss explanation to different words of Quran where which are not applicable to the situation concerns with a very long talk and loud voice, already readers saw it. Although the new state of Israel have not formed at his period, which is directly, involved in with the arrival of Jesus in accordance with new Bible and the Quran. No doubt, his wording had attracted to many people in different countries hearing the news of Jesus and a large number of people including Muslims misguided. The other sect may understanding or not understanding kept contrary to the rules of nature that a state placed in map is indifferent to a state saying socially cast out it is not a state, fearing the near Day of resurrection or for their own enviousness. If so what it is at present, which hold up a place for a long time. What it is say to the nation then for the time being according to their notion? They may take it irrelevant to the discussion but it is not. “Therefore, you come to know this that if the owner of the house would come to know early when the thief would come then he would wake up to stop his enter into the house. Thus, you also get ready as because the time you will not think for son of Adam would arrive at that period. (24: 42-44) Mathew, New Bible. In old Bible and new Bible in both all along the word son of Adam all the while has used for Jesus. In fact, in Quran the word has used as son of Mary. It is burning to note down to avoid about arrival of Jesus again those who dead against of it. Here two points have clearly indicated, one is his arrival before the Day of resurrection and another is revelation of God, son of Mary and son of Adam. God revelation was son of Mary and son of Adam both combined as He gave word for his next arrival as son of Adam. Arrival of Jesus in harmony with the revelation though it was said he is as like as Adam. However, he had no father so son of Adam was not a full-fledged word used which has to fill in near future just in time. Man may argue in it briging verses in but to all intents and purposes keeping the hand on their chest let them say was the word fulfill on that period other than Jesus arrival again in the world as a fullfledged man. One thinks that their conscious will not allow them to react on it. On the other hand, a sect leader from gents he became a woman named Mary and that Mary gave a birth to a son named Jesus. In addition, that Mary again became a gent Jesus. One thinks it is not so good other than madden. Therefore, Satan guided him for temporal gain and people like him still following wrong path to go to astray. There is no such evidence one will find in any religious books but sorry to say even then he is virtuous for those people. “Those who reject faith will not cease to be in doubt concerning (Revelation) until the Hour (of Judgment) comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them the penalty of a Day of Disaster.” Sura 22 verse 55 Quran. It has to say resurrection day is equal to forty days, which may of God forty days or worldly forty days how much time its assurance not knew. Regarding the day description is out of knowledge. Those who did evil deeds with the words of God the moment they hear the messages if it attract their mind that true then immediately come back to the right path if not possible due to a long tail bear it in mind strongly God is one and unique, in Him there is none to share. If any one doing so it has to say, they received the Kindness of God on the eve of his life granting them a little sympathy to return to the truth. If any one does not come back with advices after it came out to the people, they had gone to astray until the sky broken down over their head. On that day, they will realize the matter overall. It is true that from now on wards the race of Dazzal slow and steadily rises to the occasion and formed a big nation near the Day of Resurrection even there will be none to say Allah. (A key had given to William Shakespeare to write his own book and likewise all people have their own key in their hand. The book would hand over on the Day of Judgment). So to say about Jesus, the science has given to him acquainted with the science of law of nature. For easy understanding, Jesus adopted the theory of nature and only he can define it well. None else is appropriate to put up logics and arguments if so it will disqualify for such activities. Would any one else, able to put up such documents, although their name are Basu. Praise to God who bestowed one to direct his Mosi in this respect giving true knowledge of power to come to the truth. “Son of Adam would appear before them with the power of God and glory”. (24: 30) Mathew, New Bible. “As lightening goes east to west, son of Adam would appear before you as like as lightening”. (24: 27 and 28) Mathew, New Bible. “of seeing pig tree learn it that when the season of hot comes its all branches leave soft leaves, then you come to know that hot season is at present. Same way you understand that son of Adam is present even he is near at your door”. (13: 28 and 29) Mark, New Bible. The above three quotation of verses has so essential to explain about the arrival of Jesus as well as meaningful too for writings minutely. In it volume of book increases, in short it discussed hoping so other later parts of the books further discussion will appear before elaborately. The verses are familiar to all but their meaning perhaps not known to all. All verses has composed of different meaning, if one combine them then another meaning will come out which already consistent with logic and proof. One prophecy of an Indian writer, a great philosopher who wrote old Bible and New bible minutely and explained the sentences in a book “Destruction or peace” there every words were capable of expressing the idea. From that quotation, a sentence has taken for your information. Off seeing two planes in the theme of the book do not misunderstand the writers or disgust with the scene printed but it is according to the verse of New Bible not that one served in the sky and printed the signs of it. (And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel as a cloud (AIR FORCE) to cover the land. It shalt be in the latter days.) The above quotation has noted down from the book “Destruction or peace” written by perhaps philosopher Hazi Mohsin, page 700. He is of one great philosopher. (Here it is clear to understand that Jesus would arrive near the Day of Resurrection. Perhaps not to fight with the Jews but to make them understand what they disbelieve ever before blamed him and his mother and used on them slang languages. People want to leave in peace in the world. Arrogance cannot bring peace. To gain something better one is to loose something favorite. Then the law will take its own course on the way to peace.) It is not that whatever found in connection of Jesus as well as it is similar to one made best use of it for others attraction. It is faithful to the doctrine that the word used in New Bible cloud is a thing of nature and on board of cloud has different meaning it is nothing but a worldly word sky which means man has to come from AirForce. One is grateful to him for such hopeful of word meaning which may bring good result to the world. As stated earlier at the top of theme two fighters plane shown not to aware of any type of fighting in Jerusalem but to prevent the evil showing God signs. (If any intellectuals explain the Hadith then one will find the inner meaning of this verse same as new Bible stated). So thing has risen up to the occasion showing all a man came from the sky thus Hadith proves its words and New Bible has played a roll in defense of its words. Son of Adam would arrive again and God world bestow him such logics there would none to ask him any question how he came. He must be a son of Adam. When Jesus would arrive again as a son of Adam, which is complement to a man, it assumed that his power and glory are the Holy Books and kindness of God according to the custom of God as man comes for men to advice. ( As it dreamt in a dream), it means the man will get power of nature as a proves as well as it prove that the power of nature governed by God which He counts and maintain diary in every step. A may ask that did Jesus not ever born as a man! In reply it said that he was born as a man as like as Adam. Adam had no parent but Jesus had only mother. However, all others are having their parents. The sky showed the sign of Jesus as cloud in New Bible that the cloud get him on board (in Hadith Angels bear him on their back). In this matter, God is well known. The nature is witness as it is not dependent to any one. None is to say anything more about it. Man saw it that the man born in the sky and came from sky though it was not that heaven. (However, operate born in a place, which is beyond imagination that is above sky as Adam, was created in a Heaven). Coming to the next verse of the New Bible where the lightening word used one is to hear it very carefully and attentively to understand the present situation of the world and be cautious against the nature what she wants to tell you. Had any body ever seen lightening starting from the east goes to the west and brighten the world at a glance? Three points are to note here to inform of the man of occurrence to understand as one thinks so. One is the news of Jesus arrival clearly defined that he would arrive from the east. Second, one is lightening that man discovered many things continuing for further more to discover. There one is ether. God has His own way to communicate but man discovered his own necessity through power, vibrating of waves they send to a definite frequency by their own media. Scientist knows it well. However, things from the east to west going like lightening perhaps through media, one should not think so it would stop on the way if it is true air and nature will preach it because core and cores animal abide in the air whom man do not see but servants God. Naturally it would go from east to west and man will hear it, see it and realize it without any time lost. So the verse is mentioning the time again when Jesus would arrive and speak to the man (according to the verse 3(46) of Quran). Preaching the subject matter if any hindrance occurs God will look into it and it is easy for him to pull up some one else to accomplish the job. Its aim is only to bring peace in the world. it is irrespective of all high and low. (Mother is educated then nation prosper same way if peace does not prevail in a family how the society will prosper, peace and discipline are the root in a family that good nation will come out, world will be in peace). Third, one is already clear from the discussion that this is the period, when men would reach to such position, and then Jesus comes to speak to you. From the discussion it has cleared that two things of nature that cloud is carrier and lightening is to preach his words all over the world as well as it denotes the signs of place where from he would arrive. These are the complement of truth by nature to prove the matter. The book is a mere essay what may other think. In third verse the pig tree tells the people about priod, season of nature. Pig tree indicates that it would have to a beginning of summer season. Bangladesh is the country of six seasons which come around the year. Obviously one finds another sign is added along with those of two signs. These three signs of God through the natue the cloud, the lightening and the season would not come out as certain aspects special signs of land and the sky to give information about the arrival of Jesus. It reaches the man on spot when any evil comes to the point of denying the fact. This tripod is the determination of period when black strong wind cloud rise up in the afternoons of April and May that period lightening of the sky random glows and the earth re-wake up, at night people see the way to reach to their destination. This happens naturally but in it the Day and Month of Jesus arrival has ascertained by the nature too. Dear readers, you would come to know it from the note given at about writer. A place has risen up for long half of the century, It is a social out state intellectual’s theology. How the state came into form suddenly! How an ignorant ask it to the religious teachers politely? That going to fill up century from half of the century, U N O passed the law with a great conspiracy. How an ignorant asks the people of the world that the state is social out one, if so how a state for long time with a flag in air stands for? Has there any good reason to define very well! If it would have been for two or three years then one could say that it is not a state but a social out state. It may be a loose rein to spend the time saying so. One of the experts, of seeing the state of Jerusalem and writings of one, felt inferiority complex in him. The person with his research has taken out the verse agreeing own incapability and ignorance on the subject but wants to express his iron will to the people at that period one commented that it is nothing but vague. The verse filled up its period when Rome was fall down to defeat. Therefore, the mater had happened before the ones wrote the arrival of Jesus. Now the question to the men of letters that would the matter true, if so then support it with one voice and say it as the one commented and recognize the state by all with one voice if you have courage. Jerusalem is the lowest place of the world and a verse in Quran is there for its defeat in the hand of Muslim. It is a turning point in the history in 1948 the state got its independent. In fact, it is not the present state Israel in relation to the verse. Miss explanatory will remain busy in their own job criticizing anyway they like. At present happenings about the state one is to ask own consciousness only but not to others because it is difficult to get true answer. One of the groups is after the state to remove off the state from the world map. It is the Will of God, the men has nothing to do. “In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is christ the son of Mary, say: “ who then hath the least power against Allah, if His will were to destroy Christ the son of Mary, his mother, and all- everyone that is on the earth? For to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between. He createth what He pleaseth. For Allah hath power over all things.” Sura 5 verse 19 Quran. One of the sects among the Christian wish to say son of Mary is none but God. Someone says he is son and God is his father, as he has no worldly father. Other sect asserted that father, son and holy soul combined is God. God forbade all and strictly warned to think about their decision once more please do not leap in the dark. (When the question of father, son and mother arise then one will find no beloved, heart will become dishearten finding no beloved and divine love among them.) If Allah destroy three of them is there anyone to save them, but God crowned with the heartiest way to make them famous among the people not to give them share with Allah. Respect them but do not give any share to Allah. Devote towards God without any statue in front, they are unable to give anything even they cannot create a fly. Do not keep a wall in between oneself and God. Men has direct link with God through ether of God. What men think in his mind no body knows it except God. As an example, it goes through a fax in between man and God. Without wall, man is eligible for the job though he is little in sense. A man is composed of various qualities out of them it is one characteristic. In fact, to make all it clear at this period one came to tell, behold! One is father, son and above the holy soul that is”Ruhh”. More definition is ahead, readers will find it. Those who are entitled to call for explanation of its meaning they can mean out the name what has written as a writer? It is clear at this that hundred of proves will not enamored of every one but there is one at least to understand it. There is cause behind it. The blind can not see the Signs of God, deaf cannot hear rule of Guidance of God and cruel hearted man does not revive with the touch of beautiful flowers even good smelling does not attract them. Although one explains the things one by one. The Signs of God is according to the Holy books shown by the land itself, the sky shown its own, the time and the month defined about the arrival of Jesus. About year, one came to know by this time. How Jesus will speak to the people has already asserted carefully quoting New Bible verses. So far, the nature of the world revealed all brought out before all to assume one concept. It may attract the heart towards God. Rest God know better. There is nothing one will find distaste for, as it is not artificial. For true thing every one will feel delight ness. “To the Thamud people (we sent) Salih, one of their own brethren: He said: “O my people! Worship Allah; ye have no other god but Him, now hath come unto you a clear (Sign) from your Lord! This she- camel of Allah is a Sign unto you: so leave her to graze in Allah’s earth, and let her come to no harm, or ye shall be seized with a grievous punishment”. Sura 7 verse 73 Quran. To quote such verse from Quran to make the people understand once again God sent His apostle to guide them and worship to God not giving any share to any one else keeping in front statue or something man made alike. (Man is above all even land and sky including angels). The Signs of God she-camel at the period of apostle Salih, the cow at the period of Moses, sheep at the period of Abraham, making a bird of paper or mud to give life to it at the period of Jesus had shown by them. To risen up a dead person from grave at the period of Jesus, woke up of a few person including a dog from a mountain cave after three hundred years all have become legend for those worldly people. They run after money and honey to enjoy the things as they like. They hear it in one ear and take it out by another ear, which does not heat at all in their heart because they are passing the days in the world without any sorts of troubles. Hearing the long story from Adam to Jesus peace of God upon them, man stands in a place like a rock and never thinks for future what is true. Moreover they indulge in devote towards statue which has nothing to give. (One thing man should remember that God is what not, if one worship to a pen, pen becomes a power but remember that God is pen but pen is not God). ). After narrating all these things coming to point again that world has come to an end and every country has possessed own resources thinking well for mankind if one utilized it then nature will act accordingly to its law otherwise it will react against man. Water is useful for man but over flood is harmful to all. Resources have their own power of God, one can use it for the betterment of humankind and evil thinking will take them into astray. Man came to know that all things possess power, which is more powerful than the atom bomb or more than that. The cloud man sees is the Sign of God where God shown its power. If the man could preserve the lightening then there would not be any shortage of electricity. It is a sign for intellectuals as well as for the scientists. Those who reject the faith of God for them punishment is in the hole of needle a camel would enter. In day and night, moving of earth, sun and all others signs of God kept to see and realize about God to worship to Him but none. At this period narrating all history, the nature is producing an example to all quoting the life of Jesus by one, it may acceptable or not to them. The owner of the land and the sky is one He is God. Therefore, the man who denies the fact what would be the position God knows. What rather proves they want that it would bring the people in one nation when God is one and unique, let them define. Think over the true significance of the nature, It is nineteen forty seven in detail accounts. Ye laugh at variants of it, Men grew a new tree by tricks. Conspirator’s conspiracy is behaving ill With the bites of that conspirators in war field lay waste. There are people who writes only the dream dreamt, others uttering long talk writes false words of God but the one accomplished the task given with the nature too in accordance with the Holy Books. People all over the world may justify it then the words may lie on their hand to the letter. The nature bestowed a life, which found very much practical, deep thought search out all events are similar in accordance with the Holy Books. May one throw it away by laughing at but a thinker may see it with deep concentration to find out the true what actually in it. May God help them to do so? Writings never goes in vain if it is true, it will come up with the realization of the people in course of time. Those who grown up a tree with false notion and ideology in the world may be a country or may be their theology, it is not possible to root out the tree over a day. However, God is wise to solve the problems amicably. God plays His own tricks, He is great in tricks. No one can understand how he would play over tricks upon him or her who played foul as a result one is speaking in front of all. Bow of God has bestowed 0ne to hurt in their heart like way, once it hurt them they will hue and cry with great pain for indulging foul play and repent to get rid of from the difficulties. “O ye assembly of Jinn’s and men! Came there not unto you apostles from amongst you, setting forth unto you My Signs, and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours?” They will say: “we bear witness against ourselves.” It was the life of this world that deceived them. So against themselves will they bear witness that they reject faith.” Sura 6 verse 130 Quran. Here the point is to note that God sent in every place apostles to warn them and shown all the Signs of God of that period to understand the Signs which was science of God. However, at present men are hard of hearing those stories. Although they briefed clearly about a life in hereafter that was their out of imagination how dead person would reawaken again or get a new life. They listened to the devil people that enjoy the life whatever time is found in the world and forget about hereafter in short cut that was their principles. When God would ask then how they ran to waste, in reply they would say that they acted upon on the advice of unbelievers. One thing one likes to say there are two words among the apostles as God used; one is the apostle who received revelation as a book they called in Arabic “Rasul” and another who did not but received only advices to preach they called “Nabi”. Here a point to note that a Rasul can be a Nabi but a Nabi cannot become Rasul. In comparison with the Nabi there are only a few Rasul came in the world. It is the assumption of intellectuals that about three hundred Rasul came on the hand more than lac Nabi arrived in the world. One of the sect leader first became claimant of Jesus and received the revelation of Quran again even then came off with flying colors that he is one of the Nabi means under Mohammed(SM) whom called ‘UMMATE” Nabi. To achieve his objective by fair mean or foul what he did not say. He came out with false beside the mark that a Nabi is also a Rasul in them there is no difference. Today everyone can understand it that a man who received the divine book and a man not are the same in ranks. Spreading smoke nuisance among the people he gathered becoming bellwether. . It is beyond doubt that unbelievers and miss-explanatory are to face before the judgment in no time. The determined Mosi is expressing the theory of evolution of his own in accordance with Quran, Hadith and all other books though he knows nothing about him. It is a provocative question that all have become possible without knowing himself is able to produce all proves of Jesus life. Thinking failure of performing duties and responsibilities the book has written in good part from the knowledge earned as a lay figure indubitably whatever understood from all events found in books or dreaming a dream. “About that Day and that period no body knows, angels also not but only God. Ye be careful remain careful.” (13: 30-32) Mark, New Bible. The verse has narrated to mean two points in a word. However, such type of verse in Quran revealed only for the Day of resurrection. Here the verse quoted in a paragraph Jesus’ arrival. The meaning of the verse is clear to understand for all that angels who generally conveyed who coming in the world from them it kept secret. So what is to talk about others and one? In early age it seen that when Jesus had to arrive before that a star shown in the sky by which astronomers came to know the arrival of a big wig. In this regard, Will of God is such that people would have no knowledge at any corner about the matter. Whatever written so far no one taught it. Inner inspiration inspired the heart to write at any rate. The earned knowledge came out throughout of the book where all there in spite of having many difficulties. Iron will took one to bring out with the truth by Mossy for preaching the words of God nothing else is there. “Those whom Allah ( in His plan) willeth to guide,- He openeth their breast to Islam; those whom He willeth to leave straying,- He maketh their breast close and constricted, as if they had to climb up to the skies; thus doth Allah (heap) the penalty on those who refuse to believe.” Sura 6 verse 125 Quran. Whom God wishes and select his breast become wide as well as put him into practice to come out with His truth. There is no rhyme or reason to doubt what He said in the verse. In a period one was out of track about the religion and never tried to shine in life doing up and down with the subject matter. However, at present he is trying laboring hard to bring out the thought before all whatever earned in life to heart is content. No doubt, it is a research work done in open mind for all. Whom (God) the credit goes to over all. It is He (God) inspired oneself. With all courage and knowledge, He helped one to stand before all, that what one learned from the verse above. All praise goes to Allah and praise to God but none for anything one gain in life. Off hand, one entered in research work having no time on such work to maintain in life as prime of life took one aside out of right place. At a period one inspired a little then one woke up in religious thought and rest all written in right earnest in detail may that becomes valuable for some. Returning to the way in full swing found no further response nothing heard from any corner, still in good faith one runs towards goal. Specialist and scientists may believe or not, men cannot receive from that ether of God until and unless they forget the worldly life what is out of nature. Thinking deep-to-deep one goes out of nature there he finds the true but it must be justified whether it is true or not returning to nature. So far one found in research work a verse of Quran 3(46), a many verses in New Bible and Old Bible, the new born state Israel, the birth of MOsi, name, day, month, year, rebirth in the sky all these significance are in accordance with Quran, Hadith and other Holy Books. Literal meanings are in favor of one thus main object in one sense is in success. Ye die vivacious on the tricks of the Great, Where had you been that period of new born state, Empty drums are biting your followers. Sound heard all over the the world of vacant jars, In harmony tone, they sing the songs as like as wise, They denied on board of cloud and landing from sky. God is All-Powerful and great in tricks. Being a religious teacher, it had known to him but he treated the Quran as unbelievers. He had no trust in God because that person dreamt to become Jesus put forth a school where he washed the brain of the students. There gave lesson to become more great religious teachers than him in the society and work on behalf of him, they had have been working until then. (one person holding good brain cannot jump over from the sky knowing that he will die but washing of brain and training makes men to do so). Because of having a base that he was religious teacher took the opportunity laying foundation in it declared to all at his area (Punjab) the revelation of God were brought through angel as Mohammed (SM) received. He did not hesitate to play false to become Jesus. It is not worthy to say that person who follows the principles of Mosi Kadiani that they fall on a problem, which is a hard nut to crack. They are far away from Muslim and playing double game hiding their identity. The jar of their religious teachers are full to the brim what they think and say that as the intellectuals are in the society of Islam same way they have also more intelligent and skillful teachers in them. As a result, they preach the Quran and its verses in internet and people must be aware of it that who are they? To be a good teacher need some of the gifts of the Most Powerful it may be divine or in practical where all proves kept inside the basket. Without anything if one say our great leader was a prophet as he received the revelation of God but it was same as Quran so attention and interest of the audience would not look into the matter as it was copy of some one declared by another one by playing hole and corner. Without washing the face in the morning after has risen up from bed, if one says in a loud voice to all, there is nothing harmful to criticize their leader. To write down in the fore head K.F.R as it is in keeping with other great leaders like Mohammed(SM) and Hazarat Abdul Qader Zillani. They had also face such criticism and found bad title like Mosi Kadiani on the plea of their ideology. . Followers of Bahai sect and Mosi kadiani, both have amalgamated with Muslim in practical works in secret way but in hearts they own their own ideology in force. Finding wherever chances give the lesson to the innocent in favor of their leader taking them to a separate Mosque keeping them matter held in back from others, same thing is going on abroad also. As the sect defined to land from sky has not denied but landing from high place to low place is also a landing as the word of Hadith. In one sense, one may agree on it because a many Hadiths found to come down from hill is also landing even mother giving birth to a child is one kind of landing. So the theory given by the sect however accepted in all respect but in consideration of other proves they left the beaten track. Regarding the Hadiths about Jesus whatever revealed at least should one prove but not that death of priest killed all swine from the world. The nature has done her duty but the eagle says the cow died of her curse only to eat. Therefore, the arguments appeared to be in a circle. Avoiding the Hadiths and making statement according to ones own will and wish as like as fair weather friend but in need those who trust in him will not face the music on the Judgment Day. In front the writings in progress there all Hadiths as well as there words have given appropriate preferences to bring them to light to prove the Great revealed words are true in sense. In the poem a word “Anjal Nad” in Arabic means landing (according to the commentators landing from sky) tried to prove not to cut a figure but to say truth as well as the word of New Bible “cloud” proved in many ways. Considering the idea of that sect the “Anjal Nad” man would not land from sky though one proved it from the sky and the practical sky both even then agreed upon on their point so to say one is born and mother gave a birth to a child. Was it not a landing from the darkness to light and high to low? If the mentality of the sect is good and pure for the sake of arguments, can they agree upon it other than fall from the clouds? “Say: “My Lord knoweth (every) word (spoken) in the heavens and the earth: He is the one that heareth and knoweth (all things). “Nay,” they say, (these are) medleys of dreams! –nay, he forged it! – Nay, he is (but) a poet! Let him then bring us a sign like ones that were sent to (prophet) of old!” sura 21 verses 4 and 5 Quran. It well known to not all, that Apostles of God show any divine events to the people without cause until and unless the instruction comes from God. At early age, the Apostles did so compliance with these guideline shown divine events. Among all divine events shown is one most popular parting moon into two pieces then at hard time to trust in God. At that period of the Apostles whatever the divine events had shown that all science of God and out of nature but all gone to the dogs for unbelievers. They wished to say all the revelation and divine events were poetic and magic of ones. Therefore, the present work narrating the nature showing its events, signs, period and time may not be believable to a many people but to think over one may come in contact with the matter to cock sure. Another reason is a man is expressing the ideas not an angel. In addition to that, the Mosi/Jesus for who people has been waiting for long his arrival period, month and time to fix in black and white for others may not be possible even then, one presenting the result of research work has done to convey all to hold water. As a result, they can take right step and decision in good faith. Man can write expressing his feeling in keeping with all modern style to attract the mind of others in false way but speaking the truth as happened to bring out through pen/Mosi is the best method if one believe in it and comes to the right path. “When trouble touches men, they cry to their Lord, turning back to Him in repentance: but when he gives them a taste of Mercy as from Himself, behold, some of them pay part-worship to other gods besides their Lord.” Sura 30 verse 33 Quran. Naturally men are such that they are weak in heart, whenever one comes to nothing that one remember the God changing one’s color in humble way pray to God to overcome from difficulties. God is Most kind hearing men earnest prayer fulfilled the demands but men think that the father or the statue made by them filled up the same. After it, men forget to praise to God but praise that statue and cross the right path doing wrong. The way narrated is one how man share other gods other than real God. At the beginning of the book, the forecast published regarding Hadiths stating the arrival time of Jesus, one of the Hadith stated he would arrive in the morning others stated in the afternoon, which became contradictory in writings but one could not neglect the Hadiths too. Two different times of landing from sky being one person would have given effect to the mark as stated as the way Hadith revealed. Yea, it seems that every words of Hadith have deep inner meanings as well as appropriate useful meanings. Tripod multitude of clouds, lightening and summer season quoted in New Bible are the points to determine the particular month as the season to Bangladesh concerns black cloud storm season in the month of “Baishak” and “jaistha” in Bengali and in English April and May. Time in Hadiths may most contradictory for some as the arrival of Jesus as stated in the morning and in the afternoon. Why to define it more but to clear to all such wording of Mohammed (SM) was not of his, own but God. Man is one but arrival time is two has some cause in it, as God is truth. One assumes that for such wording the man who had to come again would born again and will speak to all after an interval other than that one finds no meaning though it has come to one in favor of writings the life. These two times may reject by the opponent with one voice but has no way out to solve the problems for the present. May some one crossing the path brings out other solution appropriate superior to present one in relation to topics then why not to accept it in good faith! One sees that other solution will carry through all more difficulties, which stand in front of new arrival Jesus if he comes in a body from heaven. In hot hate, all media come before him with a volume books to ask questions moreover they have an eye to his all moment, which cannot avoid one, but to go through fire and water. (Perhaps God would not do so by storm as there has other difficulties too which are coming in successive way). One of the sect leader knew it that there had two times mentioned in Hadiths without solving the problems to carry the day only a time is mentioned that their leader saw the light of the world on Friday morning. As the timing is in relation to Hadiths’ part to convince the people spreading false in the heart of others, which is, near to Hadith. The timing has quoted in a book while narrating the date of birth. Some one writes for not sacrificing but to fulfill own wish by putting up false in harmony. Probable events bring close to others to make the false truth. (Satan does so whenever one is in a fix that Satan gives a solution, which is near to truth so that people believe the false). Such events writing in harmonious way the literacy attracts the mind of readers but the religious matter without holding with Hadiths or other Holy Books would not hold water. God is Most wise and skilled in account doing the things in proportion whatever the science is giving and man is discovering today. So the result has declared through the nature is of time concern time and tide waits for none. One hopes that all intellectuals and wise people will go through the book to find out the truth probably God left the issue today in the hand of nations of the world for good. The result of Nature will come out to do needful at all risks and God would do His duties. (Arrival of Jesus in the world is not for to give any worm reception with red carpet but the Will of God that it is a Sign of God for the man. No one should think such that he would come to hold a chair like king). About Hadith, what one gained in the beginning of the day conveyed it at length in the afternoon (like old boy as an awful writings, which is not attractive for some). It is God wish to show a Sign of God before He ends the chapter. The science will reach to its maximum up to the remarks and heaven will open to show them from the world to believe in God but the scientist will say it is nature nothing else. This is the high time for all to enter into the Holy Book where a door still open out of one hundred fourteen if any unbelievers know it with repenting heart and soul. If not then nature will take its own course to comply the order of the Great. “It is He who begins (the process of) creation; then repeats it, and for Him it is most easy: to Him belongs the leftist similitude (we can think of) in the heavens and the earth: for His Exalted in Might, Full of wisdom”. Sura 30 verse 27 Quran. At ones, wishes build up a multistoried building in crying need or for other purpose one wishes to break it or destroy it. He may build up another multistoried building superior to present one. It depends on ones will and wish. It is the case with God. However, men think how beautiful worlds after worlds fall in to ashes! It is no matter for Him( men can think over about a fly that it born, brought up, get married, becomes father or mother, in this way the fly leave for good. It is only for three days). God has no time as His another name is period or time. Therefore, create a man is very easy for Him than that of the worlds. To create the worlds after hereafter then after hereafter is depending on His will and Wish. (A little question may arise in the mind then how man will survive and enjoy or live on! It is high time to think over that how man can live on, the way is to surrender to God but not false gods and think that His Will and Wish is the will and wish of man). A multistoried building build up by one has a plan and before hand, he examined it how it would look at, how it would work! It means law or the plan had approved before it constructed. In the construction, some exceptional laws had also made in the plan. If anyone thinking on it come out with criticism that these exceptions are not the law of grammar. Would it be acceptable to anyone? So in all languages grammatical exceptions come under the law of grammar. If some one wants to criticize saying bamboo writings let him do it. The same case with the nature that there is an exception of law that is out of nature. It is clear that who had a programmed to arrive among the people of the world had nothing to loose or not to get warm reception as he was an enlisted person ever before. It is not ones mother tongue so there may remain some fault in it but main aim is to give guidelines so that innocent does not fall in grieves and get away from the path of true. The path, which runs in the middle, is the path of God. Hundred of obstruction and ill incantation fall down, Iron wills of one, God is guardian. Surely, the nature of God is always in motion. The water is landing as the cloud awards rain, The landing thought like sky but as like as clouds, Water drops in the earth that sign is present. It is always that a lie defeats to a true, it comes from Satan and evils showing magical formulas without any base just as a fiction for the time being though the event happens before the eyes of some. . Once man surrenders to one God and keep firm believe in Him that His Will and Wish is, his then that person never defeats in anyway in good jobs. (Think over the passed away days, God filled up almost all wishes in course of time, which are best for one). Be a person to eat humble pie to one and unique God following the truth by fair play in all matters, the person who takes the shelter of truth he never gets defeat. The nature of the worlds after worlds has controlled by God, the way He maintains it in the same way the nature cut a figure to the worlds its elements and requirements coming out in the world with her actions. The cloud bestows rain to fertile the land or to give a life to the land. It becomes alive due to her gifts. Rains fall down from cloud (It is from high to low) so it can say that the landing of rains in a word landing. The word in Arabic “Anjal” meant landing “but landing from the sky” according to the Hadith must had remained correct before went to at length. Going at the root of human kind the first man Adam peace of God upon him had been created in the heaven and also his companion but to say the truth he got his sense after breathing of God though he had a life to grown up in a form. At the out set of the little discussion, it found that one has grown up life and another is breathing of God to come to consciousness that is two lives are combining. It is required to know as because man knows about it very less as Quran is gist of all and words of God but in short. A thing is there that both the life unseen and out of two one is visible to Jinns and Angels. Simultaneously Adam (peace of God may upon him) would able to see them. With this little discussion, ones aim to put forward the writings ahead to understand well. Although a baby forms in the womb of mother, even then a heavenly body brings out by the Angels in the womb of mother in a stage. In brief all man had have been landing from the sky as well as an angel stay in the womb of mother so long the fate of baby is writes down as the book of the baby which had written earlier by the God. Coming back to the word cloud when it rains one sees fall the water on the ground. It does not remain for a long time. It goes away in accordance with her system whatever the scientist says as aqueous vapor parting into two elements hydrogen and oxygen. Therefore, rainfall down on the earth has seen but no sign stands for to look at in the long run. One of the sect denied a portion of Hadith as because ‘landing from sky’ to prove for Mosi Kadiani as well as for his sect as like as a venomous snake. Rejection of a portion accepting rest of the Hadith proved has no faith on Mohammed(SM) as well as in God. These Hadiths are true and re-known to all. It might be the main reason for which he had gone to the dogs. “After the great trouble period just in time the sun will become dark the moon will not give light and the stars will fall down”. 10 (ten): (24and 25) Mark, New Bible. It has seen that one after another two world wars held over so far. (Others are expecting another one-third world war so that remaining rest of the people of the world can fight with bow and arrow of old age.) Earthquake will take place; feminine will break out in many places resulting people get into in a great trouble. According to the verses of New Bible, the nature yet did not act upon the way in the Bible verses came. In the Quran same type of verses are there which will come into force at the day of resurrection. As stated earlier, in the Bible both, the arrival of Jesus and the verses day of resurrection have amalgamated, even then one tried to take out the meaning that has explained earlier. Although one has taken a meaning that, the sun, the moon and the stars would not give shining and light in the early morning and all becomes dull at that period. However, to say real happening as stated in the verses not yet held together. The nature until now remains constant in its motion but an event happened in the beginning of the era 2001, which had known for all. That day the full family of the of the sun came to one parallel which ever seen before. It was a matter for the man to become astonish but it is as said earlier a matter of nature for some. The verses narrated it would happen in a day definitely but in normal view it happens every day if one thinks over may come to conclusion. Getting back to the Hadith the timing mentioned for the arrival of Jesus is in the morning has taken out from the New Bible and they are almost same. The one explained the events in one way but another-one dead against of the of the view may take out another notion for the purpose of his writings. Here one is to find out the truth. The moon in the morning becomes dull and so the case for the sun but shining rise up and the stars become dim or sluggish. According to Hadith, arrival time of Jesus is lying hidden in the Bible. Events happened all the time with the motion of the stars, the sun and the earth and time mentioned for a famous person is to receive by earth. “That was a people that hath passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do! Of their merits there is no question in your case! They say: “become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To salvation).” Say thou: “ Nay! (I would rather) the religion of Abraham the true, and he joined not gods with Allah.” Sura 2 verses 134 and 135 Quran. Those who passed away whatever they earned might be act of piety or sin its all for them. As an example, sin of others will not bear by father or son. Everyone will ask for his own jobs done by him though if he follows Jesus. In the same way Jesus will not bear the others sins but a guide line he gave earlier or if he comes at present say that “Ruhh” goes to God directly may be he is sinner or virtuous. However, the “Naffs” or the real soul created will have to suffer if found guilty. If not then he goes to a place where peace and peace. With the moving of fingers hundred of proves will not effect the mind of evils. They may indulge in debate but justifying the last person or an angel about the “Ruhh” who would carry his “Ruhh” to God a meaning takes out. One cannot debate for anything. If it is in accordance with Quran, Hadith, science and logic then there is no harm to accept it. Otherwise, one has nothing to do. One believes it is also a science of God as “Ruhh” is the Word of God may a Futkar or breathing of God or Order or consciousness. It always guides the man for all types good or virtues and concerning sins, it is at the rear with the Naffs. Moreover, it is the matter of very high what man cannot imagine so believing it or not does not effect anyone or religion. “Were ye witnesses when death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he said to his sons: “What will ye worship after me? They said: “ we shall worship thy Allah and the Allah of thy of Abraham, Isma-il and Isaac,- the one (true) Allah: to Him we bow (in Islam).” Sura 2 verse 133 Quran. It is true that God is one and unique but to some-one Allah of Abraham, Ismail, and Jacob uttered by his mouth He is his (one) Allah. Saying the truth that Allah (N) who the one called as Allah is very weak and a great lair. The person is quoting the verse draw to him the attraction. If anyone analyses what the God said to him who is God of Moses, God of Jesus, let the readers look into it:- 12. The conversation held between God and one that those were absolutely truth and believable. If the one for a moment disbelieve those or doubt then that one would become unbelievers (K.F.R). His hereafter would go to the dogs forever. (Reference book Hakikatul Nabuat. Page – 173). 13. God said to him (Revelation of God), “ In Arabic ‘Anta min ma –ena wahum min fasal’ means ‘ you have created from (My) water and others are from dry mud.” (Reference book Arbaain kh-2 page-39). 14. Revelation of God to Mosi Kadiani in Arabic, ‘ Laulaka lana khalaktul aflak’ means if you were not there then I (God) would not create the sky and the land”. (Reference book Hakikatul Ohi – an appendix page 85) 15. “ He asserted that one day he met to God. He (Mosi) wrote down a many prophecies by own hand. He had an idea that those prophecies should happen in near future. What he did he submitted the papers to God for approval. God had signed the paper with red ink without any hesitation. Suddenly he woke up and opened his eyes in a Mosque where Meah Abdullah sanawari was present that one was massaging his legs. In front of him from unseen place red ink dropped in his shirt and cap.” (Reference book Hakikatul Ohi page 255). Going through the quotations one can easily find out who was his God! Not God but Satan when they worship to any type of materials like statue or any other things of nature that god shows fiction to the man. He is one but in number his descendent ten times more than the population of the world because they live on for a long period than that of men. Believing the theology of Mosi Kadiani, anybody would frustrate in lie of assurance. Dear readers, Jesus would not come alone in the world without having proves of all Holy books. May God not do so to His selected person? This much assurance can be given that he would never fall into grieves of those frauds who tell lie. Nobody would able to take out any type of fault in his proves. There would be no reason left behind to go to debate or dispute in connection to his proves. Praise to God who is one and unique, share Him to none would his aim to preach. See that rains went to underground Try to understand by conscious water is a house. Uncountable houses mixed up underground, No water is there except a sign. Adam in earth and in sky too pray to God, Tripod of Krishna, one is inside earth. In accordance with a philosopher the meaning of cloud is Air Force in relation to New Bible word but in fact it means water, darkness and knowledge etc. because rains fertile the earth as well as for human is knowledge, so it may use in various meaning and thought of some one. One has to do with the meaning that one likes regarding the word cloud of New Bible. He would come on board of cloud may go upon supporting from the darkness to light. It may that one assumes. Darkness is greater than the universe. So it is out of imagination of man how far the state of God. In comparison to that the world is as like as ant. Concerning to science the scientist says out of hundred only four percent is under light. In the poem words cloud, rains and then water came one by one only to make it clear that water has compared with man. Man only sees the water but in it, two elements are unseen. Therefore, water is not there but there too changing its form. Here water is nothing but a human body, which is a house. Human body is composite of various elements as well as intelligent elements are there who visit far and far but not known to man. To define the meaning of water in wide sense an example is quoting here. President of America is speaking from that country but electrons carrying all his shadow as he is in Japan. Today man what discovered God created such type of hydrogen bomb ever before and burst into the sun to shine. Man believes what is practically seeing but in meditation, religious teachers are far away from the scientists. At a time one sees thousand of president Obama all over the world may that they are shadow but to God it is practical. That is why Adam is in the earth as well as in the sky too. Therefore, here water means human body, dead body, grave, human station, rains, fertility and knowledge what one assumes. One will find that in Muslim they understand less about it and criticize one another only in short of knowledge. To God one person can become thousand and thousand but to man only shadow do so. Long discussion on the subject increases the volume of the book in short tripod of Krishna mainly a man after death divided into three parts as the water and three of them go to different places as discussed earlier. Therefore, in the earth is first Krishna, second one is in a place where he suppose to be and third one is none but of God. Mosi Mirza Golam Ahmed Kadiani said, “Therefore among the followers of Moses (peace of God upon him) after thirteen hundred years of Moses departure one came name Jesus (peace of God upon him) as a great. Same way after Mohammed (SM) departure a person would arrive with it distance period thirteen hundred years, among the followers of Mohammed (SM). One came among the followers of Mohammed (SM) at a place named Kadian (Punjab) as like as Jesus as a great (adorned like Jesus). His name is Mirza Golam Ahmed who had inner quality of Jesus whom God titled as ‘Son of Mary” means for the followers of Mohammed (SM) he is as like as Jesus adorned. Therefore, he is Mommadi mosi.” (Reference book Ahmadiyat, page 133-134). In between the above quotation, they put in a verse of Quran by miss interpreting. A Hadith also they put forward, which narrated below:- “As well as (to confer all these benefits upon) others of them, who have not already joined them; and He is Exalted in Might, Wise.” Sura 62 verse 3 Quran. In the above quotation as the sect related that One would arrive as like as like as Jesus or adorned Jesus no where in the Holy Books found as like as Jesus would arrive other than Jesus. However, to them out nature nothing happened is the cause to bring out as like as Jesus. Before going through a Hadith as they related after the verse 62(3) quoted in what it says to the sect that there is indication of Mohammed (SM) arrival (viz. two times) where as they opposed the arrival of Jesus, which are in New Bible/lnjil and Quran too. Mohammed (SM) never told to any thing about his arrival and there is no Hadith regarding the subject. What other commentators say let the readers know it. “Others of them: refers to other persons or people who may be ignorant, that is, other than those among whom the holy Prophet came as an apostle. In other words, his messages is for Arab people and his non-Arab contemporaries as well as those who live in other ages, and have no personal contact with him or his companies. ( Abdullah Yusuf Ali). This is not the end. The person wants to let others know what other commentators said about it to make it more clear, if it is true then let him become so what to others. Here Hadith they related also discussed. According to Bokhari and Muslim, Hazarat Abu Huraira (May God please with him) related that they were sitting by the side of Mohammed (SM), at that period the Sura 63 revelation of God came and Mohammed (SM) read it to them. (Exact Arabic cannot quote) he asked who are they? Second time asked who they are. When third time asked he replied that a person Salman Fareshi (May God please with him) who was also there keeping hand on his body said that if believe goes in high up to a star suriya then his descendant out of his a few will bring it back.” A few defined the meaning as a pronoun, which is also correct, but they did not accept the theory of Mosi Kadiani arrival of new Prophet. From the very beginning of Islam, some of the miss interpreters tried to put to death the religion by adopting wrong notion spreading to others. One of them Hazarat Abdullah EbN Saba (RA) once upon a time he was a Jew. He could not tolerate the arrival of Jesus from Christ society again as stated in Quran and Hadith. After the departure of Mohammed (SM), he spread out a net of vapor, how the Isha/Jesus (A) would arrive again keeping aside the greatest Prophet Mohammed (SM). What kind of matter it is! He wished to call Hazarat Ali (RA) is God. Of hearing such news, Hazarat Ali (RA) became annoyed calling him on to stop the preaching of such wrong notion. The person (SM) who read out Sura to all did not say about his arrival again but neighbors overwhelming the matter. As he (SM) directed by God read out the Hadith preaching about the arrival of Isha (A). In him (SM), new arrival was not important but to others it has become very important for selfishness only. The explanation had submitted by the sect about the arrival of Prophet, could they proof neither Jesus nor Imam Mehdi. Imam Mehdi is the king of the world but he became king of the Mosi taking the title himself. All their logics and arguments put forwarded as hypothesis putting up others claimant of false prophets theology at best it could say a legend of the day. No one will consider it as a Kalam or logics or religion. Had there anyone who would not follow the law of God but follow the law of Mosi Kadiani. His all arguments are full of hypothesis and own made revelation of god. If he would one real, Prophet then would take the shelter of the Holy Books, not diverting single inch from it. In the Holy Book, anything not understood would handover to God. However, it found that he is very wise in all respect. God is Great, All Wise. If He bestowed anyone, something that must be true and in accordance with the Holy books. He speaks always truth becoming one with the God especially for Prophet. The person who is not of God in connection to such sensitive religious matter his writings and arguments might have come from with the instigation of Satan. He speaks near to true to deceive the man creating sect and sub-sect in religion. According to the Hadiths, the word is ‘son of Mary’ but miss explanatory explained it as like as Jesus adorned Jesus and Mohammedi Mosi. The Planner Who planned the map there He wrote down Jesus. Therefore, Jesus is to arrive by any means. May that thing is out of nature but the nature will consider it as nature as the law Maker had made the law before the nature born. It has become an exceptional rule of grammar. Those who miss interpret the verses of Quran they are traitor in the kingdom of God. Without water its elements are in the sky See, the clouds in sky is always floating. The sky clouds but lands rains Two elements are in sky ever lasting. Who is to reach his door closed by one? Get over the troubles across with twinkle of eyes. Water is one of the compound substances everlasting in the sky as clouds changing its form into two elements. In sky it called clouds when comes down it called rains or water. Rains land to ground but changing form visible when goes up no one able to say that it has not raise up to sky. Jesus case is also so raised up to God (may be in a body defining one of his divine events, it had stated he was with Moses and Elias (May peace of God upon them) just before the crucifiction held). Therefore, he rose up by God and land but a many people would not believe it. “And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour); but follow ye me: this is a straight way.” Sura 43 verse 61 Quran. God revealed all along before and after about Jesus only here God used pronoun the word he, definitely there are many reasons not to say Jesus. However, to all commentators the word he is for Jesus. God is All-Wise, He knows where what to use. Probably God intentionally did not use the name Jesus to make a few persons famous in the world. If the name mentioned then Kadiani would not become the King of Mosi, fortunately, he got a chance to enter in that place uttering his name Ahmed. As one Sura kept open for all here also it is open for them who want to indulge with the pronoun him to become famous, it is a good opportunity for some to glorify. Hazarat Isha (A) is not the only Sign of the Day of Resurrection but a many things, persons and some events also are there. Out of that a few events and about some person are defined rest would appear before the people. The intellectuals of the world will look into it to convey the matter to the general for information time to time. “When Jesus came with clear Signs, he said; “now have I come to you with wisdom, and in order to make clear to you some of the (points) on which ye dispute; therefore fear Allah and obey me.” Sura 43 verse 63 Quran. From the above verse, anyone can imagine that God is talking about Jesus. It has started from the verse 57 and still continuing, how can another one enter to that pronoun is to justified by the people of all sects. Divine events on that age had shown by Jesus but the Jews had bad blood on him having no father. It is the revelation of God after six hundred years Mohammed (SM) cleared off all slang and blame from her mother and from Jesus too. Presently the life of Jesus though brought out throughout the book discussing various things only to give peace to some faces for whom it is awful writings even then practical number of readers may count to the fingers. Why it is so? Because on religion subject people of famous faces, have very less interest throughout of the world. The person has appeared before the people presenting the nature, its examples, the newborn state according to the verse 3(55) in course of time, which determined the year of the arrival of Jesus. Hope against hope one may succeed at last but it depends on God. Clouds, lightening and summer season are tripod determining the month the nature has shown its reality through the sun, the moon and the stars become dull in the morning brought out a time for the arrival of Jesus. Again according to Hadith it reached to Minar of Mosque in the afternoon not only to Mosque but also to all churches, Moth of all Buddhist, Mondir of Hindus and all religious schools to get the information if any one interested to know as like as lightening. It may bring forth new ideas in the heart of thirsty people keeping away from ambiguous by devoting to one and unique God sharing Him to none. Two tripods of nature are the witness other than the Holy Books if not anyone believes it. The person who had to come in near future about him no body knows from which country he would arrive except God according to New Bible. “This Quran is not such as can be produced by other than Alla; on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the book – wherein there is no doubt – from the Lord of the Worlds.” Sura 10 verse 37 Quran. The Holy Quran is a Divine Book that which cannot but has to admit. (Why should one not believe the Quran? One person if he goes to heaven then his reward is ten times bigger a world than the present world. Is it true? If so, let it see practically. The total population passed away and present population in addition to that coming population of the world would counting a figure will come out. Present population is say eight hundred cores totaling all may go to lac cores. If one count only galaxy of the worlds after worlds it would be more than the total population leaving aside their family members. Everyone should think over the matter in all respect.) The Quran is the supporter of religious books. (People criticize that the Quran is nothing but replica of Old and New Bible. One agreed upon them it is so but Mohammed (SM) did not do so. Then who has done it please find out and then say it. If logic of the famous people come into conclusion that God has done it because His Books and orders had modified by the people, as they liked.) Muslims say do not go through the Bibles as because God rejects them. It is not true to do so that threw them to dustbin. Because all history of the Quran is, there nowhere it would found. Miss interpreters may explain the subject in favor of them by putting the word Ahmed instead of the word he but cannot change the subject matter of other religious books where arrival of Jesus confirmed. They would not support the miss interpreters in any way, because he is not only signing for Muslim that by force you would do something as anyone likes. O, eastern part of the world, thanks to you to give the proper information in accordance to your Holy Book. Same to western part of the world, you do not create obstructions to arrive the one in the world. In accordance to the Injil, it would go from the East to West as like as lightening. Definitely the world came to know it so that they become alert going through religious books to find out which one of God still pure and unchanged to devote to one and unique God. “For that reason people say, Jesus is in desert area, and then do not go out from home. If say, he is at home do not believe it.” 24: verse 26 Mathew, New Bible. In connection to verse, it said that Jesus might come from any place of the world. It mentioned that do not believe on rumors in any case. Lairs and claimant of Jesus would found a many that would come before the people saying Jesus or Isha Mosi. Different people will bring out their virtues in many ways to prove them Jesus but think that having no proofs in all sides of God they might have told own Jesus. How it happens, it is a long chapter and discussion. In short, one likes to give an example so that one understands the reasons. There are two types of people someone God selects others do their mediation devoting towards God. Those who do the mediation in them speaking the truth is the best of all but should not disclose the matter to others without justification is to follow. One example is Mr. Gada Ram Babu of India. He spoke the truth to all in life history that is why he became a famous person in India as a Sree Sree Ram Krishna. What to say, he is neither Ram nor Krishna. He may belong to any sect it happened to all. He said that he thought about Ram and Krishna all the time so he became as like as them. This is a true statement of one. Whom one thinks in devotion that one he sees at dream. Love factors also such if one think about someone he appears in dream. However, the person has seen did not come at all moreover he knows nothing about it. If it is religious matter then speak the truth, because in mediation it happens that for whom one thinks it seems that he appears and one become so like that person. Practically it is not that he became such and such person. From there question of re-birth came before the people only not understanding the mediation. Very less people know about others in practical name but they have become famous for their truthfulness only. Perhaps in the era people would see such type of dream all the time because men think about the matter very much. Any saint tells a lie or disclose his own things to others he is maddened to all as because there found no base on his theory. For one lie that person goes in emotion and bring out ten lies to prove his word is true. So is the case of Mosi Kadiani he saw that he became Jesus and Imam Mehdi too. Some time finding no way thought about son of Mary then he became Mary, gave a birth to a child Jesus that is he. He gowned up as Jesus in a day. However, all proves would not come in force to anyone hearts as their legs have fastened with the rope to their ancestors. They will hear to them minutely what their ancestor had heard and act upon on it. These types of dream had seen by some one before the world war and newborn state has no base with the Holy Books. Therefore, mediation is a hard subject one must try to understand it and the followers also should think the matter deeply otherwise, they will go through untold sufferings. Even in meditation, one becomes Allah or Mohammed (SM) or other famous persons. It is a stage of meditation but men understand less or Satan instigates at that moment. So it becomes as like as one sees an elephant in a deep forest. Seeing its back full description of an elephant is not correct. Message has carried into effect by lightening and clouds, The person acts saying Krishna, Buddha, and Isha Mosi. Hundred of obstructions on the way are carrying through writings, Rebirth has become suitable to land. In the course of events, the one till is most astonishing Only for the Isha, re-birth kept mysterious hiding. The clouds and lightening has brought to life the message received in accordance with Holy Books. (Had it known to one that in course of period in a sky one would dream to get an order for writing a book? Although one has carried out the order having no knowledge in relation to religion as well as in writings.) In present life the news will spread out, as lightening as a result lies will die with it miss interpreters also. As it is not of one but of nature she would play in the field to come out with proves as what said Krishna, Buddha and Isha Mosi. Her proves will carry her through though hundred of obstructions ahead. Is there anyone to stop Him who inspired one to write on the religion matter being ignorant? It seems that in a birth from mother womb is one kind of landing though one has prove of landing from a sky as well as real sky of God. (Has one arrival to put forth the custom of rebirth of other sect, which is only for one exception to nature an idea to disclose.) About the arrival of Jesus found in Old Bible, New Bible, Quran and Hadith as well as in the scripture of Hindus and Buddhist. It is too in the book of those who worship fires. Not all these scriptures can tell a lie. (Main aim to tell all these scriptures not to prove only the arrival of Jesus but to say such an order written by men in different Holy Books misunderstood the subject matter. In lieu of Jesus, they all started coming again in the world one by one as a rebirth.) The matter stands in a point that rebirth is as like as landing in addition to a practical sky and real sky. That the angels carry out their duties as landing of soul where inside of that Ruhh stays with the cover. These all are about landing according to Hadith but in arguments and logic, say that plan passed for his arrival ever before core and cores years ago. The way God likes He may send His selected person in accordance with the verse 43(61) to show His Sign of the Day of Resurrection. One is to look to it carefully to find out the true to lay aside for the future. “Jacob said, “Nay, but ye have yourselves contrived a story (good enough) for you so patience is most fitting (for me). May be Allah will bring them (back) all to me (in the end); for He is indeed full of Knowledge and wisdom.” Sura 12 verse 83 Quran. (Why the verse has quoted above not known to the person. However, to say, how the future act under the nature only known to God. Prophet Jacob (A) came to know when using cloths of Prophet Yusuf (A) found in hand smelling it he confirmed that his son was alive.) A many sects and sub-sects passed away among the Muslims but still a few are alive. They are in different name surviving as a whole they are Muslims. In early age, there was rumor that seventh Imam others say twelfth Imam would come in the world as Imam Mehdi but to others it may be from any corner as well up defined. In view of it some of the sect found there fortieth Imam who is reign over them. Out of all these prophecies arrival of Jesus is up to the mark in the heart of all remained to the point as because that period is the period of Imam Mehdi who would rule over the world but in true sense found none except darkness. Brightness of coming Jesus in the heart of Muslims and Christian’s society still found in one voice but to others consider that their own Warner would arrive again in the world. In the above verse one saw that own made story not accepted by Prophet Jacob (A). Therefore, any such own made case would found no base to God. It may that one day, as the Holy Books had revealed so before closing the office of God, Who opened it, warn the people showing the Signs. Hadith narrated by one sect about the descendent of Hazarat salman Fareshi (RA) there they considered from generation to generation the Prophets would arrive. To speak the truth a many famous persons went away those who re-awoken the Islam by their hard endeavor. For them Islam has spread out all over the world. The sect put down a Hadith before general that, “How my followers go to an end where in the beginning myself and at the last Mahdi would arrive.” There they did not quote any reference. (Ahmadiat page-80). However, one does not deny the Hadiths but it is included in the arrival of Jesus. It said that Imam would come among you. That sect amalgamated the Hadith about Jesus and Imam Mehdi. In the same Hadith, it was clear, that one Imam would pray to God and under him Jesus would pray to God. Both the persons are different in Hadith but to become more popular the leader of the sect had hold both the position or finding no Imam Mehdi to solve the problem himself became the Imam Mehdi at the last. The sect put forward another Hadith from far away Egypt. “In a Hadith it found that some Ahmed would arrive as Mehdi (A) whose father’s name is Abdullah?” ( Alvata ohel Hodisia-prited at Egypt page-38 writer Hazarat Ahmed Shahabuddin Ebn Hazzarelhay Shamia. Ahmadiate page-42). With very long trouble, the sect collected the Hadith from a distance place Egypt. Was there any trouble to get the pure Hadith in any country? Because of having wrong idea, they were running after to distance places to get some sorts of information in their favor. It understood by all that their concept is not for the betterment of Islam. It known to all in Islam there is no sect or sub-sect, if it is intellectuals should look into it. Still it has not ended; the sect forwarded information from India. “One religious teacher of Delhi, India Shah Nayamatullah (RA) in Persia language wrote down that at the last era, one who had to arrive the man would as like as Mohammed (SM) and his name also as like as Ahmed. He would become the Mehdi (A) as well as Jesus would. That means, at a stretch he would become Jesus and Imam Mehdi too. Both the characters would play in public by one person.” (Reference book Ahmadiat page-41). One has no intention to go against any religious person. Here a point to note ahead readers will find that Mohammed (SM) another name is Ahmed would deny the sect to become Jesus. They would say that nowhere Ahmed name was found but Mohammed (SM) is used everywhere even in the seal to sent the letter to other country. So far, it saw that the sect played tricks with the Quran and Hadith but now they played hide and seek to the religious teachers. What he said and how made a story! Prophecies of Shah Nayamatullah what he had said before eight century in 570 Hijri –“Hereafter the English would conquer entire India and then they would reign over for a century.” (The English had conquered the last portion of India, Lahore in 1849. The English ruled over until 1947). Mosi Kadiani died in the year of 1908. “That period as a guardian one would arrive to save religion as a hero named Ali. (Probably Mohammed Ali Jinnah or other religious teachers he had spoken)”. Question is that was he alive at that period. Answer would come, no. “There would hold a war in-between both the countries and many would die. In India near about forty years Islamic over lordship would remain. Hereafter from a place Esphehan an evil named Dazzal would arrive, listen! Own is speaking, to kill him Hazarat Isha (A) would arrive from the sky. In the same period Imam Mehdi would also appear.” (In the prophecies there, two persons arrival confirmed but Mosi Kadiani misinterpreting made a story one person to fulfill his own desires. (Reference book of Kasida, Translated by Maulana Mohammed Soaib page 7 and 8). If anyone falls in sick, he takes the shelter of a doctor. The doctor tries to find out reasons by hearing old history of the patient. Perhaps if Mosi Kadiani had taken shelter to a doctor then he would try to find out the disease that only for the name Ahmed he felt in sick. Even his father's name was not Abdullah. However, his father's name was Golem Murtuza. (It may that the word meaning of that Golam Murtuza is Abdullah.) “Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and of all that is between them; so worship Him, and be constant and patient in His worship; knowest thou of any who is worthy of the same Name as He? Sura 19 verse 65 Quran. God knows better. One does not know the self that is why a many question asked to the intellectuals. It is possible to rise up thousand and one logics and arguments but none can say that he knows all. It is also not wise to say so. Divine elements shown rose up in high, Water goes up parting two into sky. For that taken shelter Ruhh had gone away, The house mixed up with nature in different gay. Raindrops kept no sign in muddy, Some say not rose up in a body. The poem is telling about Isha (A) how he was rose up high as well as a little description of one view. No body knows how he was rose up in the sky except the documents what men had with them and God knows it. However, men assume in different way as they as if even they express their idea up to the end. In the poem, three words have selected of same nature in Bengali out of three a saint lives in a shelter, another a shelter given in a house, other one is worldly house. Muslims divided Naffs in many parts as well as Ruhh but a person who did not go to religious school cannot understand it well. So one understands what without heavenly body man is animal, soul without Ruhh half of the worldly man. Muslims also say that the last one is first one as Mohammed (SM). He (SM) is last prophet that is why he is first one. On the theory one agreeing upon all solution has given, it may write or wrong. If it is wrong, may God forgive the one? Here the Ruhh is last that is why it goes to God first. Otherwise, everything goes to God by turns. (One believes all divine events shown by Jesus as well as in Quran in supports it many verses came to the effect. One of the divine event has already narrated that Jesus went high there he met to Moses and Elias (may peace of God upon them) and again returned back as a worldly body but there he was in heavenly body.) Those who did not understand it said again that water is a compound element as well as visible but In open eyes its element are not visible those are hydrogen and oxygen. In no case, it is to assume that a heavenly body is less than worldly body or decreased something as the water. Water did not decrease but changed the form. Not anything leaving station one can define it, as a death but Muslims do not say about Jesus that he died as the Quran said it so. One can see the Injil “Bright face of Jesus”. (They saw Moses and Elias with Jesus in a high place changed his formed in bright face.) 9: verses 2 to 4 Mark, Injil. This is also an event, which is out of nature but science of God. If any body who believes the events shown it is for them that what learned from the quoting verses human body mixed up with the nature in the sky parting into many elements. It can also mix up with the mud or anywhere in the earth, if God wishes He can accumulate them again and form in a body, which is visible. As the Quran revealed about Jesus and crucifixion is a fiction of God so it is nothing but crucifiction. The angel did not take out the soul from the body as well as there is no sign of his grave. One does not debate on the issue, as the solution would have given by God on the Day of resurrection day. It might that what God thought ever before not known to Jesus even. As the case of Abraham, he would not know that instead of his son God would send a sheep to sacrifice. In the discussion, it found that there are parts of a body one is worldly body another one heavenly body and last one is Ruhh. It would discuss how Adam grew up in the heaven. No doubt he had created by God but the method is same but without father and mother. “Man says, “What! When I am dead, shall I then be raised up alive? But does not man call to mind that We created him before out of nothing?” Sura 19 verses 66 and 67 Quran. In present era, one should understand very well how God would rise up the man from dead to alive. Just before the verses of Injil described now the Quran says it is very easy for Him to wake a man from sleep as well as to accumulate the elements of worldly body. Please try to understand that a SIM of Grameen phone fitting in any mobile set one can wake up the life of that grameen phone. Therefore, the SIM is in the hand of God. If the Sims fits to a cow then the cow will behave as the SIM does. (What is to do to be happy in future? One is to earn money to research the SIM otherwise the one will not able to communicate with his beloved. If it is for a long time not used may go to dogs. Earn money to research the SIM for a stable life calling HIM only, there is none to worship except God saying so believe in it is the first step for a man to remain alive.) Ahmed son of Golam Mutuza had fallen on illusions thinking himself Jesus, son of Mary, they tried to play tricks with the people making all lies true by interpreting the verses of the Injil and the Quran. Not understanding his followers also made a many stories and still they are going ahead to enroll new comers at abroad as well as in own country saying false to them to go after their leader Mosi Kadiani. Their activities are out of Holy Books instructions, which have narrated clearly in this book to go over before they ink to their proposal. What Shah Nayamatullah said in his second “Kasida” “That period Muslims would decline towards ill leaving the Quran and not visiting pilgrimage? The unbelievers would take chance taking that opportunity guiding people to wrong paths. Some named AHMED, such type of two persons would arrive to misguide the Muslims by misinterpreting the Quran in accordance to their will and wish. ( Two persons “Ahmed” means one is Mosi Kadiani who was a claimant of Prophet and second one is his son Mahmmud Ahmed who would think that he was greater than the Hazarat Omar (R) . Reference book second Kasida, translated by Maulana Mohammed Soaib. “So, by the Lord, without any doubt, We shall gather them together, and (also) the Evil ones (with them); then shall We bring them forth on their knees round about Hell.” Sura 19 verse 68 Quran. Satan and men as like Satan those who misinterpreted the Quran and also to them who gave share to Allah, He would punish them severly. As one said earlier that SIM would go to dogs, in fact, God would not destroy them but send them to blacksmith to leave the rust in the iron. O, these would become terrible for the man as because the black smith hammer the iron to leave the rust after putting it to fire. Why it has happened so? Because one was, having real magnet (Ruhh) with him did not energize himself (heavenly body). By rubbing own to become another magnet at least near to it. Here in worldly period one could not energize his heavenly body in accordance with the advices of Ruhh but heard the lower Naffs of animal to fulfill ones desire and took illegal money and honey for own satisfaction. The One Who runs whole verses He knows everything better than anybody else does. Dear readers, to a liar if anyone rise up good deeds in honor of it he will try to put it off the truth. It is useless to say something to them, to something more about it requires a good orator, which are absence in own. Moses came to that era to teach rules and regulations of religion in support of it Jesus came to teach same religion with theological and spiritual matters. The Jews did not accept him but they declined on the plea of having no father and blamed his mother. Mohammed (SM) came with the same religion to combine all especially these two keeping them together in a great religion Islam to spread out peace all over the world. Next arrival of Jesus is a Sign of the Day of Resurrection under Islam as a followers of Mohammed (SM), may take in hand Mosi not the sword to prove to the intellectuals and scientists and all others in keeping with speech to the present people as a science of God that in account God has no mistake. That is a Sign of God. He is Most Powerful, Most Wise. Others say after death rose him up, Would it possible to arrive to a dead, At all is not possible to rebirth. The Quran says death is to taste to Naffs once. That way no sign found of dead body at earth In Injil, no dead body had left behind. In the poem described about the events of Jesus how he rose up to the sky. How he would come back from the sky. Some says he died after then he had taken to heaven as normal death. However, the Quran as well as Injil both do not in support of it. About his arrival from the sky has found in Hadith and Injil in support of it says that on board of clouds he would land. Other than, these two commentators do not support rebirth as that is out of nature. A many times it has narrated so far but no conclusion has given to the matter by anyone. However, it is a matter that if he comes from the sky still then the doubt will not decrease to any extend. If he comes through rebirth then also question would arise among the people. What that the man knows God Almighty is Most Powerful even then doubts of remain in their heart only not understanding His power. It would madden to say about the power of God to the intellectuals, scientists and philosophers. The one is putting an example then people of respect can think over whether God send him in the world the way He likes. So far, men discovered say one hundred twenty atom or more than that. If one narrate a own made history to them then the scientists and the philosophers simply would come back to the earth and say that there is none to worship except God, therefore, share Him to none. Out of one hundred twenty atoms, the person is taking only one atom in hand to define to the people. Say one scientist has taken an atom in his hand for defining the matter to all. Is he outside the atom or inside it he knows it well. An atom has divided into many smallest parts but including the atom, none is visible to anyone in open eyes. If all atoms have defined so far, men discovered then scientists and others would not able to supply the papers to write. Let it see with present theory how God running verse after verse in proportion without any disturbance. In the mean time, world advanced and came in a position to understand the science of God. One is discussing about unseen world in open eyes. Now the atom has taken in hand men divided it into ten smallest parts like electron, proton, neutron etc. only ten divided smallest parts bring in to explain then one can try to understand how the unseen verses are working properly. The scientist took again these ten smallest parts into his hand with every one he made separate verse. Now the scientist has ten verses in hand dividing that atom. If the atom divided into hundred by God then one has no account of it. In this way, in short, ten verses found and they are going around each other in proportionately but completely unseen. In scientific way smallest parts of the atom rounding each other, eating up each other as clouds eats to weak one, rubbing each other come to a little form of an atom, which is still unseen for the man. Like proton or electron a many worlds are there of God, which one cannot imagine even. These atoms again form alone verses rounding each other, in the same process the present world is an example to the people. One knows that the description is little hard to understand and madden to some one. Therefore, for Him nothing impossible to do but man having short knowledge want prove of it. There are hundred of opinions regarding the departure of Jesus but the solution of the matter would have given by God 3(55) and all other opinions of men are doubtful in accordance with the verse 4(157). The Quran says Naffs is to taste death once to that concern no sign found in the earth, as there is no grave. If he did not rise up in a body in heaven then in the earth one would find the grave as to others. “Will they wait until Allah comes to them in canopies of clouds, with angels (in His train) and the question is (thus) settled? But Allah do all questions go back (for decision).” Sura 2 verse 210 Quran. When God with His angels arrive, men would get no time to repent, which would have held at the last hour. The proved have given by the person at unseen as well as the matter has shown in a practical sky. Instead of accepting Hadiths one of the sects people threw a few words against Hadiths taunting that if the angels could bring Jesus on a Minar of a Mosque then why they did not come ten yards more down to that Minar to land Jesus on the ground. These are ironical words used against Hadiths; where as, the leader of the sect said that Minar means his house or a Muslim family. Hard sufferings to them, not understanding the Hadiths simply they taunted the remarks. In fact, the angels are coming and going all the times to the world to perform their duties given to them to write whatever a man does to keep record other than His own record, which automatically printed at His office. The question is only there that the Jibrail (A) who has detailed for to bring divine messages to Prophets he would come or not to the world taking such divine messages of God. Misinterpreting the verses of Quran and accepting a portion of Hadith other portion making null and void they deceived the people who knew less about religion. In course of time it happened that, their descendent increased at present they would not able to leave the caste. That sect rising logics arguments in their favor goes about everywhere of the world to give lessons of their own theory but cannot reply who rose them up from mountain cave after three hundred years, was it a nature or out of nature! If out of nature what present one says that is nature or out of nature justify the thing when a great philosopher also present there. “Mosi Kadiani said, “Their faith would that Jesus did not die in the cross. As the plan had made before the function with a hidden decision that took him up in the cross keeping him for a period got him down. He had taken to a mountain cave and laid up but came round after had given medical service. He left the place in a secret mission to preach his religion to others at Kashmir. There he got a long life and died.” (Reference book Ahmadiat, page 43, Al Munjedu Fil Lugatel Adabe wal Wolome, printed at Beirut, Lebanon). For fraud ness there is no scale to measure, perhaps The Satan has a little shame in him but the sect is out of it as because in the Bokhari and Moslem Sharif stated about Jesus in the Hadiths. They knocked up everywhere of the world to import the Hadiths to quote the references. They are all new to the Muslims. In the world or hereafter the above all except God but all men are not equal in position in both the places. Therefore, all Prophets are of God but not equal in position. One is president of the country. Alternatively, one is there above all, whatsoever the position is! In that sense, if Hazarat Mohammed (SM) might have said that if other Prophets would remain present at his period then everyone had to obey him. It does not mean at all that some one had died before him. That is not also a document to prove about Jesus that he died as the sect conveyed to the people. The sect blew in to the Muslims with a Hadith saying, “Hazarat Mohammed (SM) also asserted that Jesus died at the age of one hundred twenty years. (Reference book Kanjul Ummal, Ahmadiat page 44). In respect of a Hadith quoted by the sect if that becomes true to all then other two hundred Hadiths about Jesus are lie. Out of two hundred twenty two are purely of Bukhari and Moslem Sharif. Who is going to debate with the sect people, let it decided by the readers and intellectuals? Such kind of notion those who possess for them hard suffering waiting. The Satan made him able to write all lies and false stories. It is out of the Quran and the Injil too. The Quran as said that the matter was a fiction of God therefore no question comes about cross. These all are own made stories. It might that not real Jesus took up to cross as it had seen by the Jews. However, fiction cannot become truth that he was Jesus. The Quran says they killed him not nor crucified him. Therefore, cross has no function at all there. The word crucifixion has come from the word cross so one must not go near to it as the Quran said it was all fiction. Even then, a group believes death of him, However, he is on board on clouds. Question is too religious teachers, He speaks to the people in his youth. Is it possible to speak, if comes from the sky? At the age thirty-three, he rose up The Quran says full youth comes at forty. Many people of many minds are holding different notions. At this juncture his arrival to the Minar of a Mosque by the angels have no logics to put in to this matter but true logics already put forwarded how he would land. There is no doubt in it that God may do everything whatever He likes but He does the thing in proportionate according to His science. He rose up at the age of thirty-three that period. If he comes to present era media people wanted to know a many things asking many questions. Not to avoid this factor only but the age thirty-three is not full of youth as stated in Quran. Therefore, the person narrated all types of landing from the sky. Born is also a kind of landing but it becomes rebirth to a person still then it may justified as the law has made earlier. It is so that one landed from the real sky by the angels, which are inner meanings as well as from the practical a sky from dark to light. It may from the darkness of mother womb and then to light. Again, from a sky rebirth by getting a few words in dream then came to know. Therefore, Jesus would Land to a Minar of the Mosque but men of the period might look at him as well as hear him. They may not believe the matter and try to find fault with the landing. “That they said (in boast), “we killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no(certain ) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.” Sura 4 verse 157 Quran. One does not like to on long discussion on the above verse quoted here for the people to under stand well. God has clearly told two wards that not killed and not crucified. The person playing the rule of Jesus does not know Arabic too English and weak in own language. Kill itself means that by striking some one put into death and crucify also means by striking pigs on the body or fastening with rope to take one to high position may be the person has taken in high position wounded or death. When God used both the words at a time how people of other sects according to Injil what had written taking Jesus to cross and telling with them he did not die and got up after three days giving medical treatment. The matter is amazing to one being Muslim they preaching to that entire same thing and when asked reply to them he did not say so but Injil is telling that. To the Christen, they had no faith on a worldly body of Jesus but they thought he had a heavenly body always but to Muslim he was as Adam. Therefore, his body is there and if he put into death then his body should be there. Where as, nothing of these sorts kept behind. Some of the commentators telling very proudly that Jesus was hang up then they tell hang up means not death but he was alive then. Not crucified means if so that he put to cross and hang up but not died then one had nothing to say them. If not please come back from the point raise by all. Witness is Injil not the proper answer to it. God made it clear that but so it had made to them means whatever seen is not false but it was fiction of God. Then may one ask where you got Jesus to hang up in accordance with the verse. God said that people not knowing the fact they spoke following conjectures and certain knowledge of it only known to God. Any Muslim believes in it that Jesus had a phantom body if so then tell whatever said in Injil. Jesus had taken to cross for crucifixion but not died due to some reasons or nearly dead does not prove that God is Most powerful. As one spoke, earlier nearly dead person may get life again there nothing to say about God that He is Most powerful. It is not out of nature. If any man can do what God did such as parting the moon into two pieces and again made to one then it would not say a divine event. Same case is not also here that if man can say what God did about Jesus that would not count as a divine event nor it would count as but so made by God. Crucifix is a word used in Quran, which itself prove that Jesus had not taken to the cross for crucifix, if one was not cru fix then how he had crucified. In that some one has taken out a theory finding New Bible that he was fasten with rope but all methods were of same nature. Evil counselors are still throwing there evil net to the ocean for catching big fishes in false net. The verse quoted above to prove against it they made false stories Jesus was alive. Some says Jesus was alive proved taking honey and fish. Some says he was alive and had gone to Kashmir in secret. A few says he hang up but not got much pain nearly dead and woke up and met to his followers took honey and fish. One thinks that these type of history made by them to run with the Christian society to bring faith on them. Does anybody know heavenly body eats or not? Adam had heavenly body once. There he eats and roam. He wore heavenly dress too. Therefore, eat not what except God. Rests are taking food or alike otherwise not possible to survive general logics say so. Evil doers mind always remains evil. The evil hides in him in secret in the heart. Of getting chance of doing, any evil deeds it wakes up for to do so. The mind having good virtues if he declines at bad sides repenting to God that he comes back. Evil makes tranquility in the society, try to find out fault in Quran and speak out something against Quran with false logics and arguments. As a result, misunderstanding continues among the people. The Quran says full youth comes at forty, Did he pass rest of the life as dumb? When put forwarded a verse with logics, With finger trips has shown that state, Then they say a social out state. The wise say what new in it is! Basu merges into Krishna has come out with light. In the Quran it found that one who reaches at forty he gets the full youth and declines towards God full heartedly as well as he looks after his parents too. A question arises here that if Jesus returns to the world as he rose up at thirty-three then he would speak to the people or not. One of the sects has done the thing as the question is; their reply perhaps in Kashmir Jesus was dumb for long seventy-seven years. The sect leader did the work ere long by sending him to Kashmir but not came out with other portion of Injil what Jesus preached at Kashmir. As the poem says with all logics, one has shown a state but they it social out to them. The wise says that there is nothing new in it. They think what a great Holy Book is in their hand where all rules and regulations are there. To pass human life worldly and hereafter the Book is enough, therefore, they bothered least. On the other hand, one is bothering whose name is Basu merged into Krishna to say something to all. Another side people found one Ahmed who had been suffering for long ago spoken to all putting his name in the Quran where a name Ahmed was there. He also put his name in a verse where pronoun he words there. He came with an event to define to Muslims and in addition, Christen Jesus crucified no doubt but not died, it happened that is the divine event of God as if he saw the matter. Holding the position of prophet, he took the God in his hand defining the divine events whichever known to anyone. “Jesus with loud voice on the cross said, “Eleh Eleh lama sabakthani means O, God, O, God, why did you leave me alone?” 27: 46 Mathew, Injil. “Again he made a loud sound and left the world for ever.” 27: 50 Mathew, Injil. Before one begins the discussion on the matter another Prophet Zachariah what he did taking shelter inside a tree perhaps known to Christen. The Prophet made no sound at all while the Jews made the tree into pieces. He had become part into many pieces. As Jesus who shouted here having faith on God but God never leave the Prophet in any case. Would it had done by real Jesus that not supported by the Quran. Therefore, God said that it was so make for the Jews. The Jews had come to know then that not the Jesus but as Jesus hung up because his body was not Jesus. The kept the matter in secret. Verses quoted above from Injil and the legend of the Jews both making one some of the Muslims took out own made believable story by misinterpreting the verse of the Quran to all the nations. The word God used crucifiction or so made is more important or the men made story, which have no prove in the scriptures. Even Jesus was not wake up after three days as the statement made in Injil. What one saying is not also true that some one hung up as Jesus who had faith on him that Jesus had a divine power to rise up anyone from dead? Moreover, he had another power to change body of others and own what seen in the above description. According to Prophet Daniel, he would arrive as he stated in old Bible and his period would run for thousand years under Islam. It may believe or not but the readers and the society of Christ know that he would come again. If so, why not believe the truth after justification. Dear readers, please look into the verse of Injil, “In the heading bright face of Jesus” as related, “Before them the face of Jesus changed into heavenly face. His face as bright as the sun and his cloth had become white as light. They saw that he was talking to Moses and Elias.” 17: 1 to 3 verses, Mathew, Injil. Matter kept hidden by the followers as his instruction until the event of crucifixion. Why such instruction had given to the followers? Narrating until the crucifixion not to disclose the matter has something to think over by the intellectuals. To mix up with dead person is also a death but he retuned as worldly body and took every food as a man. These types of divine events for God are easy to show the man. If one has faith on God then it is better to follow the Quran and Hadiths. Therefore, only the Muslims and the Christians believe that God rose him up and the sect and other few differ in it. If really Jesus comes then to recognize the state Israel by the Muslim state has no obstruction rest of the things according to Quran would happen today or tomorrow. Everything God knows batter who is controlling the nature too. So far, one defined landing from the sky if Allah arrives from heaven the man would not believe it keeping aside Jesus. Perhaps God has given shelter to that person who brought faith on Jesus and hung up as Jesus. To find out exact matter not possible for anyone even Jesus would not also able to define it if he comes. “Thereafter two of them were going towards their village then Jesus appeared to them in other face (by his sound they recognize him)”. 16: 12 and 13 verses, Mark, Injil. Before crossing one’s path the man should realize how Jesus once and again appeared to the men in other faces. It had seen before the event and after the event held. If one would not possess such divine power then how he appeared before the man. Let it decide by the readers and intellectuals. To differentiate between two persons one can say this much that Jesus was a selected person who had divine power to change his face. In addition, other one who hung up cried loudly and said, “O, my God, did you leave me,” was not the same person but got rid of all sins in good faith on Jesus as an apostle of God. Other than assumption in practical, it is difficult to prove how event held up that period. It can define as made by some one that Moses made a road on the river Nile when it was ebb tide and the pharaoh went in the middle of the river high tide came on the spot. This is for them who does not believe and fight shy of the divine events. Such type of explanation of the man does not prove that God is Most powerful and Most wise. “After advising the followers Jesus had risen up to the heaven.” 16: 19 Mark, Injil. Dear readers, only for once would one not try to understand the science of God, almighty Allah who is Most powerful and wise. Should one depend on the explanation given by the man and on their theories, which have thousand and one notions? As Siddartha Buddha, one became wise, Mohammed Ahmed (SM) has everywhere praised. ‘B’ is at wish of God ‘S’ in mankind is playing role, Man comes once and again in Hindus and Buddhist scriptures, It is in all scriptures only for Jesus. No other comes in the world twice, In every worlds of God, they meet each other. The man lives on after death to other worlds there. ‘B’ and ‘S’ are the letters of the named Basu the Basu is the real name of Krishna. Opposite to it, ‘S’ and ‘B’ is the name of siddartha Buddha. Because of some reasons ‘B’ in Bengali forms a word ‘Basana’ means wish, in that sense, in the poem it has imagined as a wish of God. Both the letters are the first and last letters of Quran. The last letter is the letter of last sura ‘Nas’ as well as last letter of the Quran and the meaning of the last sura ‘Nas’ is mankind. In the last whoever comes his aim would to establish peace in the world and show the sign of God. It is a sign of white flag, which carry peace for humankind. Peace, means Islam and every religion came to establish peace in the world. In Arabic, the word Salaam came from peace, which is a sign of the letter’s’ and the letter is carrying white flag for all the man of the world. God is one and unique and has no definite form so as His qualities are also so. The man is mysterious creation of God possess all qualities of God. In man also such type of qualities are there but almost all are in form condition which are indirect form of God. Mostly form and formless are discussed here. Man has both the characteristics in the body. When a seed put inside the mud, that one grows up into plan. Who has done so? Definitely, answer is God. When Adam (A) was in form condition he was also grow up as he had life. It known to all that without life nothing grows. Thereafter God breathed into him and he became the wise. It can say that heavenly body had formed and then God breathed into him. Heavenly body formed from the mud but of Nur or His knowledge. This is what a narration of pure soul. However, heavenly body alone is not out of danger. It may commit sin. God loves His creation and the creation loves Him. In man, breathing of God Ruhh loves heavenly body and vice versa. The man loves him own as well as it visible to him in dream. Everywhere Mohammed (SM) has praised and he is one of the Apostles of God most liked by Him. To say truth, it was His preplan He made earlier. In the scriptures of Hindus and Buddhist, it saw that the man comes once and again. These are man made stories. In Quran, such type verses are available but some one not understanding brought in rebirth in Muslim. Perhaps the arrival of Jesus was in every scripture as it is in Old Bible and new Bible. Those scriptures had written from their memory collecting information. It heard that the scripture Veda’s was a revelation of God to Prophet Noah (A). Therefore, in poem it narrated that man meet each other in other worlds of God where man can live on and all arrangement like the world are there. “But they killed him not, nor crucified him but so it was made to appear to them.” Sura 4(157), Quran. The man of that sect who followed crook path scrutinizing hypocritical points had cast out all Islamic way. He tried to carry on his theory to the Muslim as well as to other religions people. He has drawn away others attention by misinterpreting the verse of Quran but he got obstruction from all sectors even then his followers had made a place for him in the society. God revealed that Jesus not crucified means he was not dead, wounded, hurt or fastened with the cross. At present, some of the commentators took Jesus to the cross and hung him up in explanation. One of them is Mosi Kadiani that he hurt him into cross and hung him up saying not killed but injured. It means Jesus hung up in the cross but the Quran has not supported his theory. Another people among them misinterpreting telling all that crucified means not dead but he had injured but safe. To crucify some one first he is to cru fix than the question of crucifixion comes. Once he was not cru fix as Quran how had he injured in cross? When anybody researches something, his mind devoted towards that subject. He gets into the subject so deeply that what others doing cannot look out as because he asked such a question, which hearing a child laugh at in other words he becomes foolish. Does Mosi Kadiani know what he said before the people one is very doubtful in this regards. Other commentators are telling crucifixion means not that he was dead but simply he was hanging up but not until death. They also give the witness of Quran that so revealed in Quran. If Jesus had taken to the cross for hung up, which first points of crucifixion then how God is Most powerful and most Wise? Then the wording of God might that crucified but not killed why it was so make word or sentence perhaps no value here. Nearly dead to give life is no doubt job of God but naturally it happens now and then. There are people in the world who preach Islam but they mix up a drop of juice of lemon in a jar of milk. It becomes then anti Christ as well as anti Muslim. They helped the Satan so that in last era anti Christ and anti Muslim rises up to make a way with lie for misguiding the nations. Where thousand and one notions are, there among the Christen and the Jews about Jesus crucifixion there Muslims are giving solution assuming their notions emphasizing on their theory. The Quran revealed it would decide on the Day of Judgment according to verse 3(55) there they made stories taking different Bibles written by many people. Mosi Kadiani played tricks with all the nations telling Jesus crucified. It has gone to in favor of the Christen and the Jews and gone anti Christ when he said Jesus had not died. It is against the Jews too as because they confirmed that he died. Only if one says he had crucified or cru fix then it goes against the Quran. No need to tell whether had he dead or alive. Again, he spoke anti Christ and anti Muslim that he had not risen up in a body to the sky but he was alive. From there in secret, he went to Kashmir. Once a formula discovered of own it should have a solution so he made an ill plan to grave Jesus in Kashmir. He pulled down the box of lie throwing his opinion some how and left the world. Thereafter he set off his journey to the Muslims telling a dead person can never come in the world so as Jesus he stands for and obey his prophet ship. It is proverb that when anybody brought up any fierce animal or alike that animal kills that person. How anti Christ arises it will discuss later. Generally, religious teachers are good orators and can debate anywhere. Mosi Kadiani was one of them who attended a many meetings and gathering where he showed the Quran and his own notions to all. One day he started debating with one famous religious teacher Maulana Bahauddin of Delhi in a gathering and got defeated from there he felt on sick and died. A solution perhaps had given by Mosi Kadiani giving life to Jesus by sending to Kashmir and preached to the Muslim that Jesus had spoken at his full youth at Kashmir. However, alas he could not bring out what Jesus preached to the people on that period. Therefore, he started fighting with God saying O, God why did you put down such verse that he would speak to the people, which he could not produce to public. O, God you did not such type of verse for others Prophet then why is it only for Jesus. There he gave a little solution of it that Jesus in secret preached the religion means God is afraid of men. Thereafter he had misinterpreted the verses of the Quran. How anti Christ has come let it see now. The Muslims are not antichrist or any prophets. They run on the straight path from Adam (A) to Mohammed(SM). To follow the path a Muslim is to agree Mohammed(SM) then Prophet Jesus (A), Moses (A) and so on. If anyone disagree that they (before Mohammed SM those who came as Prophets) are not Prophet then he is not a Muslim. Obviously to say something against any Prophet is a great sin. Thing is that Mosi Kadiani was brought up by some of the Christen society and then he started propagating against Jesus which is not only anti Christ but also anti Muslim. God never tolerates if anyone say something against His Apostle. Natural substance clouds is very old From vapor the clouds has overgrowth. On board on clouds Jesus, arrival has confirmed. For that reason clouds is not at proud It is that clouds are black like darkness. It considered as hateful. Although it is black even then gives life to the world by raining. On the other side pouring, it brings over flood. Such type of natural substance clouds would bring Jesus to the ground as Injil. The nature does not say that it is black nor hates her for such beauty. Man of the world may think its darkness as its color is black. In the poem, it said that man never born twice in the world but they meet each other where the other worlds are available after death. Man is to cross a many worlds like this to get proper training, There may that some one is very hard to cross and would become difficult for some one. That has made for them who do not gain knowledge in the world about God and work accordingly. “He speaks to the man in maturity”. Sura 3 verse 46 Quran. A portion of the verse again brought in to discuss more about it. The foxes lay in wait for getting something like hen on the way of writings to criticize the matter. If they fail to guide, their brilliant society after hearing what has narrated then they would run to waste for their evil mind. God is All-Wise. A many scriptures came in the world nowhere such sentence put in or for any Prophet. What is the value of put in such sentence if there has no meaning at all? Near to dead and again got life, has any function to put down such verse in Quran? Two functions are there as God revealed that he would speak to the people it meant for and should have a written book. Another one is that he is sign of the Day of Resurrection. Without these two in no way one should come in compromise with any one. God knows better than any body else. He spoke at his early age and would speak in maturity that one portion had narrated to the people and other portion would remain in dark. How the people can believe it? Anti Christ has arrived long before but man cannot realize the matter. Anti Christ and Anti Muslim not only the men concern but also a many factors are including into it. In course of time lairs ideology go to astray of having own made story, which is not in accordance with any religions and science, as a result, the person gets harass by all. Mosi Kadiani was one of the claimant of Prophet but he raised up exaggeration against some Prophet, which at all Islam does not accept. It would not accept by the intellectuals and present society. Distress for him in future is awaiting including his sect who follows him, after such comment, what he had made against Jesus. “Mosi Kadiani declared in a loud voice to the World people that without the proof of Jesus death crossing and trinity of gods would not abolish. On these circumstances, why one is to go out of teaching of Quran that Jesus is alive in the sky? Let Jesus die so that Islam gets life.” (Reference book Kisti-e- Noah page- 43 Ahmadiat page-239). The man who has faith on Islam he cannot say such harsh word to any Prophet by misinterpreting the verse of Quran. Hazarat Isha did not preach trinity of gods so for his follower’s activity a Prophet cannot harass saying let him die for Islam. It means Mosi Kadiani whatever game played so far was to motivate the people in favor of him by playing tricks thus antichrist had born from that era. The Muslims has so much faith on all prophets that they pray to God five times in a day and minimum eleven times they raised their hands to God for the peace and blessing of Abram (A) and for his descendent. Otherwise, five times pray would not fulfill in any way. There making own theory if one blames a Prophet would it tolerate by God. Why Mosi Kadiani was so much aggressive towards Jesus, one could easily understand that for own selfishness. God has taken the responsibility to spread out Islam in lieu of that Mosi Kadiani became one to preach the Islam keeping envy against a Prophet. Jesus, if comes would he able to spread out Islam everywhere in the world if God does not help. Was it justify to tell let him die for Islam. Was his version in accordance to Quran and Hadiths let it considered by the sect people? To say so for Islam is no grace at all. As one said earlier if, one brings up a fierce animal one day it bites the person. Mosi Kadiani prepared a pitfall for others saying Jesus had hung up in the cross. So how would he able to abolish the cross from the mind of Christen forever. The cross-had no base in accordance to Quran. Mosi Kadiani put Jesus on cross in his theory might that he was dead or alive. The cross has same value as it was. Jesus was dead or not the Christen would have same feelings for it. Instead of abolishing the custom Mosi Kadiani, enforce the law more severely. Own made history never brings good result for anyone. From here, the sect people can imagine what he was. It was the custom of Rome or Jews to punish a man on cross. Jesus had a many divine power. God had bestowed to him. The Quran may not believe by the Christen but the Quran cleared off all blames from his mother Mary. The Quran says about the cross so it was make to them. One Muslim should believe it. As Jesus who was hang up he also got relieved from all sins and God took him to heaven this much one Muslim can say. Believing to a Prophet brings fruitful result and God bestows him rewards, which cannot imagine by a man. Prophet Daniel gave from his dream two periods counting one thousand two hundred and ninety days and one thousand three hundred thirty-five days. The period should count from Moses as described. These are of Old Bible. How antichrist came let it observe now from the word of Susannah or Jonah a followers of Jesus. Once the prophecy comes in account it should consider the years from Jesus life. May be after or before but when Mohammed ((SM) prophecy comes it should count as Hijri of Arabic. Jonah a followers of Jesus dreamt and wrote letters to seven groups of people. There he mentioned one woman would give a birth to a child son who would rule the Jerusalem for one thousand two hundred sixty days. For him the Satan would also fight to angels. He is an evil person. In fact, sign of God has been coming from 1900 century. Before that, Prophet Daniel prophecies were counting in years instead of days. Therefore, after Moses the counting came to Prophet Mohammed (SM). Thereafter another prophecy of Prophet Daniel for last era revealed where complete peace would establish by God. That is his last prophecy in chapter twelve. Reference book is “BAITUL MUKKADDAS”. Such prophecy of Jonah has counted as 1260 years in addition to that Mohammed (SM) left the world in 631 A.D then it becomes 1891. From that period sign of God has been showing to the people may as men or instrument or in the sky. God has opened the door of heaven to look into it and realize the matter. Reference book is Injil (Revealed Kalam of Jonah page 345 and 346 Baitul Mukkaddas a portion of Injil). “Mosi Kadiani asserted, “you get it confirm that until the god of Christen not proved dead Their religion also would not die. As because the Christen has main faith on Jesus son of Mary that he is still alive in the heaven in a body. Make this faith into pieces and then see where the religion of Christ where stands.” ( Reference book is Ejlah-e-Awoham page 560 Ahmadiat page 239). Hazarat Isha (A) had never a claimant of God. There is no such word found in Injil. Its best proof is the Quran. What man says that does not become religion? Religion always followed by scripture in the hand. To give life and make dead is not the power of man and the comment made by some one is also a false. More than Christen the Muslim has faith on all Prophets especially a few Prophets, one of them is Jesus. Mosi Kadiani blamed only the Christen Jesus is alive in the heaven in a body what Hadith says he is alive in the heaven and would arrive near future again. Not believing the Hadith one is to follow antichrist then goes to dogs. The secret in it will get out one day. The man who told lie he got rewards from Saudi Arab and Pakistan awaiting more rewards if the sect jumps over to say something against the writings. Therefore, do not make friendship with those people like Mosi Kadiani and alike whom Christen brought up so long. Fierce animal always jumps over and kill the person though they behave like friend. Look over what one says the one is father, he is son as well as a soul above it Ruhh. To one has given by nature to say so. Does anyone find trinity in it? What combines to one but he is so as a man that his name is such. Therefore, the name had kept by the God ever before how one narrated it. Believe in it that God is one and unique there is none to share Him. If the question of father and mother comes then in the heaven one would not get peace at all but a few understand it. It is to them those who misinterpreted the Quran where had you now? Revelation of God who received he cannot speak against other Prophet. All Prophets are obedient to Him. He never forgives those persons who speak against any Prophets. Islam cannot revive killing some one or put into death what had done by Mosi Kadiani. The wording he uttered is of sick man and evil heart. Wait and see and see but time waits for none. Do not go to the society of antichrist or anti Muslim or Dazzal. The Satan pursued him to misinterpret the verses of Quran making in his beautiful to gain public opinion. One could that he met Satan to write the false. Everywhere like clouds, Krishna has hated. Isha Mosi is landing from the sky On the faith of Mosi Kadiani, the matter is social out Is son of Adam on board on clouds coming to the world? Therefore, it became poison to drink for Mosi Kadiani. In early age, it saw that that born as a black he had not seen in good eyes. Therefore, no body likes the Krishna as a black man except God. To Him all Ruhh the first portion of men are equal. In such way, if Jesus comes for the Christen it may pass over in their eyes. Landing from the sky had given hundred of proves might not get approval by others but to Mosi Kadiani and to his sect people the performance of one cast a spell on their eyes. It has become now poison for them. Is there anyone in the sect or anywhere in the world who can deny the natural virtues of worlds what had given to one? If the proves are science of God, which bestowed to own naturally. “By Allah, We (also) sent (our apostles) to peoples before thee; but Satan made, (to the wicked), their own acts seem alluring; he is also their patron today, but they shall have a most grievous penalty.” Sura 16 verse 63 Quran. God revealed that those who follow the path of Satan accepting him as a guardian for them severe punishment waiting in the world as well as in hereafter. Similarly, if anyone stands by the side of antichrist like Mosi Kadiani and follow him as a guardian they would have to stand in hereafter with him. (Mosi Kadiani builds up Mosques near about in one hundred thirty countries. How had it done if the christened society makes him not possible to do the construction over there? He was definitely apple of their eyes and they helped him as he passed for the jobs to do.) All his logics proved lay even then the people would follow him. There are some persons who understands only them telling whatsoever done is done but there is no way to go out even death comes to them. Such type of people not understanding sacrifice their life for nothing killing others, which Islam does not allow at all. The Hadiths and the verse of Injil made him difficult to land and fall on between two pikes. He was a religious teacher knowing hundred times better than the person even then he did not proceed on landing as because he had no points to prove practical sky. Therefore, he had no alternative except to say those Hadiths and the verse of Injil are invalid. In this way, he deceived the men to come off with excellence but all in vain. “Mosi Kadiani asserted, “In Muslims society admitted such a notion that Hazarat Mohammed (SM) is the last Prophet. Thereafter until the Day of Resurrection, no other prophet would arrive. By the side of it also believe that a Prophet who had send to Israel community would arrive again after Mohammed (SM) had leave the world to guide the Muslims from the sky. The theory is contradictory to believe as because if Jesus comes who had enlisted as a Prophet before the day of resurrection then Jesus would become the last Prophet. Because of this point to believe in it the prestige and Excellency and position of Mohammed (SM) would decrease which is against the law.” ( Reference book is Ahmadiat page 83). Dear readers, if one says to Satan that go to the grave of Adam (A) lying prostrate touching at least the ground then Satan will fly away. Here is also same thing if one says to Mosi Kadiani or his sect people agree upon that Mohammed (SM) is the last Prophet then they will also fly away like Satan. (It is own made theory to propagate the Muslims. It learned that to make angry some one first hurt the leader in any way then positive result will come out. The religious teacher Abdullah Ebn Saba (R) once who was Jew took out the theory saying so where Mohammed (SM) the great prophet would not come but a Prophet of Christen would arrive again, how is it possible. He spread out the theory everywhere.) In the same way, Mosi Kadiani sung a sing to the people. Its reply is there, please look into it. The first thing is that no Prophet can hide what God said to preach. Mohammed (SM) had done his duty and revealed the Hadiths accordingly. In argument and logics, he put up to win in battle. It would difficult for him to win. There are twenty players in a football team. Every one has given dress with numbers. Suppose number two has gone out of field instead of him, another person came in with separate number. When after interval number two again came in but his number remains so as number two. He never becomes number one. Therefore, according to list who is number one, his position and honor remains same as before. Does anybody have better than it has then produced it? In a national assembly, only three hundred seats are there. If anyone wishes, he cannot increase the seat without making laws. Of course, there are many seats are vacant in Jail to help the police persons because police alone cannot control the large people in jail. Those who are great evil they get the seat there. Therefore, no one is to worry for Mosi Kadiani that he would get a seat somewhere. In Muslims, it found that not knowing, some one uttered as a follower of Mohammed (SM) they are great even a Prophet. It is very wrong idea they possess. The seats for the Prophet are limited and they are selected person of God. Does any one can seat on that chair? No, it is not. They may become wise than the early age people and can do the job in shortage possible way. Those who are propagating against any Prophet they are like that person, (May peace of God upon him) who propagated such thing because he was one of the Muslim too. Almighty Allah is Most-Powerful, All-Wise as well as aware to other’s mind so that he knows anybody’s mind too. Main aim of Prophets is to carry out certain duties of God in force as He ordered to do. In Old, Bible Prophet Daniel did his duties expressing his dream about the arrival of Mohammed (SM) as well as Jesus. Moses did not hesitate to preach about the arrival of Mohammed (SM) though somehow men had changed the meaning by misinterpreting to hide the real things. Same case with Jesus that he did hide to preach the arrival of Mohammed in different in his expression but men meant the things in other way by misinterpreting the verses. Last Prophet came in the world with Holy Quran he also did not hide anything moreover revealed two hundred Hadiths about the arrival of Jesus as God instructed so. Out of two hundred Hadiths a few religious teacher took down only twenty-two, which mentioned in this book. All Hadiths are true but the Hadith heard by a many people, those had given preference only. It is so that no one can differentiate among the Prophets as well as they do not have any hesitation to say the truth for each other. Being a great Prophet Mohammed (SM), he did not hesitate to preach the arrival of Jesus but others are burning in it. Those religions had not quoted in Quran like Hinduism, Buddhist and Worship of fire people’s religion that do not mean that that religion had no scriptures. Out of hundred-four, only four scriptures had mentioned in Quran. Before the arrival of Mohammed (SM), whatever scriptures had found everywhere, the name of Mohammed (SM) was there in different languages. It had seen that the duty of Prophet to convey others truth as well as who would arrive in next future also mentioned in their scriptures. The Quran is not out of it. The list what maintained by God that cannot change by Prophets. In His will if anyone comes hundred times even then, his number would remain same as it was. Leaving all, landing from the sky, other than this what the person produced before the general there is no one able to give full description except God. It is in the hand of God that whether one could give proper description or not. God knows better in this regard. Is reason behind it not accepting the Hadiths In Hadiths, arrival of angels had stated. By misinterpreting, Mosi Kadiani had played tricks How would angels carry off the visible man? Brotherly relation has gone to dogs for his fraud ness. In a daylight, arrival of angels as stated in Hadiths Had become doubt to men. Such arrival had a hidden meaning, Hidden mysterious had narrated in Hadiths. Mosi Kadiani, why had he denied the valuable Hadiths? The answer had given in Injil that to whom the key had given he would able to open the cupboard to take out the book and write too. It means that everyone possess a book of own only that book if he tries he can write it. Out of that, none can write anything. Anyone tries hard to write out of that book, it will become impossible for him. In the sura SAFF Ahmed name if not for Mohammed (SM) how the revelation of God came in his name. Most of the commentators said so that he is Mohammed (SM). In between false Ahmed came and put his name there. In Jesus prophecies it was clear the man who would arrive he would tell everything by seeing that truth of God. What truth Mosi Kadiani revealed to the sect they knew it better but a bundle of lie. Anybody may become Ahmed for that Ahmed name is not essential to put in. If he is selected person of God, any Muslim may become Ahmed. If Muslim cannot do the job, God may select a person whom He would like. In this way, God runs His state in the world. Being a religious teacher it had well known to him that men carry off by the angels to the womb of mother in a stage but finding no way he followed the wrong path. He knew that he would not able to prove it. Ruhh has covered by Naffs or soul is a man of heavenly body. When in mother womb worldly body increases to that stage then the heavenly body fitted to it. Invisible way the jobs has done the angel. His misinterpreting is that he assumes angel never comes to the world. Has one quoted example wrong. Is it not a Hadith? Then what was the doubt that Jesus would arrive again in accordance with Hadiths. Satan cannot give true decision because he is weak in all respect. For his selfishness in Muslims divided into groups making keen the Islam. He did not forget to misinterpret Quran, Hadith and saying other Holy Books rejected by God. In fact, those Holy Books are also like Quran and their verses revealed about Jesus in same manner. “They say, “O thou to whom the message is being revealed! Truly, thou art mad (or possessed)! “Why bringest thou not angels to us if it be that thou hast the truth? We send not the angels down except for just cause; if they came (to the ungodly), behold! No respite would they have!” Sura 15 verses 6 to 8, Quran. The Muslims know about the verse that whatever men want God does not produce without any reason. The angels would come openly to men that Day men would not get chance to say something to God. It saw before that man arrived to preach the men about the revelation of God. The truth is lying in front of the people to justify or any one can write such a Holy Book giving all information fourteen hundred years ago that sun and all stars are moving around each other. Mosi Kadiani deceived all Muslim as well as others at abroad telling received divine messages what it were shown earlier most of the his divine messages would come soon in next part. God has given Satan evil power to act against men but it would not possible for Satan to show the Sign of God. As one stated earlier if one devotes to something it will act in evil way to show something, sometimes it show good to take a person ahead where the man knows nothing Satan gives his evil lesson on that point thus the person becomes servant of Satan. Reaching on that station Satan leaves the place there men fall on grieves. Finding no other alternative to erect his opinion he takes the shelter of lie. There they reveal own made history, come out with false divine message just to please his followers. One will find most of the sect leader who had gone to astray put forwarded own made legend, which are not at all in accordance with Quran and Hadiths nor any other Holy Books. Here it is to say that his base is lying on the hill of sand, which has no proof of Holy Books. “We have, without doubt, sent down the messages; and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption).” Sura 15 verse 9 Quran. As last Prophet declared by God, so it is His last messages to the people. Among all religions though it were all Islam especially the Islam revealed at the last is final and He likes it more as a pure and absolute. The text of Quran would guard by God and no one can change it. According to His plan, the nature will act to reach to the last and there is an end of every thing except God. To reach to His goal He would do every needful so that environment and science of God act on accordingly. In spite so much assurance does, anyone thinks that the Quran again revealed to Mosi Kadiani by God. How it can be so? It is own made story. Ever anybody saw it one Holy book revealed to two persons! Of seeing the back of an elephant, full description of an elephant is a job of unwise. Finding one Ahmed name in Quran to say he is the same Ahmed too who arrived in the world is as like as the description of an elephant only seeing back of that. Ahmed name is not a name of black and white for Mohammed (SM). Such wording is one kind of talkativeness. Basu name is not also in black and white but people of present age know ones parents on this name. Would it go away after ones departure? Without any justification, the sect revealed, as they like, as a result at the last, they compelled to tell divine message of God, which revealed through angel and what come in mind from God or Satan is same. That is in Arabic, one is Elham and other is divine message. Are they same? It case with the prophets that there are some Prophets came who received no divine Book others received Holy books. There name as a Prophet different. Those who received Holy Book they called Rasul and those who did not received Book they called Nabi. A Rasul can say Nabi too but a Nabi cannot become Rasul. This is the difference in between these two positions. What the sect did just narrating to the people that they mix up these two positions as one. However, is why it so? Because in one way the sect express whole Quran again came to Mosi Kadiani but fact is that he had no faith on it. By mixing Rasul and Nabi again, they proved that though revelation of Quran as not came to him even though he is a Prophet as a Nabi. Before telling oneself a Nabi he should have thought about Hadiths that he would able to give proper reply. After this discussion, one is going to narrate a fact what had happened one day. The person went to meet a religious teacher who was locally very famous. There a teacher had asked the person for what purpose the one wanted to meet the religious teacher. The person replied that he had been writing a book for that he wanted to meet that religious teacher. After then he again asked the question what was the name of the book. The one said that the name of the “my words”. O, it is a book of child but it told that book was writing about Jesus. Keeping it own mind, the one is also child writer perhaps for that the name of the book is such. Then the person politely asked the that teacher as one possessed more knowledge about religion please make one understand why the Jesus would arrive in the world keeping his hand and legs on the back of two angels. The teacher was somewhat defaced but the religious teachers as a good orator made immediately a story to please the one. He replied O it was for that as honor of Prophet as president going abroad and many vehicles and men were going to see off him. Telling such story, he was dumb when further asked why the legs were on two angels. Can a man arrive keeping two legs on two boats? So is the case that if one ask the question to the sect people why the Jesus would land keeping his hands and legs on two angels from the sky they would perhaps chalk out a plan to tell a story like that teacher. Alternatively, as they had denied the portion Hadiths before it would it to it. Jesus arrival would on the back of two angels, Therefore, those two angels had narrated in Hadiths. Mosi Kadiani made it disowned, In present era how it would possible Science accept it not the angels are visible. Such type of mysterious event is doubtful to men. A man came on wearing reddish two sheets, Two angels carried him off on their backs. Jesus arrival as stated earlier on the back of two angels is keeping two legs and two hands on the back of those. It is not understandable to some one. As stated in so many Hadiths the real body of angel is from sky to ground as long as a road of fourteen years for a man to walk. To bring a man in the world two angels had detailed that was too on the back of them. Has anyone good ideas on it can put forward easily why it is so! Perhaps it known to readers that the person also asked the questions to intellectuals sometimes. One angel is enough to carry hundred of men there two angels have detailed by God but why is the question here. Mother takes a child in womb. The Prophet is on the back of angels why not on the lap of angels an important question for intellectuals. What importance back has they are to find out it and why God said back instead of lap. Why is not it one angel but of two angels back. Have there any other meanings on it that remained hidden. It known that the scientists do not believe the unseen Jinn’s nation how they would believe the angels, but surely they would believe the nature. “A.L.M. These are the Ayats of revelation, of a Quran that makes thing clear. Again and again will those who disbelieve wish that they had bowed (to Allah’s will0 in Islam). Sura 15 verses 1 and 2 Quran. The most beautiful thing is that there is no difference between rich and poor when they pray standing on parallel lines. They come closer to each other at the period of prayer. To make equal the religion enforce law to all that they are to help the poor in a certain amount in every year. After death, all local people would gather in a place for funeral parade of the death person and pray to God for his peace of soul. It attracts a many people in a discipline way the Muslims run the day. The verse above told about those persons who would go on hard training in hereafter seeing the people who would remain happy in heaven. Coming back to the poem the opponent are of suspicious mind would not believe the truth that Jesus would land on board of clouds or angels and their mind would always hung about ether and thither. They had already rejected those Hadiths and the revelation came in Injil. Although they are true in all respect. To make false the verse of Quran ‘he will speak to the people in maturity’ had spoken already at Kashmir in their view. Would it possible for them to bring out the life history of Jesus for seventy-seven years of rest of the period where he passed through at Kashmir. If not there, whole things including logics and arguments had gone to astray. After long research Mosi Kadiani put his name in the Quran as the name mentioned for Mohammed (SM) putting more description took the place in another verse where pronoun ‘he’ used for Jesus. If so why he put forth Jesus into the grave saying he died in normal way. This much feeling for a Prophet being another false prophet put out all lie only to deceive the people. God is so great that without time he does not bring in another scene before the people. “We sent (aforetime), in the Thamud, their brother Salih, saying, “serve Allah”, but behold, they became two factions quarrelling with each other. Sura 27 verse 46 Quran. The verse had revealed to the nation of Thamud about a she-camel that the rich were depriving the poor from good things to pass normal life. God advised them to serve Him only and obey His order. So that they would get bless and kindness of God. The nation plotted secretly to harm the wise of God. The whole nation involved in evil and God destroyed them. The nation willingly call forth evil to support them God gives it to them as a result whole nation goes to dogs. Those who faith on God and His revelation they do not argue nor they put up a many logics against any verse of the Holy book. The sect has given more preference to logics than the revelation of God and understood more than that what not. Other than logics, they do not understand anything else. Now what would be there reply people would see it. In good faith the Muslims and the Christen believed that Jesus would land from the sky to show the last Sign of God as well as it would be a lesson to the scientists and realistic to obey God. Just before the Mosi Kadiani came and said whatever his evil god taught him. Showing logics, he could not convince the intellectuals but a few gathered around him who got lesson in his school. There he washed their brain giving false logics and those who do not obey him they are unbelievers even they do not hesitate to kill them irrespective of any religions. They are so much arrogant like one nation that they would not try to understand the real but hear their leader what he said, and with that faith, they are ready to die. The seed which he sow for a plant it has already grew up instead of destroying it one came to make them understand with logics and arguments and to stands for before him, otherwise, the sect would not come to the right path. “We have indeed in the Apostle of Allah a beautiful pattern of (conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the praise of Allah.” Sura 33 verse 21 Quran. Meaning of the verse whatever it is but why it has quoted here to make all understand that the Quran revealed to Mohammed (SM) and he is the man to follow because his conduct as according to Quran though one put up the letters first and last. So praise to God and follow his conduct not the man who burnt away in early age. The sect does not find in practical as their logics any angels before them but the person would bring such a logics they would see alike angels came in the world to drop the Jesus. They thought Mohammed (SM) makes all Hadiths of such nature of his. The true is that to prove such nature of Hadiths, true man is essential then truth will come out. Until now, no one came to prove every word of Hadiths and Injil for giving true explanation one by one. Opponent and those who would take part against the writings they must be neutral while they go through this book. This book has written from own consciousness after dream had seen. Therefore, Mosi Kadiani what had written near about eighty books that all from his own thought it not that he received any divine messages? He quoted in his book that ‘a tree is known by its fruits’ let the sect people decide it whether he was on true path or not. Knowingly after long-to-long, years he made the Hadiths, as he liked some portion were true and some portion of same Hadith untrue. How it can be? Some how, he had wrongly biased on the subject, someone inspired him to divide the Muslims in different sects. For them the arrival of Jesus is painful but it will happen according to the Holy Book. If Jesus really comes on the back of angels to a Minar, they will not leave him without asking various types of questions. Even then, they will not become happy and quarrel themselves. It is the habit of men. People are seeing now worlds after worlds, which has light or shine but behind it, dark and darkness are there. Of having more and more darkness, shine came, which is visible. The darkness is hundred times bigger than the light portion. Perhaps the power is in the dark from where light has come. God has created every thing from water. Before creating the big bang His Throne was on Water. So one of substance is water from where big bang had created. It is according to Quran the one has revealed. Leaving everything aside the Prophet of God who was an enlisted person would not send in the world without proper proofs and he would never face any question of opponent. Own is also a questioner asking a many questions, Why is an angel not able to carry off a man? For the reason two angels came in the description, Although invisibly the angel is, carry off the man. A child is the followers of Islam Letter ‘B’ has connected with ‘S’ in own narration. How the back has risen up as a notion is the question. The self is also a man having many questions to know. However, every questions and its answer cannot satisfy all in all respect. Even then, man is curious roam and go about where and where not to find the answer which the person is eager to know. In the poem as narrated that the angels are large in a body having eight hundred wings to move one place to another place of the worlds. Such angels would bring Jesus in the world but God sent revelation to Mohammed (SM) two of them would come carrying off Jesus. It is amazing to many that why it is so. The person is also not out of them. Anything, which surprises there, might have such a hidden meaning, which only God knows. Even then, man tries utmost to find some meanings out of it. Same thing has followed here also. God never use even a single word for nothing without having something thoughtful. The intellectuals are to think over the matter deeply for what purpose God used more than one angel. Was not there a hidden meaning behind the revelation, which kept secret for long time? A few may agree on it but matter has to think over before ink. Further more discussion on it will appear before the readers. Further more discussion on it will appear before the readers. How is a child born of Islam? Reason behind, that every child is innocent and of heavenly man comes to the world as fresh. All men are living in heaven before he comes to the world that is also a place another world as Adam (A) lived once. All the prophets preach Islam or peace and religion means to establish peace in the world. So the word Islam has liked by God. Therefore, He revealed in Quran so. It is clear that for soul there is a world where they stay before coming to the world. Various religions bring up different notions about soul. The aim of discussion is not to criticize them but to know something regarding the soul as it seen in Quran. It saw that in other religions book the soul of one entered to the womb of a mother while that person was going to die. Such type of notion has grown up in the mind of those religions, which has no end of it as they do not have an account to God. As God created everything in scientific way that all run in scientific way some are plus and some are minus. In the body of an instrument, its capability has mentioned so as in the humane body its capability mentioned might that is his fate. Man thinks that in a sphere as if universe is the end of creation of God but such universe may also there one after another. If it thought that the universe is one then here also a many worlds after worlds are there. Around worlds after worlds are the portion shining but all darkness has covered them, which man is unable to imagine. The Quran says only the lower portion is lighting others as it was. To say so the soul looks down and see the other worlds, which attracts him to visit lower portion but not the Ruhh. It looks up and looks up to see the God. As in the poem, it said letter ‘B’ has another meaning in Bengali wish of God “BASHANA”. Wish of God first came in His mind then He made plan and then He gave a form of it. There is nothing, which have not created without science. Very scientific way He created everything that can operate proof in the world even. Man is His last creation and mysterious in all respect. The Quran came to end with a sura “MAN KIND” sura itself has last letter ‘S’ as well as last letter is ‘S’ where the letter ‘S’ is playing activities. From letter ‘S’ turn has come to return to original house. Another meaning of ‘S’ is to wish man as Muslims say SALAM which means peace. The word has come from Islam. It is the wish of God to establish peace everywhere in the world before man leave the station. Before returning home in whole life tries to does at least one remarkable, good job so that people can remember one but never go without food there which gives pain and difficult to survive. For one remarkable job irrespective of religions, one would become famous forever. If such motive man possesses then soon peace of the world is knocking at the door. Man would not do so God gets it done by any means. Words of God would fulfill and His words have most value. A word narrated has something in it man is to research all. As scientists say without reason, nothing happened. So the words used in Hadiths ‘back’ and ‘shoulder’ in addition to two angels have some reason, in fact, the angels never come carrying off man from the sky openly. For such reason the Hadiths had narrated in a hard way except Jesus none can explain it. It known to all that the angel cannot give birth to a child as because God made them in that form that like man they cannot intervention but created only to worship Him and obey His command. Next discussion about like angels comes in and how it happened naturally. “So warn mankind of the Day when the Wrath will reach them; then will the wrongdoers say, “Our Lord! Respite us (if only) for a short term; we will answer Thy call, and follow the apostle!” “what! Were ye not wont to swear aforetime that ye should suffer no decline?” Sura 15 verse 44 Quran. The duty of prophets is to preach the words of God, rest all will do on His way and He does His duties accordingly. God never divert from His promise. The question is here that is Mosi Kadiani a Prophet. The sect people will say yes he is. He is a prophet without the law of religion of Islam. Under a Prophet, a many prophets came as if below Jesus as the Christen say the followers also became prophet. In Islam the representative of Rasul called ‘NAIB-E-Rasul’ those who are most respected by all but they are not prophet. Their role is such that they obey all the steps of a prophet. Their honor and dignity are very high. It is not essential to prove one such ‘NAIB Rasul’ saying himself the one but their behavior proves it. To Kadiani sect become prophet one after another has an evil design will, it becomes clear going through their revealed books. Diverting towards evil they had gone against Islam showing overmuch daring that the angel’s activities of God. They commented that why not the angels could come ten yards down on the ground. Every religious house has a many ‘MINARS’ on the top of the building. It is mainly builds up to protect sound reproducing as well as to save from thunder, which becomes a needle type. In such MINAR why the angels drop, a man is their question perhaps. Therefore, they must go through this book. The purpose of it narrated here clearly. Although their sect leader had spoken about meditation and uttered that there was none equal to him who understands better than he does about meditation does. Therefore, the narration about the hidden meaning of MINAR and dropping of Jesus there has no value to the sect people who rose up an irreverent question. They may ask how a man rides on two angels. Can a man go on journey keeping two legs on two boats? Dear readers, answer is that who can give reply of all these questions he should have precede ahead. The sect leader who could not satisfy them gives answer why he had set on fire. “Think not that Allah doth not heed the deeds of those who do wrong. He but giveth them respite against a Day when the eyes will fixedly stare in horror.” Sura 14 verse 42 Quran. It known to the person that to set down all logics and arguments or ELHAM would not bring any fruitful result for wrongdoers. Even then, the deed has been continuing for the betterment of those people if they hear it. May God bless them to come back to the right path? At least they may understand that their way is not straight path once they go through the book. It is not that any man revealed two angels would carry off Jesus but the revelation of God came to him (SM). He (SM) had no other way but to tell the truth. If one says angel then comes in mind heavenly messenger who made of NUR. They are made of NUR and RUHH in them but not the Naffs as like men. They are invisible for men. Such invisible angels had already elaborately described earlier that they bring the soul of men in the womb of a mother from the sky. In practical, one would not find any couple of men as NUR whose name naturally. The name kept by their parents. How many people would able to find out such a couple to explain the Hadiths and Injil verses in accordance to the point. To say so in research the idea had formed from the a few words such as ‘back’, ‘shoulder’, ‘wings of angels’ and two angels. Moreover, the clouds of Injil had come up to own expectation what was invisible to men God had given opportunities to prove as visible as because the angels have no power to give a birth. Except Moses (A) and Mohammed (SM) God had given instructions to other prophets in dream. In very rare cases, the angel came with divine messages. Therefore, the dream of prophet is as like divine message. The dream had seen by Mohammed (SM) narrated as Hadith where he (SM) told that he (SM) saw the Jesus rounding KABA keeping his hand on the shoulder of two men. Back and the dream both combining one can take out some meaning. A head more discussion is coming about it. Perhaps god had decided earlier to save his prophet from all sorts of ambiguities. Opponent may ask a question that Jesus had risen up at the age of thirty-three. If he comes again how he would speak to people in maturity. Therefore, the book has fulfilled all questions and reply too. “Allah has said, “Take not (for worship) two gods; for He is just One Allah; then fear Me (and Me alone). To Him belongs whatever is in the heaven and on earth, and to Him is duty due always; then will ye fear other than Allah? Sura 15 verses 51 and 52 Quran. God is One and unique but not two or three. Those who possess such notion that God has son or father and mother or more than One God then there would have shown collision in between them. Looking upon His creation that all stars are moving around one another without any hindrance it can imagine by intellectuals. It had never happened there was a war between gods. Men are above all and best creation of God, they should try to understand it. In the world, especially Prophets get Rebirth after getting full knowledge of God. They visit an unseen world may in dream or practical that said a world RUHH-E-MOHHAMADI. Others also visit those who go for deep meditation to some extend, return, and preach what the prophet guided earlier. God has not given power to the angels to birth child or produce child like other animal. Why has the back of angels to carry off Jesus mentioned in Hadith. What back has an important to tell especially instead of lap of angel? God knows that where the men would quarrel each other as He is All-Wise. He has given the solution too to reply the question. Although the angels has carried off the soul from the sky in the womb of a mother in the way what narrated before. Of seeing these entire explanation opponent will close their eyes. Is there anyone in the world brings out such description? Instead of lap, the back has become an example. Those who do not have enough faith on unseen, For them the back has become an example and proof. If one keeps both hands and legs on the back of two angels, That one becomes like a child in the womb of a mother. In the poem, the shape of a child in the womb of a mother has narrated in accordance to Hadiths by combining them all. It is like that a man standing touches his feet with hands. On the back of the angels, Jesus stands and touches feet with hands what proves as in the womb of a mother. Perhaps, God revealed it to Mohammed (SM) in such way anybody ever proves it other than Jesus. Bending the body and touching the feet is one of the exercises of the body. If anyone brings out two hundred Hadiths and combine them the result will become same as one narrated. It may that in such way God would send Jesus in the world so that no one has any doubt in it. Other things may old for them but it is quite new for everybody. Such type of description has not brought out by anyone so far. Therefore, intellectuals cannot say that there is nothing new in it. No doubt, some people may laugh at seeing the explanation but true in it lies. It is for them who thinks deeply. “When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress; so that the word is proved true against them; then (it is) We destroy them utterly.” Sura 17 verse 16 Quran. The verse quoted here not show fear any body of God. It is an example that anything new comes out riches first denies it as they have great resources. A few denies the fact understanding much more like Mosi Kadiani. In the verse about one Karun who was very rich at that period about him. God does not destroy any populated area without any sign. A many populated area had destroyed as the people denied His apostle. Men finding some sign in it like statue feel proud that the religion is old but they had gone to astray for what not thinking deeply. The Hadiths brought in Muslims would not think them divine message but keeps in mind that most of the Hadith had come from God to answer the public. If it is of his (SM) own then he (SM) would not tell two angels as because he (SM) saw the angels twice in a body how large and long they are. However, Hadiths are of his own language he (SM) expressed to the people. Let it see that why God had given preference to back of two angels. “People would see the son of Adam was coming on board on clouds with power and divine grace”. 28: verse 30 Mathew, Injil. Again, the verse has come in for discussion. Jesus had a many titles given by God. Such as Mosi or Christ means who had given ceremonial washing of the person of a king. In different languages it has a many types of meaning that one is who would free from sins or vice. In fact, no prophet can get free some one from sins if individuals not comes to right path after repenting own bad deeds. It is the matter to understand from common sense. In short, discussion, in Bengali Mosi means pen. The Christ was never a king of Jerusalem. When Jesus had asked whether he was king of Jerusalem then he replied that he was not the king of this world but king of other world. Another title he was son of Adam. That title was not full-fledged one as he had no father but title had given by God must fill up by any means. As a king he had no place in the world, as he was not such person to make free from sins of others then what title had fill up that period. Another title was KALEMA, KALEMATULLA, or RUHHULLA. This title had become full fledge to him but others titles as not fill up that God would definitely keep His word as the title given by Him. Whatever came as a description in Injil that all his activities about spiritual works? Therefore, in KALEMA it said “God is one and unique and Jesus is prophet of God.” He is pure without father as Ruhh came in to the womb of mother Mary. Although Muslims say Jesus as like Adam as had come in Quran but not son of Adam but son of Mary. Son of Adam is to prove by the intervention of father and mother too. The word son of Adam has mentioned in many scriptures like old Bible. Prophet Daniel had addressed Jesus as son of Adam and Injil too. Who would fill up Jesus title as son of Adam if Jesus not born again then the question comes to the intellectuals? Would it fill up if the Jesus comes directly in a body from heaven? Once he born again then the Christian would come to know he was simply a Prophet of God that period. Therefore, no question would come about three gods. If he is not Mosi or a prophet the Jews said would arrive again might fill up by getting proof of Mosi only. Without the pen, nothing can do, as it is the planner to draw a sketch. That should come in force for all religions too. As because, all religions people are waiting for the arrival of own religious teacher again. If not so, it is difficult to turn back the Jews. It found that two men of NUR named and two angels made of NUR have some similarity some are from the sky and men of the world. That is another characteristics of the book that grand fathers of the person managed to make a couple as if they had free plan that their grand son would write a book of this nature. If not so, then the parent had a plan that their son’s name should one BASU of Hindus so that he can write a book narrating the life of Jesus. They also had a plan that a name of Muslim Abul Kalam Azad Basu so that he could prove himself saying all these narrated. If not so, then it is the plan of own that he was a realistic man and knows nothing about religion. Out of these three one should had committed fault otherwise how one saying only Jesus and Jesus. It would not affect anybody to keep the book as a document for future generation. It has so made as made at the period of crucifixion. Now it would become a duty of others to find out whose fault it is. One cannot see own fault but others can find it out. Dear readers publish the book and give all to one copy to find out the optical illusion. Especially scientists, philosophers and to all intellectuals that they are to find out the fault of one out of three who is more guilty. If it has found guilty in it, one can console in his mind that, what mistakes one has committed in writings. If not anyone can find any fault in it at least try to blame who is more in fault in accordance to percentage. The man who finds fault in it for him best prizes other than money is love of God. It never finishes wherever one is. However, never think man is shadow of God. It would become like a proverb that ‘do not exchange substance for shadow’. “So Salih left them, saying; “O my people! I did indeed convey to you the message for which I was sent by my lord; I gave you good counsel, but ye love not good counselors!” Sura 7 verse 79 Quran. Quran is such that as it was happened events narration as well as it would happen just alike. Quoted the verse has not to tell about fear ness of God but to fear Him too. He only there to love, which has no end other thing is perishable decreases when time passes through. The verse has narrated about Prophet Salih that he warned the people of his community to abide by order of God but riches and evildoers least bothered. God destroyed the populated area after they that had gone to astray. Before destroying any area, God sends his representative to warn the people, if the people turns back not hearing His word then severe punishment of God comes. It is not for that, one is writing the book of such nature. There are a many legends and too Holy books instructions about the arrival of Jesus. A many claimants also would arrive to deceive the men saying him Jesus but people are to remain alert when real Jesus comes irrespective of religions. Because at that period a great punishment of God would come down suddenly if any religions do not obey or disagree him to recognize at least. The examples so far quoted narrating about his arrival that proves may attract some people. Therefore, it is to judge properly whether it is of God or not. Until and unless son of Adam Jesus would reach the thing, which had written in Holy books would not come in force. It would fill up automatically after just Jesus had arrived by God. The one has described invisibly the angels brought him and visibly as like two NUR’s that they were men couple brought forth a son who was a man and could say son of Adam. Opponents try to understand the meaning the back and shoulder in Hadiths why such type words used for to mean. God knows better. The angels carry off Ruhh with a cover soul, Would unbelievers bring faith on it? For that reason, the back has made a history. The angels had not bestowed power to give a birth, As a result, the back of two men named NUR’s Has brought in to narrate the fact. Again the question comes why such type of narration. Ruhh is the order of God or FUTKAR and NUR is knowledge or His one of the quality to show His beauty. His all qualities might count in beauty. The soul is a life combining with Ruhh having pure Naffs. That pure Naffs is soul of men or heavenly body. For good deeds or deeds one has done that would justify by God and if punishment is to give then that heavenly body would suffer for it as Adam was punished. In the poem blossom, word is use for pure Naffs. (Heavenly body is just like worldly body. It fitted in a stage when child growth to that stage as likes heavenly body). Difference of these two men would not understand at all perhaps for coming down and going up its form changes. Claimant of Jesus whomever he is very difficult to prove the Hadiths. As the one narrated, what the Quran says let it see for justification. “How let men but think from what he is created! He is created from a drop emitted proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs.” Sura 86 verses 5 to 7 Quran. Men may think to the ones narration has come out with the verses of Quran but it has come, in relation to Hadiths word of two angels and their back. Man has power in the backbone to produce a child. The verses quoted above has blossomed about the back and shoulder of men how Jesus would arrive and land. Presently it would think by the philosopher and intellectuals how far it is true or not. The explanation has given by one is in accordance to science and too all religious books. After giving so much description, evildoers would raise a many questions. “Even if We did send unto them angels, and the deed did speak unto them, and We gathered together all things before their very eyes,, they are not the ones to believe, unless it is in Allah’s plan; but most of them ignore (truth).” Sura 6 verse 111 Quran. The above wordings of God are applicable here also that thousand and one proves would not come to effect if ones mind were not change. Those who think themselves very wise they are foolish as the case with the sect of Kadiani. The illustration so far narrate is not of own but all are God gifted. Those who have gone to astray their mind also work in evil so all proves would not affect them. Other than, these God arrives in the present world they would not believe it until and unless one dies. “Father (God) as He loves me, I also love you so, be in my loves, as one obeying His all orders came close to Him so you also obey me and be in my love.” 15: verses 9 and 10 of Jonah, Injil. “O the society of christen, so long the Christ arrived again you would not wake up but remember his wordings, “Jesus is in God and God is with him,” it means God is pen but pen is not God. It is in accordance to Islam and true. In practical, one is speaking to you all. One after another, all proves God bestowed the person to make understand all but the one is simply a man. He is father, son, Ruhh, Alpha and Omega of a true Kalam. The one obey all prophets those who passed away from Mohammed (SM) and above. The one is simply set down the sign of God, and say to praise the God. Try to be one, together saying God is one and unique, there none to share Him. Be united and stand where you find similarity, do not separate and divide for a mere notion of own. Where you do not find similarity, keep it in you only. One must agree that Mohammed (SM) is a last prophet who cleared off all blame of Jesus preaching the news. Arrival of Jesus again is his wording though it was revelation of God. No prophet would arrive until the Day of Resurrection if so he were false. Come under white flag. Then only the nature will save. The ancestor of one is followers of one Abu Hanifa and he became a witness at own dream in some case but the person does not know much about him. Moreover, in Islam only Islam is no grouping among Muslims or any sect or sub sect. For such activities of a great man like Abu Hanifa the person does respect only but for Islam have no intention to make sect or sub sect. The white flag is sign of peace.” If the nature does not speak about one, How the two NUR’s had become couple! If there is no importance in truth Then such type of couple would not bring forth. Had also no meaning of nick name, The example of one how had it become theorem. The person is not that Brahman who put on neither a bunch of thread on his neck nor a claimant of prophet but a protector who would claim so. One is very much sure about the writings that it will help others to protect from illegal claimers of prophet all will go with one to throw arrow on the face of others who would raise such type claims. To build castle in the air is easy in practical use it is hard to do. These are not of God then one could not throw a many points in accordance to the holy books having a little knowledge in religions side. Having a little proof like name is not the proof of holy books what said and it would like a greedy man, who wants false fame spreading rumor all over just like to cast pearls before the swine. Keeping the book in one hand if one goes through minutely, it is sure that he would find the truth in it. There what nature stated silently it has some reason to think over by the intellectuals? It should keep in mind that where there is smoke, there is fire. To avoid from such fire, man should remain alert. Geometrical proof of any events successively from the ancestor in addition to with the nature and practical happenings of the world one has come out before the readers for definite some reason. If the nature is not the witness of one favor, how one could define all the proofs in accordance with the Holy Books. If not so, then there is no value of nickname of one, who accommodates all religion into one by saying Krishna Buddha Isha Mosi. It would not also possible to come before all. “Mosi Kadiani in loud and firmly said that the prophet of Christen had died in a normal way other than what God said and he brought in with the proof of historical legend that his grave is at SREE NAGAR of Kashmir. Still it is there as a memorial.” (Ahmadiat page 264.) Mosi Kadiani put on blame saying death of Jesus but the present description is not to put away Jesus or to put out something from any Holy Books telling lie rather it is as inspired by one the person has been writing to fulfill the words of Prophets and too of God. To convey all it is analyze in international language though one is not fit to write in English. Those who have faith on God they never hear the evildoer’s legends. Satan as as men always deceive the people telling lie but those who are honest, intelligent never follow the wrong path of Satan. Without having knowledge on the subject men of letters never do not make own history, which are false. Whatever Hadiths came to Muslims they do not reject but say this one is weak Hadith. Because it may that weak Hadith may come in force sometimes. Jesus would land from the sky means not sky only but also heaven. The Quran says in every sky there He created land to live on all animals may that they are in other forms. Such type of Hadiths no body can reject for saying sky except that sect who denied the total fact. How dare enough he was in Muslim to say this portion of Hadith invalid. It wills in force to day if all run in accordance with Holy Books and the definition has given by the person. May God helps one the writing will proof it. Just look at Jesus lands from the sky invisibly as well as from the worldly sky. Is it an own made story? By putting up strong resistance against a portion of Hadith, they ignored and dishonored Mohammed (SM). Is he and his sect are illegible to get excuse telling so much lies until now. A great who sent revelation to Mohammed (SM) about Hadiths He is alert and know everything what is happening in His kingdom. Soon the people will find the destination of the fraud. “The Day that we roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books (completed), even as We produced the first creation, so shall We produce a new one; a promise We have undertaken; truly shall We fulfill it.” Sura 21 verse 104 Quran. It has known to very easy to break but hard to build up anything. For God it is all the same. The scientific way the worlds after worlds had build up by God but He promised that He would roll it up one day would create again all for Judgment. It is easy for Him. However, a thing here is that while He rolls up the world it would not take that much time as before. It can one understand very well now. As one said earlier if the SIM is fitted to a cow that cow would speak what functions the SIM did while living on the world. The ant is thinking how it would be. Men already discovered that darkness is more than the lighting worlds. In addition, the gap in between every world so much that practical worlds are nothing to it. God promised that He would bestow men paradise for that He may again build up those worlds. Men would not die any more after once he had taste of death. Only that reason it may think that the worlds will there but all depends on His wishes. To prove Hadiths wording for God is not impossible at all. If He likes He can bring in a man from the sky too. Again it has come that the man who has key of the box he will open the box and take up the book for writings. (It is in the light of Injil). “Jesus said, “I tell you all, the man who confess me in front of all, son of Adam also admit him before the messengers of God. If not anyone confesses me, son of Adam also does admit him before the messengers of God. If anyone says something against son of Adam that may excuse but if anyone says something against Holy Ruhh that will not forgive.” 12: verses 8 to 10 Luke, Injil. Same nature of verse is in the Quran and more clear than the Injil. “And there is none of the people of the book but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them.” Sura 4 verse 159 Quran. Before explaining the verse, a legend is that from the very beginning it had been happening that the nation who got divine book though they were a portion of great Holy book had spoken like way that they had a Divine book with them so no fear and bothered less afterwards. At present situation is also as that Jesus is not as important to some of the people as some of the commentators explained the verses. Therefore, the whole life of men is to appear in the examination. Without examination no one is suppose to cross the bar. The verse of Quran what narrated no Muslim deny it but less importance seems in it, the intellectuals look into it. If not understood any verse true Muslim say God knows better other than the explanations. Going back to Hadiths none can proves the Hadiths about Jesus except God. Near about of it as one inspired the person tried to better explanations. One would become wise about matter a very little than the wise people the person could not imagine it before the dream. As a result, one tried to land from both the skies. First and last letters of Quran are Revealed Kalam says Alpha and Omega. Why the nickname of one is of Krishna? In reverse ‘B’ and ‘S’, why is of Siddhartha Buddha? Such type of arrival of Jesus is in the world. Is there anyone to stop it in the earth? The book has followed a verse of the Quran that men are weak though they think powerful. The man cannot remember a thing for a long time. He hears it in one ear and it goes out from other ear. Therefore, a verse has come several times with different meanings. It has already came in description that nickname of one is related to the Quran the first letter and the last one. Jesus is the begging and end of Kalam means not any other Holy books but of Quran. Normally Kalam word is uttered a Muslim understands the Quran but to others it has separate meanings too. All prophets preach the Islam from the very beginning and the Jesus and the last stage then he would preach Islam. Therefore, he is a Muslim. All prophets preached Islam means they are also beginning and end of the Quran. Why it is so? Then one must go on thesis to get doctorate degree on it. Let it try to find the reason why it happened to so. Adam (A) lived a many years in the world and produced a many child who made a nation. They are student of nursery. That period revelation came to Adam (A) according to nation so that they can complete the syllabus of nursery or a little higher to think over the matter. At that period the syllabus of class five would have given to them, they would not understand what God was telling. Therefore, successively the course had been taking to a position until now nothing left to disclose more. All books are true without any doubt but think is that generation-to-generation they remembered the verses and later put down in the paper or alike. As a the words of God changed and it happened in Injil also that the writer himself given note for such words that word has placed to make all clear. In the Holy Books, it should not be so. The word of God has several meanings but man used for only for a particular meaning. Thus, its form completely changed into other meanings. Krishna and Buddha, Isha Mosi all of them had come before the Mohammed (SM) arrival so none can say that Krishna and Buddha were not prophet. They were preached a religion moreover the Veda has proved that it was also a revelation of God. Probably it came to Prophet Noah (A). Krishna came at the period of Prophet David who was a poet and singer too, so the Krishna too. At early age, it saw that a many Prophet had more than hundred wives and it happened to Krishna. For that, those who criticize they are ignorant about their own Prophets. If the name has become the first and the last of Krishna what would be to a Muslim? Putting everything away man should consider have own history that every man has possess a book what talk about Prophets. Even Satan also has own book and in every Holy books he took place for that reason. Anybody put down his name, which is not he would suffer for that. God revealed the name Jesus more than Mohammed (SM) name from boyhood to his departure promising to send him again in the Quran that cannot be a lie. There is none to stop it going against the decision of God. Arriving of Jesus on board on angels, couple of two NUR’s, Some of the people may give less interest on it as they full fledged Holy book with them to run the worldly life as well as hereafter still there are lot of things to know. The person is narrating a fact, of his life. He had joined in a sky after a few years he came on leave and did not return to parent service obeying patriotic for own nation. In return, he got nothing to that nation except others who got normally which suppose to get. It is man’s judgment. After long one day he exposed to it others telling that, he killed a person of that nation. People became astonish how did you kill the person please tell it. The person told that by decreasing one soldier of that nation the person killed a soldier of that nation. Then they had laughed at of one saying a many harass words. This is of course man’s judgment but to God the man who had faith on Prophet he had faith on God too. Those who crossed the border at that period they were count as hero of the nation because it was their due. To God it should consider the man who would cross the border there is no doubt, he would get the recommendation of Jesus and he would give witness in favor of the person on the Day of Judgment. But having full fledged life book to see a Prophet in a neglecting eye would not except by God moreover laughed at is the job of devil in spite of giving rewards. “ He does propound to you a similitude from your own (experience) do ye have partners among those whom your right hands possess, to share as equals in the wealth We have bestowed on you? Do ye fear them as ye fear each other? Thus do We explain the Signs in detail to a people that understand?” Sura 30 verse 28 Quran. In early days black were hating person to whitish. It had thought on them that back were the slave of whitish people. The environment had made them so in fact, all Ruhh male or female are the same and there is no difference in Ruhh. On those days in the Arab, Arabian also had slaves under them. Mohammed (SM) made them equal to all. In the verse God quoted an example about the servant that were the servants would give equal share for any reason than the rich had given in conversation or anything alike. God made it clear that as the slave has no share in wealth similarly riches also have no share in the wealth he possessed because all wealth belongs to God. In this connection discussion, come in that love of God is not for rich or poor. In worldly affairs, love come once and goes away light lightening. Rest not all are love but attraction to each other. True love is only with the God and unseen love is permanent one. Once something seen then attraction comes behind it factors also work which is not love. Man is to fear God too though He is not fierce animal like (N) because He is the creator. If would have a little fear in the mind of other sects those who claimant of Jesus then they would misinterpret the verses of Quran. The person of having a many proves could not say anything others how the held so much dare ness to be prophets. Arrival of Jesus on board on angels, couple of two ‘NUR’s’ in practical, keeping hands and legs on angels in the form of mother womb and reddish sheets wearing person is “Basu”. To accumulate the world people on humanitarian grounds to solve all the problems on brotherly relation those who think on the subject including intellectuals of Islamic wise people might come on a solution after going through the book that mankind is above all agreeing God is one and unique there is none to share. They can build up a bridge over all for the people to remain in peace. “And if ye reject (message), so did generations before you; and the duty of the apostle is only to preach publicly (and clearly).” Sura 29 verse 18 Quran. A many false prophets took chance of this verse quoting it to say them prophet or something alike but make sure that all prophets have some Signs to show. The revelation of Quran is a great sign for Mohammed (SM) being illiterate person who was unable to write even. Who writes a book to teach something to others in spite of that if anyone thinks himself very wise saying left and right not trying to understand even what God revealed they are nothing but foolish. Why God said so, a man would land in a Minar of a Mosque. It has vast meaning and has inner meaning too. One sect laughed at hearing Hadith and asked the angels could not come down ten yards down to land Jesus on ground. It is a question of a normal man. However, poet or philosopher cannot say so. (One of the sects asked this question in a book, (reference book is “Kateman Nabien”). God knows better. Why he would land on a Minar, its explanation so far understood by one describes soon. God knows whom he would bring forth and whom he would take away. For His requirement, He would give life to death, rebirth, or land directly from sky. It depends on Him. Logics and arguments for His jobs have no function for men. The duty of Muslims to have faith on Him and it is for all. The Hadiths says landing from the sky, he would on a Minar of a Mosque of Damask that is to on the east of east Minar. Why it was so long narration had given by God. So that the wise people like of Mosi Kadiani do not understand such type of Hadiths as well as Satan who is god of devil people. One has explained how to land from the sky in various ways, next comes how to land from Minar. For them it is a joke. They treated the Hadiths neglectfully. In the opinion of the person, the Hadiths are hard but not false. Word-to-word they are very correct. The title of Jesus is Mosi and son of Adam, He is famous by the name of “Kalamuttullah” The name has stated in Injil and Quran. Who has fulfilled both the titles? If two men would not come closer To become couple, it is of own question. Let Jesus come from heaven or any other place of the worlds. Therefore, the question would remain in mind that he had addressed as son of Adam. To become son of Adam the one is too born otherwise he would remain as man or alike Adam (A). He can never become son of Adam. This is a general logic. To remove this illusion the person has taken step what nature has bestowed him. As stated earlier, Ruhh is having to all including two other species like Jinn’s and angels. Ruhh works in men for all good and guide men towards God’s path. It is the root of good to do or to inspire a man towards good job. All Prophet have some titles according to their job concerns. Mohammed (SM) has title as a Nur. Hazarat Isha (A) has known as Ruhullah in a Kalama. Ruhh is the title and best title for him as a Prophet on that period. He had talked about Ruhh and had shown all spiritual power to the people. In spite of all he is nothing other than a man. No angel came in the world to preach or God did not come to preach men the religion nor any shadow of God came to preach the men but men came generation-to-generation to preach the religion. Out of men two are different one is Adam (A) and another one is Jesus. God has no shadow. All Prophet when he bestowed prophet ship then God remains with him all the time but the person does not become God. God is never begotten or begot. Who is born he cannot become God. God never die, He is immortal but men are mortal. Whom death touches he is not God but men or any other animal. Whatever God says He does it, He never divert from His promise. He is creator and He knows how to fill up His promise to the words. Once He said through revelation Jesus would land in a Minar, which form was needle type he would land there without any doubt. May that it have some other meaning too? For men it became difficult to understand. It could say that in a Mosque directly instead of that a high place of Mosque had come to mean something else. The more men would develop the word used has other meanings come to the point to understand. That is why the word used by God should not change in holy books. Neither one can stand in a Minar nor can one stay in it. As stated by Satan to Mosi Kadiani that Minar means a house of a Muslim family perhaps he is near to truth. The one is coming has to stay in a house for a long period to speak in maturity. Minar has other meanings too. Definitely Jesus would land to Minar so that all the people can see it if not physically then his speech would reach to Minar to all religious house of the world as a Sign of God. If it has said only Mosque then the question would arise something else. Therefore, God first said east-to-east Minar first then other thing comes later. Many man many minds may define it many ways he likes but to one what has been coming in narration successively. It has become applicable to all the religions, as he is Sign of God for the Day of Resurrection. Word staying has become also meaningful as one can ever stay in a Minar so as he born again. To Muslims born is also a landing as Mohammed (SM) had born. The person coming to land would hold power and blessing of God in his hand could not come in a day, as Rome was not build in a day. Then comes why he would land in the Mosque why it was not to a church or Mender of Hindus or Math of Buddhist. The Muslims would define it why it is so. Why God has preferred Mosque other than all religious houses, the narration would come soon from the people of the world, which would become their duty to narrate the question elaborately. It hoped that the book would reach soon to other religions people to go through and research the matter. Principal of religious houses may receive the book from the Minar of their respective houses. Thousand and thousand Imams or principals are there in the world. Some one may feel interest to receive it from the Minar as it is in the door of everyone. A life without body has nothing to do in the world. The body is useless without the life it is to remember. God has given more preference to Imams and principals and who is best among them it would decide by God. No words of God and science of God should not neglect as they are all meaning if not today may to-morrow. “And Allah most certainly knows those who believe, and as certainly those who are Hypocrites.” Sura 29 verse 11 Quran. Those who follow the path of Satan are the two faces men in the world. God knows them well. They misinterpret the verses and bring in new theory of own to misguide the people. They are friend of some but in fact, in mind they have ill plan. Their explanation if not in accordance to Quran and also having ill plan to divide the people God would stand them in a separate place on the Judgment Day. Once upon a time Damask was a very rich in science and knowledge. Beside cultures, religious teaching schools were there. People from all over the world were going there to learn or earn knowledge. In the Hadiths, it has clearly mentioned that in that country Jesus would land in a Minar. The person is stating far from the Damask not against the Hadiths but what found and seen to convey all. In a country where cultures and other knowledge men wish to earn in own life there Jesus arrival confirmed in Hadiths. For that reason, one thought and thought for long eight years and stop writings. It would describe later. In a very high place, he would and preach or tell something to the people. Perhaps he would receive by the intellectuals, as he would say something from a school where knowledge is there. Those who have power to understand it he will understand it. “Jesus would land on board on clouds with power of God and blessing and people would see it. God would send His messengers to all over the world and make all together of His own men.” 13: verse 27 Mark, Injil. As all know, the messengers of God would see on that day of Resurrection. Before the Day comes, God would send a warning to return to the right path as He stated. So that a notion who would agree to it God make them united under white flag. They all are peace-loving people of the world. The person who is giving this information he is not the man to come under him but a great man who had a life like Quran. As because the person has already burnt into fire in the childhood and has nothing to follow his steps. There is proverb that hates the sins not the sinner. One cannot explain who would receive Jesus with a ladder to comedown from Minar and take him inside Mosque to pray to God. It can say that whoever knows Jesus he would get his rewards and may that among them a famous person would become popular to all. More than this one has no ideas about it. “Thereafter (after the departure of Jesus) who would arrive from his father (God) to help the people (Prophet), he would say about me (Jesus). (Who would clear off all blames of Jesus saying Prophet and about purity of Mary). He is one the real soul from God. He would say about Christen and Christ too those who were in right path.” 15: verses 26 and 27 of Jonah Injil. There were a many Prophets after Moses had come except Jesus there was none too famous. Same case also after Jesus perhaps a many prophets came as they received the revelation of God but all under Jesus same rules had repeated only. They were Hawaii or followers of Jesus but thereafter a Prophet had reach Mohammed (SM) but to them those followers had spoken the truth about Jesus what he said that he would send a real soul. The Prophet had a title as a real soul that means Nur. From the world of Nur, all things had created whatever physically has known to the people. No other Prophets taught to pray five times in a day forgiving the descendant of Abraham at least eleven times in prayer in between Jesus to Mohammed (SM). The Muslims became enemy of that nation speaking the truth placing the Quran in front of them. The Jews, the Christen and the Muslims who are they? There must have coordination in all of them though they have different ideas. Only love of God can unite them and they all must go out worshiping statue and other people like men except God. There is no enmity for religion because all of them had come from same path and same nation. Thing is that a few have blood of killing prophets from the very beginning which make them brute and arrogant. From thought and deep meditation if any book comes as a divine book then the book would have become a divine book but Divine Book of God is different so as Quran. None can write such book. Possessing wrong notion to one another the Jews stand still on the Old Testament and the Christen stand still on the new Bible. Mohammed (SM) is the last prophet as the Quran says; he had no need to preach about Jesus arrival if it was not a Divine Book. This prove one think is great prove for the Christen and for the Jews they must go up and down to see what the divine books revealed. God would not tolerate any wrong thing for long time. He does His won job and the nature soon speaks to them. As the Hadiths said that Isha (A) would address as Ruhh by Imam of the Mosque to stand as Imam to pray to God but he would say one of you be so who had been. It means he would not take the responsibility for Imam or leader but his duty is to inform what God said. By the love of God, the enemy of God would come closer to each other. By decreasing as one stated earlier one can kill thousand geometrically. Then why to show enmity to others only love them and hurt them on heart to grow love in them. As said once life is not there body is unable to do anything-remarkable job so the heart is one to convert the people by the love God. The stick cannot rule over for long time it would defeat at any time but justification and love of God is permanent to rule over the kingdom of God. Let him be any religion but without these two things, none can stay for long time. All religion have come to a decision that man does not die but Naffs dies once, so justify the wrong and right in the world before doing any activities, which should not harm others. Doing right thing in the world try to get a life, which would not die at all then pass over the happy life forever? The back of men’s bone and ribs as stated in Quran What comes out quickly from the bones and ribs? That type of intervention of two NUR’s output mixed up then That congeal blood of leach becomes man. A many notions of Mosi Kadiani and Bahai Why they uttered false Krishna and Buddha Which are lies? Had the names compared tolerable to some Where they found bed smell, That all have versified today. In Quran what narrated from the back of men and their intervention output congeal blood of leach makes man. As stated earlier that the parent of one are two Nur’s named made a couple as the angels are made of Nur from their intervention a child born whose name is Basu. In the poem it has tried to prove the Quran and Hadiths what said for that the verse of Quran and Hadiths quoted where found reddish sheets and how man born from the back as mentioned in Hadiths of two angels back. Eastern world people worship the statues and had many gods as they think so. However, for that no Prophet or Warner are not responsible in Veda’s it had already mentioned that God has no phantom or shadow as men think. He is one and unique. For argument, they say that to love God they make a visible beautiful statue to love so that, love of God growth in them. Although it is a statue and doll people keep necked such type of statue for own sexual satisfaction. From there it may assume that how far it is true. However, the Krishna and Buddha was also Warner and they preached religion for peace. If the names have come in the poem and for discussion for argument sake, it makes no difference to others. Mr. Bahauddin of Bahai group of Iran gave same preference to them. Mosi Kadiani was a claimant of Prophet also had become Krishna and Buddha having no proof. God bestowed one to proof all prophets’ life at a time mentioning Quran and Hadiths perhaps He wants to gather all to one place as mentioned in Injil. The back of angels had no function to bring a man on the ground other than to proof man born from backbones. As mentioned in the poem Mohammed (SM) saw a dream which is not less than Divine message they are men on whom the Jesus keeping his both hands rounding the house of God KABA. These are the explanation of the little poem. Therefore, son of Adam comes really in the womb of mother but not from the sky directly. To give a birth is landing. Three types of landing so far narrated. There are so many types of landing which has not brought in it. First, one is as invisible second, one is as a birth from mother womb and third one is that when a saint reach to a saturation point at high sky and receives something from God and reveals it to the people that rebirth is also a landing. A little discussion has already developed on the Minar and again inside the Mosque those are landing. From that Mosque, if God wishes He can spread out the message to all how far one is. Mr. Bahauddin of Iran has given preference to seven Prophets only. In Quran more than twenty-six persons name mentioned and said there are so many whom not required mentioning to the subject concerns. It is appreciative that he included Krishna and Buddha in his thought. The rules and regulations made by Mosi Kadiani are completely out of Islam. The writings of one mentioning the names Krishna and Buddha combining all including Jesus made a bridge all over the world-hoping people would think over the matter in good faith. Both the letters as in the Quran will attract the mind of many people and would try to combine people together keeping brotherly relation. “Praise be to Allah, Who hath granted unto me in old age Isma-il and Isaac; for truly my Lord is He, the Hearer of Prayer!” Sura 14 verse 39 Quran. “Abram(A) was hundred years old when Isaac was born (Gen, 5) and Ismail was 13 years old when Abram (A) was 99 ( Gen, 17). Ismail was also a son of his father’s old age, having been born when Abram (A) was 86 years old. The younger son’s progeny developed the Faith of Israel and that of Christ, the elder son’s progeny perfected the more universal Faith of Islam, the Faith of Abram the true.” (Abdullah Yusuf Ali.) Here a little discussion is require that the last wife was a daughter of some king but to Christen she was a maidservant. Sign of it is Swiss canal. Once upon a time, there was no canal in between Egypt and Israel. For Hager the canal had made by her father to carry goods to her house. However, all wrong notions had formed in the mind of Christen even they do not know about Ismail. All prophets praise God not to others. It had already discussed that no one allowed to seat in their chair he may followers of Mohammed (SM) even then he cannot become greater than any other prophets. Perhaps that one came to a sect as a prophet but it cannot utter that he was simply a prophet of a small nation keeping in mind to make him insult. That would not tolerate by God. Prophets are prophets of God and selected person may that they have their own position. Not everyone can become president but all are members of parliament. Therefore, who is wise who is not wise that is not the concern to discuss? There is no doubt that Isha (A) was send for a tribe but at the same time the news was send for his re-arrival in the world. Keeping in mind the Muslims must go through accordingly but not like as Mosi Kadiani what narrated to the people. So far, on believe every one should at least confirm his arrival as a witness to God that they have received the message of about the Day of Resurrection. Then after it, men do whatever they like and it would see by God. It known to God that he was giving a blame that he is son of God, it is an insult for God what not that should not say even by the by. He would fulfill him as son of Adam as well as Mosi in the world as title has given earlier. For him leadership is not in the world but a leadership is there in the third world, which is very hard to understand at present. Other then this Islam has given more preference in all respect. For nothing, a title is not but for as it would come in force when time comes. Whatever narrated of own about it God knows better if any thing wrong He would forgive one and it is own pray to God. Therefore, pray to God keeping not in between any statue or anyone else because God can hear you well. As own name is Krishna, everything like it black as a result own hate himself. Although it has become somewhat possible to write about Jesus but its account cannot count in easy way. There is no solution of it other than surrender to God and praise Him. “They swear their strongest oaths by Allah, that if a (special) Sign came to them, by it they would believe. Say; “certainly (all) Signs are in the Power of Allah; but what He wishes you (Muslims) to understand is that (even) if a (special) Sign comes, they will not believe.” Sura 6 verse 109 Quran God is capable to any sign to people but he would not do so as they would say it illusion. Now the Sign has shown to you would you believe it, perhaps not. Therefore, if He opens the door of heaven one by one to all still people would not believe it but say it is nature doing so. Wait for nature then what she does. Do not think you are Muslim or non Muslim but do good job and at least believe that God is one and unique and do not give share to anyone then you would come to right path of Islam. Do not burn hearing the name as one on that day said that he saw a picture Islam dog but film is over no dog he saw and laughed at making a fun on TV. It is ignorance to Islam. The religion that man follows that is also Islam but included own made history there. One cannot think over about the vast universe after universe and worlds after worlds. If throne of God is in the centre and His throne above water then comes big bang and worlds which were together once and He separated it and expand it to His requirement then the question of cooling down the world or any other thing as thought by scientists are of no use. It is not only the end of it. Before that from nothing God has form something out of nothing. Then from something, it has become large like big band. Drops of water make the ocean. When God was alone from that point, can anybody think over the matter how the form has come into present position other than accepting Him Blindly? The lowest part of seen universe He lighted with shining the stars but more then it kept in dark. Can anyone say how far it is? Whatever the natural calamities come in the world all are coming in accordance to calculation of God. Man can turn it back as the power also has given to them over all that he is king of the universe or representative of God but the way what He does not want. Turning back of natural calamities up to extend would affect the other sides too. Seeing the forecast does not mean that man has come to know the secret of God. Those who are giving preference to the nature other than God they would not believe the Sign of God. It is their out of imagination that God is there, who is controlling and rules over everything proportionally. For them the Sign have shown geometrically one by one would become the jobs of nature and will cause nothing n their heart. Not only one there a many Signs of God nature will show to the people even then they will not turn towards God. In this computer era the sun, the world and the moon will speak silently if the scientist can understand it. Man is weak to nature and unable to understand her. The moon and the Mars have already spoken to them. Their stones have shown them sign of it. Likewise, a many prove would come to them. From that sense, one can realize the Hadiths that the stone of Israel would speak to the men. Perhaps the man will not try to understand the narration and Hadiths. The inner significant of Hadiths are Jesus would arrive on board of angels, keeping two hand on the shoulder of two men, under the shadow of clouds and land on a Minar east to east of a Mosque of Damask. At what time he would land. Answer is in the morning and in the afternoon. Why are there two separate times period? Because he would land from the sky and would bring up for a period, then again he would land to a Minar of Mosque. Then in the Mosque, he would gather knowledge and pray to God. He would not accept the crucifixion as held and what the Christen or other says. The Jews would see it that he came that, they hate and all stones of Israel say so. How one would comes to know it? Hazarat Mohammed (SM) said that in reply all of you would see him that in his lower and upper portion of body two red sheets he wore. He (SM) added that when Jesus look up pearls would fall down and when look down he would swept up as if he came after bath. The man who is writings he may hope for good from God of seeing upwards but when sees down that all becomes dull. Under him, a black ocean has flown which is warm. To them it is derision no doubt, but if ask who is father of Kalam, and then they would not answer properly. Who is son of “Abul”? Then they would say Kalam is the son of “Abul.” Other than God these are proves of saying Jesus son of God. Ruhh is independent other than God in the universe. Even angels are unable to see it, which has called “AZAD”. As a direct word of God, it is independent in the universe. It has direct link with God. All the things would go to God but the first thing is Ruhh form where it produces it goes there without any hindrance. It is an assumption that in Hebrew language God called Jesus in the mentioned name later misinterpreted and came to a decision of three gods. Let the people think whatever it is but to one there is no trinity nor there is cross for crucifixion. God knows better and the book for them who may unbelievably but gain knowledge knowing something from it. The seeds sowed by Bahai have become foot of verse, He spread out poisonous tree everywhere. The person is tumbling with that poison Until today, that doctor is not visible, Who can make it cool? In accordance with Bahai is not only Obatar Buddha In addition, a lamp is Krishna and in sky Gautam Buddha. Once anything preached that spread out before the airs. It may be right or wrong there are people to believe it knowingly or unknowingly. It happened to the sect of Bahai. In the world, one core of people follows the notion of Bahai. He has good virtues too. He discovered a figure 19 from a first verse that is in the name of Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful. His research work was fine but beside the mark, which he was claimant of Imam Mahdi. In the poem, it said that he sowed a seed but theory spread out all over the world. He discovered letter ‘B’ is the first letter of Quran. Once it has come out people believe on him as theory proves true and all words, signs, Sura’ can divided by the figure 19, which is some what a astonishing matter to think over. So long the theory has come out, easily it cannot remove from the mind of people that he was not Imam Mahdi but a thinker. Kadiani sect is one of them but they could not produce any reliable research except saying that the sect leader received the revelation in that it had found God does not know how to speak in English. From Middle East to it has come to Bangladesh and other so many countries as their followers are living on every country. Near about one core people of that sect are ether and thither. To remove or to destroy root and branch of that sect from the society is difficult as the people are arrogant like a nation. A good Doctor is very much essential for the treatment of those people but it cannot do any other person except Jesus. It is a fact that they gave preference to Krishna and Buddha but keeping in mind envy as the Mosi Kadiani narrated in his book. People nearby Hindus criticized his activities, which is coming later. Not to sing own sing one speaking in favor the person in the world no body could give such preference to Krishna and Buddha as the person did. Not by face only but in black and white the person brought in the Quran just to cast a slur on them that they were not Prophet but now it has proved that they were Warner of God. Gautom Brahman while in deathbed his soul enters into the mother womb of Buddha so the name has come out as Gautom Buddha. To remove all wrong notions from the world the nature has got into the present situation showing proves that God is there to count the soul and their activities. As they thought, Buddha went to sky after he had died, a better description has given by one if all thinks over as the subject matter on that issue. The person aim not make any religion to belittle but man made history is of taking a side of other religion thought. The way the person took man to God is best way to take a man in the sky or heaven. If any other thought is there to remove all wrong notions from the world he is most well come. Ruhh of religions person may Hindus or Buddhist go to God as it has no fault but fault lies with soul and worldly body. Another notion the Buddhist believe that the soul enter to another womb of a mother or to any animal for that they keep their dead body for a long in a house without burning. It has not known to one that how the Buddhist will take it but saying truth one has made no fault. If they take it otherwise they may criticize it but better is that to think over the matter. There is no such evident that a man came twice in the world. Perhaps the name Gautom in this respect is not appropriate to Buddha. “Even if We opened out to them a gate from heaven, and they were to continue (all day) ascending therein, they would only say, “our eyes have been intoxicated, nay, we have been be twitched by sorcery.” Sura 15 verses 14 and 15 Quran. God has shown a many divine events to the people but they have not believe those saying sorcery of men so no more divine events He liked to show but men advanced to science and it has become very easy to prove whether God is true or not. The nature is speaking to them, as the nature would come to them in terrible way to crash the people of the world. As one narrated in Hadiths two times of landing of Jesus mentioned one is in the morning and another one is the afternoon. It has done in very easy way if one tries to understand it. On the other hand, it saw that there is a sect in Hindus who only know God praying to Him and roam to all religious teachers whether he is Muslim or Hindus. There name is BAWAL. It saw that they wear reddish sheets. Beside this, Saints and religious teachers of Buddhist wear the reddish sheets. In writings, it found that by some means the name of one is interrelated with that person as a result the two letters of Quran came in picture. It is very difficult to find out the meanings of the Hadiths the way it had narrated other than the person narrated. Even then said Mosi is going ahead to bring forward others information too. Killing is not the way to destroy Rather it will increase in high tide. Reason behind it that the secret is behind it, Ants cannot destroy forever by men. Rebirth is only for Hindus, Buddhist, Jayne and Bainshnab, Jews, Christen and Muslims are not in it. The person is acting as Krishna, Buddha and Isha Mosi. In the Hadiths, so many things have narrated regarding the activities of Jesus in the world. One does not like to prove those saying something, which is not other than the explanation. Arrival of Jesus to kill a nation by his hand perhaps not to prove so but to kill them in heart to one is most appropriate. If anybody wishes to banish the ants from the world is it possible. Other than this why a man would go to kill another one, which has prohibited in Islam. As the nature has done the job so, the nature will take up the matter in her hand to accomplish the order of God. As to kill, someone for nothing has prohibited in Islam. As the nature has done the job so, the nature will take up the matter in her hand to accomplish the order of God. One cannot hurt another without any reason. God has permitted to kill one by heart by decreasing. This method is the best way to live together. God knows better what He would do. In example it can say that Hitler remains alive doing inhumanity but others remain alive showing love of God. Sword cannot do what heart can do that very easily. Let them realize that they have their real Mosi or not and turn them back to the right path. There are a many tribes, who believe in rebirth seeing the rounding of rains but they do not think about vast worlds after worlds. To them is that to become a religious person only praying to God day and night perhaps is not the intention of God. There are cores, core angels are doing so, and the universe itself prays to God silently. Is God happy with that prayer? If so, why God created men? It means men are to know all sides equally. Its discussion is coming later. There are a many things are similar to all religions try to obey those and emphasize the truth before them day would come that they would agree upon the truth. The advices have put forwarded as a man only. Men are to know about worldly knowledge as well as hereafter and both should have a balance too. “The sect related, Mosi Kadiani said, ‘rules and regulation through which states run are made of men as those are mortal if wished can change, but for the mankind the Quran is last regulations a code of life cannot change as one likes. Its other name is Kalamutuallah and immortal. Nothing can add in or omit from it. One cannot increase or decrease its rules. As because God is above all, He has no fault in Him as He above all faults. It is sorrowful that a few people think that some of the verses have rejected out of Quran. It is their wrong notions and of having poor knowledge’s, but the Ahmadit sect believe that from BISMILLAH letter ‘B’ to Sura Nas ‘S’ all revealed by God. Therefore, every words and every sentence is the revelation of God and they all would remain as it were. None can change it. By no means would the revelation of KALAMULLAH and its word, sentence remain until the Day of Resurrection. For the last fourteen hundred years it is happen no change found and it will not happen.” (Reference Book is Ahmadiat page-77). There are four types of sound in Arabic in reading. One agreed upon on those speeches what he narrated in the above quotation. It seems that he had good intention for fair play but at crying need, he played fowl games as he liked. It proved that letter ‘B’ and ‘S’ are the two letters of Quran indicating as first and last letter according to the sect also. It is of Quran as KALAMUTULLAH and KALAMULLAH, which is the name Jesus as a title too. Therefore, all Muslims including all sects have no chance to disagree upon it. It said not to express to cut a figure to the intellectuals as one is defining the life of Jesus but to tell the truth what Mosi Kadiani had believed in Quran or not. Therefore, a false name Ahmed in Quran had any function to enter in between ‘B’ and ‘S’ which is of Jesus as KALAMUTULLA. One does not agree on it and has no power to misinterpret the Quran rest God knows better. In many ways, it makes them clear if there anyone in the sect or anywhere pleases come out with the theory and proves. After long time the sect had changed their color overnight saying Prophet but the one harshly not challenging to anyone but come out with truth if the one is wrong but do not make all these cock and bull stories. At present, self is beginning and last of the Quran but to one what knowingly so far no misinterpretation has done. How in the middle one could enter in Quran without having proper proofs. Therefore, a Maulana named Bahaullah in his name God is included even he can say that the God of Mosi Kadiani is not real God but gods of Satan. Hoping people of that sect would go through the book and come to the right path if God helps them to understand the fact. “Thus have We sent thee amongst a people before whom (long since) have (other) peoples (gone and) passed away; in order that thou mightest rehearse unto them what We send down unto thee by inspiration.” Sura 13 verse 30 Quran. “But those in whose hearts is a disease,- it will add doubt to their doubt, and they will die in a state of unbelief.” Sura 9 verse 30 Quran. In the above two verses are quoted one is that what God sent revelation to earlier prophets in support of it the last prophet repeated those what are truth. In the last verse, it said that those do not hold healthy eyes to see enlightenment they fall in doubt and increase their diseases avoiding His order. The sect knows that Jesus is Alpha and Omega of a Kalam but they have not tried to prove it but they believe that the letter ‘B’ to ‘S’ of Quran. Without any prove, becoming false Prophet he deceived so many people for that God would not forgive him, as it believes. It is the wording of Mohammed (SM) who ever say God is one and unique, do not raise the sword against him. in one hand this sect say God is one and unique and Mohammed is Prophet of God on the other hand they say he is not the only last Prophet but himself is also a Prophet and prophets would come until the Day of Resurrection which out of Islam. Only the name took him to commit the crime on a large scale as of seeing the back of an elephant whole story narrated had accepted by the people blindly without any justification. In them, some people are arrogant by nature no doubt but a lesson would come soon for them. If they go through the book they would find more than thousand proves are lying here. They all are from ‘B’ to ‘S’. It knows that they would try to find out the spelling and its sound but it of no use as Arabic has different sounds to read it. That will there another misinterpretation if they come out with the sound. As stated earlier those letters had discovered by others from the beginning and there is nothing new in it. As a result, it has become for one to speak to the world people and to unite them together though they would care it less as the era. God bestowed one a great opportunity and it is all His kindness to one. As people know that, a door of Quran is still open for others to enter beside that this book would help them to stand before to others people. God is only the Sustainer, there is none except God, all are to return Him successively and Depending On Him, the book has written. Second chapter A drop of water is there not understandable, Narration of one is on the motherland of Bangladesh If it said explanation then some may think worthless Thereupon it said an elaborate description, Thence nothing is there except a few words of own. In the world of ‘Wish of God’, as He wished and thought. In this chapter other than poem explanation and the subject matter, the one will try to discuss something about men and creation. The aim is not to say which is the religion holy book is correct and which one incorrect. All religious holy books are of God there no doubt in it. It is not essential to prove that world is first created then others or the sun has created first then others. To God it is no matter that he may any one but for the scientist it is something. In the poem, it said that whatever thing defines still something is there which cannot understand. The explanation should have from Damask but it is in Bangladesh, why and how it happened God knows better. For that reason, it said that it is of own explanation though it is n accordance to Quran, Hadiths and other religious Holy Books. To create something as God wish that quality came to men also. Because of having, all qualities of God men have all qualities of God as a representative. Although it has explained in Bangladesh, perhaps there truth of God brought forward before the people. Whatever researched work explained not the revelation of God but result of thinking. It has come out to the point as earned from the intellectuals. How it happened it would decide by the readers. From to bottom as the person kept unknown about the subject matter of Jesus arrival perhaps it would difficult for others to find out its whole ideas though one narrating. Even then true is true. It is true that antichrist would not able to Madina of Saudi Arabia but they will try to enter other Madina as named in different countries. There are so many religious teachers; one will find that when they ask whether arrival of Jesus is in Quran. In reply, they will tell that they did not find any direct verse that he would come to the world again. However, there are more than 100 Hadiths, which are pure about his arrival. If ask what is the root of saying or narrating the Hadiths of such nature. They will tell that the Quran. Then how did you say that there is no direct verse revealed by God. Then immediately they will make a story to convince others. When any double entendre or double meaning words came or doubtful verse revealed then the followers asked what would the meaning of such verse. Mohammed (SM) in regarding that verse tried to give explanation after getting revelation from God. In relation to that the thing was clear that Jesus would arrive and indirect verse has came into force with the confirmation and saying no in this regard one kind untrue preached to the questioner and the thing spread out all over world is another wrong done by that person. The writings cannot say it is of any Holy Book’s explanation but it is thinking of one as philosopher thinks why it is so. On that ground, it is His thought as men assume in his thinking and explanation of it elaborately. Perhaps God does not come to the world but he express His ideas through a man in this way. “Who is at present, who was, who is coming he is Alpha and Omega.” (Revealed Kalam of YUHONNA 21; verse eight Injil.) In this verse, it is complicated to understand who is God and who Jesus is. As one stated Ruhh is of God breathing and remains with God and it is for all. In that sense, it is true that Jesus with God but in human body no one can stay with God in future also it would not happened but there would a way to go to God which will discuss later. God is having no beginning or no end but men are beginning and end both applicable to them. All men have a book of own. Therefore, man is beginning and end of book. Jesus has a many titles. In that Kalam, KALAMULLAH and KALMUTULLAH are main tiles too. It is in Quran as KALEMA and in INJIL, others are all. As Alpha and Omega is the letters of Hebrew or Greek, it has end. Letters having end cannot compare with God. As Alpha and Omega is the letters of Hebrew or Greek, it has end. Letters having end cannot compare with God. Logics, arguments and in true sense all Prophets are the beginning end of Quran as all received a portion of Quran. Not only of one’s nickname by which the letters B and S has come, it is of so many people also but also they could not introduce themselves as one is going ahead. It has later realized until unless whole of one has not narrated it would remain incomplete narration for the book. Muslims say one lac twenty four thousand Prophets reached in the world to warn the men. A few commentators stated after analyzing Sura FATIHA life of the Quran as it has one forty-four letters multiplying one thousand it becomes one lac forty-four thousand as stated in Injil. Perhaps it is correct in relation of other Holy Books concerned. There is no Prophets left who did not say that he is first and last, in relation to that the book research all prophets how they had said so. In Hindus scripture, it found that Krishna said, “He is first, he is the middle and he is the last.” It does not mean that Krishna would arrive three times in the world. However, to say Krishna reached three times as stated but its meanings in different way. Krishna is not the name of Krishna but the then it said as a Prophet. Therefore, Prophet reached accordingly. No Obatar or phantom of God does come as a prophet but men come as Warner. The world is a place to examine, the men and the Jinn’s has sent in the world for examination. To bear out in form one has tried, In no case, one should that think such There is none fit to explain for the jobs. The letter ‘B’ is of ‘BASANA’ world of GOD. In so many scriptures have the description of letters? The letter B is the first letter of BISMILLAH In addition, S is the last letter of Quran. So many people are all round square and intellectuals. In addition to that, the religious teachers are there to narrate such books. It happened just opposite that God bestowed one who is not fit for the jobs even then has been trying to put forward the narration of own. In other sense, it is trying to proof the wordings of Mohammed (SM) in accordance to Quran and Hadiths. There are a many people in such name Basu and Ahmed but not everyone wrote a book giving to the point starting from grandfather to own history. It assumes that it is difficult to narrate such history in the world. It is the nature and God too make it possible. “He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed; and he is the Exalted in Might, Oft-forging.” Sura 62 verse 2 Quran. It is all unplanned way writings and completely new for the person. As example reddish sheets wearing person and finding a name as nickname in Quran is of own made history gathered from different sources. Real name means father of Kalam, name of Jesus is Kalam and in research, Ruhh is a life above holy. The word is holy and adverse of it the word is unholy. Ruhh cannot have any adverse like that, as God is one and unique His breathing is of same quality. That is why it said that Ruhh above holy. Thereafter to join in a sky and retired from another sky make it possible to narrate the history. Co-relating with the angels in accordance with Hadiths brought in parents in the subject matter. Later revealed a dream which is a part of full dream and in research work find out a state at the same period which is a evident of Injil and somewhat to Hadith in addition to a verse of Quran for which no Muslims can recognize the Israel. In deep sense any Muslim state recognize the Israel as state then it may go out of verse but it not known to one except the intellectuals can define it well. All significances whom would not make firm to believe the subject matter. It is a thought of own and act upon it to fulfill to the last. It is one desire to forward the book through and through to all. As one are not men of letters door of the book is open saying who the One is! So that blame does not come to one and to God, it is that God send all to examine not for selfishness. God does not only consider what a man is doing but He sees what is in his mind. Man can do something for fame but mind tells for what purpose the deed has done. Accordingly, God would justify the thing not seeing outer portion of the man. Therefore, in this regard He knows well. He is All-Wise. His divine events and all science men cannot understand. “Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in truth, in order to strengthen those believe, and as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims.” Sura 16 verse 102 Quran. The revelation of God has brought by Gabreil a great angel to Mohammed (SM) and those who believe the Guide for them great tidings declared by God. All books of religious teachers written by them are not divine books. In this respect, some of the saints have wrong notions especially in other religions. They as thought the religion is nothing but thinking of great people for the betterment of general as the saints thoughts. It means divine book of God what so far revelation came down have not counted, as the Guide of general but thought of men became guide of men. Especially one of the Hindus saints thought quoted here as he thought so but he is most popular among the Hindus. It is not possible for men to bring forth such Holy Book as Quran. On the other hand it is not also possible for men to produce a book of own giving examples of nature as the time waits for none. Let them realize the matter minutely if they try thousand times to produce such logics as the one has produced, it would impossible for them as God is with the One. As the saint say so the religion book is of men thought, the one is not criticizing the man as God revealed do not say harsh to saints, women and child. Saints though tell left and right but they always keep in mind about God and think for Him. Women are weak than the men and children are innocent. Almost all saints believe in one and unique God and praise Him. As example old Bible, Injil and Quran are not of God then it would become difficult for the one to produce such examples as put forwarded. “When thou dost read the Quran, seek Allah’s protection from Satan the Rejected One. No authority has he over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord. His authority is over those only, who take him as patron and who join partners with Allah.” Sura 16 verses 98 to 100 Quran. To understand better a little explanation is giving that in heaven God sent revelation to angels and Jinn to obey or leadership of Adam when God breathed into him. As a bad power has given to Satan, he can also send the messages to men’s mind. From the very beginning, it happened that Satan has misguided the man so whenever reading the Quran first seek help of God to get relief from that Satan. Soul though pure but it has created with some materials where every chance is there to misguide the soul. As man is having his descendant, so the Satan has his descendant and his descendant is more than the man is. Men are going ahead all pros and cons. True and untrue both are running side by side. However, there is proverb which some of the nations believe it that the man has born as a result of intervention between two power that are true and untrue. That is not a correct theory. Combining two letters own is Krishna and Buddha, It known to all that they had reddish sheets on their body. As it had revealed in Hadiths (how to know Jesus), Those sheets are on own’ body to day. Upper portion of reddish sheet is of Buddha The lower portion of reddish sheet is of Krishna. Is it giving grace to own body to day? As narrated in the poem, once upon a time people wanted to know how they would recognize the Jesus if he would arrive again. In reply, he said that how you would not know him who had wear two reddish sheets on his body. Muslims do not wear reddish sheets of course but it seen that some of pilgrimage person wear such clothes. It may happen to one. However, rest of the proofs May not possible to bring under as the one did. It would difficult to give full description of the Hadiths as stated. Rest God knows better. If is it not of God then Mohammed (SM) would not narrate such difficult type of Hadiths. Normally saints of Hindus, BAWOL of Hindus and Buddhist religious teachers wear on such reddish sheets. This custom had been running for the long time. Going through the book of Mosi Kadiani the one thought that to write about Jesus some information is there in Quran that as Mosi Kadiani put his name. Although his name had proved as false Ahmed but in connection to Jesus, what thing is there in Quran? With little research nickname of own found as first and last letter of Quran which made ways and means for development of writings. So is the case with the real name. Why own had joined in a sky proof as if according to the due order. Why parent of own has taken after as the event of Hadiths, as like as angels to stand up for the One? If not so, the nature that has not supported the one then please takes it as discussion about the arrival of Jesus. If it is so then the Jews are to agree upon that Jesus and his mother were pure and Jesus was apostle of God. Other than this word, the nature may come suddenly to them that their thousand of atomic powers would of no use to protect them from the God furiousness. As the name of Krishna direct meaning of one so it bestowed that the sheets of him is lower portion to protect shame of the body and last one is of Buddha, which is put on upper portion. According to the narration of poem the sheets are giving grace at own body. Wearing the sheets the narrator has given most preference to those religious teachers to invite all cordially to come to a path where all can live on peacefully all over the world. From east to west if the explanation does not preach within any time, ones mind does not get consolation. They may agree on it or not is not matter but at least they should hear the subject matter that is the aim of the One. It may happen that this will increase co-ordination among all nations and the two letters will produce love of God in the heart of all to live on brotherly keeping relation like family. These two letters has narrated from the top as wish of God and at the last humankind what would produce in the heart about God reality and His Mighty Power. Two letters will decrease all political problems once they come on brotherly relation among all nations as a result, amity and international goodwill would prevail to pull together. It may produce spiritual development for many people and the human being would think for God, which would give a positive result to come closer to all nations. “And to those straying in Evil, the fire will be placed in full view; and it shall be said to them; ‘where are the (gods) ye worshipped, ‘beside Allah? Can they help you or help themselves? Sura 26 verses 91 to 93 Quran. Not only Islam but also Old Bible, new Bible and Veda’s do not support the worship of gods and statue even then the Christen keep the statue of Mary, Jesus and sign of cross before them as if they are worshipping not God but to gods. On the Day of Judgment God would ask them where is your gods whom you worshipped? In a question, He asked could they speak out or create something like God. Even then, showing false argument they keep a picture or statue in front of them and say it increases love of God. Muslims do not keep any statue in front of them or in between God and the man there is no wall or none because God is enough to hear his prayer. Sometimes it happened that Satan shows magic through the statue and sometime he speaks the truth to believe the statues so that the man confused in statue. In argument, those who are worshipping the statue a person would talk, as he knows God that of seeing any lovely person they likes to love God. None saw God but men assume that God is like man, in opposite woman thinks God is man and man thinks God is Women. It is an internal matter of men. Therefore other creatures would also think the same thing as men are thinking. God has no shape is the best method to worship Him leaving all statues. Some of the people have raise questions about KABA that Muslims do worship of KABA so other religions that they worship statues. It is misunderstanding in the mind of ignorant people that on standing above KABA first time had called forth for prayer at the period of Mohammed (SM). KABA is nothing more than a house of mud but a centre for the Muslims to maintain discipline among the nation. God is not there living on for what Muslims facing that side praying their prayer. God lives everywhere. It means His knowledge is everywhere. Why the writings has become important at this stage it would realize by the intellectuals. Along with writings both Krishna and Buddha has become very necessary for the one. A many prophets had passed away before the arrival of Mohammed (SM) so Krishna and Buddha that they were not Warner it would not say by anyone and they came as a Godsend at the juncture. Men have no enmity in religions but have enmity on their ill activities. “There is no god but He; it is He Who gives death, the Lord and Cherisher to you and your earliest ancestors.” Sura 44 verse 8 Quran. Man has born to die. In fact, until to day man could not protect his death because God kept it in His Own hand. Some of the saints tried to win the death but at last, with the meditation it said that he won the death. It had already said that soul of man would die once. He will change his form and leave worldly body. Those who remember God all the time it comes in their mind death is nothing but a happiness to get close with God. In it, love factors work in the mind. Therefore, doing deep meditation Buddha came to the decision that he would leave for God and there would have no death though man saw it physically. Buddhist’s say Buddha had gone in the sky or above it. The theory narrated by the one Ruhh would leave the human body for God and it would stay with God as long as required till permitted by God to go to the body of that man. So far, it had seen everyone told about soul but Ruhh also combined into it. Clear explanations had not found anywhere. It has mentioned in Quran very complicated to define but Ruhh and soul separate explanation has given by God. Whoever he is, whatever his religion he sinner or virtuous make no difference and go to God only that Ruhh. Ruhh while passing across the worldly life energizes soul. If it is well, energize then it remains in a world and pass tle happy life. If it is not then it goes to another world where one is to suffer according to his deeds. Hearing the wording men may think it is in one place and living together but God has created so many worlds for the reason. Death cannot affect a person who worship the God and who remember Him all the times. Love of God is such that a man does not become old at any age. The man is mysterious and tries to find out new things behind of this creation. God promised He would open heaven and hell for men to look into it. It is also a good thing to think over about sky and remember Him seeing His adventures. If it is not in this world men are to learn it going to other world. Logic is in it that God has encouraged the man to look upon the universe. Without seeing whole universe, a man cannot become wise to mix up with God. A many may not agree on it. “In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.” “Has there not been over man a long period of timing when he was nothing –(not even) mentioned; verily We created man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him; so We gave him (the gifts) of hearing and sight.” Sura 76 verses 1 and 2 Quran. From the beginning, it saw that man created from nothing. Then He decided to created man from mud in the heaven and said be it formed, growth in a position thereafter He breathed into the soul. A pair had created in the heaven. It also saw that without intervention of couple man can born. Once upon a time, there was nothing except God. Creating two nations like angels and Jinn’s He felt two create man what was in His plan. He revealed Jinn’s and man have created to worship Him other than the angels what was His Most satisfaction. Reality in it He wants wise men to live on with Him. Later discussion of it comes successively. If said man had no existence at all then man could not satisfy in mind that how he came on existence. Therefore, in nothing there was something in Him, that was His knowledge, which had brought in man as existence. The Quran is such that if scientists say the entire universe had created from a big bang it would find that was also correct. As men had created from, mud is also correct, from water is also correct or from dry mud it is also correct. Therefore, a basic thing is what that is God. The entire universe had created from water, in that Quran would give witness that all lives had created from water. There is nothing without life. Somehow, they have lives and power of God. Men are to go to nothing through atom. It is all His qualities as man has his qualities. Qualities can bring in into a form as smell. Men can bring in that smell into form of any flower by some chemical means. No doubt, others material used in of God. For assumption, man can consider all those. Coordination and attraction among all things of God are there. God loves His creations. Therefore, man has created from out of His love. Remember God all the times at all places, He is one and unique and He is the Greatest. At the period of shrivel of the universe Mother, you would go up. At that period you would vomit What you had digested before inside the earth The body of humankind would come out. They would as like as doll Has no power until the soul returns. Nor they can fly like birds. Some of the commentators said that God is most beautiful or handsome but most of others do not agree upon it yet no body saw the God. Neither the angels nor the men saw Him. It can say that Who created the most beautiful universe His beauty cannot explain by few words. Not seeing Him it can imagine so that looking the sky anyone can love Him that is pure love. Slowly it will increase in such way that one will always think about Him. He would guide anybody of such nature in a right path. In the poem what said the present world as come down due to expansion in a position far away from the centre. They move with their family members. Day will come it will close up to that position as it were. In reverse position, everything will move in reverse producing men in grave, land will vomit all, and rains will start. The rains may that soul will fall down to own body and men will come into consciousness a little with that soul. They will remember the old history what they did in the world. In the body where the Ruhh fitted it would speak as leg or hand would give witness about the deeds had done by men. The quality of flying in the sky to go one place to another place would also have given to virtuous. Therefore, do not put name of men or doll or statue in between the man and God. There is none except God to worship. Worldly body can fly like a bird when both Ruhh and soul becomes friend of each other. While they would become one would fall in with deep love of God. Ruhh-E- Mohammedi is a world for love only. There are saints who thinks God has a shape, if it so He could not control the universe as He becomes a definite shape. Therefore a many gods would come after Him to fight in other words to become the king. For argument sake they speak He had Own shape but not comparable to others. It has known to all shapes are perishable except God but the shape of God is not of anything that in universe. It means a shape of His own at shapeless. It is the duty of God to satisfy all men. How it would possible for Him he knows better. However, men are also selfish in his love as God. God has kept peace in his hand. It is like a snake that has a jewel. When it goes inside the snake one would not find the jewel in snake. When the snake wishes it can take out it from his body and light the place. Although the example is quoted here, only to understand the God, that there is nothing but God. It cannot for God as nothing can come up to Him as an example also. May God forgive the person if anything wrong? “Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one Unit of Creation), before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” Sura 21 verse 30 Quran. The skies and the worlds were together as one unit but perhaps the gap among them was very less than the present. He made seven firmament and world is at the bottom part of it where all light put on like sun and stars. Men cannot say whether there was light or not while they were together. As stated in Hadith light of the heaven is milky no sun shine light is there. It means light was there in heaven also and worlds were there. From that, view when it came round more and more it separated but equal attraction in proportionately were there. So that everything runs smoothly. So long, there is no difference of time or rounding world around the sun. As the scientist is thinking, the world cool down which was a part of sun might not true. The world was a part of heaven where animal could live on from the very beginning. Perhaps in this world Adam(A) committed mistake and a potion of heaven come down as ordered by God to go down everything including Jinn’s and the full universe started expanding. In expanding when it came in a distance they found that divine dress fall in and they started taking the leaves of tree to cover the shame. Because once mistake had done, the punishment started naturally for them and divine message sent to them by God. Western people developed in science thinking about sky but Muslims has the theory only developed in it. They are far back than the western people. The theory of Muslims has reached in a position, which cannot think over by a scientist but it is in a practical for worldly life of no use. Let the scientists also think over the matter to realize about God and may their moving forward be well for the general. As the world is in the lower firmament, it has become eighth portion of land and God has lighted lower portion within four days as stated in the Holy Books. Therefore, the world had together with the sky and later the stars lighten. While they were together by some other way it was, lighten than the present. Perhaps the theory has given by the scientists later the world came in form from the sun is not correct. Stone or mud whatever it is they are not ma that they are nearly dead. Still scientists say the universe has been extending perhaps if the period has come to close the chapter then near future it will close down. Signs of God in accordance with Holy Books have shown to all as like world war, earthquake, a new born state of Jews etc to end or to close His office. “His Throne was over the water.” Sura 11 verse 7 Quran. God’s throne was over the water when big bang had divided into so many pieces it means the worlds had separated from each other and expanded as required. Therefore, His throne was over water and still not there who would say it. It assumes that around the entire universes there is water thereafter the entire universe what cannot think over by men. If one says, life then normally understands the anything, which has life, but all things of God remember Him including the sun and the moon. In Hadiths, it mentioned that the stone of Israel will speak out but all stones will speak it means men would reach to that point in advancement. The moon and the mars had talk to men and others yet to speak. The clouds are rubbing each other produce sound and lightening and men hear it. It is one of the sign of nature that how she talks to men. Where is Throne of God, no one can say but the throne said is one, which is made out of Nur that is the world of Nur-e-Mohammedi. Except the face of God, everything is perishable in that the Throne is also there. In a word, there is no end of shapeless world or His qualities. Having shape one cannot think about shapeless that is the problem. Keeping in mind that God has no definite shape and He is shapeless firmly one should believe it and should remain away from worshiping statue or any shapeable things except God. Believe His existence seeing His creation blindly. The skies and the world were together at that period there was no existence of soul one cannot say that. Those who believe the power of nature and say a power is controlling nature only. Then why is not to believe Him who is a Guider of this entire universe. Soul will cover the worldly body Reality is that the land will move around To close to that position as it was. While ye reach to that distance, where you were Man would become invisible but visible to all Jinn’s and angels as it were. Man would not understand it What had happened to the man? It saw that worldly body active in doing the needful jobs in the world. However, when man would return it assumes that in reverse way soul would cover the man. Soul had a good relation with Ruhh further it would become a media to come close to God in the same way covering the Ruhh to have conversation and meet. The man who has no Ruhh he had no sense of doing anything good. He is having only life but different to animal that they do not have soul. Ruhh works as mirror see all good and it guide the man in good path. Animal life and the soul of men have the characteristics for intervention but animal life cannot understand as the soul can. That soul created at upper level by God. Ruhh has power to catch the signal of God, as it is direct come out from God or breathing. Through it, man can transmit and receive the signal of God. If the brain of man goes, out the body does not work and headquarter of man becomes puzzled but the Ruhh works day and night though it has not seen. Perhaps the Ruhh will guide when the Judgment would held. However, while closing the universe time would take less because the stars start coming close to each other even then it would a Day long forty days as found. At that period it would reach to a station where all nations had lived together, they are angels and Jinn. Why it is say so that the place mentioned Mecca because a stone found what recognized by Adam (A) that, he prayed there. That is the Sign the world after long struggle had come to present condition with all but his wife Hawaii (A) had gone to a different place. After three hundred years, they met in a place that is also in Mecca. It was house of Adam (A) the then. Those who had gone to astray doing wrong and bad deeds that day Ruhh would not cover them and the soul with the physical body inside would have to suffer as the Judgment. As all know that heaven and hell are also made so they are nothing that than of shape. God is shapeless so only covering the Ruhh would able to visit the place of God where His kingdom is there. Men would live on in heaven cannot understand whether he is visible or invisible in relation to present physical body. As stated earlier, the Ruhh is also shapeless as breathing of God, a media to communicate with God above holy, which looks toward God and love Him other than anything else. Perhaps it is reverse while coming to world it turns to a body while returning the very narrated goes back to God. First, let it thing that without Ruhh animal can live on then without soul also animal can live on with mere life. Soul to understand right and wrong Ruhh is essential. In Islam, it said a mirror inside the body but the one more clarification has given not only mirror but also the Ruhh. It is not necessary that it remain inside or outside because in Hadith and religious teachers described the Ruhh goes out of the body when a man does ill legal activities. “Unto Allah belongeth the domain of the heavens and the earth. He giveth life and he taketh it. Except for Him ye have no protector nor helper.” Sura 9 verse 116 Quran. God is self sufficient in all respect. Some thought angels are the wife of God but they have no intervention power in any way. His creation is a garden for Him. If He wishes, He can uproot His garden. If any of the nations like the man, the angel, or the Jinn there would not have any difference for Him but why He created men He kept in hidden. He kept the key in His hand such as Day of Resurrection, life and death of all, livelihood and the secret of the universe creation. One cannot find the real formula how He created the Universes. Even cannot imagine the whole nature of worlds how they are. It is His promise that before the Day of Resurrection door of the heavens would open to look to it so that men at least can realize that there is none but He only. A many scientists would come out to say it is nothing but the nature and her power. Even then, they would not tell that it is of God. If any One believe the Quran or not but it said the Throne of God is above water. It is also in old Bible. Why He said the Throne to men because men would research the sky and for guidance how everything moving around the Throne. Throne of God has the power to control all worlds. Finishing the water He created big bang is not correct because He has everything sufficient. Lower part only he put on light in other parts He had His own power but those are also for men. If four percent is in light and ninety-six percent is in dark out of it what there men cannot imagine. Throne may in form or not but has power to control and how big it is can anyone think of it. What a great scientist is He? Leavening all statues should the men not pray to Him or they would pray to statue that cannot say nor do anything good or bad. Once upon a time, ye had visible When came down to the world. Behold, the situation Ruhh is alone Do not like to stay always, Therefore, the soul covers that Ruhh. Both combining has formed soul, That type of the soul arrives from heaven. Some say this is a new notion of own. They do not find any difference between soul and Ruhh. To tell the truth in Quran nowhere it has written that Ruhh will die but the Naffs will die for once. Pure Naffs is soul then where is the Ruhh. God said Ruhh is His order or Breathing. It saw that when Adam gradually has grown up to a standard position then God breathed into him the Ruhh. In heaven soul of men stay may that as thought he would of mud at down his formed changed into like the physical body of today after long time. Therefore, Adam had a life in heaven while growing up that is soul. On the other hand, the angels cannot see the Ruhh as he is also having Ruhh. The Soul is visible to angels and he takes the soul of men while a man dies. An example is that when men go to moon he requires a dress of oxygen otherwise; he would not stay for a period. Same case is also is here that without a dress Ruhh does not like to stay at lower position of world. Another reason is that who advices good always he would suffer that has no justification. It said that not the Ruhh but the soul and physical body of men would suffer for their bad deeds. Therefore death is only for the soul but inside it Ruhh goes to God had come out from discussion as well as what Quoted in Quran the Naffs is to taste the death. These entire one can say lives combined in three that is three-in-one. It understood that soul as like as men and Ruhh has no form because wherever it enters it formed changes to that form as it has no shape as for example if it goes to angel it becomes angel if it goes to Jinn it becomes Jinn and so on. Creating of men found in discussion is mysterious. Why He send his breathing or Ruhh in the world with soul may consider that for journey. Such journey of Ruhh inside the soul to trained the soul so that it can meet or see Him with some knowledge of God. Why it is so would come later. For Ruhh the soul also got the reward that the soul will die once and would never die in future. However, it completely depends on Him how long it would stay alive but to all as His promise forever. Soul and Ruhh has known as child of men in the sky as define by some scholar. Now it has cleared that the child of men land from the heaven. “Who doth more wrong than he who inventeth a lie against Allah or rejecteth His Signs? But verily the wrongdoers never shall prosper.” Sura 6 verse 21 Quran. Dear readers, Mosi Kadiani what have narrated that he received revelation showing all logics and arguments in that his speech was inspiring but the wording of God had no grave and thoughtful ideas. To become Jesus or Imam Mehdi his speech is not important for the people but the wording God was such that people would laugh at hearing the story. The name of a place Kadian men ever found in Quran as he stated. In the above verse it said that anybody who says what not a lie God punish them severely. It is not a matter of joking to say him a Prophet. The sect following Mosi Kadiani they can learn something from Satan revelation, was that revelation of God or Satan their common sense will speak to them. Those who believe his theory The Ahmed name was equally applicable to Mosi Kadiani then they should believe that the name is writing Mosi Kadiani is also correct in accordance with old Bible and Hadith. They changed the meaning of Sura jakruf verse forty-three in between two verses the sect and their leader put down a name in place of Jesus. It is also against the Quran. It means they have rejected the wording of God and may call over the wrongdoers as the Quran stated. In this chapter, main discussion is on the sky that according to Quran worlds and heaven were in one place. Some of the commentators to win in the argument say first stars or suns had created to prove the Quran in accordance to the scientists. Some of the Holy books say the worlds first created then the sun. when everything were together as Quran says then before the sun if world is created with the light of others which would available in heaven then for God it makes no difference which one is first and which is one last. It not required to make it cool when God created everything out of nothing and the worlds were there living all animals long before may core and core years ago. Therefore, it can assume that the animals were living in the then world when they were together. Once God said that His throne was above the water, it means they all created from water whatever having lives. In Quran, there are so many verses in relation to promises of men as well as all prophets. Have they promised after they had reached to the world or it had taken before hand? Thinkers are to think about the all those verses for what meditation came. It has not happened in the present world. Before thinking much about it the Islamic way tells that there were another world before coming to the present world. There God had taken the promise of all that they would not forget God but He not accepted the simple promise of men and again sending them successively in the present world for examination. The soul has promised on those days and there is kingdom of soul. In Islamic way most of the commentators commented that once upon a time, most of the soul had forgotten who their creator was. One day He gathered all to ask who their sustainer was but there were three groups one is in front another is at left and other is at right. The soul of left position had forgotten their sustainer. He punished them by stopping food. Later all agreed that God is the Sustainer of all. Perhaps that the left wing people are wrongdoers and still they are doing wrong in the world. There is a verse in Quran in relation to it. “He who created death and life, that He may try which of you is best in deed; and he is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving.” Sura 67 verse 2 Quran. From the story narrated the introduction of men in the world started accordingly. Now it is the time to rectify one by choosing right path. “If anyone does evil or wrongs his own soul, but afterwards seeks Allah’s forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”. Sura 4 verse 110 Quran. It is not that killing of men and then raises hand to God for forgiveness. God is Most Merciful in all respect and He fulfills all hopes of men by turns. Though it is not visible men can assume it by thinking past life. A many people ask about God and His existence but do not believe that He is shapeless. Scientists has divided atoms into many parts still they could not find where is another nation like Jinn but they don not believe the existence of that nation. They are also in form. The angels and the Jinn are in form. After so much advancement of science, men are still unable to tell about them what to talk about God. The angel carries the soul to the womb of mother And then lit the light inside the womb Which has called as house? The way the child has formed As the baby lives on inside the womb The same form the soul has cast into same form. While the soul comes on to the earth Hands and legs of the soul is keeping in one place As it is bow down. The landing of the soul as it is As formed earlier in the womb. It has discussed earlier that the soul comes from heaven and the angels carry the soul to mother womb of the man. In the poem, it has narrated that the soul would carry the angels but true thing to discuss about Jesus how he would land to earth. The Prophet could stop saying that much that he would arrive again but he (SM) did not stop it there. He prolonged the matter narrating two hundred Hadiths. However, why it was so? Was there any reason narrating the Hadiths in different wordings someone made weak and someone had become strong in differentiation. It has become clear now that strong and weak Hadiths of Mohammed (SM) in relation to arrival of Jesus all proved equal importance. To clear the matter a little explanation requires that some Hadiths say keeping the hands and other say keeping legs on the angels Jesus would land. Strong Hadiths left all these matter narrating only arrival to destroy cross, swine, and killing evildoers like antichrist. In the poem, it has discussed that both hands and legs keeping one place like a bow down which is similar in the womb of a mother the soul would land. In accordance to science the baby in mother womb just same as narrated in Hadiths if anyone gathers all Hadiths. Therefore, the angels cast into the womb of a mother the soul of baby in a stage when the baby forms like the soul. The arguments has done here to the point to Hadiths and proved that Jesus would land by born though it is out of imagination to many people. “He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six days and His Throne was over the waters that He might try you, which of you is best in conduct. But if thou wert to say to them, ‘ye shall indeed be raised up after death ’, the unbelievers would be sure to say,‘ this is nothing but obvious sorcery!” Sura 6 verse 7 Quran. Although the man is living on in the world for a period say hundred years but it is difficult to say the age of the soul as they were having a different world earlier. Core and cores years passed away for them in different world but the thing is not in memory as the SIM of other world not fitted with the physical body. In Islam, it has said that Prophet Mohammed (SM) was a prophet before he came in this world. Therefore, where Prophet requires there true and false are there. The soul may do wrong at any place as seen the Adam and Eve did while in the heaven. All these history as stated if one thinks that definitely he finds the way for a good solution. Perhaps God expanded the universe from closing point when Adam and Eve (A) had committed a sin that they took the fruit of a forbidden tree. The order of God was not alone for Adam and Eve only but for all to go down to a world which was the same place where forbidden tree was there. It is perhaps the present world. In Quran, it is there that to all it means according to the commentators only for Adam and Eve but thing is that Satan was out of heaven at that period. How he instigated Adam and Eve being out of heaven. It is clear to understand that that period God was also not in front of Adam and Eve but God messages had been coming to them as a revelation. Satan had given power of devil to instigate the men so he instigated through his power to Adam and Eve from outside of the heaven. Here most important point to understand that to all the order was applicable and in that the worlds were also there and expansion of the universe started the then. The Jews and the Christen can well understand how God would bring the men from dead seeing the example of mountain cave from where God raised them up again after three hundred years. There is none to deny the fact that there is nothing like hereafter. Especially the Christen, the Jews and the Muslims can ever deny the fact in accordance to their Holy Books. According to their Holy Books hereafter is there where the man would live on endless life but to some that the soul is coming in the world once and again and having no end. Somewhere the point of Jesus arrival again in other scriptures misunderstood and thought all soul would come again as the rain comes in circulation. Some of the famous religious teachers commented all religions are very small like a pond but the people of the particular religion did see the ocean in concern to pond. In Islam, so widely it has briefed that none can reach to that point in thought but to return from a point not finding its solution it means the man has no power to understand science of God. “It is We Who created them and We have made their joints strong; but, when We will, We can substitute the like of them by a complete change.” Sura 76 verse 28 Quran. If anyone goes through the verse, he may think that God would replace the man into a new nation like Darwin theory but it is not God simply said He could whatever He likes. Definitely, God changes the leadership to any religion people if the right people do not work according to the guideline given by Him. Here is a point, which is controversial that He made strong the joints so is the case as Adam had made and made strong by growth that might be from mud. Lastly it seen that the man would grow up from mud on final Judgment Day. Therefore, the last happening would come in first what happened earlier. God has created a new nation the man though He had two other nations like the Jinn and the angels. From study it found that man was once unseen like jinn and angels and later God formed them in complete shape of mud as human body while the universe were expanded to a position. Three of the nations could remain in a same form but His will perhaps something else regarding the men. From the discussion it comes out that in the world the animals were living on from the very beginning as the worlds were there. There was nothing like scientist theory that from the sun the world is created and then it becomes cool to stay animals. Because first the atom was there and above it proton and electron were there to form the worlds and the suns. According to requirement God designed the universe. Let it see what the next verse of Quran what it says. “Moreover He comprehended in His designed the sky, and it had been (as) smoke; He said to it and to the earth; “come ye together, willingly or unwillingly.” They said,” we do come (together) in willing obedience.” Sura 41 verse 11 Quran. The above verse supports the scientist that first the sky was made and both the suns and the worlds were separated and there was smoke which God later designed and remove the smoke shining lights to lower heaven. It is not so small that upper heaven and lower heaven man can differentiate separately. It has also understood that they were close to each other and later expanded and lower heaven had been designed and set up lights. In other words it can say that men were there but not in the present form. There is a legend that Adam (A) made a house where he found a black stone of heaven where he was praying while in the heaven. It guessed that in same world he was there and a natural disaster for committing sin it was expanded with all family. People know that man and animal make sound to speak but how the worlds or the sun spoken to God. To make it clear that they had spoken to God by showing their obedience that one has been moving around of another. So, they came willingly around each ither in rotation to expand as desired by God but why God asked them to obey Him is a question to some may arise. In fact, it is not that it was not made by the God but to understand in poor knowledge of men God expressed the sense to the people.One can easily imagine that lower heaven has been designed into different light and shinning but upper heaven kept as it was where there is light of milky is steel prevailing so far knowledge goes or it is dark in conceren to the lower heaven. The universe is so made as it can eat another completely and later men wound found nothing is there. What is dark? Dark is opposite word of light or it can say that light comes from dark though men know shinning of sun is light.If there would have no dark shinning is possible at all. So good or bad are ther simalteniously and both are running side by side. All religious books are light for the men concern though people differentiate which one is most superior. It is because of time factor that previous religious books were not written on the spot as when received from the God. The Quran is light of all religious books though people of other nations do not follow it but they follow all ethics of Quran in modified way. Present world advanced in such position that they see an atom into different parts where light of God is there. But that is not an end of atom at all. Because still men could not discover a very simple thing in air that the nation of jinns who lived with men as well as in other sky too. Same case is also with angels who are more superior nation in concern to the nation of Jinns. In all religious books about the nation of Jinns and angels are there. Understanding or not understanding some of the castes follow the Jinns advices and some of the angels they follow as gods though they are behind the men. The Quran has proved as the scientists explain the theory how the world is made by God and if future if anything new discovered it would also be same in accordance to the Quran. The child basically formed in the dark of womb of mother In exact form as the soul is at dark, The angels bring the soul from the heaven, All the time these two are in same form One is worldly and visible, Another one is invisible to men. Earlier it said that man takes birth in the sky, It blooms at the end in the world, By some way as determined by God. Dear readers, it has seen that in accordance to the scientists smoke was removed from the lower heaven which had created due to rotation of stars and light was fitted in sky so that everything runs in proportion. But one thing is to mentioned here time will come soon men would find that it is diverting in motion when closing would start and some of the dissimilarity signs men would able to see at the end. Men has created or discovered so far the baby can take birth from the womb of others exactly Adam was born without father and mother. So scientist does not forget this thing at all that it is not credit to them. To combine the men into brotherly affection to each other in worldly it has been done by God. In fact, men have got no father and mother in the sky. It is nothing but worldly relation simply as stated in the Quran. Mohammed (SM) is not father of some one which inner meaning is the same as stated earlier. People know that Mohammed had children and he is father of a many children even then the verse made clear in other sense it is simply a worldly relation for the peace of men among themselves. When a baby crosses three stages in the womb of mother then it sees the light of the world. The soul is exact to the men body which is not visible but commentators of the different religious sect could make it separate from Ruhh which is quite different to the worldly life. They had gone step by step from lower soul to good soul and then soul to Ruhh which is in fact not at all. Absolutely Ruhh is different to the soul which cannot in grieve of angels even and that of God’s breathing. Some of the things are to think by men that what the one stated is exactly might find but how similarities found in the life history of the person would others avoid it! One knows present worldly people would not realize the matter until and unless great to greatest signs appear before them. For that people are to wait to see the result what God says in connection to these statement. The Quran is more logical argument than the other religious books and has no fault in argument even but the Holy Bible what said first the world was formed and there was everything like lives is somewhat true found in it that for God nothing is difficult without the sun light in other category of light life can stay or survive. “For he who hath created for you all things that are on earth; moreover His design comprehended the heavens, for he gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments; and all things He hath perfect Knowledge. Sura 2 (29) Quran. Men is above all and the best creation of God. Therefore, He made all other things for the betterment of men may be that they are good or bad in the eye of people in action concerns but there are some good qualities in them which come in need of men at a period. He created seven firmaments which are not seen but they are there as the sun, the earth and the moon move around each other in definite orbits of their own. Scientists well understand all these though they disagree on some matters as like Jinn's and angels as they yet could not discover them in practical. Whatever so far discovered by the scientist other have less knowledge about them as a result, their (religious teachers) statement and explanation are in vague and misguide the innocent people of all stage as they bring the reference of religious books which are not at all true. Such type of people publish magazines and other news paper and convey the message about Islam that the orbit of the moon is second firmament and the orbit of sun is forth firmament out of seven firmaments, people read the magazine and innocent get wrong information from them but they are highly respected by some people that they are good religious teachers in the society. How poor knowledge they have about the present world and also religions it can easily imagine from their writings. They also do not believe men had gone to the moon or other higher places. This kind of bitterness wording and criticism against those people really may create disturbance but true is true. None can deny the real fact. How they can give real explanations of Quran? How people will believe the explanation of those people who says the orbit of moon is the second firmament out of seven firmaments. Having no knowledge about science if they explain the verse of Quran that would be so small narration that which would mean only in narrow sense not as wide and it would be as like as the moon orbit. However, in this concern the Muslims are to acquire more knowledge about science. Here is the obstruction that they think that only religious knowledge is the root of all knowledge and they would not require to earn them. Soon readers will find poetry in the book that the king married a bagger woman and history of it. There is another group those who say that formless means nothing but that nothing is something Who brought the things in form from nothing to something. Hazarat saw the face of God is most beautiful may be true or not but in general no body saw God so people of that group want to mean God has shape but not like the man. The heart of those people cannot get console until and unless God comes to shape of any nature. It is an imagination of the man that whatever he is, as he thinks unseen shape otherwise they would not get consolation and it is opposite sex where loves come up. Why not to thing like in these ways that when there was no shape of the universe there was nothing except God existence and that existence in nothing so men are to become nothing to meet God. Science could not discover the nation of Jinn yet but general people see them and their existence is surely there. So many people talk to them and still going on. A many people are there who met them. Science is still far back in concern to it and never research about them where they live and how they are passing the days. Once the men cannot give definite explanation about that unseen nation Jinn how they explain about God. The Quran says about seven firmaments and Bible too where animals live on may be that in other form which is unseen for men. When the men find something in shape and nothing is there in shapeless cannot believe in it. How others who had died ever before changing form still alive. If this type of assumption is true for God it is also possible that without touching death a man can remain alive may in the sky or in other places wherever He likes. How the others criticize the matter of Jesus in connection of it. One group says the sky means vacant and there is no existence at all. Other one says that shapeless means there is nothing at all. No doubt that from one of the self belongs to even then true is write though it is not the in favor of the group. Therefore, one can come to conclusion that knowledge concern people think his opinion is end and there is no further more about it. How Jesus alive in the sky those who do not understand it no doubt they are also skilled people in religious sector. They do not understand it only to keep their notion alive in the society. If they believe the Quran and averse where it said God had created seven firmaments and equal land under it and all animals are there then they would not denie the fact that Jesus is alive in the sky too wherever he lives. It may not be that the animals or other nations not the as like as the present world. Due to ignorance of the Quran followers left behind as they do not follow other verses except the verses of worship to God. Others though do not follow the Quran but act in accordance to the verses and research the fact. Only believe without research of the verse cannot give fruitful results. The Quran is not purely about science but it has guide line in all respect. The Quran is combination of all subjects. “With power and skill did we construct the firmament, for it is we who create the vastness of space.” Sura 51 verse 47 Quran There are people who think that God is endless and has existence as He, His creation like the space and time or period is also endless and had a existence but the Quran God had made it in other words God is Himself is space and period which is His qualities. He brings changes in His qualities as He likes. Therefore, thinking the existence of anything other than God is wrong theory adopted by the some commentators of other religions. His qualities are not He but indirect properties of God. All are perishable except He and His qualities would remain with Him. There is nothing in the universe has existence except He and His qualities. Scientists practically proved God so far expanded vastness of space and perhaps time is very near to close His office. Understanding all one of the group remain stand still on their ancestor religion though all the religious books of God which had come before Islam became usefulness as the Quran is the root of all religious books. What had not been mentioned in it starting from family life to state concern and all regulations of human kind? Only God can give such instructions for human kind for the betterment of human life. A group by understanding the universe and its characteristics denying the fact that it is natural power but not of God another not understanding the universe saying the moon orbit is second firmament. “ Of Him seeks (its needs) everywhere creature in the heavens and on earth :every day in (new) splendor doth He (shine)! Sura 55 verse29 Quran. There nothing in this universe which do not remember God may be silently or in open but the men cannot realize it as they so not see it practical eyes. Somehow the men are away from the worship God and always thing about their worldly things and benefits. Present discovered of scientist whatever it is differ from the science of God which has vast root and origin. Thinking much about the science of God one should not go out of track as Darwin had gone. In that man may go out of order, if so happened be in limit and simply pray to one God who has no sharer. It is the duty of the men to believe in one God whose existence is there in all respect and His knowledge is so vast that with twinkle of eyes He is able to do anything He likes. Who has created so big universe in scientific way, men should believe in Him without any hesitation. Can any body think as God said the lower heaven is lighted with different way and put lights in for the guidance of people and rest portion is how big if there are more six or seven firmaments. So far the scientists saw through their research only one forth is lighted but it is more and more may not be dark as dark is the root of light. Anyone gets this type of idea and does the research work for him not possible to think over the matter. Whatever seen before the eyes is nothing but birth O’ land if God comes no one would believe Him. Ye find no believers and that is not believable If so happened how I to write those inspiration What becomes a long history? Whatever stated in the forecast of the book It is one says, in good the word of God took place. Dear readers, whatever stated in forecast that all have inner meanings that Gog and Magog would come to fight the men and they are thousand times more than the men are. They will rule over full Middle East even the world. The antichrist would arrive at that period and his followers would be near about seventy thousand. Where they are? No one sees them at present. Someone may think it is just prophecy nothing else. However, a many thinkers will find them in course of time. However, not all are followers of Quran but about science what quoted in it found very true in all respects. If some one misinterprets it then meaning of goes out of the meaning of the Quran. About biology, it has stated a many verses too. The man initially formed from the blood like the leach in the womb of mother and science cannot deny it. Some other thing is that everything whatever it is God has created them in pairs and everything can produce their next generation in nature. In the research work so far knowledge acquired Jesus would come again in the world from sky in accordance to Hadith but he would come through natural way as birth. Other than this idea, direct landing from the sky has no place in the world but normal birth had such prove that is also a science of nature and elites look into it to find out the real things. Therefore, rebirth of Jesus would not throw away in these circumstances. Perhaps rebirth as Jesus as Krishna uttered, he comes to the world to rectify the people when they follow sinful path. Coming once again came from that version of Krishna by misinterpretation that for the one person had revealed by God only in all religious books but the thing and meaning has diverted to other sense. From that period rebirth idea in the mind of some religions still going on, none of the people so far could prove it. In fact, all prophets in that era were naming as Krishna. Out of them a few person became re-known to all as Basu,Shiva Narayan and so on. They were none but the man. About Jesus, both from the sky and rebirth in accordance to the particular verse of Quran and birth of antichrist had shown and it has compared with prophecies of Prophet Denial rest would have done by the God. For the one would not become possible to brought in all natural proves from all corners to write own life comparing with Jesus though is not a claimant of prophet. What said in the poetry God ariives in the world and says, He is real God, people of the world would not believe it until unless death touches them. In the era when people with no limit can see a man landing from a sky on the Minar Damesk Mosque might have create lot of controversial conversation and notions among the nations. How it would, possible God knows other than the argument and logics put forward before the public. God knows better in all respect and man has nothing to do. Jesus would arrive in any way God likes that believe may guide the people to right path what Islam says. With the long discussion perhaps soul and the Ruhh is clear to all and both in one come down to the worldly life as man goes to the moon with another life that is his designed dress by which inner one gets life. “It is Allah who has created the heavens and the earth, and all between them in six days and He is firmly established on the throne (of authority) ye have none , besides Him, to protect or intercede (for you) : will ye not then receive admonition?” sura 32 verse 4 Quran In above verse what found one should think of it that the throne of God was also created from his creation world Nur-e- Mohaammedi. There he seat after six days to reign over the universe. He almighty Allah but why it is so one must try to understand that it is His power to make the people to understand how He runs the His country. In fact, it is not that what expressed but true in sense, the throne itself runs the universe as He designed to do. He set up everything beforehand from the verse some of the commentators misinterpret that if He is not in form how He seats to a throne. That makes some of the people God is not formless but He has form of His own which is not like anything of the universe. To think so also is one kind of narrowness about God as He gives shape of all things. If so not narrated from the very beginning as stated in the Bible also how others would understand Him. As men, other nations like Angels and jinn’s can also think so that God is like them but what men do generally after preparing his house he takes rest or lives in it. Therefore, it is clear that God also to understand Him said so. A thinker may think the matter like this way that throne is root of all power to run the universe as He designed. In seven firmaments, His order comes and it acts accordingly. Same thing revealed in the old Bible but difference between these two is that the Bible narrated one after another and how they had created successively. But in Quran it is short and scientific and what the men would discover that would be in accordance to the Quran. It is there that world and heaven were in a place together so the men think over of it when world was there definitely there would have been her members like tree, River, nature animal etc. were also there. To think so, is not a fault of someone. It is one kind of research and thoughtful ideas. As the scientist thinks from the sun the world had created may not be true tomorrow. It can be vice versa that from the world, the sun had created and in it, gases burnt to shine. It saw that initially heaven and world were there and no sunshine was there. Later God designed so in two days of His own. His so made laws perhaps are applicable to all firmament and its members and nature. So it is not necessary for God that the sunshine required for the world but its elements what require may come from other source too as in the heaven milky light is there. The scientists think that after core and cores years the world has become a place to live for the men. However, how Adam and Eve lived in heaven where there was no sunshine is the question. It is not an imagination that God got promise from all before sending them to the present world. It has mentioned in the Quran, though the men and a few commentators say left and right to make it clear. It is a world ever before this world where so which one is first and which is last today not possible to define well. The perhaps the men is unable to know about the world of soul but they can research about other nation who almost like the men. They are none but the Jinn. The scientist did not go through it to discover them from whom important information could collect. In some sense, they are more powerful though they are not very wise as the men. At present the man is not require to fight against anyone manmade men would come soon to fight against anyone and they would be so strong that one lac people cannot stand in front of them. According to the Quran the jinn’s had come before the men arrived in the present world but it found in some of the verses the soul of men were there from whom God took the promises as they were not found as He desired. It is the inner meaning of some of the verses in the Quran, which are to research more and more. In the Quran and the Bible too that the Throne of God at first on the above water. From water, all the things had created which have lives. On the other hand, the scientists are very right in accordance to the verses of Quran that God took seven days to design the seven firmaments and the lower heaven too then He seats on seventh day on the Throne. Here time factors worked in to rebuild the firmament and designed the lower heaven into light like sunshine. There is nothing stand still in accordance to another verse. However, in meditation some of the commentators designed it in their mind not as vast as it is. They think it is nothing but illusion of God. Thinking so, they enter to the imaginary world but unable to define exact form of the universe. To acquire knowledge the men is to go ahead to find out what is real if not possible believe in one God blindly. From these writing scientists may get inspiration to discover more information about the universe but not to fight against any nation. There perhaps more world where the men are there may not be in same as the worldly man. The verse of Quran says equal land had created to live for the man and the animal. Some of the miss explanatory explained that where Jesus lives on it is for them. “Allah is He Who created seven firmaments and of the earth a similar number through the midst of them (all) descends His command: that ye may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah comprehends all things in(His) knowledge. sura 65verse12 Quran. The verse of Quran is one to guide the scientist to research about other worlds where they will find existence of animal and as through ether or hyperlinks, everything passes same signal of God reaches to all where required. Therefore, from a place, it is to control the universe and no need for God to mix up with all materials as people thinks so but His knowledge is everywhere. Someone may think otherwise in writings that heaven is nothing but other worlds created for the men for each a vast area like a kingdom of state, which are ten times bigger than present world. What would do with the vast area for a man is to think now that requires for his feeding and shelter and his wives. So much so, that none can imagine such reward kept for the men. With expansions, its area increased in such way that present population of the world say 800 hundred cores and area expanded is 100times bigger even every one gets like the present earth. It is not today the soul had been leaving in a way its proof is that all prophets seems to be a star in the sky before their arrival to the earth. Hearing such news a man gets pleasure to get the reward of God but to get it the men is to obey law of God as He stated in Quran. Perhaps heaven is nothing other than the world where everything easily one can get with his desires. But to say that rules are there. Unruly person cannot live on that area as nature obeys the law of God. It is an assumption on that day expansion of the universe started when Adam and committed a sin by taking forbidden fruits. That forbidden tree and its fruit are still in this world from where illegality growths. In the sense, it considered that present world is nothing but that place where Adam and eve took forbidden fruits and successively it had separated from the heaven in scientific way with a natural calamity. When they took that fruits natural calamity started on the spot and God ordered to go down to all. In that none was escape including land and its nature and all others whoever were there. Perhaps long has been taken and Adam and Eve with natural calamity were not in a place together and none can give which place they were but they met together in a place at Mecca where one black stone found which was the symptom of there previous place and there they build a house. The universe is bending with a thread or with sting so that His order comes through it. To make ii clear the scientist will find a wire is there everywhere, which has gone through all the worlds in the universe, which the men cannot see practically. If the scientist tests an atom there, they will find the characteristics of the universe how its element combined in one atom. “So He completed them as seven firmaments in two days, and He designed to each heaven its duty and command. And we adorned the lower heaven with lights and (provided it) with guard. Such is the decree of (Him), the Exalted in Might, full of Knowledge.” Sura 41 verse 12 Quran. In the above verse and other verse, which created total six days, there is ambiguity to understand that in two days seven firmament He completed and He gave maximum time to designed lower heaven rest four days perhaps. However, lower heaven is smaller than that of rest of the firmaments where He put on all lights like sunshine still time taken more to do that. Experts know better than the one and can explain verse well. The one can assume it that those firmaments were there with other provision from the very beginning as the soul were living there and took less time but in expansion new worlds were created so far knowledge goes. Out of hundred only four percent is under light and different sunshine. Rest anyone can say dark portion but firmaments are there. It is out imagination even. Perhaps on that point where dark is there His Guard are there so that none can enter there without His permission. If the lower heaven is the last portion where He put on lights, how someone can think over the matter where forty thousand galaxy and so many other big stars are present. Therefore, other firmaments are so big that different type of lights is there which is unseen for the men. It is true that the men visits those places if not physically but some of the intelligent bacteria of men goes there and see the dream. Those intelligent bacteria never die in any circumstances and visit according to their capability. In Hadiths, it found that every men goes to heaven or visit the other world in sleep and dream something which cannot remember. Daily it happens to all the men. Therefore, it said that sleeping is one kind of death. The scientists saw a many big holes. Where the light portion of the universe or galaxy as likewise once would fall into the black hole then the existence of the light portion would vanish into it. In conclusion it can say that the world is a part of heaven which is perhaps eighth one. Above all the creation, The men has given more preferences, Such type child of men The angels carry to the womb of mother. There they brought up with the elements Of the worldly things the child grow up, O’ land did ye not see it! What a nice art it is! Think over the matter that has done it, The question has come up in a time Two angels came with a child from the sky. The men should think about the science of God and praise on it and too they should research know the unknown things. The improvement of science sometimes brings disaster to the people even then it is essential in all respect of lives. some of the people the science improvement is harmful for the religion but it is to be sure about his creation as a result believe in religion increases. The Quran says everything is to return to God by turns. Therefore, it has to knowledge that firstly the Ruhh goes to God irrespective of religion in that no caste is there to God. All men are equal to Him. it has also confirm from the discussion that the angels bring the soul from heaven. After that, a angel stays in the womb of a mother by the instruction God to write down the child fate in accordance to previous decision. In that there is no caste concern then why divide among the selves to different religion. It is due to a family where a child born. The explanation has by the one is not new but the new is that two angels bring the soul from heaven into the womb of a mother their both father and mother named nur which is characteristics of angels from where they were created. These all jobs have done by nature as God desired. Perhaps not anyone will find any fault in it and in its explanation. “The sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree of (Him) The Exalted in Might, the all Knowing.” Sura 36 verse 38 Quran. However, the men came to know the fact very later about rounding of the sun but true come through science in course of time after research. Thee is no proud for the Muslim there religion book has said ever before but they could not do so as they did not go ahead to research what God said other than worship to Him. Still the Muslim far back and make some of the hotel spending huge money for nothing for fame only not feeding the poor. It is a serious crime in the law of God. People of world did pay hit to discover of the sun rounding another apex what said in Quran but they saw who discovered the fact it is the human tendency to earn the fame. It is there in an atom that seven firmaments always rounding inside an atom if they research it as because such characteristics of proof proves the existence of God in a mere atom also. Knowing a many things about the science if someone does attracted by heart towards the Quran it is not the fault of God but the individuals that who does not care it he suffers in the end. Fourteen hundred years ago a message came in the Quran and proved found in the year of 1928, which bothers for it! To them it is nature. When they will find out seven firmaments then also they think that it is nature. When antichrist would arrives they would think that they are none friend of them but Gog and Magog both the nation would become in favor of that antichrist to fight with world. Then they were justice for the people as Hindu does anything wrong he should have given death punishment, when Brahman does same thing should he did it for the betterment of the society. This will continue for the time being in the world. Then a period would come they all agree that the Quran is the book revelation of God. “We created the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; He set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and He started through it beasts of all kind. We send down rain from the sky, and produce on the earth every kind of noble creature, in pair. “ Sura 31 verse 10 Quran. To keep the world very normal for the men God created mountain, which is very important if some research it. Every verse of the Quran vast meanings so that the subject to define. He created the heavens or the firmaments or worlds without any pillars and the men go through it without any hindrance but they are not vacant as it seen so. God did not say so but some of the commentators think that in between them there is nothing, which mean zero. Thinking so they found no route about Jesus where he lives on how he feeds etc. therefore whatever scientists has discovered and will discover there would no conflict between the Quran and science. If it happens then there the men, is to think that something is wrong whatever has defined by the scientists? The explanation of God and its truthiness may attract anyone if they research the sky. Finding truthfulness day would come soon, all will surrender to God. “O ye assembly of Jinns and men! If it were ye could pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, pass you! Not without authority shall ye be able to pass! Sura 55 verse 33 Quran. Concerning the verse, a many people followers of Quran misunderstood the verse and they think that universe is very small and the moon and the sun family is the end. God encourage the people to see His designed and invited if there any fault in it. Therefore, thinking otherwise the men is becoming weak in sense especially a group in Islam as they are out of touch of science. Where is heaven can anyone think of it as lightening portion has called the lower heaven. It starts above it where the men cannot imagine even. Leaving only one galaxy of own other forty thousands galaxy perhaps are there. They all are in lower heaven. Misinterprets create conflict in between science and the Quran. God has said something about heaven from where it starts there none can go without the permission of God. “He Who created seven heavens one above another: no want of proportion thou see in the creation 0f (Allah) Most Gracious, so turn thy vision again: seest thou any flaw? Again turn thy vision a second time; (thy) vision come back to thee dull discomfited, in a state worn out.” Sura 67 verse 3 and 4 Quran. If any unbelievers look at the sky to find out its fault he finds in it no fault in proportion every thing designed. Once again, his vision will come back findings no fault in it. Dear readers, matter is to think about the travel of Hazarat (SM) who visited seven firmaments and above it. He showed his proof narrating about Al Aksa Mosque at present in Jerusalem where he prayed to God. From that place the journey had started and he found in every heaven Guard and some of the prominent Prophets were there to look after the heaven. He was Prophet of God but a man who discovered the route to go up physically. Therefore, nothing is impossible for the men to discover. Finding the truth the men still will follow their ancestor and they will not realize the order of God. He talked to God and in between there were seventy screens and distance of them from one screen to another about a route of five hundred years. What he saw is his face in every side therefore, it is essential to know self-first then anyone can see God or know about God something interesting. In fact, He is the Creator and Sustainer and He invited to look at his universe to realize about Him in heart to know about. For this thinking and research requires for a man. In forecast it said in the city of Damask, Perhaps the Angels did not find out the city They were tired to find it out That where it is situated, Where is the city of Damask, where is that Mosque? Finding no city no Mosque, they adopted the theory As stated in Hadiths to acquire knowledge that They went to China. What did they see there! China is no more China left Knowledge spread out everywhere. Especially it is in Japan and America. ‘O’ mother, who can say well except you? In the forecast, at least pure twenty-two Hadiths all together placed before all. They all are in the reliable books Bukhari and Muslim Sharif. The interesting is that all words have explained in accordance to Quran Hadiths with life Jesus too the life of writer’s. for the information sake these Hadiths and preface and also forecast are available in all parts of the book. The one assumed the angels come to the world invisibly, on that sense the practical explanations have given, as it is it happened worldly what nature proved itself. So said from the sky in Hadiths, which has happened exactly in practical, what proved and placed before you all. Where is Damask has known to all even then in the poetry a sense and its explanation has given not for misunderstanding one’s ideas but to convey all how it happened so! It is not baseless to think about the matter. Quoting a Hadith the one cannot make Damask into China but can explain inner meaning as knowledge concern that in Hadith not only China but also the World meant for it. Therefore, not only the Damask meant for it but also the world meant for that. On that sense, the poetry has written and explained so. If any Muslims were strict on the point mentioned the one has nothing to say. It said that do not be strict only in one point but be strict to all points then God knows whether you would see Jesus or not. Where knowledge and schools are not there? Therefore, the knowledge and schools are everywhere from which anyone is to acquire knowledge perhaps is the meaning of said Hadiths. These much knowledge had acquired by Mosi Kadiani also but could not prove him what he uttered. Therefore, here meanings are same that Damask meant for the world and Mosque meant for a Muslim state. Others may have good ideas to define well but as time concern, none would be able to define the matter. May God help the one to write further? In the poetry, it has invited the land to inform the matter in better way if she knows the matter well. The writer has no knowledge to define more elaborately other than these facts. The explanatory of the Quran says, that one verse of Quran speaks about other verse where meanings can possible to take out and one Hadith speaks another Hadith to take out true meaning. Keeping it on view, the one explain the ideas rest all readers will find out. “And We have (from of old), adorned the lowest heavens with (lamps) (As) missiles to drive away the evil ones, and have prepared for them the penalty of the blazing fire.” Sura 67 verse 5 Quran. Another purpose of lighten the lower heaven to protect the heaven from evil one Satan. The verse says that Jinns are there and Satan one of them. The question to the scientists, that perhaps they do not believe it but their religion also says so. If they believe, they should try first to find them out where and how they live. It is the duty of all, those who are curious to know something about unknown things about the world that how it has designed by God, other nations as if men should also require advancing forward. As like the men they are to face the trail before the judgment. Their existence in the world as well as in other worlds too is there according to Quran. Both the men and the Jinns are having Naffs and Ruhh too. Missiles throw to them if they go near to heaven. The men do not know where heavens are but this nation knows it. It is true that they talk to the men but keep everything secret about them. Those who mediate them they are also perhaps not so intelligent. They have poor knowledge about science so less interest to ask about all these from the Jinns how they live on where they live. What the men see missiles coming down actually they are not the same as stated in Quran. They are somewhere near to heaven and it is out of imagine for the men. Those who visited in the sky or had gone moon or above they have seen the sign of it. Such kind of throwing of fire from sky there is benefit for the men that it comes to the world and fertile the land. The Muslims should know all about the worlds so that they can give right explanation of the Quran. Otherwise, in explanation they would tell that some of the angels will die and others will not die. That is also lack of knowledge. “And we pried into the secrets of heaven; but we found it filed with stern guards and flaming fires. We used, indeed, to sit there in (hidden) stations, to (steal) a hearing; but any who listens now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush.” Sura 72 verse 8 and 9 Quran. From the above it is clear that the nation knows about the heaven how far it is. Still the men could not discover them. No doubt the men are above all but in science and the way said nation had made by God knows more then the men. So many proves are there about their existence though the scientists do not believe the matter. Jinns and ferry both are male and female of same nation. Other than anyone else, the one firmly believes the existence of the nation as the person had talked to him or her in some occasion. It happened in a occasion that my whole family were present and the ferry came in when she called by some of the mediator. Sitting inside a round drawn by the mediator all observed that some air came In and set down inside the round and we had some conversation with her. Her husband was there but he was outside the house and called her back to go to their destination. In them good and bad people are there. Anyone who mediates for them it will found that as the men follow different religion same thing are there in them. Satan is none but one of the jinn who disobeyed the command of God. He had also his family and a many followers even more than he had the men. From the very beginning as Adam and eve had their children the Satan also, have same descendants? In early age before the arrival of Hazarat (SM) the astronomers could tell the some truth mixing with some lies in it. Even they were telling about the arrival of great people in the world. After the revelation of Quran God made such provision that now these nation cannot go near the heaven and flame of fires follow them. Science does not allow it but the thing is useful for the world too. “Yet they make the Jinns equal with Allah, though Allah did create the Jinns; and they falsely, having no knowledge attribute to Him sons and daughters. Praise and glory be to Him! (for He is) above what they attribute to Him!” Sura 6 verse 100 Quran. Dear readers, you have gone through the verse above quoted from the Quran. What the one narrated was a practical happening on the day that we heard the voice of the ferry who talked in between her nose and mouth. Their voice is not clear as the men or women. In the other occasion, we met one of the Jinns whose voice was gorgeous and for some medicines he told that first he would see the patient in what condition he was there then prescribed the medicine for him. Both cases were before the one eyes so there is nothing to deny the fact. Some of the people think that it is the inner spirits of the man but it is not fact. So to say that once upon a time the men were depending on nature and there were bad Jinns who misguided the men and diver them to wrong notion which is against the law of God. Perhaps they had been sitting on big trees or in jungle from that place spoke to the men and shows something hidden to them to believe them. Believing on them as the existence of other nation is not a fault but they make them guide and follow them whatever they say is crime and goes against the law of God. Most of the Jinns tell lie in every cases until unless the men grieved them by some words of God of their own religions. Sometimes it happened that a good result they found from their suggestions and the big trees or statues that has no power to speak but spoken to them they were none but the Jinns. From that time, they had started to worship the dolls and big trees the sun and the moon. Where as all these under the men and created for betterment of the men. It has discussed earlier that some of the people thinks that if God cannot become as they made how He is God. In reply, what said God is what not but He gives the shape to all that is why He is out of a definite shape? If God comes in shape and anti or Satan also comes in shape, the men cannot distinguish who is what. Otherwise, God is what not. In Quran there is verse that God is in all respects self-sufficient so He does not require to make some one son and daughters but they are creatures of God. Think over about the men are they make friendship with his tools like chair, table, dolls etc. However, there is relation the men and God that where love factors work. It is secret matter in between the men and God, which cannot define by the men. Those are following the wrong path of Satan they are following the wrong path and have gone to astray. Of course, all of a sudden they cannot leave their custom and through their statue but they God is unique and one and there none to share Him. It happens something very good to them as they believe God and their mind is very simple though they worship dolls not understanding well. Damask mix up with modern China, Where would someone earn knowledge’s in the world! Finding no countries, The angels ran out to search the Mosque Where has that mosque situated? It situated east to east of Damask. A river is flowing under neath of Krishna, Her flowing of water is very hot, The name of it is ocean of Krishna. Someone should not understand the poetry seeing Krishna of Hindus but the one has written about him. To prove the Hadiths the one took part by his nickname. In the poetry, it said that the angels landed from the sky and finding no country like Damask and its Mosque as narrated in Hadiths. Therefore, an alternative Hadiths references used by them and went to China. There they did the said Mosque too. Later they went to a Mosque east to east, of the Minar of that Mosque, where found that a couple named as they created from ‘Nur”. In the east, Japan is there but found no Mosque as narrated in Hadiths. It should be in the east then get references of Minar of the Mosque. They gave a round to Indonesia and Malaysia came to the then east Bengal and east Pakistan there is a pair of Nur”s are covalent to each other and put the soul in the womb of a mother. In the poetry, it has seen that under the one a warm ocean has been flowing through. Which cannot describe and from its flow, a flood of devastating has been going on. “Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne (of authority): He draweth the night as a veil over the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession; He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command. Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah, the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds!” Sura 7 verse 54 Quran. As verse concern, someone sees that God seat in Throne for which some people misunderstood it saying God has shape otherwise how he has been seating to Throne. It is his power He described in fact the throne is one kind of creation of God. Therefore, whatever has started it has an end on that theory nothing survive except God. On day and night there is a sign of God. They are rotating to each other as a result day night comes by turns. Therefore, all stars or galaxy and its family black hole whatever are there in the universe the law of God implied on them. They obey the law of God. It can say that light around the black as a whole everything on rotation around the Throne of God. It said that the dark gives light to all where the power of God kept hidden. It is confirm that the Ruhh of all are equal the men and the women but soul of other nation might have little difference though they are created from the world of Nur. As the case with Jinns, that the Ruhh is equal to all the nations but the soul concern may differ. However, it said the soul in combination. The Jinns are made of flame fire, which has no smoke, the men are made of mud and the angels are purely of Nur. It is their dress like lives. So far knowledge goes the soul are invisible but can see all the nations. Here is a point that Ruhh is purely invisible to anyone except God. The soul possesses the Naffs as worldly body and it does not die as the God promised death is once for all. Worldly Naffs are like animal but holy Naffs is pure. A representative of God, And his scientific way of expression, The one is standing on the side of that ocean, He is swatting for his bad deeds. When he sees up defining something very good, Then jewels are coming out from him. It is possible only for him as Hadith wordings, Of seeing up jewels flow But when looks down for his warmness, He swats up, if he gets divine power (as imagined). The men are representative of God. In the poetry, whose description has given has no power to write or philosophy to place it before the readers. For his deeds he is to swat, nothing else he sees in front him. As a man a warm ocean is flowing if he thinks about his past life then said Mosi is swatting and swatting. However, seeing up a little hoping he gets and get consolation for the jobs. He has no divine power to show anyone to convince or much wealth to publish his ideas to all. The one is not fully determined to tell these all are true that it is of God. However, the nature is in favor of the one to express the ideas as it is. Whatever is doing definitely it can say that God has helped the one to do. For that, again it said God knows better. The men cannot do anything of his own thinking so it is pleasure of God that nature in favor of the one. “Allah is the light of heavens and the earth. The parable of His light is as if there a Niche and within it a lamp; the lamp enclosed in Glass; the Glass as it were a brilliant star lit from a blessed tree an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west whose oil is well nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it, light upon light! Allah doth guide whom He will to His light; Allah doth set forth parables for men; and Allah doth know all things.” Sura 24 verse 35 Quran. A many commentators defined the in many ways. They said it requires a volume to explain it even it would not finish. Others thinking about light shape of God imagined that He is light which can be seen. Some others said it is nothing but reflection of original light came and from there He created the universe. God put an example of it to make the people how He is. The one has very less knowledge about the Quran and the language too. So as He put an example of His own to make understand the people the one put an example too to clear it. Readers will not take it ill and God has not compared with anything has but understand in one word such an example came out from the one. For an example the snake is having a jewel she takes out it in need of, when she takes it in there is no light at all. As in a word as the understood perhaps, other will also understand how indirectly God has created the universe. The light, which people see, is not that one of God. His knowledge spread out throughout of the universe. In the example, it said about an electric bulb, which requires no oil or fuel. It lighted through His knowledge. As glass gives indirect light, the reflection of light comes out through it. It is like a brilliant star and gives light without fuel or oil. Therefore, the knowledge comes from Him to write or to say something truth. Whom He likes He gives him the knowledge. Therefore, an example has given in the Quran is not Allah but His qualities. There is no example of Allah. if He is light upon light as Quoted becomes an example of Him. Thinking the light in any case, no one should think that He had shape. No body saw God even the angels. Earlier it discussed that all things have done by His revelation whether it is in heaven or in the worlds. It hoped that after death righteous would meet or see Him. The scientist will be able to see the light upon light and desirable everything of light upon lights when they will go upper worlds. Such lights as the one narrated that He has power in Him to make it dark. How is it possible for a Krishna? To explain these types of Hadiths, And its inner meanings to the points What is exact as stated in Hadiths in the world. Who has no dignity and fitness? Has he no rights to speak, In addition, write something from the Quran. Perhaps these much what Hadiths said? All the Ruhh of the men, the Jinns and the angels Belong to same family. As the above verse concern, the light does not come from God then how it is possible to write such a long life from the very begging to an end. There are so many people tried like Mosi Kadiani to prove them Prophets but failed to do. However, they created a group in Islam. Perhaps the person has no dignity, fitness, or tradition in writing even then has no alternative except say the truth that God blessed the person to write as said Krishna and Buddha. The one praises to God for such renumerations. In the potry, it assumed that all Ruhh of the men, the Jinns and the Angels are same that they are unable to own Ruhh. Therefor, the Ruhh where it goes it becomes the same as the substances like water. Once upon a time, Adam was the leader or Imam of all the nations. Before that, the angel like Azasil (Satan) was the leader of all the nations. He lost it as he denied the order of God and did bowdown to Adam. It was an order to follow Adam, as he found fittest above all. Still people af all sects are confused about the soul and Ruhh. They go systematically, from soul to Ruhh. As the worldly Naffs and holy Naffs, two are different and separate the soul and the Naffs in the view are separate. In the Quran for Ruhh, a verse disclosed and the men have addressed as soul in many places. The Ruhh is inner part of the soul as well as it has qualities to go up from body. Without the Ruhh and the holy soul, a many animals are alive. If Ruhh is not, there a man is half-dead what in a Hadith found that after death the man becomes half of the worldly man. Perhaps the black stone is in Mecca at present was the symptom of heaven where it was previously there. From that calculation, it assumed that the present world was there which had also closed to the heavens. The Muslims read in Arabic when anyone died and say that the person returned to God. In fact, it is Ruhh returned to God and successively everything is to return to Him. However, as whole people say the angels have taken the Ruhh away. Has he power to see his own Ruhh? It has clearly defined in Quran that the angels are made of Nur; the Jinns of flame of fire and the men is of mud. Made of mud is of His thinking as He thought before hand how the men would bear generation to generation. However, the soul is also of holy and made of Nur as it found in Hadiths that everything made from the world of Nur. From explanations, it cleared that the soul created for life long as He promised otherwise it is mortal. The soul is to taste the death once but not the Ruhh. From electricity both hot and cold are producing in the same way from Nur, created person can take away the life, which is made of Nur. The Ruhh is more powerful than any angel is because it goes to heaven and hell every night when a man sleeps. (In the light of Hadiths). The notion said by the one may not be acceptable to a many people but if they see which potion came at the last, that is Ruhh. Therefore, it goes first to God. A few commentators finding no way and they do not want to say something of their own giving references they tell it to the people that some of the angels will not die. Are they as God that they will not taste of the death? Who is the last person to die his Ruhh automatically goes to Allah therefore; all Ruhh has been going to God automatically. Perhaps he is the person that the angel Azrail (a) (who took the life of everyone) would die at the last and his Ruhh will go to God. From that calculation, it said so. “And among his signs is this, that heaven and earth stand by His command; then when He calls you, by a single call, from the earth, behold, Ye (straightway) come forth.” Sura 30 verse 25 Quran. The Muslims know well about two worlds that where the soul after death stays, they are ELLIN and SIZZIN. Those who do good deeds they stay in ELLIN, which is preferably good to live on, and they get everything without any difficulties. Others in SIZZIN get all sorts trouble and face the difficulties. Other than these, another one is the world of soul where all the soul had been living before they arrive to the world. In fact, those are vast area and every soul possess. In meditation, any person cross the bar systematically they are to reach to the world of NUR. As Jinns and the world of Satan are different but they mix up to each other and propagate wrong path among them. Satan is empowered for the time being and had given a chance as he desired. Those who live in ELLIN their life history book would remain in their right hand others one would remain in the left hand. Anyone can think it that in the heaven what would not be there including husband and wife. It means that world is of pure Naffs world or the world of the souls. In the above verse, it said that when He calls the men they would come out from the earth. It has seen that Adam and eve came from the heaven now they are coming out from the bailey of earth. Perhaps these are the person originally made of mud and again they would come out from the same. There the soul of that man would come into the body from heaven as like as rainfall down. Then that person would come into sense and would able to think about their previous life. When the Muslims read out when a man dies that is INNALILLAH-e- OINNA ILAH-E RAZEWON means that person return to God. Here it has seen that the man is coming out from the belly of earth then what return to God! If something not goes to God such kind of blessing is, how far correct. Therefore, something returns to God directly that is Ruhh irrespective of religions. The thing has defined in the book clearly that the body of mud goes to earth, the soul or pure Naffs goes to ELLIN or SIZZIN and lastly the Ruhh goes to Allah. It is clear from the angels that when they did not see own Ruhh then what is what life they take it out is. “Allah! There is no god but He, the living, the self-Subsisting, Eternal, no slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. For He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory). Sura 2 verse 255 Quran. God is one and unique, Except Him there is no existence others. If anyone thinks this, much he would nothing is there only He and He is there. To understand all God narrated the men His throne is authority over the heavens and the earth. The men have created and in future, they will start fighting with the Roberts against each other. God has created such things men cannot imagine even that He had the planet of neutron electron and proton. So how vast are those worlds are no body knows. The men can see the family of the sun but He controls all and sees the atoms and the lowest of it. The men see only the front portion but to God all around of anything. His knowledge from heaven to earth or above it including time and space are there. If it defined more, He hears and sees the way has narrated. The men are so curious that they ask if He does not have ears then He how hears and not having eyes how he sees. His knowledge is such that none can imagine what is what. If the men come again in the earth after death and the SIM of him fitted to a animal like can the men tell it that he was not the same man. So is the case that when the men would go up and meet all the Jinns the angels can men tell that he is not that worldly body as it is now. Therefore, the men have to become as if the Ruhh to meet God might be that they can see His face or His light after death. Because in Ruhh God can live only not in other things. He has definite shape though it is not of anything like in universe is not also acceptable but having existence in shapeless world of His own. Earlier it discussed shape of anything comes under limitation. Having shape not like anything of the universe again an example of compare with which is against the Sura EKLAS. If anyone thinks shapeless means nothing then assume that in nothing God existence is there. In His kingdom, anything like an atom or a life likes bacteria then He sees them. It is His knowledge. He had some purpose of creating the men, which He kept secret. Perhaps he wants intelligent and shapeless existence to live with Him. (It is just an assumption). In that, the Ruhh gets first preference. Of this assumption, some reason is there which would come later. Such type of Ruhh of the men Even are not visible to angels, Ruhh stay in the upper world always It stays in a house of shapeless. It comes for the time being for a journey, With the intelligent and comprehension of men Religion of God goes up, Wrong imagination and miss explanation Pull down the religion. Leaving God, the men praise other men In addition, sing a song. The person is explaining about the upper world, if anyone is unable to understand it then there is nothing to create grouping. The upper is complicated to understand but the science what bestowed explanation should come at least near to it. The Quran and science have no ambiguity in between them. Different religion people and their religious teachers explain the matter, which is not acceptable at present world. If not anyone believes in the matter about the situation of the upper world it does not affect the religion and it is not necessary to believe. The men try to understand the matter through research. The men never see their Ruhh but sometimes see the own and others souls. The soul sometimes eats or goes on journey to unknown destination. That is the soul or Naffs of the men. It has shape as other nations too. It is that sometimes doing good jobs and sometimes-in dark. The soul of the men and the Jinns would go on trail for their deeds. Compare to the Ruhh it is above holy word and advices to do good deeds. Something, which is not doing any bad deeds but suggests doing well would get punishment, can anyone think of it. From where it came out that would return to same, on that point, has there anything ambiguity in it! That Ruhh comes to the world wearing a life jacket and returns to Him with His red signals. The soul combined with worldly soul and body getting advices from Ruhh, if wishes bow down to God only and surrender of will to God accepted. As the Ruhh of all nations, the men including women have no difference in them, all people should become the Ruhh to establish peace in the world and obey One God Who is unique. They do not have different religion as they live together irrespective of present different religions of the world. To that place, all are one of God. Why the men would not make friendship with all, to combine each other through the method applied for the men in the Quran. It is at all not harmful but brings good result in long run instead of spending huge money reasonably or unreasonably for non-productive activities. For that, the wealth has given to some the people so that they would spend their money in non-productive jobs. In the world nothing is there of own all belongs to God and their used would come into account on the day of final Judgment day. A few are making dolls to worships, thinking God is such and again through it into dustbin as they God cannot become so as they thought. Answer is He can, but He would not become so. Why so, because there would be no difference between shape and shapeless and finally it would become difficult to prove who is God. (It is assumption of the one). For that, the death has created by God. Why the men do not think that, in the world, if they get wealth and a many beautiful women to enjoy and live their life, then would they become happy. Same case in the heaven also all things would provide for the men who get rewards. Some of the people pray to God only to get the heaven. If the inner light of men lit as the God then the men can live with God, which would not be visible perhaps all happiness are there. If God does not come to shape at all then how the men would meet him that idea is to think over. Because the heaven is nothing other than, the shape world of God as it has created. He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is moreover firmly established on the Throne (of authority). He knows what enters within the earth and comes forth out of it, what comes down from the heaven and what mounts up to it. And He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allah sees well all that ye do. Sura 57 verse 4 Quran. As stated earlier the men are curious and try to understand things as they are but knowledge of God has no limit that shapeless God why He possess hands, ears and eyes to see and hear. His existence is such that He is shapeless to know more about Him is not wise. Some of the people even in Muslims think so that He has everything likewise as put the example. It is for them that then comparing comes again so where comparing comes there no one would find God. It assumed that as darkness is there light is also there, so to say, where shape world is there, non shapeable worlds also may there, which are nothing but the qualities of God. Scientist would find a many worlds of proton, neutron and electron and above that, which are worlds of light and light but around light, the darkness covered them. It might possible that above it there worlds which are of God and qualities. Therefore, coming back to limitation as a man think only about God but do not think how He is, whether He is in shape or not. Perhaps that is kingdom of God’s qualities where the Ruhh takes shelter. There existence of God is rest has no existence, as they are qualities of God. Creating a small world the scientists are testing how the universe had created and they came to know everything what is happening inside that world. From that point of view if the men think for God how it has become very easy to controls universe after universe by His knowledge only that what said in Quran. The small world has created by the men can also control from America though it is not in America. All switches are in His hand in other word He is All Knowing and All-Wise. The Quran has narrated a sting or wire or His knowledge all around of the universe and He knows everything what is come in and going out. He made everything in proportionate in accordance to science as gravitation law that none goes out of control nor anything fall down until unless He permits to happen so. “And marks and sign-posts; and by the stars(men) guide themselves.” Sura 16verse 15 Quran. For the guide of the people stars work other than the beauty of the skies. Seeing the verse, anyone brings faith on one God. The scientists think about the universe how it has created for that best knowledge kept by God in an atom. Therefore, it is not required to go further if anyone understands the atom in better way. Perhaps all answers are there except His law how to worship and pass daily life of humankind. In an atom if anyone finds more than eight firmaments, then the matter is to think otherwise. Perhaps His qualities are everywhere and His knowledge too. Why said the scientists not others, they can say better and convince the people about God and His architect. However, the result is that the scientists are not in favor of it that they speak somehow rather ambiguous. ““Allah is He who raised the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; is firmly established on the Throne (of authority); He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law)! Each one runs (its course) for a term appointed. He doth regulate affairs, explaining the sign in detail that ye may believe with certainly in the meeting with your Lord.” Sura 13 verse 2 Quran. The men can assume that in the creation the throne is the centre form where His law has enforced to all. It is an authority of power to the Throne as He said or empowered to the throne in sense and knowledge only, just to clear to the men otherwise in other word, it said that He created the throne to seat on it, which is around the entire universe. It shows that it is nothing but to control the universe. It is not to criticize others that the throne would remain, as it is, when He promised that he would make new worlds and again He repeat the building of same! There is nothing, which does not bow down to Him. Fourteen years ago, the men knew about the sun the moon and about an earth which were giving light to them. Even then, the Quran differentiated these two in two different words, which has their own course and further said the sun is moving to its orbits. Nothing in the sky is fixed or not rounding to each other. Today it is clear that an end of it far away from the knowledge of the men. His throne was over the water and everything has created like life from water. An atom after atom the men perhaps may go up to some extend but its end is where to tell it difficult. It can say the atom may bring good result to the world if properly used otherwise it would destroy the world too. Creation of the men kept secret but the men is curious to know all about Him and creation. How the men assume that Some of the men are very near to Him, In addition, they are sitting with Him. How anyone can say men is His direct creation! For that, forgive the person, He finds none is direct creation However, finds Ruhh is a pleasure of God. The men take the men to Ye to make equal They try to explain complicated things, Having five sense organs cannot define it well. Ruhh came originally from God The wordings are MIM HA MIM DAL. (However, not from Mohammed (SM). The men praise the men in such way that the name of God becomes little dark. It is not only with the Christen but also found in every religion. As a Prophet Mohammed SM is the greatest of all. In the honor of Prime Minister or the President if a road named on his name, it does not mean at all that the road belongs to them. In such the worlds of NUR_E_MOHAMMEDI and RUHH-MOHAMMEDI is not the Mohammed (SM). Though it said MIM HA MIM DAL which bears a Sign of respect for him only. The man cannot become equal to Him whoever he is. It is also wrong to say whatever God knows the man also knew that or that person was knowing about future until unless God inform the person by dream or divine message. To know about Ruhh more it is an order of God as said in Quran. What is the difference between the soul and the Ruhh? The soul of men created and developed to make it stronger then the Ruhh entered in it. These two cannot be one but one for a journey to the present world. Of seeing Adam and Eve in short, some people think that they were like the present people. God is alike Adam. It is the wording of Bible and also some Hadiths but it fact something else as the one thinks. Neither the Bible nor the Hadiths incorrect but the analysis is wrong. Perhaps God said so in view of Ruhh, which is existence less but shapeless. Shapeless is one kind qualities of God. In addition, shape is also qualities of God indirectly. As God said His face and His order would never destroy, in that sense creation of Adam somewhat true but not comparable with anyone. Without Ruhh, a man cannot be in full sense but may possess intelligent like an animal. Knowledge is something, which bestowed to men and other nations; they would not able to justify the matter right or wrong until they possess the Ruhh. The soul or the pur Naffs would remain alive as He promised that depends on Him. It has known to all that the soul is also in shape as other nations like the Jinns and the angels. The heaven and the hell are also in shape as they made of from Nur. To meet God in that case, the Ruhh would come up to cover the soul (as assumed). That would be vice versa of present conditions. It is difficult to say, what secret kept in creating the men perhaps that is knowledge acquired by the men what would become an inner portion of the Ruhh.otherwise to meet God might create a problem. The word MIM HA MIM DAL is nothing but love of God to the men. It created as He planned how to teach the men and make them wise giving knowledge in all respects. It was perhaps His great plan for what He created three nations one after another. Love can show by some way but it remains in the heart always. Therefore, love in Him never came out from His heart. It was there and it is there. So far, it is clear that the Ruhh is the thing, that can hear the wording of God, and God can stay inside the men in it only. Nur is part of shape but pure and holy. It is a place where God displayed His beauty. From that entire universe has created.

সোমবার, ১৩ জুন, ২০১৬

Dairy of Satan not but 25

Dairy of Satan not but 25

(CE0682 HUAWEI  Mobile Model E1550,
ID 558124 Support microsft.Com/ kb/ 558124
Lt no. 11677388 11748286 Dhaka.

In Arabic it’s called ‘Ta’awaz’ not telling any English speaking men who do not believe on God. But O who believes read this mantra for your own benefit.’

It’s in English “Awo-zo-billahi minash Shai-to-wanir rajim.” Meaning of this sentence is ‘Asking or praying to God to give shelter or safe from accursed Iblish or Satan.
Presently what happened in the country that comes in news paper.
‘Do you have anything to say?”
‘Oh yes about news paper how nice and beautiful girl recently killed by 5 to 6 person that you what’s her name?’
“Why don’t you know she is college going student”
‘Jinns cannot remember like the man’
‘Perhahaps something like Mino, as a old I cannot also remember all.’
‘From that I remember one events and I decided the matter.Seeing the man we have also open media for my people. Another day I shall speak about my media how it works.’
‘What you wanted to say just before?’
Not in richest country but one grade down a matter was happened like what called Mino of your country unluckily I could not reach other wise would decide the matter,’
‘You just tell me what want to say?’
A few years ago a lady was passing or walking for home at night after 12 O’clock at night. She was caught by three man and took her aside there my caste jinns also there. They gave me news. I am too old even Adam. There I reached and heard she was requesting to forgive her and weeping. After all I am Jinn though God made me Satan. My heart burned for her. So I enter into there body to make them understand well. She crossed the bar. One after at night 12 one lady should not be dare even then she did and told her friend I kept option for you let me enter and permit me to go home. Her why at deep night? She said I need go to home to see what my husband is doing! She already crossed her zone and came to other zone with a long list. If she is not madden why crossing the zone at night walking alone where no transport. She felt on deep hole perhaps those people would kill that lady. She again and again requesting to leave her. They said how many time we forgive you? No, I told you are to forgive. You and he and he just forgave her and let her go. She is saved as I plea to them. After all Satan is friend of Satan’s.
When she reached home I went there advice her don’t be madden like this your organization at the at top but if you start like this coming home at deep night it would be trouble for every one.”
‘Now days came to protect you yourselves. Though you are a Satan I do appreciate that at least you save her life. To save some one not you but God likes it.’           
Though it’s not a Satan Dairy even then I write Recite “yea- Rahmanu” a name, beautiful name of God by which one can earn his living and bad habit who has that goes off.

বৃহস্পতিবার, ৯ জুন, ২০১৬

English My w words first part English

English My words First part English
Am I Krishna, Buddha, Isha Mosi or Imam Mehdi ?
Published by: Basu
Among the prophets Hazarat Isha (A:) is one of them, and a different person. Though he had sent to a tribe
especially, even then, he will come back again in this World, and he is the sign of last day, Day of resurrection.
After two thousand years I began to write about the life of Hazarat Isha(A) but the thing is that , the life of mine
has been analyzed in accordance with Quran, Hadith, Engil, Bible and other religious books. The aim of writings
the book is to protect it from some arrogances whoever claimed them that such claimed particular person is
Hazarat Isha (A). It proved that they have gone out of the right path and their foundation based on the hill of sand.
One of them is Mirza Golam Ahmed kadiani. First edition had published in 1999; there it found that subject matter
was not clear for what the book had written again. In the new edition prophecy of different well-known person are
revealed and endowed with a few composing poems.
The book is made of thirty parts. Md. Nur Uddin Jahangir (Khokan), Father’s name: Mr. Nur Mohammed Vill: East
Pukuria, Paurasava: chakaria,cox’s Bazar, one of my colleague had lived together for a few years, favored me to
publish the first edition `Aamar Katha’ Am I Krishna, Buddha, Isha Mosi or Imam Mehdi? Dr. Tawhidul Islam
(Jamal) also assisted in various ways, presenting books, Hotel Management and others who support the person
and he expresses much pleasure and obligation to them. It will be pleasure to know that if the readers know a
little then it would think that the effort has been in success.
Immortal words
(1) God is one and supreme, He has no co sharer, He is the only ‘Nur’ has no example. ‘Nur’ which is comparable,
that is created from His virtues.
(2) God is formless, formless means there is no existence except God, as there is none to worship except God.
God has existence with virtues which also incorporeal. He has His own kingdom of virtues which has no shape.
His virtues have not separated from Him.
(3) God is one and having no parallel, He has existence but has no form, un-embodied, there is no similarity of
Him; He has nothing of form, not even smallest part of form. The existence of God means He is not like His
creation because He created all worldly things, He is God who gave all shapes, as a result He is formless, His
existence cannot be explained in this form, though a few illustration were described alike in Quran where His
word ‘Ruhh’ took shelter.
(4) ‘Ruhh’ is His word, His breathing or His order, (one says His satisfaction which is also formless, God knows
(5) In one word ‘Nur’ is created from ‘Nur’. ‘Nur’ is one of virtues of God. Created ‘knowledge’ based on His
virtues which is formless (Nur means knowledge)?
(6) ‘Nur’ and ‘Ruhh’ both are primary. ‘Ruhh’ is formless, created ‘Nur’ is in form. ‘Ruhh’ is the heart of ‘Nur’
which cannot live alone. The duty of righteous is to try to safeguard the people, from wrongdoers ‘DAZZAL’.
Those persons will create evil company, arbitrary and corrupt faith. The word ‘formless’ is used and available,
that is why it is only for God, He has no definite form, has no shape at all,but His existence has no doubt.
(7) The whole universe has created from big bang, comparable to ‘Nur’ from which everything has created.
(8) Soul is one of the lives created from ‘Nur’ a body not perceptible by senses that are pure Neff’s or soul of men.
(9) ‘Ruhh’ covered by ‘Nur’ the most glorious, inhabitant of one of the world named ‘Nur’. Moreover can be
said child of men.
(10) ‘Ruhh’ is formless and always remain sincere to God, devoted towards God, other hand ‘Nur’ is pure, feels
everything worldl
(11)Naff’s becomes pure through ‘Nur’.
(!2) ‘Ruhh’ word is above the word ‘holy’. ‘Nur’ earns intimacy of God through ‘Ruhh’.
(13).Nur (created) is congregation of virtues of God and formed. On the other hand Ruhh is shapeless as a
word of God, which is contacted to incorporeal.
(14) Nur-e-Mohammadi and Ruhh-e-Mohammadi both are origin.
(15). In the universe, Ruhh is formless because it cannot be seen by even divine messengers. Except him
divine knowledge, self-examination and devotion of love towards God is not possible.
(16). The shape of Adam is not (I) but like (Mine). (Something is alike where He can live), keeping the idea in
view anyone would be able to visit spiritual world named Nur-e-Mohammadi and from there, with devotion of
love, that one would be able to go to next world named Ruhh-e-Mohammadi, and ther intimacy of God can
(17). An astral body of human called child, that child stays in mother’s womb and breath into the body of
worldly child, that breath is astral body of human.
(18). God displayed Himself (knowledge) in Nur through Ruhh.
(19). The existence of God himself revealed in few verses, for example throne: which means seat, power,
knowledge, symbol of authority, so it is His knowledge and power, sometimes expressed : Hands, Legs Face
etc. these are also to understand in sense, where Ruhh takes shelter, (may be with Jinn, Angel or men). So
think about God Who is having form, absolutely a wrong doctrine, smallest part of atom no definite form, but
it has virtue of particular things. God is out of it. His knowledge has no limit and men cannot think over.
(20). God’s introductions depends on, sign of love with Him (the more you research the more you will learn,
basis). Pure Neff’s or soul gets Allah through Ruhh, other than this man does not know any other way.
(21). Muslim believes all prophets, invisible God, Jinn’s Angels do not create dissimilarity among the prophets,
but believes that Hazarat (SM) is greatest and last prophet among all prophets.
(22). All prophets have their own life history book and even a man also possesses his life history book (that is
a book of fate).
(23) . Divine books were revealed to all prophets, may be a part of the book, may be an order, or in dream
divine orders were conveyed to an apostle, these all are Kalam of God.
(24) Holy Quran is the original Book. With the arrival of Last prophet, The Holy Quran also became Last Divine
(25) Isha or Jesus (A) is the last man, who will come as followers of Mohammed (SM). He (A) is the followers of all
prophets (Isharuhulla)
(26) In the world all prophets rebirth, once upon a time, visit the spiritual world `Ruhh-e-Mohammedi; comes
nearer to God and receives Divine Words, and comes back to the world to accomplish the duties. On the other
hand, righteous like Arif, Oliawlia (pious) and other righteous visit spiritual world, the far they reach into higher
spiritual world, with that limitation they come back and purify others in accordance with Quran and Sunnah.
(27) When compression will start, the signs of last day would appear before, once upon a time, where all tribes
were lived together, Final Judgment would be held ( there means in such distance we all meet each other, Jinn’s,
Angels etc.). It may take forty days or forty thousand years according to law of God.
(28) An atom has own origin, but when it divided into many parts, they forget their origin and do not recognize
themselves; but become more powerful ever before, that particular divided parts of atom may destroy the world.
It is described an inner power of a things, who loses her origin, it mixes up with others, forgets self-originality.
When seer reaches on that level stage by stage, he forgets all forms and does not recognize himself, Wills of God
works in him, then their Lord is only God ,one God, He is Lord of both form and formless things and beings, So
He is absolute and Shapeless. Once righteous reaches to that destination, he forgets caste originality; it never
comes up in the mind of good devotee, who follows the Truth of God.
(29) Directly or indirectly, all people whosoever believes the Holy books they all believe that only one God
(except a few). In the first part of the Truth that is no one except God, Who has no partner in creation proves. So
distinct not nor create any dispute but politeness, humanity and approach through inner spiritual knowledge, one
should realize the matter in this age.
(30) War gives no solution to any dispute, not at all. However, cooperation, consideration, understanding the
feelings of others; a permanent solution would be expected by us. It is very wrong to destroy a tribe. However,
God hath All Power to do so. On this issue make no friction; do not try to murder any one in secret. These are not
allowed in Islam, till self is attacked by, no hostilities and warfare; go through God’s will, His directed way, till a
nation forcibly compelled by other nation, till then decay and show perseverance; it is best of all. Nevertheless,
fight between Muslim and non-Muslim to make them understand about the spiritual philosophy and thoughts in
Islam. Make them understand about science, inner light whatever revealed in the Quran. Publish all religious
thought of all prophets in a good manner, what was their view, and that will bring us together, sometimes it
would lead us into Truth of God.
(31) About love and passion, spiritual love for God, the Lord Who possesses The Most Beautiful names, in every
religion people talk about His love. There are people who do not love Him without seeing His Face. A few love
Him seeing His creation how beautiful they are! Others love idols or something staff made materials and try to
create Love in heart for Him, nay, He has forbidden such activities. Truth are there in every religion, we must say
that every religion belongs to God; may be that a few evil doers changed The God’s law for their own benefit. In
Islam something prevails like that in the heart of ‘ Sufi’s’ , they keep it in their mind, pray to God remembering
something visible like light or ‘nur’ etc.
(32) God loves His creation, In the Hadith, a few Hadith revealed that some nation or tribe will be destroyed; is it
so? It is not, some nation or tribe will be disappeared from the world! He can, God hath do anything He likes.
Moreover, how you will pass over! By leaving your old fashion, tradition etc. and God may create in you deep
passion and affection, which will bring us together to live, `o, is not the place of yours?
(33) When all wise, judicious would agree that all religion were true and came to establish peace, so is the case
for last religion: peace. Not all prophets but a person who will appear as a sign of last day, who is excellent to
prove himself the truth in accordance with God’s will, according to Holy Books (Quran, Hadith, Bible and other
religion books) , then they would accept truth, (that God is one and there is none , The nature of God reveals the
Forewords of Hadith
Arrival of Hazarat Isha (A) may be from Heaven or rebirth, He would definitely come to this world again, who is
last sign of last day, and resurrection would not held without his arrival. What Hadith revealed, all words formed
in this manner: out of two hundred Hadiths only twenty-one which are having no ambiguity among the different
sects of Muslim.
Explaining those Hadiths, so far is possible on one part. One begs pardon from readers if any mistake or any
wrong words, which is not applicable, it is not possible for the one to write exact wording of Hadiths, but the
essence of the Hadiths explained in short substances. Hazarat Isha or Jesus (A) arrives with the support of two
Angels wings. He will land, keeping both hand and legs in one place. (Like a child is in the womb of a mother).
His body would cover with reddish sheets of cloth or two sheets of red ochre or gold dust sheets of cloth. Once
upon a time, Hazarat (SM) saw him in dream that Isha (A) is advancing the four quarters of the `Baitullah’
compass causing his hands on shoulders of two persons (Bokhari Sharif, Hadith no.3592). He would land in a
Mosque which is situated in the city of Damask (Syria), and land on a white Minar which is located in the east to
east of that Mosque. Be sure of it, Isha did not die and he would come again before the Resurrection Day, in the
morning other Hadith revealed that in the evening, and he would land at this time again. He will fight to terminate
the war; according to his judgment, war will bring no fruitful result for the next generation. It is a path of
righteous to follow the science of reasoning. Mischievous and disorderliness would started by evildoers named
`Dazzal’ everywhere. He might have vanish the old custom of Christians, remove superstition, and through out
the system of crossing; ( If Isha was not crucified in the cross then why to worship that cross, or respect that
cross, but fear God, Praise to God , Who has no share, only One God). He will go through an adventure,
exploration, so that the Christian hates the bears, do not accept them as a domestic animal and even they
wouldn’t take the flesh of bears which is forbidden in Bible too ( why to eat flesh of bears? Whose nature is to
share their sow to other bears? In that case, swine helps other he-bears to enjoy with his partners sow. in that,
he bear feel joy in it. Nature is such that this type of habit might have growth in human body by taking flesh of
bears) God is creator and He knows demerits of it, He is Wise and All Knowing. Later he would take upright
position to pray to God (praise to God); others would address him, `o’ Ruhh of God! Come forward (to be a Imam)
to complete ‘salah’ or ‘namaz’ or prayer, but he would so in reply, ‘nay’; the Imam who was selected by you
should come forward and he, among you as a Imam would pray to God.
``And there is none
Of the people of the Book
But must believe in him
Before his death;
And on the Day of Judgment
He will be witness
Against them;” Sura 4 verse 159 Quran.
(In note: ``Before his death” Interpreters are not agreed as to the exact meaning .Those who held that Jesus did
not die refer the pronoun `` his’ to Jesus. They say that Jesus is still living in the body and that he will appear just
before the Final day in preparation for the coming of ‘Imam Mahdi ( a king of the world, who will believe only one
God and has no share in Him)’, when the world will be purified of sin and unbelief . There will be a final death
before the final Resurrection, but all will have believed before that final death. Others think that `his’ is better
referred to `` none of the people of the Book,” and that the emphatic form ``must believe’ (la-yu-minanna) denotes
more a question of duty than of fact. (Sura 4 verse 159 Quran and note no. 665 of Abdullah Yusuf Ali)”.
`Before his death” (sura 4 verse 159 Quran) this sentence is in Quran and many commentators have defined it in
many ways. What Hadith says about it? Hazarat Ali revealed that Hazarat (SM) repeated thrice this sentence.
However, God is wise we know that only. The Gospel of St. Barnabas supported the theory of substitution on the
cross. The Quranic teaching is that Christ not crucified nor killed by the Jews. Though the Jews did not think on
the spot due to their enmity with Christian even then they are possessing wrong notion on them. So is the case
with Christians and some commentators also. Verily a few defined that only the Jews will confess the truth
before death as they will see the truth when the Angel will come to take the soul of particular person. That trust
and believe in Isha (A) will be in vain just like pharaoh. When Isha (A) put down his head, drops of sweat water
will fall down, one will think that he just have come after taking bath, when he will look up, water as like as pearl
will fall down. Unbelievers will die drawing in and giving out of his breathing, when it touches any body of such
nature. (Self does not want to explain much about it because these all have inner meanings and thoughts). At a
glance, so far he sees his breathing will reach unto that mark. After the prayer, The Muslim will fight against
evildoers `Dazzal” and it will spread out all over the world. Liars or falsehood persons will melt like salt, as it
melts in pure water. Finding Isha (A) be perceived, again in the world `Dazzal’ or evildoers will disappear and
they melt into water like salt. He will advance towards them and finish them all (it is to be remembered that a
righteous comes not to kill anybody but to kill their untruth activities). None will survive those who are followers
of Dazzal. The tree and stones, in other words, nature will shout and address `o’ Ruhh of God! One of the Jew is
hiding behind ( It is not particularly the Jew but in sense, the nature will reach in that position that all created
things of God can speak which were not known to men, and within no time you will come to know the fact). One
will find none to donate his wealth, so much wealth and properties will be held by one, a little worship to God or
to bow down once before Him would be counted as a best of all even more than one’s wealth.
(Reference book is Bukhari Sharif (a name of book): Hadith no. 1656 and1657. Interpreted: `Tafsir Ebn Kasir,
Ruhul Mazan, Ebn Jabir, Mareful Quran 2nd part page 66-67, Moslem Sharif 2nd part Hadith no. 401 and 402 ,
Tafsir Kutubi Bukhari sharif Sarah Fazal Bari 4th part page 46,Tafhimul Quran page 166, Quran: sura 4 verse 159 )
A great writer, who himself introduced him, `emperor of pen’ is he (Mirza Golam Ahmed) kadiani. He and his
(Ahmadiat) Jamat’s doctrine and thoughts, all have based on the hill of sand. One aim is to prove that; for that
reason own life is narrated including date of birth, month and year in accordance with Quranic Ayat or verse 155
sura 4, considering the birth of a state `Israel’, some verses in Injil and other religious books. It is also a science
of sense and nature. In the Holy Books of Hindu, Buddha, Bible, Injil and Quran, all prophets except Hazarat (SM)
forecast that they would come again at the last era. So to say, one asked whether one is so. The question is
arisen with due deliberation that Isha (A) is the first and last of Kalam, that is, Alpha and Omega, and so
happened to Krishna and myself too is the first and last alphabets of Quran; vice versa of the Alphabets is
Buddha, so my name has taken a shelter in them as well as in Quran. Yet no man could prove quoting the
alphabet, first letter `B’ and last letter `S’ of sura `Nas’ means mankind. It has become possible on my part that
Nick name of mine has been created as an example like ``Sam Veda’s god’ whose first letter is `M’ and last letter
is `D,’ Mohammed (SM) monthly magazine (Moinul Islam May/99 , Maulana Osman Ghani Hazipuri. Visible and
imperceptible according to the Hadiths wordings, both have tried to prove, its all wordings are meaningful and
tried to proved those visible way and imperceptibly. It is one earnest request to all readers to go through the
book minutely and observe it that the way it is expressed , harmony among the related quotations are followed,
act of submitting the thing to abolish the sinful jobs of evil doers realizing the prove of nature.; these all are to
Holy Book Quran and Hadith
Ò And (Jesus) shall be A Sign (for the coming of) the hour (of Judgment) Therefore have no doubt about the
(Hour) but Follow ye me, this is a straight way.” Sura 43 verse 61 Quran.
Behold! Allah said; `O’ Jesus! I will take thee And raise thee to Myself And clear thee (of the falsehood ) Of
those who blaspheme ; I will make those Who follow thee superior To those who reject Faith , To the Day of
Resurrection : Then shall ye all Return unto Me , And I will judge Between you of the matters Wherein ye
dispute. Verse 55 Sura 3 Quran.
“I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject faith, to the day of resurrection.’’
In these two lines prophecy are hiding and it will discuss later.
Ò He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity and he shall be (of the company) of the righteous.”
Verse 46 Sura 3 Quran.
Sign of Resurrection:
Hadith no. 1058:- Hazarat Abu Hurayara (R) related that Hazarat(SM) said,
“Son of Mary i.e. Isha (A)/Jesus, until he arrives among you as a logician, an upright Judge, no resurrection will
hold. He would crush the cross; stop to rear the swine and withdraw the tax imposed by Muslim rulers on non-
Muslim pilgrims and then the wealth would increase so much that none would accept it (Bukhari).
An auspicious coming of Isha (a)
Hadith: 1314:- Hazarat Abu Huraya(R) stated that Hazarat (sm) said, “In whose Hand his life the existence or God,
swear in the name of God, soon son of Merriam/Mary i.e. Hazarat Isha (a) would land on from the sky, as a ruler of
Islam, an upright judge too. He will fight to put off the cross from the world. He will stop to rear of swine
withdrawing the taxes of non- Muslims. The wealth will increase like high tide, none is to found to accept it, to
bow down before God once would be counted more than wealth of the earth, there will be none from the Holy
Book (Ahle- Kitab) but believe Isha (a) before his death and he (Isha) will be the witness on the Day of Judgment.
All the prophecy of prophet Denial
Replete in time,
Still others happening in the world,
Would it go in vain?
The prophecies in the course of events are?
In the first Epics,
Expressed a Prophet just like Moses
And the distinction period,
In between Moses and Hazarat (sm)
The fact narrated in Daniel’s prophecy
Difference period was thirteen hundred years,
First peace era started the then his (SM);
Second peace era may be thousand years
Moreover, that would be
At the Last twenty first century.
Of seeing the future messages of Denial,
‘O’Kadiani! Find not ye in time,
How dare you to say
A prophet, ‘Isha Mosi’,
How can you utter,
Divine messages received by
And claimed to be Imam Mahdi?
After Hazarat (SM) a new prophet will appear,
In which epics,
It is written thirteen hundred years?
Running on the scheme of evil spirit,
For avidity,
You did not justify heard messages,
That is why at present your god
How helpless is!
Holy Bible:
'' It is a period, two periods then it would happen, half of the period, the arms of the holy tribe would break and
that things would be happened.
And when presentation of various things to gods would be ceased for ever, again ruin able hated things would
establish, from that period one thousand two hundred ninety days would continue.
Good news to them, who overcome or remain in patience, that period, is one thousand three hundred thirty five
days. However, you will go at the last period, get peace and rest, at the end of Days you will stand at your
capability. (Reference: 12:7, (11-13) Prophet Daniel, Tow rat / old Bible).
According to the verse of Prophet Denial 12:7, it understood, there are two 'peace period' one is gone, when
Hazarat (sm) went to Medina in the year of 622 A.D, he left the world in 631 A.D. His followers four Khalifa's
exercise sovereignty for thirty years, the first 'peace period' was 631+30=661A.D. Then according to the message
of Prophet Denial’s verse (12:12) Tow rat, it stands: 1335+661=1996 A.D and it is period of second 'peace period'.
(Reference Book: Destruction or peace has written by probably Hazi Mohsin of India).
Holy Book Injil
And thou shall come up against my people of Israel as a cloud (Air Force) to cover the land and it shall be in the
later days. (Injil) Ref: Destruction or peace page 700.Son of Adam (Isha) would appear before you from eastern
side to western side as a flash of lightning. (24:27 Mathew) All signs will appear in the sky of him, son of Adam;
then all tribes of the world will wait for his arrival , son of Adam would be seen on board of cloud , find him
coming with 'Kudrat (science) and full of power'. (24:30 Mathew, 13:26 Mark) “Learn from an example of a tree
fig, when she becomes soft and spread her leaves, then you come to know that summer is near. Same if you see,
you will know the truth that he is nearer, even he is present at door. I speak the truth to you, 'then these people of
this age will not be abolished; (they will be present at that time). Until all fulfilled. (24:32-34 Mathew, 13:28-30
Mark, 21:29-32 Luke). Son of Adam is also remain in the womb of earth (planet) for three days and nights like
Prophet Hazarat Yuan’s (a) as he stayed in the stomach of a big fish. (12:40 Mathew)
`O' Righteous, our pioneer, look at, how the stones and its settings are! Isha said to him, 'Do you find all these
big stones and stones structure with roof and walls? It would not remain any more, one stone would not stay
upon another stone and all would crush and fall down to the ground. (Jerusalem was under Rome, even then one
day it would decline and would become another state).
'At that period, after hard suffering, the sun would become dark, the moon will not shine, they all fall down from
the sky, the sky and its nature will be strayed. (13:24 Mark),'‘No body knows about that Day or reality of that
moment. Neither Angels nor Isha but only The God knows.' (13:32 Mark)'' He said, "behold Don't be deluded,
because many person will appear before you in my name; and they will say, I am he (Isha) , that time is very near,
don't follow them . When you will hear about Great War and conflict, don't be afraid of; these will have happened
but it is not end." He also said to them, "one nation will fight against other nation, one territory will fight against
other territory, earthquake will bring destruction, famine and plague will spread out in many places, that time
great Signs in the sky will be seen. (21:8-11 Luke).'After a period you will not see me, again after that period you
will see me'. (16: 16 Yuhunna).
My words (First part)
First chapter
In the beginning
The name of Allah
Is Most Gracious,
Most merciful is.
My questions to the
Honourable ‘Katibs’ (virtuous)
How would you guard their theology!
Bahai and Kadiani?
The hooded snakes without
The medicine of Musa’s spiritual stick,
(It) would not stop only with said talks.
Presence of Isha is essential
At revolution period,
(Own) life history might write,
If courage is given,
(I am) not a doctor,
Though prescription is prescribed
No one remains immortal
With this prescription is.
In the name of Almighty God ; a few lines of the poetry are added to begin with the book, to express hidden
incomprehensible ideas which can not be exposed easily in plain language, for readers to understand well and it
has become possible to present it before you in this way. At the beginning, mysterious questions have been
arisen in the mind as the wave of an ocean, and then the mind became very anxious to know about spiritual
world, to satisfy self it has become essential to ask about those questions from intellectuals and other virtuous
those who are well experienced. The way all modern media of the world communicates, it is almost propagation
against peace ‘Islam’ due to lack of knowledge about Islam; how to cut down such misunderstandings? It known
to all that a many verses came in The Quran as Divine messages about Jesus (Isha) Hadiths have revealed in
kind regard. A few opportunists always try to find out the clues in Holy Quran wherein, and explain them as they
like, so that it’s meanings went into their end and placed them before general mass to misguide the people, it
was, still it has been going on. So righteous are to remain aware of it. In these circumstances, coming of Jesus
according to prophecies became necessary; people of all ages would have accepted his theology, ethics,
thoughts and inner spiritual thoughts, would believe in one God who has no share at all. It would place in this
way, if the experienced, well understanding and virtuous of all sectors give courage and encouragement, to bring
forward the thoughts of self. For long time, experts, intellectuals , elites wrote many valuable articles about some
of the sects in Islam, they defined it well to make them understand their faults in believes, still those followers
ran along the wrong path of some re-known misguide. Therefore, the result is not to the remarks, reason behind
it, none is there to stand against those peoples, who can submit the right answers to them. Although one not an
expert in this regards, still that one wants to put forward a few examples of self- life in accordance with Quran,
Hadith and religious books, which would act like spiritual stick of Moses.
The Quran and its all Suras started with the Ayat ‘In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful; except a
Sura named ‘Tawba’. Most of the commentators consider the ‘Ayat’ is a part of the Quran, it has also counted
with all other verses. The characteristics of the Ayat is that, it consists of nineteen letters in Arabic language, and
with the figure 19 , total letters , symbols, ayats suras everything what formed in total figure are possible to
divide. Mr. Bahaullah of Iran discovered the theory, he claimed that he was Imam Mahdi. The reason of claiming
such is that the first letter of the Quran started with the letter ‘B’; it is the opinion of Bahai sect. From that corner
of view, the letter ‘B’ came; Wishes of God first planed and the plan has exposed to create the form. In Bengali
two ideas added one is the letter ‘B’ and the other word is ‘Bashana’ will of God. It is a kind invitation to eastern
world , the community as a whole , placed them in the Quran , in the name of their virtuous, pioneers, may be
prophets; (they are Basu i.e Krishna and Buddha) and my life made out looking for and opened place all to enter.
“ In the name Allah . Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
This is the book; Initisguidance , sure, without doubt, To those who fear Allah; Who believe in the Unseen,
Are steadfast in prayer, And spend out of what We Have provided for them ; And who believe in the Revelation
Sent to thee, And sent before thy time, And ( in their hearts) Have the assurance of the Hereafter. They are on
(true) guidance, From their Lord, and it is These who will prosper. (Verses 1-5 Sura 2.)
The way ‘Kadiani Jamat explained and look out the meanings of those Ayats are interpreted in the second part of
this book; still in sort, it is narrated for information. According to the Quran, it said that (1) believe in the Unseen,
(2) steadfast in prayer (3) contributing something to others from one’s livelihood. (4) Believe in Revelation sent to
Mohammed (sm) i.e. Quran, (in it most of true Hadiths which are not contradictory to Quran}, (5) past revealed
Holy Books (6) believe in Hereafter. According to Kadiani’s sect: (1) one is to believe in the past, present and
future Revelation of God. That is Words belonging to God. In addition, those who receive Heavenly Messages or
Words in future, the people must accept them; otherwise, they are not faithful to God. (2) So on, others who
received Divine Words after Hazarat (sm), they are also to accept them as a prophet. (3) Successively the
Prophets would come in the world, (there is no end of it), those who reject it, they are unbelievers ‘Musrik’. (4)
Presently those who received Heavenly Messages of God after (sm) , unbelievers of it , would be counted as a
past possessor of Holy Book , that is , ‘Ahle Kitab’ and (5) in the past and at present those who believes in
successively Prophets will come (continuously) they are true initial guidance, that is , Muttaki’.
Only that person can present good books to the readers who cultivate literature, histrionic and thoughtful ideas;
and those who are in habit of writings books. Speak the truth, this is absolutely absent in it, nor habituated in this
regard. Firstly took up writings to give a form to the dreams, what happened then when it had seen in 1985. And
to give a proper shape, as I saw; it is felt that if the result of research in religion would not make up to day to
others it would be a negligence to duties and responsibilities. Without writing a book, the life would not be fullpledged.
So to avoid its demerits compelled to take in hand writing something. Even the person is not an
experienced writer. In this book a many Ayats of the Holy Quran are brought in, some are pertinent, some are not.
To do so volume of the book a little extended. In it, hidden things of mind and selfishness are there. It is
determined that till last of the book exposed to the readers it would not be possible for them to know
concealment of mind. In this regard, a reference of Mr. Kadiani can be brought in; he is at a time Isha Ebn Mari
yam and Imam Mahdi. Before claiming such designation, he exposed himself as a Mozadded of the century or
Imam of that century. Later it was found that from Imam he claimed himself a Prophet. And a place was created
for him among his followers. To keep away, so far last part is not conveyed to the readers; I pray to God by the
light of His Grace, I should be kept away from those illogical activities. The life has compared with the Prophet
Jesus. I should not do such mistake. As stated in Holy Injil (New bible), ‘they would see son of Adam coming on
board of cloud, with capability and glory, 24(30) Mathew. If any one wishes to quote the verses of the Quran in his
speech, he can put them all in between. In consequence of verses explain about past, present and future affairs.
Taking this opportunity, Mirza Golam Ahmed Kadiani put verses in benefit of him. Somewhere he cited half of the
verse and somewhere full verse according to his desire. He introduced them to the readers. Why did I put a
volume of verses in this book too? To say the truth; I have no mighty power. What might have thought by one?
His (Isha) arrivals would connect with power and glory. In addition, the Quran is most powerful and the Grace of
God for human beings. As earlier forecast, no Divine Messages would have received by him. Then the Holy
Quran would be his main Holy Book from where he would repeat the words. It is a thing supposed.
The bumblebee roams
To cure the disease,
If the disease cures
By taking Medicines,
Goodness grew among you all,
If you take pills,
Devils claim would go in vain
Who’s ever has said ‘Isha’
Look at the Krishna,
Put on reddish sheets,
Expressed in introduction
Is not one word,
With fulfilled of knowledge
Siddhartha Buddha went to heaven,
Had not His reddish sheet seen?
Does anybody know?
Isha is hiding in these names?
Blowing down the head said,
‘O’ not I is he,
Whose arrival is awaiting?
Wrong one called by (you)?
Say one then,
What name you kept of the person.
A many curious have earnest desire and thirsty to know about the spiritual world running about hither and thither.
The real story made of Divine stick (0f Moses) and its advices would bring a good relationship among all sects of
the people. It will usually show the way to love each other, how to live in association and grew brotherliness. It
will turn you to a life fresh and in peace. It will be way of salvation for those whoever claimed Isha Mosi and to
their sects. Evil activities of those are nothing but the misguidance of evildoer Satan and his deception to them;
otherwise, they have no proof of it. Quoting an example, do not waste your time for nothing, behold a Krishna,
Who arrived, not only Krishna but also Buddha and he is Isha Mosi. From the very beginning of life, he put on red
ochre, a piece of reddish cloth, crimson-colored cloth, and a dress of hunter, which is blood stained. He is the
man who got his inner things and supreme enlightenment in the real sky. It repeatedly begged importunately and
repeatedly that a sinner could not be that person who had a program to arrive, before the resurrection day. If at
all so that the person selected, one repeatedly solicited to Him, say the name of that particular person. However,
found no result of it.
Truth and Divine Truth revealed even then, there is a society who eager to search the truth. Truth which were
revealed, how far they are true in accordance with science, there are people in this earth to justify it. Might it
think that they have not research Divine book, the great truth where only truth are prevailing. A few person want
new thoughts and doctrine, among them one of the theologian Shami Bibakananda also wants a new theology.
In view, it is to say that it would not be possible at this stage. God is One and Absolute. Worship to Him, without
any wall in between. It has not meant for, to make Shami Bibakananda inferior, but it agreed that in every religion
truth is prevailing. It is God’s word to respect the saint, and to see other religion with reverence. Goodness of
the every work is to be seen and in that view one should earn knowledge.
“As to those who reject Faith, It is same to them whether thou warn them Or do not warn them; they will not
believe. Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; Great is the
penalty they (incur).” (Sura 2 verse 6-7)
God is very kind. He is Most Gracious. Though he warned His creature and said about the punishment of His
creatures, even then He is Most Kind. The head quarter of human beings is intellectually, or the brain from where
ordered to do a job, still there is way, which will discussed later. It said before that except one sura ‘Tawba’ in
the Quran all others are started with ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ or in the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most
Merciful. If a man commit anything wrong, later repent for it in heart and promise that in future such evil job
would not by that man then God is very Kind may accept it. He is the Best Guide of human beings. This is one of
the characteristics of this sura. Quoting the verse of the Quran from any place not looking to the meanings
before and after that verse, one should not miss represent the meaning of quoted verse. For that, one must be
an experienced in that subject. However, a sect did so and least bothered for it. The people of the particular sect
think themselves they are moderate and wise in all respect.
“The great truth” taught by the knowledge of pen, so it can be said that source of knowledge is pen. Knowledge
is power; it is The Power of Most Powerful. Light is ‘nur’, light is the shadow that is very comfortable of that
knowledge tree, the tree grown up from a smallest seed of mustard. The source of seed is a place, time or period,
water, sunshine , air etc. and their source is knowledge, and the source of all knowledge, All Knowing The God.
There is no benefit to create disorder in the earth; the root of all good is All Knowing, All Wise Allah. To follow
the straight path, the way He guided is knowledge and it has been coming through pen (in Bengali pen means
mosi). To use ‘mosi’ in good way requires a good skilled director, one should be a philologist, a teacher of
scripture and an orator in religious knowledge and have mighty power. Such person can only give good
direction through the pen. God selected such person who is lack of all sorts of that knowledge to direct through
the Mosi in the right way! There is no way to think it.
All that is on earth will perish; But will abide (for ever) The Face of thy lord, Full of Majesty , Bounty and Honour.
Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? (Sura 55, verse 26-28).
To direct Mosi, a possessor should possess knowledge of scriptures in all sectors, the fundamental truth of
other religion, manifestation power and to know how to place it before the readers. The Mosi has been writing so
far is having lack of knowledge of that. In what condition, the long life has been passed by , it was not imagined
even for a moment. A heavy rain did not fall on and no great emotion of mind inspired by anyone; and has no
knowledge to furnish the events before you all. Negligence in observing religious duties were there, to know
about the religious books had no effort. As a result, long life has gone beyond the reach of comprehension. The
said Mosi cannot explain explain the verse quted above. So to say easy way, world after world and whole
universe will perish except God and His Virtues; so creatures have no real existence but existence of Allah will
remain forever. A few sects or intelligentsia, by understanding something or without it, they are giving share to
operate as a God, or they are placing a man near to Him giving a share to God. According to Bagabat Gita a soul
does not die nor it is begotten. According to Quran and Hadith, a soul is to take the taste of death at least for
once. Anything which die or death touch it, it cannot be immortal, endless, eternal or deathless creature.
What a present!
A prisoner that to ascertained mad,
Would it be a nice!
To think firm desires?
A living hermitage in a visible
Shelter inside a house
Conflicts with something
Day and night lost judgment.
Of thinking found no end of it,
Thirty-eight years passed
Without fruitful job,
How far be expressed
Beyond the range of sense!
Have no spiritual power,
Or skilled said to Lord,
Not a revealed person,
Fall on deceptive,
Not a great hero,
Got approval of psychoanalyst
Distorted heart it’s.
When one loses judgment, sometimes it is coming to sense, it is normal. When it turns to opposite direction
then it goes to abnormal states. Therefore, whatever said it was all-irrelevant as said in footnote, a living
hermitage meant for ‘Ruhh’ takes shelter in ‘nur’ which is pure ‘Naff’s’ and both take shelter in a worldly house
in the womb of a mother and gradually one arrives in the earth and become a man. In the human body these three
(ruhh, naf’s and physical life soul) jointly do the job. Good deeds are done by the advice of ‘Ruhh’ and evil deed
done by the worldly ‘Naffs’; so they conflict each other , as a result a man goes out of order in a time thinking
much about it. Before going to complete out of order, whatever seen in dream , that events were playing a great
role in the headquarter all the time extensively. It was a symptom of illness and conversation with any unknown
is the sign of psyche / psychedelic/mental illness. A person sees into the future and it becomes outside physical
laws. That conversation and its precise in the view of a doctor is one kind of mental illness. According to
doctor’s view, the patient becomes more loyal towards religion and performs the religion duties too. It took about
forty days to get over to normal senses. In the poetry it is being brighten up of a base operate that a sinful and
confess all evil deeds done before, now has been regretted for wrongdoing. First dream was dream at last night
on the day 19 March in the year of 1985. “At that time, last night I was present at the resurrection field, we were
only two; another one was Hazarat (sm). At high place, it had seen that The Great Allah was sitting on His Throne.
There was none in the field, as because, all the people of the world were in my hands closed. In the left hand,
those people who become mad for God and did not obey the law of ‘shariya’. Rest all were in one right hand.
Finding His Green Signal, leave them all by throwing behind the Throne of God those who were in one left hand.
Leave others in the field, those who were in my right hand. So he (sm) was disheartened and wanted to know the
reason of it, I was ashamed of it , I felt deep depression , my heart was broken into pieces, it was given a pain like
a thorn when it punch the body. Gently I replied that the thing was done by getting of a signal of God. Of hearing
so, he became quite but one heart pinched by thorn and wound own heart, and expressed sorrow by tears. When
woke up then found it that sorrow of tears falling down”.
It was an order to write a book from Him (one believes, He is The Great, Allah). Then a reply from this end, that He
is doing a mistake. This person at least is not the one, who did many evil deeds. In reply He said to me,
“Whom I wish select him, he is selected, you are the same person who had to arrive”. In religion subject
foolishness and negligent were very much active and it was not known to me who had a program to arrive but
heard something about Imam Mahdi in some meetings. Today the person is revealing it he is none but an
approval mad and distorted heart. It is to convey to the readers but how it would be possible to place it before
and what would be the subject not known at all.
“ Blessed’ be He in whose hands is Dominion ; And He over all things Hath power”. Sura 67 verse 1 Quran.
{(In Bengali meaning of the verse not explained. In English, a little description has given just to understand.
Before that what is an order of God defined in this way: Whole verse has created and made visible out of nothing.
Therefore, His qualities and order from which everything came in form. Earlier talked about living hermitage
which is His order is more powerful than the angels, cause is that, it is His direct Order or it is said Futkar of
“ Mulk’ Dominion Lordship , sovereignty , the Right to carry out His will or to do all that He will. Power (in clause
of following) is the capacity to carry out His will. So that nothing can resist or neutralize it. Here is beneficence
completely identified with Lordship and Power; and it is exemplified in the verse following. Note that ‘Mulk’ here
has a different shade of meaning ‘Malakat’ . Both words are from the same root and I have translated both by the
word ‘Dominion’ but ‘Malakut’ refers to the Lordship in the invisible world while ‘Mulk’ to Lordship in the visible
world . God is Lord of both. (Abdullah Yousuf Ali}.
Considering a many causes this event of dream made me firm. Of thinking, the dream is not an ordinary at all,
generated a confidence in me. Such kind of speech of one definitely, He revealed not any body else. It should not
be disregard by any means. Then the research work started In the name of Allah.
IF a suggestion from Satan, Assail thy (mind), Seek refuge with Allah; For He heareth and knoweth (All things).
Sura 7 verse 200.
According to the above verse what learned as a Muslim did all to remain assault from Satan. But found no result
of it. Instead of getting relieved compelled to give an account of all happenings in the whole life. Knowledge was
not so powerful to understand the truth. However, enough ability was there to go through the books to
understand the right or wrong. At that age to develop the principle of religion was not grown up mentally and had
no place in mind about it. Long days had have been passed in dark. Only to survive the life of service, time was
running well.
Had it been our will we could have sent a warner to every centre of population”. (Sura 25 verse 51).
There had no place left where Apostles of God did not visit. In a contrary opinion one lac forty four thousand
Apostles were sent to this earth. Statement is not a created but according to the Quran and new Bible it’s prove
can be justified. In the book Bengali, the Sura was not quoted which is called the life of the Quran.
“In the name Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, The cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of
Judgment. Thee do we worship, and thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way; The way of those on whom
Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, Those whose (portion) Is not wrath, And who go not astray”. (Sura 1 verse 1-7)
This Sura has got seven verses and its letter including all one hundred forty four. Same way it is found that the
inhabitant of Jerusalem were one lac forty four thousand (revealed Kalam). The truth could take out from these
two Holy Books. The deep dark life, to take into light tried best through searching knowledge about reality.
Knowledge is pen, the said Mosi tried utmost, hardworking with dedication to bring in before the intellectual
though I am not an experienced and skillful. Still an effort has dedicated to expose the truth and the Great Truth
for the betterment of human beings. To show this little attempt to the readers, self-revelation has guided. May
Allah help the person?
‘Oh’ God, Forgive self,
Lost self-possession
A coward, a wretch,
Sinful perplexed to the extreme,
In experienced in scriptural prescription,
(I am) an exception of the rules,
Not fit for forgiveness,
One an overflowing pedestrian is.
What one said, whatever described,
That all were in (vain),
Does anyone there
Not bow down to Him?
One believes,
He is Omni-Power.
At early age I destroyed own house,
Do not know who gave
Own power of wisdom is.
To let you know about thy life.
‘O’ my respected readers, so long who cause to obey the command of His, I think He is none but Most -powerful.
If not so, after long solicitation to Him, He ordered to obey His instructions. He said, ‘ whom I wish, I select him,
and other then these He also revealed, it is to easy for Me to bring forth a man like you and told me to remember
the consequence of it’.
Who am I? What kind of book is to bring out, He told one nothing. Other way I have no scholarship in scriptures.
Even I had no idea about the sect of Kadiani. Before hand, one had no conception and experience about the Injil,
Quran and Hadith, whatever I defined today before the readers. It is easily inferable that at early age the house
burnt down with severe warmth. In spite of that, it is not possible to explain in which reason give away the power
of wisdom to own. Is it only to bring to light self life history to the elites? Has it any other purposes? That is the
question to them.
“Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful He who taught (The use of) the pen, Taught man that which he knew
not”. Sura 96 verses 3-5 Quran.
“God teaches us new knowledge at every given moment. Individual learn more and more day by day; nations and
humanity at large learn fresh knowledge at every stage. This is even more noticeable and important in the
spiritual world’’.(Abdullah Yusuf Ali).
If the said ‘Mosi’ or pen may represent all compiled reality then every wishes, good wishes and the whole life will
get into well. Hazarat Zachariah (a) brought up Hazarat Maryam and he got her through a lottery. The lottery had
hold-throwing pen. The story revealed in the Quran and Hadith. Other side the Quran and its verses had written
from the very beginning. So that none can add or deduct something. On or above it God Himself is the guardian
of the Quran.
“Behold thy Lord called Moses; Go to the people of iniquity,- The people of pharoh Will they not fear Allah ?’ He
said, ‘O’ my Lord! I do fear that they will charge me with falsehood’. Sura 26 verses 10-12 Quran.
Of seeing the above verses, I became a refugee for the readers. I fear not only God but also the men; for that, I
requested all experts of Islam, elites, intellectuals and readers to give me a shelter if anything goes wrong. I may
be a initiator to put up my life history, if the elites see to it and it is narrated in the beginning of the poetry polite
way. I know nothing about Arabic, scriptures and principles of those religions. It is quite possible to hesitate and
fear work in self. Long thirty-eight years ruled by unconsciously. An unknown power came suddenly to set up a
little to mind of a man (brain), to act on accordingly. I have been excited and over whelmed with eagerness for
writing something by the said ‘mosi’ like an experienced writer. In primary stage, I failed to do so.
“When (Jesus) the son of Mary is held up as an example, behold, thy people raise a clamour threat (in ridicule)!
Sura 43 verse 57 Quran.
When a topic for discussion about Hazarat Isha (a) made up, then it saw that thousand and one introductions
have come from different sects like the Jews, Christians and Muslims doctrine. These all are imagination of the
people, which are prevailing still. From the very beginning these kind of rumour had been blow hot and cold by
some opportunists. God already revealed in the Quran about Isha. He would make it clear at the Day of
resurrection. Sura 3 verse 55 Quran. Even then those who are very moderate and experienced, they have been
trying to prove their efficiency by arguing the matter in their favor. They disclose that their doctrine about Isha (a)
is true like a past Master. Among them Mr. Kadiani and his sect is one.
Inner heart specialists of the world
My words are unbelievable
Though one finds brightness,
Uttered in the Great Book
Is to establish amit!
So many hypocritical Prophets
Came in the world,
Kadiani is repugnant among them,
(He)Said himself
He is alike Krishna.
If Krishna or Kali-Obatar arrives;
Those hearts are out and out in all respect, those who obey the principles of religion seriously, those who are
having power of understanding; it is my duty and responsibility to follow them. I request all to look into the
matter, that, God has given a power through nature to set up universal amity, unity, equity and international
friendship among all. That all are to agree on a point, we must follow a person who is best of all in character and
at all round respectfully. The man who says himself, ‘ he is Jesus;’ and in his name will say, ‘ he is the person
(Jesus) as stated in Injil or new Bible’. The readers will justify and determine the matter. It is easy to say that he is
Krishna, Buddha but very difficult to hold water. A many said so but they could not sustain through proof. I hope,
it is not possible for anyone else. In this respect, may God help me! I hold my tongue after I had received a
revelation (it may be or may not be, God knows better) for two years. After His approval read different religious
books to go ahead. Years gone by miserably but said ‘Mosi’ did not find anything; suddenly what was to write on!
It was always in mind to abide by His orders; even then, there was no opportunity to proceed further without
knowledge. Recollection of heart what was in mind that all tell me, ‘life of eternity is in vain if I can not
accomplish my duties’.
And they say, “Are our gods best, or he? This they set-forth To thee, only by way of disputation: yea, they are a
contentious people. He was no more than a servant: We granted our favour to him and example to the children of
Israel. And if it were our will We could make angels from amongst you, succeeding each other on the earth. Sura
43 verses 58-60 Quran.
Hazarat Isha (a) was a man and servant of God. He was send to the tribe ‘Jews’ as a prophet. But a group of
people worship to him as a part of God after he had left the world. They say that he is one of the Gods among
three and they worship to him instead of God. So God revealed a verse in the Quran that He could send angels as
a prophet and they would take place as a substitute of men. However, men given more preference than angels
The poor knowledge earned was not worthy of for the said
‘ Mosi’ to do literary works. A little knowledge is always dangerous for any job. Inspiration in mind was pushing
forward all the time; I tried once again to put the into practice but said ‘Mosi’ had been held up. It is not possible
for any one having little knowledge to write on a sheet. An episode, which is unfamiliar, for me a fantastic story,
these all stood on end at around me. The ‘Mosi’ which given to me to write something, all had gone in vain that I
felt. However, firmness of will was so strong that failure could not touch it and compelled to acknowledge defeat.
The inspiration given by Whom in heart got together in a spirit like waves of ocean.
“And we made the son of Mary and his mother as a sign, We gave them both shelter on high ground, affording
rest and security and furnished with springs. Sura 23 verse 50 Quran.
According to the verse: Hazarat Isha (a) was born in a high place at date-palm garden and a stream was flowing
near by. God knows better, in such place he would come again or not. To find out something new one must carry
out investigation on the subject matter. For that, there is no way except education. Experts, litterateurs look at
the scenery and think over the matter, which generate will power in their heart to write a topic. A scientist tries to
invent something and research on it. Virtuous like ‘suffis’ saints, oliDarbesh, and prophets get ‘Elham’ or Words
of God to preach it to the general for the betterment of human beings.
“He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity, and he shall be (of the company) of the righteous”.
Sura 3 verse 46 Quran.
In the above verse, the message of re-arrival of Jesus was described as he would speak to the people ‘ in
maturity’. Because The God raised him up among the Jews, he had not crucified even; according to the light of
Sura 3 verse 55 Quran. It is very simple meaning of the verse in Quran that if he did not raise up then why there
was no life history of remaining last life years passed over. God is All-Knowing, All-Wise; then He revealed that
he will speak in maturity; every one speaks in maturity; so it is an extra sentence added to the mentioned verse
for nothing. It proved that When the period of first life had filled up, he left the world. According to the grammar,
some rules are exceptions, according to the Bible and the Quran, there are some exceptions and it is one of
them; another period wrote before hand that he would come again. There are a many commentators one will find
who speaks against the present explanation. Interest of the readers will increase when they will come to know
the truth gradually; and they will attend to hear the exception to the rule ahead about Jesus. At the age of thirtyeight
years, what a divine event added in! Of thinking it, the happening would touch me in otherwise definitely; (I
hoped that revelation of God would come to me) and two years is ruled by. I found no symptom, hint, ‘Elham’ or
heard anything of such nature. On that day, Who woke me up with violent inspiration, what reply I would submit
to Him; if the ‘Mosi’ in hand could not able to write anything?
Understood the message of
The Veda’s would be filled,
‘Kali Obatar’ or Krishna
Would not come again,
To say so,
To utter such word is not to easy,
Hindu religion says
Krishna will arrive again.
What would happen!
To the people of the earth,
If so!
A rude will boil and
Flare up in anger.
If Krishna or Kali Obatar, Buddha or Amity Buddha, Warner of Persian Jerathrost, Christ of Christian, Mosi of
Jews, they all arrive at the last era at a time, what would fall out to the world; and dispute with each other would
start again. In fact, arrival of those prophets had quoted in their respective Holy Books. In Islam a many
messages of God about arrival of Jesus revealed and ten times more revealed in Hadiths. In the last age if so
many religious minded Warner arrive at a time what be the state of the world and might fall into a disposition.
“And (Jesus) shall be a sign (for the coming of) the Hour ( Of Judgment) Therefore have no doubt about the
(Hour) but follow ye me, this is a straight way”. Sura 43 verse 61 Quran.
It is very easy to understand, according to the Quran before the resurrection day Jesus would come again. Two
verses are there, 3(46) and 43(61), Both revealed the same thing, if one had see the inner meanings of the verses
( in the verse 3(46) where Jesus raised up there a sign for coming again, that is nothing but the born of the state
But no, they tried to obstruct ‘Mosi’ to write and commented in various way showing the cause that Jesus died
naturally. If he dies in normal way then in the Quran and the Bible whatever stated they are wrong. I rack my brain
to remember his re-birth are also in vain. Successively the discussion will proceed on and it would bring forward
before the intellectuals. They will think over the matter and justify the right or wrong. It would leave to their hands
for judgment. My aim, duty and responsibility would finish at that stage. To say the truth, I had not to go for long
march of getting all the information about Jesus. Mr. Kadiani and his explanations carried me back to the near of
that dream and all points were in his store-house. It is to say, that is not a hindrance but helped me to research
ahead and made the best use of his evil-propagation. He claimed himself Jesus as well as Imam Mehdi. I read a
few books of him and took it to heart. It turns me over a new leaf on the way to write the book with the great
inspiration. Suddenly his writings removed all bar to progress of writings and created interest more and more. I
think lost item has found back and hard time ran away. Rectification of his books and truths bring forward have
become a guide for me and my dream and “Elham” say so.
“When Jesus came with clear signs, he said; now have I come to you with wisdom and in order to make clear to
you some of the (points) on which ye dispute; therefore fear Allah and obey me”. Sura 43 verse 63 Quran.
Jesus came with heavenly signs and God bestowed him Holy Book for the Jews. The Book reconciled to
previous Holy Books and principles of fore-prophets and there had spiritual light of Islam. Never had he (Jesus)
claimed himself God even then they like their ancestor called him God. It was the custom of their ancestor to
address a Prophet as a son of God. Mr. Kadiani carried out all sorts of introductions about Jesus just like a old
mad to achieve his goal; one would find no miserly-ness in it. One of the characteristic of his is that Mr. Kadiani
explained the ideas depending on the verses of Quran so far possible for him and pull up the arguments in
favour with utmost efforts to and fro to achieve the goal doing others down. Wherever he found obstruction in
the verses of Quran which did not go in favour, he mis-interpreted the verse to erect the claimed to tell it
exactness. If required he refused apart of Hadith or verse of Quran proclaiming the matter out of nature and
adopted unfair means. (For example : he said that none would land from sky ( Hadith), that is out of nature; but to
speak the truth I born in a sky in 1965, so I remember the prophecy of Mrs. Jenny Dixon of America at this
moment). In these circumstances what had I to say more about; that is the question to the readers! His all
speeches took down in heart to letter whatever I had to reveal in a word all he had already exposed of; but he
could not give iron will proof of God gifted signs in favour of him. His writings gave me peace in the face of deep
darkness thinking that at least research would not hamper to find haws and whets of doing works in the end.
“This is so, because Allah is the reality; it is He who gives life to the dead, and it is He who has power over all
things”. Sura 22 verse 6 Quran.
Very simple is that when earth becomes dead, it is God who gives life to the dead by raining. Every one
possesses sleeping hidden knowledge in one’s brain; it is God who awakens it, then turns him into light that
sleeping knowledge. Then one used to be absorbed in thought. He is Most Powerful that give the life to dead with
His own ability. The man who is strong with His shadow never talks tall. He is the first man in the world who gave
a title to himself that he is emperor of pen or a great writer. Mr. Mirza declared in firm tone to all of the world in
written that he received the Revelation of God, divine messages; in that he is not only Imam Mahdi but also Jesus.
Such type of rights and claims or any inheritance had any one who claims so in the world, let him come forward
before the general! What had one say, ‘Your claimed is quite a false account and tell a lie’. To justify right and
wrong it has to test by rubbing on a streak-plate and it should place before the intellectuals and readers. It is
earnest request to all to engage in reading the book to verify and put up the comments on the subject.
“Let not the evil one hinder you; for he is to you an enemy a vowed”. Sura 43 verse 62 Quran.
O my God, may you help! You save from the persuasion of Satan. Having behind controversy in deeds to become
famous, instead of that, dead is better than any type of black sheep. Covenant of Satan is weak, never it stay long
before the truth.
Imagination of thought is
Comprehends by underlying truth,
O All Wise!
Help all to cross the bar
Hindu and non-Muslims are.
In what condition
I passed by thirty-eight years,
How worthless it is!
Ever not known Kadiani sect,
What is their opinion
And doctrine,
And who is Bahai?
Judge does not wander
In his own laws of religion is.
True Saints, Virtuous and Ascetics do not consider the race and religion
but important to them, the man is above all. A person is belongs to which religion is not the question to them but
the person is known to them as a servant of God. In this regards it is to say that Jesus arrival is not confined with
Muslim and Christian because he is the sign of the Day of Resurrection ( day of resurrection would not come for
any race but it is for all). Therefore, anybody say so (Jesus) his characteristics are to examine thoroughly, one
thinks so. Thirty-eight years ruled by without any spiritual jobs. Rest of the life should pass at least under
devotion to God. If not so why not to try hard to make an effort in thought of God. To do so has there any
difficulty. It knew not that Kadiani and Bahai both have their own doctrine. It also not acquainted with that there
are so many castes in Islam and they had different type of view of their own. So much short of knowledge in
owns religion if one possesses then what to talk about other religions.
“For Allah is with those who restrain themselves, and those who do good”. Sura 16 verse 128 Quran.
From the above verse it learnt that if individual fully submits himself to will of God, he gets benefit and Allah
always remains with him, in this way under the guidance of words of God individual obeys the Holy Book from
his inner heart and they are righteous. Readers perhaps know that Mosi-Kadiani brought in near about eightyfour
books before the mass. Writing so many books with the help of self-style traders still the caste has been
busy to publication to preach their doctrine. The revealed Mosi would like to throw away the writings of the
emperor of pen into astray which are injurious to the principles of Islam, misinterpretation of Quran and Hadith
and also claiming of prophet. Signs in the earth and in the sky have been shown to remove the claim of Jesus
and Imam Mehdi for-ever. Such type of research project may be too hard but to find out solution endeavors will
“If any do seek or glory and power, to Allah belong all glory and power. To Him mount up (all) words of purity: it
is He Who exalts each deeds of righteousness, those that lay plots of evil,_ for them is a penalty terrible; and
plotting of such will be void (of result)”. Sura 35 verse 10 Quran.
To fight for the power (in any sector) means to create disorderliness in future in the world (any type of doctrine
spread out all over the world within no time). To do more in this respect one is to try level best to come out from
evil doers who have gone astray. One is to put forward the words of God of Holy Book and all sorts of arguments
and law of nature before them. Otherwise, evil doers would make it too bad and say that it was a deceptive
artifice of one’s ill mind; as a result, before the eyes of people it would pay heed as rust. In fact, the description
of the dream is nothing but a dream only (in one’s view it is not so important). Only considering the dream one
can not write a book which is difficult to comprehend; it is not at all possible for a man which is beyond
probabilities if not something hidden truth involved in under the dream seen (if any saint come out with all truth
and expose it to general man would say something indicating madness). On that day when the dream shown and
a little conversation held, that time could not answer to the point on because of ignorance. One gets a chance for
the better considering one’s knowledge. It thought that others got divine messages at forty. Same thing might
happen in this respect also, and the knowledge of unseen would add in. God would send some signs for it,
thinking so rise up to occasion time to time though it had in heart whatever heard on that day should have to
write with a view to obey His command.
“ Now no person knows what delights of the eye are kept hidden ( in reserve) for them- as a reward for their
(good) deeds”. Sura 32 verse 17 Quran.
Praise to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. Any deed which men do never go in vain. If one does
good deed for that he would get reward in the world as well as Hereafter. If it is bad deed then one is to suffer,
fire is for one’s penalty. If the job is for the welfare of mankind and does it thinking so then for one’s reward is
bless in the garden Hereafter which man can not imagine even. It is very difficult to understand His artistry.
Whatever seen in practical man understands that only rest all they imagined and express the ideas through
hypothesis. Among them, some become true others are suspicious. In the Quran whatever revealed as a
suspicious and promised to give a clear statement on Final day, so to say about the matter and give final
decision about any suspicious matter (like Jesus) it goes against the decision of the Quran ( Mr. Kadiani
discovered the grave of Jesus at Kashmir). What punishment would hold for such type of evil job only God
knows better?
“ He created not the heavens, the earth, and all between them, but for just ends. And the Hour is surely coming
(when this will be manifest). So overlook (any human faults) with gracious forgiveness”. Sura 15 verse 85 Quran.
The sky, the earth and its all materials brought in under the man. It created for the benefit of men. Allah advises
the righteous to forgive them those who do injustices. In that, they do injustices and speak bitter to the Apostles,
and they will bring forward under trail on that Day. Before the Day of Resurrection, definitely God will show the
Signs to His servants to rectify themselves (a final warning would come to His servants). In this, matter who
would protect Him if He wants to expand the heart of one. Perhaps He opened the transcendental vision of eyes
and knowledge’s.
There are many helpless
(Men) ill fated alike,
Died before the hour
Though time was not fulfilled,
True sense of believes come at forty
Whoever he Hindu,
Non-Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim,
Simply he is a man:
That is the identity.
Name, fame, sects, racial,
Character everything is below it.
A many passed away have no account before they realized the truth. God revealed in a verse a person become
more dutifulness and firm in believe at forty. However, whom He likes and bestowed kindness he surrenders to
God before it. To God the only way is peace or Islam. If anyone comes under it, even He loves ones as a servant
of God. To prove: man is better than race. As a result, to serve for the betterment of humankind is a social
service. It looked upon as a good deed to all religions. Leaving all aside giving preference to all religions made a
place for all in Islam; perhaps this literary composition is unique.
“Say, ‘the Holy Spirit’ has brought the revelation from thy lord in truth, in order to strengthen those who believe
and as a Guide and glad tidings to Muslims”. Sura 16 verse 102 Quran.
Said truth, Signs of warning and whatever related, Jibrail (A) has not brought it, and he has not appointed in this
regards. However, in it truth left behind, no need to tell it so. It is absolutely for those who are righteous. Nature
and its practical happenings some are to think over among themselves. Door of truthfulness will remain open
forever. God is above all. He is above arguments and logic’ of man, Most Powerful. Therefore, no one can define
His power and bring it under any logic. It is true that knowledge in Arabic is very poor. In that language
arguments and logic could not put up, it is humble submission to the readers.
“That He might justify and prove falsehood false distasteful though it be to those in guilt” Sura 8 verse 8 Quran.
Before and after the above verse and their meaning may be other subject but presently it showed that
truthfulness win all the time and it defeats the falsehood; so it is easy to present it good way. Some of the
intellectuals assume that God is just observing silently and doing nothing. He has no ideas what is coming in
and what is going out. He created the worlds but nature is doing all and it is not countable to Him. It is wrong
(man invents nothing but discovers and reconstructs something, but God invents everything out of nothing).
Who is Guardian of all? In His account, there is no mistake. He is not sitting idle. When a period passed over then
He brings in another period. He does the job through His servants liked person. He appoints some one to
accomplish the job and do needful with the help of ‘ Mosi’ (because the pen is more sharper than the sword). He
placed of such things before His servants, which is sharper than the sword ‘Power’. By it untruthful and their
claims go into astray and it becomes disorder.
“Behold! The angel said, ‘o Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a word from Him : his name will be Christ
Jesus, The son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to
Allah”. Sura 3 verse 45 Quran.
It revealed in a Holy Book that when Mariam (a) was proceeding towards the east then the angel came before her.
He gave her good news of the words of God or “kalema”. It means she would give birth to a son by a special
miracle without any sexual means. From ‘kalema’ he is entitled to the named ‘ kalamullah’. Mosi and
kalemutuallah both the name mentioned in Quran as well as in Injil/ new Bible. So the distinction meaning of Mosi
except pen in Bengali no events can fulfill his action (it is a assumption). It is the mosi/pen through which a
person writes right or wrong. It is only possible to bring to light through pen. If the readers go-ahead then they
will find the wording of Mr. Kadiani where he exposed himself emperor of the pen; and there is none who can
compete with him in the world. It is a lie; an act of brandishing a lie and untrue claim (empty vessels sound
much). At this juncture telling not more it states that by the mosi/pen one can write a false episode, a folktale and
a story. As his story is false before the eyes of intellectuals his title is so called pen Mirza or Mosi Mirza.; if any
one say so it is not enough. According to his title he is so called emperor of Mosi Mirza Golam Ahmed kadiani ( in
Bengali). Reason to say so, his arguments and logics are not in favor of Holy religion books. However, they claim
that they put up the logics to the right sequence. Almost all logics are made of own, other than this; there is
nothing to believe in.
“Think not that Allah doth not heed the deeds of those who do wrong, He but giveth them respite against a day
when the eyes will fixedly stare in horror”. Sura 14 verse 42 Quran.
Generally, it understood that Satan gave time until the Day of Resurrection, then why other evildoers and their
sects would not get time until their dead. If any one claim that received the revelation of God and survives until
the times of one is dead then there is nothing to become astonish. Relating to these God is very much aware of it.
The research work presently done May good or bad but to speak the truth is very essential what felt by. For
consideration, it left to the hand of readers. “ O my God, a sinner and ignorance raise his hands to You, Your
selected Mosi, how can Your mosi go-ahead! May You give power to hit the logics and arguments of evildoers
and lairs , to hit such way that false breaks to pieces and go astray, so that with the help Yours history of truth
might write. May you bestow the strength? Amin.
No, never race are not
Example for men in the world,
Humanity especially fit to remember.
Gentle and polite angels are sufficient,
Without doing direct object,
Only remembrance is inferior
When individual gain full knowledge,
See one under ocean
Of the first of the seven worlds
Both the legs fastened,
With is rope of beloved persons.
A man does not re-known by a name. To become famous one is to prove by one’s deed. Coming with a name
‘Ahmed’ if any one claims he is Imam Mehdi (king of the world) then there are hundreds of ‘Ahmed’ would
become praised man. The name ‘Ahmed’ is not applicable to others (all Muslims are Mohammed and Ahmed).
Even, some cheater is using the name and with the misinterpretation, (Ahmed is Jesus who had to come and too
Imam Mehdi). They have been trying to cheat the Muslims ( showing the verse in Quran). Identity of man is only
man in fact. There were no reasons to create the man where laces and cores angels had have been praise to God
all the time. God has given very much preference to social service of human kind. When a man earns full of
knowledge then he declines towards God, but there he sees that he is under the ocean, his two legs fastened
with the rope of beloved persons and it is very difficult for a man to disown beloved. Surrender of one’s will to
the will God is one of the main characteristics of good Muslim, for that no one raise such questions to God that
why the man is created?
“Remember ye implored the assistance of your Lord, and He answered you; I will assist you with thousand of the
angels, ranks to ranks. Sura 8 verse 9 Quran.
‘O my God, when Your beloved involved in a terrible mishap at that juncture You helped him by sending angels
to assist him. If such answer May, you apply to this crisis! If not Who else in the verse can do so in every step.
The man who wrote eighty-four books for his sect, before him a person like is very little what it feels in heart. May
you the only help it out from the turning point!
Maulana Ejaj Ahmed related, “ Mr. kadiani said that the great religion namely world wins famous religion (is
Islam). To be a claimant (of Jesus/Imam Mehdi) one must possess some conditions. What are the
characteristics? What are the assessments to become a claimant? Mr. Kadiani brought to light a few books, there
he exposed such type of conditions to convey it to the people of the world that: before in those conditions no
religion can stand except Islam. Because this religion is pure, alive, greatest and universal, (International) and its
acceptance and fitness are remarkable. He put forward six conditions and assessments to keep eye on those
points to qualify one as a claimant. He conveyed it to the people of the world to look at those points:
(11) First assessment is the claimant should submit documents from own religion book. Otherwise its
superiority not acceptable rather that would become a proverb – silence implies consent of complainer but
witness over whelming. (reference: Ahmadiat, page- 142)
“In their heart is a disease and Allah has increased their disease; and grievous is the penalty they (incur)
because they are false (to themselves). Sura 2 verse 10 Quran.
Those who tell lie, misinterpret (verse of Quran) and bring in the meaning of a ward (Quran) according to their
selfishness, they are not true themselves. If anybody criticize them they say that they are wise and moderate,
what they understand others not. They are very much wise and person of power of understanding. God says
that the evil increases the disease of heart for that penalty terrible punishment is waiting for them.
‘O people of the world, Mr. Kadiani invited in blank and white to submit the evidential documents of own religion.
It would have to produce in such a way that his claimant of Jesus was a lie (as well as all demands). Firstly, a
Muslim is going to compare another one (though Pakistan and Saudi Arab has given him a title as unbelievers).
Mosi Kadiani (emperor of pen) placed the verses from Quran saying those as a greatest witness in favor of him
and so the case for other also. It is very open secret that the arrival of Jesus is not only for Islam but also for all
the religions. Even his challenge-accepted content with to remove the doubts of the people. If one is Muslim that
one is to come forward with the logics and arguments from the Holy Quran, in the same way Christians from new
Bible, Buddhist from Tripatak, Jews from old Bible, Hindus from Bedh and others from their Holy Books.
Individual is to produce documents in favor of him then Mosi Kadiani would draw off making his face deface. A
person came out with logics and arguments of all sects and castes religion books before the mass and requested
all intellectuals and readers to read the book in open heart. They are to read the book for the sake of knowledge
leaving aside spite and envy. If one keeps in mind and realize the matter then ‘peace’ in the world knocking at the
door. It believes that soon the door of peace will open for all. Six hundred people of the world namely Christian,
Buddhist, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and others are the son of Adam and servant of God (Adam tried to establish
peace rather all prophets came to establish peace. It is very difficult to say who the follower of Islam is and who
is not. Because Islam in broad sense means who believe one God and give no share to Him he is of Islam).
Quackery in own religion
For mean selfishness,
Thanks giving Shiva
To you humble avaricious
Scattered own ideology
Throughout of the world,
‘O wretched got a reward
Given by God for misdeeds.
How possible to stop
By rich opulence
The red dyed bow a
And arrow of Krishna bow.
Islam is definitely selected religion of God. Anyone hides in it keeping it in mind to work against Islam then he
would become famous for one’s misdeed, with the help of riches to get a position for that one, it is not possible
to become so. Those who have such bad intention in their mind proceeding forward to preach Islam will fall to
grief and compelled turn back from the path. According to Hadith in their forehead nature of the world marked a
few letters (K, F, R) means kafer or unbelievers, which is not removable because God will keep their significance
alive to show others for example. They are none but the soldiers of the great Mosi. At the rear ‘Teer of Krishna
Danuk’, or arrows of Krishna bow will hurt them in such way like poison, the arrow itself poisonous, which will
hurt the body of those evils wounding at several parts of their bodies. Because their nature of habits different to
others. Those are waywardness disobedient and unruly. No body can bring them under control with any true
advices. By caste, they are to be from other sects it is not mentioned anywhere but an unbeliever always stands
still as an unbeliever to the eyes of Islam. Rather The Cherisher of the world revealed that they are unbelievers or
kafer. If they are not from Islam then how can one say them unbelievers who stand still in that position? No need
to tell someone that one is unbeliever newly from other sects, because that one is already there. Then who are
those new?
“Never think that Allah would fail His apostles in His promise: For Allah is Exalted in power,”. Sura 14 verse 47
Mosi Mirza Golam Kadiani is one of claimant of prophets, he did not hesitate to Quote a volume of verses of
Quran in his books misinterpreting those, another will come to do the same then who would find out real truth?
So far the believe reach responsibility should have given to some sects namely Kadiani,Bahai and Jews to
determine the truth. It should one remember that God whom bless power no one can resist that one. If any one
like comes to put in one’s claim producing all logics, arguments and philosophy from all religion books not of
own only then is there anyone who can deny his theology in the world ( the person has nothing to loose because
he is not a claimant of Jesus/ Imam Mehdi )?
“Curses were pronounced on those among the children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and
Jesus the son of Mary because they disobeyed and persisted in excesses”. Sura 5 verse 81 Quran.
According to the verse, no need to discuss long about accursed nation like the Jews who had disobeyed the
command of apostles. Their persistence was so rude that they did not hesitate to kill the apostles of God at open.
A sect who wished to do such evil deeds was scattered all over the world like gypsy. At the eleventh hour, with
the help of riches countries made some tricks (to defeat the Christian and Muslim to prove the verse of Quran is
a lie). In both Holy Books new Bible and Quran, God revealed that the nation is unbelievers and cursed the nation
by the prophets David and Jesus.
“ And (then unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah”. Sura 3
verse 54 Quran.
(perhaps it is known to all that Quran speaks past, present and future events in the verse). Christians, Jews and
Muslims know that the Jews made an evil plan to crucify Jesus in cross. Man does something through science
and mediation, which is magic or fiction but God does it in real sense out of understanding and out of nature too.
Those who give firm decision about happened fiction they are definitely unbelievers. Because God can only
show the real fiction, man cannot do that; as for example, man can not apart the moon into two pieces but God
did so and it is not possible for man to bring it to his knowledge.
“Behold! Allah said, O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (falsehood) of those who
blaspheme, I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject Faith, to return unto Me and I will
judge between you of the matters where in ye dispute”. Sura 3 verse 55 Quran.
It is earnest request to all to read the above verse once and again repeat once again. (All logics and arguments
brought into light through its inner meanings loving all and sundry religions bound together with fair play. One
must try to understand the verse in all respect word to word. This is root of verses from where the logics,
theology and arguments start on to make sure that the name and fame is not a cause to stand for a person rather
the time once gone never comes back or time and tide wait for none. The man who does not understand its
meaning and explanation he gets any interest to read the book. Other verses are very less important which
discussed. Other verses quoted may have no good terms with writings but they are also useful to speak on
behalf of the points writing).
Therefore, what has spoken before that one is to try to understand the verse, its inner meaning and realize it in
heart. The verse narrated about Jesus rose up; it is too arrival of Jesus is there. Other than, these solutions of
other critical problems are there:
(12) When a period fulfilled he rose up towards God.
(13) He rose up among the Jews, his enemy.
(14) He cleared off from all sorts of trouble of falsehood.
(15) His followers would reign all over the world until the Day of Resurrection.
(16) In addition, the matter about his crucifixion and its dispute, a decision would have given on the Day of
final Judgment.
Discussion of point (1): A few selfish commentators demonstrated other verses in relation to dead and
brought in the words in the verse, tried to prove that Jesus died on the other side they became claimant of
Jesus misinterpreting the other verses in favor of them. (One said it is out of nature about Jesus arrivals). If
their statements are true (ask them when has the Quran been written?) then it is to say that the Quran
revealed later but written ever before against the law of nature which passed as a law of God that Jesus would
come again. There is nothing to compare with other verses in relation to Jesus arrivals and has no remedy of
coming as like as Jesus.
Discussion of point (2): There were a many Jews who were unbelievers, in front of them Jesus rose up (but
none of them know it, presently some commentators have been stating either and thither Jesus rose up after
three days when he came out from the grave, there one would find no Jews other then his followers). If
another verse quoted in relation to Jesus arrivals, that one would find no man. so some moderate
commentators define it God revealed in front of his enemy he raised up but in the verse other than then
present discussion one they find no enemies of Jesus, they must go through this verse but sorry to say it
would come no use of them.
Discussion of point (3): God revealed that you cleared off from the enemies; it would not mean that he had
taken to the cross. It might that the job of raising up had done before the cruci-fiction held. (Here is point to
note that God said He is All-Wise and Most powerful. The man who is nearly dead and come round there is
nothing to say He is Most powerful because many cases like happened, happening and will happen).
Discussion of point (4): (Let the Christians be the followers of Jesus, and then they reign all over the world
though Muslim says they are the true followers of Jesus. In true sense, it is correct). “Those who follow the
superior to those who reject Faith” it is until the day of resurrection. If both Christians and Muslims are the
followers of Jesus then the verse fulfilled its period, and so unbelievers gave a birth to a new nation, which
cursed ever before. As a result, a period was over, another period also passed by and third period came in;
and whatever events have to happen in that the arrival of Jesus is welcoming at the door even he is present at
door. Where in the verse Jesus raised up there he comes giving a birth of cursed nation. It is simply to say
that with the born of Israel state the period of the verse came to an ended and Muslims are no more to say in
success. (It is to note that it does not mean at all to fight against anyone but the solution is peace. One who
lives is not anybody else but one lives in one’s motherland what was. So it is to remember, they are none but
the followers of a great prophet Moses whom Muslims also obey and the verses about him more than
anybody else are in Quran. Moses is one of the followers of Islam. So it has to say God is one and there is
none to share Him and be in peace).
Discussion of point (5): Those who agreed and explained too many people Jesus had taken to cross hanging
him up telling he was nearly dead, there they stated God is Most powerful and All-wise ( a many people stand
in a queue and soldier fired them, one is save; of course, it is Kindness of God. To say Himself Most powerful
and All-wise definitely He did something which is out of imagine. It is think, some one is in little doubt about
the verse). According to the verse, the happening would remain in doubt forever until the Judgment Day
comes. God will give its final verdict.
Does nature not build up
Something for you?
In whose hand All-Power lies.
At all if,
You want to compete in the world,
Then come on true way
Of the Holy Quran is.
With very much proud
Ye said to bring documents,
Say it not from which religions,
Your proud diminished,
Entire proves you find
In all religion books.
The person writing book all logics and signs God has created before his writings, so that it becomes acceptable
to all religions and sects at a period. It is He the Great, in whose Hand the sovereignty of nature lies. If you can
do so, bring it forward in accordance with Quran and Hadith. (Every thing possesses a virtue/ religion). The root
of religions is the nature of worlds, God made an example the nature in all respect and God advises man to run
the life as all other things run indiscipline (means in peace). Therefore, Islam is His religion most liked.
“What was the reasoning about us, which we gave to Abraham (to use) against his people we raise whom we will
Degree. For thy lord is full of wisdom and knowledge”. Sura 6 verse 83 Quran.
At the reign of Abraham God gifted him knowledge of nature, logics and proves. At present, it is a super
computer era, only divine speeches and truth if any one revealed without any practical proves it is not specific
for and may lose its acceptance. In the verse 3(55) what has spoken earlier about logics, arguments and proves
from other religions too it is hope that there is no way for some one to brig forward any arguments against those.
God may bestow His blessing on nature and the period, the period and the nature also beset with the said proves
and there is a practical proves is involved for example, it is the born of the state Israel. From the world map, the
existence of the state cannot rub off except God. So only the verse what it proved is truth, in against this verse if
any intellectual arrives at to other conclusion that person would not bring any logic against the happenings.
Finding no other way that might say Jesus arrivals is out of nature. Yea, it is true. It is His best trick, who is
Master of all tricks. The tricks the Jews played with Jesus God also played best tricks at that stage; there God
could bring in a sheep instead of man to hang up, but He did right thing in a right place. Therefore, He is All-Wise,
Most powerful and does the job in proportions.
“He shall speak to the people in child hood and in maturity and he shall be (of the company) of the righteous”.
Sura 3 verse 46 Quran.
It had known to Muslims and Christians Jesus would arrive again, but theologies that follow false are in doubt.
What they did? To fulfill their selfishness hold a funeral parade and graved Jesus at Kashmir. (What they did not
observe but heard that a grave found of some named not known made it the grave of Jesus. A fool finds all other
greater fools to believe the matter as historical feature without any proves). In the above verse ‘He will speak to
the people in maturity’ such sentence is none in the Quran and for no prophets it mentioned. The misinterpret
related that Jesus was alive after the cruci-fiction had held for seventy-seven years. If they determinedly say it so,
then come out with his rest of the life history. If they could do so then it would prove that their logics and
arguments are true up to some extend. Other then these all are raved and lest acceptable to the readers. Why
would God reveal such extra sentence for nothing? (No body dies before his time over). Until the period is over
events would not appear to happen. (If anyone research he may find the arrival of Jesus in every religion books).
No doubt, God raise him up but Quran, Taurat, Injil and Hadith almost in all religion books revealed about his
arrival though it is out of nature and God never deviates from His promise. Exceptions are in man made grammar.
Perhaps men are to look at so many happenings, which are not law of nature at end of period. (It is also new that
according to the religion books a great writer that Mosi writer would arrive before the mass).
“Nay, Allah raised him up unto himself; and Allah is Exalted in power, Wise”. Sura 4 verse 158 Quran.
(“There is difference of opinion as to exact interpretation of this verse. The words are the Jews did not kill Jesus
but God raised him up ( rafa’a) to Himself. One school holds that Jesus did not die the usual human death, but
still lives in the body in heaven; another holds that he did die 5(20) verse but not when he crucified and that his
being “raised up” unto God means that instead of being disgraced as a malefactor, as the Jesus intended, he
was on the contrary honored by God as apostle)”. Abdullah Yousuf Ali.
“Leaving all aside Jesus raise up in a body to Heaven or he did die, let all go forward how these sorts of
arguments and notion of people goes off from their mind”.
One of the sect quoting the above verse said that ‘before and after’ the verse found none whom God sent to hang
up instead of Jesus. (Here a point noted that where ‘before and after’ one verse required to assess the name of
Jesus there this sect avoid the point. In the mentioned verse, this sect got an opportunity to tell whom God sent
to hang up. Question to them so far discussed, is it out of Quran?) Ultimately, Jesus had taken to the cross and
hanged him up but he was nearly dead to them. Repeatedly it said that here God revealed that He is Most
powerful not for nearly dead. For a mere thing God never say He is Most powerful but as a whole for cruci-fiction
He uttered so. It discussed earlier, for nearly dead God has kindness but not to apply His power. In the world so
many cases like are still happening. It was nothing but miracle of God. A man after death had taken to give bathe
there it found that he was alive. For the sake of arguments, it has not to say it is the quality of Most powerful. If
say so, what would say to those: apart of moon into two pieces, travel to Miraj, a road on the river Nile, after
three hundred years God woke them up from cave and brought them out before the general etc. These sorts of
Miracles of God have no value if one says that nearly dead person got back life and it is one of the quality of God
is Most powerful.
“As to those who reject faith I will punish them with terrible agony in the world and in the Hereafter, nor will they
have anyone to help”. Sura 3 verse 56 Quran.
Those who reject the faith may of old age or present age they would not free from blame. When they took part
with explanation of the verse, let them look at the power of nature and observe it in heart that the book stated
true or not. Muslims are the real followers of Jesus. The read Quran daily at least five times and there they pray
to God uttering the name of Jesus.
“Our Lord! We believe in what Thou hast revealed, and we follow the Apostle; then write us down among those
who bear the witness”. Sura 3 verse 53 Quran.
The Muslim believes the Quran and its verses blindly (but Non-Muslims do not believe those). On that day, they
came to know discovering the sun moves around the galaxy but to say at this period in 1928 when the body of
Mosi Mirza Ahmed mixed up with mud including bones and ribs. Therefore, it is essential to clear off the way
from fraud ness and stop spreading out the net of fume. Earning extra ordinary knowledge if anybody has a
chance to speak left and right then that one should only remember God and run in the way of Apostle. It is the
easiest way for that one. Men are the hidden mysterious, divine love, knowledge of God. Service of human kind is
one of the roots of prayer. Here it noted that those who understand a little about the verse 3(55) of Quran then
definitely Muslims and Christians both the castes think over that the born of a new state Israel has formed
against the verse of Quran (as well as against new Bible) at a period. It is not that to acknowledge defeat of Islam
rather it happened at period to bring out the events in time, which fixed to happen.
It is not proud of
But wishes of God,
Let you know the
Other religions too,
First go through own religion,
God raised him up in the heaven.
However, you buried him
In a graveyard at Kashmir,
To brighten own character
(You) buried him at Kashmir.
The person never proud of it whatever writings on but it is all through a mirror wishes of God. One of the sects
may think their books had written and brought forward against the will of God. In reply it would say that no, never.
They also did so according to the events what to happen it happened to fulfill the word what God revealed ever
before. They are proud of with the name Ahmed that is not only Mohammed (peace and blessing of God be upon
him) but equally applicable to Mosi Mirza Golam Ahmed Kadiani too. Doing the explanation untruth, they
maddened with pride. For that reason, Mosi Mirza discovered a grave of someone in hurry to prove it historical
events that Jesus live long for one hundred twenty years life and died of as natural dead; in that he found selfcomplacency.
Satan is very much proud of because his name revealed in Quran more then hundred times, (for
nothing Mosi Mirza and his sect is proud of. God revealed that Jesus rose up in the sky.) Therefore, they think
that the sky means vacant. Other then this, they do not understand anything else. However, there is nothing like
vacant though it is not visible. God revealed that He created seven firmaments and equal land under it. Even then
they are busy to find out where Jesus can live in the sky (there is nothing to eat and live. It knew to all that man
does not die but changes).If the question asked where Mosi Kadiani lives? They would reply in “BarzaK” a place
where man lives after death. (Then they find a place to live. One thing one should know that nothing live without
food or alike except God). Therefore, everywhere up and down stages God created to live all sorts of His creation.
“Those who rejected Faith and do wrong Allah will not forgive them nor guide them to any way”. Sura 4 verse 168
Such miss-explanatory, unbelievers and different of success arrived in all stages and it would happen. They
bring a verse with that they include another verse from anywhere of the Quran and decide upon their plan of
action to recover their own selfishness. They try to keep the wrong alive and impress it to others. Readers might
have understood about the verse 3(55) which discussed earlier. By giving birth to a new cursed nation, would the
Quran become false? No, it is never, rather God is Most Artful in His tricks and defeat them bringing a new
events in that. Any other sector may say that after the fall off Rome reign over Jerusalem the meaning of the said
verse fulfilled.
“For them are glad tidings, in the life of the present and the hereafter; no change can there be: in the Words Allah,
this is indeed the supreme felicity”. Sura 10 verse 64 Quran.
Whoever believes in one God, and follows His Apostle, for him there is good news in the world and hereafter.
Who became claimant of Prophet after Mohammed (peace and blessing of God be upon him), he preached that
such type of tidings of God is his credit and he became peer, a religious teacher. In future, they will increase the
chair of Prophets to seat in the throne. They do not want to become public but they want chair of prime minister.
They think about like a saint what he thought about the rotation of rain, which has no end. However, the saint
believes in it that when there is beginning end is also there. However, the sect (who is claimant of Prophets one
after another) does not agree that there is an end and according to them prophets will arrive all the time, periods
concern. In fact, in 1947, U.N.O passed the law of Israel state and gave a birth to a child nation through law. Why
times and again talk of Israel comes about to write down the book. It is obviously may arise in one’s mind.
Therefore, it is His desires and He is Who undertakes this as verse revealed in Quran. The other reason is that in
the Hadith what related about a stone, it will give witness if any Jews lie concealed in that country. In practical
man knows that a stone does not speak out but in relation to Moses (peace of God be upon him) it proved its
power. (Therefore which have power it speaks man knows not it. In super computer era what speaks not! That is
the period, at super computer era, Jesus would arrive, so God revealed through a wise man stone will give
witness, other then this one finds no meaning of it.) In other way annotation of the nature such that in silence it
speaks. Saying about the Israel and its formed narrated it that it is against the verse of Quran. Opportunists may
take chance of it to criticize the matter. However, what one felt about the verse had taken it as a root of the
writings, act of writings would go forward in better way as well as the life history of own. What to talk about one
who explained the hidden meanings of the verse, more than this “Mareful Quran” had pointed out one’s attention
ever before and wrote down a long history which discussed later. There is nothing new in it. It is easy to say that
when unbelievers and conspirators plotted to build up a new cursed nation then God Who is best in tricks plotted
a great plan over it thus a person born in 1947 in a fixed time to bring forward his speeches before the general.
Reply of this matter, God knows better. Only as an introducer, the person has taken it to discharge his duties and
responsibilities. If anyone has more questions to ask, one should ask to nature that one feels reasonable.
“The hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the fire; no helper wilt thou find for them”. Sura 4 verse 145 Quran.
Double face men are more dangerous than the unbelievers are. In one side they introduce them as Muslim other
hand they try to find out the faults in the verses. Finding no fault in them they misinterpret the verse and impress
it to others to fell them also into grieves. In them Mosi Kadiani sect is one and different. Mosi Kadiani becomes
for some time Jesus, again for some time Mehdi and some time Mahdi. Mahdi means one who received the
revelation of God. Saying as like as Jesus they ask the question to say like Jesus, would it a crime? (In fact, what
is hidden in mind keeping it secret from others they preach their ideology). Mosi Kadiani revealed that without
the death of Jesus, revival of Islam would not possible. Their all sorts of erroneous theology had effected the
environment of world. Especially at this stage, these types of ideas, which had grown in them, created
misunderstanding and reaction among the people. (It forecasted earlier that Jesus though once upon a time was
a prophet, in his present arrival would not become a claimant of prophet.) Who is in the list of prophets but not
claimed so, the false prophet became a prophet and received the revelation of God by adding the name Mahdi
(received the Revelation). God knows better how far the claimant is acceptable to Him. In this period, anybody
comes and say that he is none but Jesus even then people will not believe it. Coming to the world again Jesus
definitely find out the illusive theology of Ahmediat sect declare to all the Quran is truth of God ( because the
Quran only cleared off all profane languages what Jews used against him and his mother). Hearing such verdict
others including Mosi Kadiani go against him. Because a many Mosi writer under the King writer will arrive. Day
after day, it will increase. In no case one should forget third period is a period for those, and a period comes in
then they would not get time to rectify.( in the light of Mareful Quran).
Near the door of irritable
Truth the lies veiled,
There is some truth in a rumor,
The history you revealed
Is of own,
See the revelation in new Bible
And word of cross,
Did Allah say total happenings a lie!
Such type of truth
May call is the history.
Man cannot do any sorts of deeds without the help of God but evil deeds have done with the instigation of Satan
or own, good deeds done with the help of God. Writings false as a history are count as heinous act. There is
proverb: not all rumors are true but cause is true. Therefore, whatever heard, something is there. For that reason,
one should not hurt their heart. They revealed in one of the book, there would arrive two Mosi’s (in Bengali) or
writers. At least one is he and desire to get a high position and a chair. Who is so great man in introduction (may
be one of the evildoers) no one should stop him without giving his appropriate remuneration for the deeds done
until then he or his sect would continue their deeds to bring forward before the people. There is a proverb: What
is lotted cannot be blotted. What has written in luck man cannot change it. What had fixed in fate that one would
express the same. If anyone say about cross then it is to say that all arrangement had done to crucify those
victims. The scene was before the eyes of the people and a man alike Jesus hung up in cross. The story was not
baseless (God revealed about it). Graving a man without proof one cannot say it is of Jesus and cannot tell
historical matter. To grave a man at Kashmir what it is, it is like a tomb of Khizir peace of God be upon him (an
old man with whom Moses had a talk in that period). In Bangladesh, so many tombs of Khizir peace of God upon
him one will find. Not only one but also so many tombs of popular religious teachers are still available in
Bangladesh where no dead body of those persons would found. (It is a matter of meditation of some other good
religious person that said tombs build up in the name of those famous person as they spiritually arrived in that
place) . In fact, their tomb still shows to others in Arabian country where their dead body place in the grave. This
kind of history is like throwing a stone in the darkness. Although this rationalistic sect does not believe in blind
the Quran as Muslim.
“If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods beside Allah, there would have been confusion in both!
But glory to Allah, the Lord of the throne: (high is He) above what they attribute to Him!” Sura 21 verse 22 Quran.
The above verse is very easy to understand and universal that if any other false gods were present except one
God there would have disorder, frictions, misunderstanding, hostilities and warfare among themselves. (That is
what non-Muslim bring in into the heart and pray to too many gods). Of seeing Mosi Kadiani’s statement, it
understood that God sent revelation to him from Whom Moses, Jesus and other prophets got the divine
messages. According to Mosi Kadiani”s statement, there is no doubt in it and with Whom the person had a
conversation is also stated the same God. As a result, both of them telling a lie before the general; other side one
of them definitely telling a lie and based on falsehood. How to justify which statement is true. Who is right and
who is wrong. Then the matter has to leave in the hand of readers and intellectuals. However, Mosi Kadiani did
not do so. The Christian believes in three gods, the father, the son and holy soul.) Mosi Kadiani could not bring in
any proves these three gods to one place. (There is nothing with him to prove it). The nature bestowed a person
to tell: he is the father, he is the son, and he is the holy soul “ruhh”. However, the person is none but a man.
When a period is over then another events come in (what fixed before hand). Men divided into many sects, sub
sects and groups (it seen that old Bible attached with Injil or new Bible and the Jews became the friend of the
Christian leaving the Muslim aside). A many are not keeping their eyes on the Hadiths; but why? Where is that
person who has to come, for whom so many people are waiting eagerly? For whom people are waiting he got a
title from God, that is why he called Isha Mosi, and Jesus Mosi. Another hand who took title himself as emperor
of writer, he called as Mosi “A” or Mosi “B” or emperor Mosi Ahmed Kadiani.
“Of the people there are some who say; we believe in Allah and the Last day: but they do not (really) believe, but
they only deceive themselves realize (it) not”. Sura 2 verses 8 and 9 Quran.
In the above verse what revealed said person are two faces man. Only reading a Kalema that is there is none
except God and Mohammed is His apostle (Rasul) is not enough to become a Muslim. Two faces man keep their
legs on two boats and do not hesitate to do so. They so such that they say; end of prophet means not real end of
it but it is for a period. (They quoted some example of the word, which used before for the end of prophet still
then prophets came after a period). The word “seal” used for a period and seal means a ring used for sealing.
Therefore, the prophet Mohammed may peace and blessing of God upon him is not a last prophet but a greatest
one. Agreeing upon their theology may one ask a question to them that there is no end of prophet’s arrival until
the day of Resurrection, and therefore, he should come out with the appropriate logics and revelation of God (not
the revealed portion of Ahmediat but firm proofs. If not, get away from the path come to the right way as others.
No matter to err is human, whatever done is done, come back to Faith because virtue prevail over evil one day). If
there is an end then all created things has an end except God and His knowledge. Two faces man only try to find
out ambiguous word and different meaning, which is not subject concern to bring in prophets after prophet.
Constructing a base on sand or lie no body can reach at the top position, it is next to possible. Dam constructed
by sand goes off with the little hurt of sea wave so as the evil will of foolhardy can easily detect by eyes.
“ But those who reject Faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of Faith- never will
their repentances be accepted : for they are those who have ( of set purpose) gone astray”. Sura 3 verse 90
Those who say that name of a place “ kadian” is in Quran, what Mosi Kadiani proposed in written to God, in reply
God approed it and as a sign the red ink of pen while God giving an approval (due to spray to take out ink from
pen) the ink of the pen fall down to shirt ( Punjabi a cloth). What a fantastic legend it is! They are absolutely missexplanators
and disown person of true Hadiths. Otherside they read the “kalema” there is none to pray except
God Mohammed is His apstole (Rasul). For that, reason only none can say them unbelievers.
Mosi Mirza Golam Ahmed Kadiani saw the light of the world in 1985 on 13th February, Friday in the morning at
Punjab.( Mosi according to New and old Bible). His parents name is Mirza Golam Murtuza and Mrs. Cherag Bibi
successively. It conveyed to the people to justify right or wrong the information may require.
“Knowest thou not that to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth? And besides Him ye have
neither patron nor helper”. Sura 2 verse 107 Quran.
If any one goes to debate with the particular sect, they will play tricks putting false and thousand of examples,
which are base on lie. (A prophet always respect other Prophets what Muslims Know better than any other sects
do). It happened so that Mosi Kadiani denied the supernatural activities of Jesus in a public gathering where the
Christians were present. It was a historical gathering to hear about Mosi Kadiani’s claim to becoming a false
Jesus; why he denied the fact, which is very clear in Quran. Because he is to win in that debate what held some
where in America; (that is not the quality of a prophet).
In relation to the fact, God bestowed a person such power of nature, which would not create any clash among the
people. It would never require asking a question to the said person. Because the nature, the land and the time
these three will never tell a lie. “O people of the God, even then would you look at the matter and look at it
silently? Then know it that the sovereignty of the nature of the worlds and the sky in the Hand of God”.
One came to know the date of birth of Mosi Kadiani when he arrived in the world there was nothing happened
irregular so that God need to sent him for any special act to accomplish it. In this regards God knows better. To
fulfill the date of Sura 3(55) of Quran, one is to arrive what one defined (its better knowledge in them who are
experts). Before the time Mosi Kadiani arrived as a claimant (the events not known to him) of Jesus. The arrival of
him, as like as, when God determined to settle man in the world, Satan instigated Adam and Eve peace of God
upon them both to eat the prohibited fruits thus they all came to the worlds to dwell and will of Satan fulfilled in
evil way. In that period the cursed nation of the Jews was not born. Mosi Kadiani had even in knowledge about
the state that a country as like as would take place in world map. As a result, his all arguments made to say:
when will of God was settle down man in the world Satan did the thing earlier with evil plan to punish the man by
instigating to eat prohibited fruit and so to fulfill his evilness up to his satisfaction.
People laugh at your wordings,
A long dwelling in the world
(Of Prophet Jesus)
Has no history, no proof of it,
A word of full aged
Had not accomplished,
Whatsoever in the Holy Book
Had not proof,
(If one) Wants to know
Tthe reason of making a long bridge,
(Growth of population increases day by day. It is one of the factor that the religion what one learns from boyhood
it act upon in that person strongly. Whatever the religion is one originates its true in one’s mind without
comparing with others. One becomes to thousand without any sorts of publication due to increase of population).
Neglecting and criticizing the theology of Mosi Kadiani and his sect near about one hundred and fifty years
passed away. Still then, their ill activities have been going on everywhere. It is less possible to stop it until and
unless one of them should come forward with the truth to hold it up. (In addition, it is applicable for all religions
too. May God help in it). It does not mean at all that they are running in right way. “He will speak to the people in
maturity” the sect disagree upon it thus they are unbelievers by denying the verse of Quran. (Argument placed
against it that he had already spoken at Kashmir). What they discovered a historical grave of Jesus definitely
there would have a mythology which should have to bring forward to the Christian and too Muslims. It believed
that nothing they would produce before the general. However, for argument sake they blame the (nature) that
whatever gone never comes back (about arrival of Jesus). So far, knowledge goes the nature will behave against
their thinking and one by one signs will come forward in front of the people before the day of resurrection. They
will remain strict on their point until the time what had written before hand. (So is the case for the arrogant
people also). Advancement of a few signs before the arrival of Jesus quoted in the Holy Books. These books are
the witness as geometrical prove, in that a sign is pronoun the word “He” meant for Jesus in a verse of Quran, in
spite of Jesus evil doers will become claimant of Jesus and tell that pronoun “He” word is used for that evil
person. People will know that would become another geometrical theorem for that evil person. Does he or his
sect wanted to prove such pronoun “he” used in Quran for Jesus turning the word as “he” for Mosi Kadiani? If
the claimant cannot prove he is Jesus then arrow of Krishna bow will follow them to hit as a missile at the back
though it is a computer era. (At present world improved and the instrument and equipment of war is also
improved then what is the use of Krishna arrow and Bow). When it rains, there is none in the world, a bared can
save from a drop of that rains. It is belongs to God and most powerful in all respect. Even it is thousand times
more powerful than a modern bomb. A road constructed very long and bridge made on the ocean so that every
one can pass by from east to west. It is for not only brother’s relationship but also to follow last and final
warning of God. (There is no other way to go right and left for a man).
“He said; ‘O Adam! Dwell thou and thy life in the garden; and eat of the bountiful things there in as (where and
when) ye will, but approach not this tree or ye run into harm and transgression. Then did Satan make them slip
from the (garden), and get them out of the state said; “Get ye down, all (ye people) with enmity between
yourselves on earth will be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a time”. Sura 2 verses 35&36
(Was it known to people that the man lived in the heaven as well as in the earth). In the sky or heaven man can
live on and all arrangements made to produce food or alike for one to live on. The sky meant for an unseen
border or a barrier but not for to mean nothing or vacant. God revealed that He created seven firmaments and
equal land under them. There all creatures like animals are there. Persuading Adam and Eve Satan made them
disgraceful filling up selfish desire. Willingness of God to settle man in the world happened but Satan evilness
proved through an ill activity done by Adam and Eve. Willingness of God fulfilled by evil deed of Satan, at earlier
what God wanted to do Satan made it hurry with evil deed. Sometimes it happened in some cases. Satan is first
enemy of man. He always tries to do evil job before hand to get his companion and their strength to increase.
With great desire, people are waiting for the arrival of Jesus. Before hand, Satan induced a man to become Jesus.
Perhaps man knows it that sly and knavery increases when one think about evilness. Although all points about
arrival of Jesus touched near by but could not bring out truth. (Mosi Kadiani) with the help of Satan tried to proof
all but gave a shape of miss explanation of verses, Hadiths and own made legend of Jesus. Misunderstanding
and conflict between groups to group have been going on by giving own arguments regarding the verses and
arrival of Jesus. There should an end of it, but it takes time to do so. Man does not know when Jesus will arrive
and how. However, Satan is very clever in that evil sense. He understands by seeing signs in the sky. He wants to
fulfill his desire by increasing labors in his own country. For that, he applies all his tricks. In his tricks who, falls
they pray to the sun and the moon, on behalf of sun and moon Satan speaks out and convince the man telling
them sun and moon are power, gods. In the way, he increases the strength of his own. In that, greedy people also
fall on love of lie of Satan. They agreed upon on his devil stipulations and utter what Satan teaches (if one does
not say sun is god then there one has found any result of one’s work. It is such that devotion of man to a bad
thing and pray to it Satan makes it successful, which cannot stand in front of truth. It is a devil power given to
him). Mean and selfish person abide by his evil suggestion and get companionship with him.
“If a suggestion from Satan assails thy (mind) seek refuge with Allah for He heareth and knoweth (all things)”.
Sura 7 verse 200 Quran.
God advises the man to seek help if he falls on trap of Satan. It is the habit of Satan to compromise and suggest
evil to an ignorant. The Quran is the principal of all rules laid down unaltered. In that case, some one put down
one’s own verdict that prophets in Islam would arrive all the time and periods concern, which against the law of
Quran. It may bring destruction for the Muslims. These types of people so not hesitate to say that such new type
of prophets are the best of all Prophets passed by. Possessing such notion in their mind, they take part in
religion gathering which cause to engage in a quarrel. (Even one will find separate Mosque for those arrogant
people). Man has no ability to fight with the nature. In silence the man, tolerate the rules and unruly behaviors of
nature: neither the man can say anything to nature nor they can revolt against the nature. The Signs laid down in
different Holy Books what nature going to reveal before the eyes of people that the truth philosophy of Quran,
Hadiths, new Bible and old Bible would go into astray if one does not listen it. That time nature itself revolt
against the people who disagree the Signs of God.
Some verses had revealed in new Bible about the arrival of Jesus. One is “And the sun, the moon etc. will not
remain constant”. Verse (24:17) new Bible Mathew.
Point to note that in the verse two periods added at a time. In its meaning (1) one is that at the arrival period of
Jesus nothing in the sky will remain constant position (as it revealed in the Quran ever before). It was never that
stars, sun and moon fixed in a place but the man had no knowledge of it before the year of 1928. Everything
moves on in its own orbit centering another world what it said in Quran. (When man discovered the sun and the
moon also move around others, at that time, where Mosi Kadiani had live on. He has gone away in the year of
1908). He had no knowledge of it. In that, sense to become a claimant of Jesus is a point to note here. (2) The
verse is a signs of the day of resurrection, which revealed in Quran. All things will reduce to dust and new world
will come in shape. (It has narrated in the light of Quran).
For the reason a long bridge
All over the ocean made,
In the Quran not revealed
Such wordings (a long life Jesus),
How do you say!
There is no witness?
There is no document
Or messages of God,
If so then bring out
His (Jesus) wordings
(O man) has the Quran
Revealed the truth?
Construction of an imaginary bridge in a poem applied the power of nature for all religions and Warners of
religions to accommodate all in Quran (in practical); they may be of Hindu, non-Hindu, Buddhists, Christians,
Jews and Muslims. Whoever wishes he can pass the bridge from one end to other end. It built up from east to
west through Middle East not for only to suppose but to create goodwill among own selves. For that, immediate
steps might have to taken. (God is unique and His representative has not parted). In the poem, repeatedly the
sentence of Quran tried to explain, “He will speak to the people in maturity” is word of God has special act of
power, which not revealed for other prophets. He died of or alive in the sky has not the matter at all to fight each
other. (Will of God comes to shape). However, justify that the sentence revealed in Quran has thoroughly filled or
not. Some one confirms the matter that Jesus speaking in maturity had filled up (due to his long life stay in
Kashmir) then one should come forward with clear documents that these are the Jesus wording. (Because a
Prophet does his duties and responsibilities on behalf of God and people are the witness of it). An ordinary
speaking and legend are not sufficient to prove the matter as God revealed a sentence for him especially. An
extraordinary and remarkable life history is to bring forward in order to the verse. Its necessity has gone in high
meaning is widen upto great extend. If one unable to do the action narrated it must consider that their all efforts
are made of own theology and whatever they put forward for the people intellectuals of all sects consider it the
way they like. Should one ask the people to resist their miss explanation by taking appropriate measure against
opponent? (Of course, it is one right to write but cannot slaughter a cow on her back; if so society would not
excuse the person). Almost all commentators agreed upon that the Quran written ever before although the events
happened time to time accordingly the verses revealed ( it is a matter of commonsense of one that whenever one
wants to construct a house must first think and second comes to give a shape requires a map then it comes to a
form. The Quran required for men revealed only otherwise all plan are lying in the hand of God). As stated before
if so happened then the arrival of Jesus is true what had written before against the law of nature. (Think what
God cannot do!) One must go through the sentence in the verse mentioned 3(46) and in the light of 43(61) one
should ask his conscious is he not the same Jesus? There is nothing to become astonish to speak in maturity
which is not a divine events to consider but divine words lies in Quran has unbounded importance for all. The
words revealed in Quran according to commentators divine events to happen. So all Muslims must believe repeat
must believe in Quran.
“In the name of Allah Most gracious, Most Merciful.
A L M Allah! There is no god but He- the living the self- subsisting, Eternal. It is He Who sent to thee (step by
step) in truth the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of
Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of Judgment between right and
wrong)”. Sura 3 verses 1-3 Quran.
The Quran is a Holy Book supporting all others Holy Books ever sent before by God. (Some commentators
commented that the book is replica of old Bible and new Bible. Question is that why should it not be so when
God is one and unique)? The arrival of Jesus turned down by Miss Explanators taking out the name of Jesus put
up the name of own for great selfishness only in the Quran. (However, God is himself defender of the book). What
is to do with it? There are other Holy Books available in the world where miss interpreters can able to put down
own name. The readers easily can see and realize the matter. In these, sense seeing and believing is most
appropriate. Although these Holy Books written by a many writers so words of God not exactly put on thus its
meaning changed. However, to say about the arrival of Jesus they had nothing to gain in politically selfishness.
Perhaps those verses remained unchanged same it was so. The Christian and the Jews both the society could
not accept the Quran as a Holy Book. Therefore, they had intention to prove the Holy Book false. (Not all but
those who understand that a new Holy Book enforce on them rather religious teachers of their respective sects).
As a result, they miscast and propagated against the Quran. Job done has an output of either side good or bad.
Rewards of it operate gets in the world and hereafter. To form a new state Israel had number of conspirators
(who understand the Quran thoroughly and know about the discussed verse 3 (55) among the Jews, they
instigated their brothers who control the economy of the world in other way convinced them for a new state for
the Jews) had involve in it with other leaders of the Christian. The view of those Jews (religious teachers) to
prove the Quran is false (which kept in mind secret). On the other side, the Christian thought on humanitarian
ground a state need for them. Understanding or not understanding the Christian mixed up with the Jews
forgetting not to tell that the Quran is the word of Mohammed peace and blessing of God upon him. The heart of
those people burnt inside in making a secret plot in them against the Muslims. The conspirators did not find any
fault in Quran (but making the rules of Quran women has given equal share on their wealth) for long fourteen
hundred years. When the chance came in their hand wanted to win in the cool war against Quran which had they
possess in heart declaring a state in the assembly with the combination of a few countries British, France,
America and Russia. (Those religious teachers got peace in mind forming a state against the verse of Quran what
thought in mind has proved. However, real thing they know not).
“They said, ‘O Zul-qarnain! The Gog and Magog (people) do great mischief on earth shall we then render thee
tribute in order that thou mightest erect a barrier between us and them”? Sura 18 verse 94 Quran.
(Gog and magog are everywhere in the world. one is to hear the true though it bitter substance for some. True
cannot overlap by a lie for long time. Prophet David and Prophet Jesus uttered what a curse it is to that’s nation!
That where people growth in other places one is to thousand but in low land of the world (Israel) people growth
thousand is to one, as a result, curse uttered made prove that all religious people, one will find in every country
but cursed people, one will not find in so many countries). God revealed a many Holy Books to the people
systematically, there description of Gog and Magog were clearly made up for the people to understand well that
Mosi Dazzal (miss interpreters and conspirators) and Gog and Magog, they all create disorderliness in the world
by any means. The thing is narrated in Old Bible with a long history as a future happening (prophecy) of some
prophet. Events what to happen that all happened and rest will happen according to the Holy Books. People will
not hear it nor will they look into the matter deeply continuing their ancestor’s theory and theology they would
remain stand still in their own position. God will do everything to show the signs to the men as well as Jinns
whom people do not see naturally to bring them all to the right way of maintaining peace all over the world.
If the words (of God) fulfilled
Why it is empty then,
Who is he wearing!
Reddish blood sheet garments,
Who called him in secret name!
When absorbed in meditation?
On a white colored horse
Trust worthy a man,
A man seen
White colored flag in his hand,
Words of Allah (Kalema) is everywhere
In the world is renowned.
Why the readers did not find rest of the life history after the crucification had held as a written history if the miss
expounder were confirm about their notion that Jesus got his maturity life. The poem asked the same subject
from that person who discovered the grave of Jesus. The reason behind the matter is the Jews killed him in the
cross, the Christian gave a life to dead body and a few Muslim commentators explained the matter Jesus was
nearly dead but that Muslims did not leave to take the prophet in cross. The explanation given by the intellectuals
nearly dead person cured putting the verses wording God is wise and Most Powerful. However, a few said that
after re-awoken God raised him up, which has met together with Christian, and they have documents new Bible.
Another person who awoke him up from nearly dead stated same verse as others but wanted to speak Jesus in
maturity to fulfill another verse in Quran with an evil design in him. In one side that sect wanted to prove Jesus
had spoken in maturity miss explaining the verse 3 (46) denying the total fact of the Christian believes that Jesus
was alive for (more 77 years) long time which had no prove till today. They discovered the historical event that
against new Bible too. (A man tells one lie to cover it he is to add more ten lies to bring into a little true shape but
no longer it stand for). Man is for the man, one taking any part at sorrow ness and happiness of others that
belongs to no religion. The man who lost himself finding no difference between man to man that period he
reached a saturation point, which shows the way of God. (In saturation point, all materials gains so power that
one cannot believe it but scientist know it well. The more one divided the more it gains). There is only one person
in the world that put on the dress of hunter a reddish sheet (Buddha). In the poetry whom addressed with reddish
sheet gave preference to a religion service of human kind best of all. In all religion allowed taking asceticism
leaving aside own family other than Islam. Generally, those persons put on the reddish sheets. In order to that
the Hadith (words of Mohammed SM) revealed that the person had who come near would put on two reddish
sheets to cover the body. Same wording used in New Bible/ Injil that blood sheets wearing man had who to come
second time and had a hidden name. In that dormant name, he may renowned again. It found that Mohammed
(SM) wished to journey riding on a white horse even he had become commander-in-chief of army sometime. The
people respected him in a name Amen that means believed-person. He fought all along of his life for equality,
amity, fraternity and unity. Following his step Jesus would land again taking in hand a white flag to combine all
people of the world under the peace-flag.
“Whoever works righteousness Man or Woman, and has Faith verily to him will we give a new life, a life that is
good and pure, and we will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions. Sura 16 verse 97
Man and woman to God is equal for doing righteous deeds in lieu of that both equally enjoy in the world and
hereafter. (Some commentators pulling down the woman stated few verse in narrow sense only man wills enjoy.
even as a mother woman given three times more importance than the father is. Under the feet of mother the
heaven of son lies. In that, sense she is above all, considering the case of husband given more preference than
the wife is. For physical strength, an economical factor of the family responsibility lies with man mainly). There is
question that man would enjoy getting “Hur” and “Galman” in the heaven. (Hur and Galman are also creation of
God to reward the righteous man and woman for their enjoyment). However, both of them are equal in the eyes of
God and equal share has given to all. Dear readers, returning to the discussion about the verse 3(55) , so far the
explanators explained and resumed in mind that Israel is not a state. However, it agreed that a state would form
before the day of resurrection. (Let them define the state at present holding a place in World map, what it would
address as). It is miss explanation of some person. Therefore, it must come to consider that the Will of God
proved and Israel is an independent state. (The event happened and the time would never come back). One will
find the true when people will start thinking that Israel is definitely a state that had to born before the day of
resurrection then the truth of God will come out. (Otherwise, people would wait and wait under the palm tree of
desert for some one but they would not find him out). That time people think over about Jesus where he is at
present. Once words God fulfilled then another event will come forward and it will happen.
“And before thee also the apostles we sent were but men, to whom we granted inspiration; if ye realize this, not
ask of those who possess the message. (We sent them) with clear signs and books of dark prophecies and We
have sent down unto thee (also) the message; that thou mayest explain clearly to men what is sent for them and
that they may give thought. Sura 16 verses 43and 44 Quran.
God never beget as a man. The creator knows about the best. The engineer or scientist making parts examine its
capability first then put it on the machine. The engineer never becomes parts or machine. (Earlier it said that men
do not invent but discover. Cause is that what one invents today tomorrow it becomes discover. God has created
it ever before, man follows his knowledge only). A few sects believe in a theology that man as a shadow of God
arrives to the world to preach the religion to others. In many religions these kind of notion prevails until to day. In
Hinduism, it mostly found that Basu (real name of Krishna) Dev or Krishna came as a shadow of God and the real
Krishna is God; who is shapeless at his position. Islam does not accept it. So is the case with the Christian.
These type of notions if prevail in any sects to rectify them the verse of Quran defined that God sent men neither
angel nor He is. He bestowed them book of knowledge to rectify others. The Christian believes in three God such
as Father, Son and Holy soul. Aim of writings the book to remove the ideas from them that the nature bestowed
one these three thing at a time to show to the people where as one is simply a man. One is father, son and above
Holy soul. Dear readers a many description about it one will find soon, hoping so. Whatever it is, retuning to early
one wish to say win and defeat rests on the hand of God. Which are win, which is defeat only proved when time
passes? Such as a treaty of ‘Hudabya’ was hold at the period of Mohammed (SM). Evil conspirators gave a birth
of a nation keeping in mind they won but it might defeat them. God does His own deed and it is His duty to show
man. Until and unless they realize the truth of God, they had to suffer mentally.
“Jesus said them, behold! None should come to you to cheat saying or taking his name that he is the same
(Jesus). The person would tell it he might to cheat a many people.” (13: 5 and 6 Mark, New Bible).
Those two verses of New Bible, Mark, Mathew, Luke and Jonah had revealed everywhere respectively. Before the
arrival of Jesus, a many people would become the claimant of Jesus. The verses above warned the people to
remain away from those false Jesus. Those who already fall down on the trap of false Jesus have a chance to
come back to the right way. One of the Hadith of Mohammed (SM) related that near about thirty people would
claim themselves Jesus son of Mary (false Jesus). In this connection, the Muslims are a head than the Christian.
In super computer era if anyone get into the theology of false Jesus and believe it for that self is responsible.
(Cause is that what one writing from east can reach to west like lightening if any kind heated person publishes it
on wave). Due to advancement in science, present world reached in position communicating with each other and
choose the best. Man can understand better than the ever before in this era. In Islam, more then thirty people had
become the claimant of Jesus (false Jesus). Claimant of Imam Mehdi is not also less. The coming of Imam in
some sects is still going on that society. Although they heard nothing about who had to come near future. Such
as, the sect of Ismaili, there Imam resides in England. They have their fortieth Imam, perhaps in England. Other
than the sect, another sect is still in Islam though that one is not large in number, named sect of Bahauddin. The
followers of Bahauddin faithful to the doctrine own sect. They also believe that Bahauddin is Imam Mehdi.
Leaving those sects Mosi kadiani proved that thirty false Jesus gone off and he was the claimant of Jesus as well
as Imam Mehdi, who claimed as thirty-first men. (Of course, he knew well in between a man would arrive, that
person was Mosi Dazzal. What he did? He made a Dazzal who was father of some church Dr.Jon Alex ender Dew
of America.) The Muslim may believe or not this sect has missionaries near about in one hundred thirty countries.
Almost in all country, they have their own Mosque spending huge amount those are constructed. They are the
persons who lifted him up arranging to seat on a high chair. They should not forget it that a many countries
wrote down in his fore head “kafer” / unbelievers according to Hadiths. Without the signs of God, if anyone
convinced of one’s logic only then let him leave to yield. (Yet they are to remember that if one’s forehead a thing
has written, it is for all those who follow him).
“While you heard about Great War, its news spread out everywhere, that time does not afraid of it. No doubt, in it
happened still then it is not an end. One nation will fight against another nation; one country will fight against
another country. In a many places, earthquake and famine would take place. However, it is the beginning of
agony only. (13: 7 and 8) Mark, New Bible. In connection to the arrival of Jesus, those two verses are Quoted, and
same description revealed in Hadiths. These Hadiths have narrated in the beginning of fore cast according to the
religion of Islam. In that Great World War, earthquake and famine are mentionable. For a man to identify newly
these things are not required at present. It saw that a man had come before the events happened giving his own
identity as a king of Mosi. He did not forget to take own title owns-self as an emperor of pen. (If Imam Gazzaly
had been alive, he would also afraid of him). He and his sect deceived a large group of people that one would not
like to tell but using bandy words, falseness and wheedling languages brought them under control was important
to say. According to the wording of Jesus, the events one would see in the beginning of his arrival era. (These
are his wordings that had to come in near future. Avoiding all this documents one asserted his opinion and
firmed in believed that person was none but Jesus. How one had come before the events held asking a question
to them those followed the false Jesus until today?) Opinion of the experts the era started from 1914 when the
Great World War took place. The war is one of sign of his (Jesus) wordings. With a long talk and loud voice that
asserted himself the one claimant should not neglect him because, he might that one who had to come before
Jesus. (Why to blame Dr. John Alex ender Dew for the matter, that person did not believe in Islam. So any Muslim
can say him unbelievers nothing new in it.) According to all Holy Books, the claimant is one who had to come
before Jesus proved. Has the matter not proof that other than Islamic religion books one brought in other religion
books too. However, the challenge given by Mosi Kadiani on is to come out with the own religion book. If one is
to contest with him. Had the deeds done producing all religion books not enough?
Who knoweth him!
In a secret name is in the universe?
A gesture of Endless
Has hidden in fourteen letters
With the name of Allah,
The name is dormant
And hidden with true loves,
He raised him up near to Him.
This type of speech revealed
In too many ways are,
Exploring the meaning of such
Every one not dies.
In the New Bible, it found that Jesus had a dormant name. Therefore, the name Basu is a real name of Krishna, in
practical research while one deeply thought and thought but could not make out anything. The nickname kept the
parents being a Muslim researched thoroughly what took him on the way to write in better by overcoming all
problems so far one faced. From nickname, research started and as a poor Muslim had found nothing but the
Quran considering New Bible, wherein a verse found. In that, Jesus had lived with God. Whose name was
Kalam? Accepting it advancement of writings is proceeding on. The word kalams used in many ways to make
understand firstly logic then Kalam means in broad book of God. God sent a many Holy books near about one
hundred four among them four are famous. Not as a Muslim but in true sense the Quran is the gist of all religion
books so far one gained. For analyzing the subject matter name has become most important at present to sketch
the life of Jesus in addition to one. So other than, the nickname the real name Kalam has become very much
effective in various factors. One thought that Kalam of God is also The Quran why his name should not hold
there. Thinking came in mind seeing the evilness of Mosi Kadiani who put his name by force in a place. In fact,
one could not make it out if would not go through the book of Hinduism. The nickname collected from one of the
book and came back to New Bible to find out what is Alpha and Omega of Hebrew language. The way it has
narrated in Bengali is sort but to say. In name concern, one’s name is Kalam. Kalam is knowledge of God. In that
sense, one can say that Kalam is with God. God is All Knowing. However, Kalam is God accepting not truly. One
thought that Kalam definitely the Quran what meant for the Jesus wording where he uttered mentioning he is the
beginning and the end. It is the case of every prophet that all prophets said so. In research it found true, the
event is for all. When an engineer prepares a thing its beginning and ending is there. Going back to the Quran,
the alphabet used in Hebrew Alpha and Omega researched. Some commentators had different opinions on the
letters. They mix up the alphabet with Allah; it is their own opinion and thought. All languages belong to God.
Where beginning and ending are there, God is not there. Because God has no end, He is endless. The alphabet
used in Hebrew it is for Jesus. (Ex. for example books written by William Shakespeare had written it from the
original book of Shakespeare, which prepared long ago than he arrived.)Therefore, William Shakespeare is the
beginning of ending of his book. Assuming the thought of one tried to explain the subject. Moreover, Mr.
Bahauddin and Mosi Kadiani helped one to go ahead in writings as they stated the Quran and their own theory. It
is not only one thought but also the Christian took it in believe that those letter were for Jesus. One had firm
determination definitely in Quran there is some clue of it as the Jesus is not for Muslim only would arrive. In
research, God made a way to find out the clue and solve the problems of writings elaborately. Long explanation
has given just to understand well about the letters quoted a head. (When times come near for some one arrival a
many rumors and prophecies of astronomers widespread and evildoers act upon on it on their own way as
guided by their company leader Satan.) The nickname consists of two letters in Bengali “B” and “S” is similar in
Quran that it started with letter “B” and ended at letter “S”. The purpose of these two letters is emancipative for
one writer to unite the people of the world under a flag named white flag. In Arabic, there are 29 letters but one
does not count it, its name is “Hamza”. It becomes twenty-eight letters. If one divides them then it becomes
fourteen. God has sent 14 letters in Arabic man cannot understand them so to say half of the Quran is difficult to
understand well. However, one found in the world who understand the Quran and there is none to compete with
him. Other sect miss explaining the verses without understanding science raised a question how Jesus had been
living in the sky without any food. (Man is mortal but he does not die. The more one looses in this world the more
he gains in other world). The question is raise by the update people of the sect who claimed himself moderate
and very wise. How a man lives in the sky at present age need to define more. God made all arrangement for
man to live there also. The sky had never been vacant; it is all full of other materials which men come to know. It
is the ignorance of one who gathered others too who least understand about science. They do not believe the
Quran where it has revealed clearly that God has created seven firmament and equal land under it where He
spread out all animals and other necessary things. (If any scientist only research this verse of Quran he would
become astonish what a creation it is!) Those who believe in other religion let them ask God woke up those
persons who had been resting for three hundred years in a mountain cave. Still we do not say they died. Is it
impossible for God to bring a man from sky or from any place He likes. If so then read book minutely how He
brought a man from the sky at present world as well as from other world too. To woke them up from a mountain
cave after three hundred years, is not a question of out of nature! Only the question came out for Jesus arrival,
one is asking them to reply. What God shows to the men for teaching or as an example that is always against the
nature, there logics become ineffective. As a Muslim, one cannot say that Jesus died, because it ended while the
Ruler of Rome arrested him. Rest all has confusion according to the Quran. Whether he had died or not God
knows better. Once the Quran said it is a fiction of God then none is to clarify it other way. Thousand and one
proves men produced so far but none became true.
“Turn ye back in repentance to Him, and fear Him: Establish regular prayers, and be not ye among those who join
gods with Allah, those who split up their Religion, and become (Mere) sects,-each party rejoicing in that which is
with itself! Sura 30 verses 31 and 32 Quran.
God himself declared that those who created own ideology other than Islam thinking their ideology is appropriate
and separated to a many parts they had gone to astray. They are unbelievers. There should be one religion all
over the world because God is one and unique and His religion is one. (A magnet never stands for east to west; it
has its own religion so is nature and all. Therefore, God religion for the men is one. Although men get fruitful
result, devoting towards statue it is because of evil power given to Satan. God is so kind that He never stops feed
of anybody.) Dividing ness had been running from the very beginning because men found free willingness say
twenty to twenty five percent ( when an engineer designs a part it works with a limitation of plus or minus), so is
the case of men. Presently men advanced more and more and understanding well want to prove own ideologybringing
logics. One is very much sure with advancement of science the world has become small in
communication other respect too. Of course, whatever they bring in as a logics and philosophy in some extend
they may be true but in long run, it becomes false in comparison with the Quran. There is no contradiction in
between science and Quran and philosophy. If so one is to think deeply why it is happen so, there is something
wrong in it. What is wrong and what is right, who will justify other than God. Convincing others some one brings
forward such logics as if put off the light of the Almighty Allah and His virtues. It is never last long. They do not
find fittest logics and arguments to put forward but bring out some logics of Satan and through his instigation;
they stand for the time being. Their all logics and arguments go to astray by the hurt of true, which is very,
enlighten in this book. God will keep up His promise above all. Nothing is unknown to Him. (When one tunes his
radio or wireless at a time various signal come in, one is to find out which one his controlling station but evil
receive the signal of Satan out of ten tones. This is how Satan instigates the men.)
“Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in truth, in order to strengthen those who believe,
and as a Guide and tidings to Muslims.” Sura 16 verse 102 Quran.
All religious Holy books are the wordings of God. Islam does agree upon it. Unfortunately, a few shows
overmuch ness at issue in a debate. True Muslim leaves on God to make an end of it. However, the philosopher
and other few criticize the matter that when they cannot make out anything that time they leave to God. The
volume of the book is going to increase than the Bengali but to say something on it one is to write at length. God
forbade men not to think about Him but man is mysterious to know about Him. It is well to think about God but
not to find out, in what shape He is or how He lives on etc. still men go through it at variance with to find the clue
and many men many minds bring out the conception. As a result, sects and sub sects have formed and one
nation divides into many nations. The example is the crucification of Jesus. A many commentators defined the
matter in various ways they like but the whole work bears no testimony to the events. Thus, a many sects are in
the world still prevailing. To avoid such confusion and only “God knows better” a best method is going describe
through at present science though it seems to be a little learning is dangerous. It may improve the condition of
the world to believe in one God to bear the stamp showing signs to make the writing successful. One assumes
that near future there would not be any confusion to solve the problems. Man uses pass ward with the controlling
station to get the proper information and identify the person in the world to communicate. Because the people of
the world has come close to each other in communication though every one lives far. It is not that God does not
talk to man or not sending proper signal to man. Men are trans-receiver of God. Respecting all religious books,
one says that the password of God has sent to men, so that they can justify what is wrong and what is right not
depending on the word God knows better. The man who receives the signal it must be in accordance with the
Holy Book and Hadith. Then one can easily understand whatever the logics and arguments placed before is
correct. Otherwise, the mediation result of one would count as maddened. If the people truly follow, the path then
there would not stay any chaos and dividing would go forever.
The whole Quran sent to Mohammed may peace and blessing of God upon him through a great Angel Zebrail
peace of Allah upon him without sending any signal through wireless, just to make no ambiguity or remove the
disbelieve of the people. Most of the Hadiths sent in the same way, the revelation not to mix up with Quran a
different method used that those had not written on the spot. When boss say something as an advice or put an
example that considered by the subordinates as an order. One must be careful on such wordings of God in
Quran. Hadith is reluctant in comparison with Quran. Hadiths, which do not similar to the Quran, keep pending,
do not through them to astray. A time comes those Hadith prove true. In long run discussion it seen that a sect
accepted apportion of Hadith and rest portion omitted because it was difficult for him to prove. Therefore, he put
Hadith into null and void. To gain the day the sect played tricks everywhere and the Hadith of Mohammed (SM)
had not believe heart and soul. So the Hadiths about Jesus they agreed in portion. Where found difficult they
indulge in foul play. One will become astonish hearing to the leader of that the angel was coming with the
revelation of God. How he was to look at that description had given that to him the angel was like the English.
How man can believe cut and dried story of the leader.
“Never did we send an apostle or a prophet before thee, but, when he framed a desire, Satan threw some (vanity)
into his desire: but Allah will cancel anything (vain) that Satan throws in, and Allah will confirm (and establish)
His Signs; for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.” Sura 22 verse 52 Quran.
God select those person whom He likes and bestow them science and other powers, if Satan tries to misguide
them God protect it to come to nothing. However, the evil always mistune and receive the signal adjusting it to
wrong frequency. Because they writes wrong assuming something beside the mark other than the true to noted
for in his works.
What is death you know well?
‘O men of jewels,
Hear a event of historical,
To visit above seven firmaments
Is not lie at all,
If the flower covered with
Innocent doll (Ruhh),
Men can go up in the sky and fly.
(You) had given
Preference to Jesus followers,
Concerning to sura “khaf”, who gave the life to the dead people of mountain cave? They may create dispute with
the issue but cannot solve the problems. Was it not an exception to the rule of nature? Only arrival of Jesus has
become out of nature to them who brought up in mind enmity with other sects and want to become popular. God
did not say anything about the death of Jesus there taking interest in men declared his death news by miss
explanation of the verses of Quran, who are they? No one yet could define well how man passed away in true
sense. In fact ‘Naffs’ dies once and “Ruhh” leave the soul goes back to its original position where from it came.
(The atom divided in a many parts everyone looses its originality but it returns to origin when get a chance). May
God help one in this regard because He knows better than anybody does? In the Quran, it mentioned clearly that
“Naffs” will die once and did not, mention about “Ruhh” because of “Ruhh” is breathing of God. God touched
upon all the points but in sort. “Ruhh” had nothing to do with the bad other than advices for good thing to do.
Even it found that when man does anything-wrong Ruhh goes up from him and comes back when he repents. It
is also true that at night when a man asleep it goes up and see the other worlds heaven and everything alike. One
thinks that it belongs to God directly and lives at shapeless area of God. One can think about one angel who
possesses Ruhh. In spite of having, Ruhh he has own body which not visible to man. The only Ruhh he
possesses that is why he is all-good. In the long run day comes he is to die. Therefore, the thing, which is of God,
it goes to God. Man, Jinn and Angel is the inhabitant of present worlds. In other word, it said that “Naffs” dies for
once and “Ruhh” leaves the soul for its destination. The man spent lot of time in search of travel of Mohammed
(SM) to seven firmaments and even above it but how. One had concluded it that the “Ruhh” is only the thing in
human body, which can carry a man towards God. Even it can go near to God. Therefore, one’s body covered by
Ruhh due his meditation he can fly up which has no time limit. (To understand in better way God has its own
frequency through which contact made to Ruhh of men where it revealed that God stay with the man). In the
poem flower is the body of human and doll is Ruhh. According to the verses of Quran the preference has given to
the followers of Jesus until the resurrect day and the verdict will remain in favored of Quran, people may
understand it or not.
“Then sent we our apostles in succession: every time there came to a people their apostle, they accused him of
falsehood: so we made them follow each other( in punishment) : we made them as away with a people that will
not believe!” Sura 23 verse 44 Quran.
At early period one after another apostle sent to earth, when a period arrived God sent a complete code of human
life, trough Islam, which is not for Muslim Only but for all religion people, all key stone of other religions are there.
One of the sects came ahead with some logics that God sent at early period He sent apstole one after another
then, why He would not send apostle in future, it must be for all the time according to them. They placed logics
that God is immortal, unchangeable so His principles are also fixed. Therefore, apostle one after another would
come to the world; there is no change of this law. (Hearing the logics one is to become puzzled). The logics of
that sect is as like as one saint that the rotation of rain the way it is going and coming in the same way re-birth of
men are continuing perhaps there is no account of it. Here they did not reflect upon the rule of God and rule of
nature. God is fixed and immortal and His creation their activities are not endless they have their end too.
Rotation of rain under the control of nature and it depends on environment. Therefore, it will happen where
environment and nature all together create the situation for shower. The world moves west to east and the
sunrises in the east. It is also nature but law of God. The birth of men is though one sees in the world still it is far
away only God knows where it is! The question is very important to note that the birth of men has crossed the
bar of universe even. It is not a matter of mere nature only. Hence, rebirth of men thinking is their lost labor.
Sending prophet in the world is completely depends on Him, in His creation everything has an end so there must
have an end of it. Man born to die, creation created to vanish, everything has an end except God. Argument of the
sect is like that when God is there why one should not be there. The law is such that if He wishes He will destroy
the throne made for Him because it has created heaven, hell, and what not. For the arguments opponent bring so
many verse in favored them but those will run to waste. One is to accept the concept of all. Without the power of
All-Knowing if one writes of own will that becomes legend, an essay or a story. Whom God selected in lieu of him
evil doers accept that person who acted as hero in a drama.
“Go with this my shirt, and cast it over the face of my father: he will come to see (clearly) then come ye (here) to
me together with all your family”. Sura 12 verse 93 Quran.
(Man is jack of all trade but God is Master of all trade. Good wine needs no bush). “O the nation of Muslim, you
have divided into many sects and sub sects. Today nature of the whole verse is present at your door, just
behold! Look at the signs of God, the examples brought to light before you, go through them. Definitely, you all
come together and combine into one as before because unity is strength. The nature never speaks a lie so
response to her call. Try to realize the truth. You will never die. Remember, death is there after death. (It is all the
same to remain as swine hereafter than the death). So far unbelievers rejected the Islam, go through minutely the
great science ever seen than one discovered so long. In this computer era would you all deny the fact the way
science says arrival of Jesus would show the same to you. (Moses came to that era with the science of that
period, Jesus came to that era with science of that period). God put an example according to the era to the
people so that they understand. The arrival of Jesus is in the morning and in the evening too mentioned in
Hadiths. Time difference has become truth because he will speak to the people in the evening. Man will hear it
like lightening though it is somewhere getting obstruction. (See the forecast). True Muslim never denies or
neglects the Hadiths, nor do they say something irreverent against those Hadiths.
“O ye fear who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam.” Sura 3 verse
102 Quran.
Will of the man should be surrendered to God until and unless one do so God forbade to go to Him, or before of
doing so one should not finish one’s life. Will of the God must be accepted cheerfully may that it is unhappy for
some one and brings sorrow, still then it considered that it is of God and be happy. It is God promised that
“Naffs” is to take the taste of death once only then one never dies hereafter. (Such death is there in the hereafter
those who made alive Jesus from nearly dead. For them this type of death will continue as because they did not
see the happenings and telling the events by their own made legend). One God is there or not could be prove if
one can hold the life forever. One thinks that after death life is over, it is with some Muslim also that doing all
goods and getting heaven they end it here. However, it is not. One cannot be happy only with the heaven though
everything is coming without doing any job. Wish will bring the thing in front of the person but full happiness still
not one’s get. A rich having all can get the thing whatever he wishes still unhappiness remains in his mind. That
is nothing but God. If any body denies the fact then ask him that why there is promotion and demotion is there in
the hell and heaven. Although all of us think that everybody following different path to get God are correct still
there may be wrong in it because God is one and unique. One can subdivide any parts but which divided never
be God. It is not a mere thing to invite one to come to the truth but it is. Many men many minds trying to find out
real thing where are those people who had to come. Not (No time visiting the church may be a saint). Saint not
visible at night because one is unable to see him and day time one sees him doing worldly jobs. The place where
people curving for those persons may not be that those have not noted for and neglected. Although people
interested in searching them according to the Holy Books writings various columns about them it is as like as a
man came under the palm tree and another ruling over them still they could not find out them what happened at
the period of the Jews.
Time given is until
The Day of Resurrections
Some one stopped a person
On the way mentioned,
With a new technique,
One crossed the obstruction,
Yet not held Day of Resurrection,
A state is of Israel
Called her is by the nations.
The state is formed
It’s not an imagination.
It is true in all respect the world will face so many types of unfortunate difficulties ever seen which will bring to
bay the world due to full of fault weather, it may be unpleasant to hear for the world greatly frightened news
awaiting and it will difficult to bear the burnt of unruly nature of the world. There will have roared blown of the
sky act against the world until the unbelievers remain stand still in their own position defeating the Christian and
the Muslim as per the Holy Books. No Holy Book is untruth but the Quran is solid because it had written on the
spot. Man may differ in opinion and explanation but the word of Quran speaks the truth. Events what happened
so far it happened and for the rest world is to wait. Its all signs are visible and very near. A man had arrived in the
world before the events happened who was accustomed to tell a lie and put forward miss explanation to different
words of Quran where which are not applicable to the situation concerns with a very long talk and loud voice,
already readers saw it. Although the new state of Israel have not formed at his period, which is directly, involved
in with the arrival of Jesus in accordance with new Bible and the Quran. No doubt, his wording had attracted to
many people in different countries hearing the news of Jesus and a large number of people including Muslims
misguided. The other sect may understanding or not understanding kept contrary to the rules of nature that a
state placed in map is indifferent to a state saying socially cast out it is not a state, fearing the near Day of
resurrection or for their own enviousness. If so what it is at present, which hold up a place for a long time. What
it is say to the nation then for the time being according to their notion? They may take it irrelevant to the
discussion but it is not.
“Therefore, you come to know this that if the owner of the house would come to know early when the thief would
come then he would wake up to stop his enter into the house. Thus, you also get ready as because the time you
will not think for son of Adam would arrive at that period. (24: 42-44) Mathew, New Bible. In old Bible and new
Bible in both all along the word son of Adam all the while has used for Jesus. In fact, in Quran the word has used
as son of Mary. It is burning to note down to avoid about arrival of Jesus again those who dead against of it. Here
two points have clearly indicated, one is his arrival before the Day of resurrection and another is revelation of
God, son of Mary and son of Adam. God revelation was son of Mary and son of Adam both combined as He gave
word for his next arrival as son of Adam. Arrival of Jesus in harmony with the revelation though it was said he is
as like as Adam. However, he had no father so son of Adam was not a full-fledged word used which has to fill in
near future just in time. Man may argue in it briging verses in but to all intents and purposes keeping the hand on
their chest let them say was the word fulfill on that period other than Jesus arrival again in the world as a
fullfledged man. One thinks that their conscious will not allow them to react on it.
On the other hand, a sect leader from gents he became a woman named Mary and that Mary gave a birth to a son
named Jesus. In addition, that Mary again became a gent Jesus. One thinks it is not so good other than madden.
Therefore, Satan guided him for temporal gain and people like him still following wrong path to go to astray.
There is no such evidence one will find in any religious books but sorry to say even then he is virtuous for those
people. “Those who reject faith will not cease to be in doubt concerning (Revelation) until the Hour (of Judgment)
comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them the penalty of a Day of Disaster.” Sura 22 verse 55 Quran.
It has to say resurrection day is equal to forty days, which may of God forty days or worldly forty days how much
time its assurance not knew. Regarding the day description is out of knowledge. Those who did evil deeds with
the words of God the moment they hear the messages if it attract their mind that true then immediately come
back to the right path if not possible due to a long tail bear it in mind strongly God is one and unique, in Him
there is none to share. If any one doing so it has to say, they received the Kindness of God on the eve of his life
granting them a little sympathy to return to the truth. If any one does not come back with advices after it came
out to the people, they had gone to astray until the sky broken down over their head. On that day, they will realize
the matter overall. It is true that from now on wards the race of Dazzal slow and steadily rises to the occasion and
formed a big nation near the Day of Resurrection even there will be none to say Allah. (A key had given to William
Shakespeare to write his own book and likewise all people have their own key in their hand. The book would
hand over on the Day of Judgment). So to say about Jesus, the science has given to him acquainted with the
science of law of nature. For easy understanding, Jesus adopted the theory of nature and only he can define it
well. None else is appropriate to put up logics and arguments if so it will disqualify for such activities. Would any
one else, able to put up such documents, although their name are Basu. Praise to God who bestowed one to
direct his Mosi in this respect giving true knowledge of power to come to the truth.
“Son of Adam would appear before them with the power of God and glory”. (24: 30) Mathew, New Bible.
“As lightening goes east to west, son of Adam would appear before you as like as lightening”. (24: 27 and 28)
Mathew, New Bible.
“of seeing pig tree learn it that when the season of hot comes its all branches leave soft leaves, then you come to
know that hot season is at present. Same way you understand that son of Adam is present even he is near at
your door”. (13: 28 and 29) Mark, New Bible.
The above three quotation of verses has so essential to explain about the arrival of Jesus as well as meaningful
too for writings minutely. In it volume of book increases, in short it discussed hoping so other later parts of the
books further discussion will appear before elaborately. The verses are familiar to all but their meaning perhaps
not known to all. All verses has composed of different meaning, if one combine them then another meaning will
come out which already consistent with logic and proof. One prophecy of an Indian writer, a great philosopher
who wrote old Bible and New bible minutely and explained the sentences in a book “Destruction or peace” there
every words were capable of expressing the idea. From that quotation, a sentence has taken for your information.
Off seeing two planes in the theme of the book do not misunderstand the writers or disgust with the scene
printed but it is according to the verse of New Bible not that one served in the sky and printed the signs of it.
(And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel as a cloud (AIR FORCE) to cover the land. It shalt be in the
latter days.) The above quotation has noted down from the book “Destruction or peace” written by perhaps
philosopher Hazi Mohsin, page 700. He is of one great philosopher. (Here it is clear to understand that Jesus
would arrive near the Day of Resurrection. Perhaps not to fight with the Jews but to make them understand what
they disbelieve ever before blamed him and his mother and used on them slang languages. People want to leave
in peace in the world. Arrogance cannot bring peace. To gain something better one is to loose something favorite.
Then the law will take its own course on the way to peace.) It is not that whatever found in connection of Jesus
as well as it is similar to one made best use of it for others attraction. It is faithful to the doctrine that the word
used in New Bible cloud is a thing of nature and on board of cloud has different meaning it is nothing but a
worldly word sky which means man has to come from AirForce. One is grateful to him for such hopeful of word
meaning which may bring good result to the world. As stated earlier at the top of theme two fighters plane shown
not to aware of any type of fighting in Jerusalem but to prevent the evil showing God signs. (If any intellectuals
explain the Hadith then one will find the inner meaning of this verse same as new Bible stated). So thing has
risen up to the occasion showing all a man came from the sky thus Hadith proves its words and New Bible has
played a roll in defense of its words. Son of Adam would arrive again and God world bestow him such logics
there would none to ask him any question how he came. He must be a son of Adam. When Jesus would arrive
again as a son of Adam, which is complement to a man, it assumed that his power and glory are the Holy Books
and kindness of God according to the custom of God as man comes for men to advice. ( As it dreamt in a dream),
it means the man will get power of nature as a proves as well as it prove that the power of nature governed by
God which He counts and maintain diary in every step. A may ask that did Jesus not ever born as a man! In reply
it said that he was born as a man as like as Adam. Adam had no parent but Jesus had only mother. However, all
others are having their parents. The sky showed the sign of Jesus as cloud in New Bible that the cloud get him
on board (in Hadith Angels bear him on their back). In this matter, God is well known. The nature is witness as it
is not dependent to any one. None is to say anything more about it. Man saw it that the man born in the sky and
came from sky though it was not that heaven. (However, operate born in a place, which is beyond imagination
that is above sky as Adam, was created in a Heaven). Coming to the next verse of the New Bible where the
lightening word used one is to hear it very carefully and attentively to understand the present situation of the
world and be cautious against the nature what she wants to tell you. Had any body ever seen lightening starting
from the east goes to the west and brighten the world at a glance? Three points are to note here to inform of the
man of occurrence to understand as one thinks so. One is the news of Jesus arrival clearly defined that he would
arrive from the east. Second, one is lightening that man discovered many things continuing for further more to
discover. There one is ether. God has His own way to communicate but man discovered his own necessity
through power, vibrating of waves they send to a definite frequency by their own media. Scientist knows it well.
However, things from the east to west going like lightening perhaps through media, one should not think so it
would stop on the way if it is true air and nature will preach it because core and cores animal abide in the air
whom man do not see but servants God. Naturally it would go from east to west and man will hear it, see it and
realize it without any time lost. So the verse is mentioning the time again when Jesus would arrive and speak to
the man (according to the verse 3(46) of Quran). Preaching the subject matter if any hindrance occurs God will
look into it and it is easy for him to pull up some one else to accomplish the job. Its aim is only to bring peace in
the world. it is irrespective of all high and low. (Mother is educated then nation prosper same way if peace does
not prevail in a family how the society will prosper, peace and discipline are the root in a family that good nation
will come out, world will be in peace). Third, one is already clear from the discussion that this is the period, when
men would reach to such position, and then Jesus comes to speak to you. From the discussion it has cleared
that two things of nature that cloud is carrier and lightening is to preach his words all over the world as well as it
denotes the signs of place where from he would arrive. These are the complement of truth by nature to prove the
matter. The book is a mere essay what may other think. In third verse the pig tree tells the people about priod,
season of nature. Pig tree indicates that it would have to a beginning of summer season. Bangladesh is the
country of six seasons which come around the year. Obviously one finds another sign is added along with those
of two signs. These three signs of God through the natue the cloud, the lightening and the season would not
come out as certain aspects special signs of land and the sky to give information about the arrival of Jesus. It
reaches the man on spot when any evil comes to the point of denying the fact. This tripod is the determination of
period when black strong wind cloud rise up in the afternoons of April and May that period lightening of the sky
random glows and the earth re-wake up, at night people see the way to reach to their destination. This happens
naturally but in it the Day and Month of Jesus arrival has ascertained by the nature too. Dear readers, you would
come to know it from the note given at about writer.
A place has risen up
For long half of the century,
It is a social out state
Is it intellectual’s theology!
How the state came into form suddenly!
How an ignorant ask it
To the religious teachers politely are?
That going to fill up century
From half of the century,
U N O passed the law
With it a great conspiracy is!
How an ignorant asks the people of the world that the state is social out one, if so how a state for long time with a
flag in air stands for? Has there any good reason to define very well! If it would have been for two or three years
then one could say that it is not a state but a social out state. It may be a loose rein to spend the time saying so.
One of the experts, of seeing the state of Jerusalem and writings of one, felt inferiority complex in him. The
person with his research has taken out the verse agreeing own incapability and ignorance on the subject but
wants to express his iron will to the people at that period one commented that it is nothing but vague. The verse
filled up its period when Rome was fall down to defeat. Therefore, the mater had happened before the ones wrote
the arrival of Jesus. Now the question to the men of letters that would the matter true, if so then support it with
one voice and say it as the one commented and recognize the state by all with one voice if you have courage.
Jerusalem is the lowest place of the world and a verse in Quran is there for its defeat in the hand of Muslim. It is a
turning point in the history in 1948 the state got its independent. In fact, it is not the present state Israel in
relation to the verse. Miss explanatory will remain busy in their own job criticizing anyway they like. At present
happenings about the state one is to ask own consciousness only but not to others because it is difficult to get
true answer. One of the groups is after the state to remove off the state from the world map. It is the Will of God,
the men has nothing to do.
“In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is christ the son of Mary, say: “ who then hath the least power
against Allah, if His will were to destroy Christ the son of Mary, his mother, and all- everyone that is on the earth?
For to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between. He createth what He
pleaseth. For Allah hath power over all things.” Sura 5 verse 19 Quran.
One of the sects among the Christian wish to say son of Mary is none but God. Someone says he is son and God
is his father, as he has no worldly father. Other sect asserted that father, son and holy soul combined is God.
God forbade all and strictly warned to think about their decision once more please do not leap in the dark. (When
the question of father, son and mother arise then one will find no beloved, heart will become dishearten finding
no beloved and divine love among them.) If Allah destroy three of them is there anyone to save them, but God
crowned with the heartiest way to make them famous among the people not to give them share with Allah.
Respect them but do not give any share to Allah. Devote towards God without any statue in front, they are unable
to give anything even they cannot create a fly. Do not keep a wall in between oneself and God. Men has direct
link with God through ether of God. What men think in his mind no body knows it except God. As an example, it
goes through a fax in between man and God. Without wall, man is eligible for the job though he is little in sense.
A man is composed of various qualities out of them it is one characteristic. In fact, to make all it clear at this
period one came to tell, behold! One is father, son and above the holy soul that is”Ruhh”. More definition is
ahead, readers will find it. Those who are entitled to call for explanation of its meaning they can mean out the
name what has written as a writer? It is clear at this that hundred of proves will not enamored of every one but
there is one at least to understand it. There is cause behind it. The blind can not see the Signs of God, deaf
cannot hear rule of Guidance of God and cruel hearted man does not revive with the touch of beautiful flowers
even good smelling does not attract them. Although one explains the things one by one. The Signs of God is
according to the Holy books shown by the land itself, the sky shown its own, the time and the month defined
about the arrival of Jesus. About year, one came to know by this time. How Jesus will speak to the people has
already asserted carefully quoting New Bible verses. So far, the nature of the world revealed all brought out
before all to assume one concept. It may attract the heart towards God. Rest God know better. There is nothing
one will find distaste for, as it is not artificial. For true thing every one will feel delight ness.
“To the Thamud people (we sent) Salih, one of their own brethren: He said: “O my people! Worship Allah; ye have
no other god but Him, now hath come unto you a clear (Sign) from your Lord! This she- camel of Allah is a Sign
unto you: so leave her to graze in Allah’s earth, and let her come to no harm, or ye shall be seized with a grievous
punishment”. Sura 7 verse 73 Quran.
To quote such verse from Quran to make the people understand once again God sent His apostle to guide them
and worship to God not giving any share to any one else keeping in front statue or something man made alike.
(Man is above all even land and sky including angels). The Signs of God she-camel at the period of apostle Salih,
the cow at the period of Moses, sheep at the period of Abraham, making a bird of paper or mud to give life to it at
the period of Jesus had shown by them. To risen up a dead person from grave at the period of Jesus, woke up of
a few person including a dog from a mountain cave after three hundred years all have become legend for those
worldly people. They run after money and honey to enjoy the things as they like. They hear it in one ear and take
it out by another ear, which does not heat at all in their heart because they are passing the days in the world
without any sorts of troubles. Hearing the long story from Adam to Jesus peace of God upon them, man stands
in a place like a rock and never thinks for future what is true. Moreover they indulge in devote towards statue
which has nothing to give. (One thing man should remember that God is what not, if one worship to a pen, pen
becomes a power but remember that God is pen but pen is not God). ). After narrating all these things coming to
point again that world has come to an end and every country has possessed own resources thinking well for
mankind if one utilized it then nature will act accordingly to its law otherwise it will react against man. Water is
useful for man but over flood is harmful to all. Resources have their own power of God, one can use it for the
betterment of humankind and evil thinking will take them into astray. Man came to know that all things possess
power, which is more powerful than the atom bomb or more than that. The cloud man sees is the Sign of God
where God shown its power. If the man could preserve the lightening then there would not be any shortage of
electricity. It is a sign for intellectuals as well as for the scientists. Those who reject the faith of God for them
punishment is in the hole of needle a camel would enter. In day and night, moving of earth, sun and all others
signs of God kept to see and realize about God to worship to Him but none. At this period narrating all history,
the nature is producing an example to all quoting the life of Jesus by one, it may acceptable or not to them. The
owner of the land and the sky is one He is God. Therefore, the man who denies the fact what would be the
position God knows. What rather proves they want that it would bring the people in one nation when God is one
and unique, let them define.
Think over the true
Significance of the nature,
It is nineteen forty seven
In detail accounts it’s.
Ye laugh at variants of it,
Men grew a new tree by tricks.
Conspirator’s conspiracy is behaving ill
With the bites of that conspirators
In war field lay waste.
There are people who writes only the dream dreamt, others uttering long talk writes false words of God but the
one accomplished the task given with the nature too in accordance with the Holy Books. People all over the
world may justify it then the words may lie on their hand to the letter. The nature bestowed a life, which found
very much practical, deep thought search out all events are similar in accordance with the Holy Books. May one
throw it away by laughing at but a thinker may see it with deep concentration to find out the true what actually in
it. May God help them to do so? Writings never goes in vain if it is true, it will come up with the realization of the
people in course of time. Those who grown up a tree with false notion and ideology in the world may be a
country or may be their theology, it is not possible to root out the tree over a day. However, God is wise to solve
the problems amicably. God plays His own tricks, He is great in tricks. No one can understand how he would play
over tricks upon him or her who played foul as a result one is speaking in front of all. Bow of God has bestowed
0ne to hurt in their heart like way, once it hurt them they will hue and cry with great pain for indulging foul play
and repent to get rid of from the difficulties.
“O ye assembly of Jinn’s and men! Came there not unto you apostles from amongst you, setting forth unto you
My Signs, and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours?” They will say: “we bear witness against
ourselves.” It was the life of this world that deceived them. So against themselves will they bear witness that they
reject faith.” Sura 6 verse 130 Quran.
Here the point is to note that God sent in every place apostles to warn them and shown all the Signs of God of
that period to understand the Signs which was science of God. However, at present men are hard of hearing
those stories. Although they briefed clearly about a life in hereafter that was their out of imagination how dead
person would reawaken again or get a new life. They listened to the devil people that enjoy the life whatever time
is found in the world and forget about hereafter in short cut that was their principles. When God would ask then
how they ran to waste, in reply they would say that they acted upon on the advice of unbelievers. One thing one
likes to say there are two words among the apostles as God used; one is the apostle who received revelation as a
book they called in Arabic “Rasul” and another who did not but received only advices to preach they called
“Nabi”. Here a point to note that a Rasul can be a Nabi but a Nabi cannot become Rasul. In comparison with the
Nabi there are only a few Rasul came in the world. It is the assumption of intellectuals that about three hundred
Rasul came on the hand more than lac Nabi arrived in the world. One of the sect leader first became claimant of
Jesus and received the revelation of Quran again even then came off with flying colors that he is one of the Nabi
means under Mohammed(SM) whom called ‘UMMATE” Nabi. To achieve his objective by fair mean or foul what
he did not say. He came out with false beside the mark that a Nabi is also a Rasul in them there is no difference.
Today everyone can understand it that a man who received the divine book and a man not are the same in ranks.
Spreading smoke nuisance among the people he gathered becoming bellwether. . It is beyond doubt that
unbelievers and miss-explanatory are to face before the judgment in no time. The determined Mosi is expressing
the theory of evolution of his own in accordance with Quran, Hadith and all other books though he knows
nothing about him. It is a provocative question that all have become possible without knowing himself is able to
produce all proves of Jesus life. Thinking failure of performing duties and responsibilities the book has written in
good part from the knowledge earned as a lay figure indubitably whatever understood from all events found in
books or dreaming a dream.
“About that Day and that period no body knows, angels also not but only God. Ye be careful remain careful.” (13:
30-32) Mark, New Bible.
The verse has narrated to mean two points in a word. However, such type of verse in Quran revealed only for the
Day of resurrection. Here the verse quoted in a paragraph Jesus’ arrival. The meaning of the verse is clear to
understand for all that angels who generally conveyed who coming in the world from them it kept secret. So what
is to talk about others and one? In early age it seen that when Jesus had to arrive before that a star shown in the
sky by which astronomers came to know the arrival of a big wig. In this regard, Will of God is such that people
would have no knowledge at any corner about the matter. Whatever written so far no one taught it. Inner
inspiration inspired the heart to write at any rate. The earned knowledge came out throughout of the book where
all there in spite of having many difficulties. Iron will took one to bring out with the truth by Mossy for preaching
the words of God nothing else is there.
“Those whom Allah ( in His plan) willeth to guide,- He openeth their breast to Islam; those whom He willeth to
leave straying,- He maketh their breast close and constricted, as if they had to climb up to the skies; thus doth
Allah (heap) the penalty on those who refuse to believe.” Sura 6 verse 125 Quran.
Whom God wishes and select his breast become wide as well as put him into practice to come out with His truth.
There is no rhyme or reason to doubt what He said in the verse. In a period one was out of track about the
religion and never tried to shine in life doing up and down with the subject matter. However, at present he is
trying laboring hard to bring out the thought before all whatever earned in life to heart is content. No doubt, it is a
research work done in open mind for all. Whom (God) the credit goes to over all. It is He (God) inspired oneself.
With all courage and knowledge, He helped one to stand before all, that what one learned from the verse above.
All praise goes to Allah and praise to God but none for anything one gain in life. Off hand, one entered in
research work having no time on such work to maintain in life as prime of life took one aside out of right place. At
a period one inspired a little then one woke up in religious thought and rest all written in right earnest in detail
may that becomes valuable for some. Returning to the way in full swing found no further response nothing heard
from any corner, still in good faith one runs towards goal. Specialist and scientists may believe or not, men
cannot receive from that ether of God until and unless they forget the worldly life what is out of nature. Thinking
deep-to-deep one goes out of nature there he finds the true but it must be justified whether it is true or not
returning to nature. So far one found in research work a verse of Quran 3(46), a many verses in New Bible and
Old Bible, the new born state Israel, the birth of MOsi, name, day, month, year, rebirth in the sky all these
significance are in accordance with Quran, Hadith and other Holy Books. Literal meanings are in favor of one
thus main object in one sense is in success.
Ye die vivacious
On the tricks of the Great,
Where had you been
That period of new born state,
Empty drums are biting your followers.
Sound heard all over
The world of vacant jars,
In harmony tone,
They sing the songs
As like as wise,
They denied on board of cloud
And landing from sky is.
God is All-Powerful and great in tricks. Being a religious teacher, it had known to him but he treated the Quran as
unbelievers. He had no trust in God because that person dreamt to become Jesus put forth a school where he
washed the brain of the students. There gave lesson to become more great religious teachers than him in the
society and work on behalf of him, they had have been working until then. (one person holding good brain
cannot jump over from the sky knowing that he will die but washing of brain and training makes men to do so).
Because of having a base that he was religious teacher took the opportunity laying foundation in it declared to all
at his area (Punjab) the revelation of God were brought through angel as Mohammed (SM) received. He did not
hesitate to play false to become Jesus. It is not worthy to say that person who follows the principles of Mosi
Kadiani that they fall on a problem, which is a hard nut to crack. They are far away from Muslim and playing
double game hiding their identity. The jar of their religious teachers are full to the brim what they think and say
that as the intellectuals are in the society of Islam same way they have also more intelligent and skillful teachers
in them. As a result, they preach the Quran and its verses in internet and people must be aware of it that who are
they? To be a good teacher need some of the gifts of the Most Powerful it may be divine or in practical where all
proves kept inside the basket. Without anything if one say our great leader was a prophet as he received the
revelation of God but it was same as Quran so attention and interest of the audience would not look into the
matter as it was copy of some one declared by another one by playing hole and corner. Without washing the face
in the morning after has risen up from bed, if one says in a loud voice to all, there is nothing harmful to criticize
their leader. To write down in the fore head K.F.R as it is in keeping with other great leaders like Mohammed(SM)
and Hazarat Abdul Qader Zillani. They had also face such criticism and found bad title like Mosi Kadiani on the
plea of their ideology. . Followers of Bahai sect and Mosi kadiani, both have amalgamated with Muslim in
practical works in secret way but in hearts they own their own ideology in force. Finding wherever chances give
the lesson to the innocent in favor of their leader taking them to a separate Mosque keeping them matter held in
back from others, same thing is going on abroad also. As the sect defined to land from sky has not denied but
landing from high place to low place is also a landing as the word of Hadith. In one sense, one may agree on it
because a many Hadiths found to come down from hill is also landing even mother giving birth to a child is one
kind of landing. So the theory given by the sect however accepted in all respect but in consideration of other
proves they left the beaten track. Regarding the Hadiths about Jesus whatever revealed at least should one prove
but not that death of priest killed all swine from the world. The nature has done her duty but the eagle says the
cow died of her curse only to eat. Therefore, the arguments appeared to be in a circle. Avoiding the Hadiths and
making statement according to ones own will and wish as like as fair weather friend but in need those who trust
in him will not face the music on the Judgment Day. In front the writings in progress there all Hadiths as well as
there words have given appropriate preferences to bring them to light to prove the Great revealed words are true
in sense. In the poem a word “Anjal Nad” in Arabic means landing (according to the commentators landing from
sky) tried to prove not to cut a figure but to say truth as well as the word of New Bible “cloud” proved in many
ways. Considering the idea of that sect the “Anjal Nad” man would not land from sky though one proved it from
the sky and the practical sky both even then agreed upon on their point so to say one is born and mother gave a
birth to a child. Was it not a landing from the darkness to light and high to low? If the mentality of the sect is
good and pure for the sake of arguments, can they agree upon it other than fall from the clouds?
“Say: “My Lord knoweth (every) word (spoken) in the heavens and the earth: He is the one that heareth and
knoweth (all things). “Nay,” they say, (these are) medleys of dreams! –nay, he forged it! – Nay, he is (but) a poet!
Let him then bring us a sign like ones that were sent to (prophet) of old!” sura 21 verses 4 and 5 Quran.
It well known to not all, that Apostles of God show any divine events to the people without cause until and unless
the instruction comes from God. At early age, the Apostles did so compliance with these guideline shown divine
events. Among all divine events shown is one most popular parting moon into two pieces then at hard time to
trust in God. At that period of the Apostles whatever the divine events had shown that all science of God and out
of nature but all gone to the dogs for unbelievers. They wished to say all the revelation and divine events were
poetic and magic of ones. Therefore, the present work narrating the nature showing its events, signs, period and
time may not be believable to a many people but to think over one may come in contact with the matter to cock
sure. Another reason is a man is expressing the ideas not an angel. In addition to that, the Mosi/Jesus for who
people has been waiting for long his arrival period, month and time to fix in black and white for others may not be
possible even then, one presenting the result of research work has done to convey all to hold water. As a result,
they can take right step and decision in good faith. Man can write expressing his feeling in keeping with all
modern style to attract the mind of others in false way but speaking the truth as happened to bring out through
pen/Mosi is the best method if one believe in it and comes to the right path.
“When trouble touches men, they cry to their Lord, turning back to Him in repentance: but when he gives them a
taste of Mercy as from Himself, behold, some of them pay part-worship to other gods besides their Lord.” Sura
30 verse 33 Quran.
Naturally men are such that they are weak in heart, whenever one comes to nothing that one remember the God
changing one’s color in humble way pray to God to overcome from difficulties. God is Most kind hearing men
earnest prayer fulfilled the demands but men think that the father or the statue made by them filled up the same.
After it, men forget to praise to God but praise that statue and cross the right path doing wrong. The way
narrated is one how man share other gods other than real God. At the beginning of the book, the forecast
published regarding Hadiths stating the arrival time of Jesus, one of the Hadith stated he would arrive in the
morning others stated in the afternoon, which became contradictory in writings but one could not neglect the
Hadiths too. Two different times of landing from sky being one person would have given effect to the mark as
stated as the way Hadith revealed. Yea, it seems that every words of Hadith have deep inner meanings as well as
appropriate useful meanings. Tripod multitude of clouds, lightening and summer season quoted in New Bible are
the points to determine the particular month as the season to Bangladesh concerns black cloud storm season in
the month of “Baishak” and “jaistha” in Bengali and in English April and May. Time in Hadiths may most
contradictory for some as the arrival of Jesus as stated in the morning and in the afternoon. Why to define it
more but to clear to all such wording of Mohammed (SM) was not of his, own but God. Man is one but arrival time
is two has some cause in it, as God is truth. One assumes that for such wording the man who had to come again
would born again and will speak to all after an interval other than that one finds no meaning though it has come
to one in favor of writings the life. These two times may reject by the opponent with one voice but has no way out
to solve the problems for the present. May some one crossing the path brings out other solution appropriate
superior to present one in relation to topics then why not to accept it in good faith! One sees that other solution
will carry through all more difficulties, which stand in front of new arrival Jesus if he comes in a body from
heaven. In hot hate, all media come before him with a volume books to ask questions moreover they have an eye
to his all moment, which cannot avoid one, but to go through fire and water. (Perhaps God would not do so by
storm as there has other difficulties too which are coming in successive way). One of the sect leader knew it that
there had two times mentioned in Hadiths without solving the problems to carry the day only a time is mentioned
that their leader saw the light of the world on Friday morning. As the timing is in relation to Hadiths’ part to
convince the people spreading false in the heart of others, which is, near to Hadith. The timing has quoted in a
book while narrating the date of birth. Some one writes for not sacrificing but to fulfill own wish by putting up
false in harmony. Probable events bring close to others to make the false truth. (Satan does so whenever one is
in a fix that Satan gives a solution, which is near to truth so that people believe the false). Such events writing in
harmonious way the literacy attracts the mind of readers but the religious matter without holding with Hadiths or
other Holy Books would not hold water. God is Most wise and skilled in account doing the things in proportion
whatever the science is giving and man is discovering today. So the result has declared through the nature is of
time concern time and tide waits for none. One hopes that all intellectuals and wise people will go through the
book to find out the truth probably God left the issue today in the hand of nations of the world for good. The
result of Nature will come out to do needful at all risks and God would do His duties. (Arrival of Jesus in the
world is not for to give any worm reception with red carpet but the Will of God that it is a Sign of God for the man.
No one should think such that he would come to hold a chair like king). About Hadith, what one gained in the
beginning of the day conveyed it at length in the afternoon (like old boy as an awful writings, which is not
attractive for some). It is God wish to show a Sign of God before He ends the chapter. The science will reach to
its maximum up to the remarks and heaven will open to show them from the world to believe in God but the
scientist will say it is nature nothing else. This is the high time for all to enter into the Holy Book where a door
still open out of one hundred fourteen if any unbelievers know it with repenting heart and soul. If not then nature
will take its own course to comply the order of the Great.
“It is He who begins (the process of) creation; then repeats it, and for Him it is most easy: to Him belongs the
leftist similitude (we can think of) in the heavens and the earth: for His Exalted in Might, Full of wisdom”. Sura 30
verse 27 Quran.
At ones, wishes build up a multistoried building in crying need or for other purpose one wishes to break it or
destroy it. He may build up another multistoried building superior to present one. It depends on ones will and
wish. It is the case with God. However, men think how beautiful worlds after worlds fall in to ashes! It is no matter
for Him( men can think over about a fly that it born, brought up, get married, becomes father or mother, in this
way the fly leave for good. It is only for three days). God has no time as His another name is period or time.
Therefore, create a man is very easy for Him than that of the worlds. To create the worlds after hereafter then
after hereafter is depending on His will and Wish. (A little question may arise in the mind then how man will
survive and enjoy or live on! It is high time to think over that how man can live on, the way is to surrender to God
but not false gods and think that His Will and Wish is the will and wish of man).
A multistoried building build up by one has a plan and before hand, he examined it how it would look at, how it
would work! It means law or the plan had approved before it constructed. In the construction, some exceptional
laws had also made in the plan. If anyone thinking on it come out with criticism that these exceptions are not the
law of grammar. Would it be acceptable to anyone? So in all languages grammatical exceptions come under the
law of grammar. If some one wants to criticize saying bamboo writings let him do it. The same case with the
nature that there is an exception of law that is out of nature. It is clear that who had a programmed to arrive
among the people of the world had nothing to loose or not to get warm reception as he was an enlisted person
ever before. It is not ones mother tongue so there may remain some fault in it but main aim is to give guidelines
so that innocent does not fall in grieves and get away from the path of true. The path, which runs in the middle, is
the path of God.
Hundred of obstructions
And ill incantation fall down,
Iron wills of one, God is guardian.
Surely, the nature of God,
He is always in motion.
The water is landing
As the cloud awards rain,
The landing thought like sky
But as like as clouds,
Water drops in the earth
That sign is present.
It is always that a lie defeats to a true, it comes from Satan and evils showing magical formulas without any base
just as a fiction for the time being though the event happens before the eyes of some. . Once man surrenders to
one God and keep firm believe in Him that His Will and Wish is, his then that person never defeats in anyway in
good jobs. (Think over the passed away days, God filled up almost all wishes in course of time, which are best
for one). Be a person to eat humble pie to one and unique God following the truth by fair play in all matters, the
person who takes the shelter of truth he never gets defeat. The nature of the worlds after worlds has controlled
by God, the way He maintains it in the same way the nature cut a figure to the worlds its elements and
requirements coming out in the world with her actions. The cloud bestows rain to fertile the land or to give a life
to the land. It becomes alive due to her gifts. Rains fall down from cloud (It is from high to low) so it can say that
the landing of rains in a word landing. The word in Arabic “Anjal” meant landing “but landing from the sky”
according to the Hadith must had remained correct before went to at length. Going at the root of human kind the
first man Adam peace of God upon him had been created in the heaven and also his companion but to say the
truth he got his sense after breathing of God though he had a life to grown up in a form. At the out set of the little
discussion, it found that one has grown up life and another is breathing of God to come to consciousness that is
two lives are combining. It is required to know as because man knows about it very less as Quran is gist of all
and words of God but in short. A thing is there that both the life unseen and out of two one is visible to Jinns and
Angels. Simultaneously Adam (peace of God may upon him) would able to see them. With this little discussion,
ones aim to put forward the writings ahead to understand well. Although a baby forms in the womb of mother,
even then a heavenly body brings out by the Angels in the womb of mother in a stage. In brief all man had have
been landing from the sky as well as an angel stay in the womb of mother so long the fate of baby is writes down
as the book of the baby which had written earlier by the God. Coming back to the word cloud when it rains one
sees fall the water on the ground. It does not remain for a long time. It goes away in accordance with her system
whatever the scientist says as aqueous vapor parting into two elements hydrogen and oxygen. Therefore, rainfall
down on the earth has seen but no sign stands for to look at in the long run. One of the sect denied a portion of
Hadith as because ‘landing from sky’ to prove for Mosi Kadiani as well as for his sect as like as a venomous
snake. Rejection of a portion accepting rest of the Hadith proved has no faith on Mohammed(SM) as well as in
God. These Hadiths are true and re-known to all. It might be the main reason for which he had gone to the dogs.
“After the great trouble period just in time the sun will become dark the moon will not give light and the stars will
fall down”. 10 (ten): (24and 25) Mark, New Bible.
It has seen that one after another two world wars held over so far. (Others are expecting another one-third world
war so that remaining rest of the people of the world can fight with bow and arrow of old age.) Earthquake will
take place; feminine will break out in many places resulting people get into in a great trouble. According to the
verses of New Bible, the nature yet did not act upon the way in the Bible verses came. In the Quran same type of
verses are there which will come into force at the day of resurrection. As stated earlier, in the Bible both, the
arrival of Jesus and the verses day of resurrection have amalgamated, even then one tried to take out the
meaning that has explained earlier. Although one has taken a meaning that, the sun, the moon and the stars
would not give shining and light in the early morning and all becomes dull at that period. However, to say real
happening as stated in the verses not yet held together. The nature until now remains constant in its motion but
an event happened in the beginning of the era 2001, which had known for all. That day the full family of the of the
sun came to one parallel which ever seen before. It was a matter for the man to become astonish but it is as said
earlier a matter of nature for some. The verses narrated it would happen in a day definitely but in normal view it
happens every day if one thinks over may come to conclusion. Getting back to the Hadith the timing mentioned
for the arrival of Jesus is in the morning has taken out from the New Bible and they are almost same. The one
explained the events in one way but another-one dead against of the of the view may take out another notion for
the purpose of his writings. Here one is to find out the truth. The moon in the morning becomes dull and so the
case for the sun but shining rise up and the stars become dim or sluggish. According to Hadith, arrival time of
Jesus is lying hidden in the Bible. Events happened all the time with the motion of the stars, the sun and the
earth and time mentioned for a famous person is to receive by earth.
“That was a people that hath passed away. They shall reap the fruit of what they did, and ye of what ye do! Of
their merits there is no question in your case! They say: “become Jews or Christians if ye would be guided (To
salvation).” Say thou: “Nay! (I would rather) the religion of Abraham the true, and he joined not gods with Allah.”
Sura 2 verses 134 and 135 Quran.
Those who passed away whatever they earned might be act of piety or sin its all for them. As an example, sin of
others will not bear by father or son. Everyone will ask for his own jobs done by him though if he follows Jesus.
In the same way Jesus will not bear the others sins but a guide line he gave earlier or if he comes at present say
that “Ruhh” goes to God directly may be he is sinner or virtuous. However, the “Naffs” or the real soul created
will have to suffer if found guilty. If not then he goes to a place where peace and peace. With the moving of
fingers hundred of proves will not effect the mind of evils. They may indulge in debate but justifying the last
person or an angel about the “Ruhh” who would carry his “Ruhh” to God a meaning takes out. One cannot
debate for anything. If it is in accordance with Quran, Hadith, science and logic then there is no harm to accept it.
Otherwise, one has nothing to do. One believes it is also a science of God as “Ruhh” is the Word of God may a
Futkar or breathing of God or Order or consciousness. It always guides the man for all types good or virtues and
concerning sins, it is at the rear with the Naffs. Moreover, it is the matter of very high what man cannot imagine
so believing it or not does not effect anyone or religion.
“Were ye witnesses when death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he said to his sons: “What will ye worship after
me? They said: “ we shall worship thy Allah and the Allah of thy of Abraham, Isma-il and Isaac,- the one (true)
Allah: to Him we bow (in Islam).” Sura 2 verse 133 Quran.
It is true that God is one and unique but to some-one Allah of Abraham, Ismail, and Jacob uttered by his mouth
He is his (one) Allah. Saying the truth that Allah (N) who the one called as Allah is very weak and a great lair. The
person is quoting the verse draw to him the attraction. If anyone analyses what the God said to him who is God
of Moses, God of Jesus, let the readers look into it:-
12. The conversation held between God and one that those were absolutely truth and believable. If the one for a
moment disbelieve those or doubt then that one would become unbelievers (K.F.R). His hereafter would go to the
dogs forever. (Reference book Hakikatul Nabuat. Page – 173).
13. God said to him (Revelation of God), “ In Arabic ‘Anta min ma –ena wahum min fasal’ means ‘ you have
created from (My) water and others are from dry mud.” (Reference book Arbaain kh-2 page-39).
14. Revelation of God to Mosi Kadiani in Arabic, ‘ Laulaka lana khalaktul aflak’ means if you were not there then I
(God) would not create the sky and the land”. (Reference book Hakikatul Ohi – an appendix page 85)
15. “ He asserted that one day he met to God. He (Mosi) wrote down a many prophecies by own hand. He had an
idea that those prophecies should happen in near future. What he did he submitted the papers to God for
approval. God had signed the paper with red ink without any hesitation. Suddenly he woke up and opened his
eyes in a Mosque where Meah Abdullah sanawari was present that one was massaging his legs. In front of him
from unseen place red ink dropped in his shirt and cap.” (Reference book Hakikatul Ohi page 255).
Going through the quotations one can easily find out who was his God! Not God but Satan when they worship to
any type of materials like statue or any other things of nature that god shows fiction to the man. He is one but in
number his descendent ten times more than the population of the world because they live on for a long period
than that of men. Believing the theology of Mosi Kadiani, anybody would frustrate in lie of assurance. Dear
readers, Jesus would not come alone in the world without having proves of all Holy books. May God not do so to
His selected person? This much assurance can be given that he would never fall into grieves of those frauds who
tell lie. Nobody would able to take out any type of fault in his proves. There would be no reason left behind to go
to debate or dispute in connection to his proves. Praise to God who is one and unique, share Him to none would
his aim to preach.
See that rains
Went to underground,
Try to understand by conscious
Water is a house.
Uncountable houses
Mixed up underground,
No water is there except a sign.
Adam in earth
And in sky too
Praying to God at grave,
Tripod of Krishna,
One is inside earth.
In accordance with a philosopher the meaning of cloud is Air Force in relation to New Bible word but in fact it
means water, darkness and knowledge etc. because rains fertile the earth as well as for human is knowledge, so
it may use in various meaning and thought of some one. One has to do with the meaning that one likes regarding
the word cloud of New Bible. He would come on board of cloud may go upon supporting from the darkness to
light. It may that one assumes. Darkness is greater than the universe. So it is out of imagination of man how far
the state of God. In comparison to that the world is as like as ant. Concerning to science the scientist says out of
hundred only four percent is under light. In the poem words cloud, rains and then water came one by one only to
make it clear that water has compared with man. Man only sees the water but in it, two elements are unseen.
Therefore, water is not there but there too changing its form. Here water is nothing but a human body, which is a
house. Human body is composite of various elements as well as intelligent elements are there who visit far and
far but not known to man. To define the meaning of water in wide sense an example is quoting here. President of
America is speaking from that country but electrons carrying all his shadow as he is in Japan. Today man what
discovered God created such type of hydrogen bomb ever before and burst into the sun to shine. Man believes
what is practically seeing but in meditation, religious teachers are far away from the scientists. At a time one
sees thousand of president Obama all over the world may that they are shadow but to God it is practical. That is
why Adam is in the earth as well as in the sky too. Therefore, here water means human body, dead body, grave,
human station, rains, fertility and knowledge what one assumes. One will find that in Muslim they understand
less about it and criticize one another only in short of knowledge. To God one person can become thousand and
thousand but to man only shadow do so. Long discussion on the subject increases the volume of the book in
short tripod of Krishna mainly a man after death divided into three parts as the water and three of them go to
different places as discussed earlier. Therefore, in the earth is first Krishna, second one is in a place where he
suppose to be and third one is none but of God.
Mosi Mirza Golam Ahmed Kadiani said, “Therefore among the followers of Moses (peace of God upon him) after
thirteen hundred years of Moses departure one came name Jesus (peace of God upon him) as a great. Same way
after Mohammed (SM) departure a person would arrive with it distance period thirteen hundred years, among the
followers of Mohammed (SM). One came among the followers of Mohammed (SM) at a place named Kadian
(Punjab) as like as Jesus as a great (adorned like Jesus). His name is Mirza Golam Ahmed who had inner quality
of Jesus whom God titled as ‘Son of Mary” means for the followers of Mohammed (SM) he is as like as Jesus
adorned. Therefore, he is Mommadi mosi.” (Reference book Ahmadiyat, page 133-134).
In between the above quotation, they put in a verse of Quran by miss interpreting. A Hadith also they put forward,
which narrated below:-
“As well as (to confer all these benefits upon) others of them, who have not already joined them; and He is
Exalted in Might, Wise.” Sura 62 verse 3 Quran.
In the above quotation as the sect related that One would arrive as like as like as Jesus or adorned Jesus no
where in the Holy Books found as like as Jesus would arrive other than Jesus. However, to them out nature
nothing happened is the cause to bring out as like as Jesus. Before going through a Hadith as they related after
the verse 62(3) quoted in what it says to the sect that there is indication of Mohammed (SM) arrival (viz. two
times) where as they opposed the arrival of Jesus, which are in New Bible/lnjil and Quran too. Mohammed (SM)
never told to any thing about his arrival and there is no Hadith regarding the subject.
What other commentators say let the readers know it. “Others of them: refers to other persons or people who
may be ignorant, that is, other than those among whom the holy Prophet came as an apostle. In other words, his
messages is for Arab people and his non-Arab contemporaries as well as those who live in other ages, and have
no personal contact with him or his companies. ( Abdullah Yusuf Ali).
This is not the end. The person wants to let others know what other commentators said about it to make it more
clear, if it is true then let him become so what to others. Here Hadith they related also discussed.
According to Bokhari and Muslim, Hazarat Abu Huraira (May God please with him) related that they were sitting
by the side of Mohammed (SM), at that period the Sura 63 revelation of God came and Mohammed (SM) read it to
them. (Exact Arabic cannot quote) he asked who are they? Second time asked who they are. When third time
asked he replied that a person Salman Fareshi (May God please with him) who was also there keeping hand on
his body said that if believe goes in high up to a star suriya then his descendant out of his a few will bring it
A few defined the meaning as a pronoun, which is also correct, but they did not accept the theory of Mosi Kadiani
arrival of new Prophet.
From the very beginning of Islam, some of the miss interpreters tried to put to death the religion by adopting
wrong notion spreading to others. One of them Hazarat Abdullah EbN Saba (RA) once upon a time he was a Jew.
He could not tolerate the arrival of Jesus from Christ society again as stated in Quran and Hadith. After the
departure of Mohammed (SM), he spread out a net of vapor, how the Isha/Jesus (A) would arrive again keeping
aside the greatest Prophet Mohammed (SM). What kind of matter it is! He wished to call Hazarat Ali (RA) is God.
Of hearing such news, Hazarat Ali (RA) became annoyed calling him on to stop the preaching of such wrong
notion. The person (SM) who read out Sura to all did not say about his arrival again but neighbors overwhelming
the matter. As he (SM) directed by God read out the Hadith preaching about the arrival of Isha (A). In him (SM),
new arrival was not important but to others it has become very important for selfishness only. The explanation
had submitted by the sect about the arrival of Prophet, could they proof neither Jesus nor Imam Mehdi. Imam
Mehdi is the king of the world but he became king of the Mosi taking the title himself. All their logics and
arguments put forwarded as hypothesis putting up others claimant of false prophets theology at best it could say
a legend of the day. No one will consider it as a Kalam or logics or religion. Had there anyone who would not
follow the law of God but follow the law of Mosi Kadiani. His all arguments are full of hypothesis and own made
revelation of god. If he would one real, Prophet then would take the shelter of the Holy Books, not diverting
single inch from it. In the Holy Book, anything not understood would handover to God. However, it found that he
is very wise in all respect. God is Great, All Wise. If He bestowed anyone, something that must be true and in
accordance with the Holy books. He speaks always truth becoming one with the God especially for Prophet. The
person who is not of God in connection to such sensitive religious matter his writings and arguments might have
come from with the instigation of Satan. He speaks near to true to deceive the man creating sect and sub-sect in
religion. According to the Hadiths, the word is ‘son of Mary’ but miss explanatory explained it as like as Jesus
adorned Jesus and Mohammedi Mosi. The Planner Who planned the map there He wrote down Jesus. Therefore,
Jesus is to arrive by any means. May that thing is out of nature but the nature will consider it as nature as the law
Maker had made the law before the nature born. It has become an exceptional rule of grammar. Those who miss
interpret the verses of Quran they are traitor in the kingdom of God.
Without water its elements
Are in the sky,
See, the clouds in
The sky is always floating.
The sky clouds but lands rains
Two elements are in sky
Ever lasting is.
Who is to reach!
His door closed by one?
Get over the troubles across
With twinkle of eyes are.
Water is one of the compound substances everlasting in the sky as clouds changing its form into two elements.
In sky it called clouds when comes down it called rains or water. Rains land to ground but changing form visible
when goes up no one able to say that it has not raise up to sky. Jesus case is also so raised up to God (may be in
a body defining one of his divine events, it had stated he was with Moses and Elias (May peace of God upon
them) just before the crucifiction held). Therefore, he rose up by God and land but a many people would not
believe it.
“And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the
(Hour); but follow ye me: this is a straight way.” Sura 43 verse 61 Quran.
God revealed all along before and after about Jesus only here God used pronoun the word he, definitely there are
many reasons not to say Jesus. However, to all commentators the word he is for Jesus. God is All-Wise, He
knows where what to use. Probably God intentionally did not use the name Jesus to make a few persons famous
in the world. If the name mentioned then Kadiani would not become the King of Mosi, fortunately, he got a
chance to enter in that place uttering his name Ahmed. As one Sura kept open for all here also it is open for them
who want to indulge with the pronoun him to become famous, it is a good opportunity for some to glorify.
Hazarat Isha (A) is not the only Sign of the Day of Resurrection but a many things, persons and some events also
are there. Out of that a few events and about some person are defined rest would appear before the people. The
intellectuals of the world will look into it to convey the matter to the general for information time to time.
“When Jesus came with clear Signs, he said; “now have I come to you with wisdom, and in order to make clear to
you some of the (points) on which ye dispute; therefore fear Allah and obey me.” Sura 43 verse 63 Quran.
From the above verse, anyone can imagine that God is talking about Jesus. It has started from the verse 57 and
still continuing, how can another one enter to that pronoun is to justified by the people of all sects. Divine events
on that age had shown by Jesus but the Jews had bad blood on him having no father. It is the revelation of God
after six hundred years Mohammed (SM) cleared off all slang and blame from her mother and from Jesus too.
Presently the life of Jesus though brought out throughout the book discussing various things only to give peace
to some faces for whom it is awful writings even then practical number of readers may count to the fingers. Why
it is so? Because on religion subject people of famous faces, have very less interest throughout of the world. The
person has appeared before the people presenting the nature, its examples, the newborn state according to the
verse 3(55) in course of time, which determined the year of the arrival of Jesus. Hope against hope one may
succeed at last but it depends on God. Clouds, lightening and summer season are tripod determining the month
the nature has shown its reality through the sun, the moon and the stars become dull in the morning brought out
a time for the arrival of Jesus. Again according to Hadith it reached to Minar of Mosque in the afternoon not only
to Mosque but also to all churches, Moth of all Buddhist, Mondir of Hindus and all religious schools to get the
information if any one interested to know as like as lightening. It may bring forth new ideas in the heart of thirsty
people keeping away from ambiguous by devoting to one and unique God sharing Him to none. Two tripods of
nature are the witness other than the Holy Books if not anyone believes it. The person who had to come in near
future about him no body knows from which country he would arrive except God according to New Bible.
“This Quran is not such as can be produced by other than Alla; on the contrary it is a confirmation of
(revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the book – wherein there is no doubt – from the Lord
of the Worlds.” Sura 10 verse 37 Quran.
The Holy Quran is a Divine Book that which cannot but has to admit. (Why should one not believe the Quran?
One person if he goes to heaven then his reward is ten times bigger a world than the present world. Is it true? If
so, let it see practically. The total population passed away and present population in addition to that coming
population of the world would counting a figure will come out. Present population is say eight hundred cores
totaling all may go to lac cores. If one count only galaxy of the worlds after worlds it would be more than the total
population leaving aside their family members. Everyone should think over the matter in all respect.) The Quran
is the supporter of religious books. (People criticize that the Quran is nothing but replica of Old and New Bible.
One agreed upon them it is so but Mohammed (SM) did not do so. Then who has done it please find out and then
say it. If logic of the famous people come into conclusion that God has done it because His Books and orders
had modified by the people, as they liked.) Muslims say do not go through the Bibles as because God rejects
them. It is not true to do so that threw them to dustbin. Because all history of the Quran is, there nowhere it
would found. Miss interpreters may explain the subject in favor of them by putting the word Ahmed instead of the
word he but cannot change the subject matter of other religious books where arrival of Jesus confirmed. They
would not support the miss interpreters in any way, because he is not only signing for Muslim that by force you
would do something as anyone likes. O, eastern part of the world, thanks to you to give the proper information in
accordance to your Holy Book. Same to western part of the world, you do not create obstructions to arrive the
one in the world. In accordance to the Injil, it would go from the East to West as like as lightening. Definitely the
world came to know it so that they become alert going through religious books to find out which one of God still
pure and unchanged to devote to one and unique God.
“For that reason people say, Jesus is in desert area, and then do not go out from home. If say, he is at home do
not believe it.” 24: verse 26 Mathew, New Bible.
In connection to verse, it said that Jesus might come from any place of the world. It mentioned that do not
believe on rumors in any case. Lairs and claimant of Jesus would found a many that would come before the
people saying Jesus or Isha Mosi. Different people will bring out their virtues in many ways to prove them Jesus
but think that having no proofs in all sides of God they might have told own Jesus. How it happens, it is a long
chapter and discussion. In short, one likes to give an example so that one understands the reasons. There are
two types of people someone God selects others do their mediation devoting towards God. Those who do the
mediation in them speaking the truth is the best of all but should not disclose the matter to others without
justification is to follow. One example is Mr. Gada Ram Babu of India. He spoke the truth to all in life history that
is why he became a famous person in India as a Sree Sree Ram Krishna. What to say, he is neither Ram nor
Krishna. He may belong to any sect it happened to all. He said that he thought about Ram and Krishna all the
time so he became as like as them. This is a true statement of one. Whom one thinks in devotion that one he sees
at dream. Love factors also such if one think about someone he appears in dream. However, the person has seen
did not come at all moreover he knows nothing about it. If it is religious matter then speak the truth, because in
mediation it happens that for whom one thinks it seems that he appears and one become so like that person.
Practically it is not that he became such and such person. From there question of re-birth came before the people
only not understanding the mediation. Very less people know about others in practical name but they have
become famous for their truthfulness only. Perhaps in the era people would see such type of dream all the time
because men think about the matter very much. Any saint tells a lie or disclose his own things to others he is
maddened to all as because there found no base on his theory. For one lie that person goes in emotion and bring
out ten lies to prove his word is true. So is the case of Mosi Kadiani he saw that he became Jesus and Imam
Mehdi too. Some time finding no way thought about son of Mary then he became Mary, gave a birth to a child
Jesus that is he. He gowned up as Jesus in a day. However, all proves would not come in force to anyone hearts
as their legs have fastened with the rope to their ancestors. They will hear to them minutely what their ancestor
had heard and act upon on it. These types of dream had seen by some one before the world war and newborn
state has no base with the Holy Books. Therefore, mediation is a hard subject one must try to understand it and
the followers also should think the matter deeply otherwise, they will go through untold sufferings. Even in
meditation, one becomes Allah or Mohammed (SM) or other famous persons. It is a stage of meditation but men
understand less or Satan instigates at that moment. So it becomes as like as one sees an elephant in a deep
forest. Seeing its back full description of an elephant is not correct.
Message has carried into effect
By lightening and clouds,
The person acts saying
Krishna, Buddha, and Isha Mosi is.
Hundred of obstructions on the way
Are carrying through writings!
Rebirth has become suitable to land.
In the course of events,
The one till is most astonishing
Only for the Isha is,
Re-birth kept mysterious hiding.
The clouds and lightening has brought to life the message received in accordance with Holy Books. (Had it
known to one that in course of period in a sky one would dream to get an order for writing a book? Although one
has carried out the order having no knowledge in relation to religion as well as in writings.) In present life the
news will spread out, as lightening as a result lies will die with it miss interpreters also. As it is not of one but of
nature she would play in the field to come out with proves as what said Krishna, Buddha and Isha Mosi. Her
proves will carry her through though hundred of obstructions ahead. Is there anyone to stop Him who inspired
one to write on the religion matter being ignorant?
It seems that in a birth from mother womb is one kind of landing though one has prove of landing from a sky as
well as real sky of God. (Has one arrival to put forth the custom of rebirth of other sect, which is only for one
exception to nature an idea to disclose.) About the arrival of Jesus found in Old Bible, New Bible, Quran and
Hadith as well as in the scripture of Hindus and Buddhist. It is too in the book of those who worship fires. Not all
these scriptures can tell a lie. (Main aim to tell all these scriptures not to prove only the arrival of Jesus but to say
such an order written by men in different Holy Books misunderstood the subject matter. In lieu of Jesus, they all
started coming again in the world one by one as a rebirth.) The matter stands in a point that rebirth is as like as
landing in addition to a practical sky and real sky. That the angels carry out their duties as landing of soul where
inside of that Ruhh stays with the cover. These all are about landing according to Hadith but in arguments and
logic, say that plan passed for his arrival ever before core and cores years ago. The way God likes He may send
His selected person in accordance with the verse 43(61) to show His Sign of the Day of Resurrection. One is to
look to it carefully to find out the true to lay aside for the future.
“Jacob said, “Nay, but ye have yourselves contrived a story (good enough) for you so patience is most fitting (for
me). May be Allah will bring them (back) all to me (in the end); for He is indeed full of Knowledge and wisdom.”
Sura 12 verse 83 Quran.
(Why the verse has quoted above not known to the person. However, to say, how the future act under the nature
only known to God. Prophet Jacob (A) came to know when using cloths of Prophet Yusuf (A) found in hand
smelling it he confirmed that his son was alive.) A many sects and sub-sects passed away among the Muslims
but still a few are alive. They are in different name surviving as a whole they are Muslims. In early age, there was
rumor that seventh Imam others say twelfth Imam would come in the world as Imam Mehdi but to others it may
be from any corner as well up defined. In view of it some of the sect found there fortieth Imam who is reign over
them. Out of all these prophecies arrival of Jesus is up to the mark in the heart of all remained to the point as
because that period is the period of Imam Mehdi who would rule over the world but in true sense found none
except darkness. Brightness of coming Jesus in the heart of Muslims and Christian’s society still found in one
voice but to others consider that their own Warner would arrive again in the world. In the above verse one saw
that own made story not accepted by Prophet Jacob (A). Therefore, any such own made case would found no
base to God. It may that one day, as the Holy Books had revealed so before closing the office of God, Who
opened it, warn the people showing the Signs. Hadith narrated by one sect about the descendent of Hazarat
salman Fareshi (RA) there they considered from generation to generation the Prophets would arrive. To speak
the truth a many famous persons went away those who re-awoken the Islam by their hard endeavor. For them
Islam has spread out all over the world. The sect put down a Hadith before general that, “How my followers go to
an end where in the beginning myself and at the last Mahdi would arrive.” There they did not quote any reference.
(Ahmadiat page-80).
However, one does not deny the Hadiths but it is included in the arrival of Jesus. It said that Imam would come
among you. That sect amalgamated the Hadith about Jesus and Imam Mehdi. In the same Hadith, it was clear,
that one Imam would pray to God and under him Jesus would pray to God. Both the persons are different in
Hadith but to become more popular the leader of the sect had hold both the position or finding no Imam Mehdi to
solve the problem himself became the Imam Mehdi at the last. The sect put forward another Hadith from far away
Egypt. “In a Hadith it found that some Ahmed would arrive as Mehdi (A) whose father’s name is Abdullah?”
( Alvata ohel Hodisia-prited at Egypt page-38 writer Hazarat Ahmed Shahabuddin Ebn Hazzarelhay Shamia.
Ahmadiate page-42).
With very long trouble, the sect collected the Hadith from a distance place Egypt. Was there any trouble to get
the pure Hadith in any country? Because of having wrong idea, they were running after to distance places to get
some sorts of information in their favor. It understood by all that their concept is not for the betterment of Islam.
It known to all in Islam there is no sect or sub-sect, if it is intellectuals should look into it. Still it has not ended;
the sect forwarded information from India. “One religious teacher of Delhi, India Shah Nayamatullah (RA) in
Persia language wrote down that at the last era, one who had to arrive the man would as like as Mohammed (SM)
and his name also as like as Ahmed. He would become the Mehdi (A) as well as Jesus would. That means, at a
stretch he would become Jesus and Imam Mehdi too. Both the characters would play in public by one person.”
(Reference book Ahmadiat page-41).
One has no intention to go against any religious person. Here a point to note ahead readers will find that
Mohammed (SM) another name is Ahmed would deny the sect to become Jesus. They would say that nowhere
Ahmed name was found but Mohammed (SM) is used everywhere even in the seal to sent the letter to other
country. So far, it saw that the sect played tricks with the Quran and Hadith but now they played hide and seek to
the religious teachers. What he said and how made a story! Prophecies of Shah Nayamatullah what he had said
before eight century in 570 Hijri –“Hereafter the English would conquer entire India and then they would reign
over for a century.” (The English had conquered the last portion of India, Lahore in 1849. The English ruled over
until 1947). Mosi Kadiani died in the year of 1908.
“That period as a guardian one would arrive to save religion as a hero named Ali. (Probably Mohammed Ali
Jinnah or other religious teachers he had spoken)”. Question is that was he alive at that period. Answer would
come, no.
“There would hold a war in-between both the countries and many would die. In India near about forty years
Islamic over lordship would remain. Hereafter from a place Esphehan an evil named Dazzal would arrive, listen!
Own is speaking, to kill him Hazarat Isha (A) would arrive from the sky. In the same period Imam Mehdi would
also appear.” (In the prophecies there, two persons arrival confirmed but Mosi Kadiani misinterpreting made a
story one person to fulfill his own desires. (Reference book of Kasida, Translated by Maulana Mohammed Soaib
page 7 and 8). If anyone falls in sick, he takes the shelter of a doctor. The doctor tries to find out reasons by
hearing old history of the patient. Perhaps if Mosi Kadiani had taken shelter to a doctor then he would try to find
out the disease that only for the name Ahmed he felt in sick. Even his father's name was not Abdullah. However,
his father's name was Golem Murtuza. (It may that the word meaning of that Golam Murtuza is Abdullah.)
“Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and of all that is between them; so worship Him, and be constant and
patient in His worship; knowest thou of any who is worthy of the same Name as He? Sura 19 verse 65 Quran.
God knows better. One does not know the self that is why a many question asked to the intellectuals. It is
possible to rise up thousand and one logics and arguments but none can say that he knows all. It is also not wise
to say so.
Divine elements shown
Rose up in high,
Water goes up
Parting two is into sky.
For that taken shelter
Ruhh had gone away,
The house mixed up
With nature in different gay.
Raindrops kept no sign in muddy,
Some say not rose up in a body.
The poem is telling about Isha (A) how he was rose up high as well as a little description of one view. No body
knows how he was rose up in the sky except the documents what men had with them and God knows it. However,
men assume in different way as they as if even they express their idea up to the end. In the poem, three words
have selected of same nature in Bengali out of three a saint lives in a shelter, another a shelter given in a house,
other one is worldly house. Muslims divided Naffs in many parts as well as Ruhh but a person who did not go to
religious school cannot understand it well. So one understands what without heavenly body man is animal, soul
without Ruhh half of the worldly man. Muslims also say that the last one is first one as Mohammed (SM). He (SM)
is last prophet that is why he is first one. On the theory one agreeing upon all solution has given, it may write or
wrong. If it is wrong, may God forgive the one? Here the Ruhh is last that is why it goes to God first. Otherwise,
everything goes to God by turns. (One believes all divine events shown by Jesus as well as in Quran in supports
it many verses came to the effect. One of the divine event has already narrated that Jesus went high there he met
to Moses and Elias (may peace of God upon them) and again returned back as a worldly body but there he was in
heavenly body.) Those who did not understand it said again that water is a compound element as well as visible
but In open eyes its element are not visible those are hydrogen and oxygen. In no case, it is to assume that a
heavenly body is less than worldly body or decreased something as the water. Water did not decrease but
changed the form. Not anything leaving station one can define it, as a death but Muslims do not say about Jesus
that he died as the Quran said it so. One can see the Injil “Bright face of Jesus”.
(They saw Moses and Elias with Jesus in a high place changed his formed in bright face.) 9: verses 2 to 4 Mark,
This is also an event, which is out of nature but science of God. If any body who believes the events shown it is
for them that what learned from the quoting verses human body mixed up with the nature in the sky parting into
many elements. It can also mix up with the mud or anywhere in the earth, if God wishes He can accumulate them
again and form in a body, which is visible. As the Quran revealed about Jesus and crucifixion is a fiction of God
so it is nothing but crucifiction. The angel did not take out the soul from the body as well as there is no sign of
his grave. One does not debate on the issue, as the solution would have given by God on the Day of resurrection
day. It might that what God thought ever before not known to Jesus even. As the case of Abraham, he would not
know that instead of his son God would send a sheep to sacrifice. In the discussion, it found that there are parts
of a body one is worldly body another one heavenly body and last one is Ruhh. It would discuss how Adam grew
up in the heaven. No doubt he had created by God but the method is same but without father and mother.
“Man says, “What! When I am dead, shall I then be raised up alive? But does not man call to mind that We
created him before out of nothing?” Sura 19 verses 66 and 67 Quran.
In present era, one should understand very well how God would rise up the man from dead to alive. Just before
the verses of Injil described now the Quran says it is very easy for Him to wake a man from sleep as well as to
accumulate the elements of worldly body. Please try to understand that a SIM of Grameen phone fitting in any
mobile set one can wake up the life of that grameen phone. Therefore, the SIM is in the hand of God. If the Sims
fits to a cow then the cow will behave as the SIM does. (What is to do to be happy in future? One is to earn
money to research the SIM otherwise the one will not able to communicate with his beloved. If it is for a long time
not used may go to dogs. Earn money to research the SIM for a stable life calling HIM only, there is none to
worship except God saying so believe in it is the first step for a man to remain alive.)
Ahmed son of Golam Mutuza had fallen on illusions thinking himself Jesus, son of Mary, they tried to play tricks
with the people making all lies true by interpreting the verses of the Injil and the Quran. Not understanding his
followers also made a many stories and still they are going ahead to enroll new comers at abroad as well as in
own country saying false to them to go after their leader Mosi Kadiani. Their activities are out of Holy Books
instructions, which have narrated clearly in this book to go over before they ink to their proposal.
What Shah Nayamatullah said in his second “Kasida” “That period Muslims would decline towards ill leaving the
Quran and not visiting pilgrimage? The unbelievers would take chance taking that opportunity guiding people to
wrong paths. Some named AHMED, such type of two persons would arrive to misguide the Muslims by
misinterpreting the Quran in accordance to their will and wish. ( Two persons “Ahmed” means one is Mosi
Kadiani who was a claimant of Prophet and second one is his son Mahmmud Ahmed who would think that he
was greater than the Hazarat Omar (R) . Reference book second Kasida, translated by Maulana Mohammed Soaib.
“So, by the Lord, without any doubt, We shall gather them together, and (also) the Evil ones (with them); then
shall We bring them forth on their knees round about Hell.” Sura 19 verse 68 Quran.
Satan and men as like Satan those who misinterpreted the Quran and also to them who gave share to Allah, He
would punish them severly. As one said earlier that SIM would go to dogs, in fact, God would not destroy them
but send them to blacksmith to leave the rust in the iron. O, these would become terrible for the man as because
the black smith hammer the iron to leave the rust after putting it to fire. Why it has happened so? Because one
was, having real magnet (Ruhh) with him did not energize himself (heavenly body). By rubbing own to become
another magnet at least near to it. Here in worldly period one could not energize his heavenly body in accordance
with the advices of Ruhh but heard the lower Naffs of animal to fulfill ones desire and took illegal money and
honey for own satisfaction. The One Who runs whole verses He knows everything better than anybody else does.
Dear readers, to a liar if anyone rise up good deeds in honor of it he will try to put it off the truth. It is useless to
say something to them, to something more about it requires a good orator, which are absence in own. Moses
came to that era to teach rules and regulations of religion in support of it Jesus came to teach same religion with
theological and spiritual matters. The Jews did not accept him but they declined on the plea of having no father
and blamed his mother. Mohammed (SM) came with the same religion to combine all especially these two
keeping them together in a great religion Islam to spread out peace all over the world. Next arrival of Jesus is a
Sign of the Day of Resurrection under Islam as a followers of Mohammed (SM), may take in hand Mosi not the
sword to prove to the intellectuals and scientists and all others in keeping with speech to the present people as a
science of God that in account God has no mistake. That is a Sign of God. He is Most Powerful, Most Wise.
Others say after death
Rose him up,
Would it possible to
Arrive to a dead,
At all is not possible to rebirth.
The Quran says
Death is to taste to Naffs once.
That way no sign
Found of dead body at earth
In Injil,
No dead body had left behind.
In the poem described about the events of Jesus how he rose up to the sky. How he would come back from the
sky. Some says he died after then he had taken to heaven as normal death. However, the Quran as well as Injil
both do not in support of it. About his arrival from the sky has found in Hadith and Injil in support of it says that
on board of clouds he would land. Other than, these two commentators do not support rebirth as that is out of
nature. A many times it has narrated so far but no conclusion has given to the matter by anyone. However, it is a
matter that if he comes from the sky still then the doubt will not decrease to any extend. If he comes through
rebirth then also question would arise among the people. What that the man knows God Almighty is Most
Powerful even then doubts of remain in their heart only not understanding His power. It would madden to say
about the power of God to the intellectuals, scientists and philosophers. The one is putting an example then
people of respect can think over whether God send him in the world the way He likes. So far, men discovered say
one hundred twenty atom or more than that. If one narrate a own made history to them then the scientists and the
philosophers simply would come back to the earth and say that there is none to worship except God, therefore,
share Him to none. Out of one hundred twenty atoms, the person is taking only one atom in hand to define to the
people. Say one scientist has taken an atom in his hand for defining the matter to all. Is he outside the atom or
inside it he knows it well. An atom has divided into many smallest parts but including the atom, none is visible to
anyone in open eyes. If all atoms have defined so far, men discovered then scientists and others would not able
to supply the papers to write. Let it see with present theory how God running verse after verse in proportion
without any disturbance. In the mean time, world advanced and came in a position to understand the science of
God. One is discussing about unseen world in open eyes. Now the atom has taken in hand men divided it into ten
smallest parts like electron, proton, neutron etc. only ten divided smallest parts bring in to explain then one can
try to understand how the unseen verses are working properly. The scientist took again these ten smallest parts
into his hand with every one he made separate verse. Now the scientist has ten verses in hand dividing that atom.
If the atom divided into hundred by God then one has no account of it. In this way, in short, ten verses found and
they are going around each other in proportionately but completely unseen. In scientific way smallest parts of the
atom rounding each other, eating up each other as clouds eats to weak one, rubbing each other come to a little
form of an atom, which is still unseen for the man. Like proton or electron a many worlds are there of God, which
one cannot imagine even. These atoms again form alone verses rounding each other, in the same process the
present world is an example to the people. One knows that the description is little hard to understand and
madden to some one. Therefore, for Him nothing impossible to do but man having short knowledge want prove
of it.
There are hundred of opinions regarding the departure of Jesus but the solution of the matter would have given
by God 3(55) and all other opinions of men are doubtful in accordance with the verse 4(157). The Quran says
Naffs is to taste death once to that concern no sign found in the earth, as there is no grave. If he did not rise up in
a body in heaven then in the earth one would find the grave as to others.
“Will they wait until Allah comes to them in canopies of clouds, with angels (in His train) and the question is
(thus) settled? But Allah do all questions go back (for decision).” Sura 2 verse 210 Quran.
When God with His angels arrive, men would get no time to repent, which would have held at the last hour. The
proved have given by the person at unseen as well as the matter has shown in a practical sky. Instead of
accepting Hadiths one of the sects people threw a few words against Hadiths taunting that if the angels could
bring Jesus on a Minar of a Mosque then why they did not come ten yards more down to that Minar to land Jesus
on the ground. These are ironical words used against Hadiths; where as, the leader of the sect said that Minar
means his house or a Muslim family. Hard sufferings to them, not understanding the Hadiths simply they taunted
the remarks. In fact, the angels are coming and going all the times to the world to perform their duties given to
them to write whatever a man does to keep record other than His own record, which automatically printed at His
office. The question is only there that the Jibrail (A) who has detailed for to bring divine messages to Prophets he
would come or not to the world taking such divine messages of God. Misinterpreting the verses of Quran and
accepting a portion of Hadith other portion making null and void they deceived the people who knew less about
religion. In course of time it happened that, their descendent increased at present they would not able to leave
the caste. That sect rising logics arguments in their favor goes about everywhere of the world to give lessons of
their own theory but cannot reply who rose them up from mountain cave after three hundred years, was it a
nature or out of nature! If out of nature what present one says that is nature or out of nature justify the thing
when a great philosopher also present there.
“Mosi Kadiani said, “Their faith would that Jesus did not die in the cross. As the plan had made before the
function with a hidden decision that took him up in the cross keeping him for a period got him down. He had
taken to a mountain cave and laid up but came round after had given medical service. He left the place in a secret
mission to preach his religion to others at Kashmir. There he got a long life and died.” (Reference book Ahmadiat,
page 43, Al Munjedu Fil Lugatel Adabe wal Wolome, printed at Beirut, Lebanon).
For fraud ness there is no scale to measure, perhaps The Satan has a little shame in him but the sect is out of it
as because in the Bokhari and Moslem Sharif stated about Jesus in the Hadiths. They knocked up everywhere of
the world to import the Hadiths to quote the references. They are all new to the Muslims. In the world or hereafter
the above all except God but all men are not equal in position in both the places. Therefore, all Prophets are of
God but not equal in position. One is president of the country. Alternatively, one is there above all, whatsoever
the position is! In that sense, if Hazarat Mohammed (SM) might have said that if other Prophets would remain
present at his period then everyone had to obey him. It does not mean at all that some one had died before him.
That is not also a document to prove about Jesus that he died as the sect conveyed to the people.
The sect blew in to the Muslims with a Hadith saying, “Hazarat Mohammed (SM) also asserted that Jesus died at
the age of one hundred twenty years. (Reference book Kanjul Ummal, Ahmadiat page 44).
In respect of a Hadith quoted by the sect if that becomes true to all then other two hundred Hadiths about Jesus
are lie. Out of two hundred twenty two are purely of Bukhari and Moslem Sharif. Who is going to debate with the
sect people, let it decided by the readers and intellectuals? Such kind of notion those who possess for them hard
suffering waiting. The Satan made him able to write all lies and false stories. It is out of the Quran and the Injil too.
The Quran as said that the matter was a fiction of God therefore no question comes about cross. These all are
own made stories. It might that not real Jesus took up to cross as it had seen by the Jews. However, fiction
cannot become truth that he was Jesus. The Quran says they killed him not nor crucified him. Therefore, cross
has no function at all there. The word crucifixion has come from the word cross so one must not go near to it as
the Quran said it was all fiction.
Even then,
A group believes death of him,
However, he is on board on clouds.
Question is too religious teachers,
He speaks to the people in his youth.
Is it possible to speak!
If comes from the sky?
At the age thirty-three,
He rose up!
The Quran says
Full youth comes at forty.
Then how is a question.
Many people of many minds are holding different notions. At this juncture his arrival to the Minar of a Mosque by
the angels have no logics to put in to this matter but true logics already put forwarded how he would land. There
is no doubt in it that God may do everything whatever He likes but He does the thing in proportionate according
to His science. He rose up at the age of thirty-three that period. If he comes to present era media people wanted
to know a many things asking many questions. Not to avoid this factor only but the age thirty-three is not full of
youth as stated in Quran. Therefore, the person narrated all types of landing from the sky. Born is also a kind of
landing but it becomes rebirth to a person still then it may justified as the law has made earlier. It is so that one
landed from the real sky by the angels, which are inner meanings as well as from the practical a sky from dark to
light. It may from the darkness of mother womb and then to light. Again, from a sky rebirth by getting a few
words in dream then came to know. Therefore, Jesus would Land to a Minar of the Mosque but men of the period
might look at him as well as hear him. They may not believe the matter and try to find fault with the landing.
“That they said (in boast), “we killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but
so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no(certain ) knowledge, but
only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.” Sura 4 verse 157 Quran.
One does not like to on long discussion on the above verse quoted here for the people to under stand well. God
has clearly told two wards that not killed and not crucified. The person playing the rule of Jesus does not know
Arabic too English and weak in own language. Kill itself means that by striking some one put into death and
crucify also means by striking pigs on the body or fastening with rope to take one to high position may be the
person has taken in high position wounded or death. When God used both the words at a time how people of
other sects according to Injil what had written taking Jesus to cross and telling with them he did not die and got
up after three days giving medical treatment. The matter is amazing to one being Muslim they preaching to that
entire same thing and when asked reply to them he did not say so but Injil is telling that. To the Christen, they
had no faith on a worldly body of Jesus but they thought he had a heavenly body always but to Muslim he was as
Adam. Therefore, his body is there and if he put into death then his body should be there. Where as, nothing of
these sorts kept behind. Some of the commentators telling very proudly that Jesus was hang up then they tell
hang up means not death but he was alive then. Not crucified means if so that he put to cross and hang up but
not died then one had nothing to say them. If not please come back from the point raise by all. Witness is Injil not
the proper answer to it. God made it clear that but so it had made to them means whatever seen is not false but it
was fiction of God. Then may one ask where you got Jesus to hang up in accordance with the verse. God said
that people not knowing the fact they spoke following conjectures and certain knowledge of it only known to God.
Any Muslim believes in it that Jesus had a phantom body if so then tell whatever said in Injil. Jesus had taken to
cross for crucifixion but not died due to some reasons or nearly dead does not prove that God is Most powerful.
As one spoke, earlier nearly dead person may get life again there nothing to say about God that He is Most
powerful. It is not out of nature. If any man can do what God did such as parting the moon into two pieces and
again made to one then it would not say a divine event. Same case is not also here that if man can say what God
did about Jesus that would not count as a divine event nor it would count as but so made by God. Crucifix is a
word used in Quran, which itself prove that Jesus had not taken to the cross for crucifix, if one was not cru fix
then how he had crucified. In that some one has taken out a theory finding New Bible that he was fasten with
rope but all methods were of same nature.
Evil counselors are still throwing there evil net to the ocean for catching big fishes in false net. The verse quoted
above to prove against it they made false stories Jesus was alive. Some says Jesus was alive proved taking
honey and fish. Some says he was alive and had gone to Kashmir in secret. A few says he hang up but not got
much pain nearly dead and woke up and met to his followers took honey and fish. One thinks that these type of
history made by them to run with the Christian society to bring faith on them. Does anybody know heavenly body
eats or not? Adam had heavenly body once. There he eats and roam. He wore heavenly dress too. Therefore, eat
not what except God. Rests are taking food or alike otherwise not possible to survive general logics say so.
Evil doers mind always remains evil. The evil hides in him in secret in the heart. Of getting chance of doing, any
evil deeds it wakes up for to do so. The mind having good virtues if he declines at bad sides repenting to God
that he comes back. Evil makes tranquility in the society, try to find out fault in Quran and speak out something
against Quran with false logics and arguments. As a result, misunderstanding continues among the people.
The Quran says
Full youth comes at forty,
Did he pass rest of!
The life is as dumb?
When put forwarded
A verse with logics,
With finger trips has
Shown that state is,
Then they replied
A social out state is.
The wise say
What new in it is!
Basu merges into ,
Krishna has come out with light.
In the Quran it found that one who reaches at forty he gets the full youth
and declines towards God full heartedly as well as he looks after his parents too. A question arises here that if
Jesus returns to the world as he rose up at thirty-three then he would speak to the people or not. One of the
sects has done the thing as the question is; their reply perhaps in Kashmir Jesus was dumb for long seventyseven
years. The sect leader did the work ere long by sending him to Kashmir but not came out with other
portion of Injil what Jesus preached at Kashmir. As the poem says with all logics, one has shown a state but they
it social out to them. The wise says that there is nothing new in it. They think what a great Holy Book is in their
hand where all rules and regulations are there. To pass human life worldly and hereafter the Book is enough,
therefore, they bothered least. On the other hand, one is bothering whose name is Basu merged into Krishna to
say something to all. Another side people found one Ahmed who had been suffering for long ago spoken to all
putting his name in the Quran where a name Ahmed was there. He also put his name in a verse where pronoun
he words there. He came with an event to define to Muslims and in addition, Christen Jesus crucified no doubt
but not died, it happened that is the divine event of God as if he saw the matter. Holding the position of prophet,
he took the God in his hand defining the divine events whichever known to anyone.
“Jesus with loud voice on the cross said, “Eleh Eleh lama sabakthani means O, God, O, God, why did you leave
me alone?” 27: 46 Mathew, Injil.
“Again he made a loud sound and left the world for ever.” 27: 50 Mathew, Injil.
Before one begins the discussion on the matter another Prophet Zachariah what he did taking shelter inside a
tree perhaps known to Christen. The Prophet made no sound at all while the Jews made the tree into pieces. He
had become part into many pieces. As Jesus who shouted here having faith on God but God never leave the
Prophet in any case. Would it had done by real Jesus that not supported by the Quran. Therefore, God said that it
was so make for the Jews. The Jews had come to know then that not the Jesus but as Jesus hung up because
his body was not Jesus. The kept the matter in secret. Verses quoted above from Injil and the legend of the Jews
both making one some of the Muslims took out own made believable story by misinterpreting the verse of the
Quran to all the nations. The word God used crucifiction or so made is more important or the men made story,
which have no prove in the scriptures. Even Jesus was not wake up after three days as the statement made in
Injil. What one saying is not also true that some one hung up as Jesus who had faith on him that Jesus had a
divine power to rise up anyone from dead? Moreover, he had another power to change body of others and own
what seen in the above description. According to Prophet Daniel, he would arrive as he stated in old Bible and
his period would run for thousand years under Islam. It may believe or not but the readers and the society of
Christ know that he would come again. If so, why not believe the truth after justification.
Dear readers, please look into the verse of Injil, “In the heading bright face of Jesus” as related, “Before them the
face of Jesus changed into heavenly face. His face as bright as the sun and his cloth had become white as light.
They saw that he was talking to Moses and Elias.” 17: 1 to 3 verses, Mathew, Injil.
Matter kept hidden by the followers as his instruction until the event of crucifixion. Why such instruction had
given to the followers? Narrating until the crucifixion not to disclose the matter has something to think over by
the intellectuals. To mix up with dead person is also a death but he retuned as worldly body and took every food
as a man. These types of divine events for God are easy to show the man. If one has faith on God then it is better
to follow the Quran and Hadiths. Therefore, only the Muslims and the Christians believe that God rose him up
and the sect and other few differ in it. If really Jesus comes then to recognize the state Israel by the Muslim state
has no obstruction rest of the things according to Quran would happen today or tomorrow. Everything God
knows batter who is controlling the nature too. So far, one defined landing from the sky if Allah arrives from
heaven the man would not believe it keeping aside Jesus. Perhaps God has given shelter to that person who
brought faith on Jesus and hung up as Jesus. To find out exact matter not possible for anyone even Jesus would
not also able to define it if he comes.
“Thereafter two of them were going towards their village then Jesus appeared to them in other face (by his sound
they recognize him)”. 16: 12 and 13 verses, Mark, Injil.
Before crossing one’s path the man should realize how Jesus once and again appeared to the men in other faces.
It had seen before the event and after the event held. If one would not possess such divine power then how he
appeared before the man. Let it decide by the readers and intellectuals. To differentiate between two persons one
can say this much that Jesus was a selected person who had divine power to change his face. In addition, other
one who hung up cried loudly and said, “O, my God, did you leave me,” was not the same person but got rid of
all sins in good faith on Jesus as an apostle of God. Other than assumption in practical, it is difficult to prove
how event held up that period. It can define as made by some one that Moses made a road on the river Nile when
it was ebb tide and the pharaoh went in the middle of the river high tide came on the spot. This is for them who
does not believe and fight shy of the divine events. Such type of explanation of the man does not prove that God
is Most powerful and Most wise.
“After advising the followers Jesus had risen up to the heaven.” 16: 19 Mark, Injil.
Dear readers, only for once would one not try to understand the science of God, almighty Allah who is Most
powerful and wise. Should one depend on the explanation given by the man and on their theories, which have
thousand and one notions?
As Siddartha Buddha,
One became wise,
Mohammed Ahmed (SM) has
Everywhere praised is.
‘B’ is at wish of God
‘S’ in mankind is playing role,
Man comes once and again
In Hindus and Buddhist scriptures,
It is in all scriptures only for Jesus.
No other comes in the world twice,
In every worlds of God,
They meet each other.
The man lives on
After death, to other worlds sure is.

B’ and ‘S’ are the letters of the named Basu the Basu is the real name of Krishna. Opposite to it, ‘S’ and ‘B’ is the
name of siddartha Buddha. Because of some reasons ‘B’ in Bengali forms a word ‘Basana’ means wish, in that
sense, in the poem it has imagined as a wish of God. Both the letters are the first and last letters of Quran. The
last letter is the letter of last sura ‘Nas’ as well as last letter of the Quran and the meaning of the last sura ‘Nas’ is
mankind. In the last whoever comes his aim would to establish peace in the world and show the sign of God. It is
a sign of white flag, which carry peace for humankind. Peace, means Islam and every religion came to establish
peace in the world. In Arabic, the word Salaam came from peace, which is a sign of the letter’s’ and the letter is
carrying white flag for all the man of the world. God is one and unique and has no definite form so as His
qualities are also so. The man is mysterious creation of God possess all qualities of God. In man also such type
of qualities are there but almost all are in form condition which are indirect form of God. Mostly form and
formless are discussed here. Man has both the characteristics in the body. When a seed put inside the mud, that
one grows up into plan. Who has done so? Definitely, answer is God. When Adam (A) was in form condition he
was also grow up as he had life. It known to all that without life nothing grows. Thereafter God breathed into him
and he became the wise. It can say that heavenly body had formed and then God breathed into him. Heavenly
body formed from the mud but of Nur or His knowledge. This is what a narration of pure soul. However, heavenly
body alone is not out of danger. It may commit sin. God loves His creation and the creation loves Him. In man,
breathing of God Ruhh loves heavenly body and vice versa. The man loves him own as well as it visible to him in
dream. Everywhere Mohammed (SM) has praised and he is one of the Apostles of God most liked by Him. To say
truth, it was His preplan He made earlier. In the scriptures of Hindus and Buddhist, it saw that the man comes
once and again. These are man made stories. In Quran, such type verses are available but some one not
understanding brought in rebirth in Muslim. Perhaps the arrival of Jesus was in every scripture as it is in Old
Bible and new Bible. Those scriptures had written from their memory collecting information. It heard that the
scripture Veda’s was a revelation of God to Prophet Noah (A). Therefore, in poem it narrated that man meet each
other in other worlds of God where man can live on and all arrangement like the world are there.
“But they killed him not, nor crucified him but so it was made to appear to them.” Sura 4(157), Quran.
The man of that sect who followed crook path scrutinizing hypocritical points had cast out all Islamic way. He
tried to carry on his theory to the Muslim as well as to other religions people. He has drawn away others attention
by misinterpreting the verse of Quran but he got obstruction from all sectors even then his followers had made a
place for him in the society. God revealed that Jesus not crucified means he was not dead, wounded, hurt or
fastened with the cross. At present, some of the commentators took Jesus to the cross and hung him up in
explanation. One of them is Mosi Kadiani that he hurt him into cross and hung him up saying not killed but
injured. It means Jesus hung up in the cross but the Quran has not supported his theory. Another people among
them misinterpreting telling all that crucified means not dead but he had injured but safe. To crucify some one
first he is to cru fix than the question of crucifixion comes. Once he was not cru fix as Quran how had he injured
in cross? When anybody researches something, his mind devoted towards that subject. He gets into the subject
so deeply that what others doing cannot look out as because he asked such a question, which hearing a child
laugh at in other words he becomes foolish. Does Mosi Kadiani know what he said before the people one is very
doubtful in this regards. Other commentators are telling crucifixion means not that he was dead but simply he
was hanging up but not until death. They also give the witness of Quran that so revealed in Quran. If Jesus had
taken to the cross for hung up, which first points of crucifixion then how God is Most powerful and most Wise?
Then the wording of God might that crucified but not killed why it was so make word or sentence perhaps no
value here. Nearly dead to give life is no doubt job of God but naturally it happens now and then. There are
people in the world who preach Islam but they mix up a drop of juice of lemon in a jar of milk. It becomes then
anti Christ as well as anti Muslim. They helped the Satan so that in last era anti Christ and anti Muslim rises up to
make a way with lie for misguiding the nations. Where thousand and one notions are, there among the Christen
and the Jews about Jesus crucifixion there Muslims are giving solution assuming their notions emphasizing on
their theory. The Quran revealed it would decide on the Day of Judgment according to verse 3(55) there they
made stories taking different Bibles written by many people.
Mosi Kadiani played tricks with all the nations telling Jesus crucified. It has gone to in favor of the Christen and
the Jews and gone anti Christ when he said Jesus had not died. It is against the Jews too as because they
confirmed that he died. Only if one says he had crucified or cru fix then it goes against the Quran. No need to tell
whether had he dead or alive.
Again, he spoke anti Christ and anti Muslim that he had not risen up in a body to the sky but he was alive. From
there in secret, he went to Kashmir. Once a formula discovered of own it should have a solution so he made an ill
plan to grave Jesus in Kashmir. He pulled down the box of lie throwing his opinion some how and left the world.
Thereafter he set off his journey to the Muslims telling a dead person can never come in the world so as Jesus he
stands for and obey his prophet ship. It is proverb that when anybody brought up any fierce animal or alike that
animal kills that person. How anti Christ arises it will discuss later. Generally, religious teachers are good orators
and can debate anywhere. Mosi Kadiani was one of them who attended a many meetings and gathering where he
showed the Quran and his own notions to all. One day he started debating with one famous religious teacher
Maulana Bahauddin of Delhi in a gathering and got defeated from there he felt on sick and died.
A solution perhaps had given by Mosi Kadiani giving life to Jesus by sending to Kashmir and preached to the
Muslim that Jesus had spoken at his full youth at Kashmir. However, alas he could not bring out what Jesus
preached to the people on that period. Therefore, he started fighting with God saying O, God why did you put
down such verse that he would speak to the people, which he could not produce to public. O, God you did not
such type of verse for others Prophet then why is it only for Jesus. There he gave a little solution of it that Jesus
in secret preached the religion means God is afraid of men. Thereafter he had misinterpreted the verses of the
Quran. How anti Christ has come let it see now. The Muslims are not antichrist or any prophets. They run on the
straight path from Adam (A) to Mohammed(SM). To follow the path a Muslim is to agree Mohammed(SM) then
Prophet Jesus (A), Moses (A) and so on. If anyone disagree that they (before Mohammed SM those who came as
Prophets) are not Prophet then he is not a Muslim. Obviously to say something against any Prophet is a great sin.
Thing is that Mosi Kadiani was brought up by some of the Christen society and then he started propagating
against Jesus which is not only anti Christ but also anti Muslim. God never tolerates if anyone say something
against His Apostle.
Natural substance clouds is very old
From vapor the clouds has overgrowth.
On board on clouds Jesus,
Arrival has confirmed.
For that reason
Clouds is not at proud
It is that clouds are black like darkness. It considered as hateful. Although it is black even then gives life to the
world by raining. On the other side pouring, it brings over flood. Such type of natural substance clouds would
bring Jesus to the ground as Injil. The nature does not say that it is black nor hates her for such beauty. Man of
the world may think its darkness as its color is black. In the poem, it said that man never born twice in the world
but they meet each other where the other worlds are available after death. Man is to cross a many worlds like this
to get proper training, There may that some one is very hard to cross and would become difficult for some one.
That has made for them who do not gain knowledge in the world about God and work accordingly.
“He speaks to the man in maturity”. Sura 3 verse 46 Quran.
A portion of the verse again brought in to discuss more about it. The foxes lay in wait for getting something like
hen on the way of writings to criticize the matter. If they fail to guide, their brilliant society after hearing what has
narrated then they would run to waste for their evil mind. God is All-Wise. A many scriptures came in the world
nowhere such sentence put in or for any Prophet. What is the value of put in such sentence if there has no
meaning at all? Near to dead and again got life, has any function to put down such verse in Quran? Two
functions are there as God revealed that he would speak to the people it meant for and should have a written
book. Another one is that he is sign of the Day of Resurrection. Without these two in no way one should come in
compromise with any one. God knows better than any body else. He spoke at his early age and would speak in
maturity that one portion had narrated to the people and other portion would remain in dark. How the people can
believe it? Anti Christ has arrived long before but man cannot realize the matter. Anti Christ and Anti Muslim not
only the men concern but also a many factors are including into it. In course of time lairs ideology go to astray of
having own made story, which is not in accordance with any religions and science, as a result, the person gets
harass by all. Mosi Kadiani was one of the claimant of Prophet but he raised up exaggeration against some
Prophet, which at all Islam does not accept. It would not accept by the intellectuals and present society. Distress
for him in future is awaiting including his sect who follows him, after such comment, what he had made against
“Mosi Kadiani declared in a loud voice to the World people that without the proof of Jesus death crossing and
trinity of gods would not abolish. On these circumstances, why one is to go out of teaching of Quran that Jesus
is alive in the sky? Let Jesus die so that Islam gets life.” (Reference book Kisti-e- Noah page- 43 Ahmadiat page-
The man who has faith on Islam he cannot say such harsh word to any Prophet by misinterpreting the verse of
Quran. Hazarat Isha did not preach trinity of gods so for his follower’s activity a Prophet cannot harass saying let
him die for Islam. It means Mosi Kadiani whatever game played so far was to motivate the people in favor of him
by playing tricks thus antichrist had born from that era. The Muslims has so much faith on all prophets that they
pray to God five times in a day and minimum eleven times they raised their hands to God for the peace and
blessing of Abram (A) and for his descendent. Otherwise, five times pray would not fulfill in any way. There
making own theory if one blames a Prophet would it tolerate by God. Why Mosi Kadiani was so much aggressive
towards Jesus, one could easily understand that for own selfishness. God has taken the responsibility to spread
out Islam in lieu of that Mosi Kadiani became one to preach the Islam keeping envy against a Prophet. Jesus, if
comes would he able to spread out Islam everywhere in the world if God does not help. Was it justify to tell let
him die for Islam. Was his version in accordance to Quran and Hadiths let it considered by the sect people? To
say so for Islam is no grace at all. As one said earlier if, one brings up a fierce animal one day it bites the person.
Mosi Kadiani prepared a pitfall for others saying Jesus had hung up in the cross. So how would he able to
abolish the cross from the mind of Christen forever. The cross-had no base in accordance to Quran. Mosi
Kadiani put Jesus on cross in his theory might that he was dead or alive. The cross has same value as it was.
Jesus was dead or not the Christen would have same feelings for it. Instead of abolishing the custom Mosi
Kadiani, enforce the law more severely. Own made history never brings good result for anyone. From here, the
sect people can imagine what he was. It was the custom of Rome or Jews to punish a man on cross. Jesus had a
many divine power. God had bestowed to him. The Quran may not believe by the Christen but the Quran cleared
off all blames from his mother Mary. The Quran says about the cross so it was make to them. One Muslim should
believe it. As Jesus who was hang up he also got relieved from all sins and God took him to heaven this much
one Muslim can say. Believing to a Prophet brings fruitful result and God bestows him rewards, which cannot
imagine by a man.
Prophet Daniel gave from his dream two periods counting one thousand two hundred and ninety days and one
thousand three hundred thirty-five days. The period should count from Moses as described. These are of Old
Bible. How antichrist came let it observe now from the word of Susannah or Jonah a followers of Jesus. Once the
prophecy comes in account it should consider the years from Jesus life. May be after or before but when
Mohammed ((SM) prophecy comes it should count as Hijri of Arabic.
Jonah a followers of Jesus dreamt and wrote letters to seven groups of people. There he mentioned one woman
would give a birth to a child son who would rule the Jerusalem for one thousand two hundred sixty days. For him
the Satan would also fight to angels. He is an evil person. In fact, sign of God has been coming from 1900 century.
Before that, Prophet Daniel prophecies were counting in years instead of days. Therefore, after Moses the
counting came to Prophet Mohammed (SM). Thereafter another prophecy of Prophet Daniel for last era revealed
where complete peace would establish by God. That is his last prophecy in chapter twelve. Reference book is
“BAITUL MUKKADDAS”. Such prophecy of Jonah has counted as 1260 years in addition to that Mohammed (SM)
left the world in 631 A.D then it becomes 1891. From that period sign of God has been showing to the people may
as men or instrument or in the sky. God has opened the door of heaven to look into it and realize the matter.
Reference book is Injil (Revealed Kalam of Jonah page 345 and 346 Baitul Mukkaddas a portion of Injil).
“Mosi Kadiani asserted, “you get it confirm that until the god of Christen not proved dead
Their religion also would not die. As because the Christen has main faith on Jesus son of Mary that he is still
alive in the heaven in a body. Make this faith into pieces and then see where the religion of Christ where stands.”
( Reference book is Ejlah-e-Awoham page 560 Ahmadiat page 239).
Hazarat Isha (A) had never a claimant of God. There is no such word found in Injil. Its best proof is the Quran.
What man says that does not become religion? Religion always followed by scripture in the hand. To give life and
make dead is not the power of man and the comment made by some one is also a false. More than Christen the
Muslim has faith on all Prophets especially a few Prophets, one of them is Jesus. Mosi Kadiani blamed only the
Christen Jesus is alive in the heaven in a body what Hadith says he is alive in the heaven and would arrive near
future again. Not believing the Hadith one is to follow antichrist then goes to dogs. The secret in it will get out
one day. The man who told lie he got rewards from Saudi Arab and Pakistan awaiting more rewards if the sect
jumps over to say something against the writings. Therefore, do not make friendship with those people like Mosi
Kadiani and alike whom Christen brought up so long. Fierce animal always jumps over and kill the person though
they behave like friend. Look over what one says the one is father, he is son as well as a soul above it Ruhh. To
one has given by nature to say so. Does anyone find trinity in it? What combines to one but he is so as a man
that his name is such. Therefore, the name had kept by the God ever before how one narrated it. Believe in it that
God is one and unique there is none to share Him. If the question of father and mother comes then in the heaven
one would not get peace at all but a few understand it. It is to them those who misinterpreted the Quran where
had you now? Revelation of God who received he cannot speak against other Prophet. All Prophets are obedient
to Him. He never forgives those persons who speak against any Prophets. Islam cannot revive killing some one
or put into death what had done by Mosi Kadiani. The wording he uttered is of sick man and evil heart. Wait and
see and see but time waits for none. Do not go to the society of antichrist or anti Muslim or Dazzal. The Satan
pursued him to misinterpret the verses of Quran making in his beautiful to gain public opinion. One could that he
met Satan to write the false.
Everywhere like clouds,
Krishna has hated.
Isha Mosi is landing
From the sky!
On the faith of Mosi Kadiani,
The matter is social out!
Is son of Adam on board!
On clouds is coming to the world?
Therefore, it became poison
To drink for Mosi Kadiani is.
In early age, it saw that that born as a black he had not seen in good eyes. Therefore, no body likes the Krishna
as a black man except God. To Him all Ruhh the first portion of men are equal. In such way, if Jesus comes for
the Christen it may pass over in their eyes. Landing from the sky had given hundred of proves might not get
approval by others but to Mosi Kadiani and to his sect people the performance of one cast a spell on their eyes. It
has become now poison for them. Is there anyone in the sect or anywhere in the world who can deny the natural
virtues of worlds what had given to one? If the proves are science of God, which bestowed to own naturally.
“By Allah, We (also) sent (our apostles) to peoples before thee; but Satan made, (to the wicked), their own acts
seem alluring; he is also their patron today, but they shall have a most grievous penalty.” Sura 16 verse 63 Quran.
God revealed that those who follow the path of Satan accepting him as a guardian for them severe punishment
waiting in the world as well as in hereafter. Similarly, if anyone stands by the side of antichrist like Mosi Kadiani
and follow him as a guardian they would have to stand in hereafter with him. (Mosi Kadiani builds up Mosques
near about in one hundred thirty countries. How had it done if the christened society makes him not possible to
do the construction over there? He was definitely apple of their eyes and they helped him as he passed for the
jobs to do.) All his logics proved lay even then the people would follow him. There are some persons who
understands only them telling whatsoever done is done but there is no way to go out even death comes to them.
Such type of people not understanding sacrifice their life for nothing killing others, which Islam does not allow at
all. The Hadiths and the verse of Injil made him difficult to land and fall on between two pikes. He was a religious
teacher knowing hundred times better than the person even then he did not proceed on landing as because he
had no points to prove practical sky. Therefore, he had no alternative except to say those Hadiths and the verse
of Injil are invalid. In this way, he deceived the men to come off with excellence but all in vain.
“Mosi Kadiani asserted, “In Muslims society admitted such a notion that Hazarat Mohammed (SM) is the last
Prophet. Thereafter until the Day of Resurrection, no other prophet would arrive. By the side of it also believe that
a Prophet who had send to Israel community would arrive again after Mohammed (SM) had leave the world to
guide the Muslims from the sky. The theory is contradictory to believe as because if Jesus comes who had
enlisted as a Prophet before the day of resurrection then Jesus would become the last Prophet. Because of this
point to believe in it the prestige and Excellency and position of Mohammed (SM) would decrease which is
against the law.” ( Reference book is Ahmadiat page 83).
Dear readers, if one says to Satan that go to the grave of Adam (A) lying prostrate touching at least the ground
then Satan will fly away. Here is also same thing if one says to Mosi Kadiani or his sect people agree upon that
Mohammed (SM) is the last Prophet then they will also fly away like Satan. (It is own made theory to propagate
the Muslims. It learned that to make angry some one first hurt the leader in any way then positive result will come
out. The religious teacher Abdullah Ebn Saba (R) once who was Jew took out the theory saying so where
Mohammed (SM) the great prophet would not come but a Prophet of Christen would arrive again, how is it
possible. He spread out the theory everywhere.) In the same way, Mosi Kadiani sung a sing to the people. Its
reply is there, please look into it. The first thing is that no Prophet can hide what God said to preach. Mohammed
(SM) had done his duty and revealed the Hadiths accordingly. In argument and logics, he put up to win in battle.
It would difficult for him to win. There are twenty players in a football team. Every one has given dress with
numbers. Suppose number two has gone out of field instead of him, another person came in with separate
number. When after interval number two again came in but his number remains so as number two. He never
becomes number one. Therefore, according to list who is number one, his position and honor remains same as
before. Does anybody have better than it has then produced it?
In a national assembly, only three hundred seats are there. If anyone wishes, he cannot increase the seat without
making laws. Of course, there are many seats are vacant in Jail to help the police persons because police alone
cannot control the large people in jail. Those who are great evil they get the seat there. Therefore, no one is to
worry for Mosi Kadiani that he would get a seat somewhere. In Muslims, it found that not knowing, some one
uttered as a follower of Mohammed (SM) they are great even a Prophet. It is very wrong idea they possess. The
seats for the Prophet are limited and they are selected person of God. Does any one can seat on that chair? No, it
is not. They may become wise than the early age people and can do the job in shortage possible way. Those who
are propagating against any Prophet they are like that person, (May peace of God upon him) who propagated
such thing because he was one of the Muslim too.
Almighty Allah is Most-Powerful, All-Wise as well as aware to other’s mind so that he knows anybody’s mind too.
Main aim of Prophets is to carry out certain duties of God in force as He ordered to do. In Old, Bible Prophet
Daniel did his duties expressing his dream about the arrival of Mohammed (SM) as well as Jesus. Moses did not
hesitate to preach about the arrival of Mohammed (SM) though somehow men had changed the meaning by
misinterpreting to hide the real things. Same case with Jesus that he did hide to preach the arrival of Mohammed
in different in his expression but men meant the things in other way by misinterpreting the verses. Last Prophet
came in the world with Holy Quran he also did not hide anything moreover revealed two hundred Hadiths about
the arrival of Jesus as God instructed so. Out of two hundred Hadiths a few religious teacher took down only
twenty-two, which mentioned in this book. All Hadiths are true but the Hadith heard by a many people, those had
given preference only. It is so that no one can differentiate among the Prophets as well as they do not have any
hesitation to say the truth for each other. Being a great Prophet Mohammed (SM), he did not hesitate to preach
the arrival of Jesus but others are burning in it. Those religions had not quoted in Quran like Hinduism, Buddhist
and Worship of fire people’s religion that do not mean that that religion had no scriptures. Out of hundred-four,
only four scriptures had mentioned in Quran. Before the arrival of Mohammed (SM), whatever scriptures had
found everywhere, the name of Mohammed (SM) was there in different languages. It had seen that the duty of
Prophet to convey others truth as well as who would arrive in next future also mentioned in their scriptures. The
Quran is not out of it. The list what maintained by God that cannot change by Prophets. In His will if anyone
comes hundred times even then, his number would remain same as it was. Leaving all, landing from the sky,
other than this what the person produced before the general there is no one able to give full description except
God. It is in the hand of God that whether one could give proper description or not. God knows better in this
Is reason behind it
Not accepting the Hadiths
In Hadiths,
Arrival of angels had stated.
By misinterpreting,
Mosi Kadiani had played tricks
How would angels carry off!
The visible man is (Jesus)?
Brotherly relation has gone to dogs
For his fraud ness is.
In a daylight,
Arrival of angels as stated in Hadiths
Had become doubt to men.
Such arrival had a hidden meaning,
Hidden mysterious had
Narrated in Hadiths are.
Mosi Kadiani, why had he denied the valuable Hadiths? The answer had given in Injil that to whom the key had
given he would able to open the cupboard to take out the book and write too. It means that everyone possess a
book of own only that book if he tries he can write it. Out of that, none can write anything. Anyone tries hard to
write out of that book, it will become impossible for him. In the sura SAFF Ahmed name if not for Mohammed
(SM) how the revelation of God came in his name. Most of the commentators said so that he is Mohammed (SM).
In between false Ahmed came and put his name there. In Jesus prophecies it was clear the man who would arrive
he would tell everything by seeing that truth of God. What truth Mosi Kadiani revealed to the sect they knew it
better but a bundle of lie. Anybody may become Ahmed for that Ahmed name is not essential to put in. If he is
selected person of God, any Muslim may become Ahmed. If Muslim cannot do the job, God may select a person
whom He would like. In this way, God runs His state in the world. Being a religious teacher it had well known to
him that men carry off by the angels to the womb of mother in a stage but finding no way he followed the wrong
path. He knew that he would not able to prove it. Ruhh has covered by Naffs or soul is a man of heavenly body.
When in mother womb worldly body increases to that stage then the heavenly body fitted to it. Invisible way the
jobs has done the angel. His misinterpreting is that he assumes angel never comes to the world. Has one quoted
example wrong. Is it not a Hadith? Then what was the doubt that Jesus would arrive again in accordance with
Hadiths. Satan cannot give true decision because he is weak in all respect. For his selfishness in Muslims
divided into groups making keen the Islam. He did not forget to misinterpret Quran, Hadith and saying other Holy
Books rejected by God. In fact, those Holy Books are also like Quran and their verses revealed about Jesus in
same manner.
“They say, “O thou to whom the message is being revealed! Truly, thou art mad (or possessed)! “Why bringest
thou not angels to us if it be that thou hast the truth? We send not the angels down except for just cause; if they
came (to the ungodly), behold! No respite would they have!” Sura 15 verses 6 to 8, Quran.
The Muslims know about the verse that whatever men want God does not produce without any reason. The
angels would come openly to men that Day men would not get chance to say something to God. It saw before
that man arrived to preach the men about the revelation of God. The truth is lying in front of the people to justify
or any one can write such a Holy Book giving all information fourteen hundred years ago that sun and all stars
are moving around each other. Mosi Kadiani deceived all Muslim as well as others at abroad telling received
divine messages what it were shown earlier most of the his divine messages would come soon in next part. God
has given Satan evil power to act against men but it would not possible for Satan to show the Sign of God. As
one stated earlier if one devotes to something it will act in evil way to show something, sometimes it show good
to take a person ahead where the man knows nothing Satan gives his evil lesson on that point thus the person
becomes servant of Satan. Reaching on that station Satan leaves the place there men fall on grieves. Finding no
other alternative to erect his opinion he takes the shelter of lie. There they reveal own made history, come out
with false divine message just to please his followers. One will find most of the sect leader who had gone to
astray put forwarded own made legend, which are not at all in accordance with Quran and Hadiths nor any other
Holy Books. Here it is to say that his base is lying on the hill of sand, which has no proof of Holy Books.
“We have, without doubt, sent down the messages; and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption).” Sura 15
verse 9 Quran.
As last Prophet declared by God, so it is His last messages to the people. Among all religions though it were all
Islam especially the Islam revealed at the last is final and He likes it more as a pure and absolute. The text of
Quran would guard by God and no one can change it. According to His plan, the nature will act to reach to the
last and there is an end of every thing except God. To reach to His goal He would do every needful so that
environment and science of God act on accordingly. In spite so much assurance does, anyone thinks that the
Quran again revealed to Mosi Kadiani by God. How it can be so? It is own made story. Ever anybody saw it one
Holy book revealed to two persons! Of seeing the back of an elephant, full description of an elephant is a job of
unwise. Finding one Ahmed name in Quran to say he is the same Ahmed too who arrived in the world is as like
as the description of an elephant only seeing back of that. Ahmed name is not a name of black and white for
Mohammed (SM). Such wording is one kind of talkativeness. Basu name is not also in black and white but people
of present age know ones parents on this name. Would it go away after ones departure? Without any justification,
the sect revealed, as they like, as a result at the last, they compelled to tell divine message of God, which
revealed through angel and what come in mind from God or Satan is same. That is in Arabic, one is Elham and
other is divine message. Are they same? It case with the prophets that there are some Prophets came who
received no divine Book others received Holy books. There name as a Prophet different. Those who received
Holy Book they called Rasul and those who did not received Book they called Nabi. A Rasul can say Nabi too but
a Nabi cannot become Rasul. This is the difference in between these two positions. What the sect did just
narrating to the people that they mix up these two positions as one. However, is why it so? Because in one way
the sect express whole Quran again came to Mosi Kadiani but fact is that he had no faith on it. By mixing Rasul
and Nabi again, they proved that though revelation of Quran as not came to him even though he is a Prophet as a
Nabi. Before telling oneself a Nabi he should have thought about Hadiths that he would able to give proper reply.
After this discussion, one is going to narrate a fact what had happened one day. The person went to meet a
religious teacher who was locally very famous. There a teacher had asked the person for what purpose the one
wanted to meet the religious teacher. The person replied that he had been writing a book for that he wanted to
meet that religious teacher. After then he again asked the question what was the name of the book. The one said
that the name of the “my words”. O, it is a book of child but it told that book was writing about Jesus. Keeping it
own mind, the one is also child writer perhaps for that the name of the book is such. Then the person politely
asked the that teacher as one possessed more knowledge about religion please make one understand why the
Jesus would arrive in the world keeping his hand and legs on the back of two angels. The teacher was somewhat
defaced but the religious teachers as a good orator made immediately a story to please the one. He replied O it
was for that as honor of Prophet as president going abroad and many vehicles and men were going to see off
him. Telling such story, he was dumb when further asked why the legs were on two angels. Can a man arrive
keeping two legs on two boats? So is the case that if one ask the question to the sect people why the Jesus
would land keeping his hands and legs on two angels from the sky they would perhaps chalk out a plan to tell a
story like that teacher. Alternatively, as they had denied the portion Hadiths before it would it to it.
Jesus arrival would on
The back of two angels,
Therefore, those two angels
Had narrated in Hadiths are.
Mosi Kadiani made it disowned,
In present era
How it would possible!
Science accept it not
The angels are visible.
Such type of mysterious
Event is doubtful to men.
A man came on wearing
Reddish two sheets,
Two angels carried him off
On their backs is!
Jesus arrival as stated earlier on the back of two angels is keeping two legs and two hands on the back of those.
It is not understandable to some one. As stated in so many Hadiths the real body of angel is from sky to ground
as long as a road of fourteen years for a man to walk. To bring a man in the world two angels had detailed that
was too on the back of them. Has anyone good ideas on it can put forward easily why it is so! Perhaps it known
to readers that the person also asked the questions to intellectuals sometimes. One angel is enough to carry
hundred of men there two angels have detailed by God but why is the question here. Mother takes a child in
womb. The Prophet is on the back of angels why not on the lap of angels an important question for intellectuals.
What importance back has they are to find out it and why God said back instead of lap. Why is not it one angel
but of two angels back. Have there any other meanings on it that remained hidden. It known that the scientists do
not believe the unseen Jinn’s nation how they would believe the angels, but surely they would believe the nature.
“A.L.M. These are the Ayats of revelation, of a Quran that makes thing clear. Again and again will those who
disbelieve wish that they had bowed (to Allah’s will0 in Islam). Sura 15 verses 1 and 2 Quran.
The most beautiful thing is that there is no difference between rich and poor when they pray standing on parallel
lines. They come closer to each other at the period of prayer. To make equal the religion enforce law to all that
they are to help the poor in a certain amount in every year. After death, all local people would gather in a place
for funeral parade of the death person and pray to God for his peace of soul. It attracts a many people in a
discipline way the Muslims run the day. The verse above told about those persons who would go on hard training
in hereafter seeing the people who would remain happy in heaven. Coming back to the poem the opponent are of
suspicious mind would not believe the truth that Jesus would land on board of clouds or angels and their mind
would always hung about ether and thither. They had already rejected those Hadiths and the revelation came in
Injil. Although they are true in all respect. To make false the verse of Quran ‘he will speak to the people in
maturity’ had spoken already at Kashmir in their view. Would it possible for them to bring out the life history of
Jesus for seventy-seven years of rest of the period where he passed through at Kashmir. If not there, whole
things including logics and arguments had gone to astray. After long research Mosi Kadiani put his name in the
Quran as the name mentioned for Mohammed (SM) putting more description took the place in another verse
where pronoun ‘he’ used for Jesus. If so why he put forth Jesus into the grave saying he died in normal way. This
much feeling for a Prophet being another false prophet put out all lie only to deceive the people. God is so great
that without time he does not bring in another scene before the people.
“We sent (aforetime), in the Thamud, their brother Salih, saying, “serve Allah”, but behold, they became two
factions quarrelling with each other. Sura 27 verse 46 Quran.
The verse had revealed to the nation of Thamud about a she-camel that the rich were depriving the poor from
good things to pass normal life. God advised them to serve Him only and obey His order. So that they would get
bless and kindness of God. The nation plotted secretly to harm the wise of God. The whole nation involved in evil
and God destroyed them. The nation willingly call forth evil to support them God gives it to them as a result
whole nation goes to dogs. Those who faith on God and His revelation they do not argue nor they put up a many
logics against any verse of the Holy book. The sect has given more preference to logics than the revelation of
God and understood more than that what not. Other than logics, they do not understand anything else. Now what
would be there reply people would see it. In good faith the Muslims and the Christen believed that Jesus would
land from the sky to show the last Sign of God as well as it would be a lesson to the scientists and realistic to
obey God. Just before the Mosi Kadiani came and said whatever his evil god taught him. Showing logics, he
could not convince the intellectuals but a few gathered around him who got lesson in his school. There he
washed their brain giving false logics and those who do not obey him they are unbelievers even they do not
hesitate to kill them irrespective of any religions. They are so much arrogant like one nation that they would not
try to understand the real but hear their leader what he said, and with that faith, they are ready to die. The seed
which he sow for a plant it has already grew up instead of destroying it one came to make them understand with
logics and arguments and to stands for before him, otherwise, the sect would not come to the right path.
“We have indeed in the Apostle of Allah a beautiful pattern of (conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and
the Final Day, and who engages much in the praise of Allah.” Sura 33 verse 21 Quran.
Meaning of the verse whatever it is but why it has quoted here to make all understand that the Quran revealed to
Mohammed (SM) and he is the man to follow because his conduct as according to Quran though one put up the
letters first and last. So praise to God and follow his conduct not the man who burnt away in early age. The sect
does not find in practical as their logics any angels before them but the person would bring such a logics they
would see alike angels came in the world to drop the Jesus. They thought Mohammed (SM) makes all Hadiths of
such nature of his. The true is that to prove such nature of Hadiths, true man is essential then truth will come out.
Until now, no one came to prove every word of Hadiths and Injil for giving true explanation one by one. Opponent
and those who would take part against the writings they must be neutral while they go through this book. This
book has written from own consciousness after dream had seen. Therefore, Mosi Kadiani what had written near
about eighty books that all from his own thought it not that he received any divine messages? He quoted in his
book that ‘a tree is known by its fruits’ let the sect people decide it whether he was on true path or not.
Knowingly after long-to-long, years he made the Hadiths, as he liked some portion were true and some portion of
same Hadith untrue. How it can be? Some how, he had wrongly biased on the subject, someone inspired him to
divide the Muslims in different sects. For them the arrival of Jesus is painful but it will happen according to the
Holy Book. If Jesus really comes on the back of angels to a Minar, they will not leave him without asking various
types of questions. Even then, they will not become happy and quarrel themselves. It is the habit of men. People
are seeing now worlds after worlds, which has light or shine but behind it, dark and darkness are there. Of having
more and more darkness, shine came, which is visible. The darkness is hundred times bigger than the light
portion. Perhaps the power is in the dark from where light has come. God has created every thing from water.
Before creating the big bang His Throne was on Water. So one of substance is water from where big bang had
created. It is according to Quran the one has revealed. Leaving everything aside the Prophet of God who was an
enlisted person would not send in the world without proper proofs and he would never face any question of
Own is also a questioner
Asking a many questions,
Why is an angel not able!
To carry off a man is?
For the reason two angels
Came in the description,
Although invisibly the angel is,
carry off the man from sky.
A child is the followers of Islam
Letter ‘B’ has connected
With ‘S’ in own narration is.
How the back has risen up
As a notion is the question.
The self is also a man having many questions to know. However, every questions and its answer cannot satisfy
all in all respect. Even then, man is curious roam and go about where and where not to find the answer which the
person is eager to know. In the poem as narrated that the angels are large in a body having eight hundred wings
to move one place to another place of the worlds. Such angels would bring Jesus in the world but God sent
revelation to Mohammed (SM) two of them would come carrying off Jesus. It is amazing to many that why it is so.
The person is also not out of them. Anything, which surprises there, might have such a hidden meaning, which
only God knows. Even then, man tries utmost to find some meanings out of it. Same thing has followed here also.
God never use even a single word for nothing without having something thoughtful. The intellectuals are to think
over the matter deeply for what purpose God used more than one angel. Was not there a hidden meaning behind
the revelation, which kept secret for long time? A few may agree on it but matter has to think over before ink.
Further more discussion on it will appear before the readers. Further more discussion on it will appear before the
readers. How is a child born of Islam? Reason behind, that every child is innocent and of heavenly man comes to
the world as fresh. All men are living in heaven before he comes to the world that is also a place another world as
Adam (A) lived once. All the prophets preach Islam or peace and religion means to establish peace in the world.
So the word Islam has liked by God. Therefore, He revealed in Quran so. It is clear that for soul there is a world
where they stay before coming to the world. Various religions bring up different notions about soul. The aim of
discussion is not to criticize them but to know something regarding the soul as it seen in Quran. It saw that in
other religions book the soul of one entered to the womb of a mother while that person was going to die. Such
type of notion has grown up in the mind of those religions, which has no end of it as they do not have an account
to God. As God created everything in scientific way that all run in scientific way some are plus and some are
minus. In the body of an instrument, its capability has mentioned so as in the humane body its capability
mentioned might that is his fate. Man thinks that in a sphere as if universe is the end of creation of God but such
universe may also there one after another. If it thought that the universe is one then here also a many worlds
after worlds are there. Around worlds after worlds are the portion shining but all darkness has covered them,
which man is unable to imagine. The Quran says only the lower portion is lighting others as it was. To say so the
soul looks down and see the other worlds, which attracts him to visit lower portion but not the Ruhh. It looks up
and looks up to see the God. As in the poem, it said letter ‘B’ has another meaning in Bengali wish of God
“BASHANA”. Wish of God first came in His mind then He made plan and then He gave a form of it. There is
nothing, which have not created without science. Very scientific way He created everything that can operate
proof in the world even. Man is His last creation and mysterious in all respect. The Quran came to end with a sura
“MAN KIND” sura itself has last letter ‘S’ as well as last letter is ‘S’ where the letter ‘S’ is playing activities. From
letter ‘S’ turn has come to return to original house. Another meaning of ‘S’ is to wish man as Muslims say SALAM
which means peace. The word has come from Islam. It is the wish of God to establish peace everywhere in the
world before man leave the station. Before returning home in whole life tries to does at least one remarkable,
good job so that people can remember one but never go without food there which gives pain and difficult to
survive. For one remarkable job irrespective of religions, one would become famous forever. If such motive man
possesses then soon peace of the world is knocking at the door. Man would not do so God gets it done by any
means. Words of God would fulfill and His words have most value. A word narrated has something in it man is to
research all. As scientists say without reason, nothing happened. So the words used in Hadiths ‘back’ and
‘shoulder’ in addition to two angels have some reason, in fact, the angels never come carrying off man from the
sky openly. For such reason the Hadiths had narrated in a hard way except Jesus none can explain it. It known to
all that the angel cannot give birth to a child as because God made them in that form that like man they cannot
intervention but created only to worship Him and obey His command. Next discussion about like angels comes in
and how it happened naturally.
“So warn mankind of the Day when the Wrath will reach them; then will the wrongdoers say, “Our Lord! Respite
us (if only) for a short term; we will answer Thy call, and follow the apostle!” “what! Were ye not wont to swear
aforetime that ye should suffer no decline?” Sura 15 verse 44 Quran.
The duty of prophets is to preach the words of God, rest all will do on His way and He does His duties
accordingly. God never divert from His promise. The question is here that is Mosi Kadiani a Prophet. The sect
people will say yes he is. He is a prophet without the law of religion of Islam. Under a Prophet, a many prophets
came as if below Jesus as the Christen say the followers also became prophet. In Islam the representative of
Rasul called ‘NAIB-E-Rasul’ those who are most respected by all but they are not prophet. Their role is such that
they obey all the steps of a prophet. Their honor and dignity are very high. It is not essential to prove one such
‘NAIB Rasul’ saying himself the one but their behavior proves it. To Kadiani sect become prophet one after
another has an evil design will, it becomes clear going through their revealed books. Diverting towards evil they
had gone against Islam showing overmuch daring that the angel’s activities of God. They commented that why
not the angels could come ten yards down on the ground. Every religious house has a many ‘MINARS’ on the top
of the building. It is mainly builds up to protect sound reproducing as well as to save from thunder, which
becomes a needle type. In such MINAR why the angels drop, a man is their question perhaps. Therefore, they
must go through this book. The purpose of it narrated here clearly. Although their sect leader had spoken about
meditation and uttered that there was none equal to him who understands better than he does about meditation
does. Therefore, the narration about the hidden meaning of MINAR and dropping of Jesus there has no value to
the sect people who rose up an irreverent question. They may ask how a man rides on two angels. Can a man go
on journey keeping two legs on two boats? Dear readers, answer is that who can give reply of all these questions
he should have precede ahead. The sect leader who could not satisfy them gives answer why he had set on fire.
“Think not that Allah doth not heed the deeds of those who do wrong. He but giveth them respite against a Day
when the eyes will fixedly stare in horror.” Sura 14 verse 42 Quran.
It known to the person that to set down all logics and arguments or ELHAM would not bring any fruitful result for
wrongdoers. Even then, the deed has been continuing for the betterment of those people if they hear it. May God
bless them to come back to the right path? At least they may understand that their way is not straight path once
they go through the book. It is not that any man revealed two angels would carry off Jesus but the revelation of
God came to him (SM). He (SM) had no other way but to tell the truth. If one says angel then comes in mind
heavenly messenger who made of NUR. They are made of NUR and RUHH in them but not the Naffs as like men.
They are invisible for men. Such invisible angels had already elaborately described earlier that they bring the
soul of men in the womb of a mother from the sky. In practical, one would not find any couple of men as NUR
whose name naturally. The name kept by their parents. How many people would able to find out such a couple to
explain the Hadiths and Injil verses in accordance to the point. To say so in research the idea had formed from
the a few words such as ‘back’, ‘shoulder’, ‘wings of angels’ and two angels. Moreover, the clouds of Injil had
come up to own expectation what was invisible to men God had given opportunities to prove as visible as
because the angels have no power to give a birth. Except Moses (A) and Mohammed (SM) God had given
instructions to other prophets in dream. In very rare cases, the angel came with divine messages. Therefore, the
dream of prophet is as like divine message. The dream had seen by Mohammed (SM) narrated as Hadith where
he (SM) told that he (SM) saw the Jesus rounding KABA keeping his hand on the shoulder of two men. Back and
the dream both combining one can take out some meaning. A head more discussion is coming about it. Perhaps
god had decided earlier to save his prophet from all sorts of ambiguities. Opponent may ask a question that
Jesus had risen up at the age of thirty-three. If he comes again how he would speak to people in maturity.
Therefore, the book has fulfilled all questions and reply too.
“Allah has said, “Take not (for worship) two gods; for He is just One Allah; then fear Me
(and Me alone). To Him belongs whatever is in the heaven and on earth, and to Him is duty due always; then will
ye fear other than Allah? Sura 15 verses 51 and 52 Quran.
God is One and unique but not two or three. Those who possess such notion that God has son or father and
mother or more than One God then there would have shown collision in between them. Looking upon His
creation that all stars are moving around one another without any hindrance it can imagine by intellectuals. It had
never happened there was a war between gods. Men are above all and best creation of God, they should try to
understand it. In the world, especially Prophets get Rebirth after getting full knowledge of God. They visit an
unseen world may in dream or practical that said a world RUHH-E-MOHHAMADI. Others also visit those who go
for deep meditation to some extend, return, and preach what the prophet guided earlier. God has not given power
to the angels to birth child or produce child like other animal. Why has the back of angels to carry off Jesus
mentioned in Hadith. What back has an important to tell especially instead of lap of angel?
God knows that where the men would quarrel each other as He is All-Wise. He has given the solution too to reply
the question. Although the angels has carried off the soul from the sky in the womb of a mother in the way what
narrated before. Of seeing these entire explanation opponent will close their eyes.
Is there anyone in the world!
Brings out such description?
Instead of lap, the back has
Become an example is.
Those who do not have
Enough faith on unseen,
For them the back has become
An example and proof is.
If one keeps both hands and legs
On the back of two angels,
That one becomes like a child
In the womb of a mother is.
Like a round ball is.
In the poem, the shape of a child in the womb of a mother has narrated in accordance to Hadiths by combining
them all. It is like that a man standing touches his feet with hands. On the back of the angels, Jesus stands and
touches feet with hands what proves as in the womb of a mother. Perhaps, God revealed it to Mohammed (SM) in
such way anybody ever proves it other than Jesus. Bending the body and touching the feet is one of the
exercises of the body. If anyone brings out two hundred Hadiths and combine them the result will become same
as one narrated. It may that in such way God would send Jesus in the world so that no one has any doubt in it.
Other things may old for them but it is quite new for everybody. Such type of description has not brought out by
anyone so far. Therefore, intellectuals cannot say that there is nothing new in it. No doubt, some people may
laugh at seeing the explanation but true in it lies. It is for them who thinks deeply.
“When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the
good things of this life and yet transgress; so that the word is proved true against them; then (it is) We destroy
them utterly.” Sura 17 verse 16 Quran.
The verse quoted here not show fear any body of God. It is an example that anything new comes out riches first
denies it as they have great resources. A few denies the fact understanding much more like Mosi Kadiani. In the
verse about one Karun who was very rich at that period about him. God does not destroy any populated area
without any sign. A many populated area had destroyed as the people denied His apostle. Men finding some sign
in it like statue feel proud that the religion is old but they had gone to astray for what not thinking deeply. The
Hadiths brought in Muslims would not think them divine message but keeps in mind that most of the Hadith had
come from God to answer the public. If it is of his (SM) own then he (SM) would not tell two angels as because he
(SM) saw the angels twice in a body how large and long they are. However, Hadiths are of his own language he
(SM) expressed to the people. Let it see that why God had given preference to back of two angels.
“People would see the son of Adam was coming on board on clouds with power and divine grace”. 28: verse 30
Mathew, Injil.
Again, the verse has come in for discussion. Jesus had a many titles given by God. Such as Mosi or Christ
means who had given ceremonial washing of the person of a king. In different languages it has a many types of
meaning that one is who would free from sins or vice. In fact, no prophet can get free some one from sins if
individuals not comes to right path after repenting own bad deeds. It is the matter to understand from common
sense. In short, discussion, in Bengali Mosi means pen. The Christ was never a king of Jerusalem. When Jesus
had asked whether he was king of Jerusalem then he replied that he was not the king of this world but king of
other world. Another title he was son of Adam. That title was not full-fledged one as he had no father but title had
given by God must fill up by any means. As a king he had no place in the world, as he was not such person to
make free from sins of others then what title had fill up that period. Another title was KALEMA, KALEMATULLA,
or RUHHULLA. This title had become full fledge to him but others titles as not fill up that God would definitely
keep His word as the title given by Him. Whatever came as a description in Injil that all his activities about
spiritual works? Therefore, in KALEMA it said “God is one and unique and Jesus is prophet of God.” He is pure
without father as Ruhh came in to the womb of mother Mary. Although Muslims say Jesus as like Adam as had
come in Quran but not son of Adam but son of Mary. Son of Adam is to prove by the intervention of father and
mother too. The word son of Adam has mentioned in many scriptures like old Bible. Prophet Daniel had
addressed Jesus as son of Adam and Injil too. Who would fill up Jesus title as son of Adam if Jesus not born
again then the question comes to the intellectuals? Would it fill up if the Jesus comes directly in a body from
heaven? Once he born again then the Christian would come to know he was simply a Prophet of God that period.
Therefore, no question would come about three gods.
If he is not Mosi or a prophet the Jews said would arrive again might fill up by getting proof of Mosi only. Without
the pen, nothing can do, as it is the planner to draw a sketch. That should come in force for all religions too. As
because, all religions people are waiting for the arrival of own religious teacher again. If not so, it is difficult to
turn back the Jews. It found that two men of NUR named and two angels made of NUR have some similarity some
are from the sky and men of the world. That is another characteristics of the book that grand fathers of the
person managed to make a couple as if they had free plan that their grand son would write a book of this nature.
If not so, then the parent had a plan that their son’s name should one BASU of Hindus so that he can write a book
narrating the life of Jesus. They also had a plan that a name of Muslim Abul Kalam Azad Basu so that he could
prove himself saying all these narrated. If not so, then it is the plan of own that he was a realistic man and knows
nothing about religion. Out of these three one should had committed fault otherwise how one saying only Jesus
and Jesus. It would not affect anybody to keep the book as a document for future generation. It has so made as
made at the period of crucifixion. Now it would become a duty of others to find out whose fault it is. One cannot
see own fault but others can find it out. Dear readers publish the book and give all to one copy to find out the
optical illusion. Especially scientists, philosophers and to all intellectuals that they are to find out the fault of one
out of three who is more guilty. If it has found guilty in it, one can console in his mind that, what mistakes one
has committed in writings. If not anyone can find any fault in it at least try to blame who is more in fault in
accordance to percentage. The man who finds fault in it for him best prizes other than money is love of God. It
never finishes wherever one is. However, never think man is shadow of God. It would become like a proverb that
‘do not exchange substance for shadow’.
“So Salih left them, saying; “O my people! I did indeed convey to you the message for which I was sent by my
lord; I gave you good counsel, but ye love not good counselors!” Sura 7 verse 79 Quran.
Quran is such that as it was happened events narration as well as it would happen just alike. Quoted the verse
has not to tell about fear ness of God but to fear Him too. He only there to love, which has no end other thing is
perishable decreases when time passes through. The verse has narrated about Prophet Salih that he warned the
people of his community to abide by order of God but riches and evildoers least bothered. God destroyed the
populated area after they that had gone to astray. Before destroying any area, God sends his representative to
warn the people, if the people turns back not hearing His word then severe punishment of God comes. It is not
for that, one is writing the book of such nature.
There are a many legends and too Holy books instructions about the arrival of Jesus. A many claimants also
would arrive to deceive the men saying him Jesus but people are to remain alert when real Jesus comes
irrespective of religions. Because at that period a great punishment of God would come down suddenly if any
religions do not obey or disagree him to recognize at least. The examples so far quoted narrating about his
arrival that proves may attract some people. Therefore, it is to judge properly whether it is of God or not. Until
and unless son of Adam Jesus would reach the thing, which had written in Holy books would not come in force.
It would fill up automatically after just Jesus had arrived by God. The one has described invisibly the angels
brought him and visibly as like two NUR’s that they were men couple brought forth a son who was a man and
could say son of Adam. Opponents try to understand the meaning the back and shoulder in Hadiths why such
type words used for to mean. God knows better.
The angels carry off
Ruhh with a cover of soul,
Would unbelievers bring faith on it?
For that reason,
The back has made a history.
The angels had not bestowed
Power to give a birth,
As a result,
The back of two men named NUR’s
Has brought in
To narrate the fact is.
Again the question comes
Why such type of narration is?
Ruhh is the order of God or FUTKAR and NUR is knowledge or His one of the quality to show His beauty. His all
qualities might count in beauty. The soul is a life combining with Ruhh having pure Naffs. That pure Naffs is soul
of men or heavenly body. For good deeds or deeds one has done that would justify by God and if punishment is
to give then that heavenly body would suffer for it as Adam was punished. In the poem blossom, word is use for
pure Naffs. (Heavenly body is just like worldly body. It fitted in a stage when child growth to that stage as likes
heavenly body). Difference of these two men would not understand at all perhaps for coming down and going up
its form changes. Claimant of Jesus whomever he is very difficult to prove the Hadiths. As the one narrated, what
the Quran says let it see for justification.
“How let men but think from what he is created! He is created from a drop emitted proceeding from between the
backbone and the ribs.” Sura 86 verses 5 to 7 Quran.
Men may think to the ones narration has come out with the verses of Quran but it has come, in relation to Hadiths
word of two angels and their back. Man has power in the backbone to produce a child. The verses quoted above
has blossomed about the back and shoulder of men how Jesus would arrive and land. Presently it would think by
the philosopher and intellectuals how far it is true or not. The explanation has given by one is in accordance to
science and too all religious books. After giving so much description, evildoers would raise a many questions.
“Even if We did send unto them angels, and the deed did speak unto them, and We gathered together all things
before their very eyes,, they are not the ones to believe, unless it is in Allah’s plan; but most of them ignore
(truth).” Sura 6 verse 111 Quran.
The above wordings of God are applicable here also that thousand and one proves would not come to effect if
ones mind were not change. Those who think themselves very wise they are foolish as the case with the sect of
Kadiani. The illustration so far narrate is not of own but all are God gifted. Those who have gone to astray their
mind also work in evil so all proves would not affect them. Other than, these God arrives in the present world
they would not believe it until and unless one dies.
“Father (God) as He loves me, I also love you so, be in my loves, as one obeying His all orders came close to Him
so you also obey me and be in my love.” 15: verses 9 and 10 of Jonah, Injil.
“O the society of christen, so long the Christ arrived again you would not wake up but remember his wordings,
“Jesus is in God and God is with him,” it means God is pen but pen is not God. It is in accordance to Islam and
true. In practical, one is speaking to you all. One after another, all proves God bestowed the person to make
understand all but the one is simply a man. He is father, son, Ruhh, Alpha and Omega of a true Kalam. The one
obey all prophets those who passed away from Mohammed (SM) and above. The one is simply set down the sign
of God, and say to praise the God. Try to be one, together saying God is one and unique, there none to share Him.
Be united and stand where you find similarity, do not separate and divide for a mere notion of own. Where you do
not find similarity, keep it in you only. One must agree that Mohammed (SM) is a last prophet who cleared off all
blame of Jesus preaching the news. Arrival of Jesus again is his wording though it was revelation of God. No
prophet would arrive until the Day of Resurrection if so he were false. Come under white flag. Then only the
nature will save. The ancestor of one is followers of one Abu Hanifa and he became a witness at own dream in
some case but the person does not know much about him. Moreover, in Islam only Islam is no grouping among
Muslims or any sect or sub sect. For such activities of a great man like Abu Hanifa the person does respect only
but for Islam have no intention to make sect or sub sect. The white flag is sign of peace.”
If the nature does not
Speak about one is,
How the two NUR’s
Had become couple here!
If there is no importance in truth
Then such type of couple
Would not bring forth is.
Had also no meaning of nick name,
The example of one how
Had it become theorem is.
The person is not that Brahman who put on neither a bunch of thread on his neck nor a claimant of prophet but a
protector who would claim so. One is very much sure about the writings that it will help others to protect from
illegal claimers of prophet all will go with one to throw arrow on the face of others who would raise such type
claims. To build castle in the air is easy in practical use it is hard to do. These are not of God then one could not
throw a many points in accordance to the holy books having a little knowledge in religions side. Having a little
proof like name is not the proof of holy books what said and it would like a greedy man, who wants false fame
spreading rumor all over just like to cast pearls before the swine. Keeping the book in one hand if one goes
through minutely, it is sure that he would find the truth in it. There what nature stated silently it has some reason
to think over by the intellectuals? It should keep in mind that where there is smoke, there is fire. To avoid from
such fire, man should remain alert. Geometrical proof of any events successively from the ancestor in addition to
with the nature and practical happenings of the world one has come out before the readers for definite some
reason. If the nature is not the witness of one favor, how one could define all the proofs in accordance with the
Holy Books. If not so, then there is no value of nickname of one, who accommodates all religion into one by
saying Krishna Buddha Isha Mosi. It would not also possible to come before all.
“Mosi Kadiani in loud and firmly said that the prophet of Christen had died in a normal way other than what God
said and he brought in with the proof of historical legend that his grave is at SREE NAGAR of Kashmir. Still it is
there as a memorial.” (Ahmadiat page 264.)
Mosi Kadiani put on blame saying death of Jesus but the present description is not to put away Jesus or to put
out something from any Holy Books telling lie rather it is as inspired by one the person has been writing to fulfill
the words of Prophets and too of God. To convey all it is analyze in international language though one is not fit to
write in English. Those who have faith on God they never hear the evildoer’s legends. Satan as as men always
deceive the people telling lie but those who are honest, intelligent never follow the wrong path of Satan. Without
having knowledge on the subject men of letters never do not make own history, which are false. Whatever
Hadiths came to Muslims they do not reject but say this one is weak Hadith. Because it may that weak Hadith
may come in force sometimes. Jesus would land from the sky means not sky only but also heaven. The Quran
says in every sky there He created land to live on all animals may that they are in other forms. Such type of
Hadiths no body can reject for saying sky except that sect who denied the total fact. How dare enough he was in
Muslim to say this portion of Hadith invalid. It wills in force to day if all run in accordance with Holy Books and
the definition has given by the person. May God helps one the writing will proof it. Just look at Jesus lands from
the sky invisibly as well as from the worldly sky. Is it an own made story? By putting up strong resistance
against a portion of Hadith, they ignored and dishonored Mohammed (SM). Is he and his sect are illegible to get
excuse telling so much lies until now. A great who sent revelation to Mohammed (SM) about Hadiths He is alert
and know everything what is happening in His kingdom. Soon the people will find the destination of the fraud.
“The Day that we roll up the heavens like a scroll rolled up for books (completed), even as We produced the first
creation, so shall We produce a new one; a promise We have undertaken; truly shall We fulfill it.” Sura 21 verse
104 Quran.
It has known to very easy to break but hard to build up anything. For God it is all the same. The scientific way the
worlds after worlds had build up by God but He promised that He would roll it up one day would create again all
for Judgment. It is easy for Him. However, a thing here is that while He rolls up the world it would not take that
much time as before. It can one understand very well now. As one said earlier if the SIM is fitted to a cow that
cow would speak what functions the SIM did while living on the world. The ant is thinking how it would be. Men
already discovered that darkness is more than the lighting worlds. In addition, the gap in between every world so
much that practical worlds are nothing to it. God promised that He would bestow men paradise for that He may
again build up those worlds. Men would not die any more after once he had taste of death. Only that reason it
may think that the worlds will there but all depends on His wishes. To prove Hadiths wording for God is not
impossible at all. If He likes He can bring in a man from the sky too.
Again it has come that the man who has key of the box he will open the box and take up the book for writings. (It
is in the light of Injil).
“Jesus said, “I tell you all, the man who confess me in front of all, son of Adam also admit him before the
messengers of God. If not anyone confesses me, son of Adam also does admit him before the messengers of
God. If anyone says something against son of Adam that may excuse but if anyone says something against Holy
Ruhh that will not forgive.” 12: verses 8 to 10 Luke, Injil.
Same nature of verse is in the Quran and more clear than the Injil. “And there is none of the people of the book
but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them.” Sura 4
verse 159 Quran.
Before explaining the verse, a legend is that from the very beginning it had been happening that the nation who
got divine book though they were a portion of great Holy book had spoken like way that they had a Divine book
with them so no fear and bothered less afterwards. At present situation is also as that Jesus is not as important
to some of the people as some of the commentators explained the verses. Therefore, the whole life of men is to
appear in the examination. Without examination no one is suppose to cross the bar. The verse of Quran what
narrated no Muslim deny it but less importance seems in it, the intellectuals look into it. If not understood any
verse true Muslim say God knows better other than the explanations. Going back to Hadiths none can proves the
Hadiths about Jesus except God. Near about of it as one inspired the person tried to better explanations. One
would become wise about matter a very little than the wise people the person could not imagine it before the
dream. As a result, one tried to land from both the skies.
First and last letters of Quran are
Revealed Kalam says
Alpha and Omega is.
Why the nickname of
One is of Krishna?
In reverse ‘B’ and ‘S’,
Why is of Siddhartha Buddha?
Such type of arrival of
Jesus is in the world.
Is there anyone to stop?
Is it possible on earth?
The book has followed a verse of the Quran that men are weak though they think powerful. The man cannot
remember a thing for a long time. He hears it in one ear and it goes out from other ear. Therefore, a verse has
come several times with different meanings. It has already came in description that nickname of one is related to
the Quran the first letter and the last one. Jesus is the begging and end of Kalam means not any other Holy
books but of Quran. Normally Kalam word is uttered a Muslim understands the Quran but to others it has
separate meanings too. All prophets preach the Islam from the very beginning and the Jesus and the last stage
then he would preach Islam. Therefore, he is a Muslim. All prophets preached Islam means they are also
beginning and end of the Quran. Why it is so? Then one must go on thesis to get doctorate degree on it. Let it try
to find the reason why it happened to so. Adam (A) lived a many years in the world and produced a many child
who made a nation. They are student of nursery. That period revelation came to Adam (A) according to nation so
that they can complete the syllabus of nursery or a little higher to think over the matter. At that period the
syllabus of class five would have given to them, they would not understand what God was telling. Therefore,
successively the course had been taking to a position until now nothing left to disclose more. All books are true
without any doubt but think is that generation-to-generation they remembered the verses and later put down in
the paper or alike. As a the words of God changed and it happened in Injil also that the writer himself given note
for such words that word has placed to make all clear. In the Holy Books, it should not be so. The word of God
has several meanings but man used for only for a particular meaning. Thus, its form completely changed into
other meanings. Krishna and Buddha, Isha Mosi all of them had come before the Mohammed (SM) arrival so none
can say that Krishna and Buddha were not prophet. They were preached a religion moreover the Veda has
proved that it was also a revelation of God. Probably it came to Prophet Noah (A). Krishna came at the period of
Prophet David who was a poet and singer too, so the Krishna too. At early age, it saw that a many Prophet had
more than hundred wives and it happened to Krishna. For that, those who criticize they are ignorant about their
own Prophets. If the name has become the first and the last of Krishna what would be to a Muslim? Putting
everything away man should consider have own history that every man has possess a book what talk about
Prophets. Even Satan also has own book and in every Holy books he took place for that reason. Anybody put
down his name, which is not he would suffer for that. God revealed the name Jesus more than Mohammed (SM)
name from boyhood to his departure promising to send him again in the Quran that cannot be a lie. There is none
to stop it going against the decision of God. Arriving of Jesus on board on angels, couple of two NUR’s,
Some of the people may give less interest on it as they full fledged Holy book with them to run the worldly life as
well as hereafter still there are lot of things to know. The person is narrating a fact, of his life. He had joined in a
sky after a few years he came on leave and did not return to parent service obeying patriotic for own nation. In
return, he got nothing to that nation except others who got normally which suppose to get. It is man’s judgment.
After long one day he exposed to it others telling that, he killed a person of that nation. People became astonish
how did you kill the person please tell it. The person told that by decreasing one soldier of that nation the person
killed a soldier of that nation. Then they had laughed at of one saying a many harass words. This is of course
man’s judgment but to God the man who had faith on Prophet he had faith on God too. Those who crossed the
border at that period they were count as hero of the nation because it was their due. To God it should consider
the man who would cross the border there is no doubt, he would get the recommendation of Jesus and he would
give witness in favor of the person on the Day of Judgment. But having full fledged life book to see a Prophet in a
neglecting eye would not except by God moreover laughed at is the job of devil in spite of giving rewards.
“ He does propound to you a similitude from your own (experience) do ye have partners among those whom your
right hands possess, to share as equals in the wealth We have bestowed on you? Do ye fear them as ye fear each
other? Thus do We explain the Signs in detail to a people that understand?” Sura 30 verse 28 Quran.
In early days black were hating person to whitish. It had thought on them that back were the slave of whitish
people. The environment had made them so in fact, all Ruhh male or female are the same and there is no
difference in Ruhh. On those days in the Arab, Arabian also had slaves under them. Mohammed (SM) made them
equal to all. In the verse God quoted an example about the servant that were the servants would give equal share
for any reason than the rich had given in conversation or anything alike. God made it clear that as the slave has
no share in wealth similarly riches also have no share in the wealth he possessed because all wealth belongs to
God. In this connection discussion, come in that love of God is not for rich or poor. In worldly affairs, love come
once and goes away light lightening. Rest not all are love but attraction to each other. True love is only with the
God and unseen love is permanent one. Once something seen then attraction comes behind it factors also work
which is not love. Man is to fear God too though He is not fierce animal like (N) because He is the creator. If
would have a little fear in the mind of other sects those who claimant of Jesus then they would misinterpret the
verses of Quran. The person of having a many proves could not say anything others how the held so much dare
ness to be prophets. Arrival of Jesus on board on angels, couple of two ‘NUR’s’ in practical, keeping hands and
legs on angels in the form of mother womb and reddish sheets wearing person is “Basu”. To accumulate the
world people on humanitarian grounds to solve all the problems on brotherly relation those who think on the
subject including intellectuals of Islamic wise people might come on a solution after going through the book that
mankind is above all agreeing God is one and unique there is none to share. They can build up a bridge over all
for the people to remain in peace.
“And if ye reject (message), so did generations before you; and the duty of the apostle is only to preach publicly
(and clearly).” Sura 29 verse 18 Quran.
A many false prophets took chance of this verse quoting it to say them prophet or something alike but make sure
that all prophets have some Signs to show. The revelation of Quran is a great sign for Mohammed (SM) being
illiterate person who was unable to write even. Who writes a book to teach something to others in spite of that if
anyone thinks himself very wise saying left and right not trying to understand even what God revealed they are
nothing but foolish. Why God said so, a man would land in a Minar of a Mosque. It has vast meaning and has
inner meaning too. One sect laughed at hearing Hadith and asked the angels could not come down ten yards
down to land Jesus on ground. It is a question of a normal man. However, poet or philosopher cannot say so.
(One of the sects asked this question in a book, (reference book is “Kateman Nabien”). God knows better. Why
he would land on a Minar, its explanation so far understood by one describes soon. God knows whom he would
bring forth and whom he would take away. For His requirement, He would give life to death, rebirth, or land
directly from sky. It depends on Him. Logics and arguments for His jobs have no function for men. The duty of
Muslims to have faith on Him and it is for all. The Hadiths says landing from the sky, he would on a Minar of a
Mosque of Damask that is to on the east of east Minar. Why it was so long narration had given by God. So that
the wise people like of Mosi Kadiani do not understand such type of Hadiths as well as Satan who is god of devil
people. One has explained how to land from the sky in various ways, next comes how to land from Minar. For
them it is a joke. They treated the Hadiths neglectfully. In the opinion of the person, the Hadiths are hard but not
false. Word-to-word they are very correct.
The title of Jesus is Mosi
And son of Adam is too,
He is famous by
The name of “Kalamuttullah”
The name has stated
in Injil (Bible) and Quran are.
Who has fulfilled both the titles?
If two men would not come closer
To become couple,
It is of own question.
Let Jesus come from heaven or any other place of the worlds. Therefore, the question would remain in mind that
he had addressed as son of Adam. To become son of Adam the one is too born otherwise he would remain as
man or alike Adam (A). He can never become son of Adam. This is a general logic. To remove this illusion the
person has taken step what nature has bestowed him. As stated earlier, Ruhh is having to all including two other
species like Jinn’s and angels. Ruhh works in men for all good and guide men towards God’s path. It is the root
of good to do or to inspire a man towards good job. All Prophet have some titles according to their job concerns.
Mohammed (SM) has title as a Nur. Hazarat Isha (A) has known as Ruhullah in a Kalama. Ruhh is the title and
best title for him as a Prophet on that period. He had talked about Ruhh and had shown all spiritual power to the
people. In spite of all he is nothing other than a man. No angel came in the world to preach or God did not come
to preach men the religion nor any shadow of God came to preach the men but men came generation-togeneration
to preach the religion. Out of men two are different one is Adam (A) and another one is Jesus. God
has no shadow. All Prophet when he bestowed prophet ship then God remains with him all the time but the
person does not become God. God is never begotten or begot. Who is born he cannot become God. God never
die, He is immortal but men are mortal. Whom death touches he is not God but men or any other animal.
Whatever God says He does it, He never divert from His promise. He is creator and He knows how to fill up His
promise to the words. Once He said through revelation Jesus would land in a Minar, which form was needle type
he would land there without any doubt. May that it have some other meaning too? For men it became difficult to
understand. It could say that in a Mosque directly instead of that a high place of Mosque had come to mean
something else. The more men would develop the word used has other meanings come to the point to
understand. That is why the word used by God should not change in holy books. Neither one can stand in a
Minar nor can one stay in it. As stated by Satan to Mosi Kadiani that Minar means a house of a Muslim family
perhaps he is near to truth. The one is coming has to stay in a house for a long period to speak in maturity. Minar
has other meanings too. Definitely Jesus would land to Minar so that all the people can see it if not physically
then his speech would reach to Minar to all religious house of the world as a Sign of God. If it has said only
Mosque then the question would arise something else. Therefore, God first said east-to-east Minar first then
other thing comes later. Many man many minds may define it many ways he likes but to one what has been
coming in narration successively. It has become applicable to all the religions, as he is Sign of God for the Day of
Resurrection. Word staying has become also meaningful as one can ever stay in a Minar so as he born again. To
Muslims born is also a landing as Mohammed (SM) had born. The person coming to land would hold power and
blessing of God in his hand could not come in a day, as Rome was not build in a day. Then comes why he would
land in the Mosque why it was not to a church or Mender of Hindus or Math of Buddhist. The Muslims would
define it why it is so. Why God has preferred Mosque other than all religious houses, the narration would come
soon from the people of the world, which would become their duty to narrate the question elaborately. It hoped
that the book would reach soon to other religions people to go through and research the matter. Principal of
religious houses may receive the book from the Minar of their respective houses. Thousand and thousand Imams
or principals are there in the world. Some one may feel interest to receive it from the Minar as it is in the door of
everyone. A life without body has nothing to do in the world. The body is useless without the life it is to
remember. God has given more preference to Imams and principals and who is best among them it would decide
by God. No words of God and science of God should not neglect as they are all meaning if not today may tomorrow.
“And Allah most certainly knows those who believe, and as certainly those who are Hypocrites.” Sura 29 verse
11 Quran.
Those who follow the path of Satan are the two faces men in the world. God knows them well. They misinterpret
the verses and bring in new theory of own to misguide the people. They are friend of some but in fact, in mind
they have ill plan. Their explanation if not in accordance to Quran and also having ill plan to divide the people
God would stand them in a separate place on the Judgment Day.
Once upon a time Damask was a very rich in science and knowledge. Beside cultures, religious teaching schools
were there. People from all over the world were going there to learn or earn knowledge. In the Hadiths, it has
clearly mentioned that in that country Jesus would land in a Minar. The person is stating far from the Damask not
against the Hadiths but what found and seen to convey all. In a country where cultures and other knowledge men
wish to earn in own life there Jesus arrival confirmed in Hadiths. For that reason, one thought and thought for
long eight years and stop writings. It would describe later. In a very high place, he would and preach or tell
something to the people. Perhaps he would receive by the intellectuals, as he would say something from a
school where knowledge is there. Those who have power to understand it he will understand it.
“Jesus would land on board on clouds with power of God and blessing and people would see it. God would send
His messengers to all over the world and make all together of His own men.” 13: verse 27 Mark, Injil.
As all know, the messengers of God would see on that day of Resurrection. Before the Day comes, God would
send a warning to return to the right path as He stated. So that a notion who would agree to it God make them
united under white flag. They all are peace-loving people of the world. The person who is giving this information
he is not the man to come under him but a great man who had a life like Quran. As because the person has
already burnt into fire in the childhood and has nothing to follow his steps. There is proverb that hates the sins
not the sinner. One cannot explain who would receive Jesus with a ladder to comedown from Minar and take him
inside Mosque to pray to God. It can say that whoever knows Jesus he would get his rewards and may that
among them a famous person would become popular to all. More than this one has no ideas about it.
“Thereafter (after the departure of Jesus) who would arrive from his father (God) to help the people (Prophet), he
would say about me (Jesus). (Who would clear off all blames of Jesus saying Prophet and about purity of Mary).
He is one the real soul from God. He would say about Christen and Christ too those who were in right path.” 15:
verses 26 and 27 of Jonah Injil.
There were a many Prophets after Moses had come except Jesus there was none too famous. Same case also
after Jesus perhaps a many prophets came as they received the revelation of God but all under Jesus same rules
had repeated only. They were Hawaii or followers of Jesus but thereafter a Prophet had reach Mohammed (SM)
but to them those followers had spoken the truth about Jesus what he said that he would send a real soul. The
Prophet had a title as a real soul that means Nur. From the world of Nur, all things had created whatever
physically has known to the people. No other Prophets taught to pray five times in a day forgiving the
descendant of Abraham at least eleven times in prayer in between Jesus to Mohammed (SM). The Muslims
became enemy of that nation speaking the truth placing the Quran in front of them. The Jews, the Christen and
the Muslims who are they? There must have coordination in all of them though they have different ideas. Only
love of God can unite them and they all must go out worshiping statue and other people like men except God.
There is no enmity for religion because all of them had come from same path and same nation. Thing is that a
few have blood of killing prophets from the very beginning which make them brute and arrogant. From thought
and deep meditation if any book comes as a divine book then the book would have become a divine book but
Divine Book of God is different so as Quran. None can write such book. Possessing wrong notion to one another
the Jews stand still on the Old Testament and the Christen stand still on the new Bible. Mohammed (SM) is the
last prophet as the Quran says; he had no need to preach about Jesus arrival if it was not a Divine Book. This
prove one think is great prove for the Christen and for the Jews they must go up and down to see what the divine
books revealed. God would not tolerate any wrong thing for long time. He does His won job and the nature soon
speaks to them. As the Hadiths said that Isha (A) would address as Ruhh by Imam of the Mosque to stand as
Imam to pray to God but he would say one of you be so who had been. It means he would not take the
responsibility for Imam or leader but his duty is to inform what God said. By the love of God, the enemy of God
would come closer to each other. By decreasing as one stated earlier one can kill thousand geometrically. Then
why to show enmity to others only love them and hurt them on heart to grow love in them. As said once life is not
there body is unable to do anything-remarkable job so the heart is one to convert the people by the love God. The
stick cannot rule over for long time it would defeat at any time but justification and love of God is permanent to
rule over the kingdom of God. Let him be any religion but without these two things, none can stay for long time.
All religion have come to a decision that man does not die but Naffs dies once, so justify the wrong and right in
the world before doing any activities, which should not harm others. Doing right thing in the world try to get a life,
which would not die at all then pass over the happy life forever?
The back of men’s bone
And ribs as stated in Quran
What comes out quickly is!
From is the bones and ribs?
That type of intervention of
To NUR’s output mixed up then,
That congeal blood of leach becomes man.
A many notions of
Mosi Kadiani and Bahai
Why they uttered false
Krishna and Buddha are!
Which are lies?
Had the names compared
Tolerable to some are,
Where they found bed smell,
That all have versified today.
In Quran what narrated from the back of men and their intervention output congeal blood of leach makes man. As
stated earlier that the parent of one are two Nur’s named made a couple as the angels are made of Nur from their
intervention a child born whose name is Basu. In the poem it has tried to prove the Quran and Hadiths what said
for that the verse of Quran and Hadiths quoted where found reddish sheets and how man born from the back as
mentioned in Hadiths of two angels back. Eastern world people worship the statues and had many gods as they
think so. However, for that no Prophet or Warner are not responsible in Veda’s it had already mentioned that God
has no phantom or shadow as men think. He is one and unique. For argument, they say that to love God they
make a visible beautiful statue to love so that, love of God growth in them. Although it is a statue and doll people
keep necked such type of statue for own sexual satisfaction. From there it may assume that how far it is true.
However, the Krishna and Buddha was also Warner and they preached religion for peace. If the names have
come in the poem and for discussion for argument sake, it makes no difference to others. Mr. Bahauddin of
Bahai group of Iran gave same preference to them. Mosi Kadiani was a claimant of Prophet also had become
Krishna and Buddha having no proof. God bestowed one to proof all prophets’ life at a time mentioning Quran
and Hadiths perhaps He wants to gather all to one place as mentioned in Injil. The back of angels had no function
to bring a man on the ground other than to proof man born from backbones. As mentioned in the poem
Mohammed (SM) saw a dream which is not less than Divine message they are men on whom the Jesus keeping
his both hands rounding the house of God KABA. These are the explanation of the little poem. Therefore, son of
Adam comes really in the womb of mother but not from the sky directly. To give a birth is landing. Three types of
landing so far narrated. There are so many types of landing which has not brought in it. First, one is as invisible
second, one is as a birth from mother womb and third one is that when a saint reach to a saturation point at high
sky and receives something from God and reveals it to the people that rebirth is also a landing. A little
discussion has already developed on the Minar and again inside the Mosque those are landing. From that
Mosque, if God wishes He can spread out the message to all how far one is. Mr. Bahauddin of Iran has given
preference to seven Prophets only. In Quran more than twenty-six persons name mentioned and said there are
so many whom not required mentioning to the subject concerns. It is appreciative that he included Krishna and
Buddha in his thought. The rules and regulations made by Mosi Kadiani are completely out of Islam. The writings
of one mentioning the names Krishna and Buddha combining all including Jesus made a bridge all over the
world-hoping people would think over the matter in good faith. Both the letters as in the Quran will attract the
mind of many people and would try to combine people together keeping brotherly relation.
“Praise be to Allah, Who hath granted unto me in old age Isma-il and Isaac; for truly my Lord is He, the Hearer of
Prayer!” Sura 14 verse 39 Quran.
“Abram(A) was hundred years old when Isaac was born (Gen, 5) and Ismail was 13 years old when Abram (A) was
99 ( Gen, 17). Ismail was also a son of his father’s old age, having been born when Abram (A) was 86 years old.
The younger son’s progeny developed the Faith of Israel and that of Christ, the elder son’s progeny perfected the
more universal Faith of Islam, the Faith of Abram the true.” (Abdullah Yusuf Ali.)
Here a little discussion is require that the last wife was a daughter of some king but to Christen she was a
maidservant. Sign of it is Swiss canal. Once upon a time, there was no canal in between Egypt and Israel. For
Hager the canal had made by her father to carry goods to her house. However, all wrong notions had formed in
the mind of Christen even they do not know about Ismail. All prophets praise God not to others. It had already
discussed that no one allowed to seat in their chair he may followers of Mohammed (SM) even then he cannot
become greater than any other prophets. Perhaps that one came to a sect as a prophet but it cannot utter that he
was simply a prophet of a small nation keeping in mind to make him insult. That would not tolerate by God.
Prophets are prophets of God and selected person may that they have their own position. Not everyone can
become president but all are members of parliament. Therefore, who is wise who is not wise that is not the
concern to discuss? There is no doubt that Isha (A) was send for a tribe but at the same time the news was send
for his re-arrival in the world. Keeping in mind the Muslims must go through accordingly but not like as Mosi
Kadiani what narrated to the people. So far, on believe every one should at least confirm his arrival as a witness
to God that they have received the message of about the Day of Resurrection. Then after it, men do whatever
they like and it would see by God. It known to God that he was giving a blame that he is son of God, it is an insult
for God what not that should not say even by the by. He would fulfill him as son of Adam as well as Mosi in the
world as title has given earlier. For him leadership is not in the world but a leadership is there in the third world,
which is very hard to understand at present. Other then this Islam has given more preference in all respect. For
nothing, a title is not but for as it would come in force when time comes. Whatever narrated of own about it God
knows better if any thing wrong He would forgive one and it is own pray to God. Therefore, pray to God keeping
not in between any statue or anyone else because God can hear you well. As own name is Krishna, everything
like it black as a result own hate himself. Although it has become somewhat possible to write about Jesus but its
account cannot count in easy way. There is no solution of it other than surrender to God and praise Him.
“They swear their strongest oaths by Allah, that if a (special) Sign came to them, by it they would believe. Say;
“certainly (all) Signs are in the Power of Allah; but what He wishes you (Muslims) to understand is that (even) if a
(special) Sign comes, they will not believe.” Sura 6 verse 109 Quran
God is capable to any sign to people but he would not do so as they would say it illusion. Now the Sign has
shown to you would you believe it, perhaps not. Therefore, if He opens the door of heaven one by one to all still
people would not believe it but say it is nature doing so. Wait for nature then what she does. Do not think you are
Muslim or non Muslim but do good job and at least believe that God is one and unique and do not give share to
anyone then you would come to right path of Islam. Do not burn hearing the name as one on that day said that he
saw a picture Islam dog but film is over no dog he saw and laughed at making a fun on TV. It is ignorance to
Islam. The religion that man follows that is also Islam but included own made history there. One cannot think
over about the vast universe after universe and worlds after worlds. If throne of God is in the centre and His
throne above water then comes big bang and worlds which were together once and He separated it and expand it
to His requirement then the question of cooling down the world or any other thing as thought by scientists are of
no use. It is not only the end of it. Before that from nothing God has form something out of nothing. Then from
something, it has become large like big band. Drops of water make the ocean. When God was alone from that
point, can anybody think over the matter how the form has come into present position other than accepting Him
Blindly? The lowest part of seen universe He lighted with shining the stars but more then it kept in dark. Can
anyone say how far it is? Whatever the natural calamities come in the world all are coming in accordance to
calculation of God. Man can turn it back as the power also has given to them over all that he is king of the
universe or representative of God but the way what He does not want. Turning back of natural calamities up to
extend would affect the other sides too. Seeing the forecast does not mean that man has come to know the
secret of God. Those who are giving preference to the nature other than God they would not believe the Sign of
God. It is their out of imagination that God is there, who is controlling and rules over everything proportionally.
For them the Sign have shown geometrically one by one would become the jobs of nature and will cause nothing
n their heart. Not only one there a many Signs of God nature will show to the people even then they will not turn
towards God. In this computer era the sun, the world and the moon will speak silently if the scientist can
understand it. Man is weak to nature and unable to understand her. The moon and the Mars have already spoken
to them. Their stones have shown them sign of it. Likewise, a many prove would come to them. From that sense,
one can realize the Hadiths that the stone of Israel would speak to the men. Perhaps the man will not try to
understand the narration and Hadiths. The inner significant of Hadiths are Jesus would arrive on board of angels,
keeping two hand on the shoulder of two men, under the shadow of clouds and land on a Minar east to east of a
Mosque of Damask. At what time he would land. Answer is in the morning and in the afternoon. Why are there
two separate times period? Because he would land from the sky and would bring up for a period, then again he
would land to a Minar of Mosque. Then in the Mosque, he would gather knowledge and pray to God. He would not
accept the crucifixion as held and what the Christen or other says. The Jews would see it that he came that, they
hate and all stones of Israel say so. How one would comes to know it? Hazarat Mohammed (SM) said that in reply
all of you would see him that in his lower and upper portion of body two red sheets he wore. He (SM) added that
when Jesus look up pearls would fall down and when look down he would swept up as if he came after bath. The
man who is writings he may hope for good from God of seeing upwards but when sees down that all becomes
dull. Under him, a black ocean has flown which is warm. To them it is derision no doubt, but if ask who is father
of Kalam, and then they would not answer properly. Who is son of “Abul”? Then they would say Kalam is the son
of “Abul.” Other than God these are proves of saying Jesus son of God. Ruhh is independent other than God in
the universe. Even angels are unable to see it, which has called “AZAD”. As a direct word of God, it is
independent in the universe. It has direct link with God. All the things would go to God but the first thing is Ruhh
form where it produces it goes there without any hindrance. It is an assumption that in Hebrew language God
called Jesus in the mentioned name later misinterpreted and came to a decision of three gods. Let the people
think whatever it is but to one there is no trinity nor there is cross for crucifixion. God knows better and the book
for them who may unbelievably but gain knowledge knowing something from it.
The seeds sowed by Bahai
Have become foot of verse,
He spread out poisonous
Tree is everywhere.
The person is tumbling with that poison
Until today,
That doctor is not visible,
Who can make it cool?
In accordance with Bahai is not
Only Obatar Buddha
In addition, a lamp is Krishna
And in sky is Gautam Buddha.
Once anything preached that spread out before the airs. It may be right or wrong there are people to believe it
knowingly or unknowingly. It happened to the sect of Bahai. In the world, one core of people follows the notion of
Bahai. He has good virtues too. He discovered a figure 19 from a first verse that is in the name of Allah Most
Gracious, Most Merciful. His research work was fine but beside the mark, which he was claimant of Imam Mahdi.
In the poem, it said that he sowed a seed but theory spread out all over the world. He discovered letter ‘B’ is the
first letter of Quran.
Once it has come out people believe on him as theory proves true and all words, signs, Sura’ can divided by the
figure 19, which is some what a astonishing matter to think over. So long the theory has come out, easily it
cannot remove from the mind of people that he was not Imam Mahdi but a thinker. Kadiani sect is one of them
but they could not produce any reliable research except saying that the sect leader received the revelation in that
it had found God does not know how to speak in English. From Middle East to it has come to Bangladesh and
other so many countries as their followers are living on every country. Near about one core people of that sect
are ether and thither. To remove or to destroy root and branch of that sect from the society is difficult as the
people are arrogant like a nation. A good Doctor is very much essential for the treatment of those people but it
cannot do any other person except Jesus. It is a fact that they gave preference to Krishna and Buddha but
keeping in mind envy as the Mosi Kadiani narrated in his book. People nearby Hindus criticized his activities,
which is coming later. Not to sing own sing one speaking in favor the person in the world no body could give
such preference to Krishna and Buddha as the person did. Not by face only but in black and white the person
brought in the Quran just to cast a slur on them that they were not Prophet but now it has proved that they were
Warner of God. Gautom Brahman while in deathbed his soul enters into the mother womb of Buddha so the name
has come out as Gautom Buddha. To remove all wrong notions from the world the nature has got into the
present situation showing proves that God is there to count the soul and their activities. As they thought,
Buddha went to sky after he had died, a better description has given by one if all thinks over as the subject
matter on that issue. The person aim not make any religion to belittle but man made history is of taking a side of
other religion thought. The way the person took man to God is best way to take a man in the sky or heaven. If any
other thought is there to remove all wrong notions from the world he is most well come. Ruhh of religions person
may Hindus or Buddhist go to God as it has no fault but fault lies with soul and worldly body. Another notion the
Buddhist believe that the soul enter to another womb of a mother or to any animal for that they keep their dead
body for a long in a house without burning. It has not known to one that how the Buddhist will take it but saying
truth one has made no fault. If they take it otherwise they may criticize it but better is that to think over the matter.
There is no such evident that a man came twice in the world. Perhaps the name Gautom in this respect is not
appropriate to Buddha.
“Even if We opened out to them a gate from heaven, and they were to continue (all day) ascending therein, they
would only say, “our eyes have been intoxicated, nay, we have been be twitched by sorcery.” Sura 15 verses 14
and 15 Quran.
God has shown a many divine events to the people but they have not believe those saying sorcery of men so no
more divine events He liked to show but men advanced to science and it has become very easy to prove whether
God is true or not. The nature is speaking to them, as the nature would come to them in terrible way to crash the
people of the world. As one narrated in Hadiths two times of landing of Jesus mentioned one is in the morning
and another one is the afternoon. It has done in very easy way if one tries to understand it. On the other hand, it
saw that there is a sect in Hindus who only know God praying to Him and roam to all religious teachers whether
he is Muslim or Hindus. There name is BAWAL. It saw that they wear reddish sheets. Beside this, Saints and
religious teachers of Buddhist wear the reddish sheets. In writings, it found that by some means the name of one
is interrelated with that person as a result the two letters of Quran came in picture. It is very difficult to find out
the meanings of the Hadiths the way it had narrated other than the person narrated. Even then said Mosi is going
ahead to bring forward others information too.
Killing is not the way to destroy
Rather it will increase in high tide.
Reason behind it that
The secret is behind it,
Ants cannot destroy
Forever by men it’s.
Rebirth is only for Hindus,
Buddhist, Jayne and Bainshnab,
Jews, Christen and
Muslims are not in it.
The person is acting as Krishna,
Buddha and Isha Mosi is also.
In the Hadiths, so many things have narrated regarding the activities of Jesus in the world. One does not like to
prove those saying something, which is not other than the explanation. Arrival of Jesus to kill a nation by his
hand perhaps not to prove so but to kill them in heart to one is most appropriate. If anybody wishes to banish the
ants from the world is it possible. Other than this why a man would go to kill another one, which has prohibited in
Islam. As the nature has done the job so, the nature will take up the matter in her hand to accomplish the order of
God. As to kill, someone for nothing has prohibited in Islam. As the nature has done the job so, the nature will
take up the matter in her hand to accomplish the order of God. One cannot hurt another without any reason. God
has permitted to kill one by heart by decreasing. This method is the best way to live together. God knows better
what He would do. In example it can say that Hitler remains alive doing inhumanity but others remain alive
showing love of God. Sword cannot do what heart can do that very easily. Let them realize that they have their
real Mosi or not and turn them back to the right path. There are a many tribes, who believe in rebirth seeing the
rounding of rains but they do not think about vast worlds after worlds. To them is that to become a religious
person only praying to God day and night perhaps is not the intention of God. There are cores, core angels are
doing so, and the universe itself prays to God silently. Is God happy with that prayer? If so, why God created
men? It means men are to know all sides equally. Its discussion is coming later. There are a many things are
similar to all religions try to obey those and emphasize the truth before them day would come that they would
agree upon the truth. The advices have put forwarded as a man only. Men are to know about worldly knowledge
as well as hereafter and both should have a balance too.
“The sect related, Mosi Kadiani said, ‘rules and regulation through which states run are made of men as those
are mortal if wished can change, but for the mankind the Quran is last regulations a code of life cannot change as
one likes. Its other name is Kalamutuallah and immortal. Nothing can add in or omit from it. One cannot increase
or decrease its rules. As because God is above all, He has no fault in Him as He above all faults. It is sorrowful
that a few people think that some of the verses have rejected out of Quran. It is their wrong notions and of having
poor knowledge’s, but the Ahmadit sect believe that from BISMILLAH letter ‘B’ to Sura Nas ‘S’ all revealed by
God. Therefore, every words and every sentence is the revelation of God and they all would remain as it were.
None can change it. By no means would the revelation of KALAMULLAH and its word, sentence remain until the
Day of Resurrection. For the last fourteen hundred years it is happen no change found and it will not happen.”
(Reference Book is Ahmadiat page-77).
There are four types of sound in Arabic in reading. One agreed upon on those speeches what he narrated in the
above quotation. It seems that he had good intention for fair play but at crying need, he played fowl games as he
liked. It proved that letter ‘B’ and ‘S’ are the two letters of Quran indicating as first and last letter according to the
sect also. It is of Quran as KALAMUTULLAH and KALAMULLAH, which is the name Jesus as a title too. Therefore,
all Muslims including all sects have no chance to disagree upon it. It said not to express to cut a figure to the
intellectuals as one is defining the life of Jesus but to tell the truth what Mosi Kadiani had believed in Quran or
not. Therefore, a false name Ahmed in Quran had any function to enter in between ‘B’ and ‘S’ which is of Jesus
as KALAMUTULLA. One does not agree on it and has no power to misinterpret the Quran rest God knows better.
In many ways, it makes them clear if there anyone in the sect or anywhere pleases come out with the theory and
proves. After long time the sect had changed their color overnight saying Prophet but the one harshly not
challenging to anyone but come out with truth if the one is wrong but do not make all these cock and bull stories.
At present, self is beginning and last of the Quran but to one what knowingly so far no misinterpretation has
done. How in the middle one could enter in Quran without having proper proofs. Therefore, a Maulana named
Bahaullah in his name God is included even he can say that the God of Mosi Kadiani is not real God but gods of
Satan. Hoping people of that sect would go through the book and come to the right path if God helps them to
understand the fact.
“Thus have We sent thee amongst a people before whom (long since) have (other) peoples (gone and) passed
away; in order that thou mightest rehearse unto them what We send down unto thee by inspiration.” Sura 13
verse 30 Quran.
“But those in whose hearts is a disease,- it will add doubt to their doubt, and they will die in a state of unbelief.”
Sura 9 verse 30 Quran.
In the above two verses are quoted one is that what God sent revelation to earlier prophets in support of it the
last prophet repeated those what are truth. In the last verse, it said that those do not hold healthy eyes to see
enlightenment they fall in doubt and increase their diseases avoiding His order. The sect knows that Jesus is
Alpha and Omega of a Kalam but they have not tried to prove it but they believe that the letter ‘B’ to ‘S’ of Quran.
Without any prove, becoming false Prophet he deceived so many people for that God would not forgive him, as it
believes. It is the wording of Mohammed (SM) who ever say God is one and unique, do not raise the sword
against him. in one hand this sect say God is one and unique and Mohammed is Prophet of God on the other
hand they say he is not the only last Prophet but himself is also a Prophet and prophets would come until the
Day of Resurrection which out of Islam. Only the name took him to commit the crime on a large scale as of
seeing the back of an elephant whole story narrated had accepted by the people blindly without any justification.
In them, some people are arrogant by nature no doubt but a lesson would come soon for them. If they go through
the book they would find more than thousand proves are lying here. They all are from ‘B’ to ‘S’. It knows that they
would try to find out the spelling and its sound but it of no use as Arabic has different sounds to read it. That will
there another misinterpretation if they come out with the sound. As stated earlier those letters had discovered by
others from the beginning and there is nothing new in it. As a result, it has become for one to speak to the world
people and to unite them together though they would care it less as the era. God bestowed one a great
opportunity and it is all His kindness to one. As people know that, a door of Quran is still open for others to enter
beside that this book would help them to stand before to others people. God is only the Sustainer, there is none
except God, all are to return Him successively and Depending On Him, the book has written.
Second chapter
A drop of water is there
Not understandable is,
Narration of one is on
The motherland of Bangladesh
If it said explanation
Then some may think worthless
Thereupon it said
An elaborate description is,
Thence nothing is there
Except a few words are of own;
In the world of ‘Wish of God’,
As He wished and thought it’s.
In this chapter other than poem explanation and the subject matter, the one will try to discuss something about
men and creation. The aim is not to say which is the religion holy book is correct and which one incorrect. All
religious holy books are of God there no doubt in it. It is not essential to prove that world is first created then
others or the sun has created first then others. To God it is no matter that he may any one but for the scientist it
is something. In the poem, it said that whatever thing defines still something is there which cannot understand.
The explanation should have from Damask but it is in Bangladesh, why and how it happened God knows better.
For that reason, it said that it is of own explanation though it is n accordance to Quran, Hadiths and other
religious Holy Books. To create something as God wish that quality came to men also. Because of having, all
qualities of God men have all qualities of God as a representative. Although it has explained in Bangladesh,
perhaps there truth of God brought forward before the people. Whatever researched work explained not the
revelation of God but result of thinking. It has come out to the point as earned from the intellectuals. How it
happened it would decide by the readers. From to bottom as the person kept unknown about the subject matter
of Jesus arrival perhaps it would difficult for others to find out its whole ideas though one narrating. Even then
true is true. It is true that antichrist would not able to Madina of Saudi Arabia but they will try to enter other
Madina as named in different countries. There are so many religious teachers; one will find that when they ask
whether arrival of Jesus is in Quran. In reply, they will tell that they did not find any direct verse that he would
come to the world again. However, there are more than 100 Hadiths, which are pure about his arrival. If ask what
is the root of saying or narrating the Hadiths of such nature. They will tell that the Quran. Then how did you say
that there is no direct verse revealed by God. Then immediately they will make a story to convince others. When
any double entendre or double meaning words came or doubtful verse revealed then the followers asked what
would the meaning of such verse. Mohammed (SM) in regarding that verse tried to give explanation after getting
revelation from God. In relation to that the thing was clear that Jesus would arrive and indirect verse has came
into force with the confirmation and saying no in this regard one kind untrue preached to the questioner and the
thing spread out all over world is another wrong done by that person. The writings cannot say it is of any Holy
Book’s explanation but it is thinking of one as philosopher thinks why it is so. On that ground, it is His thought
as men assume in his thinking and explanation of it elaborately. Perhaps God does not come to the world but he
express His ideas through a man in this way.
“Who is at present, who was, who is coming he is Alpha and Omega.” (Revealed Kalam of YUHONNA 21; verse
eight Injil.)
In this verse, it is complicated to understand who is God and who Jesus is. As one stated Ruhh is of God
breathing and remains with God and it is for all. In that sense, it is true that Jesus with God but in human body no
one can stay with God in future also it would not happened but there would a way to go to God which will
discuss later.
God is having no beginning or no end but men are beginning and end both applicable to them. All men have a
book of own. Therefore, man is beginning and end of book. Jesus has a many titles. In that Kalam, KALAMULLAH
and KALMUTULLAH are main tiles too. It is in Quran as KALEMA and in INJIL, others are all. As Alpha and
Omega is the letters of Hebrew or Greek, it has end. Letters having end cannot compare with God. As Alpha and
Omega is the letters of Hebrew or Greek, it has end. Letters having end cannot compare with God. Logics,
arguments and in true sense all Prophets are the beginning end of Quran as all received a portion of Quran. Not
only of one’s nickname by which the letters B and S has come, it is of so many people also but also they could
not introduce themselves as one is going ahead. It has later realized until unless whole of one has not narrated it
would remain incomplete narration for the book. Muslims say one lac twenty four thousand Prophets reached in
the world to warn the men. A few commentators stated after analyzing Sura FATIHA life of the Quran as it has
one forty-four letters multiplying one thousand it becomes one lac forty-four thousand as stated in Injil. Perhaps
it is correct in relation of other Holy Books concerned. There is no Prophets left who did not say that he is first
and last, in relation to that the book research all prophets how they had said so.
In Hindus scripture, it found that Krishna said, “He is first, he is the middle and he is the last.”
It does not mean that Krishna would arrive three times in the world. However, to say Krishna reached three times
as stated but its meanings in different way. Krishna is not the name of Krishna but the then it said as a Prophet.
Therefore, Prophet reached accordingly. No Obatar or phantom of God does come as a prophet but men come as
Warner. The world is a place to examine, the men and the Jinn’s has sent in the world for examination.
To bear out in form one has tried,
In no case, one should that think such
There is none fit to explain for the jobs.
The letter ‘B’ is of ‘BASANA’ world of GOD.
In so many scriptures
Have the description of letters?
The letter B is the first letter of BISMILLAH
In addition,
‘S’ is the last letter of Quran.
So many people are all round square and intellectuals. In addition to that, the religious teachers are there to
narrate such books. It happened just opposite that God bestowed one who is not fit for the jobs even then has
been trying to put forward the narration of own. In other sense, it is trying to proof the wordings of Mohammed
(SM) in accordance to Quran and Hadiths. There are a many people in such name Basu and Ahmed but not
everyone wrote a book giving to the point starting from grandfather to own history. It assumes that it is difficult
to narrate such history in the world. It is the nature and God too make it possible.
“He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed; and he is the Exalted in Might, Oftforging.”
Sura 62 verse 2 Quran.
It is all unplanned way writings and completely new for the person. As example reddish sheets wearing person
and finding a name as nickname in Quran is of own made history gathered from different sources. Real name
means father of Kalam, name of Jesus is Kalam and in research, Ruhh is a life above holy. The word is holy and
adverse of it the word is unholy. Ruhh cannot have any adverse like that, as God is one and unique His breathing
is of same quality. That is why it said that Ruhh above holy. Thereafter to join in a sky and retired from another
sky make it possible to narrate the history. Co-relating with the angels in accordance with Hadiths brought in
parents in the subject matter. Later revealed a dream which is a part of full dream and in research work find out a
state at the same period which is a evident of Injil and somewhat to Hadith in addition to a verse of Quran for
which no Muslims can recognize the Israel. In deep sense any Muslim state recognize the Israel as state then it
may go out of verse but it not known to one except the intellectuals can define it well. All significances whom
would not make firm to believe the subject matter. It is a thought of own and act upon it to fulfill to the last. It is
one desire to forward the book through and through to all. As one are not men of letters door of the book is open
saying who the One is! So that blame does not come to one and to God, it is that God send all to examine not for
selfishness. God does not only consider what a man is doing but He sees what is in his mind. Man can do
something for fame but mind tells for what purpose the deed has done. Accordingly, God would justify the thing
not seeing outer portion of the man. Therefore, in this regard He knows well. He is All-Wise. His divine events and
all science men cannot understand.
“Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in truth, in order to strengthen those believe, and
as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims.” Sura 16 verse 102 Quran.
The revelation of God has brought by Gabreil a great angel to Mohammed (SM) and those who believe the Guide
for them great tidings declared by God. All books of religious teachers written by them are not divine books. In
this respect, some of the saints have wrong notions especially in other religions. They as thought the religion is
nothing but thinking of great people for the betterment of general as the saints thoughts. It means divine book of
God what so far revelation came down have not counted, as the Guide of general but thought of men became
guide of men. Especially one of the Hindus saints thought quoted here as he thought so but he is most popular
among the Hindus. It is not possible for men to bring forth such Holy Book as Quran. On the other hand it is not
also possible for men to produce a book of own giving examples of nature as the time waits for none. Let them
realize the matter minutely if they try thousand times to produce such logics as the one has produced, it would
impossible for them as God is with the One. As the saint say so the religion book is of men thought, the one is
not criticizing the man as God revealed do not say harsh to saints, women and child. Saints though tell left and
right but they always keep in mind about God and think for Him. Women are weak than the men and children are
innocent. Almost all saints believe in one and unique God and praise Him. As example old Bible, Injil and Quran
are not of God then it would become difficult for the one to produce such examples as put forwarded.
“When thou dost read the Quran, seek Allah’s protection from Satan the Rejected One. No authority has he over
those who believe and put their trust in their Lord. His authority is over those only, who take him as patron and
who join partners with Allah.” Sura 16 verses 98 to 100 Quran.
To understand better a little explanation is giving that in heaven God sent revelation to angels and Jinn to obey
or leadership of Adam when God breathed into him. As a bad power has given to Satan, he can also send the
messages to men’s mind. From the very beginning, it happened that Satan has misguided the man so whenever
reading the Quran first seek help of God to get relief from that Satan. Soul though pure but it has created with
some materials where every chance is there to misguide the soul. As man is having his descendant, so the Satan
has his descendant and his descendant is more than the man is. Men are going ahead all pros and cons. True
and untrue both are running side by side. However, there is proverb which some of the nations believe it that the
man has born as a result of intervention between two power that are true and untrue. That is not a correct theory.
Combining two letters
Own is Krishna and Buddha,
It known to all that they had
Reddish sheets were on their body.
As it had revealed in Hadiths
(How to know Jesus),
Those sheets are on own’ body to day.
Upper portion of reddish sheet is of Buddha
The lower portion of reddish sheet is of Krishna.
Is it giving grace to own body to day?
As narrated in the poem, once upon a time people wanted to know how they would recognize the Jesus if he
would arrive again. In reply, he said that how you would not know him who had wear two reddish sheets on his
body. Muslims do not wear reddish sheets of course but it seen that some of pilgrimage person wear such
clothes. It may happen to one. However, rest of the proofs May not possible to bring under as the one did. It
would difficult to give full description of the Hadiths as stated. Rest God knows better. If is it not of God then
Mohammed (SM) would not narrate such difficult type of Hadiths. Normally saints of Hindus, BAWOL of Hindus
and Buddhist religious teachers wear on such reddish sheets. This custom had been running for the long time.
Going through the book of Mosi Kadiani the one thought that to write about Jesus some information is there in
Quran that as Mosi Kadiani put his name. Although his name had proved as false Ahmed but in connection to
Jesus, what thing is there in Quran? With little research nickname of own found as first and last letter of Quran
which made ways and means for development of writings. So is the case with the real name. Why own had joined
in a sky proof as if according to the due order. Why parent of own has taken after as the event of Hadiths, as like
as angels to stand up for the One? If not so, the nature that has not supported the one then please takes it as
discussion about the arrival of Jesus. If it is so then the Jews are to agree upon that Jesus and his mother were
pure and Jesus was apostle of God. Other than this word, the nature may come suddenly to them that their
thousand of atomic powers would of no use to protect them from the God furiousness. As the name of Krishna
direct meaning of one so it bestowed that the sheets of him is lower portion to protect shame of the body and
last one is of Buddha, which is put on upper portion. According to the narration of poem the sheets are giving
grace at own body. Wearing the sheets the narrator has given most preference to those religious teachers to
invite all cordially to come to a path where all can live on peacefully all over the world. From east to west if the
explanation does not preach within any time, ones mind does not get consolation. They may agree on it or not is
not matter but at least they should hear the subject matter that is the aim of the One. It may happen that this will
increase co-ordination among all nations and the two letters will produce love of God in the heart of all to live on
brotherly keeping relation like family. These two letters has narrated from the top as wish of God and at the last
humankind what would produce in the heart about God reality and His Mighty Power. Two letters will decrease all
political problems once they come on brotherly relation among all nations as a result, amity and international
goodwill would prevail to pull together. It may produce spiritual development for many people and the human
being would think for God, which would give a positive result to come closer to all nations.
“And to those straying in Evil, the fire will be placed in full view; and it shall be said to them; ‘where are the
(gods) ye worshipped, ‘beside Allah? Can they help you or help themselves? Sura 26 verses 91 to 93 Quran.
Not only Islam but also Old Bible, new Bible and Veda’s do not support the worship of gods and statue even then
the Christen keep the statue of Mary, Jesus and sign of cross before them as if they are worshipping not God but
to gods. On the Day of Judgment God would ask them where is your gods whom you worshipped? In a question,
He asked could they speak out or create something like God. Even then, showing false argument they keep a
picture or statue in front of them and say it increases love of God. Muslims do not keep any statue in front of
them or in between God and the man there is no wall or none because God is enough to hear his prayer.
Sometimes it happened that Satan shows magic through the statue and sometime he speaks the truth to believe
the statues so that the man confused in statue. In argument, those who are worshipping the statue a person
would talk, as he knows God that of seeing any lovely person they likes to love God. None saw God but men
assume that God is like man, in opposite woman thinks God is man and man thinks God is Women. It is an
internal matter of men. Therefore other creatures would also think the same thing as men are thinking. God has
no shape is the best method to worship Him leaving all statues. Some of the people have raise questions about
KABA that Muslims do worship of KABA so other religions that they worship statues. It is misunderstanding in
the mind of ignorant people that on standing above KABA first time had called forth for prayer at the period of
Mohammed (SM). KABA is nothing more than a house of mud but a centre for the Muslims to maintain discipline
among the nation. God is not there living on for what Muslims facing that side praying their prayer. God lives
everywhere. It means His knowledge is everywhere. Why the writings has become important at this stage it would
realize by the intellectuals. Along with writings both Krishna and Buddha has become very necessary for the one.
A many prophets had passed away before the arrival of Mohammed (SM) so Krishna and Buddha that they were
not Warner it would not say by anyone and they came as a Godsend at the juncture. Men have no enmity in
religions but have enmity on their ill activities.
“There is no god but He; it is He Who gives death, the Lord and Cherisher to you and your earliest ancestors.”
Sura 44 verse 8 Quran.
Man has born to die. In fact, until to day man could not protect his death because God kept it in His Own hand.
Some of the saints tried to win the death but at last, with the meditation it said that he won the death. It had
already said that soul of man would die once. He will change his form and leave worldly body. Those who
remember God all the time it comes in their mind death is nothing but a happiness to get close with God. In it,
love factors work in the mind. Therefore, doing deep meditation Buddha came to the decision that he would leave
for God and there would have no death though man saw it physically. Buddhist’s say Buddha had gone in the
sky or above it. The theory narrated by the one Ruhh would leave the human body for God and it would stay with
God as long as required till permitted by God to go to the body of that man. So far, it had seen everyone told
about soul but Ruhh also combined into it. Clear explanations had not found anywhere. It has mentioned in
Quran very complicated to define but Ruhh and soul separate explanation has given by God. Whoever he is,
whatever his religion he sinner or virtuous make no difference and go to God only that Ruhh. Ruhh while passing
across the worldly life energizes soul. If it is well, energize then it remains in a world and pass tle happy life. If it
is not then it goes to another world where one is to suffer according to his deeds. Hearing the wording men may
think it is in one place and living together but God has created so many worlds for the reason. Death cannot
affect a person who worship the God and who remember Him all the times. Love of God is such that a man does
not become old at any age. The man is mysterious and tries to find out new things behind of this creation. God
promised He would open heaven and hell for men to look into it. It is also a good thing to think over about sky
and remember Him seeing His adventures. If it is not in this world men are to learn it going to other world. Logic
is in it that God has encouraged the man to look upon the universe. Without seeing whole universe, a man
cannot become wise to mix up with God. A many may not agree on it.
“In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.”
“Has there not been over man a long period of timing when he was nothing –(not even) mentioned; verily We
created man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him; so
We gave him (the gifts) of hearing and sight.” Sura 76 verses 1 and 2 Quran.
From the beginning, it saw that man created from nothing. Then He decided to created man from mud in the
heaven and said be it formed, growth in a position thereafter He breathed into the soul. A pair had created in the
heaven. It also saw that without intervention of couple man can born. Once upon a time, there was nothing
except God. Creating two nations like angels and Jinn’s He felt two create man what was in His plan. He revealed
Jinn’s and man have created to worship Him other than the angels what was His Most satisfaction. Reality in it
He wants wise men to live on with Him. Later discussion of it comes successively. If said man had no existence
at all then man could not satisfy in mind that how he came on existence. Therefore, in nothing there was
something in Him, that was His knowledge, which had brought in man as existence. The Quran is such that if
scientists say the entire universe had created from a big bang it would find that was also correct. As men had
created from, mud is also correct, from water is also correct or from dry mud it is also correct. Therefore, a basic
thing is what that is God. The entire universe had created from water, in that Quran would give witness that all
lives had created from water. There is nothing without life. Somehow, they have lives and power of God. Men are
to go to nothing through atom. It is all His qualities as man has his qualities. Qualities can bring in into a form as
smell. Men can bring in that smell into form of any flower by some chemical means. No doubt, others material
used in of God. For assumption, man can consider all those. Coordination and attraction among all things of God
are there. God loves His creations. Therefore, man has created from out of His love.
Remember God all the times at all places,
He is one and unique
And He is the Greatest.
At the period of shrivel of the universe
Mother, you would go up.
At that period you would vomit
What you had digested
Before inside the earth
The body of humankind would come out.
They would as like as doll
Has no power until the soul returns.
Nor they can fly like birds.
Some of the commentators said that God is most beautiful or handsome but most of others do not agree upon it
yet no body saw the God. Neither the angels nor the men saw Him. It can say that Who created the most beautiful
universe His beauty cannot explain by few words. Not seeing Him it can imagine so that looking the sky anyone
can love Him that is pure love. Slowly it will increase in such way that one will always think about Him. He would
guide anybody of such nature in a right path. In the poem what said the present world as come down due to
expansion in a position far away from the centre. They move with their family members. Day will come it will
close up to that position as it were. In reverse position, everything will move in reverse producing men in grave,
land will vomit all, and rains will start. The rains may that soul will fall down to own body and men will come into
consciousness a little with that soul. They will remember the old history what they did in the world. In the body
where the Ruhh fitted it would speak as leg or hand would give witness about the deeds had done by men. The
quality of flying in the sky to go one place to another place would also have given to virtuous. Therefore, do not
put name of men or doll or statue in between the man and God. There is none except God to worship. Worldly
body can fly like a bird when both Ruhh and soul becomes friend of each other. While they would become one
would fall in with deep love of God. Ruhh-E- Mohammedi is a world for love only. There are saints who thinks
God has a shape, if it so He could not control the universe as He becomes a definite shape. Therefore a many
gods would come after Him to fight in other words to become the king. For argument sake they speak He had
Own shape but not comparable to others. It has known to all shapes are perishable except God but the shape of
God is not of anything that in universe. It means a shape of His own at shapeless. It is the duty of God to satisfy
all men. How it would possible for Him he knows better. However, men are also selfish in his love as God. God
has kept peace in his hand. It is like a snake that has a jewel. When it goes inside the snake one would not find
the jewel in snake. When the snake wishes it can take out it from his body and light the place. Although the
example is quoted here, only to understand the God, that there is nothing but God. It cannot for God as nothing
can come up to Him as an example also. May God forgive the person if anything wrong?
“Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one Unit of Creation), before
We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” Sura 21 verse 30
The skies and the worlds were together as one unit but perhaps the gap among them was very less than the
present. He made seven firmament and world is at the bottom part of it where all light put on like sun and stars.
Men cannot say whether there was light or not while they were together. As stated in Hadith light of the heaven is
milky no sun shine light is there. It means light was there in heaven also and worlds were there. From that, view
when it came round more and more it separated but equal attraction in proportionately were there. So that
everything runs smoothly. So long, there is no difference of time or rounding world around the sun. As the
scientist is thinking, the world cool down which was a part of sun might not true. The world was a part of heaven
where animal could live on from the very beginning. Perhaps in this world Adam(A) committed mistake and a
potion of heaven come down as ordered by God to go down everything including Jinn’s and the full universe
started expanding. In expanding when it came in a distance they found that divine dress fall in and they started
taking the leaves of tree to cover the shame. Because once mistake had done, the punishment started naturally
for them and divine message sent to them by God. Western people developed in science thinking about sky but
Muslims has the theory only developed in it. They are far back than the western people. The theory of Muslims
has reached in a position, which cannot think over by a scientist but it is in a practical for worldly life of no use.
Let the scientists also think over the matter to realize about God and may their moving forward be well for the
general. As the world is in the lower firmament, it has become eighth portion of land and God has lighted lower
portion within four days as stated in the Holy Books. Therefore, the world had together with the sky and later the
stars lighten. While they were together by some other way it was, lighten than the present. Perhaps the theory
has given by the scientists later the world came in form from the sun is not correct. Stone or mud whatever it is
they are not ma that they are nearly dead. Still scientists say the universe has been extending perhaps if the
period has come to close the chapter then near future it will close down. Signs of God in accordance with Holy
Books have shown to all as like world war, earthquake, a new born state of Jews etc to end or to close His office.
“His Throne was over the water.” Sura 11 verse 7 Quran.
God’s throne was over the water when big bang had divided into so many pieces it means the worlds had
separated from each other and expanded as required. Therefore, His throne was over water and still not there
who would say it. It assumes that around the entire universes there is water thereafter the entire universe what
cannot think over by men. If one says, life then normally understands the anything, which has life, but all things
of God remember Him including the sun and the moon. In Hadiths, it mentioned that the stone of Israel will speak
out but all stones will speak it means men would reach to that point in advancement. The moon and the mars had
talk to men and others yet to speak. The clouds are rubbing each other produce sound and lightening and men
hear it. It is one of the sign of nature that how she talks to men. Where is Throne of God, no one can say but the
throne said is one, which is made out of Nur that is the world of Nur-e-Mohammedi. Except the face of God,
everything is perishable in that the Throne is also there. In a word, there is no end of shapeless world or His
qualities. Having shape one cannot think about shapeless that is the problem. Keeping in mind that God has no
definite shape and He is shapeless firmly one should believe it and should remain away from worshiping statue
or any shapeable things except God. Believe His existence seeing His creation blindly. The skies and the world
were together at that period there was no existence of soul one cannot say that. Those who believe the power of
nature and say a power is controlling nature only. Then why is not to believe Him who is a Guider of this entire
Soul will cover the worldly body
Reality is that
The land will move around
To close to that position as it was.
While ye reach
To that distance,
Where you were
Man would become invisible
But visible to all,
Jinn’s and angels as it were.
Man would not understand it
What had happened to the man?
It saw that worldly body active in doing the needful jobs in the world. However, when man would return it
assumes that in reverse way soul would cover the man. Soul had a good relation with Ruhh further it would
become a media to come close to God in the same way covering the Ruhh to have conversation and meet. The
man who has no Ruhh he had no sense of doing anything good. He is having only life but different to animal that
they do not have soul. Ruhh works as mirror see all good and it guide the man in good path. Animal life and the
soul of men have the characteristics for intervention but animal life cannot understand as the soul can. That soul
created at upper level by God. Ruhh has power to catch the signal of God, as it is direct come out from God or
breathing. Through it, man can transmit and receive the signal of God. If the brain of man goes, out the body
does not work and headquarter of man becomes puzzled but the Ruhh works day and night though it has not
seen. Perhaps the Ruhh will guide when the Judgment would held. However, while closing the universe time
would take less because the stars start coming close to each other even then it would a Day long forty days as
found. At that period it would reach to a station where all nations had lived together, they are angels and Jinn.
Why it is say so that the place mentioned Mecca because a stone found what recognized by Adam (A) that, he
prayed there. That is the Sign the world after long struggle had come to present condition with all but his wife
Hawaii (A) had gone to a different place. After three hundred years, they met in a place that is also in Mecca. It
was house of Adam (A) the then. Those who had gone to astray doing wrong and bad deeds that day Ruhh would
not cover them and the soul with the physical body inside would have to suffer as the Judgment. As all know that
heaven and hell are also made so they are nothing that than of shape. God is shapeless so only covering the
Ruhh would able to visit the place of God where His kingdom is there. Men would live on in heaven cannot
understand whether he is visible or invisible in relation to present physical body. As stated earlier, the Ruhh is
also shapeless as breathing of God, a media to communicate with God above holy, which looks toward God and
love Him other than anything else. Perhaps it is reverse while coming to world it turns to a body while returning
the very narrated goes back to God. First, let it thing that without Ruhh animal can live on then without soul also
animal can live on with mere life. Soul to understand right and wrong Ruhh is essential. In Islam, it said a mirror
inside the body but the one more clarification has given not only mirror but also the Ruhh. It is not necessary
that it remain inside or outside because in Hadith and religious teachers described the Ruhh goes out of the
body when a man does ill legal activities.
“Unto Allah belongeth the domain of the heavens and the earth. He giveth life and he taketh it. Except for Him ye
have no protector nor helper.” Sura 9 verse 116 Quran.
God is self sufficient in all respect. Some thought angels are the wife of God but they have no intervention power
in any way. His creation is a garden for Him. If He wishes, He can uproot His garden. If any of the nations like the
man, the angel, or the Jinn there would not have any difference for Him but why He created men He kept in
hidden. He kept the key in His hand such as Day of Resurrection, life and death of all, livelihood and the secret of
the universe creation. One cannot find the real formula how He created the Universes. Even cannot imagine the
whole nature of worlds how they are. It is His promise that before the Day of Resurrection door of the heavens
would open to look to it so that men at least can realize that there is none but He only. A many scientists would
come out to say it is nothing but the nature and her power. Even then, they would not tell that it is of God. If any
One believe the Quran or not but it said the Throne of God is above water. It is also in old Bible. Why He said the
Throne to men because men would research the sky and for guidance how everything moving around the Throne.
Throne of God has the power to control all worlds. Finishing the water He created big bang is not correct
because He has everything sufficient. Lower part only he put on light in other parts He had His own power but
those are also for men. If four percent is in light and ninety-six percent is in dark out of it what there men cannot
imagine. Throne may in form or not but has power to control and how big it is can anyone think of it. What a great
scientist is He? Leavening all statues should the men not pray to Him or they would pray to statue that cannot
say nor do anything good or bad.
Once upon a time,
Ye had visible
When came down to the world.
Behold, the situation Ruhh is alone
Do not like to stay always,
Therefore, the soul covers that Ruhh.
Both combining has formed soul,
That type of the soul arrives from heaven.
Some say this is a new notion of own. They do not find any difference between soul and Ruhh. To tell the truth in
Quran nowhere it has written that Ruhh will die but the Naffs will die for once. Pure Naffs is soul then where is
the Ruhh. God said Ruhh is His order or Breathing. It saw that when Adam gradually has grown up to a standard
position then God breathed into him the Ruhh. In heaven soul of men stay may that as thought he would of mud
at down his formed changed into like the physical body of today after long time. Therefore, Adam had a life in
heaven while growing up that is soul. On the other hand, the angels cannot see the Ruhh as he is also having
Ruhh. The Soul is visible to angels and he takes the soul of men while a man dies. An example is that when men
go to moon he requires a dress of oxygen otherwise; he would not stay for a period. Same case is also is here
that without a dress Ruhh does not like to stay at lower position of world. Another reason is that who advices
good always he would suffer that has no justification. It said that not the Ruhh but the soul and physical body of
men would suffer for their bad deeds. Therefore death is only for the soul but inside it Ruhh goes to God had
come out from discussion as well as what Quoted in Quran the Naffs is to taste the death. These entire one can
say lives combined in three that is three-in-one. It understood that soul as like as men and Ruhh has no form
because wherever it enters it formed changes to that form as it has no shape as for example if it goes to angel it
becomes angel if it goes to Jinn it becomes Jinn and so on. Creating of men found in discussion is mysterious.
Why He send his breathing or Ruhh in the world with soul may consider that for journey. Such journey of Ruhh
inside the soul to trained the soul so that it can meet or see Him with some knowledge of God. Why it is so would
come later. For Ruhh the soul also got the reward that the soul will die once and would never die in future.
However, it completely depends on Him how long it would stay alive but to all as His promise forever. Soul and
Ruhh has known as child of men in the sky as define by some scholar. Now it has cleared that the child of men
land from the heaven. “Who doth more wrong than he who inventeth a lie against Allah or rejecteth His Signs?
But verily the wrongdoers never shall prosper.” Sura 6 verse 21 Quran.
Dear readers, Mosi Kadiani what have narrated that he received revelation showing all logics and arguments in
that his speech was inspiring but the wording of God had no grave and thoughtful ideas. To become Jesus or
Imam Mehdi his speech is not important for the people but the wording God was such that people would laugh at
hearing the story. The name of a place Kadian men ever found in Quran as he stated. In the above verse it said
that anybody who says what not a lie God punish them severely. It is not a matter of joking to say him a Prophet.
The sect following Mosi Kadiani they can learn something from Satan revelation, was that revelation of God or
Satan their common sense will speak to them. Those who believe his theory The Ahmed name was equally
applicable to Mosi Kadiani then they should believe that the name is writing Mosi Kadiani is also correct in
accordance with old Bible and Hadith. They changed the meaning of Sura jakruf verse forty-three in between two
verses the sect and their leader put down a name in place of Jesus. It is also against the Quran. It means they
have rejected the wording of God and may call over the wrongdoers as the Quran stated.
In this chapter, main discussion is on the sky that according to Quran worlds and heaven were in one place.
Some of the commentators to win in the argument say first stars or suns had created to prove the Quran in
accordance to the scientists. Some of the Holy books say the worlds first created then the sun. when everything
were together as Quran says then before the sun if world is created with the light of others which would available
in heaven then for God it makes no difference which one is first and which is one last. It not required to make it
cool when God created everything out of nothing and the worlds were there living all animals long before may
core and core years ago. Therefore, it can assume that the animals were living in the then world when they were
together. Once God said that His throne was above the water, it means they all created from water whatever
having lives. In Quran, there are so many verses in relation to promises of men as well as all prophets. Have they
promised after they had reached to the world or it had taken before hand? Thinkers are to think about the all
those verses for what meditation came. It has not happened in the present world. Before thinking much about it
the Islamic way tells that there were another world before coming to the present world. There God had taken the
promise of all that they would not forget God but He not accepted the simple promise of men and again sending
them successively in the present world for examination. The soul has promised on those days and there is
kingdom of soul. In Islamic way most of the commentators commented that once upon a time, most of the soul
had forgotten who their creator was. One day He gathered all to ask who their sustainer was but there were three
groups one is in front another is at left and other is at right. The soul of left position had forgotten their sustainer.
He punished them by stopping food. Later all agreed that God is the Sustainer of all. Perhaps that the left wing
people are wrongdoers and still they are doing wrong in the world. There is a verse in Quran in relation to it.
“He who created death and life, that He may try which of you is best in deed; and he is the Exalted in Might, Oft-
Forgiving.” Sura 67 verse 2 Quran.
From the story narrated the introduction of men in the world started accordingly. Now it is the time to rectify one
by choosing right path.
“If anyone does evil or wrongs his own soul, but afterwards seeks Allah’s forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-
Forgiving, Most Merciful”. Sura 4 verse 110 Quran.
It is not that killing of men and then raises hand to God for forgiveness. God is Most Merciful in all respect and
He fulfills all hopes of men by turns. Though it is not visible men can assume it by thinking past life. A many
people ask about God and His existence but do not believe that He is shapeless. Scientists has divided atoms
into many parts still they could not find where is another nation like Jinn but they don not believe the existence
of that nation. They are also in form. The angels and the Jinn are in form. After so much advancement of science,
men are still unable to tell about them what to talk about God.
The angel carries the soul
To the womb of mother
And then lit the light inside the womb
Which has called as house?
The way the child has formed
As the baby lives on inside the womb
The same form the soul has cast into same form.
While the soul comes on to the earth
Hands and legs of the soul is keeping in one place
As it is bow down.
The landing of the soul as it is
As formed earlier in the womb.
It has discussed earlier that the soul comes from heaven and the angels carry the soul to mother womb of the
man. In the poem, it has narrated that the soul would carry the angels but true thing to discuss about Jesus how
he would land to earth. The Prophet could stop saying that much that he would arrive again but he (SM) did not
stop it there. He prolonged the matter narrating two hundred Hadiths. However, why it was so? Was there any
reason narrating the Hadiths in different wordings someone made weak and someone had become strong in
differentiation. It has become clear now that strong and weak Hadiths of Mohammed (SM) in relation to arrival of
Jesus all proved equal importance. To clear the matter a little explanation requires that some Hadiths say
keeping the hands and other say keeping legs on the angels Jesus would land. Strong Hadiths left all these
matter narrating only arrival to destroy cross, swine, and killing evildoers like antichrist. In the poem, it has
discussed that both hands and legs keeping one place like a bow down which is similar in the womb of a mother
the soul would land. In accordance to science the baby in mother womb just same as narrated in Hadiths if
anyone gathers all Hadiths. Therefore, the angels cast into the womb of a mother the soul of baby in a stage
when the baby forms like the soul. The arguments has done here to the point to Hadiths and proved that Jesus
would land by born though it is out of imagination to many people.
“He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six days and His Throne was over the waters that He might try
you, which of you is best in conduct. But if thou wert to say to them, ‘ye shall indeed be raised up after death ’,
the unbelievers would be sure to say,‘ this is nothing but obvious sorcery!” Sura 6 verse 7 Quran.
Although the man is living on in the world for a period say hundred years but it is difficult to say the age of the
soul as they were having a different world earlier. Core and cores years passed away for them in different world
but the thing is not in memory as the SIM of other world not fitted with the physical body. In Islam, it has said that
Prophet Mohammed (SM) was a prophet before he came in this world. Therefore, where Prophet requires there
true and false are there. The soul may do wrong at any place as seen the Adam and Eve did while in the heaven.
All these history as stated if one thinks that definitely he finds the way for a good solution. Perhaps God
expanded the universe from closing point when Adam and Eve (A) had committed a sin that they took the fruit of
a forbidden tree. The order of God was not alone for Adam and Eve only but for all to go down to a world which
was the same place where forbidden tree was there. It is perhaps the present world. In Quran, it is there that to all
it means according to the commentators only for Adam and Eve but thing is that Satan was out of heaven at that
period. How he instigated Adam and Eve being out of heaven. It is clear to understand that that period God was
also not in front of Adam and Eve but God messages had been coming to them as a revelation. Satan had given
power of devil to instigate the men so he instigated through his power to Adam and Eve from outside of the
heaven. Here most important point to understand that to all the order was applicable and in that the worlds were
also there and expansion of the universe started the then. The Jews and the Christen can well understand how
God would bring the men from dead seeing the example of mountain cave from where God raised them up again
after three hundred years. There is none to deny the fact that there is nothing like hereafter. Especially the
Christen, the Jews and the Muslims can ever deny the fact in accordance to their Holy Books. According to their
Holy Books hereafter is there where the man would live on endless life but to some that the soul is coming in the
world once and again and having no end. Somewhere the point of Jesus arrival again in other scriptures
misunderstood and thought all soul would come again as the rain comes in circulation. Some of the famous
religious teachers commented all religions are very small like a pond but the people of the particular religion did
see the ocean in concern to pond. In Islam, so widely it has briefed that none can reach to that point in thought
but to return from a point not finding its solution it means the man has no power to understand science of God.
“It is We Who created them and We have made their joints strong; but, when We will, We can substitute the like
of them by a complete change.” Sura 76 verse 28 Quran.
If anyone goes through the verse, he may think that God would replace the man into a new nation like Darwin
theory but it is not God simply said He could whatever He likes. Definitely, God changes the leadership to any
religion people if the right people do not work according to the guideline given by Him. Here is a point, which is
controversial that He made strong the joints so is the case as Adam had made and made strong by growth that
might be from mud. Lastly it seen that the man would grow up from mud on final Judgment Day. Therefore, the
last happening would come in first what happened earlier. God has created a new nation the man though He had
two other nations like the Jinn and the angels. From study it found that man was once unseen like jinn and
angels and later God formed them in complete shape of mud as human body while the universe were expanded
to a position. Three of the nations could remain in a same form but His will perhaps something else regarding the
men. From the discussion it comes out that in the world the animals were living on from the very beginning as
the worlds were there. There was nothing like scientist theory that from the sun the world is created and then it
becomes cool to stay animals. Because first the atom was there and above it proton and electron were there to
form the worlds and the suns. According to requirement God designed the universe. Let it see what the next
verse of Quran what it says.
“Moreover He comprehended in His designed the sky, and it had been (as) smoke; He said to it and to the earth;
“come ye together, willingly or unwillingly.” They said,” we do come (together) in willing obedience.” Sura 41
verse 11 Quran.
The above verse supports the scientist that first the sky was made and both the suns and the worlds were
separated and there was smoke which God later designed and remove the smoke shining lights to lower heaven.
It is not so small that upper heaven and lower heaven man can differentiate separately. It has also understood
that they were close to each other and later expanded and lower heaven had been designed and set up lights. In
other words it can say that men were there but not in the present form. There is a legend that Adam (A) made a
house where he found a black stone of heaven where he was praying while in the heaven. It guessed that in same
world he was there and a natural disaster for committing sin it was expanded with all family. People know that
man and animal make sound to speak but how the worlds or the sun spoken to God. To make it clear that they
had spoken to God by showing their obedience that one has been moving around of another. So, they came
willingly around each ither in rotation to expand as desired by God but why God asked them to obey Him is a
question to some may arise. In fact, it is not that it was not made by the God but to understand in poor
knowledge of men God expressed the sense to the people.One can easily imagine that lower heaven has been
designed into different light and shinning but upper heaven kept as it was where there is light of milky is steel
prevailing so far knowledge goes or it is dark in conceren to the lower heaven. The universe is so made as it can
eat another completely and later men wound found nothing is there. What is dark? Dark is opposite word of light
or it can say that light comes from dark though men know shinning of sun is light.If there would have no dark
shinning is possible at all. So good or bad are ther simalteniously and both are running side by side. All religious
books are light for the men concern though people differentiate which one is most superior. It is because of time
factor that previous religious books were not written on the spot as when received from the God. The Quran is
light of all religious books though people of other nations do not follow it but they follow all ethics of Quran in
modified way. Present world advanced in such position that they see an atom into different parts where light of
God is there. But that is not an end of atom at all. Because still men could not discover a very simple thing in air
that the nation of jinns who lived with men as well as in other sky too. Same case is also with angels who are
more superior nation in concern to the nation of Jinns. In all religious books about the nation of Jinns and angels
are there. Understanding or not understanding some of the castes follow the Jinns advices and some of the
angels they follow as gods though they are behind the men. The Quran has proved as the scientists explain the
theory how the world is made by God and if future if anything new discovered it would also be same in
accordance to the Quran.
The child basically formed
In the dark of womb of mother
In exact form as the soul is at dark.
The angels bring the soul from the heaven,
All the time these two are in same form
One is worldly and visible,
Another one is invisible to men.
Earlier it said that
Man takes birth in the sky,
It blooms at the end in the world,
By some way as determined by God.
Dear readers, it has seen that in accordance to the scientists smoke was removed from the lower heaven which
had created due to rotation of stars and light was fitted in sky so that everything runs in proportion. But one
thing is to mentioned here time will come soon men would find that it is diverting in motion when closing would
start and some of the dissimilarity signs men would able to see at the end. Men has created or discovered so far
the baby can take birth from the womb of others exactly Adam was born without father and mother. So scientist
does not forget this thing at all that it is not credit to them. To combine the men into brotherly affection to each
other in worldly it has been done by God. In fact, men have got no father and mother in the sky. It is nothing but
worldly relation simply as stated in the Quran. Mohammed (SM) is not father of some one which inner meaning is
the same as stated earlier. People know that Mohammed had children and he is father of a many children even
then the verse made clear in other sense it is simply a worldly relation for the peace of men among themselves.
When a baby crosses three stages in the womb of mother then it sees the light of the world. The soul is exact to
the men body which is not visible but commentators of the different religious sect could make it separate from
Ruhh which is quite different to the worldly life. They had gone step by step from lower soul to good soul and
then soul to Ruhh which is in fact not at all. Absolutely Ruhh is different to the soul which cannot in grieve of
angels even and that of God’s breathing. Some of the things are to think by men that what the one stated is
exactly might find but how similarities found in the life history of the person would others avoid it! One knows
present worldly people would not realize the matter until and unless great to greatest signs appear before them.
For that people are to wait to see the result what God says in connection to these statement. The Quran is more
logical argument than the other religious books and has no fault in argument even but the Holy Bible what said
first the world was formed and there was everything like lives is somewhat true found in it that for God nothing is
difficult without the sun light in other category of light life can stay or survive.
“For he who hath created for you all things that are on earth; moreover His design comprehended the heavens,
for he gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments; and all things He hath perfect Knowledge. Sura 2 (29)
Men is above all and the best creation of God. Therefore, He made all other things for the betterment of men may
be that they are good or bad in the eye of people in action concerns but there are some good qualities in them
which come in need of men at a period. He created seven firmaments which are not seen but they are there as the
sun, the earth and the moon move around each other in definite orbits of their own. Scientists well understand all
these though they disagree on some matters as like Jinn's and angels as they yet could not discover them in
practical. Whatever so far discovered by the scientist other have less knowledge about them as a result, their
(religious teachers) statement and explanation are in vague and misguide the innocent people of all stage as they
bring the reference of religious books which are not at all true. Such type of people publish magazines and other
news paper and convey the message about Islam that the orbit of the moon is second firmament and the orbit of
sun is forth firmament out of seven firmaments, people read the magazine and innocent get wrong information
from them but they are highly respected by some people that they are good religious teachers in the society.
How poor knowledge they have about the present world and also religions it can easily imagine from their
writings. They also do not believe men had gone to the moon or other higher places. This kind of bitterness
wording and criticism against those people really may create disturbance but true is true. None can deny the real
fact. How they can give real explanations of Quran? How people will believe the explanation of those people who
says the orbit of moon is the second firmament out of seven firmaments. Having no knowledge about science if
they explain the verse of Quran that would be so small narration that which would mean only in narrow sense not
as wide and it would be as like as the moon orbit. However, in this concern the Muslims are to acquire more
knowledge about science. Here is the obstruction that they think that only religious knowledge is the root of all
knowledge and they would not require to earn them. Soon readers will find poetry in the book that the king
married a bagger woman and history of it. There is another group those who say that formless means nothing
but that nothing is something Who brought the things in form from nothing to something. Hazarat saw the face of
God is most beautiful may be true or not but in general no body saw God so people of that group want to mean
God has shape but not like the man. The heart of those people cannot get console until and unless God comes to
shape of any nature. It is an imagination of the man that whatever he is, as he thinks unseen shape otherwise
they would not get consolation and it is opposite sex where loves come up. Why not to thing like in these ways
that when there was no shape of the universe there was nothing except God existence and that existence in
nothing so men are to become nothing to meet God. Science could not discover the nation of Jinn yet but
general people see them and their existence is surely there. So many people talk to them and still going on. A
many people are there who met them. Science is still far back in concern to it and never research about them
where they live and how they are passing the days. Once the men cannot give definite explanation about that
unseen nation Jinn how they explain about God. The Quran says about seven firmaments and Bible too where
animals live on may be that in other form which is unseen for men. When the men find something in shape and
nothing is there in shapeless cannot believe in it. How others who had died ever before changing form still alive.
If this type of assumption is true for God it is also possible that without touching death a man can remain alive
may in the sky or in other places wherever He likes. How the others criticize the matter of Jesus in connection of
it. One group says the sky means vacant and there is no existence at all. Other one says that shapeless means
there is nothing at all. No doubt that from one of the self belongs to even then true is write though it is not the in
favor of the group. Therefore, one can come to conclusion that knowledge concern people think his opinion is
end and there is no further more about it. How Jesus alive in the sky those who do not understand it no doubt
they are also skilled people in religious sector. They do not understand it only to keep their notion alive in the
society. If they believe the Quran and averse where it said God had created seven firmaments and equal land
under it and all animals are there then they would not denie the fact that Jesus is alive in the sky too wherever he
lives. It may not be that the animals or other nations not the as like as the present world. Due to ignorance of the
Quran followers left behind as they do not follow other verses except the verses of worship to God. Others
though do not follow the Quran but act in accordance to the verses and research the fact. Only believe without
research of the verse cannot give fruitful results. The Quran is not purely about science but it has guide line in all
respect. The Quran is combination of all subjects.
“With power and skill did we construct the firmament, for it is we who create the vastness of space.” Sura 51
verse 47 Quran
There are people who think that God is endless and has existence as He, His creation like the space and time or
period is also endless and had a existence but the Quran God had made it in other words God is Himself is space
and period which is His qualities. He brings changes in His qualities as He likes. Therefore, thinking the
existence of anything other than God is wrong theory adopted by the some commentators of other religions. His
qualities are not He but indirect properties of God. All are perishable except He and His qualities would remain
with Him. There is nothing in the universe has existence except He and His qualities. Scientists practically
proved God so far expanded vastness of space and perhaps time is very near to close His office. Understanding
all one of the group remain stand still on their ancestor religion though all the religious books of God which had
come before Islam became usefulness as the Quran is the root of all religious books. What had not been
mentioned in it starting from family life to state concern and all regulations of human kind? Only God can give
such instructions for human kind for the betterment of human life. A group by understanding the universe and its
characteristics denying the fact that it is natural power but not of God another not understanding the universe
saying the moon orbit is second firmament.
“ Of Him seeks (its needs) everywhere creature in the heavens and on earth :every day in (new) splendor doth He
(shine)! Sura 55 verse29 Quran.
There nothing in this universe which do not remember God may be silently or in open but the men cannot realize
it as they so not see it practical eyes. Somehow the men are away from the worship God and always thing about
their worldly things and benefits. Present discovered of scientist whatever it is differ from the science of God
which has vast root and origin. Thinking much about the science of God one should not go out of track as
Darwin had gone. In that man may go out of order, if so happened be in limit and simply pray to one God who has
no sharer. It is the duty of the men to believe in one God whose existence is there in all respect and His
knowledge is so vast that with twinkle of eyes He is able to do anything He likes. Who has created so big
universe in scientific way, men should believe in Him without any hesitation. Can any body think as God said the
lower heaven is lighted with different way and put lights in for the guidance of people and rest portion is how big
if there are more six or seven firmaments. So far the scientists saw through their research only one forth is
lighted but it is more and more may not be dark as dark is the root of light. Anyone gets this type of idea and
does the research work for him not possible to think over the matter.
Whatever seen before
The eyes is nothing but birth,
O’ land if God comes no one
Would believe Him that’s God.
Ye find no believers
And that is not believable
If so happened how
I to write those inspiration
What becomes a long history?
Whatever stated in the forecast of the book
It is one says,
In good the word of God took place.
Dear readers, whatever stated in forecast that all have inner meanings that Gog and Magog would come to fight
the men and they are thousand times more than the men are. They will rule over full Middle East even the world.
The antichrist would arrive at that period and his followers would be near about seventy thousand. Where they
are? No one sees them at present. Someone may think it is just prophecy nothing else. However, a many thinkers
will find them in course of time. However, not all are followers of Quran but about science what quoted in it found
very true in all respects. If some one misinterprets it then meaning of goes out of the meaning of the Quran.
About biology, it has stated a many verses too. The man initially formed from the blood like the leach in the
womb of mother and science cannot deny it. Some other thing is that everything whatever it is God has created
them in pairs and everything can produce their next generation in nature. In the research work so far knowledge
acquired Jesus would come again in the world from sky in accordance to Hadith but he would come through
natural way as birth. Other than this idea, direct landing from the sky has no place in the world but normal birth
had such prove that is also a science of nature and elites look into it to find out the real things. Therefore, rebirth
of Jesus would not throw away in these circumstances. Perhaps rebirth as Jesus as Krishna uttered, he comes
to the world to rectify the people when they follow sinful path. Coming once again came from that version of
Krishna by misinterpretation that for the one person had revealed by God only in all religious books but the thing
and meaning has diverted to other sense. From that period rebirth idea in the mind of some religions still going
on, none of the people so far could prove it. In fact, all prophets in that era were naming as Krishna. Out of them
a few person became re-known to all as Basu,Shiva Narayan and so on. They were none but the man. About
Jesus, both from the sky and rebirth in accordance to the particular verse of Quran and birth of antichrist had
shown and it has compared with prophecies of Prophet Denial rest would have done by the God. For the one
would not become possible to brought in all natural proves from all corners to write own life comparing with
Jesus though is not a claimant of prophet. What said in the poetry God ariives in the world and says, He is real
God, people of the world would not believe it until unless death touches them. In the era when people with no
limit can see a man landing from a sky on the Minar Damesk Mosque might have create lot of controversial
conversation and notions among the nations. How it would, possible God knows other than the argument and
logics put forward before the public. God knows better in all respect and man has nothing to do. Jesus would
arrive in any way God likes that believe may guide the people to right path what Islam says. With the long
discussion perhaps soul and the Ruhh is clear to all and both in one come down to the worldly life as man goes
to the moon with another life that is his designed dress by which inner one gets life. “It is Allah who has created
the heavens and the earth, and all between them in six days and He is firmly established on the throne (of
authority) ye have none , besides Him, to protect or intercede (for you) : will ye not then receive admonition?”
sura 32 verse 4 Quran
In above verse what found one should think of it that the throne of God was also created from his creation world
Nur-e- Mohaammedi. There he seat after six days to reign over the universe. He almighty Allah but why it is so
one must try to understand that it is His power to make the people to understand how He runs the His country. In
fact, it is not that what expressed but true in sense, the throne itself runs the universe as He designed to do. He
set up everything beforehand from the verse some of the commentators misinterpret that if He is not in form how
He seats to a throne. That makes some of the people God is not formless but He has form of His own which is not
like anything of the universe. To think so also is one kind of narrowness about God as He gives shape of all
things. If so not narrated from the very beginning as stated in the Bible also how others would understand Him.
As men, other nations like Angels and jinn’s can also think so that God is like them but what men do generally
after preparing his house he takes rest or lives in it. Therefore, it is clear that God also to understand Him said so.
A thinker may think the matter like this way that throne is root of all power to run the universe as He designed. In
seven firmaments, His order comes and it acts accordingly. Same thing revealed in the old Bible but difference
between these two is that the Bible narrated one after another and how they had created successively. But in
Quran it is short and scientific and what the men would discover that would be in accordance to the Quran. It is
there that world and heaven were in a place together so the men think over of it when world was there definitely
there would have been her members like tree, River, nature animal etc. were also there. To think so, is not a fault
of someone. It is one kind of research and thoughtful ideas. As the scientist thinks from the sun the world had
created may not be true tomorrow. It can be vice versa that from the world, the sun had created and in it, gases
burnt to shine. It saw that initially heaven and world were there and no sunshine was there. Later God designed
so in two days of His own. His so made laws perhaps are applicable to all firmament and its members and nature.
So it is not necessary for God that the sunshine required for the world but its elements what require may come
from other source too as in the heaven milky light is there. The scientists think that after core and cores years
the world has become a place to live for the men. However, how Adam and Eve lived in heaven where there was
no sunshine is the question. It is not an imagination that God got promise from all before sending them to the
present world. It has mentioned in the Quran, though the men and a few commentators say left and right to make
it clear. It is a world ever before this world where so which one is first and which is last today not possible to
define well. The perhaps the men is unable to know about the world of soul but they can research about other
nation who almost like the men. They are none but the Jinn. The scientist did not go through it to discover them
from whom important information could collect. In some sense, they are more powerful though they are not very
wise as the men. At present the man is not require to fight against anyone manmade men would come soon to
fight against anyone and they would be so strong that one lac people cannot stand in front of them. According to
the Quran the jinn’s had come before the men arrived in the present world but it found in some of the verses the
soul of men were there from whom God took the promises as they were not found as He desired. It is the inner
meaning of some of the verses in the Quran, which are to research more and more. In the Quran and the Bible
too that the Throne of God at first on the above water. From water, all the things had created which have lives. On
the other hand, the scientists are very right in accordance to the verses of Quran that God took seven days to
design the seven firmaments and the lower heaven too then He seats on seventh day on the Throne. Here time
factors worked in to rebuild the firmament and designed the lower heaven into light like sunshine. There is
nothing stand still in accordance to another verse. However, in meditation some of the commentators designed it
in their mind not as vast as it is. They think it is nothing but illusion of God. Thinking so, they enter to the
imaginary world but unable to define exact form of the universe. To acquire knowledge the men is to go ahead to
find out what is real if not possible believe in one God blindly. From these writing scientists may get inspiration
to discover more information about the universe but not to fight against any nation. There perhaps more world
where the men are there may not be in same as the worldly man. The verse of Quran says equal land had created
to live for the man and the animal. Some of the miss explanatory explained that where Jesus lives on it is for
“Allah is He Who created seven firmaments and of the earth a similar number through the midst of them (all)
descends His command: that ye may know that Allah has power over all things, and that Allah comprehends all
things in(His) knowledge. sura 65verse12 Quran.
The verse of Quran is one to guide the scientist to research about other worlds where they will find existence of
animal and as through ether or hyperlinks, everything passes same signal of God reaches to all where required.
Therefore, from a place, it is to control the universe and no need for God to mix up with all materials as people
thinks so but His knowledge is everywhere. Someone may think otherwise in writings that heaven is nothing but
other worlds created for the men for each a vast area like a kingdom of state, which are ten times bigger than
present world. What would do with the vast area for a man is to think now that requires for his feeding and
shelter and his wives. So much so, that none can imagine such reward kept for the men. With expansions, its
area increased in such way that present population of the world say 800 hundred cores and area expanded is
100times bigger even every one gets like the present earth. It is not today the soul had been leaving in a way its
proof is that all prophets seems to be a star in the sky before their arrival to the earth. Hearing such news a man
gets pleasure to get the reward of God but to get it the men is to obey law of God as He stated in Quran. Perhaps
heaven is nothing other than the world where everything easily one can get with his desires. But to say that rules
are there. Unruly person cannot live on that area as nature obeys the law of God. It is an assumption on that day
expansion of the universe started when Adam and committed a sin by taking forbidden fruits. That forbidden tree
and its fruit are still in this world from where illegality growths. In the sense, it considered that present world is
nothing but that place where Adam and eve took forbidden fruits and successively it had separated from the
heaven in scientific way with a natural calamity. When they took that fruits natural calamity started on the spot
and God ordered to go down to all. In that none was escape including land and its nature and all others whoever
were there. Perhaps long has been taken and Adam and Eve with natural calamity were not in a place together
and none can give which place they were but they met together in a place at Mecca where one black stone found
which was the symptom of there previous place and there they build a house. The universe is bending with a
thread or with sting so that His order comes through it. To make ii clear the scientist will find a wire is there
everywhere, which has gone through all the worlds in the universe, which the men cannot see practically. If the
scientist tests an atom there, they will find the characteristics of the universe how its element combined in one
“So He completed them as seven firmaments in two days, and He designed to each heaven its duty and
command. And we adorned the lower heaven with lights and (provided it) with guard. Such is the decree of (Him),
the Exalted in Might, full of Knowledge.” Sura 41 verse 12 Quran.
In the above verse and other verse, which created total six days, there is ambiguity to understand that in two
days seven firmament He completed and He gave maximum time to designed lower heaven rest four days
perhaps. However, lower heaven is smaller than that of rest of the firmaments where He put on all lights like
sunshine still time taken more to do that. Experts know better than the one and can explain verse well. The one
can assume it that those firmaments were there with other provision from the very beginning as the soul were
living there and took less time but in expansion new worlds were created so far knowledge goes. Out of hundred
only four percent is under light and different sunshine. Rest anyone can say dark portion but firmaments are
there. It is out imagination even. Perhaps on that point where dark is there His Guard are there so that none can
enter there without His permission. If the lower heaven is the last portion where He put on lights, how someone
can think over the matter where forty thousand galaxy and so many other big stars are present. Therefore, other
firmaments are so big that different type of lights is there which is unseen for the men. It is true that the men
visits those places if not physically but some of the intelligent bacteria of men goes there and see the dream.
Those intelligent bacteria never die in any circumstances and visit according to their capability. In Hadiths, it
found that every men goes to heaven or visit the other world in sleep and dream something which cannot
remember. Daily it happens to all the men. Therefore, it said that sleeping is one kind of death. The scientists saw
a many big holes. Where the light portion of the universe or galaxy as likewise once would fall into the black hole
then the existence of the light portion would vanish into it. In conclusion it can say that the world is a part of
heaven which is perhaps eighth one.
Above all the creation,
The men has given more preferences,
Such type child of men
The angels carry to the womb of mother.
There they brought up with the elements
Of the worldly things the child grow up,
O’ land did ye not see it!
What a nice art it is!
Think over the matter that has done it,
The question has come up in a time
Two angels came with a child from the sky.
The men should think about the science of God and praise on it and too they should research know the unknown
things. The improvement of science sometimes brings disaster to the people even then it is essential in all
respect of lives. some of the people the science improvement is harmful for the religion but it is to be sure about
his creation as a result believe in religion increases. The Quran says everything is to return to God by turns.
Therefore, it has to knowledge that firstly the Ruhh goes to God irrespective of religion in that no caste is there to
God. All men are equal to Him. it has also confirm from the discussion that the angels bring the soul from heaven.
After that, a angel stays in the womb of a mother by the instruction God to write down the child fate in
accordance to previous decision. In that there is no caste concern then why divide among the selves to different
religion. It is due to a family where a child born. The explanation has by the one is not new but the new is that two
angels bring the soul from heaven into the womb of a mother their both father and mother named nur which is
characteristics of angels from where they were created. These all jobs have done by nature as God desired.
Perhaps not anyone will find any fault in it and in its explanation.
“The sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree of (Him) The Exalted in Might, the all
Knowing.” Sura 36 verse 38 Quran.
However, the men came to know the fact very later about rounding of the sun but true come through science in
course of time after research. Thee is no proud for the Muslim there religion book has said ever before but they
could not do so as they did not go ahead to research what God said other than worship to Him. Still the Muslim
far back and make some of the hotel spending huge money for nothing for fame only not feeding the poor. It is a
serious crime in the law of God. People of world did pay hit to discover of the sun rounding another apex what
said in Quran but they saw who discovered the fact it is the human tendency to earn the fame. It is there in an
atom that seven firmaments always rounding inside an atom if they research it as because such characteristics
of proof proves the existence of God in a mere atom also. Knowing a many things about the science if someone
does attracted by heart towards the Quran it is not the fault of God but the individuals that who does not care it
he suffers in the end. Fourteen hundred years ago a message came in the Quran and proved found in the year of
1928, which bothers for it! To them it is nature. When they will find out seven firmaments then also they think that
it is nature. When antichrist would arrives they would think that they are none friend of them but Gog and Magog
both the nation would become in favor of that antichrist to fight with world. Then they were justice for the people
as Hindu does anything wrong he should have given death punishment, when Brahman does same thing should
he did it for the betterment of the society. This will continue for the time being in the world. Then a period would
come they all agree that the Quran is the book revelation of God.
“We created the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; He set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it
should shake with you; and He started through it beasts of all kind. We send down rain from the sky, and
produce on the earth every kind of noble creature, in pair. “ Sura 31 verse 10 Quran.
To keep the world very normal for the men God created mountain, which is very important if some research it.
Every verse of the Quran vast meanings so that the subject to define. He created the heavens or the firmaments
or worlds without any pillars and the men go through it without any hindrance but they are not vacant as it seen
so. God did not say so but some of the commentators think that in between them there is nothing, which mean
zero. Thinking so they found no route about Jesus where he lives on how he feeds etc. therefore whatever
scientists has discovered and will discover there would no conflict between the Quran and science. If it happens
then there the men, is to think that something is wrong whatever has defined by the scientists? The explanation
of God and its truthiness may attract anyone if they research the sky. Finding truthfulness day would come soon,
all will surrender to God.
“O ye assembly of Jinns and men! If it were ye could pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, pass
you! Not without authority shall ye be able to pass! Sura 55 verse 33 Quran.
Concerning the verse, a many people followers of Quran misunderstood the verse and they think that universe is
very small and the moon and the sun family is the end. God encourage the people to see His designed and
invited if there any fault in it. Therefore, thinking otherwise the men is becoming weak in sense especially a
group in Islam as they are out of touch of science. Where is heaven can anyone think of it as lightening portion
has called the lower heaven. It starts above it where the men cannot imagine even. Leaving only one galaxy of
own other forty thousands galaxy perhaps are there. They all are in lower heaven. Misinterprets create conflict in
between science and the Quran. God has said something about heaven from where it starts there none can go
without the permission of God.
“He Who created seven heavens one above another: no want of proportion thou see in the creation 0f (Allah)
Most Gracious, so turn thy vision again: seest thou any flaw? Again turn thy vision a second time; (thy) vision
come back to thee dull discomfited, in a state worn out.” Sura 67 verse 3 and 4 Quran.
If any unbelievers look at the sky to find out its fault he finds in it no fault in proportion every thing designed.
Once again, his vision will come back findings no fault in it. Dear readers, matter is to think about the travel of
Hazarat (SM) who visited seven firmaments and above it. He showed his proof narrating about Al Aksa Mosque at
present in Jerusalem where he prayed to God. From that place the journey had started and he found in every
heaven Guard and some of the prominent Prophets were there to look after the heaven. He was Prophet of God
but a man who discovered the route to go up physically. Therefore, nothing is impossible for the men to discover.
Finding the truth the men still will follow their ancestor and they will not realize the order of God. He talked to
God and in between there were seventy screens and distance of them from one screen to another about a route
of five hundred years. What he saw is his face in every side therefore, it is essential to know self-first then
anyone can see God or know about God something interesting. In fact, He is the Creator and Sustainer and He
invited to look at his universe to realize about Him in heart to know about. For this thinking and research requires
for a man.
In forecast it said in the city of Damask,
Perhaps the Angels did not find out the city
They were tired to find it out
That where it is situated,
Where is the city of Damask, where is that Mosque?
Finding no city no Mosque, they adopted the theory
As stated in Hadiths to acquire knowledge that
They went to China.
What did they see there!
China is no more China left
Knowledge spread out everywhere.
Especially it is in Japan and America.
‘O’ mother, who can say well except you?
In the forecast, at least pure twenty-two Hadiths all together placed before all. They all are in the reliable books
Bukhari and Muslim Sharif. The interesting is that all words have explained in accordance to Quran Hadiths with
life Jesus too the life of writer’s. For the information sake, these Hadiths, preface, and forecast are available in all
parts of the book. The one assumed the angels come to the world invisibly, on that sense the practical
explanations have given, as it is it happened worldly what nature proved itself. So said from the sky in Hadiths,
which has happened exactly in practical, what proved and placed before you all. Where is Damask has known to
all even then in the poetry a sense and its explanation has given not for misunderstanding one’s ideas but to
convey all how it happened so! It is not baseless to think about the matter. Quoting a Hadith the one cannot make
Damask into China but can explain inner meaning as knowledge concern that in Hadith not only China but also
the World meant for it. Therefore, not only the Damask meant for it but also the world meant for that. On that
sense, the poetry has written and explained so. If any Muslims were strict on the point mentioned the one has
nothing to say. It said that do not be strict only in one point but be strict to all points then God knows whether
you would see Jesus or not. Where knowledge and schools are not there? Therefore, the knowledge and schools
are everywhere from which anyone is to acquire knowledge perhaps is the meaning of said Hadiths. These much
knowledge had acquired by Mosi Kadiani also but could not prove him what he uttered. Therefore, here meanings
are same that Damask meant for the world and Mosque meant for a Muslim state. Others may have good ideas to
define well but as time concern, none would be able to define the matter. May God help the one to write further?
In the poetry, it has invited the land to inform the matter in better way if she knows the matter well. The writer has
no knowledge to define more elaborately other than these facts. The explanatory of the Quran says that one
verse of Quran speaks about other verse where meanings can possible to take out and one Hadith speaks
another Hadith to take out true meaning. Keeping it on view, the one explain the ideas rest all readers will find out.
“And We have (from of old), adorned the lowest heavens with (lamps) (As) missiles to drive away the evil ones,
and have prepared for them the penalty of the blazing fire.” Sura 67 verse 5 Quran.
Another purpose of lighten the lower heaven to protect the heaven from evil one Satan. The verse says that Jinns
are there and Satan one of them. The question to the scientists, that perhaps they do not believe it but their
religion also says so. If they believe, they should try first to find them out where and how they live. It is the duty
of all, those who are curious to know something about unknown things about the world that how it has designed
by God, other nations as if men should also require advancing forward. As like the men they are to face the trail
before the judgment. Their existence in the world as well as in other worlds too is there according to Quran. Both
the men and the Jinns are having Naffs and Ruhh too. Missiles throw to them if they go near to heaven. The men
do not know where heavens are but this nation knows it. It is true that they talk to the men but keep everything
secret about them. Those who mediate them they are also perhaps not so intelligent. They have poor knowledge
about science so less interest to ask about all these from the Jinns how they live on where they live. What the
men see missiles coming down actually they are not the same as stated in Quran. They are somewhere near to
heaven and it is out of imagine for the men. Those who visited in the sky or had gone moon or above they have
seen the sign of it. Such kind of throwing of fire from sky there is benefit for the men that it comes to the world
and fertile the land. The Muslims should know all about the worlds so that they can give right explanation of the
Quran. Otherwise, in explanation they would tell that some of the angels will die and others will not die. That is
also lack of knowledge.
“And we pried into the secrets of heaven; but we found it filed with stern guards and flaming fires. We used,
indeed, to sit there in (hidden) stations, to (steal) a hearing; but any who listens now will find a flaming fire
watching him in ambush.” Sura 72 verse 8 and 9 Quran.
From the above it is clear that the nation knows about the heaven how far it is. Still the men could not discover
them. No doubt the men are above all but in science and the way said nation had made by God knows more then
the men. So many proves are there about their existence though the scientists do not believe the matter. Jinns
and ferry both are male and female of same nation. Other than anyone else, the one firmly believes the existence
of the nation as the person had talked to him or her in some occasion. It happened in an occasion that the one’s
whole family were present and the ferry came in when she called by some of the mediator. Sitting inside a round
drawn by the mediator all observed that some air came in and set down inside the round and we had some
conversation with her. Her husband was there but he was outside the house and called her back to go to their
destination. In them good and bad people are there. Anyone who mediates for them it will found that as the men
follow different religion same thing are there in them. Satan is none but one of the jinn who disobeyed the
command of God. He had also his family and a many followers even more than he had the men. From the very
beginning as Adam and eve had their children the Satan also, have same descendants? In early age before the
arrival of Hazarat (SM), the astronomers could tell the some truth mixing with some lies in it. Even they were
telling about the arrival of great people in the world. After the revelation of Quran God made such provision that
now these nation cannot go near the heaven and flame of fires follow them. Science does not allow it but the
thing is useful for the world too.
“Yet they make the Jinns equal with Allah, though Allah did create the Jinns; and they falsely, having no
knowledge attribute to Him sons and daughters. Praise and glory be to Him! (for He is) above what they attribute
to Him!” Sura 6 verse 100 Quran.
Dear readers, you have gone through the verse above quoted from the Quran. What the one narrated was a
practical happening on the day that we heard the voice of the ferry who talked in between her nose and mouth.
Their voice is not clear as the men or women. In the other occasion, we met one of the Jinns whose voice was
gorgeous and for some medicines he told that first he would see the patient in what condition he was there then
prescribed the medicine for him. Both cases were before the one eyes so there is nothing to deny the fact. Some
of the people think that it is the inner spirits of the man but it is not fact. So to say that once upon a time the men
were depending on nature and there were bad Jinns who misguided the men and diver them to wrong notion
which is against the law of God. Perhaps they had been sitting on big trees or in jungle from that place spoke to
the men and shows something hidden to them to believe them. Believing on them as the existence of other
nation is not a fault but they make them guide and follow them whatever they say is crime and goes against the
law of God. Most of the Jinns tell lie in every cases until unless the men grieved them by some words of God of
their own religions. Sometimes it happened that a good result they found from their suggestions and the big
trees or statues that has no power to speak but spoken to them they were none but the Jinns. From that time,
they had started to worship the dolls and big trees the sun and the moon. Where as all these under the men and
created for betterment of the men. It has discussed earlier that some of the people thinks that if God cannot
become as they made how He is God. In reply, what said God is what not but He gives the shape to all that is why
He is out of a definite shape? If God comes in shape and anti or Satan also comes in shape, the men cannot
distinguish who is what. Otherwise, God is what not. In Quran there is verse that God is in all respects selfsufficient
so He does not require to make some one son and daughters but they are creatures of God. Think over
about the men are they make friendship with his tools like chair, table, dolls etc. However, there is relation the
men and God that where love factors work. It is secret matter in between the men and God, which cannot define
by the men. Those are following the wrong path of Satan they are following the wrong path and have gone to
astray. Of course, all of a sudden they cannot leave their custom and through their statue but they God is unique
and one and there none to share Him. it happens something very good to them as they believe God and their
mind is very simple though they worship dolls not understanding well.
Damask mix up with modern China,
Where would someone
Earn knowledge’s in the world!
Finding no countries,
The angels ran out to search the Mosque
Where has that mosque situated?
It situated east to east of Damask.
A river is flowing under his feet of Krishna,
Her flowing of water is very hot,
The name of it is ocean of Krishna.
Someone should not understand the poetry seeing Krishna of Hindus but the one has written about him. To
prove the Hadiths the one took part by his nickname. In the poetry, it said that the angels landed from the sky
and finding no country like Damask and its Mosque as narrated in Hadiths. Therefore, an alternative Hadiths
references used by them and went to China. There they did the said Mosque too. Later they went to a Mosque
east to east, of the Minar of that Mosque, where found that a couple named as they created from ‘Nur”. In the
east, Japan is there but found no Mosque as narrated in Hadiths. It should be in the east then get references of
Minar of the Mosque. They gave a round to Indonesia and Malaysia came to the then east Bengal and east
Pakistan there is a pair of Nur”s are covalent to each other and put the soul in the womb of a mother. In the
poetry, it has seen that under the one a warm ocean has been flowing through. Which cannot describe and from
its flow, a flood of devastating has been going on.
“Your Guardian-Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the
throne (of authority): He draweth the night as a veil over the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession; He
created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command. Is it not His to create and to
govern? Blessed be Allah, the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds!” Sura 7 verse 54 Quran.
As verse concern, someone sees that God seat in Throne for which some people misunderstood it saying God
has shape otherwise how he has been seating to Throne. It is his power He described in fact the throne is one
kind of creation of God. Therefore, whatever has started it has an end on that theory nothing survive except God.
On day and night there is a sign of God. They are rotating to each other as a result day night comes by turns.
Therefore, all stars or galaxy and its family black hole whatever are there in the universe the law of God implied
on them. They obey the law of God. It can say that light around the black as a whole everything on rotation
around the Throne of God. It said that the dark gives light to all where the power of God kept hidden. It is confirm
that the Ruhh of all are equal the men and the women but soul of other nation might have little difference though
they are created from the world of Nur. As the case with Jinns, that the Ruhh is equal to all the nations but the
soul concern may differ. However, it said the soul in combination. The Jinns are made of flame fire, which has no
smoke, the men are made of mud and the angels are purely of Nur. It is their dress like lives. So far knowledge
goes the soul are invisible but can see all the nations. Here is a point that Ruhh is purely invisible to anyone
except God. The soul possesses the Naffs as worldly body and it does not die as the God promised death is once
for all. Worldly Naffs are like animal but holy Naffs is pure.
A representative of God,
And his scientific way of expression,
The one is standing
On the side of that ocean,
He is swatting for his bad deeds.
When he sees up
Defining something very good,
Then jewels are coming out from him.
It is possible only
For him as Hadith wordings,
Of seeing up jewels flow
But when looks down for his warmness,
He swats up,
if he gets divine power (as imagined).
The men are representative of God. In the poetry, whose description has given has no power to write or
philosophy to place it before the readers. For his deeds he is to swat, nothing else he sees in front him. As a man
a warm ocean is flowing if he thinks about his past life then said Mosi is swatting and swatting. However, seeing
up a little hoping he gets and get consolation for the jobs. He has no divine power to show anyone to convince or
much wealth to publish his ideas to all. The one is not fully determined to tell these all are true that it is of God.
However, the nature is in favor of the one to express the ideas as it is. Whatever is doing definitely it can say that
God has helped the one to do. For that, again it said God knows better. The men cannot do anything of his own
thinking so it is pleasure of God that nature in favor of the one.
“Allah is the light of heavens and the earth. The parable of His light is as if there a Niche and within it a lamp; the
lamp enclosed in Glass; the Glass as it were a brilliant star lit from a blessed tree an Olive, neither of the east nor
of the west whose oil is well nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it, light upon light! Allah doth guide
whom He will to His light; Allah doth set forth parables for men; and Allah doth know all things.” Sura 24 verse 35
A many commentators defined the in many ways. They said it requires a volume to explain it even it would not
finish. Others thinking about light shape of God imagined that He is light which can be seen. Some others said it
is nothing but reflection of original light came and from there He created the universe. God put an example of it
to make the people how He is. The one has very less knowledge about the Quran and the language too. So as He
put an example of His own to make understand the people the one put an example too to clear it. Readers will not
take it ill and God has not compared with anything has but understand in one word such an example came out
from the one. For an example the snake is having a jewel she takes out it in need of, when she takes it in there is
no light at all. As in a word as the understood perhaps, other will also understand how indirectly God has created
the universe. The light, which people see, is not that one of God. His knowledge spread out throughout of the
universe. In the example, it said about an electric bulb, which requires no oil or fuel. It lighted through His
knowledge. As glass gives indirect light, the reflection of light comes out through it. It is like a brilliant star and
gives light without fuel or oil. Therefore, the knowledge comes from Him to write or to say something truth.
Whom He likes He gives him the knowledge. Therefore, an example has given in the Quran is not Allah but His
qualities. There is no example of Allah. if He is light upon light as Quoted becomes an example of Him. Thinking
the light in any case, no one should think that He had shape. No body saw God even the angels. Earlier it
discussed that all things have done by His revelation whether it is in heaven or in the worlds. It hoped that after
death righteous would meet or see Him. The scientist will be able to see the light upon light and desirable
everything of light upon lights when they will go upper worlds. Such lights as the one narrated that He has power
in Him to make it dark.
How is it possible for a Krishna?
To explain these types of Hadiths,
And its inner meanings to the points
What is exact such
As stated in Hadiths in the world.
Who has no dignity and fitness?
Has he no rights to speak,
In addition,
Write something from the Quran.
Perhaps these much what Hadiths said?
All the Ruhh of the men,
The Jinns and the angels
Belong to same family.
As the above verse concern, the light does not come from God then how it is possible to write such a long life
from the very begging to an end. There are so many people tried like Mosi Kadiani to prove them Prophets but
failed to do. However, they created a group in Islam. Perhaps the person has no dignity, fitness, or tradition in
writing even then has no alternative except say the truth that God blessed the person to write as said Krishna
and Buddha. The one praises to God for such remunerations. In the poetry, it assumed that all Ruhh of the men,
the Jinns and the Angels are same that they are unable to own Ruhh. Therefore, the Ruhh where it goes it
becomes the same as the substances like water. Once upon a time, Adam was the leader or Imam of all the
nations. Before that, the angel like Azazil (Satan) was the leader of all the nations. He lost it as he denied the
order of God and did bow down to Adam. It was an order to follow Adam, as he found fittest above all. Still
people of all sects are confused about the soul and Ruhh. They go systematically, from soul to Ruhh. As the
worldly Naffs and holy Naffs, two are different and separate the soul and the Naffs in the view are separate. In the
Quran for Ruhh, a verse disclosed and the men have addressed as soul in many places. The Ruhh is inner part of
the soul as well as it has qualities to go up from body. Without the Ruhh and the holy soul, a many animals are
alive. If Ruhh is not, there a man is half-dead what in a Hadith found that after death the man becomes half of the
worldly man. Perhaps the black stone is in Mecca at present was the symptom of heaven where it was previously
there. From that calculation, it assumed that the present world was there which had also closed to the heavens.
The Muslims read in Arabic when anyone died and say that the person returned to God. In fact, it is Ruhh
returned to God and successively everything is to return to Him. However, as whole people say the angels have
taken the Ruhh away. Has he power to see his own Ruhh? It has clearly defined in Quran that the angels are
made of Nur; the Jinns of flame of fire and the men is of mud. Made of mud is of His thinking as He thought
before hand how the men would bear generation to generation. However, the soul is also of holy and made of Nur
as it found in Hadiths that everything made from the world of Nur. From explanations, it cleared that the soul
created for life long as He promised otherwise it is mortal. The soul is to taste the death once but not the Ruhh.
From electricity both hot and cold are producing in the same way from Nur, created person can take away the life,
which is made of Nur. The Ruhh is more powerful than any angel is because it goes to heaven and hell every
night when a man sleeps. (In the light of Hadiths). The notion said by the one may not be acceptable to a many
people but if they see which potion came at the last, that is Ruhh. Therefore, it goes first to God. A few
commentators finding no way and they do not want to say something of their own giving references they tell it to
the people that some of the angels will not die. Are they as God that they will not taste of the death? Who is the
last person to die his Ruhh automatically goes to Allah therefore; all Ruhh has been going to God automatically.
Perhaps he is the person that the angel Azrail (a) (who took the life of everyone) would die at the last and his
Ruhh will go to God. From that calculation, it said so.
“And among his signs is this, that heaven and earth stand by His command; then when He calls you, by a single
call, from the earth, behold, Ye (straightway) come forth.” Sura 30 verse 25 Quran.
The Muslims know well about two worlds that where the soul after death stays, they are ELLIN and SIZZIN. Those
who do good deeds they stay in ELLIN, which is preferably good to live on, and they get everything without any
difficulties. Others in SIZZIN get all sorts trouble and face the difficulties. Other than these, another one is the
world of soul where all the soul had been living before they arrive to the world. In fact, those are vast area and
every soul possess. In meditation, any person cross the bar systematically they are to reach to the world of NUR.
As Jinns and the world of Satan are different but they mix up to each other and propagate wrong path among
them. Satan is empowered for the time being and had given a chance as he desired. Those who live in ELLIN
their life history book would remain in their right hand others one would remain in the left hand. Anyone can
think it that in the heaven what would not be there including husband and wife. It means that world is of pure
Naffs world or the world of the souls. In the above verse, it said that when He calls the men they would come out
from the earth. It has seen that Adam and eve came from the heaven now they are coming out from the bailey of
earth. Perhaps these are the person originally made of mud and again they would come out from the same. There
the soul of that man would come into the body from heaven as like as rainfall down. Then that person would
come into sense and would able to think about their previous life. When the Muslims read out when a man dies
that is INNALILLAH-e- OINNA ILAH-E RAZEWON means that person return to God. Here it has seen that the man
is coming out from the belly of earth then what return to God! If something not goes to God such kind of blessing
is, how far correct. Therefore, something returns to God directly that is Ruhh irrespective of religions. The thing
has defined in the book clearly that the body of mud goes to earth, the soul or pure Naffs goes to ELLIN or SIZZIN
and lastly the Ruhh goes to Allah. It is clear from the angels that when they did not see own Ruhh then
what is what life they take it out is.
“Allah! There is no god but He, the living, the self-Subsisting, Eternal, no slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His
are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth?
He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of
His knowledge except He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no
fatigue in guarding and preserving them. For He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory). Sura 2 verse 255 Quran.
God is one and unique, Except Him there is no existence others. If anyone thinks this, much he would nothing is
there only He and He is there. To understand all God narrated the men His throne is authority over the heavens
and the earth. The men have created and in future, they will start fighting with the Roberts against each other.
God has created such things men cannot imagine even that He had the planet of neutron electron and proton. So
how vast are those worlds are no body knows. The men can see the family of the sun but He controls all and
sees the atoms and the lowest of it. The men see only the front portion but to God all around of anything. His
knowledge from heaven to earth or above it including time and space are there. If it defined more, He hears and
sees the way has narrated. The men are so curious that they ask if He does not have ears then He how hears and
not having eyes how he sees. His knowledge is such that none can imagine what is what. If the men come again
in the earth after death and the SIM of him fitted to an animal like can the men tell it that he was not the same
man? So is the case that when the men would go up and meet all the Jinns the angels can men tell that he is not
that worldly body as it is now. Therefore, the men have to become as if the Ruhh to meet God might be that they
can see His face or His light after death. Because in Ruhh God can live only not in other things. He has definite
shape though it is not of anything like in universe is not also acceptable but having existence in shapeless world
of His own. Earlier it discussed shape of anything comes under limitation. Having shape not like anything of the
universe again an example of compare with which is against the Sura EKLAS. If anyone thinks shapeless means
nothing then assume that in nothing God existence is there. In His kingdom, anything like an atom or a life likes
bacteria then He sees them. It is His knowledge. He had some purpose of creating the men, which He kept secret.
Perhaps he wants intelligent and shapeless existence to live with Him. (It is just an assumption). In that, the Ruhh
gets first preference. Of this assumption, some reason is there which would come later.
Such type of Ruhh of the men
Even are not visible to angels,
Ruhh stay in the upper world always
It stays in a house of shapeless.
It comes for the time being for a journey,
With the intelligent
And comprehension of men
Religion of God goes up,
Wrong imagination
And miss explanation
Pull down the religion.
Leaving God, the men praise other men
In addition, sing a song.
The person is explaining about the upper world, if anyone is unable to understand it then there is nothing to
create grouping. The upper is complicated to understand but the science what bestowed explanation should
come at least near to it. The Quran and science have no ambiguity in between them. Different religion people and
their religious teachers explain the matter, which is not acceptable at present world. If not anyone believes in the
matter about the situation of the upper world it does not affect the religion and it is not necessary to believe. The
men try to understand the matter through research. The men never see their Ruhh but sometimes see the own
and others souls. The soul sometimes eats or goes on journey to unknown destination. That is the soul or Naffs
of the men. It has shape as other nations too. It is that sometimes doing good jobs and sometimes-in dark. The
soul of the men and the Jinns would go on trail for their deeds. Compare to the Ruhh it is above holy word and
advices to do good deeds. Something, which is not doing any bad deeds but suggests doing well would get
punishment, can anyone think of it. From where it came out that would return to same, on that point, has there
anything ambiguity in it! That Ruhh comes to the world wearing a life jacket and returns to Him with His red
signals. The soul combined with worldly soul and body getting advices from Ruhh, if wishes bow down to God
only and surrender of will to God accepted. As the Ruhh of all nations, the men including women have no
difference in them, all people should become the Ruhh to establish peace in the world and obey One God Who is
unique. They do not have different religion as they live together irrespective of present different religions of the
world. To that place, all are one of God. Why the men would not make friendship with all, to combine each other
through the method applied for the men in the Quran. It is at all not harmful but brings good result in long run
instead of spending huge money reasonably or unreasonably for non-productive activities. For that, the wealth
has given to some the people so that they would spend their money in non-productive jobs. In the world nothing
is there of own all belongs to God and their used would come into account on the day of final Judgment day. A
few are making dolls to worships, thinking God is such and again through it into dustbin as they God cannot
become so as they thought. Answer is He can, but He would not become so. Why so, because there would be no
difference between shape and shapeless and finally it would become difficult to prove who is God. (It is
assumption of the one). For that, the death has created by God. Why the men do not think that, in the world, if
they get wealth and a many beautiful women to enjoy and live their life, then would they become happy. Same
case in the heaven also all things would provide for the men who get rewards. Some of the people pray to God
only to get the heaven. If the inner light of men lit as the God then the men can live with God, which would not be
visible perhaps all happiness are there. If God does not come to shape at all then how the men would meet him
that idea is to think over. Because the heaven is nothing other than, the shape world of God as it has created.
He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is moreover firmly established on the Throne (of
authority). He knows what enters within the earth and comes forth out of it, what comes down from the heaven
and what mounts up to it. And He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allah sees well all that ye do. Sura 57
verse 4 Quran.
As stated earlier the men are curious and try to understand things as they are but knowledge of God has no limit
that shapeless God why He possess hands, ears and eyes to see and hear. His existence is such that He is
shapeless to know more about Him is not wise. Some of the people even in Muslims think so that He has
everything likewise as put the example. It is for them that then comparing comes again so where comparing
comes there no one would find God. It assumed that as darkness is there light is also there, so to say, where
shape world is there, non shapeable worlds also may there, which are nothing but the qualities of God. Scientist
would find a many worlds of proton, neutron and electron and above that, which are worlds of light and light but
around light, the darkness covered them. It might possible that above it there worlds which are of God and
qualities. Therefore, coming back to limitation as a man think only about God but do not think how He is, whether
He is in shape or not. Perhaps that is kingdom of God’s qualities where the Ruhh takes shelter. There existence
of God is rest has no existence, as they are qualities of God. Creating a small world the scientists are testing how
the universe had created and they came to know everything what is happening inside that world. From that point
of view if the men think for God how it has become very easy to controls universe after universe by His
knowledge only that what said in Quran.
The small world has created by the men can also control from America though it is not in America. All switches
are in His hand in other word He is All Knowing and All-Wise. The Quran has narrated a sting or wire or His
knowledge all around of the universe and He knows everything what is come in and going out.
He made everything in proportionate in accordance to science as gravitation law that none goes out of control
nor anything fall down until unless He permits to happen so.
“And marks and sign-posts; and by the stars(men) guide themselves.” Sura 16verse 15 Quran.
For the guide of the people stars work other than the beauty of the skies. Seeing the verse, anyone brings faith
on one God. The scientists think about the universe how it has created for that best knowledge kept by God in an
atom. Therefore, it is not required to go further if anyone understands the atom in better way. Perhaps all
answers are there except His law how to worship and pass daily life of humankind. In an atom if anyone finds
more than eight firmaments, then the matter is to think otherwise. Perhaps His qualities are everywhere and His
knowledge too. Why said the scientists not others, they can say better and convince the people about God and
His architect. However, the result is that the scientists are not in favor of it that they speak somehow rather
“Allah is He who raised the heavens without any pillars that ye can see; is firmly established on the Throne (of
authority); He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law)! Each one runs (its course) for a term appointed.
He doth regulate affairs, explaining the sign in detail that ye may believe with certainly in the meeting with your
Lord.” Sura 13 verse 2 Quran.
The men can assume that in the creation the throne is the centre form where His law has enforced to all. It is an
authority of power to the Throne as He said or empowered to the throne in sense and knowledge only, just to
clear to the men otherwise in other word, it said that He created the throne to seat on it, which is around the
entire universe. It shows that it is nothing but to control the universe. It is not to criticize others that the throne
would remain, as it is, when He promised that he would make new worlds and again He repeat the building of
same! There is nothing, which does not bow down to Him. Fourteen years ago, the men knew about the sun the
moon and about an earth which were giving light to them. Even then, the Quran differentiated these two in two
different words, which has their own course and further said the sun is moving to its orbits. Nothing in the sky is
fixed or not rounding to each other. Today it is clear that an end of it far away from the knowledge of the men. His
throne was over the water and everything has created like life from water. An atom after atom the men perhaps
may go up to some extend but its end is where to tell it difficult. It can say the atom may bring good result to the
world if properly used otherwise it would destroy the world too. Creation of the men kept secret but the men is
curious to know all about Him and creation.
How the men assume that
Some of the men are very near to Him,
In addition,
They are sitting with Him.
How anyone can say
Man is of His direct creation!
For that, forgive the person,
He finds none is direct creation
However, finds Ruhh
Is a pleasure of God!
The men take the men
To Ye to make equal
They try to explain complicated things,
Having five sense organs
Cannot define it is well.
Ruhh came originally from God
The wordings are MIM HA MIM DAL.
(However, is not from Mohammed (SM).
The men praise the men in such way that the name of God becomes little dark. It is not only with the Christen but
also found in every religion. As a Prophet Mohammed SM is the greatest of all. In the honor of Prime Minister or
the President if a road named on his name, it does not mean at all that the road belongs to them. In such the
worlds of NUR_E_MOHAMMEDI and RUHH-MOHAMMEDI is not the Mohammed (SM). However, it said MIM HA
MIM DAL, which bears a Sign of respect for him only. The man cannot become equal to Him whoever he is. It is
also wrong to say whatever God knows the man also knew that or that person was knowing about future until
unless God inform the person by dream or divine message. To know about Ruhh more it is an order of God as
said in Quran. What is the difference between the soul and the Ruhh? The soul of men created and developed to
make it stronger then the Ruhh entered in it. These two cannot be one but one for a journey to the present world.
Of seeing Adam and Eve in short, some people think that they were like the present people. God is alike Adam. It
is the wording of Bible and also some Hadiths but it fact something else as the one thinks. Neither the Bible nor
the Hadiths incorrect but the analysis is wrong. Perhaps God said so in view of Ruhh, which is existence less but
shapeless. Shapeless is one kind qualities of God. In addition, shape is also qualities of God indirectly. As God
said His face and His order would never destroy, in that sense creation of Adam somewhat true but not
comparable with anyone. Without Ruhh, a man cannot be in full sense but may possess intelligent like an animal.
Knowledge is something, which bestowed to men and other nations; they would not able to justify the matter
right or wrong until they possess the Ruhh. The soul or the pur Naffs would remain alive as He promised that
depends on Him. It has known to all that the soul is also in shape as other nations like the Jinns and the angels.
The heaven and the hell are also in shape as they made of from Nur. To meet God in that case, the Ruhh would
come up to cover the soul (as assumed). That would be vice versa of present conditions. It is difficult to say,
what secret kept in creating the men perhaps that is knowledge acquired by the men what would become an
inner portion of the Ruhh. Otherwise, to meet God might create a problem. The word MIM HA MIM DAL is nothing
but love of God to the men. It created as He planned how to teach the men and make them wise giving knowledge
in all respects. It was perhaps His great plan for what He created three nations one after another. Love can show
by some way but it remains in the heart always. Therefore, love in Him never came out from His heart. It was
there and it is there. So far, it is clear that the Ruhh is the thing, that can hear the wording of God, and God can
stay inside the men in it only. Nur is part of shape but pure and holy. It is a place where God displayed His beauty.
From that entire universe has created.
“Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alteration of night and day, there indeed Signs for
men of understanding,” sura 3 verse 190 Quran.
The man understands the things for him day night are same. Because the dark has own light too as the day
though it has not seen. Though the man counts the days, month and years but it never comes to its original place
and time again as all the organs are rounding each other. Time counted for a fix day has it come again in the
universe, this thing one scientist can say better. Celebration of year only to count but that time and space and
the place in the sky while rounding never comes in life so far the one’s knowledge goes. In greater sense, neither
the sun nor the apex or any other organ does not come back to its original place. Only the creator knows about it.
The man understands it for him there is a Sign of God that unlimited universe how it works. A friction of second
for the men is time but for God a day means cores years in relation to the world time. Thinking all these of skies,
a man can earn knowledge of God and praising His knowledge. There are so many ways to become closer to God
but first His existence and there none except God, that should be firm in heart. What secret is available in an
atom to define it and understand it would become enough for the science.
“Seast thou not that Allah merges Night into Day and He merges Day into Night; that he has subjected the sun
and the moon (to His law), each running its course for a term appointed; and that Allah is well acquainted with all
that ye do? Sura 31 verse 29 Quran.
What had known to men on that period that described once and again in the Quran? Because other things in the
sky, which was out of, reach for the men would not understand able on that period. He could describe other stars
too but as a whole, it said that no one is fixing in one’s position but rotating to each other. In an atom what sees
that there two main parts that are electron and proton and they are covalent to each other and neutron is playing
a great role over them. Here in the explanation it would find that, Ruhh and Nur that they become one and God
played a role over them. Miss explanation may create disorder in the society. There are people seeing the one
had given more preference than the Nur they may create disorder in the society. God is One and unique and both
the Ruhh and Nur belong to Him. The man possesses both the qualities of God in him. He loves own other than
anything else. Here in the one’s explanation the Ruhh loves Nur and vice versa. Prayer to God is nothing but love
to Him. Why the man loves God as because what He possesses that knowledge had given to the men a little.
Without love in heart pray to God might not give any good result. In His creation, He brought same thing so that
the man finds out who is the creator. Creation of the man is mysterious no doubt but in the men, all qualities of
God are there. How He controls core and cores people and other things in proportionately that today is difficult
to say. Cores and cores channel and frequencies are there where He gets the information and controlling switch
of the men is with Him. Whatever the men thinks in mind no body knows even the angels but He knows as at is
transmitted automatically from the heart. The men are sitting in a corner if find every sorts of information and can
see what is happening in the world through satellite then think once about God what He cannot do. Thinking His
art and skill the men are to come back to own again finding no clue in it. In Quran what had not described
starting from light, atom and big bang!
Art and knowledge are in Him
Whatever is visible
It is His qualities.
O, all men look at the pleasure of God
Do not see anything
Other than is the Ruhh
Otherwise, ye loose all culture
And all are renouncing.
Perhaps the Ruhh has something less
As non-existence,
To make intimacy,
However, it is of
God’s direct breathing.
It is lack of exchanging
Love to each other is.
The plan of God and His Great plan wishes are all in His heart nothing came out to create the universe except His
breathing and an indirect light. However, His knowledge had made the worlds and heaven from the reflection of
light as stated earlier He is owner of a jewel, which gives light to all as and when required. God is shapeless and
His qualities are so, then question comes in mind from where the universe has created. The answer has given but
to clarify more it comes to discussion. It is also His quality that in Him the shape or the jewels are there. To
understand as stated that shapeless light or the jewels gives one kind light as stated in Quran and its reflection
came out as He thought. These all are perishable and no sign of it would found when the jewels would have taken
back in Him. Shapeless qualities of God are vast Worlds and separate worlds in the shapeless kingdom of God.
Shape worlds and its origin are hidden qualities of shapeless worlds. God is one and unique cannot separate but
His qualities are a parted through His knowledge. That qualities too a parted indirectly and brought the shape as
origin of the shape hidden in the qualities. How is to define it? An atom divided into many parts has no shape of
its origin. Anything, which has lost its originality that, becomes somehow indirect portion of the qualities of God.
The men also when he lost everything he finds own as a God. In His qualities beautifulness are there.
Scientifically He bought them together as defined earlier. All these the Ruhh perhaps unable to understand so the
creation came into existence to make the Ruhh into a sense of love which has with worldly life and with the soul.
No doubt, it is thinking of the one elaborately written that from a high thought. If God is shapeless and all are to
return Him then there is no way to meet Him that only loves God. Either one is to happen that God has to come in
shape or the men has to go back to shapeless position. God is all knowing and all wise; to meet with Him or talk
to Him equally a person required who has all sorts of knowledge at least to understand Him. May not be as equal
as god but nearer to Him otherwise there is no satisfaction. Perhaps God is as beautiful as the face described in
sense and the Ruhh is dump to exchange the views. The assumption is a long history in different way people
explained, as they like. In fact, to bring out the truth is very difficult and it may go out of path. Some of the men
practice making shape unknowingly but God is quite out of it. How is to love God that comes to the men for once
in whole life. Of seeing something to love converts that love into attraction but holy love or true love for the
examination there is no way other than this. Where there is true love there is little fear but hope to get Him. In
sense, it comes that God never loves to dolls and the men would not love any aggressive animal (N). Therefore,
the pure love for God not seeing Him is an examination and durable forever. With fear and love pray to God is the
advice of the Prophet(SM). Those who deeply think about God the love comes to in his heart seeing around and
His creation of art.
“So glory to Him in Whose hands is the dominion of all things; and to Him will ye be all brought back.” Sura 36
verse 83 Quran.
As the one said all the men are to return to Him but how it would be that discussed so far. More about it, that in
the world of the soul, the Ruhh combined and both live on peacefully with love and attraction. They are friend to
each other. With pure Naffs or the soul, the Ruhh had relationship, which would not forget it though perhaps the
Ruhh separated after death. To see God or meet God the Ruhh would have played a great role in heaven too. Not
only the man but also the nation Jinns is also included with the matter. In all religion the existence of Jinns are
there but a few deny the fact. The proof of it that in Quran none would find a word mentioned as the man where
Jinns would not mention before the man. The topics now are difficult to understand well but in returns every
things go to God perhaps the Ruhh goes first.
“And the Jinn race, We had created before, from fire of a scorching wind.” Sura 35 verse 27 “And He created
Jinns from fire free of smoke.” Sura 55 verse 15 Quran.
As the man, the Jinns had also created from different elements like wind, fire and smokeless fire etc. in the above
verse it mentioned, in practical the man who meditates with them they make friendship. Anyone must believe
there existence at least the Muslims on it. There is gulf of difference in between two nations that one has created
from mud another one is of free of smoke and air. Their living age in comparison with the men are differing. Jinns
get a long life than the man and remain alive for some thousands years. As they possess The Ruhh and Naffs as
like the man, they are to face on trail on Judgment Day. God destroyed tribes in human race and still the
scientists discover them, which has been finding under ground. It had happened to with the Jinns and almost all
except a religious group all had destroyed for their evil doings. God repeats the same happening still by giving
natural calamities or by some nation; it comes to evil people in the world.
“And ye certainly know already the first form of creation; why then do ye not celebrate His praises?” Sura 56
verse 62 Quran.
In Quran, a many examples have given just to make the understanding about Him and His existence. The men
were just nothing and from it, He created them. Before the nation of Jinn had sent to the earth and most of them
were evil doings. As said earlier destroying them a new nation created who knew as the man. Existence is only
for God, as the word used by the God just nothing perhaps non-existence of man or the shape is His quality that
He can give any shape He likes. In an assumption, the world of Ruhh in His qualities is one, which has no shape.
The soul of men though it found in Quran that got promise from them and as Hadiths concern Mohammed (SM)
once upon a time was a prophet there. The world of soul was there. All soul and Ruhh are equal as it said in
Quran that woman and man had the same Ruhh. Therefore, the man comes from the world of soul. The jinn had
come before the arrival of the man. Their races are not less in any case. In addition to that, the Satan who is a
member of said nation he has much more descendent of his own. The scientist may not agree on the point that
among the men the production of Jinns is there. They can easily mix-up with the men and the women too and
enjoy or share evil doings. God disclosing all wants to give His identity and His existence even then the men
remain far away from Him.
Without getting practical knowledge
The Ruhh cannot think over about love,
That all qualities of God
Only He possesses.
To bestow some of it
The Ruhh requires,
To have a journey
In all places of God,
Otherwise, a beggar would not able
To understand what the king says.
For that,
A house required to take rest,
In addition,
Exchange the views as liked.
In the poetry, the Ruhh has compared with doll and the soul or the man has compared with the beggar. There is a
story that one day the king was going to hunt in the forest. On the way, he was taking rest for a while. What he
saw a beautiful woman was passing through and she was a beggar. She begs from door to door to live on her life.
As king wished to marry her, she agreed on his proposal. They got married and passing the time. To examine her
one day the king entered her room secretly. The king saw that she was alone in her room and begging with a bag
and going to thumb of every one asking to give her something as beggar does. Of seeing it the king thought
without knowledge and environment a man cannot rectify himself. She is unable to speak with the king as she
has no knowledge nor can give any wise suggestion what the other queens do sometimes. The Ruhh living with
God could not understand the love of God but the soul attached with the Ruhh is learning and feels how to love
each other. If a man or woman stays out of home and away from his or her family then he or she can understand
well how deep love both maintain for each other. A flower from a distance looks at very beautiful but once
touches or plucks it then it becomes dull. God is far way but very near in His knowledge what the Ruhh knows
better. As a man, anyone knows the love increases like overflow of water when he remains far a way from his
beloved. This is what an experience for the soul and the Ruhh. Unruly people like the said beggar would create in
the kingdom of God. Kingdoms of God, there are no end including earth and the men are representative of God to
run the countries. Without the fittest men, His kingdoms cannot run properly and changes the men by some
means. It is an examination for the man and the woman how they pass their life. God has created a house inside
or outside by the Ruhh to communicate with Him. If anyone does so He comes to know, otherwise the Ruhh in
Him passes the message like fax or a transmitter of his frequency what not known to the soul at all. Therefore,
those who do not earn knowledge an all respects he would become dull in front of God. Thought of God comes in
deep concentration and tradition help to increase the concentration. The Ruhh is breathing of God, order of God
and it can only take the men nearer to God as God can remain in it. It is His love through it the man can proof his
depth of love and only the men can do it.
“From changing your forms and creating you (again) in (forms) that ye know not.” Sura 56 verse 61 Quran.
God gives the life and takes it. These kind of giving life and death to the men only can possible for Him.
Therefore, to re-woken the men or to create again is easy for Him. He brings a nation instead of another
irrespective of religion that such nation who maintains justice for all. There is no end of His science, knowledge
and power. If He wishes He can bring another nation other the men but He would not do that as He loves the men.
To believe on above verse is better for the men. The world has advanced to that extend now that God can bring
any nation and the SIM fitted to it would speak in accordance to SIM. There is nothing to disbelieve the matter as
the man has discovered the computers and other sophisticated machines. At present age, God has given enough
knowledge to know about God existence and to praise Him as He ordered. Now it is in the hand of the people
whether they agree on it or not.
“Whom no man or Jinn before them has touched.” Sura 55 verse 74 Quran,
The man has no power but to proceed ahead with fear and hope. People criticize about the reward declared by
God that He showed greediness to attract them. In fact, is it true? In heaven all sorts of arrange are there as a
reward for the men and the women as it said in the Quran that both have equal Ruhh. There is a inner things that
if God gives entire universe to a man would he become happy?
Perhaps as the soul concern they are different as they are in physical body even both have given same
preference in Islam. As the word has given by God then both of them will get equal share in the heaven. There is
doubt that HURR is only for the men to God having faith how it can be that. Answer is it that both would enjoy
them. Some of the people think that God has shown greed or allurement to the people to attract the men towards
Him. What is to God? Was there any problem to God that he created the man? A worldly example has quoted
before hand that in a hive only a queen bee stays and thousand of bee are there. They all remain happy with the
queen too. In an examination, it found that the queen alone live in a house inside the hive where none can go
except a few. There are three types of bee that one collect honey from the flower another is a force of the queen
and a few are allowed to enter the house of the queen. It is a natural things stated for the example. Therefore, the
men should think over it what kind of life they want in the heaven also. Who worships in respect of God to give
such facilities has He any demand of anything.
“And Our command is but a single (act) like the twinkling of an eye.” Sura 54 verse 50 Quran.
The men think how it is possible without a time factor but it happens so. Earlier to write a beautiful pen, paper
and ink were required but now within twinkle of an eye, the one writes without any thinking and publish for the
world to see. How it happens! When God wan to do something it happens in a twinkling of an eye as because in
compares of time factor what something to the people it is rare to God. No doubt, God has explained He took six
days to create seven firmaments that were His plan and way to clear the people about His existence. The nature
has its own law. It has known to God what their demand is and before hand, He created that one. Once for an
examination if that person demands it for argument sake if He wishes to produce it on the spot He does it
immediately. World at present advanced in such a position that ever where if not computer mobile phone is there
and everyone knows its use. How another SIM works in it. From this simple thing, power of God and sign of God
is there. Let the elites think about the small world created by the scientists. Let the scientists think about the
skies. If they think about worlds, heavens, galaxy, uncountable lights and big bang definitely, they would agree
that some scientific method applied among them and His law is the law to obey by all. Now it is in hand of people
whether they would obey the order of God or not. In future, no Prophet would come to rectify or warn them. As
stated in Quran and Hadiths only a person would come in the world who had previously enlisted as Prophet and
he would arrive as a simple man and would speak to the people.
The men have all qualities of God,
In that has hidden
All mysterious history
The root of visible
The men is the qualities of God
It proved that is the God’s quality.
God has created the men
To combined each other,
That is the way to go to God
By learning something,
If not it has come to the knowledge
Then see God in you seeing you.
The creation of men is hidden and mysterious. Even then, the men try to find out the clue of it by some means.
From that point, finding no clue of it the man comes back to original position. On the other hand, God is also
mysterious and the men cannot think of how He is. Again, the men come back finding no proper answer of it.
Both are critical for the men to find out something and to reach in a solution. However, it is not difficult to
understand seeing other nations. As God invited all to see His creation and art and how He designed lower
heaven so that finding no clue in it the men would understand the will of God that there is none except Him to
worship. The men and the Jinn have created to worship Him. He did all things for the man, but why; it comes in
the mind of everyone. Having lot of His angels who are more and more than the Jinn and the man praying to God
all the time and praised Him then why He created at the last the man for His worship? It is a general question in
philosophy to know about how mysterious the man is. On other hand, God invited to see Him and existence but
very difficult to find Him out other than to see His beauty in nature and His nice art and skill. God knows
everything better than anybody else does even then why it comes in the mind of others reasoning not known to
anybody. A wording of God in Quran that He created not anything for nothing, all have some purpose and for the
betterment of the man. From it, the man can come to conclusion that the man is important to Him other than the
different two nations. It is clear that from the qualities of God the universe, the man, and all other things have
created. The soul is nothing but a pure Naffs who had come ever before in His creation than the Adam and eve
that had sent to the world. There also it found that in soul God added His breathing into it. Again, it has seen that
the soul as thought by God touching the mud has become superior to all as the man. Thinking all not standing in
a fix position the men is to search the truth keeping respect, love and worshiping Him all the times. God is in him
that should come in mind seeing His qualities and the Ruhh, which is breathing of God and try for relation with
each other somehow in proper way then only peace in the world, might come.
“Yet they ask thee to hasten on the punishment! But Allah will not fail in His promise. Verily a day in the sight of
thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning.” Sura 22 verse 47 Quran.
God has given a long time to Satan to survive. If Satan tells that just now the final Day of Judgment should come
to face it then God would not accept his proposal. Because God has a plan and interest and a particular time is
fix for a day. In time, God would close His office. Nobody knows when it will come. In Quran, it said that a day of
God may be like thousand years long of present or it may fifty thousand years. The scientists say from a big
bang the present world has created. That is not subject to discuss that, have all creations of God following the
law of nature or not. If so are they different each other what meant here not following law of God. Then why the
man differs in religion? if nature obeys the laws of God. The man can think over matter, and have right to justify
the things whether it is correct or not but he nature has no such possibilities. If the time has taken to buildup the
world in a position to live for humankind then for reversing the scientist to think about that how much it would
take to reach to that position where it was. Not thinking on that way the man tries to discover something out of it
to know or to gain knowledge on that subject. It is of course wise to know something at the same time they must
have on one God who designed it. At present, it found that the sun is hot and with some materials, it made so. If
the world would be large like the sun, God would have burnt it with fire, and all types of bombs and gases would
have burnt in it then the condition of the world would have become so. The Muslims believe in Quran not on the
theory of the scientists. To say so where has the water under God’s throne gone! If the big bang comes then it
has come from the water too. If the big bang comes from water then the worlds and the heaven created ever
before and it was close together where all sorts of animal were living. Having no shining if world can attract the
moon to orbit around it then the sun as large as it is could be able to attract her family perhaps for shining God
used His knowledge and designed it. The opinion is out of the science and scientists too that heaven and worlds
created from water where it was possible to live on for the human beings. It proved that around the light
darkness are there, which is near about ninety-five percent bigger than the lighting potion. Then try to find where
heaven and hell is. Lower heaven has created within four days only to show the lights and for sun shining. In
other firmaments are definitely above the lighting portion. According to the Quran, the heavens have also made
to live for the man and the Jinns and there may be other animals too. Shining perhaps is also there in the heaven
but not like the world. To make different from the heaven, lower heaven designed into so. One of the big worlds
separated and in rounding it has come to so many pieces. Then where it required their gases, and other things
burnt and still going on that what the people say the star or the sun likewise. Then the smoke spread out all over
from those gasses. Again, He designed them to remove the smoke from them. It is an idea thought by the one.
“I have only created Jinns and men that they serve me.”Sura 51 verse 56 Quran
From the above it learnt that the Jinns and the men had created to worship Him. That should be the motto of the
men. Other than this what is inner thing that to understand in heart. There the secret exists in it. If secret is open
to all then interest of becomes dull. Tradition and regular practice in fixed time anyone can gain something out of
it. More discussion on the subject may increase self-conflict in mind. Therefore, whatever God said have faith on
him the men should go ahead to achieve the goal.
“Were We then weary with the first creation, that they should be in confused doubt about a new creation?”Sura
50 verse 15 Quran.
Neither sleep nor the tiredness touches Him. He is Omnipotent, All-powerful, the creator and only Guardian of all.
It is not that other religious books are not of God but the root of all religious books is Quran where not anyone
would find any discrepancies. From A to Z everything is there if the Hadiths in relation to topics brought in. if
there is in ambiguities arise in Hadith anyone can cut for better one, which would not hamper the Quran
wordings. As said, other religious books are also of God but not full for the men to pass daily life. Philosophy
says at a time whole things come as it has in Quran then it would not be able to obey by all. Therefore, He
brought the things systematically in course of time to rectify the men. If anyone research principles of religious
such do not tell a lie, and other wordings of same categories would find in every religion book. There nothing to
deny the truth that all scriptures before the Quran had kept in heart and had written after a many years passed
away. Therefore, none can say that wording of God that had not change by the men of that age for their own
interests. When it happened then He sent another Apostle to rectify those faults. Finally the men has come to a
position that they can write the book on the paper or something alike then He sent the final book the Quran to
Hazarat (SM) saying First sentence to read and write the Holy book. God never diverts from His promise that He
would produce the men as potatoes inside the mud and take them out; there He would fit the SIM of own. A great
philosophy in it that He would show the men their deeds and without that, the men would not agree upon on God,
final is that they would not say God is God who is Omnipotent.
Having shape how
It would possible
For the men to meet God,
Who possesses existence of non-shape?
Those who against the opinions are
They possess shape of God in heart.
Main aim of God to create the men,
Only to worship Him,
Not to others god,
Without worship
Or prayer to God,
Visible man cannot
Earn the knowledge.
That is of Him about spiritual worlds.
In the poetry it said that anyone possesses the shape cannot meet God wherever it is. Whatsoever he is at
present is unable to meet if such worlds created again then none can meet the God. Perhaps He would design
the same world in other way after resurrection. The soul would see God but difficult to meet God as it assumed.
Of seeing the shape of creations and shape less position of God, lot of ambiguities have risen in the mind as well
as outside among the people’s mind. That, the men met God but not so happen, both side made complicated by
the men in their analysis. Where the angels cannot see own Ruhh nor they can visit the world of God but man
goes there it is blessing of God. Little discussion is that the Jinns are made of flame without smoke and the
angels are made of Nur. The men could not define about them fully. Is the God comparable to them! Definitely, it
is not. They all live in shape worlds. These invisible nations can take any shape they like. The Satan has power to
whisper In the ear of men to misguide. All Jinns have power too to mix up with the blood of humankind. The
worst qualities has given to the Satan that any type of mesmerism he can play except taking the shape of
Prophet (SM). Thinking all these if the men bring God in shape like anyone or not that may create trouble others
to understand Islam. Once upon a time, these nations had been living in a place until that comes again the
solution it would remain in the heart of few people even in Islam. Those who say God comes in shape and they
see Him sometimes they are somewhat liar according to Hadiths. There is no benefit to argue on the subject any
more but goodness kept in devoting to God only. To earn knowledge about spiritual world the men has to go to
the right path of God as He said in Holy Book. The men should remember that tradition and practice in time take
the men to closer to God. God is shapeless and His worlds shapeless and shape world is His quality keeping in
mind pray to God perhaps that is better for the men. The existence of God is at shapeless world and in shape is
His knowledge might be perfect one to assume so. There is no existence of others other than God. The men
could not yet discover the existence of other two nations is shape but they say that they reached to a saturation
point. How astonish it is! As said earlier, that where The Ruhh has taken shelter accordingly He described the His
position for the examples such His hands, legs, faces, sitting on Throne etc all are nothing but His knowledge
had shown. Where the Ruhh goes, it takes position as it is like the water.
“Behold, ye are those invite to spend (of year substances) in the way Allah: but among you are some that are
niggardly. But any who niggardly are so at the expense of their own souls. But Allah is free of all wants, and it is
ye that are needy. If ye turn back (from the path), He will substitute in your stead another people: then they would
not like you!” Sura 47 verse 38 Quran.
God is not in need of anything but the men are. Not only all the creations of God are in of something and with
that, they are surviving. Creations of God are changeable. On the way of God if anybody spends time or expense
something for humankind that would count as good deed. Misers think that to spend money for others help in
need of is for nothing to build own carrier. In that, they buy troubles for them. If the whole nation thinks in this
way then natural calamities come to that land and swept away wealth of the people. They do not see anything left
and right and eyes do not remain constant. Sometimes such devastation comes to them not only the wealth but
all including them go under the belly of the ground. Whosoever would create disorder in the kingdom of God He
declined them and other nation brings in instead of them. God never likes those who are traitor and goes against
His law though He feeds them for the time fixed.
“Do they not travel through the earth, and see what was the End of those before them (who did evil)? Allah
brought utter destruction on them, and similar (fates await) those who reject Allah.” Sura 47 verse 10 Quran.
Traveling to any place is a part of education and knowledge. God invited the men to travel and see the places,
which kept as it was for learning something seeing those cultures of evildoers of ancients. He warned the people
it may happen at anytime if the men go out of track not following the path God. They do not look into those
wordings of God but with proud expanding the chest, they think it good cultures of the men.
“Such are they against whom is proved the sentence among the previous generations of Jinns and men that
have passed away; for they will be (utterly) lost.” Sura 36 verse 18 Quran.
A many times it has in discussion that God previously destroyed some populated area for their misdeeds and
wrongdoings. Among them the Jinn and the men both are there but scientists discover them as moderate
cultures of ancients and a few feel proud of it that statues found under ground which are there religion and too
old in concern to others. The men can learn something seeing their past activities that their antecedents for
wrongdoings had punished severely by the nature. Before the men, perhaps the Jinn were taking a shape of
something and had been living together.
“And they have invited a blood-relationship between Him and the Jinns; but the Jinns know (quite well) that they
have indeed to appear (before His Judgment-seat)! Glory to Allah! (He is free) from all things they ascribe (to
Him)!”Sura 37 verse 158 and 159 Quran.
From that, it is clear that there are people who say God made blood relationship with Jinns but He is free from all
these things. He is self-sufficient in all respects. As it discussed in the book that the Jinns are made of Flame of
fire without smoke and has a body transferable into any shape like air or animals etc. they are in shape. They
have pure Naffs and The Ruhh too as the men. They are face the Judgment Day as the men. Does anyone think
so God made blood relationship with them (Jinns)? In addition to that, the Satan in his descendants is always
behind the men to misguide the people. In the present condition, anybody thinks that God comes in shape and a
person saw Him in shape. The man who says so and saw God can he defines who is what among the three
nations. Perhaps the Satan or any evil Jinn misguides the men showing them in a shape and tells he is none but
god. In the second part, a story of it might come in for the betterment of the people. To save the men from such
complicity God would never come to expose in shape, as He is creator of all shapes. This is an examination that
whether the men and the Jinns do believe or not God. If He comes in shape and says He is God then what else
remain for others to appear in the examination. Whoever praise God, pray to Him, not seeing believe Him those
are the person faithful to Him.
Without knowledge none
Would able to meet God,
A many wises had said so,
Knowledge of God is everywhere,
To what visible
Or not His knowledge is.
Being upset some say or write
God is visible
And say He is in shape.
Everywhere He merged
Into the universe is,
He is there nowhere merged.
Knowledge is power, it has known to all. Earn knowledge even from China no more of knowledge to those if not
that is religious knowledge. Saying so had gone back to back to the last row still they are proud of their version.
Only tradition is not perfect to gain knowledge but perfect to them seeing selected person of God. Are they like
him(SM)? It is difficult for a man to differentiate between right and wrong without knowledge. In own language
tries to earn knowledge, if not available then see other languages are. Criticizing own for that the one nor expert
in mother tongue neither in English but in essentiality arisen to write or convert to other language. It cannot be
the same a student writes something in examination paper understanding well; and the student who writes
without understanding, in them first one can change if found any mistake in it but the second one would commit
mistake and follow the wrong path. Especially the prayer what the people read if they would understand the
meaning of those Sura’ then the concentration towards God would have increased and the people might go to
the right path. Most of the people read the Quran and its verses not understanding as a result, what they say or
pray do not come in heart other than the tradition. To earn knowledge first anyone is to understand what subject
he is going to read then a little bit of it may attract the mind to learn the matter. If not understood anything then
he goes to a teacher to make it clear. The world advanced no doubt but people of the world are not too much
ahead in education. Perhaps very rare people know about research work of the scientists who made a small
world in a big hole to examine the smallest part of an atom. Other side it is true that a few do not disclose the
truth of God as their legs fastened with the rope of their descendants. If they come to know from out side of the
hole what is going to happen and its result then let them disclose about the activities of God and His science.
Why it is not disclosing by them by praising God and His science to others the knowledge given to them by God
as the Satan plays a great role over there entering human bodies. He does not that the men should aware of it
and they should come to know truth as said in Quran and the position of Satan goes down. When the science
was not advancing, the people were far back about the nature. Weak people started worshiping the tree and big
pump tree. The tradition is still prevails but changed their arguments to high thought supporting the dolls. They
followed none but the Jinns who show them wonderful things of their own. It is possible to say that the God has
mix up with the universe finding no path but it is not as the scientist are not inside the hole and see everything
through their computers. Therefore, it is His knowledge all over the universe and He is everywhere in knowledge.
If it not understand by the normal people the scientist should come up to make it clear how God controls His
verse. He is not only scientists but also a great scientist in making all things in proportion.
“Or that We created the angels female, and they are witnesses (thereto)? Is it not that they say, from their own
invention. ‘Allah has begotten children’? But they are liars! Sura 37 verse 151 to 152 Quran.
Answer of these is in Quran that ‘Say He is Allah the one and only; Allah, the eternal, absolute; He begetteth not,
nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him.’ Sura 112 Quran. More explanation about the His creation a
nation had made as female what is the purpose of it, if the Robert is made like female the men would get that of
what a female is. As stated earlier, in all respect He is self-sufficient. He is in not need of anything. He is Holy and
Pure. Like the Satan, some people in men comments alike. In Quran asked those people who comments like
these were they present at that period while He created the angels!
“If We had so willed, We could certainly have brought every soul its true guidance; but the Word from Me will
come true, ‘I will fill hell with Jinns and men all together.” Sure 37 verse 13 Quran.
The question has come here again about the philosophy that if God would have not created the men what might
be then. If He wishes He could make such world that, the men would not commit any sin and all the men would
live peacefully in heaven but it is His word that to examine the people who are of God. Why is it so? The men and
the Jinns have given the power of wiliness or free will with some limitation so that they can do anything they
wish. When the Jinn reached to saturation point in evil doings God punished them all except a religious group. A
child including the religious jinn’s group all saved from those devastation happenings. The innocent child
holding the Ruhh and Naffs in course of time became famous among them (Jinns and angels). He became leader
of the two nations and all were behind him praying to God. At present in Jinns all religion are there as the men
posses such as Hindu, Buddhist, Christen, Muslims and other religions too. All religions had their own Warner or
prophet and Holy Books too but the religious book after Hazarat (SM) is not acceptable at least to the Muslims. If
would the prophet would have not come the men would have not divided into so many parts or groups. All of
them think that they are holding a right path to achieve the goal. Its solution only has given in this book if any
philosopher thinks deeply on it. Perhaps it has not known to the man that first man came to this subcontinent as
the Hindu’s scripture says MANU. The word MANU means man. In Urdu is Adam perhaps same to Arabic Adam
and other scriptures too. In next part, the matter would come in discussion. There is no second only He and One.
His religion is also one. That what is the philosophy of this book placed before you all. Is there any other gods
except God, if it is true He would not have two religions for the men too? Therefore, it shows that from the very
beginning, God sent His Messengers for peace in world. Has anything can run in disorderly manner? Therefore,
Krishna after Krishna arrived in the world for peace. However, people of those sects the thing or words of God
had kept in memory generation to generation but the Brahman came in them only to remember the words of God
others cannot. For own benefit the law has made by the people wherever required thus the words of God
changed or local languages change the meaning of the words for their interest. Here self criticism comes that the
word Mosi of Jesus title brought in for self interest to explain the people as it is in Bengali but the writer knows
nothing who is he! If God had created a world, where no examination requires He could do so but who is best in
love to God would remain as it was. For examination, God knows better how He would arrange His world and the
men. Bad results of appeared persons in the examination had kept for an example to guide the men ahead
peacefully if they look into it that under ground civilization of present science. In this regard, not the religious
teacher only but the scientists are to come up to prove the matter.
“Those who reject the Faith, and die rejecting, on them is Allah’s curse, and the curse of angels, and of all
mankind.” Sura 2 verse 161Quran.
The scientist can get something out of above verse that in other verse the meaning of the verse are there. What it
is? Has they think it ever before that an atom is qualifying the qualities of a universe and to creation of seven
firmaments and the world and her families are below of those. If it researches then anyone would come to know
what God said for a evil doers and unbelievers. The soul of dead person was taking out and it carried up to seven
firmaments by the angels. Angel calls God to look into His creature or the soul. If he is unbeliever then God again
send it back under the seven firmaments where a place is to live with all sorts of troubles. It is a little punishment
as the men get before the trail in court that a blamer stays in the cell or under confinement. What is to scientists
is that to find out seven firmaments in His creation first. In Quran name of that world is SIJJIN.
Shape fewer worlds,
And His virtues
Came into shape
As Named world (Nur-e-M0mmedi)
Then why worship the shape
Leaving God to some dolls!
Whatever He thought in His mind
Those things took shape from His qualities.
The artist art His plan
There He inserts His Ruhh as liked.
Creating all these no one should think
His heart has taken out and merged into it.
That Kalama is always in Him.
It has defined earlier that as God His qualities are shapeless. How the worlds have come in shape from that
shapeless. As the atom, that it has to return to shapeless position in course of time. There its root in various
ways would stay in non-shape worlds. He breathed but not merged into something’s for that the man cannot
become a person whom people would worship or not a person through him people would worship God. God is
enough sufficient to hear and see all who worship Him. The men cannot think of how shape comes to non- shape
able positions. If the men can do something invisible to visible then why would be to do that? Are they equal?
From a flower if a man can take out its smell into liquid position which as like as invisible to visible. Let it think
about the Great scientist that what He cannot. Now people will find God is one and unique and not merged at all.
He is all around the universe does not mean that Himself. It is nothing but a thread or a wire like string or His
knowledge connected all things in proportion. What God had said before the Quran revealed some of the articles
are same as Quran. It also proved that God did not say anything like that He divided into two parts one part is as
the lad another part is as the woman. It is their own made theory finding no clue in the scriptures of that age as
because those Holy books were not full-fledged. However, those are all religious Books of God otherwise at
present at least for the one would have become speak out something before the people. Not He but His qualities
came in shape that what to understand by the people. Over all it said not He but His breathing working as His
communication between the men and God. There is nothing to understand that if anyone pressed key of 213 on
the other end say in America or far it is 213 would press there. As a whole, the one thinks that the Ruhh is just
like a mirror and shapeless but have no existence as God but in that in need of something like exchanging loves.
To some commentators love is main factor of creating the universe the one’s idea is not out of it.
“Those who reject Faith, neither their possessions nor their (numerous) progeny will avail them aught against
Allah; they will be companions of the Fire, dwelling therein (for ever).” Sura 3 verse 116 Quran.
The thing is that God is need of anything even He created the men. He aspect something what is that only prayer!
Any honest or bad he is he has right to distribute his wealth to anyone he likes. If such thing has done to any unbeliever
for winning his or her heart that is enough for that man. Only loves can conquer the others not the
money but it acts behind any jobs. The one assumes that love factor can bring the people united but it should not
hamper God’s law. The man who did it he has created a society, as his descendents at least would come to
proper path. Those who reject the Faith their wealth and descendents are no use of God rather they would go
into astray. Very rare few come to the right path. The experience says that they give preference to their
antecedents that may right or not.
“And if anyone earns sin, he earns it against his own soul; for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.” Sura 4
verse 111 Quran.
The world is such that good and bad are running parallel to each other. If the soul earns anything good or bad, it
is his wealth for future, afterworlds, or spiritual world. As said all good has suggested by the Ruhh, it never
indulge in any sin as it remain away from the man when a man commits sin. The soul finds good in the mirror
and bad in the lower soul of worldly body as the soul mix up that soul completely. Any of the soul is committing
sin it goes to him not to his father or mother. None will bear the sin of other. Al though he is followers of any
Apostle of God. It is the habit of the man sometimes he commits sin but saying so that if he is real followers of an
Apostle he will never commit the sin. Therefore, it is better to pass the life asking own conscious and pass daily
life in better way. The men cannot think even in every channel a memory card has fitted to record for each one
individual deeds, whether it is good or bad. As said in Quran the angels are working day and night to record the
deeds only to understand. As a result what a man thinks and what he is doing easily recorded say in a room
without any interference through a frequency, which does completely not know by the men.
“Behold, thy Lord said to the angels; ‘I will create a vicegerent on earth, they said, ‘wilt thou place therein one
who will make mischief therein and shed blood? Whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy
(name)?’ He said, ‘I know what ye know not.” Sura 2 verse 30 Quran.
If the men understand only above verse then they should praise to God leaving all because only God what
mysterious the men have got. From here, it has cleared that the verse was not of the present world but
somewhere in the heaven where two nations were living together. Perhaps it was that period when the world and
the heaven were together or close to each other. The world like heaven has that forbidden tree and its fruit makes
the men sinner. Perhaps the tree is available in this world as it has comedown taking all her family. That is
expansion of the space perhaps started from that day when Adam and Eve committed sin. Where the Satan in
other named was present there, other Jinns might there who knew the divine messages came to them. Although
the verse came in Quran, it is of then happening and narrated in Quran before fourteen years ago. Only the Jinns
had experience about the world but not the angels, as they are innocent and made to carry out order of God. Why
the verse put here to explain as God has love for the men and He knows the mysterious of the men. Irrespective
religions all He looks after and feed them. If anyone comes forward one-step to accept Him and His order then He
forgives all sins of that man just keep His word held with Satan.
Satisfaction of God the Ruhh is
Invisible to all even the angels
Such a way the father Adam had
Created by God
And he came into existence.
What God thought and planned
Not ‘I’ but ‘mine’ as he Adam is
He is as like as Mine
However, not that he is ‘I’.
The soul has created life but the Ruhh is His order direct breathing of God. Perhaps all things are perishable
except He and His qualities and too His order. It had said in Quran that every soul or Naffs is to taste death. The
mysterious is that not the Ruhh but the soul. Although the Ruhh has no existence as a non-existence, His order
goes back to Him. As a non-existence, it has no chance to compare with God. The Bible, the Quran and Hadith
cannot tell a lie that Adam is as like as God. In sense of the Ruhh, perhaps God has told the same wordings
otherwise, a comparison would arise among the people to argue that God has shape. It has known to the people
that all shape makers is He. The best of the knowledge has given to men that any thing created that has an end. It
is the wish of God. Some of the commentators say God is in shape but not like anyone of the universe. Some
others say God is shapeless. These types of opinion created ambiguity in the society and they formed groups
among them. God said so in relation to His Breathing, which had no shape, an opinion forwarded before the
people to avoid all ambiguities reading the book. The Ruhh is that, which possesses all the qualities of God and
God can stay with the men and the men can communicate with God and over all it is a mirror to see all good in it.
Perhaps it is the Ruhh hereafter will guide the men to come to close to God. The characteristics and meaning of
Hadith and too Bible should become likewise as narrated.
“We created man from sounding clay, from mud molded into shape. Sura 15 verse 25 or 26 in English Quran.
Who has made everything which he has created most well, He began the creation of man with (nothing more
than) clay. Sura 32 verse 7 Quran. He created man from sounding clay like unto pottery. Sura 55 verse 14 Quran.
Allah said, ‘O Iblis! What prevents thee from prostrating thyself to one whom I have created with MY hands art
thou haughty? Sura 38 verse 75 Quran.
To state the creation of man God said that from the mud He created the man from such as water, heat, air and
mud. Then He gave them hearing, sight and feeling. How a seed has grown up from mud, that example has given
for the man that in His own hand He grows up the seed into a tree. Once man is going to mud and again
reawaken from the mud according to the verses in Quran in the same way as He created the man before.
Therefore, last becomes the first according to the some of the commentators. The men will produce like potatoes
from the ground and fixed SIM would connect to them for doing rest of the works on Final Judgment Day.
The letters are MIM, HA, MIM and DAL,
As like as the shape of man is
That what had thought by God?
The shape of the men was at His heart.
As like as shape of
The man is Mohammed
The shape at His
Heart is the root of humankind.
The thing inside Him
Never comes out,
Therefore, Mohammed (SM)
Read Mohammed
As others read Kalama simply Mohammed
Saying Prophet of God, he is.
From this Kalama inside Him
Satisfaction of God all Ruhh are,
There is no differentiation among all Ruhh
Nor there is any caste likewise.
In that there is no such
As like are Hindu, Buddhist, Christen, Muslims and so on,
All Ruhh are equal to Him.
Selected religion to Him is peace or Islam.
All men have created from a couple Adam and eve. That is true but not the soul of men or the Ruhh. There are
people who say from a man or the soul or the Ruhh all men had created. Why they say so because they do not
require researching what they say. From a world named Nur-e-Mohammedi all soul of the men or everything
created by God, which is a shape world. The soul has no blood relation with each other or they have any father
mother in the upper world. From one Ruhh other Ruhh are created it is perhaps exaggeration of feeling to much
respect for someone. The name has written was a plan of God that He would do like wise as He liked. From that
point of view man explain what they thought. When God breathed into Adam He not enter into him but His
knowledge, wisdom, or spirit enter into it. If any man breathes into a glass of water, that man not enters into the
glass but blessing of the man goes there. From a prophet all prophets came out believing is not Islamic theory in
that no other prophets get place. To God all prophets are equal but preference has given in prophet ship that
among all prophets the prophet (SM) is best of best. He is the last prophet and the Holy book has given for the
humankind for their daily life even. Islam is the religion of God especially He selected it. Please remember that
not the men but the religion He selected. If anyone commits crime against any type of law of some country that
person would dealt with the law. If it hampers the Islam they may argue for it. If anyone research at the root then
the one will not find any difference among men but the environment and culture too the religion followed against
the will of God made the people in different castes. To rewoken the brotherly among the people, among the
religion and in all good job the Muslim should come forward before anyother as the Holy Book is holding by them.
The men were mysterious creation of God and He did not disclose the purpose of that creation only saying that
they had created to worship Him but the men in search almost truth taken that love is the main reason to create
the man. It assumed that the Ruhh is the inhabitant of shapeless world, which had living with God that means His
breathing. They had no existence and shapeless. With the order of God they came to the world of Nur and took
shelter in the soul. What He thinks it happened that the soul of man would be of mud in course of time. The soul
had living in heaven with all other nation in that Adam and Eve. Adam had got superiority in all as he got
knowledge from God. Other than these the soul lives in the world of soul. And still the soul comes from that
world. That anyone can say a world of the soul having not perceptible in sense. As said earliar, the soul has
feeling for lower heaven and looks into it. The Ruhh comes as order of God always has feeling for Allah and
knows nothing except Him. The soul having keen Naffs loves God understand the feeling of the Ruhh. Therefore,
the way loves come to the soul for God. The soul and the Ruhh is not the father of anyone proved in Quran as
God revealed a verse that “Mohammed is not the father of anyone”. This verse is not applicable in worldly life as
he(SM) had children. In the poetry it mentioned that Mohammed (SM) also read Mohammed in kalama but never
read (SM) at that period. Why is so? Nothing to feel bad in it that all prophets had kalama’s adding their own
name and they were doing so. The prohet ship is of God and that Mohammed is also of God and His name is
included in prophet ship. That Mohammed is prophet of God but not son of Abdullah. The person is son of
Abdullah he is a worldly man Mohammed (SM). A many examples quoted here say their kalam’s of those days
such as: God is one and unique, Adam is prophet of God (safiullaha), God is one and unique, Noah is prophet of
God (naziullah), God is one and unique, Abraham is prophet of God (kalilullah), God is one and unique, Ismail is
prophet of God (zabiullah), God is one and unique, David (Daud) is prophet of God (Kalifutullah), God is one and
unique, Jesus (Isha) is prophet of God (ruhhullah), God is one and uique and Mohammed is prophet of God
(rasulullah). Why all would they read their own name in kalama. It has defined earliar as the God’s name with the
prophet and prophet ship. Therefore, prophetship is with God for that God also bless them. It is only for the
prophets. In concern to to the Ruhh is of God’s direct breathing to the soul and all men are equal. In two respects
the prophets are superior to the men concerns. One is God thought before hand who would be those prophets
and their prophet ships. The prophet (SM) had a many qualities out of that as a last prophet. Love among each
other will continue in the heaven too. Love and respect will help the men to come close to God. If anyone goes
out of track or path and thinks that in the heaven or in other world the soul had a blood relation ship to each
other that would become hell for the person to stay in heaven. As because he would find his brother, sister,
father and mother and so on with whom not are love but affection works. Showing an example to the prophets
God’s name included with all prophets not only to prophet ship but the love for the men had shown. Therefore, a
man becomes Allah in deep thought thinking about Allah and it happens in deep mediation too. In the second of
the kalama preference has given to prophetship of God than the man concern. Everyone including the prophet
own is to believe in it and read as it is. About The Ruhh is equal to all irrestive the men and the women.
Understanding the theory described irrespective of religion all had a chance to reach to God though the soul
committed sins would be punished according to own deeds. It is only two nations the Jinns and the men.
“Go the Thamud people (we sent) Salih, one of their own brethren, he said,’O my people! Worship Allah; ye have
no other god but Him. It is He who hath produced you from the earth and settled you therin, then ask forgiveness
of Him, and turn to Him (in repentance); for my Lord in (always) near, ready to answer.” Sura 11 verse 61 Quran.
To all prophets it had come that the men has created from mud and would return into it. In one stage the man had
been living in the world perhaps that also like the world where trees and animal had been living together.
“When I would fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance
unto him.” Sura 38 verse 72 Quran. “Behold! Thy Lord said to the angels; ‘ I am about to create man, from
sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape; ‘ when I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathe into
of My spirit, fall ye down in obeisance unto him.’ Sura 15 verse 28 and 29 Quran.
God has created the man from mud, the Jinn from flame of fire and the angel from Nur. Of seeing the verse
anyone may think that while it was happening God was present there but not so it was all divine messages to
them. When God told them His plan about creating of man there was people among them who raised objection on
it showing that the man would create disorder in the earth and make blood shed qurrelling each other. Another
was that a better creation would get leadership to stand before all to pray to God that was not accepted by the
Satan as he was of superior in creation, flame of fire. Perhaps for a along time, the angels were praying behind
the traitor Satan. In his envy of leaving the position he held, and denied to bowdown or denied to prostrate God
under the leadership of Adam. Reality is that prostration in prayer only for God though Adam got position above
all after getting sense and knowledge in him; he also prostrated God praising Him for giving such position above
all. He instigated all to protest against the will of God but He said that He knows what they do not know. It is in
every religion that under a religious teacher all pray to God. The way it has been going on or system of prayer
came at last might think as first one. The procedure followed at present by the Muslim might be the first one in
heaven also. His name was Azazil in the heaven and afterwards disobeying the order of God got the title as Satan.
It is not possible for a man to state how the universe created but writing on it not less thinking at own. Whatever
stated if it is in accordance to Quran and Hadith then it is well rest all research works and guessing and logics?
The riligious teachers and wise people know better than the writings. It is sure that coming of new prophet
anymore would stop the writing placed before the people. There is nothing written of own all have references and
comments before the writer has written the book. Dear readers, writing of one if hurt someone do apologies for it
as because intentionally has not raised any topics if there was no references before it. The one hopes the cooperation
and companion to prceed further.
Of seeing the dream on 19 March
The one became astonish,
That made the one most inspired
The truth revealed and God helped the person.
Truth of it spread out all over the world.
Some says the letter is ‘B’
In addition,
The letter is ‘S’ both are of Krishna.
Some says
They are of Siddhartha Buddha,
Revealed Kalam (Injil) says
Alpha and Omega is,
Alike Krishna Mosi does not know it,
For that takes the Holy Book
In it’s bosom once and again.
(Sam Vedas says that there is a god whose first letter is ‘M’ and last letter is ‘D’ that becomes as astral the
Taurus or the ox that he would eat and in all scriptures his name mentioned.) Reference: Monthly Moinul May
Therefore, the writer has explained the real his life with Jesus and all other mentioned Warner in the way as: the
said Krishna or Basu came to the earth with two angels invisibly and stayed in the womb of a mother (couple)
who are both named Nur worldly. As in Hadith mentioned the shoulder of two men Jesus is giving round around
the Mecca house (Kaba). Reference is Bokhari 3592. He is created from a drop emitted-proceeding from between
the back bone and ribs. Reference is the Quran 86 (6 and 7). It is as like as back of two not the lap. The Ruhh
inside the soul came to the earth with the back not the lap as like as angels named two Nur’s of a mother womb.
How came keeping two legs and two hands closed giving his weight at back. The shape seems to be a child in
the womb of a mother. He landed from the sky invisibly to the womb of a mother. Landing from the sky on the
back of angels keeping legs and hands are the wording of Hadith all gathered. According to Hadith, the angels
come to the womb of mother with the soul to fit with the worldly body in a stage (in accordance to Quran and
Hadith). The soul remained at dark for a period as per new Bible
(In cloud) and passed the practical life in cloud or in dark. According to new Bible while stars, the sun and the
moon do not give its light or shinning then Jesus would arrive in the world. In the light Hadith too in the morning
or in the evening he would arrive. In which place he would arrive that is in Damask of Syria but not explanatory
has no such quality. The nature helped the one to born in Bangladesh as per considering another Hadith to learn
something even from China. According to Hindus scripture, as Krishna or Basu, in a place head of the Delta,
which is completely Bangladesh? It is in the east to east of the said mosque taking in hand white flag for the
people (Reference is Hadith and new Bible). The nick of the one is first letter ‘B’ and last letter is ‘S’ as in Sam
Vedas letter ‘M’ and ‘D’ who eats the flash of ox. Not only those but the letters are the first and last letter of the
Quran, and of Jesus that he said that he would be the first letter Alpha and Omega of Kalam (Holy Book). It not
that only both letter are of Buddha and Krishna too, as matter fact once it became the letters of the Quran then it
is for all in addition to those. Here it is not an end those letters put on the writer two red sheets at early age as
stated in Many Hadith to recognize the Jesus seeing those reddish sheets. References are from Hadith, new bible,
Vedas and Tripatak of Buddhist. Remaining in dark as stated Jesus would land from the sky the name Daddy
words born black (Abul Kalam Azad Basu) joined in a sky and landed from the sky of worldly. There his rebirth
getting knowledge to write but the subject and subject matter has not disclosed. It is a complete research works
of writer getting knowledge from others too. The name of a state came in the discussion not for political view but
completely a religious matter therein. The writer did not say anything about that state but the new Bible
references are quoted of Mathew, Luke and of others that said nation would survive at the period of Jesus arrival.
It is in the Quran too Sura 3 verse 55 and its explanation in Mareful Quran very elaborately explained the
existence of Israel. Reference is Mareful Quran Sura 3 verse 55 page 177 to 180. Landing from a sky inviting all
with white flag to combine each other leaving all sorts of chaos and to live in own and own land recognizing all
nations peacefully. The writer does not know who is he but what the nature said that has written. Therefore,
saying so with the nature Krishna, Buddha, Jesus/Isha or Imam Mehdi? He Wishes good luck to all.
O Heart, why are you crying?
There is none to cry,
However, there is One, only one,
He is One, there is none?
O Mind, for whom are you wiping,
There is none except Him.
He is All-Wise,
It is not a lie.
There is one to love,
There is no another One
However, He is one, only one.
O’ spirit, why are you crying?
You will find Him in the sky,
He is in you, always with you,
He is none but only one.
There is none to share Him,
It is not a lie.
Do not think it is pie.
Has the Daddy Words Born Black?
See him with a white flag!
Look at him in a sky near by
He is going to sleep.
You see him there.
There is none except Him.
He is one and unique.
O’ heart, stop your cry.
You will come to know by and by,
He is one and only one,
There is no fowl,
Good- bye to you,
Good –bye is to all.
The End
About me
The writer was born on 11 April in nineteen forty seven (11-4-47) at village Village Jaldi, Upozilla Banskhali in the
district of Chittagong in Bangladesh. It was in the morning on Friday perhaps on 15 Boishak. The name of own
father is Nur Mohammed and mother’s name is Nur Jahan. The nickname of the writer is Basu. A good name is
Abul Kalam Azad (Basu). The one passed S.S.C in the year of 1963, H.S.C in 1968 and passed B.A in the year of
1971. Self joined in Pakistan Air Force in 1965 and retired in 1993 as a Master Warrant Officer from Bangladesh.
All of a sudden, the person saw a dream on nineteenth March night in the year of 1985. It had happened when the
one is out of order and near to death but so far knowledge goes I was in sense and fully conscious at combined
Hospital. What the one came to know it inspired the person to write and compelled to write the happening
otherwise. The conversation held on those days, writers tried to convey all the matters thinking He is the Great
Almighty Allah. Perhaps the language used is not nice enough to hear or write even then truth has disclosed in
plain language. Depending on the dream what found in nature that exposed and further it defined that whoever
the claimant of Prophets were after the death of Hazarat (SM) they all were in vague and liar. Their principles had
established on hill of sands. The purpose of writing the book is to prove their falseness. The book has sacrificed
to all religions such as Hindu, Buddhist, Jews, Christen and Muslims for the betterment of the world explaining
about the last Judgment day to follow the right path.
(My good name is Abul Kalam Azad, nick name is that what is known to all at my local is ‘Basu’. My
father’s name is Nur Mohammed / Nur Ahmed. Both the names are there according to paper and land
recording. Mother’s name is Nur Jahan Begum. Grand father name was Munshi Abdul Hakim a land deed
writer. Thereafter his father means my fore father was Fazar Ali Munshi. His Profession was also same a
document writer. My father also worked for two years as a document writer and left it. The father’s name of
Fazar Ali was Anu Fakir a type leading wonderful life. That man had come at Sandhip from somewhere else.
And was attached with a family just. Myself passed SSC. examination from the then Banskhali Model High
School. Roll – sat No. 100 (Arts) in 1963. According to the certificate, Date of Birth is 5th October 1947. But
our fore father was writer they maintained real date of birth. In Bangladesh the then there was no exact
date of birth in certificate especially it is less than the actual age. So my real date of birth is 4th April 1947.
My father had given public service for 36 years including membership of union council. He was in favor
doing theatre and drama and mostly maintained as director a team at that age. After passing SSC I had
admitted in Chittagong City College. I appeared HSC (science) but got referred. Thereafter I Joined in
Pakistan Air Force in the month of November dated 10th November 1965. In 1968 again I appeared HSC
(Arts) exam from Karachi Board and passed in second division. Certificate Sl No. is 054864 Roll no. 15907.
Moreover I took service Diploma which is equivalent to HSC. I passed BA first part from Karachi
University. But I could not appear in final exam as I came on leave. So after liberation the exam of 1971 was
held in 1972. From Dhaka University I passed BA in 1971 Roll No. is 20832. This Bio-data is not so
important for me still it is. A day on the way to Dhaka in Chittagong railway station every luggage’s were
taken by thief. So I lost all certificates. A circular or publication is given to “Daily Ettefaq” ‘Lost and
In Bengali 28 th Aushin 1386 Bangla prob 15th October
My SSC certificate Roll ,sat No, 100 (Arts) Second Division year 1963 Comilla Board, HSC Roll 15907 (Arts)
second Divisin year 1968 Karachi Board Sl No. 054864, BA (Provisional) Roll -Dhaka No. 20832 Third class,
year 1971 Dhaka university.
Abul Kalam Azad C- 12597 (News Paper); probably, On 18th November 1972 certificate was issued.
By the time one of my friend who was senior officer he had drawn mine original certificate of BA prob sl no
is 000252.
A time there was dacoits at bus while I was going to Dhaka. There I had lost my bags with the file and too all
Certificates Private and service. Again I gave circulation to publish in ‘Daily Karnafully’ news paper. The
heading was ‘burned’ Dated day Friday 26th 1400 Bangla 26 Jamadil Awul 1417 Hijri 11th October 1996,
SSC (true), HSC, BA original certificates respectively Sat, Karachi Board, Dhaka University no.’s
respectively Sat-100 Comilla Board 1963, Roll no.15907 Karachi Board 1968 certificate Sl. No. 054864, and
Roll no. 20832 Dhaka University certificate SL NO. 000252(org)
Abul Kalam Azad L-1227/96 (News paper)
Hearing the history a very kind man of Comilla helped me to get third copy of SSC certificate others are
having only photo stat copies. I am really grateful to him.
In service life concerning l joined in Pakistan Air Force on 10th-11-1965 (10th Nov 1965). In 1971 in the
month of 24 April 1971 I was promoted to the rank of corporeal. In the Middle of liberation war perhaps
June last week or July first week we few got annual leave for two months just to see the other wing is very
normal. Studying the situation, what assumed and those who trying me send back to West Pakistan the
result is in December we got independent as l reflected. But those were in Pakistan and we ascetics who
killed selves to decrease the strength is as others like those who were in Pakistan thus retired in 1993 as
MWO. By the grace of almighty I happened to come before what a good luck it is!)